Newbies dont attempt this unless you have a cock suicide in warned its something that needs to be WORKED TO SLOWLY with months and years of practice, honestly its dangerous if rushed. Don't moan if you hurt yourselves because this is intense stuff and I only now say those who have pe'ed for over 6 months consistent even attempt clamping and even than have extreme caution and be vigilant.

Lastly, DOzer thanks for that mini routine I will try it sometime

1. premedicate with asprin
2. warmup an hour later
3. clamp for five minutes until very engorged
4. do the 3min total clampoff
5. relax clamp, but keep in place (lower pressure than normal clamping) for 15 minutes (try to stay aroused)
6. Clamp at normal pressure for extended period - expansion should be better than the first clamping stint due to the action of the substances that improve blood vessel and penis flexibility
Sounds interesting.

Although I wouldn't get as hyped up as everyone is here. Every so often someone comes along with their magic formula for gains, that looks very creative and 'cool' on paper, but hasn't really produced much gains to warrant the hype. Coincedentally they all seem to work the "megalophallus" idea in there somewhere .

Supra was great at that.. man that guy had this forum whipped up in a frenzy like no other. Even made some good coin off it too, but I won't get into that anymore.
REDZULU2003 said:
1. premedicate with asprin
2. warmup an hour later
3. clamp for five minutes until very engorged
4. do the 3min total clampoff
5. relax clamp, but keep in place (lower pressure than normal clamping) for 15 minutes (try to stay aroused)
6. Clamp at normal pressure for extended period - expansion should be better than the first clamping stint due to the action of the substances that improve blood vessel and penis flexibility

I think you've got it backwards. Take aspirin, warm up, clamp for an extended session, over-tighten for 3 minutes, then remove the clamp. A few hours later, clamp at very high intensity using squeezes, etc for 5 minutes.
9cyclops9 said:
I think you've got it backwards. Take aspirin, warm up, clamp for an extended session, over-tighten for 3 minutes, then remove the clamp. A few hours later, clamp at very high intensity using squeezes, etc for 5 minutes.

You missed the post D0zer had on the second page. You are right, what you quoted was his original workout (for two weeks) but he is trying a new workout (which RED quoted) and is going to report back on the gains in two weeks.
TimBo755 said:
Wouldn't caffeine have the same effect of thinning blood as asprin? Also I thought thinning blood would have an adverse effect on blood flow to the penis when clamping? Just need to clear up some stuff i've read here before from other posts.. Thanks.
I dont think that caffeine is a good idea considering it's vasoconstrictive properties as well as it's ability to increase catecholamine production which can lead to more vasoconstriction!
I think a combination of aspirin,injectable B12,sildenafil or preffered PDE5 inhibitor and Hard core clamping sessions would rock for girth! :rocker:
goldmember said:

You missed the post D0zer had on the second page. You are right, what you quoted was his original workout (for two weeks) but he is trying a new workout (which RED quoted) and is going to report back on the gains in two weeks.

Whoops. :blush: My bad.
Anaconda said:
I think a combination of aspirin,injectable B12,sildenafil or preffered PDE5 inhibitor and Hard core clamping sessions would rock for girth! :rocker:

A few questions: why injectable B12 over oral, and what's a preffered PDE5 inhibitor?
Anaconda said:
I dont think that caffeine is a good idea considering it's vasoconstrictive properties as well as it's ability to increase catecholamine production which can lead to more vasoconstriction!
I think a combination of aspirin,injectable B12,sildenafil or preffered PDE5 inhibitor and Hard core clamping sessions would rock for girth! :rocker:

Good to know, thanks for giving me some insight on that.
bIgjOe said:
Ok first let me say that I can tell you will be a great addition of knowledge to this site. Secondly I have two questions, isn't nitric oxide in the body a vaso-dialator or am I mistaken? If so this would explain some of the expansion i would think. Also, and I think this will be my last question regarding this, how tight do you consider:a.) loose b.) normal c.) tight on your cable clamp? For point of reference just answer in terms of how many ridges are showing or how many times the clamp clicks to get to that point. I think your girth is around the same as alot of guys here and it won't really vary that much until they get around 6 in. erect girth or so as far as what they consider loose, normal, and tight.

You're right about nitric oxide! It is one of the main players in increasing blood flow to a tissue that needs it. There is a LOT of evidence that vascular occlusion increases the production of NO not only by the nerves in the hypoxic area and walls of the blood vessels themselves, but also by the red blood cells that has given up all their oxygen.

