Flaccid vs. Erect

Right on the money. I believe that when a guy gets this, he is already more than halfway there. Having the right mindset is the most important thing, because when you understand and accept how this works beyond newbie gains, you will not be as discouraged when gains slow down. If you stick to it, no matter what, you will continue to gain, and reach your goals eventually.
I have been using an ADS since the new year and have gained 1/8 inch in BPFSL. I will do an official BPEL measurement at the end of March. Since getting back into PE at the beginning of the new year, I have been consistently gaining 1/16th every month, extending 4 hours per day. Now, granted, that does not sound like much (laughable compared to my quick newbie gains), but those "quick gains" are long gone, and I accepted that a long time ago.
Some guys will have this attitude of "the hell with it, it is not worth it," and just give up. The way I see it, gains are slow, okay, sure... but 1/16th per month is ONE FULL INCH in 16 months. THAT is my motivation. One full inch is a huge difference.
It is all about attitude, and having the right knowledge.

I never heard of anyone using a broomstick before. Sounds creative. What are you doing with it? A-stretch? DLD Blasters? Hey, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. As long as it is working.
I could be dead in 16 months bro. You see what I mean, the difference in our ages and also in the way I view life and the way In see my life especially makes 16 months a massive chunk of time to do this. I am 58-close to 59-in 16 months I will be over 60.Average lifespan is 73. I am already so fucked up that I am shocked If I make it to 60. I am imagining 65. That gives me 6 years. I am not doing anything until I gain 1.9” and hopefully some girth(in a way that doesnt matter because you can pump yourself up and put on a ring anytime and have girth). That only gives me a cvouple of years. So, you see, time is a REAL CONCERN in my case. We have a different amount of time left in our lives and in our goals. This is all about Sex and pleasing the other person. I dont have any of this ego thing going on. I HAVE BEEN in therapy for 1/2 of my life, this wont make any more confident in any place but in sex.
Now, if you think Size doesnt matter to women, that may be true about women in Love and women who are married(even then I am not sure), just because all the research studies say that they mostly say 6”s is good then, like Hg said to me. Have you seen the size of the vibrators women use. Why are the buying 8, 9, 10, 12” vibrators if Size Doesnt matter. Like this other guy said saying size doesnt matter is the same as saying “beauty doesnt matter”. Again, this is about usefullness. They are not sitting around saying “ooh, look at the size of my vobrator, of course they are using it
Now, enough bullshit. HG you stated wrapping is not going to do anything and I agree with you. I dont know if you other guys are like this but this is taking upp all my time. Seriously this takes all my time. setting up, claning up, oil all over the place pwder here and there cleaning , prepping all my stuff. putting the fucking wrap on for the lengthm,aster takes forever. I have to make a new bandage cover for my head so the vacuums dont cause blisters. I must have more sensitive or tighter skin because any of the bvacuums will cause blisters if I dont use tape and moleskin and a silicover or even a thick silicone cover. I almost run out of time. I would see I am at 100% time dedicated. I am starting to not have time to do other shit, exercise even.
The question here is the LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging is Brutal, this thing is tearing me to shreds. I got a cut on my shaft the other day. It really fucking hurts after in twist but not all the time. Let me see if I am doing sokmething wrong. Do you screw the screws all the way down until 1 side is touching the other. They are flat against each other, which squeezes you into black blood pumped head. Where are you attaching in the middle, at the bottom near the head?
A big problem unless this is how it is supposed to be is there is a giant bulb of material gathering under the head making the whole penis so heavy at the front that an erection is barely holding it up.
I am not doing this at an intense level, not like the person I saw on 1 of the videos.
How do I get rid of this bulbuous thing?
Does this just happen to circumsized people because our frenulums were chopped off by the motherfuckers without our consent. Imagine how much that fucking hurt?
Hg you hang for 4 fucking hours. How the fuck? What is that doing,does it just give you flaccid length. You dont do anything else?How long did it take to get there?

