Yeah, his touting has shown up here and other forums too. MaxVeloc, if you are getting your information there take a good look at his site. He sells products for everything from hair loss to repair products for Penis Enlargement. "Dr" Lin is a quack and if you buy into it, he'll gladly take you for every penny you have. The only method that truly works is exercise...Thats it. No pills, wonder drugs, ballooning will replace good old fashion work. If you believe, I wish you all the luck in the world. Your gonna need it.
Originally posted by mowinman
The only method that truly works is exercise...Thats it. No pills, wonder drugs, ballooning will replace good old fashion work.
that's great advice to go by, but people have also said that about bodybuilding, where steroids make a world of difference. im not really comparing the two, just saying that it's possible there could be a magic solution, but ya doesnt look like it right now. No harm in looking though!
you must be able to hit 130-140% of your normal erection.
I'm intrigued by this. Imagine I had a 5" girth.. by your theory, simply by reverse kegelling and tensing my abdomen, I can expand this to the region of 6-7?

I think not. :)
WaxN and mowinman said it best. Listen, if optimalizing your hormonal milieu by increasing T, DHT, GH and reducing estrogen were as easy as pretending to take a shit, we wouldn't need hormone replacement therapy (HRT), bodybuilders wouldn't need steroids, and we could literally reduce many of the genetic differences in libido, muscle mass, mood and depression etc.

We should all practice kegels and reverse kegels, and expect better blood flow, erection- and orgasm control. But a 130-140% enlargement in a matter of days or weeks... rofl
Alright lets please calm down.
Just lets be open about new things wether some think its bullshit or not, let it be investigated and dont use such hostile...this MaxVeloc is NEW here and all hes gotten is a hostile reception cos of this stuff he's mentioned which is not heard of before...or if it has peeps think its shit.
Lets remain open-minded and accept peoples views.
Respond back in the best mature manner you can.

thank you.
Originally posted by MaxVeloc

i believe very much that jelqing and many other Penis Enlargement exercises are important and the growth comes mostly from these.
I do give alot of contribution to my girth by just basesqueezes. I do alot of the DLD girth buster configurations, perhaps this is why i'm gaining alot of girth and no length?

We will never know what Dr.Lin's famous ballooning has to do with your growth!

So, why all this praising of his pseudo-science?

Either you "believe" it and stick with it and ONLY it or we can forget the whole nowhere leading discussion.
Just wanted to welcome tbirdy to the forum, as I would also be interested in learning more about ballooning, if there is anything to learn.

One thing that every intermediate/vet here knows is that there is no shortcut, it's hard work all the way.
Originally posted by REDZULU2003
Lets remain open-minded and accept peoples views.
Respond back in the best mature manner you can.

thank you.
You're joking, right? I mean, YOU are the one who said black women look like gorillas, but then you suggest we "respond back in the best mature manner" we can.
Holy shit.

I think everyone needs to chill.
This guy brings a new exercise which IMO won't live up to these kind of expectations. Yet this guy is being slammed! Give a guy a break, everyone's had there say by now, most of the time maybe too much to say. But just coz we don't or won't embrace his ideas doesn't mean ridicule is in order.
It's ok I dont give a shit what they think...their problem not mine...anyways i was thinking I this method would only be beneficial to people who have high pressure, or in other words the ones who are able to bring it up past 3 oclock. I have never been able to do this under 100%. im thinkin the better circulation you had as a child through puberty, the better erections you will develop, therefore you are able to open up to better expansion?

and YES 130-40% is very possible to achieve in just a few sorry i am capable of that hehehehe.

I just thought i'd share that for some peopel who may have had alot of difficulty and not seeing what is expected.

