Remember to remove it every 2 hours and massage the penis for 7-10 minutes to restore blood flow. :)
As much as you can bare for an hour ,then take it off and work the blood back into the end of ur dick.
You can go back into the stretcher if you want.
Someone should start a TV telethon to see how long they can stretch and people would send in money ...maybe for prostate research.
this_is_funny;415206 said:
how much tension am i suppose to feel?
so its suppose to hurt. im doin sumthin wrong i think. i feel very lil pull, jus lack of feeling at the head after a while. how tight is my shaft suppose to be pulled?
Put in as many bars as you can and you should barely be able to get into the stretcher .
After a few minutes you can start increasing the tension as much as you can /then wait a bit and then turn the screws again like you were on the rack in the medevil times .Continue for an hour/release and massage /and repeat for as much time as you want to put in .
this_is_funny;415214 said:
so its suppose to hurt. im doin sumthin wrong i think. i feel very lil pull, jus lack of feeling at the head after a while. how tight is my shaft suppose to be pulled?
no matter what i do, i dont feel like im getting enough tension... watched the vids from the stickies, done searches on here etc. never feel like its enough tension and when it is, my head slips out
You should set the device so it is roughly 1 cm longer than the length of your penis when it is fully stretched out in a flaccid state.
You should feel a pull but not so it is causing pain.

Wear the device for 2-4 hours a day for the first few weeks and then increase this by an hour each week until you reach a maximum of 9 hours.

After week 6-7 you should try to extend the length of the device by 1cm every 2 weeks.

I hope this helps :)
There's the problem man!
Do the velcro strap mod and you can get ur dick in there very tight and secure and then u can stretch without slipping out .Don't give up on this one ...keep researching and asking questions cause we have been thru the learning curve of making it work.
this_is_funny;415224 said:
no matter what i do, i dont feel like im getting enough tension... watched the vids from the stickies, done searches on here etc. never feel like its enough tension and when it is, my head slips out
Dickleaker;415243 said:
There's the problem man!
Do the velcro strap mod and you can get ur dick in there very tight and secure and then u can stretch without slipping out .Don't give up on this one ...keep researching and asking questions cause we have been thru the learning curve of making it work.

Agree wholeheartedly! Great modification.

Don't let yourself become frustrated, the SizeGenetics will work for you you will just need to be patient and learn the various nuances. Remember, many guys came before you and they mastered it, you will too.
this_is_funny;415224 said:
no matter what i do, i dont feel like im getting enough tension... watched the vids from the stickies, done searches on here etc. never feel like its enough tension and when it is, my head slips out

I have noticed that I do not feel a lot of attention either; however I can tell there is tension by looking at the skin on my shaft.
The stretch will not feel as extreme as a manual stretch, it is a lighter stretch more a kin to hanging with 3 pounds for long periods. It is a learned stretch and the understanding comes from experience. I even had a learning curve when I started with Extenders. With the right wrap, a proper head attachment (we all vote the velcro belt as the best solution thus far) you can get a pretty intense stretch. Take you time and keep experimenting! You'll get it.
can i get the right type of velcro at walmart. im away at college, not much here outside of walmart, a few cows and a mcdonalds
Wicked fast shipping. Placed the order on Tuesday and DHL stopped by yesterday. However, I was not home and not aware of them shipping it since I never got an email with the tracking number. So now I am waiting for it today.

Is it safe to have sex an hour after using the SizeGenetics?
Any type of velcro will work ...u can cut it with scissors to fit the slots of the end piece where the rubber strap goes into on the extender.
I also find strapping in about an inch or so back of the glans is way more comfortable then at the very end of my penis cause when I stretch there is more skin if that makes sense .
this_is_funny;415339 said:
can i get the right type of velcro at walmart. im away at college, not much here outside of walmart, a few cows and a mcdonalds
got my velcro and believe my grip is right and tight.

after about 30 mins, i get a painful burning sensation at the base. is this normal. its pretty painful
this_is_funny;415592 said:
got my velcro and believe my grip is right and tight.

after about 30 mins, i get a painful burning sensation at the base. is this normal. its pretty painful

Great to hear!

The soreness at the base is most likely fatigue.
Like most of the gainers here say dude its gonna be consistent stretching over time that makes ur dick bigger.
You want to go intense but don't hurt urself...pain is ur body's way to tell u stop what ur doing that causes the pain.
I would say go a little less intense before the pain starts .If its not enjoyable (or you are causing urself pain) chances are u won t stick to it over the long run and its the long run where you gain .
this_is_funny;415623 said:
should i fight thru it or stop when i feel it?
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