
Sep 10, 2008
Ok fellas. Finally got the essay ready. Keep in mind that what Im saying in this essay is not gospel. This essay is based on my strong opinion from all of my Penis Enlargement experience and research though out the years. Feel free to base your opinion but only in a friendly manner. Constructive debates are fine but no riots or arguing please.

Everything in the essay are principles that Im following for myself except for the VEGF chemical. More research needs to be done on it to determine what a safe dosage is before I add it to my protocol.

The table of contents for the essay is as follows.

Topic 1: The Structure of the tunica and how different men have different tunica thickness, elasticity and strength

Topic2: The septum being the toughest tissue in the penis

Topic3: Hanging in a way to promote total shaft girth gains and not just base girth

Topic4: DHT and it’s importants in penis size

Topic5: Vacuum based hanging and vacuum pumping seems to be what the Doctor ordered.

Topic 6: New peptides that show promise in the chemical Penis Enlargement world

Kingsnake’s Essay on the penis and growth

Topic 1: The Structure of the tunica and how different men have different tunica thickness, elasticity and strength

Hey fellas. Im sure yall have seen �naked people movies� stars like Shane Deasal, __________, Charlie Mac, and so forth. They all have 3 things in common. There black, they have huge schlongs and shitty erection quality. For the sake of the topic lets concentrate on the huge schlong and shitty erection quality part. LOL.

Anyway though from viewing them and then seeing other giant penis’s stars like __________, __________, Shorty Mac and __________ with there excellent erection quality my opinion is it all boils down to the health and functionality of the tunica.

As men, we all have a tunica albuginea which is a sheath that encloses the 3 erectile chambers of the penis. The three chambers are actually capable of great growth and expansion but unfortunately the tunica is not as suBathmateissive. The tunica’s job is to become rigid under extreme blood pressure build up as blood fills up the three erectile chambers underneath. Once the tunica reaches its stretched limit then that’s it. Full erection has been reached with the tunica being the ultimate barrier in the size of the erection.

Now with the �naked people movies� stars, I think the low EQ guys like Napier, and Deasal are not victim to weak PC muscle like most think. I think guys like Napier, Deasal, Mr. 18 can’t get 100% erect because there tunicas are too fucking soft and thin, even under immense internal blood pressure. Here’s what I mean. The tunica has about 5% elastic properties for normal guys. This means once the tunica reaches its elastic limit it becomes stiff during the erection which is basically what the erection is.

Now the goal with Penis Enlargement is for us to make our tunica’s as soft as possible so it can expand more thus allowing more blood to enter into the 3 erectile chambers underneath. However based on guys like Deasal, I think there’s a point to where the tunica can become too soft and thin which lowers the rigidity of the erection. My opinion on this is Shane Deasal, __________, Mr. 18, and Charlie Mac have a shit ton of raw tissue mass development but they also have a ton of elasticity and abnormally thin tunicas. More elasticity then the average man’s tunica.

Now check this out. The tunica tissue that encloses the Corpus spongiosum and the glans is a lot softer and thinner then the tunica tissue that covers the corpora cavernosa. This is why the spongiosum and the glans expand and inflate a lot easier and rapidly when you perform a kegel or do girth work. My theory is that guys like Shane Deasal’s tunica are just as soft and thin covering the cavernosa as it is covering the spongiosum and the glans. This means extreme softness and elasticity through out the entire penis. The extreme elasticity of his penis makes to where his tunica seems like a different texture then most guys. So even upon full engorgement of his penis, his cock still will not have the rigidity of a man with a normal amount of elastin and tunica wall thickness in his tunica.

This is why I say when guys like Shane Deasal, __________ and other’s like them have sex, they don’t get BONERS. They get ENGORGEMENT. In my opinion the definition of a boner is when the tunica is fully rigid from the internal blood pressure build up in the CCs during arousal.

Now for the huge guys with good EQ like __________, __________, __________, Lex Steele and others, they do get BONERS. LOL. Let’s look at __________ for instance. The man has a huge dick and he’s a grower. I have seen him completely flaccid and his dick is about 4 inches long. Now that’s not a small flaccid by any means but compared to his 10 inch plus erection that’s a lot of fucking growing his dick goes through when he gets hard. His dick has a lot of folded up raveled tissue mass when flaccid and incredible thinness and elasticity but his elasticity is not to the point to where it won’t become fully rigid once expanded to its limit.