With the mitty vac-let me explain-it is just the idea of using any vacuum to get a solid erection that you can hold. I dont get excited by �naked people movies� much anymore and i take anti-depressants which make it hard to keep an erection and I also have this physical ed now.
So, my only point being. I get hard in the vac, then push it all the way over to the left and right and isnt that the same idea as doing the Erect stretches with your hands. You are just bending the erection with your hand that puts pressure on the whole thing and especially at the bottom and that is the same thing I am doing with the mitty vac or any vac. The mitty vac is perfect for it, though. A long thin tube, and you have the erection from it. You keep the hand pump gripped all the way and you can push it flat to the side, the bottom, even strait up. If you the mitty end on it.
This is the only way I can do the erect stretches. Do you see why I think it is the same thing and if it is not then tell me why? So, I can think of another way.
Hg you hang for 4 fucking hours. How the fuck? What is that doing,does it just give you flaccid length. You dont do anything else?How long did it take to get there?

With the mitty vac-let me explain-it is just the idea of using any vacuum to get a solid erection that you can hold. I dont get excited by �naked people movies� much anymore and i take anti-depressants which make it hard to keep an erection and I also have this physical ed now.
So, my only point being. I get hard in the vac, then push it all the way over to the left and right and isnt that the same idea as doing the Erect stretches with your hands. You are just bending the erection with your hand that puts pressure on the whole thing and especially at the bottom and that is the same thing I am doing with the mitty vac or any vac. The mitty vac is perfect for it, though. A long thin tube, and you have the erection from it. You keep the hand pump gripped all the way and you can push it flat to the side, the bottom, even strait up. If you the mitty end on it.
This is the only way I can do the erect stretches. Do you see why I think it is the same thing and if it is not then tell me why? So, I can think of another way.
HG barely wrote anything. If you are referring to me, you can call me GM. I am not hanging for gains anymore. I used to hang 4 hours per day, but I recently switched to extending 4 hours per day.

What you are talking about does not make any sense. You said you are "not doing anything" until you gain 1.9" in length. So your WHOLE LIFE you've used what you have now, and all of a sudden it is not good enough? You don't want to have sex until you get the size you want, even though you "don't have much time left and you could die in 16 months"? What the hell are you talking about? You should have sex now more than ever! What is your obsession? Everyone here is working towards a larger size, but we are not going to refrain from having sex just because we haven't reached our goals yet. That is just crazy talk.
Let's say you already have the size you want and you made some whores orgasm. SO FUCKING WHAT? You are going to put in all of this time and effort just to make some whores orgasm "right before you die"? Dude, you need to get your priorities straight. You are giving me a headache just trying to understand your logic. None of this makes any sense.

Ciao bro.
HG barely wrote anything. If you are referring to me, you can call me GM. I am not hanging for gains anymore. I used to hang 4 hours per day, but I recently switched to extending 4 hours per day.

What you are talking about does not make any sense. You said you are "not doing anything" until you gain 1.9" in length. So your WHOLE LIFE you've used what you have now, and all of a sudden it is not good enough? You don't want to have sex until you get the size you want, even though you "don't have much time left and you could die in 16 months"? What the hell are you talking about? You should have sex now more than ever! What is your obsession? Everyone here is working towards a larger size, but we are not going to refrain from having sex just because we haven't reached our goals yet. That is just crazy talk.
Let's say you already have the size you want and you made some whores orgasm. SO FUCKING WHAT? You are going to put in all of this time and effort just to make some whores orgasm "right before you die"? Dude, you need to get your priorities straight. You are giving me a headache just trying to understand your logic. None of this makes any sense.

