Originally posted by goodbutnotgreat
if she swears up and down that she's had a 9 incher, you might want to hang onto that chick because she may win the lottery as well, but watch out during lightning storms. obviously she is prone to freak happenings.

Originally posted by goodbutnotgreat
As far as the stuff about IQ and race, man I don't even know what to say. I guess I do, but it will take a while, don't bother reading anymore if you aren;t intersted in this facet of the debate because it's pretty much topical from here on in. Common knowledge? Not common to me I suppose, if you were willing to show me some legitimate scientific studies by university researchers that clearly stated all this I would feel a little better about it. While there may be some studies showing in limited selection groups that one race or ethnicity has scored better on IQ tests, let's not forget about things like socioeconomic factors and cultural norms as well. For instance, affirmative action is not based on certain races having lower IQ's. Some would say it is not designed to function strictly as a racial measure at all, and that is counterintuitive to the arguments I was hearing because affirmative action can apply to Asians as well, and I believe they were listed by some of you as the smartest group. Affirmative action is intended to level the playing field for minority candidates that come from backgrounds less conducive to college level study, and is rooted in a much deeper socio-economic concepts than strictly superficial race. It is definately engineered with diversity in mind, but that is primarily a result of the plain fact that minoirites suffer much higher poverty rates and many other factors not advantageous in the college process. If anything it is built on the belief that there is certainly no differance in racial or ethnic intelligence other than the intellectual and social opportunites we are given. Now, I have seen one study that is quite old, that demonstrates that black people score lower on IQ tests and that a few African nations have the lowest average scores on IQ tests.
When the Supreme Court declared a few years ago that cities were no longer required to impose A.A. on their applicants, Pittsburgh Mayor Sophie Masloff (a flaming liberal Democrat) inadvertantly tipped her hand, to the chagrin of her Democratic colleagues. When she was asked if the city would eliminate A.A. completely, she sarcastically snapped, "And do what? Hire all white men?"
Understand, she was a staunch supporter of A.A., so her comments were an attempt to ridicule the court ruling. What followed in the newspapers was a breakdown of the city's civil service scores - the top were all white males, the 2nd rung was white females, then black males, then black females - practically clear-cut. This is found all across the board such as when a white male student busted Georgetown Law School & publicly outed them about blacks & women getting admitted to the school in favor of white males who scored significantly higher. This is the same old song & not even worth debating.
You can dress it up in the prettiest terms you'd like, it's still discriminatory bullshit. The slogan should be: "Discrimination is wrong - unless the Feds decide whom to discriminate against."
My white cousin Tim wanted to be a wide receiver, but he couldn't run a 4.4 forty. Should the government get involved to get him on a big college team?
I can't believe how many pathetic people in the world exist who think the reason of government is to engage in social experiments. The ones whom Ayn Rand so accurately described, a half century ago, as "second-handers." And this distressing idea has only gotten worse.
Originally posted by zeiofen
i also agree that there's not a major genetic disposition regarding intelligence between the races, all our brains are the same, that's true. so let's forget the black/white thing. why is it a common stereotype that asians are good at Math ?? even if they live in America, they are better, why ? is there something in their environment that trains them to be skilled in math ? counting thousands of rice grains per meal i suppose... j/k
Not meaning to whip a dead horse, but that statement you made - about all brains being the same - is sadly mistaken. I'm being dead honest in telling you that I have an uncle who's a Harvard-educated pathologist (maxed out his SAT, etc.), he explained this to me to the contrary. He's not a bigot, but is in fact sympathetic towards blacks. But he gave me some outlandish medical gobbedlygook - which I did not understand - about differences in brains between various races. There are indeed size differences, on average, but that's not the most significant differences. It had something to do with neural activity, blah, blah, blah. The point being that there is a difference, and that more than a few medical professionals know intimately about it.
Why don't we hear about it?
You'd have to be kidding. How about a medical career down the drain when the Orwellian PC Storm Troopers would descend upon such a doctor who dared go public.
Originally posted by REDZULU2003
Waxn....we know you dont belive the gene thing I go on about.....you than compare it to Jacko and yourself weightlifting, sun-bathing and passing on tans, muscles and other shit.