With him being a grower, it takes him a long ass time to get fully hard as it does with most guys with abnormally huge willeys. In the beginning of __________’s carrier he would come out flaccid or semi erect then it would take the girl 10 to 15 minutes to get the man fully hard. Now in days __________ comes out already fully erect, usually in some wind breaker sweat pants or a bathroom towel and whips it out in front of the girl. Shane Deasal and other’s usually already come onto the scene with at least a semi to save time in the growth process from flaccid to erect.

So my main point with this topic is I don’t think these guys have weak pc muscles are anything like that. I think Shane, Jack and the others have so much elasticity in there tunicas and there tunica structure is so thin that it impairs the rigidness of there tunicas when pressurized during an erection. With there insane girth, it takes a lot of blood to fill those bad boys up which also takes a lot longer then a guy with an average size penis. Throw in poor blood circulation do to bad health and you have a recipe for a huge but not so hard penis.

Topic2: The septum being the toughest tissue in the penis

The next topic is the septum. Here’s the definition of the septum according to “The septum of the penis is formed by the inner layer of the tunica albuginea as it joins between the corpora cavernosa. It is made up of a series of vertical bands arranged like the teeth of a comb, thus having the name of the pectiniform septum”.

Another name that most Penis Enlargementers go by is the steel cord. This tough wire like tissue is what causes resistance when you stretch your penis before the tunica tissue surrounding the corporal bodies do. A lot of work is needed to enlongate this dense area more so then the rest of the tunica and the ligs. In my opinion one can make gains with basic manual stretching and bundled stretching but at some point hanging will be needed to get in more time under tension. With the septum I think it’s the time under tension principle that’s the most important and a lot of time under tension is needed. Simply stretching your penis for a mere 30 to 45 minutes isn’t enough.

The septum needs to be put under tension for hours at a time. You guys have to understand that we are trying to encourage cell division and enough of it to cause tissue mass accumulation which means actual growth. For this to happen, the area being stressed has to get that signal that change is needed meaning adding more cells. To activate that signal, long periods of tension is needed. I personally have made my biggest gains when split my Penis Enlargement training into morning sessions, mid day sessions, and evening sessions every day. On top of that I wore an ADS or an ADCs device in between sessions to keep some kind of tension on the penis. This is what it takes to cause cellular division without the use of growth compounds which we’ll talk about later.

Simply doing 30 minutes of jelqing and some manual stretches isn’t going to cut it. Doing 1 to 2 ten minute clamping sets or a few hanging sets isn’t going to cut it. In my opinion hours of tension is needed to convince your penile cells to split. The septum being as tough as it is needs this kind of work to elongate. This is why even medical doctors say the penis extender is a good tool for elongation of the penis if worn for a minimum of 4 hours a day. An ADS device is needed fellas. Weather it’s an extender or simply hanging light golf weights off your dick for hours at a time, something is needed to keep light tension on your penis while it heals from your heavy Penis Enlargement sessions.

Topic3: Hanging in a way to promote total shaft girth gains and not just base girth

Ok fellas. With hanging the idea is to elongate the penis by increasing tunica, CCs, and CS mass as well as ligament mass. Now the limiting factor in hanging to increase length is the septum once again. Unless you’re making length gains through the ligs elongating, length increases in the tunica will not happen unless the septum elongates first which takes a lot of work. Now with girth most guys experience base girth gains more so then midshaft girth gains but I’ve been thinking that if one where to hang to stress each side of the penis individually by hanging over the leg this will increase the tension to the sides of the penis hitting more tunica then septum.

What I mean is this. Let’s say you sit upright on a chair. You take your hanger which is attached to your penis with 5 pounds of weight attached to the other end. Now you simply hang the weight over your right leg while sitting down. Your right leg would serve as a giant fulcrum. This will stress the entire left side of your penis providing more tunica stretch to that side while taking stress off the septum. If one is using a vac hanger then the entire left side of the tunica from glans to base will be hit hard.

