Very good thread and I 100% agree with dld even if the world knew not every man would do this bc of the commitment factor being too much/ a lot of men having crazy busy lifestyles or social lives they wouldn’t want to damage for and Inch or 2 only the men who truly want it will achieve this .
I'm with the 'let the world know' camp 100%.


Personally, I'm not here to compete with other men. I think the average size is simply not proportionately large enough for the rest of the body. It's purely a bodybuilding aesthetic matter. If I can hit about 9x7 I think the proportion will be much better and seem more a 'part' of the whole, rather than an afterthought. :) So there is no way for me to have "more competition" because there's no competition to begin with. This is a purely personal and aesthetic endeavor.

Some of you already have significant others and you say you're doing this for their pleasure. Well, if you know them and you think it's really to their benefit, fine. But some of you are thinking that being bigger than other guys will otherwise improve your sex life. Frankly, if you think the size of your dick is what will get you with women I think you're way off. For every girl who wants a monster, there's another who will see anything more than 6-7 in and have ZERO desire to put it in her vagina. It really doesn't take a lot of size to be functional, and then there are MUCH more important tools for you to use. Are you good listeners? Do you make your partner feel desired and loved and provided for and protected? I know it doesn't sound sexy to us, cuz we're dudes, but man work on your bed talk. Be able to get her head in the right place when you need it there. Be able to stop her worrying about work and be in the moment with you. It will get you WAY farther than a jackhammer dick and no people skills. :)

But let's say you don't want to listen to ANY of that. You really believe that it's important to your sex life that your dick is way bigger than average, or maybe you just want to know for your own benefit that your dick is way bigger than average, and that in itself brings you pleasure -- women are incidental! Even in that case I must agree with the idea that most men WILL NOT take action on this anyway. Most people don't have the drive to do anything like this, and won't invest.

The guitar is a great example, or drawing. Music and art are both skills that most people want badly, and that anyone can obtain. 1) Find a great teacher, 2) pay them money to tell you what to do and how to do it, 3) do what they said. How many people can draw or play music competently?


Do you want to make a lot more money? THIS INDUSTRY IS ON LIFE SUPPORT!! I'm here because I think there's a good chance this community is really on to something. I'm investing time and money into something that could WELL turn out to be a ridiculous and sad adventure if it doesn't work. And that's a freaking miracle, because there is SO much nonsense out there. This industry is a nest of vipers, and known as such, and that makes things very difficult for the few who are actually selling something genuine.

So how do you attract people if nobody knows that you have the real deal? If everyone thinks it's a scam? You don't!! The vast majority of men avoid this like the plague, and for very good reason. It's not because they're lazy, or don't want it enough. It's because they think it's BS and they are perfectly justified in that. If we have a better mousetrap, then it's up to us to prove to the world that mice CAN be caught, and that our trap is great at it. That's an uphill battle, and one that we'll win only by making plenty of noise.

Do you want PE to get easier and faster? Would you like to be able to grow bigger, faster, more consistently, and negate the risk of injury? Would you like to be able to KEEP those gains? Then we NEED more people and more thinkers and studiers getting involved. We need the scientists on this. Even in a great community like this, we're mostly going on bro-science here. We've got people who've put techniques to the test and posted pictures showing the results. That's a start. But do we really know what's happening? Why it works so well in some cases and not others, and what's really happening when something goes wrong? No, we don't. We have some solid hypotheses -- everything sounds sensible to me so far -- but no tests.

The more people know about this movement and its legitimacy, the more serious minds and capital it attracts, and the more this will be boiled down to an actual science just like bodybuilding. The more that happens, the faster and easier it gets to go after what you want. That benefits every single man in here!

EDIT: a bit rambling, edited for clarity
EDIT 2: Damn, I need to look at the dates on these posts. Well, DLD, I imagine you've made your decision by now. :P
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Very true I believe if pe were to go mainstream it’ll be because of mos this is the only legitimate authentic pe site I’ve ever come across that focuses on pe daily with the dedication of dld and his team!
My opinion is the same as it’s always been most men are too lazy to do PE. It takes a certain breed of man to take on this challenge as it’s not an easy and quick fix, it takes time and effort. I read somebody said something about risk versus reward I will say that there is so much reward than risk if you are training correctly. The world does need to know about PE so all men have an equal opportunity but most will not even research it. Those coming in for a quick fix or going to be surprise when they realize it takes time and effort and many of these people will simply quit because they feel it’s too hard. My question is what’s too hard about getting a much bigger penis? If you look at the risks We’ll see very little of that could happen that is bad. The worst injuries I’ve seen is thrombosis and strained ligaments. The benefits have been thousands upon thousands of inches gained by men who have stuck with it and remain motivated.
My social skills are fucking shit (happy) I blame it on being an aspie.