Ciao bro.
listen jack, Ciao can mean hello also, so Ciao.
i am 58, how old are you 1st. Since I have been having sex since I was 13, youre right Size didnt matter or should I say no “I dont call Women-Whores”-Women have ever said anything. I have often felt that I have fallen out to many X and of course that throws off the rythm and orgasm which is ridiculously easy for men becomes impossible for women. Got that-Understand the Reason for my own personal deal. Not every woman I have been with have orgasmed and no matter what ”shrinks” say-I do see it as my responsibility and my failure. Now, dont interject any psychobable or any negatives in here. This is the way I believe and If you look into Tantra, Taoism or many Eastern Sex Ideas you will also see this.
Now. Let me tell you a story at 40 I was in perfect Shape, never had a keep it up failure, maybe a get it up failure if I was really not attaracted to the woman. I cant put a bag over their head, nor can I or will I imagine someone else in their place-neither work for me. At 40-everything went downhil 1st knee surgery, then toes surgery-they told me this will hold you over till your old, then the other foot had surgery. Being an Obseesive lunatic I ran onto the surgerized big toes, snapped it and I could say that was the beginning of my 10 year suicidal depression with the plan of being dead by 50 if not before. Prior to this I had always lived my life as if I would be dead by 40 and never thought of life in anyway after that. It was just 1 crazy thing after another wondering when would be the day I didnt get up. Sex was what I did evrything for, everyday was doing 1 daring thing after another all to hook up somehow.
So, we go back to where i broke the surgerized(yes, I know it is not a word)toe. The PT says to me “ Man, thats pretty bad gettin a MaJOR Limb fused”. I didnt know what he meant, all I know they fused it at 30 degrees movement. It took me almost a year to learn how to walk without a limp but my running, jogging, biking, climbing, rappelling, racqetball life was over. I wanted out of life, then my other foot had to hqve surgery, they repaired 1 toe but fucked up 4 others-Yes they fucked them up. But you cant sue the VA hospital. They said this hey we willfuse the toe we fucked up and it will be the 2nd toe and at the 3rd joint nothing like the other-Bull shit. It is way worse than the other and the other 3 toes they fucked uphave caused me to never be able to buy a fitting pair of shoes since. Then all of the sudden the other knee went out. The cartialage in my body had strted to vanish. The same story we will fix it now so you dont have to worry about until you are old. This is about 5 years of constant surgery and physical downtime and by now in and out of the psych hospital for suicide attempts… Obviously I wasnt able to have sex half the time I couldnt walk. In the hospital, I came close a few times but there was always someone there to strap me down when they thought I wasnt following the rules enough. If i had 4% body fat from birth to 40 that would have been pushing it. Not a soul would have said you wont be able to exercise at all by 50 and would end up 20lbs. over weight but your whole body would be fat with minimal muscle. Then my shoulder got shoulderitis(i will be making up words from here on out to describe shit. I said no more surgeries, then my elbow got elbowitis, i then got carpal tunnel syndrome, then thumbitis came along. Thumbitis eliminates the possibility of any jelquing at all and Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) is also off the table. Shit continues downhill however I manage to have sex a few times, however twice I get a nice size joke from the pros I hook up with now. Wow. never had that before but I take it as a joke it just proves my idea of 6” being nothing is correct. But It dont matter. Until I get ED-dick death.
Flashback I started taking antidepressants back at age 30-earlier depression and these antids, stop erections and all kinds of side-effects however I dont let it stop me and the endless kegels I have been doing in Yoga work to keep it up. (they dont do shit now so dont throw that in at this point-even though I still do them all the time, or maybe I could nt even get it up at all.
Now we are at 52 still depressed but since I was a coward at 50 I feel to ashamed to think of suicide anymore like I am the idiot who cried wolf thousand time but chickened out at the last minute.
