6/14 - 4 hours
6/15 - off (never plan off days, they happen on their own!)
6/16 - 5 hours.

THe rest really helped. Was able to extend pretty easily to a new length. Gains keep coming.

474 hours total
It'll happen brother. by the weeks end for sure!

I'm not in a hurry, any gain is a good one! I'm in it for the long haul. I am not trying to get x length by x time.

I would rather take slow gains forever than instant gains and then hit a wall.
5.5 hours yesterday. Forgot to take it home.


Measurements should be up this weekend or monday. Fun!
Hey man. I'm also really excited to see your results at 500. I read through your thread, and have since figured that it will take me a bit to work my way up in terms of time in the SG. Right now I have committed to three hours a day.

I have a question though. When you strap into the SG for 45 minutes or longer, do your glans and coronal ridge turn white (I believe the coronal ridge is the part between the head and shaft of the penis)? When I take off the strap after a 45 minute set my dick is basically white where it should be redish. Does that happen to you?
My dick has changed all sorts of colors. I just deal. As long as it is not associated with (tremendous) discomfort I dont let it get to me.

5 hours yesterday:


Measurements will be up monday by the latest!
wow. crazy gains (in the extender) the last few weeks.

Finally got in my groove with how to wear this thing and it shows. almost maxed out my 2 long bars!
This is getting crazy. Fingers crossed and dick stretched. Can't wait for the outcome. Here we go.
sbc5966;543658 said:
Starting measurement:
BPFSl = 18.4 CM
100 hours
BPFSL = 18.8 CM
250 hours
BPFSL= 19.1 CM

500 hour measurement = 19.4!

6 hours yesterday. Moving right along! Home stretch to 1k guys!
Great to hear. I wish you the best of luck and a long dick. Glad you took the time to do this not only for you, but for anyone with the disbelief that this doesn't work. Thanks.
Hey sbc, have you measured your NBPenis EnlargementL difference, from start to now? Do you mind sharing? Or are you waiting till you hit 1000 hours first before you reveal? :)
I know the start was in I think his 3rd post.

sbc5966;525983 said:
BPFS = 18.4 CM (I think metric will be better to measure gains)
BPenis EnlargementL = 16.9 CM
EL = 15.2 CM

I'm guessing he's probably around 17.7cm now or so.
Sat- Off
Sun - 3 hours.

I think NBEL is a useless measurement because it varies based on fat pad. If my BPenis EnlargementL goes up, then I know I have gained, that's all that really matters.
That being said, I am only measuring BPenis EnlargementL when I hit the 1k mark.

506 hours
2 hours yesterday. Not really feeling it the last few days. Too much mental stuff going on.

Will get back in the swing soon.

5 hours yesterday. Getting out of my slump. Sometimes your mind just aint in it!

513 total.
sbc5966;552397 said:
500 hour measurement = 19.4!

6 hours yesterday. Moving right along! Home stretch to 1k guys!

Congratulations! Hold your head high and be proud! God Bless You!
Thanks DLD. As long as the numbers go up, no matter how small (well, big enough to measure ;) ) I consider it a success.

5.5 hours yesterday. Marathon. Not a sprint.


After I get to 1000 hours I am going to start another log for my next 1k. I think then I will measure at 333 hours. That seems like the best compromise. Still will only Measure EL at the 1k mark though. I would rather wait and have a larger number.
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