Im starting a new routine, instead of both girth and length on the same day ill start with length, but in week intervals. So i'll see how this goes, i WANT that length spurt again so badly!!! ahhhh.... please i need that 8 by xmas...ahh(hah yea right)
Waxn the Gorilla thing as I have said MANY MANY times was a joke...BRITISH sense of humour my freind...we are known for it.
As for you and me being mature with oneanother well that will always be hard as we dont like oneanother, but lest try to keep our hatred/differencses to PM please.
Originally posted by REDZULU2003
As for you and me being mature with oneanother well that will always be hard as we dont like one another, but lest try to keep our hatred/differencses to PM please.
I think you started the animosity, not me. If I made a mistake it was by openly responding to your size post, where you repeatedly sought responses.
I think you have a huge unit and you know a lot about Penis Enlargement - especially girth - and I think you try to help whomever you can. I'm sorry, but I just didn't see 7.5" girth in your picture (still don't). Not when I've seen treepapaniner (regularwhiteguy) pics of his freakish thickness.
After I responded that I questioned your measurement techniques (such as post-pumped, etc.), you've been on my shit ever since.
Furthermore, others in this forum have also doubted that you use "standard" measuring practices. All I've said is that if you claim such huge girth, take a pic with a measuring tape. If you prove me wrong, I'm man enough to admit it & apologize to you - out here in the open forum.
Do my doubts mean that I "hate" you????
nah not at all,
Again like the Gorilla in the mist drama I have forgotten about the dougt with my size...I alreay said this.
I helped you on an injury your supposed to have had remember :) I have no beef with you mate.
I said this before so I will say it again ''I dont give a fuck anymore if people belive me or not....FUCK UM''
Now leave the past in the past...we rarely speak to each other anyway so lets keep it at that.
PM me of ya want to talk-MORE.
But all this is off topic, I myself have gone off :)
yeah, i have tried not to jumo in as a naysayer . . . but increasing the volume of your penis by more than a third instantly by flexxing . . . doesn't amke any sense physically. it just doesn't work like that.

as many people around here know, the size is limited by the tough tunica material, even if this action did release some kind of hormone infusion that wouldn't all of a sudden turn the tunica and other materials in the penis into spandex . . .
I'm a bit familiar with Lin's ballooning method. You can definitely get a stronger erections when understanding the technique but you won't get a 140% bigger dick instantly. 120% at most. Listen, it's simply a way to get very aroused locally, nothing more.
Max'' post some pictures before and after with this magic method being done....just to show us this 130-140% increase and alot here including myself are finding it hard to imagine this.
Originally posted by WaxN
You sound like a verbatim rattling of that "Dr." Lin's site, with his "penile ballooning" stuff.
I don't buy that shit; nor do I buy your fast & easy generalizations - such as bodybuilders having small cocks, weightlifting causing hair loss, or the amount of DHT during puberty being responsible for cock size.
Your cock size is genetic. You can enlarge it through Penis Enlargement, but DHT doesn't "determine" your natural cock size. And as far as training, I trained like a lunatic, am now 38, and have a full head of hair. Like DLD, I also eat like shit & don't exercise anymore, yet I've never lost any hair.

Oh my gawd, all my text books are wrong about DHT???? Dr. Waxn, what do you assume is responsible for your natural size? Masturbation????

Originally posted by 8 isn't enough
Oh my gawd, all my text books are wrong about DHT???? Dr. Waxn, what do you assume is responsible for your natural size? Masturbation????

Dr. 8,
It's genetically determined. Is DHT also responsible for your height, eye color or shoe size? Furthermore, your other generalizations were full of shit.
Speaking of "doctors," Lin's doctorate is in something like marine biology, his papers had to do with oceanic wave research or something or other. Look up his resume. I ask, what the hell does his particular field of expertise have to do with penis functioning. I checked out Lin's site months ago, with an open mind, and found it to be supplement-peddling bullshit. He tosses around alot of biological terms, supplements and wacko theories, then hardballs his supplements.
I tried his ballooning method, but it did nothing for my size. Penis Enlargement, however, has increased my penile volume by about 70%. So, 130-140% instantly? No way. But, 170% over about 13 months? Yes.
One more point: DHT blockers are used in attempts to restore lost hair. If an abundance of DHT was the determining factor in penis size, then big-dicked men would be bald, & bushy-topped men would be tiny - again, more bullshit.
Originally posted by WaxN
Dr. 8,
It's genetically determined. Is DHT also responsible for your height, eye color or shoe size? Furthermore, your other generalizations were full of shit.
Speaking of "doctors," Lin's doctorate is in something like marine biology, his papers had to do with oceanic wave research or something or other. Look up his resume. I ask, what the hell does his particular field of expertise have to do with penis functioning. I checked out Lin's site months ago, with an open mind, and found it to be supplement-peddling bullshit. He tosses around alot of biological terms, supplements and wacko theories, then hardballs his supplements.
I tried his ballooning method, but it did nothing for my size. Penis Enlargement, however, has increased my penile volume by about 70%. So, 130-140% instantly? No way. But, 170% over about 13 months? Yes.