So, a few more sex times and I have the real ED a physical thing. The dr, gives me a pump some rings and some pills. They work but not fully.
At this point I notice I have Fupa-Fat at Pubic Area and see that my dick only looks like it is about 41/2“ long and that really bothers me. Somehow I am on Amazon looking at pumps and Isee these extender things. I had never even heard of pumps in my whole life let alone extenders. I start buying shit and trying it, everything breaks and i get nothing but I am perplexed and I keep following threads and they go to stores and web sites and some how I end up at MOS-Holy Fuck-This is another Universe and I am thinking I always wanted to be a �naked people movies� start when I was in my 20s(when Vhs was around), where was this shit back then.
So, I buy everything Mos has and start working on this stuff but it is all sporadic and here is why-
Whammo, that knee that was supposed to be ok until I got old now needs to be completely replaced 3 years ago. The cut it in 1/2 put metal in ther and sew it back together many months befor I can do shit but I am trying to do this on and off)with blisters and cuts…). Then I get the call discs in your back are degenerating-and then in my neck now I am all fucked up, forgot what the inside of a gym looks like havent exercised in ten years and have what is called Chronic Pain, meaning my back is in constant pain. Then just this September, The same month that I decided I was going to do this everyday NMW what breaks in my body or mind. I have to have the other knee replaced. I still begin my program, my way and have not stopped.
Even though here is what happened, this knee surgery did not go well, 5 months later and i am still fucked up going up and down stairs. It is still in bad pain and is limited about 50% compared to the other which after replacement went back to about 85% of the original.
Now, let me tell you the worst part, they shifted me on the bed abruptly(though I repeated 1,000x my back is fucked I know how you guuys toss people from 1 bed to the the other after anestesia, dont do that with me). They must have done it because now I have a pinched nerve. The main nerve down the left side of the leg, which can never be fixed and now I will have to have a nerve block, who knows what kind of side effects come from that.
Now, i am fucked up to the max, take about 40 pilss a day 1/2 psych. and 1/2 for pain or actually 1/3 of that is to counter the side effects. I cant exercise, go to a gym or go out much except to PT, and the VA.
So, I havent thought about sex much for 15 years, in that time when I finally did-I actually got the “nice size”-1x I said it is average joking with her and she said “ bigger than a Chinese guys”-ridiculous but it broke the weirdness for the time. The my body gets really fucked up.
You know what helped pull me out of DEpression and back into the desire to live a bit longer. This PE shit-why? because it gave me a solid physical goal. I got psyched on accomplishing 1.9” which I still dont know if it is possible because I dont even trust my own kid, let alone other humans I have never even saw.
So, even with my back fucked and my still recuperating and being so angry I could burn the VA down I have not stopped doing this for 1 day since Sept 29th 2 days after surgery.
11/4” flaccid gains which is useless to me and 0 erect gains-0 to what looks like 4.5 is nothing. I may have surgery to remove the fat, not to look bigger but I think the fat gets in the way even. Now do I care if they joke about it to small, No-Why because I know it is to small for them. Not for all women but for the women I want to be with. I need it to be 1.9” more. Will I have sex if It dont-Yes but not until I have fully put in 110,000% and my 6 month testing period will only start when I can stay in the Size Dr, for 6 hrs(3 is the max I can do now).
Now, GH or HGH or whatever your nickname is-the way mu body has gone down hill. 73 seems like a long time to go and by then I could be crawling or something ridiculous. Do I want to have fun, yah if it will be fun. It wont be fun until I have proven whether I can or not. It probably wont be much fun if I dont get there but I will do it anyway, its the only thing I like that I can at least do.

