i no its a bit late now but what is ryan middletons ebook ? i dont have it but i can shed some info on thepenisbible if ya want on which the penis enlarging bit, if ya just send me a private message.
I have since bought the penis bible and just started the supplements, I guess if you could tell me, is it a waste of time or does it actually work. Also, is balloning an option or part of the exercise program? Thanks alot
it does work but the results vary from person to person, ballooning is pretty important beause inorder for the penis to grow and to accelerate its growth you need to get as much nutrients down there as possible and as fast as possible.
hey there guys ive made a thread showing the stuff needed to grow your penis said by thepenisbible hope you all see it
Hello all, I'm new to the forum and have been doing alot of reading. I'm very interested in reading the ebook of Ryan Middleton. I went to the shockingpenisenlargementtruth website. But it's not working could someone email me the ebook of Ryan Middleton. It would be much appreciated.
I read a few posts on here regarding the Penis Bible and was curious if anyone has tried it, and if it works?

If anyone has read the book, what dosasges does it reccomend you take for the following supplements?

choline-choline bitartrate or phosphatidyle choline
HGH spray
tyrosine - dopamine
evening primose-PGE-1 precurser

Any info is most appreciated. It looks intriguing but before I go spending $200 at my local GNC, I want to know if anyone has made substantial gains with taking these.

Also, I'm also a bit leery of taking HGH as it can cause hair loss. But, if anyone has done this with good results and hasn't suffered hair loss, i'd be curious to hear about it.
doublelongdaddy;361428 said:
Revelations or Genesis?
YOu're being insensitive; he's asking a valid question. It's was the Gospels of Peter 1 & 2 (LOL)
Threak-X;361435 said:
YOu're being insensitive; he's asking a valid question. It's was the Gospels of Peter 1 & 2 (LOL)

the Gospels of Peter... nice, that was a good one.

so back to my original question, has anyone tried taking those supplements?
busyrand;298889 said:
Somebody's gotta step up and shell out for the $9.97 e-book and let us know what the deal is! Do it for the cheap entertainment if nothing else... I've already posted, and passed books to people I've met here so somebody else gotta do it this time.

HEY BUSYRAND, That's a FUNNY!! little animation you have there. Reminds me of me. I'm always trying to post ads and excerpts of my 2 books TOMORROW'S WORLD #1 and TW2 Desert Trek; at everysite I can lay my computer buttons on. I get so tired, SICK and TIRED of the Higly Censored sites on the internet. Also sites that are Very Hard to operate. I just feel like the guy you got there in the animation. Banging my hands and head against the keyboard when I'd rather be Banging a Female. Hey Everybody, If you aint got the money for the Penis Bible, well you can get 1 or both of my books and you'll need nothing more except a CASE of cialis. My books are really hot with TONS of 'SEX', (Is that word allowed on this site)?. They are like Romance novels X 10! I call'em Scifi/Love books. Would it be ok to put on here some hot Excerpts? If you all want some excerpts you can Google my name and book titles and you'll be at my site real fast. Heck I just posted to another 50 sites an hour ago. Then I saw that FUNNY animation and I had to make a comment. Thanks For that Great Laugh BUSYRAND! Sincerely, Steve Nelson
I'm sure this Bible is the real deal. Just look at the awesome facts they present:


Average girth is over 6"? Not even on here it is. And did the person writing tat nice little line about what girth women find most pleasurable actually check anything that's 8.5" in girth?
ebon00;368110 said:
I'm sure this Bible is the real deal. Just look at the awesome facts they present:


Average girth is over 6"? Not even on here it is. And did the person writing tat nice little line about what girth women find most pleasurable actually check anything that's 8.5" in girth?

So many assholes in the world...freedom of press rarely means honesty
So full of shit! That video was just insulting to average intelligence.
I bought the penisbible once and did what they told me to do.
Hard as hell not to cum when doing that exercise, but I held on and did what they say.

Shit does not work! I did it for three months and all I got was hell horny not being able to ejaculate :) Waste of gold!
Grandejoe;373995 said:
I bought the penisbible once and did what they told me to do.
Hard as hell not to cum when doing that exercise, but I held on and did what they say.

Shit does not work! I did it for three months and all I got was hell horny not being able to ejaculate :) Waste of gold!

did you take all of the supplements in the recommended dosages for the recommended amount of time? i'm very curious about the 'chemical Penis Enlargement' side of this.
its ALL BULLSHIT i tried it 2 ALONG TIME AGO ..... believe me save your money and move onto sumthing else.

may i recommend a Bathmate, bib hanger, fastsize, LengthMaster, manual work instead? <------- you'll get REAL results with these.
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