Since stress will be taken off the septum and brought more so on the left side of the penis, attacking the left CC and the tunica tissue surrounding it, this will increase total shaft girth only on the left side of your penis since the septum with less stress applied to it will not elongate as fast. Do the same thing to the right side of your penis by hanging over your left leg and now you have a recipe for total shaft girth increases through hanging in a way to attack just the tunica with minimum septum stress.

Now if you do want length gains then the septum will definitely have to be hit in which one would hang straight down, straight ahead, or straight up. Fulcrums and bundled would help as well.

Topic4: DHT and it’s importants in penis size

Ok fellas. As you guys already now. DHT is the master hormone that is responsible for penis growth and all male characteristics. DHT is responsible for body hair, facial hair growth, deepness of the voice and libido. The more dht that is present in a male during puberty, the more extreme male characteristics that take place including penis size and development.

Heres a few links to sites that talk about how DHT administration affected kids before puberty and a few patients after puberty into adult hood.

To further show the importants of DHT check this out. Women that turn them selves into men. Or for better words, Transgender men, get dht treatments to change there hormonal profile to that of a man’s. This means they grow facial hair, voice deepens, and there clitoris grows in the manner of a penis since that’s what a penis starts out as anyways.

To further aid in clitoral growth in it’s transformation into a penis most transgender men pump to help expand the erectile tissue of there clitoris/penis for permanent growth while on DHT treatments.

This shows the importants of both DHT and PUMPING.

Here’s a link to the community/forum of transgender men that talk about this treatment and follow it with great success.

So if gay women can turn her clits into a penises through surgery, hormone manipulation, dht use and pumping then best be sure that guys who already have full developed penises can enlarge it through DHT use and Penis Enlargement.

Topic5: Vacuum based hanging and vacuum pumping seems to be what the Doctor ordered.

Now with the pumping part of the equation I’ve talked to a few urologist and Dr Runels about Penis Enlargement methods. All of the urologists seem to be all about vacuum based hanging. Based on how one of the urologists explained it he believes that there should be no constrictive force cutting off blood flow to the glans of the penis the way a bib hanger or even my snake hanger does. The DOC told me that the good thing about a vac hanger is that it uses vacuum suction force to grip the glans and shaft 1 inch behind it without using on even compression forces to grip the organ which cuts off blood flow which I agree with.

Another good thing about a vac based hanger is that the entire shaft will be hit with tension in an even manner unlike a standard compression based hanger where the hanger is attached 1 or 2 inches behind the glans. With only the glans and a tiny bit below it being what the vac hanger grips, this means that more shaft will be stressed which can lead to total shaft girth gains and not just base girth gains that most guys get with standard compression style hangers.

Now the downsides to vac hanging are the blister problem that most guys experience. Its come to my conclusion that if you get a pressure gauge with your hanger, and stay below 3 to 5 gs, blisters are unlikely to happen. Also with the use of tape covering the glans, this will help combat that problem as well. They say that with vac hanging you can hang for 45 minutes to 1 hour straight but I would personally still only hang for 20 minutes sets at a time to ensure that blisters don’t happen.

With PUMPING, I talked about this with Dr Runels who is the creator of the priapus shot. His priapus shot is designed to stimulate stem cells in the penis and trick the penis into thinking it’s injured so the body releases all kinds of growth hormones to repair and rebuild the damage that the penis thinks it’s in. With no damage present the surge in growth hormones causes cell replication to the penis, enlarging it. The growth process stays active for 2 to 3 months after the shot. During the 2 to 3 months of enhanced growth, Dr Runnels advocates pumping to help with further cell proliferation and permanent enlargement.

With the info about transgender men pumping there post surgery penis/clits while cycling dht and Dr Runnels also advocating pumping with his shot treatment, that tells me that pumping is an important tool in ones Penis Enlargement arsenal. I personally made my first quarter inch gain in length from 2 months of pumping back in 2008.

Topic 6: New peptides that show promise in the chemical Penis Enlargement world

Ok fellas. As you know Im heavily into chemical Penis Enlargement now since I believe I have maxed out all potential gains through 4 plus years of conventional Penis Enlargement methods. I am a firm believer in prolonged erections to help stress the tunica for growth and Im a firm believer in cell proliferation/growth peptides to grow the penis from the inside out.