You forget to mention AGAIN.....this would be one genaration...yourself.........not 1000's of GENARATIONS like I say.
A few years of messing about with ya body aint gunna pass jack shit on to the next bunch....but and I say AGAIN.....Many THOSANDS of years [1000 years] of persistance, dedicated work may very well do it.
Red, I used those examples to put it into language you might understand - but you obviously didn't.
You apparently believe that you can alter your DNA by doing Penis Enlargement - which is what you'd have to do, however slightly, for there to be any cumulative effect, even after "Many THOSANDS of years," as you put it.
That's beyond absurd. I give up. You are entitled to believe any foolish nonsense you like.
Good day.
oh i see what you're saying

i meant the structure and capabilities for cognitive functioning are the same.... but you know what i didn't even graduate HS, so i'm not going into all the gobbledygook, since i don't even know it, but here's what i do know..

yes even within the White race, there are subcategories -
Nordic, Alpine, Mediterranean - all skulls are different, hence brain sizes are different.

i mean brains the same, skulls differentiate among sub categories of race of course.
Yeah, I can see where RED may have come up with his idea, but I agree with WaxN.

Traits such as penis size (i don't think, even after mapping the genome, we have found the specific gene) may not even be genetic. I don't think my father had a large penis, but my brother definately did. It could be something like ... chance... or certain nutrients in the mother's womb. (edit) I STILL stick to my INTELLIGENCE theory!! If you're reading and studying, blood is sent to your brain to refresh it and oxygenate it. If you're thinking about pussy or engaging in physical activity all the time, well... same goes for your dick. I read somewhere on here that supposedly big dicks can come from physical activity, and sports players have the stereotype of both a big dick, and a dumb head. Whereas computer geeks or nerds have the stereotype that they can't get girls (small dick).
I would know I had a best friend that got me out of my nerd stage a long time ago, he has a HUGE dick, and he used to be the neighborhood/small town star. He's now the president of the SENIOR CLASS. Trust me this kid had a 7 1/2" in 6TH grade! I had a ... 4 1'2 " maybe ? Imagine what I THOUGHT!!! in addition he is the youngest in our class with a birthday in the summer. He's like 8 1/2 " now i think.

If it was genetic , which parent would it be passed from, possibly not even from the father. And since large dicks are rare, it's possible that it is not a DOMINANT gene, like blue eyes. Say Small dick is "a", big dick is "A" if dad has "Aa" and mom has "aa" you would get a small/average. whereas if she had "AA" you would get the big dick. This might not be true at all, but remember studying genes and how traits are inherited ?? If you get the "Aa" you're average, if you get "aa" youre small. See where I'm coming from ?

Which goes to say, you can't affect your DNA through stretching your dick. I don't THINK. According to current science. Now who knows, science always proves itself wrong. Maybe the people that are genetically predisposed towards being obese had ancestors who were just gluttonous.

Since to my knowledge we're just all average joes, fucking with our dicks to make 'em bigger, we need to quit trying to be college professors to each other!

Who knew a Penis EnlargementNIS ENLARGEMENT FORUM would have such intelligent and philisophical thinkers?!?! It's amazing, I might have to stick around and stop lurking.
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ah well man, i am hesitant to get into a discussion about affirmative action because for some reason this topic pushes buttons like no other. guess it was pretty obvious i am for it, haha, i can't hide my true feelings.

so far as the civil service deal, that goes along with my whole point that the black educational experience isn't as good in this country. i mean, the same score would seem to indicate that men are smarter than women, and there is no evidence to substantiate that is the case.

i think affirmative action is a good thing. obviously it is a form of discrimination, and no doubt some white people are going to lose out on some positions because of it. but let me put it this way, i feel that black people are a substantial disadvantage in what is an overhwlemingly white power structure. affirmative action is intended to give minority groups that don't have access to the same advantages and avenues as white men a chance to succeed, then hopefully make more money, live in better neighborhoods, send their kids to better schools, ect.

affirmative action was meant to aggressively address the racial division still very present in the country and create a stronger foothold for minorites in the establisHydromaxent. i'm a white male from an affluent background, and no way in hell do i think others like me deserve to or should be running and owning everything. we don't have any less right to do so if we can, but i think it is clear that black and other minority societies have tremendous problems stemming from lack of access to opportunity and destitute communites. the percentage of white millionares over black millionares is higher, the percentage of black people living in poverty is higher, incarceration rates are higher, almost no blackk CEO's, fewer doctors, alwyers, architects . . . the list goes on, and it's the same for hispanics as well. certain groups in this country don;t have the same resources and access, and just because you don't see them every single day doesn;t mean they aren't there and don't deserve a shot at elevating themselves. in every interview i've seen with young minority delinquents, gangbangers, whoever, they always respond to the question of "why crime" with a response of "why not? how else can i get ahead."