Get it Now.

I dont understand why you guys always have to comment to me about the philosophy of this whole thing rather than answer the real questions I write(in betwee all the trash I write). I dont need to be told to have patience or told to have fun now while you can or that you have no idea what I am gtalking about. Of course you dont-no-one does, 1/2 th fucking time I dont.
Now I appreciate your philosophy tips and I ave put them into action. I never go past the point where I can feel a blister starting to form even though that leaves at 3 hours on the size dr and i have to wait to get to 6 and i dont know how fuck long this will even take.

I asked some specific questions about the lengthmaster torturing me and why?
About how the front is getting twice the size of the back and weighs so much even with the ed med I cant keep it up because of the weight. What is this bulbous thing. It is not an abnormal thing(like atumor or blister) but it dosesnt seem good ?
Why do I have to do erect stretches when in none of the experiments that worked did anyone do them?
Since I cant do them wigth my hands I have asked what you thought of my logic of using the mitty vac or any vac instead to push to the side(yes it is also with my hands but it is 100x easier, try it and you will see
I have to wonder why you would be so toxic to people who genuinely want to help. I simply offered up that I’m in my 50s and have had some decent success. Try focusing on evaluating whether what people are saying works for you rather than being immediately confrontational. We don’t need a novel for you to express what you’re having trouble with. This is very simple. Try different things until you find something that works. If you’re upset that you’ve made flaccid gains (which are impressive) but you’re not seeing erect gains, you may be over-training not giving your tissue a chance to fill in what you’ve gained. Remember we don’t need a long diatribe about how nothing works and how everyone doesn’t understand. Just find a routine that works and report success or failure. We all get that it’s frustrating. I just recently broke through a 4 month plateau. How did I do it? I asked questions, got recommendations, and one of them worked. My current routine is basically 30 minutes to an hour with 15 pounds using a vacuum hanger, then 100 stretches, 15 to 20 minutes with 20 to 23 pounds with a LengthHanger, another 100 stretches, another 30 minutes at 10 to 15 pounds with a vacuum hanger. Every couple days I alternate pumping or clamping. When I’m done I try to wear an LG girth band with a sleeve overtop for as long as possible, usually 3 or 4 hours. Sleeping in the nude seems to help for me as well.
Look at this post:
...at the end.

You have on ly been here si
Okey I need to be extremely clear about this, @jvf1. I do not tolerate disrespect, I need to know what you are saying about me.
What are you implying?

What does “ly“ mean?
What does "si" mean? Maybe: Sir?
And what does the entire sentence mean?

I feel offended by what you wrote. I don't even know what you wrote, or what you are implying? But I think I know.
I have been searching on the internet what, "ly" may mean. And the only thing I could find was that: ly = love you.
(One source: "https://texting.io/what-does-ly-mean-in-texting")

I'm trying to encrypt your message.
But if you are implying that, I'm loving another man I'm really offended.

If you @jvf1 are implying that I'm loving another man. That's not true.
You can feel gratitude/gratefulness for another man without "so called love".

I'm hetrosexual, and I feel attraction towards women nothing else.

I need you to explain yourself.
I thought I could let this slide, but I can't.
I don't want this kind of energy around me. It feels like you are attacking me personally.

You need to be kinder to get the help you want here on MOS.
It feels like you do not even listening on the people/brothers, that's trying to help you.

@hugh-girth have even been trying to help you, and he suggested that you could apply to his coaching service to help you. But you just ignore that?

▼See what he wrote to you down below ▼
There is no direct answer as per how much erect gains you will make it you use the LengthMaster for 30 mins and wear the size doctor for 4 hours. You will gain for sure but no one can tell you how much gains.

Why not apply for my coaching service let me coach you will just the LengthMaster? We don't need the size doctor. Apply for my coaching service. If you apply, you will have to use the LengthMaster daily for 1 hour (20mins X 3).

You cannot do the erect stretches with a penis pump. To perform the erect stretches, get yourself erect and grab your erect penis at the base. Pull it to the right side and hold the pull for 30 to 60 seconds. Repeat it 3 times to the right, 3 times to the left and 3 times to the Center.

Kind regard to you. I do not want to be aggressive towards you, but when someone is trying to disrespect me;
I need to take actions to make everything right.

If I have interpret your words incorrectly, please explain yourself. If not, I assume that you apologize to me.

If you do not want to use the LengthMaster to make gains, you can make gains in other ways. We are here to support each others, remember that.
Last edited:
@jvf1 do not insult or disrespect anybody here. This is a first and last warning.

I used the term "whores" because I believe you wrote in a previous post that you only have sex with prostitutes. If I am wrong or I misunderstood, then I apologize.
I am not interested in your entire history. I tried helping you to the best of my ability, and all you want to do is argue.
I cannot do this anymore.
Good luck to you.
Look at this post:
...at the end.

Okey I need to be extremely clear about this, @jvf1. I do not tolerate disrespect, I need to know what you are saying about me.
What are you implying?