When I first met you you had no social skills whatsoever LOL today you’re like RedZulu 2.0 with all the skills!
When I first met you you had no social skills whatsoever :D today you’re like RedZulu 2.0 with all the skills!

I do also remember the older time, when I was a lurk and I read the forum as a guest. From those times it was cool to see such a big progress in many ways for RED! We all grow within age, naturally. In many more ways than just one. ;-)

Social skills are a thing ... At times I find myself in a better spot, other times not. Very often I do not feel very tender about my fellow men or people, I stick to myself a lot, aside from this forum life naturally. It's just so much easier to type and hopefully someone will catch my drift. Well, of course in real life there's the sound of one's voice, expressions etc., but even in that one can get confused.

And on the topic; I do feel very strongly that people should know about natural PE, without big surgeries. I mean, even breast augmentation can be done with pumping and supplementation, but more often it's just silicone implants.
As it's been brought up, natural growth of any part of one's body will take time and dedication. One can speed up certain processes but more often too much too fast isn't a good equation.
As PE will take time and dedication, I think it should be non-taboo information. So much weird stuff in this world that we don't even scoff at the anymore but (natural) Penis Enlargement, oh no, no no no. :-D
Take the bread away from already rich surgeons. :-P
What's the point in cutting ligaments to make the unit appear bigger in flaccid size? Of course than get rid of shower room anxiety, but overall in my opinion it's a bad idea. (Surgeries always pose a certain threat.)

My rambling goes on too long; short answer: Yes, the world deserves to know about possibilities. Get rid of the shame and taboo; women get their boobs enlarged on a almost daily basis. Why shouldn't use men have the right to do more than just body building?
OK, that was a big generalization, but it's a big world and freedom is given to most of us.
I do also remember the older time, when I was a lurk and I read the forum as a guest. From those times it was cool to see such a big progress in many ways for RED! We all grow within age, naturally. In many more ways than just one. ;-)

Social skills are a thing ... At times I find myself in a better spot, other times not. Very often I do not feel very tender about my fellow men or people, I stick to myself a lot, aside from this forum life naturally. It's just so much easier to type and hopefully someone will catch my drift. Well, of course in real life there's the sound of one's voice, expressions etc., but even in that one can get confused.

And on the topic; I do feel very strongly that people should know about natural PE, without big surgeries. I mean, even breast augmentation can be done with pumping and supplementation, but more often it's just silicone implants.
As it's been brought up, natural growth of any part of one's body will take time and dedication. One can speed up certain processes but more often too much too fast isn't a good equation.
As PE will take time and dedication, I think it should be non-taboo information. So much weird stuff in this world that we don't even scoff at the anymore but (natural) Penis Enlargement, oh no, no no no. :-D
Take the bread away from already rich surgeons. :p
What's the point in cutting ligaments to make the unit appear bigger in flaccid size? Of course than get rid of shower room anxiety, but overall in my opinion it's a bad idea. (Surgeries always pose a certain threat.)