it may be possible for them to get ahead other ways, but fat chance telling that to a kid who was bounced through a thousand foster homes or was raised by an uncaring realative because their single mother of a father on death row died of a drug overdose, and they're surrounded by easy access to drugs and violence. plenty of white people go through this too, but again, the numbers are disproportionate, and being that i have traveled in differing white groups, whether it be at my parents country club, listening to my fellow students, realatives, any number of what you could easily call the white establisHydromaxent, there is still a degree of racism that very much exists. i found this to be true when we lived in sherman oakes CA, when we lived in Vermont for a few years, and the rest of my life down here in sweet old VA. society at large is not a fair open playing field of sympathetic white people if you're a minority, it's an uphill struggle where any advantage can make a tremendous impact, and i embrace the idea of minorites getting these opportunites, even at the expense of equally hard working white people. it's a long time coming if you ask me. even many of our white ancesotr, be they irish, italian, whatever, were once considered something of a minoirty and discriminated against. it seems sili to have a system excluding certain nationalities now, and i seem the same deeply flawed nature in an all-white power structure.

i don't mean to characterize all black and ethnic communites as rotting hellholes, but if you look at the statistics a young black male has at making it in life compared to a young white male, it's quite frightening. imagine you're a black person, or a black parent for that matter; everyone always says "i would want my kids to be successful on their own merit!" well i say if i was a minority you better believe i would be all for affirmative action, and as a plain old white boy i'm all for it too. people see affirmative action as unfair to those losing spots, i see it as fair to those gaining them. if the government we to take the 87 billion bones proposed by bush for iraq and spend it on a massive public works project to overhaul the 100 worst schools and minority neighboorhoods in the country, then maybe i would say we don't need something like affirmative action, which is basically free, but thats never going to happen.

i'll be mailing off a small mountain of college applications shortly here, and if i were to lose a spot at one of my top schools due to affirmative action, i can honestly say i don't mind. social equality is at the very heart of affirmative action. i believe that programs like it must be continued and encouraged. if this is truly the land of opportunity, then certain things must be changed. we didn't get rid of slavery and emerge with a bill of rights and so on through all popular movements and programs, people, especially us white people, are notoriously afraid of social change. if a black kid from the middle of yonkers new york that struggled through four years at a violent public school with underpaid unsympathetic teachers can even step on the same palying field as a white kid that grew up in the suburbs and never had to face that kind of reality, then i say he's earned a spot at the college, even if the white kid got a 1400 on the SAT's and the black kid got a 1370. college and job admissions are more than just about numbers as well. students are people, and labeling them by race might seem dehumanizing in some respects, but in a program designed to help people succeed that have so many more reasons to fail, i see it as a very human and appropriate gesture.
I have another bit to add because I agree with GOOD on this.

Growing up in Atlanta, going to majority black schools(except military school), I've been at a major disadvantage.
Even though I still have my smarts to rely on, I grew up without a father, and my two brothers (for the majority of my life)

Basically what I'm saying, this is true with a lot of black kids, except imagine me... I'm kind of like Eminem. I listen to rap and I do drugs all the time. I'm kind of in the situation of 8 mile except not as poor (i have a computer and internet obviously)
but I live in a 1 bedroom apartment, don't even have my own room, and sleep on a couch. I know there's a bunch of black kids like this, and what you call "wiggers". There's rich wiggers and real OG's (original gangstas) like me and some friends.

I didn't have much going in my life, thanks to drugs (what we call THE TRAP in ATL, listen to rap you'll hear about the Trap), smoke weed everyday and just try to forget about our problems, the majority of people i smoke with are Black and maybe one hispanic, but just mainly black.