What does “ly“ mean?
What does "si" mean? Maybe: Sir?
And what does the entire sentence mean?

I feel offended by what you wrote. I don't even know what you wrote, or what you are implying? But I think I know.
I have been searching on the internet what, "ly" may mean. And the only thing I could find was that: ly = love you.
(One source: "https://texting.io/what-does-ly-mean-in-texting")

I'm trying to encrypt your message.
But if you are implying that, I'm loving another man I'm really offended.

If you @jvf1 are implying that I'm loving another man. That's not true.
You can feel gratitude/gratefulness for another man without "so called love".

I'm hetrosexual, and I feel attraction towards women nothing else.

I need you to explain yourself.
I thought I could let this slide, but I can't.
I don't want this kind of energy around me. It feels like you are attacking me personally.

You need to be kinder to get the help you want here on MOS.
It feels like you do not even listening on the people/brothers, that's trying to help you.

@hugh-girth have even been trying to help you, and he suggested that you could apply to his coaching service to help you. But you just ignore that?

▼See what he wrote to you down below ▼

Kind regard to you. I do not want to be aggressive towards you, but when someone is trying to disrespect me;
I need to take actions to make everything right.

If I have interpret your words incorrectly, please explain yourself. If not, I assume that you apologize to me.

If you do not want to use the LengthMaster to make gains, you can make gains in other ways. We are here to support each others, remember that.
Holy Shit Dude-I dont even know what you are talking about up there. You think I am implying you are gay? Here is what happened-I was going to write- You are only just beginnining! So, I wonder why you are giving me all this advice. Thats all! Typing errors with the ly si or whatever. I dont know what these abbreviations you are talking about mean. Very Strange-It seems now everybody thinks I am attacking people on here‘ Go through every single sentence I ever wrote and you will not find 1 single negative directed towards any person.
Yourt statement now has turned me into a bad guy, rather than someone who disagrees and will say so. Someone who has doubts about this which are valid because ten out of tem Doctors will tell you the penis cant grow aftwer adulthood. Even though I have kept saying I saw an experiment and 1 of you sent me 2 experiments, even an amateur scientist would laugh and say “what kindof joke are you talking about 3 experiments. Who were the experimenters? What Scientific Journals were the experiments written in?
C’mon, get serious, there is no proof until 100s of experiments are done and published in Real Scientific Journals. I doubt and I present my view point.If that is something thatv cant be tolerated on here then Cut Me off.Simply Cut me off.
Because I will doubt until the minute I see 1.9” erect growth on me-I dont care if I have 500 feet of flaccid growth

You can apologize to me now, for making weird assumptions based on your abbreviation paranoia. I am at a loss, here. If you take a look you will see that everything written now is a negative towards me because of your ATTACK-Look at the way you wrote It. It stands out like a spike in a piece of sheetrock.
Thank you very much.
Should I have said I am sorry for your misinterpretation. It was a mistake and I hit the post reply button by accident. Maybe so but that is not who I am. It was a mistake and I never have seen anything like that reversal you made and no matter How disagreeable I have been before.
By stating= I wont Tolerate Disrespect- and giving your strange explanation, everyone else took it as an attack and turned me from disagreeable unwilling to take advice To A villian. Thanks

@jvf1 do not insult or disrespect anybody here. This is a first and last warning.

I used the term "whores" because I believe you wrote in a previous post that you only have sex with prostitutes. If I am wrong or I misunderstood, then I apologize.
I am not interested in your entire history. I tried helping you to the best of my ability, and all you want to do is argue.
I cannot do this anymore.
Good luck to you.
Escorts-Courtesans-ProbvidersPros-which equals “professionals“are not whores. You were not wrong your bigotry is wrong. This misjudgement of a most Valid profession(which I only wish I could have done) is a societal construct perpetrated by The Church and middle class White women who know there husbands would be unable to stay home if this became a legal profession. Wrong! WRONG and more Wrong! Why should I waste my time trying to do all the bullshit required to have sex with women who wantv to play stupid games with me which end up costing me more.
You gave me your little interpretation of what I wrote and it was a negative attack on me
A few of you have made negative attacks on what I have said and you can not find 1 negative thing I havwe thrown at any single person in here.
If you do-find them send them to me and I will apologize. You all owe me an apology-All I did was express my opinion and I am nbot even sure if I actually disagreed with anyone nor did I actually say I am, not taking anyones advicve.
You have all missed the actual PATIENCE i have already acquired while listening to your preaching about PATIENCE

