Hey guys ive done some research on the penisbible and how they say it tries to bring your body back to its puberty like wise hormonal position and have found out
DHT (testosterone in its potent form).
is needed for penile growth due to it being 3 times stronger than tesosterone itself and having better capabilities to engage with the receptors in the penis.
human growth hormone[/COLOR] is needed for protein synthensizing and for cells to regenerate.
oxygen obviously and nutrient rich blood.
but the only problem is that DHT ( Dihydrotestosterone) can only be produced by the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase by cutting up testosterone a little bit.
I would deeply appreciate it if any one could help in how to supplement myself to get bigger, I know what is needed, but i just need to know how to go about it. king D would you be able to help me out.
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@betterpenis123: I thought the penisbible uses naturally penis growth (as it is statet several times on that page). If this is true what you said someone should write the author to shut down those claims on that page...I was on the verge to buying that book...but if this book is another prohormons blablabla I would want my money back. First thing I will never ruin my body with this shit and secondly steroids, prohormons etc. are illegal in the country I am living in (and thirdly the author should info about this on his page).

Cheers Josh
check it out
I Got that DHT Idea from the author who had actually tried the penis bible. DHT does not have to be taken externally like actual prohormones for bodybuilders its produced in the body like normal hormones , i think the penisbible actually increases your free tesosterone naturally so more DHT is available to circulate round your body and penis especially.
thanx betterpenis123
I looked on a couple more websites and it said that DHT was the main growth for the penis in puberty. So i recon thepenisbible is talking sense but i cant get round my head how they can increase DHT. You even cant take steroids to increase DHT. But i was thinking if you increase your hGH, testosterone level, nutrient and mineral uptake for long enough time it may increase penis size. Its just when i think about it we only use 5% of our actual tesosterone and the rest is bound due to SHBG. probably the penis bible have found a way to reduce this SHBG hormone and increase the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme inside the body.
DHT isn't what an adult male wants circulating in his body. I've heard the same thing, its more potent but will decrease test and increase estrogen.
true , but there are two forms of DHT one for scalp and prostate and one for penis growth and muscle buidling benefits like of what we saw in puberty.But it goes beyond me how to manipulate all these of hormones and factors to enlarge your penis the way you want it.
theres no way i'd want too much DHT floating about in my system especially if it was gonna damage the prostate, not bothered about hair loss as i'd just shave my head lol
Using Dihydrotachysterol (DHT), gives me a BIG-DICK, male pattern baldness and lifetime of prostate problems
Not using DHT will let keep my little dick, head full of hair and healthy prostate.
... such a dilemma
About the DHT issue,I read that he states that by taking enough isoflavones into one's body (from primarily nuts,vegetables,and fruits) along with I think a few other things , while having all that DHT that the effects for prostate problems and baldness would be significantly reduced.The only thing is that if you bigger dick you want the more couterbalancing isoflavones you must consume for protection. I found it to be a fascinating book,and really looking into this stuff for maybe down the road. Any thoughts?Please respond.
Well as said before there are two forms of this hormone(DHT) DHT-1 and DHT-2. The form known DHT-1 is found in hair, bone and skin and is responsible for blocking the action of DHT-2. And a opposing role maybe played by DHT-2 aswell , which is found primarily in the prostate, scalp and penis and works to increase hair growth and organ size at puberty by limiting the activity of DHT-1. Important hormones from the brain like oxytocin and SHBG can affect the conversion of testosterone into DHT. Some studies have been saying that hair follicles in top of a mans head have more receptors for DHT.
This could explain why men with high levels of DHT-2 are more likely to become prematurely bold, but another problem with men having too high DHT-2 levels is prostate hyplasia me thinks, inaddtion to this super high levels of DHT can cause acne due to the hormones ability to effect the oil glands in the skin. But overall though i stil cant get my head around increasing these things for the benefit of the penis.
Also some studies where carried out by some people to see what the effects were of increasing DHT-2 instead of inhibiting it.
As DHT played an important role in the improvement of red blood cell formation (erythropoiesis) as well as muscle development, this contributed to the sense of physical well-being and improved oxygen circulation in the body.

* These effects also added to the improvement in sexual functions, including libido, erection, and orgasm.

* The treated men also reported improvement in sexual libido, erection, ejaculation and orgasm.

* Protodioscin acts by stimulating the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, which plays a role in the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone.

* Physically, protodioscin treatment results in increased male fertility and sexual functions.

The reason why they didnt mention penis size was because they didnt try to increase growth hormone which is vital in protein synthesis and cell regeneratio. Some of these things here may add to the claims that thepenisbible says on its website to improve. So from my point of view DHT is definitely a hormone that thepenisbible trys to increase.
to add to this the people doing the study didnt mention how long they actually supplemented on this Protodioscin.
So what do you think,would this be worth doing safety wise?...or not? I'm still on the fence about ,but I think the potential for impressive gains is definately there. I mean it's basically saying to upload all the main hormones that were present in high amounts at puberty,sooooooo... would'nt that theoretically be alright to do without worry's?What do you think? This is so interesting.
yer i agree big time that it is really interesting, and along all the penis benefits i always wondered if it would help with muscle building due to the increase in growth hormone and testosterone aswell. But yeah i think it is safe doing it because you can always just stop if needed. But i always thought though if you are a bodybuilder would this effect your penis goals due to more uptake of testosterone and growth hormone needed for the muscles and its androgen receptors. But the hormones to have a major effect they have increase significantly probs like 800% to have the same effect as it did in puberty, cause your penis aint just gonna grow from just having an increase in those hormones
The best way that I have heard of for increasing DHT as well as total and free testosterone is by using the aromitase inhibitor supplement called "Novedex XT". A study on Novedex XT by a Darryn Willoughby at Baylor University showed increases in the above mentioned androgens of up to 700%.
There are some threads about the stuff at bodybuilding.com with links to the study.
Pretty guurrd, but i wonder though if the penis bible may have found a different way of increasing DHt by herbs , natural foods or a combination. I always tend to be really skeptical about things even if they are certain they should be right, why would the author of the penis bible tell us about how to increase penis size by growth hormone and oxygen and nutrient rich blood, and if hes trying to sell the book aint he just telling us the answer on the secret right on the first page, cause loads of people can find ways on increasing growth hormone, oxygen uptake and nutrient rich blood. But i guess he did not mention DHT which it acts like a catalyst in penile growth.
I looked furthur into that Novedex XT and the studies made showed that it significantly decreased GH levels by 45% which to me is pretty big aswell though i guess you could try to increase Gh levels along aswell by Gh releaser ingredients lowpenis had shown.
From what I understand about GH levels and how they can fluctuate by up to 1000% throughout a 24 hour period a decrease of 45% sounds almost negligable. Intense short time period exercise such as sprinting and heavy intense weightlifting for periods not exceding 30 minutes can cause dramatic spikes in GH levels. This could work as an effective way of counter-acting the 45% drop in the Novedex study.

What do think betterpenis123 ??
true, because i used to be a sprinter and i was told that after a short intense sprint your GH levels go up to as much as 30x times that of normal, but the thing is tho about instense weightlifting and sprinting or anything GH levels will only increase for a short while and then go back to normal due to homeostasis, from this i would think by continuosly elevating your Gh levels you can counteract that drop. The way i think you can go about it is by taking amino acids similar to what lowpenis has posted , but supplement yourself 3 times a day to keep it elevated, but aswell you can sprint and weightlift intensely to add to the effect of the GH spike.
To answer some of the questions on this post read the post supplements I will try to enlarge my penis with. I just posted some more in detailed information on it.
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