The new peptide that’s showing promise is VEGF aka (vascular endothelial growth factor).

This peptide actually causes blood vessel growth to tissues that have poor oxygenated blood supply. VEGF stimulates a brand new blood route to the tissues for better blood flow. Now imagine injecting this peptide into the penis. Over on professional, me and a few members are thinking of added this peptide to our arsenal once further research is done on the safety factors of the peptide.

So the way Im seeing it based on my studies is do a 5 to 10 minute super tight clamping set to purposely starve the engorged penis of oxygenated blood. After the clamping set, pop open the cable clamp, then inject VEGF into the penis then clamp it off again to give the VEGF time to bind to receptor sites in the penis before flowing out of the penis and becoming systematic. The VEGF will started sprouting new blood pathways into the oxygen depleted penis since it’s being starved of fresh blood by the cable clamp. This process would take months but in the end the penis will have extra blood vessel support to thrive and grow in combination with other Penis Enlargement methods.

Over months the penis will become more vascular in appearance and with fresh an upgraded blood route, fresh blood will constantly be flowing through the penis at a faster rate, feeding the penis more nutrients and oxygen for better functionality and faster growth.

They actually did a study on rats, injecting VEGF into there penises to restore erectile function in the rats that had been castrated. Now if VEGF can restore full function and oxygenated blood flow to penises of rats that had been amputated and reattached, then that shows huge promise to a human penis with no such damage.

Here’s a link to the rat study with VEGF.

Here’s another link where doctors and researchers are already trying to make a patent on it from its success.

Now another thing that Im thinking is if you combined this chemical with IGF-DES the results show significant promise. Think about it. Bodybuilders use igf to cause cell division in there muscles for more mass. When bodybuilders train, there muscle cells don’t split and multiply. The existing cells that they have simply grow bigger and stronger through resistance training. Once all the muscle cells that you have through genetics have become as big and strong as they can. That means that the bodybuilder has reached his genetic limit, even if he’s on steroids because although roids can manipulate your testosterone to super human levels, it cannot induce muscle cell division. However many muscle cells you have at birth is what you basically get in life. All you can do is make them bigger and stronger through training, nutrition and supplementation with steroids if you choice to go that route.

With the use of IGF-DES, this actually induces local cell division in what ever muscle groups that they inject the peptide into. With IGF-DES causing cell division and proliferation in the muscles, the bodybuilder now has more cells to work with to train and become as big and strong as his existing muscle cells which will push him beyond his genetic limits. Think Ronnie Coleman or Jay Culter.

Now IGF-DES and IGF-LR3 causes cell division and proliferation in all kinds of tissues with receptors including smooth muscle. The CCs and CS of the penis are made up of spongy erectile tissue and smooth muscle. IGF-DES or IGF-LR3 can induce cell duplication in the penis as well but Im not a big fan of IGF-LR3 which is more systematic with its 12 hour half life. For Penis Enlargement purposes IGF-DES is more potent and is better for local growth since its half life is only 10 to 15 minutes. Put a cockring or constriction device on your penis for 15 to 30 minutes and you don’t have to worry about IGF-DES flowing out of the penis and causing growth else where in the body until you remove the cockring. By the time you remove the cocking 15 to 30 minutes after your injection, the peptide will already have latched on to as many receptor sites in the penis as possible and what does get into the body once the constriction device is removed will be pretty much useless since it’s half life is only 10 to 15 minutes.

Many of the members on including myself are already injecting IGF-DES into our penises. I have just started injecting the peptide in combination with another peptide that I’ve been using called TB4 or TB500, but members there have been doing it for a lot longer in combination with pge1 erection workouts and have been reporting massive gains in length and girth. Mainly girth gains from the IGF.

The CCs and the CS are made of spongy erectile material with smooth muscle in it. IGF induces cell division in a multitude of tissues including the smooth muscle of the penis.

Now combine that with the use of VEGF. Imagine the IGF creating millions of new cells in the CCs while the VEGF creates a new vascular network to feed the fresh new IGF induced cells for complete functional growth.