About the clamp - I use a hose clamp (intentionally) so that I can micro-adjust the pressure. For me, I clamp to the point where it feels slightly uncomfortable, but I can still feel expansion of the glans with my hand when I kegel. For the complete clampoff, I tighten to the point where I can't feel this kegel response. I think that its important to state that everyone will have to find their own "comfort zone" or better said, safety zone. As we obsessed Penis Enlargement'ers know already there is no one size fits all in this 'business' :)

REDZULU2003 said:
Newbies dont attempt this unless you have a cock suicide in warned its something that needs to be WORKED TO SLOWLY with months and years of practice, honestly its dangerous if rushed. Don't moan if you hurt yourselves because this is intense stuff and I only now say those who have pe'ed for over 6 months consistent even attempt clamping and even than have extreme caution and be vigilant.

Lastly, DOzer thanks for that mini routine I will try it sometime

RED, thanks for saying this - people here respect you for your experience and knowledge. As for the mini-routine, its just a theory, but could yield some great gains - time will tell. And, no need to thank me - I am eternally grateful for guys like you and DLD!

quijjiboo said:
Sounds interesting.

Although I wouldn't get as hyped up as everyone is here. Every so often someone comes along with their magic formula for gains, that looks very creative and 'cool' on paper, but hasn't really produced much gains to warrant the hype. Coincedentally they all seem to work the "megalophallus" idea in there somewhere .

I would prefer it if people don't get hyped!!! Would ensure that we have less injuries from people clamping at 100% engorgement for eight hours while asleep for example... As far as the megalophallus idea goes - I don't think anyone here would want that by its medial definition. MOST OF THEM DON'T WORK i.e. no boners!!!! I am trying to figure out if there's anything that happens during the priapism that actually cause the megalophallus phenomenon, from a biological point of view, that we could safely exploit to get some of the 'gains' that those poor guys get. SAFETY is my main concern. I LOVE SEX TOO MUCH TO WANT TO FUCK UP MY DICK. (and my wife is a nympho too ;) - I need to be able to get it up on demand - not that I'm complaining LMAO )

quijjiboo said:
Supra was great at that.. man that guy had this forum whipped up in a frenzy like no other. Even made some good coin off it too, but I won't get into that anymore.