My rambling goes on too long; short answer: Yes, the world deserves to know about possibilities. Get rid of the shame and taboo; women get their boobs enlarged on a almost daily basis. Why shouldn't use men have the right to do more than just body building?
OK, that was a big generalization, but it's a big world and freedom is given to most of us.
I am glad I have you here to back me up LOL a day and a few of her moderator is back in the day. It was a ruckus bunch of us then, we’ve all gotten older, mature, become more refined. I have seen brothers come in here not knowing English and within six months your English is incredible. But yeah back in the day Red was a handful. Mods kept telling me to ban him but I saw the deep potential in RedZulu. Not only was I right but Red went on to make incredible gains and contribute so much to the matters of size community. Today read speaks eloquently at his knowledge has increased tenfold. When I met Red he was very young, he grew up in the brotherhood. I am most proud of Red because of what he has contributed and how tough of a time he had over the past few years. Seeing Red come back is such an inspiration to the whole brotherhood. His personality, knowledge and extremely good sense of humor makes him a perfect brother to help out the brotherhood.
Private. The whole point, in my mind, is attempting to either become a superior man, or make-up for where Mother Nature cheated you a little. There would be no benefit in these areas, for a guy like myself, if every man was doing Penis Enlargement. Those few that were born with 9", which I would be thrilled to obtain through your methods, would get a 12" that I once again couldn't compete with. Plus, if everyman improved his penis health, sexual stamina, etc., the world might have enough of an increase is sexual activity that it would result in accelerating overpopulation. ;) Last, you deserve to make a buck from this. Those that are serious about Penis Enlargement should pay you for the incredible amount of work you've done here. I consider what I paid for MOS access to be a good investment that I have yet to regret, and I haven't touched the surface of the methods you teach.

All things considered, keep it within our little community.

What about, for all of you, the notion of making sure this information is available (along with support) FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE WAY BELOW AVERAGE? I would say for most (I'm generalizing so don't attack me please) that their wanting to be bigger is not due to anything other than wanting a penis larger then the penis they currently have which is more than enough to do the job.
Here’s how it works guys, if a guy feels he is too small he will come here but he will do the work necessary to become bigger. But if you come here with a desire that does not match what you’re willing to do than PE is simply a waste of time. PE takes a special breed of man, he needs to have the strength and determination to get what he wants, PE is not for the lazy
What about, for all of you, the notion of making sure this information is available (along with support) FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE WAY BELOW AVERAGE? I would say for most (I'm generalizing so don't attack me please) that their wanting to be bigger is not due to anything other than wanting a penis larger then the penis they currently have which is more than enough to do the job.
"...larger than the penis they currently have which is more than enough to do the job."

Exactly! I hear A LOT on this forum about people's sex lives improving because their dicks are bigger. Maybe if you're after a specific subset of the female population, or you had a micropenis to begin with, but otherwise this just doesn't add up! PE and bodybuilding kind of share this in common: guys do it because guys think bigger = better. We're also more visually oriented in our sexuality. But most chicks just find huge muscles intimidating, and remember, as awesome as your shiny new 9x7 is, your lady friend has to somehow fit that into her friggin vagina. Having a big dick may be important to some women, but there are plenty of others who aren't interested in being torn open.

I flog this because it's an important point if you're concerned that you have to have a bigger dick than other guys in order to be sexually attractive. Really... be a good listener, be a confident person, know how to make her feel awesome in bed. You can do that last one with your tongue.

Here’s how it works guys, if a guy feels he is too small he will come here but he will do the work necessary to become bigger. But if you come here with a desire that does not match what you’re willing to do than PE is simply a waste of time. PE takes a special breed of man, he needs to have the strength and determination to get what he wants, PE is not for the lazy

I should also point out that when I say it should be available to the world, I don't necessarily mean it shouldn't be proprietary. DLD, I think you've done an awful lot of thinking and work that is probably pretty hard to monetize... any way you can find to get people coming HERE and paying YOU is a good thing. Selling = available.

Unfortunately, this industry shares another thing with the fitness world: it's packed to the gills with scammers looking to make a quick buck selling BS to people who want a quick and easy route. (Just take this pill!) And that makes it hard for you to establish trust with would-be clients. Which is ANOTHER reason we should be yelling our results from the mountaintops!
Yeah we are much more on target nowadays, this has become such a great community.

All we need know is traffic back here, which is increasing since the move, and the new algorithm switch Google implemented back in August didn't help us.
I flog this because it's an important point if you're concerned that you have to have a bigger dick than other guys in order to be sexually attractive. Really... be a good listener, be a confident person, know how to make her feel awesome in bed. You can do that last one with your tongue.

Hear hear! The last one is very true! Good post Brother, just wanted to outline this one paragraph!
By the Greyskull, you have the power! ;-)
Do you think Penis Enlargement should be available and accessible to everyone or do you think it should be kept in secret among the select few that know about it? If you fear it being public knowledge explain why. I will reserve my thoughts until I hear some of yours.

it should be available to everyone but still, not everyone is going to be able to do PE no matter the information you share with them.