Here’s a link to a few studies showing IGF being used on Rats to restore erectile function and increase smooth muscle.

So that pretty much raps it up. Im am exited about the future of Penis Enlargement with these new methods and theories that are circulating. Especially the chemical method of Penis Enlargement to assist with conventional style Penis Enlargement. During puberty a male’s DHT levels, IGF levels, VEGF levels, growth hormone levels, and PGE1 levels are through the roof which is what causes his penis to grow rapidly during those precious years of puberty. Under proper conditions as adults, when we spike all of these chemicals to puberty like levels, specifically concentrated in the penis by local injection with the use of a cockring. This will help mimic a second puberty like response in the penis with the use of conventional Penis Enlargement exercises to assist in growth and cell proliferation.
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I think you are completely right with the tunica stuff.
As I have peyronies the tunica is overly hardened at some parts and these parts didnt engorge much at all.
This has improved since using PABA + dmso, which I rate fairly low in any risk to the health.
My take away:
Stretch the septum with constant tension for as long as possible. (extender)
For girth hang over your legs(fulcrum) to target the tunica.
Would you say that enlarging the tunica is done under more weight and less time as opposed to the septum?
What do you think happens if you hang with rather low weight over your legs?

Where does clamping come in without chem pe? I would assume right after hanging with a fulcrum to accustom the dick that it needs to fill the new space?

Given the accounts about the thin tunica guys if we want rock hard dicks we better not get too thin and soft tunicas(if this is possible at all)
So the goal is to soften the tunica but not too much to the point we lose EQ. (I somehow think of the TGC theory here..)
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Great article King you've obviously worked hard on this.....just two questions though

1) How are we suppose to drastically increase our DHT? without getting doctors permission for a cream or steroid

2) You say an ADS is needed to help encourage cell breakdown (without the use of chemicals) could a cock ring be used to achieve this or must it be something that stimulates a stretching motion?
Subbed. This all golden information Kingsnake. Thanks for contributing. I think a + rep is in order.
So could guys like Shane potentially get bigger than __________
with better EQ?
kingsnake, when you talked about DHT giving male characteristics does it also apply with testosterone cause when I first experimented with the Ring of Power( which gives you sky high test levels) my jaw grew almost as big as Lurch's from Adams family ?:(
I was 16 at the time and my plates hadnt fused yet, but still If I was to give the ring to wear to a 17 year old would it have the same effects as the DHT you talked about, considering that instead of DHT it increases Testosterone levels
I've been considering getting the dht cream. I wonde how much that will help. Guess I'll have to buy it and find out
Awesome thread kingsnake.

1. I think the larger adult film stars use pge-1 or tri-mix to maintain their erections. Notice how before __________ in his earlier films would take forever to get an erection, and now he starts every scene with one before the woman even touches him?

2. I think the key with length gains is to have the penis in a constant elongated state and not allowing it to turtle up at all. This will allow the tissues to rebuild in that extended length. I myself made myself a sheath hanger out of buckskin, shoe laces and a half pound fishing weight. I also wear sweats and shorts as much as possible to allow my cock to hang down as much as possible. I do not wear constricted underwear, ever.

3. Hormone manipulation is the future of Penis Enlargement imo. Eventually there will be a combo of hormones that can induce a puberty effect on the penis and will grow the organ. Dht will be part of this equation.

4. Pumping is an effective tool for sure. I see the best combination as being wet pumping with hot water, snd pulsed electric vacumn pumping.

5. Softening the stubborn penile tissues with dmso and paba should be a mainstay in EVERYONES routines. It speeds up growth, keeps scar tissue from forming from chempe injections and can help break through our genetic plateaus.
Great job KS on the essay! Well done! You've worked hard on your research and it's greatly appreciated! Thanks
wonderful usual with KS!
Excellent Work King!
Hey fellas. Thanks for all of the support. Hopefully this essay will shed some light on the wonderous organ that swings between or legs and help us find better ways of enlarging it.

