wow I just learned something, very fascinating... the more muscle mass and fiber strength gaining(pesent tense because the growth at the same time) from lifting
weights can actually slow your penis growth due to competition between receptors for testosterone, hGH and the final burning of testosterone for DHT.
So Penile size is all based on the availibility of DHT and it's density in the penis throughout puberty, NPenis Enlargement increases growth recpetors there in the penis(which we all know already) hahaaa so cool.
So to simply put males with less DHT through puberty end up having smaller penises. Also a big no no is to overtrain with
weights and a poor diet while doing Penis Enlargement because working you muscles too much will deplete your testosterone and DHEA left for your penis to recuperate you will actually end up injuring your penis and temporarily being impotent
but thats still cool to know
So now all I have to do is maintain a steady diet with good amounts of protein(not loads of it) good fat to carb ratios with minimal
weight training just to maintain my muscle mass.
Well that also explains why poeple say bodybuidlers have small dicks because they have so much testosterone being burned in their muscles and not enough to support their dicks and thye shrink...that realy sucks for them.. im mean me..yes i am getting out of bodybuilding now for Penis Enlargement purposes
peace people