"Micropenis can occur in children with androgen receptor defects or 5-alpha reductase deficiency (failure of conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone [DHT]). Most children with these defects have varying degrees of incomplete labioscrotal fusion, resulting in hypospadias and genital ambiguity." EnlargementD/topic1448.htm

Sexual Development in a Two-Year-Old Boy Induced by Topical Exposure to Testosterone

"Virilization, including penile enlargement and growth of pubic hair and facial acne, developed in a 2-year-old boy over a period of months. This sexual development was induced by incidental and unintentional dermal exposure to a testosterone cream that was applied to his father's arm and back as a part of body building regimen. Except for penile size, the other signs of virilization diminished several months after the exposure was discontinued. "

"The change depends on a testosterone product released in male fetuses called dihydrotesterone, DHT. The change is completed at week twelve. Without DHT, the genitals of the fetus will develop into female structures."

"5-Alpha Reductase is the enzyme that facilitates the conversion of testosterone to another hormone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT). When a genetic male is deficient in 5-Alpha Reductase, the powerful DHT hormone is not produced. While testes and Wolffian ducts do exist, the male external genitals are similar in size to those of a normal female. If left intact, an adult 5-Alpha Reductase Deficiency individual will appear generally male but with small genitals and no facial hair."

"The development of the male reproductive ducts and external genitalia in vertebrates is dependent on elevated androgen concentrations during embryonic development and the period of postnatal growth. We have observed that a population of juvenile alligators living on Lake Apopka exhibit significantly smaller penis size (24% average decrease) and lower plasma concentrations of testosterone (70% lower concentrations) when compared to animals of similar size on Lake Woodruff. In addition to smaller phalli, no relationship exists between plasma testosterone concentrations and penile size in males from Lake Apopka, whereas a positive relationship exists for males from Lake Woodruff. The alligators on Lake Apopka are known to have elevated concentrations of the antiandrogenic DDT breakdown product p,p'-DDE stored in their fat. We suggest a number of hypotheses that could explain the modification in the phenotype of the juvenile male living in Lake Apopka. These modifications in phenotype include a smaller penis size, lower plasma androgen concentrations, and lack of responsiveness of the penis to the plasma androgens present. "

Your never going to win a Jeopardy round with such little research. Read man.....Reading is Fun-damental!!!

I've read more in my lifetime already than you probably ever will - and not only in English.
Furthermore, you've wrongly cited examples of people who suffer from genetic anomalies, attempting to draw parallels with otherwise normal, healthy individuals.
You also seem to be positing that you believe that the introduction of DHT into post-pubescent males will have an effect on penile development (if I understand your interest correctly). I am convinced that penile size, and all other "natural" aspects of the human body are genetically determined at the moment of conception. Of course, the mother's health/diet has a profound shaping effect upon the developing fetus. Early childhood is also a crucical time for healthy development. But, please, show me even one shread of clinical evidence that post-pubescent supplementation of DHT - or any other substance mentioned (and sold by) Dr. Lin - will affect a change on penile size, and you've silenced me.
Citing clinical anomalies does not draw any conclusive findings on healthy men. Dr. Lin has not made his case, nor have you.
By the way, I don't watch games shows - or other TV, for that matter. I usually am too busy with more constructive activities. But I'll defer to your expertise in TV game shows.
Originally posted by WaxN
One more point: DHT blockers are used in attempts to restore lost hair. If an abundance of DHT was the determining factor in penis size, then big-dicked men would be bald, & bushy-topped men would be tiny - again, more bullshit.