Hey dickerschwanz. Yeah with the septum it doesn’t have to be an extender to keep constant tension on it. Any ADS which puts 1 to 2 pounds of resistance on your unit will do. Even golf weights or Monty’s Penis Enlargement weights would do if you have a job where you’re standing up all day.

With the tunica its about creating controlled microscopic wounds through your Penis Enlargement workout then wearing and ADS, keeping those gaps open long enough for new cells to generate and fill in the area. After months of doing this enough cell division and tissue accumulation will result in visual and functional gains in length and girth.

What guys have to understand is the main Penis Enlargement workout is not what makes your penis grow. The main workout simply creates the micro wounds/gaps in the penile tissues. After this is done it’s all about keeping these wounds open with light tension for many hours which gives the tissues time to replicate new cells to fill in the wounds as healing takes place.

In my opinion doing a hardcore Penis Enlargement workout with no ADS afterwards is a waste of a hardcore Penis Enlargement workout. If you let the tunica turtle and completely retract then it’s going to heal that way and not enough cells will be generated to accumulate into visable and functional raw tissue mass increase.

With out the use of Peptides like IGF and tb-500, ADS is extremely important fellas.

With clamping this is basically an option in one’s Penis Enlargement arsenal. Clamping isn’t going to mimic a PGE1 erection since PGE1 erections delink the tunica and can be held for hours. With clamping one shouldn’t go overboard because clamping is very rough on the unit and lowers EQ in most guys for hours after being done. With some guys there EQ is even shitty for the rest of the day after a hardcore clamping workout so becareful.

Another thing with clamping is it’s a fast way to tunica toughening and fibrosis because of it’s rough nature on the unit. Toward the beginning and the end of my last chem. Cycle I had clamping in my chemical Penis Enlargement routine. This time around I doubt I’ll have it in my routine much except with the use of a cockring to keep the chems in my dick localized for 30 minutes after an injection.

Hey SugarSoSweet. You can get DHT cream from All There going to ask you why do you need it. Just tell them you need it for gynecomastia and they should sell it to you.

Yes a cockring could be used to keep the penis in a semi engorged state but keep in mind that you won’t be able to just keep a cockring on your dick for 4 to 8 hours a day without precautions. You’re going to have constantly check for coldness and numbness and take off the ring every so often to ensure fresh blood is flowing.

Hey MFOMNI. Yes. If you think about it volume wise, Shane Deasal and __________ are bigger then __________ because of there insane girth. __________’s girth is huge too, looking to be 6.25 to 6.75 at midshaft but Shane Deasal and __________ are over 7 inches in girth at midshaft which means a heck of a lot more tissue mass and volume. __________ is indeed longer then them but what makes __________ the king is his excellent erection quality. Even with such a big dick, __________ gets rock hard which makes his unit a lot more functional and impressive to me then Deasal’s or Napier’s.

Now if Deasal and Napier could get rock hard then it would be a different story. Imagine Shane Deasal with a cable clamp applied tightly at the base of his dick. That would be a scary sight, as thick as he is already.

Hey RUBY10”. Im not to sure about the ring of power. I have to research it first before I state an opinion. Keep in mind that DHT and testosterone are two different things. DHT stands for Dihydrotestosterone. Having high testosterone doesn’t always lead to having high DHT levels. Not all testosterone that a man creates is created equally.

DHT is many times stronger and more anabolic then testosterone and unlike testosterone, DHT cannot be converted into estrogen. DHT is the hormone that makes a man a Man. DHT is what’s responsible for all MALE CHARACTERISTICS. Where talking body hair, facial hair, deepness of the voice, penis size, libido, aggressiveness, assertiveness and more.

All of these �naked people movies� stars that have home grown mutant schlongs, I can asure you they have abnormally high natural DHT level conversion from genetics. My pre Penis Enlargement size before Penis Enlargement was npbel 8 inches which was already pretty big. I wouldn’t be suprised if I got blood work done and it shows that I have naturaly high DHT levels.

Hey RUBY10” Read the info on this link when you get a chance bro. It explains perfectly on how DHT works and how it’s not the same as regular testosterone.

Hey jdcsd. The DHT cream would definitely help if added to your Penis Enlargement routine but make sure to educate your self on it first before you decide to alter your hormones. Read up on the correct way to cycle it.