IT's the environment that got us into the drugs, and it's just an eternal circle, if I keep on what i'm doing, i will do just like my father, not pay child support and go to jail, and be a drug addict. this is what a lot of black families go through.

the only thing you can do is try to equalize the class structure in society, which will lead to less crime, stop locking people up for drugs, and they will do them LESS (proven statistic), get rid of HOMEWORK for kids, and put them in JOBS at an early age!!! internships you know ??? this will push the economy SO much you wouldn't believe it, kids over 13 should have minimum wage jobs, doing schoolwork. I'm serious, we should get paid to do schoolwork, stop giving us meaningless shit, have us do your faxes or whatever Business people do so we get a head start on things. this is kind of an extreme liberal statement, but i hated homework so much, i would just rather smoke a blunt, you know? i'm not getting paid for this shit, i have nothing going for my life, why should i even give a fuck ? this is the mentality of most of the lower class today in America. hope it has some insight from the youth of my generation for ya
wow, like ten new posts while i wrote that . . .

all i really wanted to say was that brain size differance, perhaps, but it might interest you to know that neanderthals had larger brains than homo sapiens ever had or will. size doesn't matter in the thinkin' department . . . unlike some other things i could mention . . .

that's swell your uncle is well educated and thinks that, but uh, well i'll double check with the pops, who is a research MD, and some of his nerd researcher buddies as well, so they aren't just gonna be some dudes down at the gym or anything, but somehow i just can't imagine it being a consensus that there is empirical evidence that black people have less brain power along purely racial lines. i've broken down why it doesn't make sense genetically and anthropoligicaly a few times here, but you seem to be pretty set in your ways about it, as am i.

as far as there being a liberal watchdog on the truly conservative thinkers of the medical community? not likely man, i grew up in it and i can say views all are all over the map but even in the uppermost ranks they lean left pretty hard, as do any politcal bends on medical journals, reviews ect. and no place is more liberal when you get down to it than harvard, except maybe yale on alternating years. there seems to be a real conservative claim that when conservatives express the "real truth" about the world they get slammed by some kind of powerful liberal majority. well look around you dude, liberals don't have their shit together for anything like that, and by nature the left is more timid. you might have been scared shitless by some anarchist with ten piercings named SCAZZ throwing maltov cocktails at starbucks during the seattle riots, but they aren't part of any politcal network but their own. most of what the conservatives call "liberals" are pretty moderate centrists along the lines of good old slick willie clinton. i mean, the biggest liberal attack dog is al franken, a dude from SNL. theres no liberal radio network, TV news, whatever else, and certainly no liberal watchdogs that would stop MD's from coming out en masse if they thought there was substantial proof black people had lower IQ.

think for a moment, if this was established in any kind of legitimate manner, then you would hear about it, people would say it. if it could be proved with solid science you could find it in a few medical books, it would be taught in neoroscience and psychology and anthropology courses, and brother i spend all my time in school it seems, and i have never heard anything like that. it's pretty clear how you feel on the whole race issue in general, i've met many people that i think share a lot of your views, although i would be remiss to say i have a handle on all your beliefs, but i also know from experience that you probably won't tolerate anything i say about it, so i would just ask that you think about it, or do some research into it for yourself. shit, guess i did have a lot to say. i'm logging more words on this thing than i am in real life with other people. excellent!
haha, sorry man, if i was as good at tugging on my dick as running my mouth i'd be hung like a texas bull . . . maybe i should redirect some of the energy . . .

zeiofan has it right though, look at him, he's obviously very intelligent and well-spoken and he came through tremendous hardship. if you just took a sanpshot look at him smoking a blunt and hanging around and held it next to me in all my preppie shitheadedniss, especially if he had a different skin color, the average person would make the assumption that i deserve to go to college or get a job more.

but man, i've been arrested for DUI, i cheat like crazy at school and i binge drink on weeknights just to make the time go by, and really i'm only going to college because i want money. i'm no scholar by any means. by all standards i'm a pretty rotten kid for all the advantages i have just been handed in my life, and they'll pay off for me surely, but i don't deserve my opportunities, i just got them. looking from the other side, there has to be something to make it fair, for intelligent hard working people who didn't have it easy.