Now, It is coming back-You said “I dont why you say this and that” I dont understand You I dont get it We wouldnt stop hvaing sex forv 16 months… It was all negative and Idid perceive it as an attack so that Is why I came BACK WITH AN EXPLANATION OF WHY I BELIEVE THEY WAY I DO——LOUD AND CLEAR-BECAUSE- YOUI SAID ”I dont understand Why”. IF YOU READ IT you would understand WHY?
Holy Shit Dude-I dont even know what you are talking about up there. You think I am implying you are gay? Here is what happened-I was going to write- You are only just beginnining! So, I wonder why you are giving me all this advice. Thats all! Typing errors with the ly si or whatever. I dont know what these abbreviations you are talking about mean. Very Strange-It seems now everybody thinks I am attacking people on here‘ Go through every single sentence I ever wrote and you will not find 1 single negative directed towards any person.
Yourt statement now has turned me into a bad guy, rather than someone who disagrees and will say so. Someone who has doubts about this which are valid because ten out of tem Doctors will tell you the penis cant grow aftwer adulthood. Even though I have kept saying I saw an experiment and 1 of you sent me 2 experiments, even an amateur scientist would laugh and say “what kindof joke are you talking about 3 experiments. Who were the experimenters? What Scientific Journals were the experiments written in?
C’mon, get serious, there is no proof until 100s of experiments are done and published in Real Scientific Journals. I doubt and I present my view point.If that is something thatv cant be tolerated on here then Cut Me off.Simply Cut me off.
Because I will doubt until the minute I see 1.9” erect growth on me-I dont care if I have 500 feet of flaccid growth

You can apologize to me now, for making weird assumptions based on your abbreviation paranoia. I am at a loss, here. If you take a look you will see that everything written now is a negative towards me because of your ATTACK-Look at the way you wrote It. It stands out like a spike in a piece of sheetrock.
Thank you very much.
Should I have said I am sorry for your misinterpretation. It was a mistake and I hit the post reply button by accident. Maybe so but that is not who I am. It was a mistake and I never have seen anything like that reversal you made and no matter How disagreeable I have been before.
By stating= I wont Tolerate Disrespect- and giving your strange explanation, everyone else took it as an attack and turned me from disagreeable unwilling to take advice To A villian. Thanks
Dont Threaten me
@jvf1 do not insult or disrespect anybody here. This is a first and last warning.
Do not Threaten Me! Show me 1 instance where I have said 1 negative thing to any person on here?! I should thank SI for his Attack on me because of his Abbreviation Mania and his Attack on me because of It for this or is there something else you are talking about. No-there isnt!
Get your facts strait before you threaten people!
You and many people omn here have made negative statements towards me and about me. You have “given up on Me” and dont want to argue-There are no arguments just disagreements. If you cant tolerate disagreement then something is wrong with the whole picture.
Now, if you dont like what I wrote today after this Mass Group attack on me then cut Me off!
Look at this post:
...at the end.

Okey I need to be extremely clear about this, @jvf1. I do not tolerate disrespect, I need to know what you are saying about me.
What are you implying?

What does “ly“ mean?
What does "si" mean? Maybe: Sir?
And what does the entire sentence mean?

I feel offended by what you wrote. I don't even know what you wrote, or what you are implying? But I think I know.
I have been searching on the internet what, "ly" may mean. And the only thing I could find was that: ly = love you.
(One source: "https://texting.io/what-does-ly-mean-in-texting")

I'm trying to encrypt your message.
But if you are implying that, I'm loving another man I'm really offended.