Hey timber1981. Exactley bro with the principles you’ve stated. I also agree with you that many of these �naked person� use some kind of tri-mix or viagra to maintain there erections. You definitely hit the nail on the head with __________. Back in his earlier adult film carrier he would come on to the scene completely flaccid which was suprisenly small for such a huge erection he's capable of producing. It would take a long ass time for his dick to fill up with blood and get hard. Now with his later films he’s already on the scene with a massive rock hard boner tucked away in his sweat pants or a towel.

My guess is definitely most likely some kind of tri-mix. If you notice with �naked people movies�star Mike Adriano. His dick is always rock hard but when he’s fucking a girl on camera he always has a look of pain, agony and pleasure on his face. Im thinking he’s in pain from the PGE1 in the tri-mix medicine fucking his ass up with each stroke. Lol.
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Thank you kingsnake, for sharing this information with us.
Very interesting!
yo kingsnake are you able to give me the links to where you get the dmso + paba? and also can you tell me how to mix them in together and how to use them exactly? if you could give me all the tips like when to take it, how long the dmso + paba will last and anything else you can think of about this as that would be really helpful as i want to mix this into my pe routine...
Thanks King Il look into DHT and the links you posted. Also, do you think bald people have bigger penises, since DHT is responsible for calvinism. Similar to you I couldn't get over the fact that my dad was slightly bigger in length when I saw him once in the locker rooms. Now since he's bald I always thought I inherited my natural big girth from him.
I have a few thoughts about the tunica and what you've said/researched, if it's true that certain people with weak or thin tunicas suffer poor e.q. Wouldn't using DMSO and PABA put you at the same risk of poor e.q.? And if possible would clamping be effective to re-toughen the tunica if it were too weak to sustain a good erection, with the help of an extensive kegel routine of course since clamping also hurts your e.q.
Been busy lately.

Hey RUBY10”. I’m not completely sure about all bald men having bigger penises. DHT will only drasticially effect your hair line if you have genetic predisposition to hair loss in the first place.

In the �naked people movies� industry you’ll notice that __________, Lexington Steel, and Shane Deasal are all bald with massive receded hair lines. They just keep there heads shaven to hide it.

On the other hand you have guys like __________, Shorty Mac, __________ and others who are all massive and still have a full head of hair.

Hey Jaronimo. It’s more then just having a super thin and abnormally elastic tunica that is responsible for guys like Shane Deasal and __________’s EQ. It also has to do with blood supply and blood prioritizing.

When you have a huge penis that’s particulary over 8 inches long with over 7 inches of girth, the blood demand to fill up an organ of that size to full capacity can be to high for some men. Usually men with bad health. The general physical health of the individual, mainly his cardiovascular system will be a big key factor.

I once hooked up with this white chick 2 years ago named Hania . We were talking about past sexual experiences and she brought up how she had sex with some 6 ft 2 african guy from Nigeria and his dick was hanging well past his knees. She told me that even completely flaccid this guy’s dick was as long as her whole forearm and thicker then her wrist. She said his nick name growing up was Centaur which means half man half horse. The down side was she said he rarely was able to get his dick rock hard because of the sheer size and blood demand that was required for his dick to become fully erect. She said that the only time his dick ever got rock hard was when he was about to cum and at this point he would then feel faint or like he was about to pass out. Im assuming this is because as more blood entered his dick, the rest of his body’s blood supply was low. Particularly blood flow to his brain.

So my point in this is I think having a thin tunica is great since it will ensure full expansion of an erection. Now if you have a super thin tunica to the point that regardless of extreme internal pressure, rigidness is low, then there’s a problem. With DMSO/PABA, it does soften the tunica but it won’t soften the tunica to a texture that someone like Shane Deasal has, so I won’t worry about it. DMSO/PABA helps to make your tunica softer but it won’t make your tunica thinner. The thinness or thickness of your tunica is all genetic. Men with thinner tunicas will normally have bigger or at least thicker penis’s since a thin tunica will allow for more CC blood engorgement. Keep using DMSO/PABA to make your tunica as soft and as anti fibrotic as possible so your Penis Enlargement workouts will have more effect.
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