things don't change by themselves, you have to make them change. people will always resist, but when affirmative action was concieved it was intended to shake thigns up and create change, and it needs to happen, and one day it will. then all the white people in america are going to have to overcome their fear of being shoulder to shoulder with minorites wherever they go, because that is the future and it's a good one, in my opinion that is.
Originally posted by goodbutnotgreat
hi all, this is my first post on any of these boards, forgive me if it's boring or doesn't advance the topic appropriately, I'm new to all of this. First off, the comments about race and intelligence in a previous post were beyond ridiculous and completely offensive. As a fairly standard young WASP, I often have a difficult time keeping in line with a fully PC rhetoric, but suggesting that race bears significant correlations with IQ across the board is just ignorance. I have gleamed that calling somebodey stupid on these boards is frowned upon, but I would suggest that plastering ass-backwards racist philosophies on a penis enlargement forum is an equally regrettable offense. Secondly, and this is a throw back to an older segment of the conversation, but I fealt compelled to weigh in, what Red Zulu I think is his name, was saying can be absolutely correct as far as evolutionary science is concerned. While other posters were quite correct in stating that environmentally derived characteristics are not transferrable generationally, that does not mean that a large penis could not be emphasized over genetic drift influenced by cultural standards. If Samoan culture placed a societal premium on a large penis, as indicated by engaging in Penis Enlargement, than having a particularly large penis may have awarded them a better opportunity to pass on their DNA. Whether this was through greater status in the society, awarding them more wives or more resources, or any number of other possibilities, generally speaking anything that gives you a "leg up" in culture increases your reproductive success. This being said, if the guys with the biggest wangs were reproducing more in a society that placed a premium on large penises, then over time their DNA would become more prevelant. ANY culture where a man could advance his status and prestige through an advertised penis size would eventually produce a favorable proportion of hung dudes. As for the video stuff, I have looked at some of DLD's studies, and based on what I know about optics and such he generally has a very good point in saying that the "big dick" driven �naked people movies� market is filled with distortion. There are some very large penises in the small amount that I have seen, but I have experience in some digital video work through friends, and the tell tale signs of manipulation are present in pretty much all of the current �naked people movies� I have seen. Even in the videos featuring very well-endowed men. Well, sorry for the long post, you all are a spirited group of debaters!

What you are describing is called "sexual selection", which is a term coined by Darwin, and which is still considered a legitimate notion today.

What Red was describing is a concept known as "inheritance of acquired characteristics", a concept championed by Lamarck, and which was abandoned centuries ago as foolishness.

The two are about as similar as bowling bowls and ice cream.

Guys...... do a google search and find the definitions of the following terms:

1)Lamarckian evolution

2)Darwinian evolution


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Originally posted by WaxN
Red, I used those examples to put it into language you might understand - but you obviously didn't.
You apparently believe that you can alter your DNA by doing Penis Enlargement - which is what you'd have to do, however slightly, for there to be any cumulative effect, even after "Many THOSANDS of years," as you put it.
That's beyond absurd. I give up. You are entitled to believe any foolish nonsense you like.
Good day.

Agreed on all points.

Not to mention the fact that all the evidence points to the notion that Samoa *has not had people on it* for "many thousands of years" - but was only colonized somewhere between 1200 and 1600 BC.

So even if Lamarckian evolution were possible (though this is about as likely as the Earth being flat), there probably haven't been people on Samoa for thousands of years anyway.
hey man, thanks for the input . . .

i understood perfectly well what red's contention was, i wasn't aggreeing with his explanation of how it works . . .

just saying that it could be possible for cultural emphasis to select for larger penis sizes and therefore he was not entirely incorrect in his statement, just incorrect about how it might function . . . just tossed it in for the sake of argument.

guess i should learn better than to play devil's advocate on these boards . . . people don't like it!
also, sorry to keep flogging this shit bro . . . but did you rad my post?

i say quite clearly that i know environmentally derived characteristics are not inheritable, then go on to explain cultural emphasis as a factor in reproductive fitness, i.e. one of the primary factors named by darwin in the greater process of sexual selection . . .

maybe the text is jsut to headache inducing to read, but this is like the third time people ahve tried to explain to me how basic evolution works . . . i know how it works bros . . . go back and read what i wrote if you can stand the eye-strain!