I'm not selling anything. I just want a big dick. And if I can find some magic bullet while trying, then great - everyone will have free access to that information. As far as Supra goes, he has given a LOT of information away for free here - I have the erection quality of a highly-sexed virgin pubescent boy that just had his dick lightly licked by a sexy MILF who is promising to fuck him for the next 12 hours nonstop - all thanks to Supra's Slammers!!!! :p Here's to Supra!!!
going4nine said:
A few questions: why injectable B12 over oral, and what's a preffered PDE5 inhibitor?
Injectable B12 allows for better absorbtion and higher doses ie.1000mcg/mlx2ml 3x weekly=600mgs/wk which still can be acomplished with orals,but I find the injectable to be superior for energy,increased appetite,and better sleeps and excellent muscle pumps and girth expansion for Penis Enlargement.
Prefered PDE5 inhibitor..sorry Viagara(Sildenafil Citrate) is in the class of PDE5 inhibitors.Some prefer Cialis(Tadalafil)orLevitra(Vardenafil) which are also PDE5 inhibitors.
In response to the comments about NO2 (nitrous Oxide) I use this regularly for working out. It is a vasodilator, and it's use increases oxygen flow, and dilates the veins a little. My combintion of nutrients is as such: high quality multivitamin, NO2 2x a day, Selenium (antioxidant) once a day (also good for prostate health), Saw Palmetto daily, CE2 2x a day. Total health and balane is the name of the game! what good is a 9" penis if the rest of the body can't handle it?
In my opinion what made you gain was just the last step by itself and possibly doing it while fatigued... Dosen't have to do anything with oxygen starvation triggering genes or anything like that. Stacked clamps, extreme ulis, whatever you want to call it is the only girth exercise I do and I have gained onsiderably from them. I use a hose clamp at the base as well and then use 2 cable clamps along the shaft that creates as much internal pressure that you can physicaly handle. If you do this daily and shoot for constant internal tunacae fatigue you will see gains, theres really no tricks to it :) I don't mean to come off as rude, im sorry if I did. Your therys are very possible I just disagree.
bdj777 said:
In my opinion what made you gain was just the last step by itself and possibly doing it while fatigued... Dosen't have to do anything with oxygen starvation triggering genes or anything like that. Stacked clamps, extreme ulis, whatever you want to call it is the only girth exercise I do and I have gained onsiderably from them. I use a hose clamp at the base as well and then use 2 cable clamps along the shaft that creates as much internal pressure that you can physicaly handle. If you do this daily and shoot for constant internal tunacae fatigue you will see gains, theres really no tricks to it :) I don't mean to come off as rude, im sorry if I did. Your therys are very possible I just disagree.
I disagree, I've been trying this for three days straight now. I've NEVER been able to clamp 3 days in a row especially for the intensity and duration I'm doing it for without severe fluid buildup, and extreme difficulty getting it up. I almost feel like I might be jinxing myself saying something this early, because its literally like magic to me. I think this is much like Bib's pressure over time theory, and the ASPIRIN is what is making it possible. You see gains by other means because for whatever reason you gain girth much easier than I and probably Dozer do since he mentioned being a very hard gainer. I think we just have to be in the clamp constantly in order to see gains from it, but something wasn't allowing that to happen before maybe our tunicae are perhaps too elastic? Or maybe our blood is simply too thick. Whatever it is trust me, I've tried everything you've mentioned including the stacked clamps, and it just put my penis in a state of trying to survive instead of grow. Even though I saw great expansion in my workouts, it would turn to fluid within 10 minutes after the session, and gains would be non-existent. I was literally looking for the wasps to sting my dick with! Anyway, Dozer is a genius, and I'm very confident that soon I, and my girlfriend if she knew why, will be thanking Dozer even more for thinking outside the box. You just remember that what works for many, just doesn't work for all....ASPIRIN man whodathunkit.
bdj777 said:
In my opinion what made you gain was just the last step by itself and possibly doing it while fatigued... Dosen't have to do anything with oxygen starvation triggering genes or anything like that. Stacked clamps, extreme ulis, whatever you want to call it is the only girth exercise I do and I have gained onsiderably from them. I use a hose clamp at the base as well and then use 2 cable clamps along the shaft that creates as much internal pressure that you can physicaly handle. If you do this daily and shoot for constant internal tunacae fatigue you will see gains, theres really no tricks to it :) I don't mean to come off as rude, im sorry if I did. Your therys are very possible I just disagree.

All I can say is: LOOK OUT FOR MY REPORT. I am spot on :), according to the scientific evidence (not all penis-specific though, but compelling). I think I have found a reason for why clamping works.

Also, by all means everyone tell your science buddies to come on here and critique it once I post it - such is the nature of science. We only get better and better theories that way.


Just a couple of questions...

1). During your 1-hour session, do you perform any kind of squeezes, etc...

2). At the end of the hour session, right before you go into the "3-minute extra tight clamp down", do you take a break, or go straight to it? (I know you said you take a 2 hour break before your "5-minute clamp down," but I'm talking about the 3-minute clamp, immediately after the 1-hour session).


bIgjOe said:
I disagree, I've been trying this for three days straight now. I've NEVER been able to clamp 3 days in a row especially for the intensity and duration I'm doing it for without severe fluid buildup, and extreme difficulty getting it up. I almost feel like I might be jinxing myself saying something this early, because its literally like magic to me. I think this is much like Bib's pressure over time theory, and the ASPIRIN is what is making it possible. You see gains by other means because for whatever reason you gain girth much easier than I and probably Dozer do since he mentioned being a very hard gainer. I think we just have to be in the clamp constantly in order to see gains from it, but something wasn't allowing that to happen before maybe our tunicae are perhaps too elastic? Or maybe our blood is simply too thick. Whatever it is trust me, I've tried everything you've mentioned including the stacked clamps, and it just put my penis in a state of trying to survive instead of grow. Even though I saw great expansion in my workouts, it would turn to fluid within 10 minutes after the session, and gains would be non-existent. I was literally looking for the wasps to sting my dick with! Anyway, Dozer is a genius, and I'm very confident that soon I, and my girlfriend if she knew why, will be thanking Dozer even more for thinking outside the box. You just remember that what works for many, just doesn't work for all....ASPIRIN man whodathunkit.
He wasn't questioning the efficacy of aspirin. He simply said that this theory is overly complex...nothing to do with aspirin.
goldmember said:
He wasn't questioning the efficacy of aspirin. He simply said that this theory is overly complex...nothing to do with aspirin.
you better listen to goldmember he's a pimp
Yeah imagine how expensive it is to enlarge a penis made of gold!
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