This goes back to androgen sensitivity and many, many other variables. Some take steroids and keep their hair no matter how long they use them. Others, have MPB during the first cycle (poor guys).

I want people to know the truth here. I didnt care at all about this thread until you started playing Dr. I only corrected your false statements and now I'm done. I dont care who Dr. Lin is personally. I dont thing DHT will increase size after puberty but DHT did control your size before Penis Enlargement.

I'm done now cause I have finals to study for.

It's quite simple, really...Like most systems in the body, correcting a deficiency is far different from supplying supraphysiological amounts of something. Think of it as an inverted bell curve, where the apex is considered "normal" or optimal. Correcting a DHT and/or testosterone deficiency will lead to normal growth (take you from the far left of the curve to the apex), but it is highly doubtful that supraphysiological amounts of DHT during prepubescence would lead to a larger penis. But you've peaked my curiousity, and I will look into this further.
Originally posted by Blade
It's quite simple, really...Like most systems in the body, correcting a deficiency is far different from supplying supraphysiological amounts of something. Think of it as an inverted bell curve, where the apex is considered "normal" or optimal. Correcting a DHT and/or testosterone deficiency will lead to normal growth (take you from the far left of the curve to the apex), but it is highly doubtful that supraphysiological amounts of DHT during prepubescence would lead to a larger penis. But you've peaked my curiousity, and I will look into this further.

Check out Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. It is a very interesting read. Penis size is said to be enormous at as early as age 11.

Originally posted by WaxN
I am convinced that penile size, and all other "natural" aspects of the human body are genetically determined at the moment of conception.
Not quite. There is no question that growth hormone (GH) grows new muscle cells and increases bone size/length, it is scientifically proven and is witnessed in adult users.
Check out Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. It is a very interesting read. Penis size is said to be enormous at as early as age 11.


I saw a sex sense program once on Discovery channel and this episode was on penis size.
Anyway it had a 5 year old that had a penis the size of a adult was normal sized from what they said but this kid was at puberty, with hair on him at 5 years old.
HTF can someone argue with that??????
Girls from India have been known to have kids as young as 7 years old.
MaxVeloc said:
well i'm not saying JUST this will give you all the answers, i believe very much that jelqing and many other Penis Enlargement exercises are important and the growth comes mostly from these. I'm just tyring to figuire out why it grows. DHT being illegal...i'm talking natural DHT i wouldn't take steroids in a million years, my body doesn't need it and I proved this to myself. PGE1, i've heard of it, forgot what exactly it does though :/ i just would think DHT could amass itself in a higher concentration along the lines in penile growth, not higher levels all over the body.

yea haha i've noticed that too my dick gets longer everytime i take a shit, how did you come up with such an idea ....that puzzles me:/

but yea it seems my length gains have stopped;however, my girth seems to have kicked in gear, i am NOTICEABLY thicker over the week i would estimate a .25 gain but im forcing myself not to measure until a month, but hey i know that shit is definately blowing up.

but hey comon people dont let yourseves down.. the science of Penis Enlargement will soon no longer be unknown, maybe if you let it be unknown and continue what you're doing ...just maybe


my dick shrinks when i take a crap.
zxcvbnm9000 said:
my dick shrinks when i take a crap.

I use my morning shit as the perfect oppurtunity to do BLASTERS. WHat better time then when you are in the Reverse Kegel position.
stillwantmore said:
Last I heard, DHT was what is making my hair go thin...which I've started taking Propecia for a couple weeks ago...and also what causes most cases of Prostate Cancer. DHT is FAR from a "superhormone with benefits for the entire body". I dont know where you got your info from man. You make some pretty wild claims too. I just cant see how this could work like you hypothesize. Cable clamps cause the penis to swell beyond normal erection level when used properly.
MaxVeloc said:
wow I just learned something, very fascinating... the more muscle mass and fiber strength gaining(pesent tense because the growth at the same time) from lifting weights can actually slow your penis growth due to competition between receptors for testosterone, hGH and the final burning of testosterone for DHT.