If you @jvf1 are implying that I'm loving another man. That's not true.
You can feel gratitude/gratefulness for another man without "so called love".

I'm hetrosexual, and I feel attraction towards women nothing else.

I need you to explain yourself.
I thought I could let this slide, but I can't.
I don't want this kind of energy around me. It feels like you are attacking me personally.

You need to be kinder to get the help you want here on MOS.
It feels like you do not even listening on the people/brothers, that's trying to help you.

@hugh-girth have even been trying to help you, and he suggested that you could apply to his coaching service to help you. But you just ignore that?

▼See what he wrote to you down below ▼

Kind regard to you. I do not want to be aggressive towards you, but when someone is trying to disrespect me;
I need to take actions to make everything right.

If I have interpret your words incorrectly, please explain yourself. If not, I assume that you apologize to me.

If you do not want to use the LengthMaster to make gains, you can make gains in other ways. We are here to support each others, remember that.
You are to sensitive about your sexuality SI-that you went looking for what ly means on the Inet I find very strange.
You have endlessly attacked me without any basis-
You didnt read me saying To Hg I cant afford your service and maybe you can get me some free sili-caps because they break all the time.
No, you didnt, you just made your assumption that I blew him off. Wrong!!!!!!
Kindness another Virtue, Kindness, Patience-Why do i have to get all this Philosophy of life from this Place. Is this some kind of cult or what.

Again, who isnt taking advice, give me a break, you dont read what I write, You already have a picture of what you want people to write on here
Now, I think I have made myself clear that all of you are the problem, not I.
I will take responsibility when I am wrong and that is 3/4 of the time and many groups I do attack people outright and on many websites I make outrageous negative belittling even horrible comments. But not on here. I have never disrespected anyone not have I said you are wrong I havent even said “ take a closer look at what I am saying and is it not the same idea.
I Think you are all going to come at me with the Idea that what I wrote is an attack today. When, again not 1 word is. I have been attacked by 3 or 4 people today and threatened all unduly and I have made it clear, where they did and Why?
You wont see that, because you are now blinded by your righteous Indignation to see the facts.
You attacked me, not I attacked you. You negated at me not I at you, you threatened me I did not Threaten You, you took something that meant nothing and Made a Pictograph of It So everyone could have it glued in their memory so now They will never be able to see anything but that in their subconscious in relation to me.
You owe me an apology and I dont owe you one.
None of you wiil be able to see this

I didnt need your philosophy, I was not trying to become part of some brotherhood. I asked specific questions. If you had simply answered those questions or wrote nothing at all. I would not feel like “YOU all attacked me”.
I HAVE BEEN WRITING TO MUCH AND IT IS TIME TO STOP. it takes up to much time.Of course I am not going to quit. I will never quit until I achieve my goal, even if it means breaking myself. That is who I am. If it takes 6 months or 2 years. I will be dead soon after thatvso it wont matter.
That is unless this is impossible.
It should be simple, if those experiments are not bullshit-you should be able to grow close to 2” by just using an ads 6 hours a day. Withouit all this excess bullshit added on.
However, i will still be using all this excess bullshit because I purchased it and I have already been using it for morte than a year and have done this everyday for atleast 5 hours since September 27-that is to much time to throw away. Plus I have akready fixed the size drs.ridiculous open end(is that an attack on a person-did I say the ridiculous persons idea-No -but you will hrear it the other way) and created a blister proff under cap and an end for the ads that use traction. So, I am already to far in.
I was going to use you SI as my bench mark competion to motivate each other but I can see that is out of the question now.

I was going to say goodbye and maybe I will come back when I have accomplished something but now I dont know what I am going to do-not after this
Since I took in so much advice I am wondering if I should go and throw it all out the window, since all of you seem to think I didnt

Anyway, I need to solve my own problems with this and none of you can help with that.
Dont call any woman a Whore. It is ridiculous misogyny and cant be tolerated in our Modern world. I would say that goes for insulting your partner if you are Gay.
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