16 Years Of Inner Penis Research

Here's an even easier way to get the head release (the music activates an energy in the hands that can be used to melt away our head tension


  • Hands.mp4
    13.2 MB
Mixing music with exercises really is a powerful thing
very interesting.i wounder if changing ourselves anatomy wise in pubic are is good or presents limitations as so weak spots to lift weight. i knew girls that change such in order have a duck back to much more of a butt, but that can be dangerous if needs carry big weights due to such weakness created on the spine.but i do thing that behing the balls stretches, maybe with a hand on close body and other pulling might create other force of tension that can create such are expand rather than literally pull it out.
very interesting.i wounder if changing ourselves anatomy wise in pubic are is good or presents limitations as so weak spots to lift weight. i knew girls that change such in order have a duck back to much more of a butt, but that can be dangerous if needs carry big weights due to such weakness created on the spine.but i do thing that behing the balls stretches, maybe with a hand on close body and other pulling might create other force of tension that can create such are expand rather than literally pull it out.
Ball & Lig Stretches, an exercise you need to gain fast and create a natural beautiful penis.

View album 114
Ball & Lig Stretches, an exercise you need to gain fast and create a natural beautiful penis.

View album 114
indeed need start doing those, now idk if need let skin in a way that i get more testicle skin gains or shaft, shaft wise i think i need sum on erect, because foreskin doesnt cover all the glands erect. but looks bulky in skin early shaft area (i think is testicle skin bulked there in a turkey thing going on), need figure how should do that.
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