So Penile size is all based on the availibility of DHT and it's density in the penis throughout puberty, NPenis Enlargement increases growth recpetors there in the penis(which we all know already) hahaaa so cool.

So to simply put males with less DHT through puberty end up having smaller penises. Also a big no no is to overtrain with weights and a poor diet while doing Penis Enlargement because working you muscles too much will deplete your testosterone and DHEA left for your penis to recuperate you will actually end up injuring your penis and temporarily being impotent :( but thats still cool to know

So now all I have to do is maintain a steady diet with good amounts of protein(not loads of it) good fat to carb ratios with minimal weight training just to maintain my muscle mass.

Well that also explains why poeple say bodybuidlers have small dicks because they have so much testosterone being burned in their muscles and not enough to support their dicks and thye shrink...that realy sucks for them.. im mean me..yes i am getting out of bodybuilding now for Penis Enlargement purposes :)

peace people
Actually thats incorrect!!! If you read DLD's perception articles in the website he give a great description on this. If I'm 5'8 and 250lbs with a 8" dick. And you are 5'8 and 165lbs with an 8" dick. Who's dick is bigger.....neither they are the same. Who's dick looks bigger??
Yours because I carry 85lbs more mass. Its all relative.....................
shojii said:
Actually thats incorrect!!! If you read DLD's perception articles in the website he give a great description on this. If I'm 5'8 and 250lbs with a 8" dick. And you are 5'8 and 165lbs with an 8" dick. Who's dick is bigger.....neither they are the same. Who's dick looks bigger??
Yours because I carry 85lbs more mass. Its all relative.....................

I am glad I found this thread because I was looking at something last night that was very sobering. I saw a full body picture of Mandingo in side profile with an erection and he looked unusually long (even for mandingo if that is possible:D) I got to thinking about why he appeared to be longer than in other pictures I have seen of him and I think it came down to the comparison of his body size and height to his penis. The relationship between the two was almost awkward.
Hey MaxVeloc,
I think the exercise you are talking about sounds good. However, I was quite interested in your DHT theory and the other's responses, so I spent 1/2 hour searching and found 3 medical articles that debunk your theory.
It seems you are partially right, yes DHT plays a major role inexternal genital growth but only WHILE IN the womb, and that during puberty, it is testosterone that is responsible for dick growth.
I hope this helps and saves people time and money.

and finally this one which for me closed the deal:
Really man. For one thing, MaxVeloc hasn't logged in here at [words=]MOS[/words] since last June. Anyway, if Dr. Lin's "ballooning" BS worked so well, we would have heard about it in the Penis Enlargement world. It would be making some serious waves. I wouldn't be wasting my time jelqing and squeezing, and I'd be at my goal a long time ago. But, the truth is, in my 4 years of Penis Enlargement, I've never heard of anyone that claimed any gains from using the balooning method, other than Dr. Lin himself. And it's obvious from looking at his site that all he's doing is trying to sell you his pills. And WaxN is right, the guy's degree isn't in anything even closely related to medicine. I was thinking it was engineering or something, can't remember exactly. The point is, Dr. Lin's a quack, plain and simple. I wish I had a buck for every thread I've made this statement in. :s
velox said he can instantly expand his length and girth by 0.5" using the balooning technique/reverse kegel + abdomenflex whatever.

In my eyes its very simple :

0.5" more or less - is a day and night difference.

So whoever starts this whole debate again should show us either a video or pictures next to a ruler where he is erect at 100% and the next second superbalooned to 140%.

There are no such pictures or videos available as of yet.

I'm afraid they never will be.

Feel free to prove me wrong ! :)

Unless someone comes out with picture/video proof he should be completely ignored by all members of this community because any debate on this is a complete waste of time.

My 2 cents.