*While other posters were quite correct in stating that environmentally derived characteristics are not transferrable generationally, that does not mean that a large penis could not be emphasized over genetic drift influenced by cultural standards.*

*** this is a block from my very first posting on the subject, please take note of the first sentence. ***
Originally posted by goodbutnotgreat
also, sorry to keep flogging this shit bro . . . but did you rad my post?

i say quite clearly that i know environmentally derived characteristics are not inheritable, then go on to explain cultural emphasis as a factor in reproductive fitness, i.e. one of the primary factors named by darwin in the greater process of sexual selection . . .

maybe the text is jsut to headache inducing to read, but this is like the third time people ahve tried to explain to me how basic evolution works . . . i know how it works bros . . . go back and read what i wrote if you can stand the eye-strain!

*While other posters were quite correct in stating that environmentally derived characteristics are not transferrable generationally, that does not mean that a large penis could not be emphasized over genetic drift influenced by cultural standards.*

*** this is a block from my very first posting on the subject, please take note of the first sentence. ***

Ten-four. You know your stuff. I was merely trying to clarify that what you were saying and what Red was saying were two different things.

Anyway. How ya doing? Welcome to the board. :)
Lassen Sie uns Reality mit Mut gegenüberstehen. Erinnern Sie sich, A ist A. Meine Frau genießt meinen dickeren Schwanz.
- auf Wiedersehen,
hi waxn, thanks bro, i was actually replying to metal ed who sent out a post once again clarifying that environmentally derived characteristics don't modify DNA and thus are not inheritable . . .

pretty obvious red isn't reading this thread so what the hell, enough evoution for me . . .

thanks for the greeting, i'm excited to have stumbled across this, seems to be a lot of smart and funny dudes posting here, i've enjoyed reading the thread . . .

i've experimented with some Penis Enlargement in the past, mostly wet jelqing routines with some squeeze type moves thrown in, with stetching as well but never as much as girth work. i never kept it up for more than 6 weeks or so at a time as i didn't really see any results and started to feel it couldn't work for me.

recently i heard some dudes discussing the topic of Penis Enlargement and it resparked my interest a bit and i found matters of size through some other boards that came up on google searches. now i'm just trying to organize an effectice workout. so far i'm stoked . . . even if the Penis Enlargement doesn't work these threads are pretty good stuff, i would never usually post on anything on the internet, but there's so much personality here i just wanted to be a part of it.
Metal Ed said:
DLD, you wrote the following in your lengthly (and very helpful) "Is everything what it seems" post:

Again my opinion, but I think the difference between men who never P.E.ed fall into the average size area within about an inch either way. I think that men who engaged in alot of masturbation growing up may have slightly longer units than the people who didn’t due to the constant pulling. So I think men are not born huge...I think most of us are born with the same opportunity as the next. >>>>>

Over at �other forum� I posted the following information. You might find it interesting.


Ever since starting Penis Enlargement I have noticed an increase in nocturnal erections. I've always gotten hard-ons while sleeping, but now, even more so.

Very often I wake up with a partial erection all squished up in my tighty-whiteys. Often times it is very much like doing a partially erect bend or partially erect squeeze. And everytime I wake up like this, I wonder just how long my penis has been in that state.

Lately I've been thinking back to my adolescence and remembering how I would often sleep through multiple nocturnal erections. I got quite good, for example, at holding back my urine and never having to get up in the middle of the night to piss. I'd hold it all in until morning. And so I'd wake up with a throbbing hard-on that had been subjected to a prolonged squeeze or partial bend for who knows how long.

As a teenager, I always wondered if that was bad for my penis, or if I was unknowingly doing something that would affect my penis in the long term.

Lately, with my newfound knowledge of Penis Enlargement, I've been wondering if years and years of sleeping this way, throughout my growth years, contributed at all to my pre-Penis Enlargement 7 x 5.7 size.

Or maybe I'm just sniffing glue and there's no connection at all. Still, I got to wondering.....


I also posted a poll at �other forum�, encouraging members to enter their pre-Penis Enlargement sizes and choice of underwear durng their teenage years. I intend to look for correlations after I get enough responses.

I am not sure if I should post the same poll here? I know a lot of guys come here and to �other forum�, so I didn't want to be redundant.

If there is enough interest from the guys here I'll set up a second poll here and pool the results.......

Or you guys can just post with your pre-Penis Enlargement measurements and choice of underwear (boxers or briefs).

Another great thread buried.
Since this has come back up I might add my experience.

I was backpacking in Australia in a National Park and there was a beautiful waterfall where a lot of people were swimming, including families.

Quite a few of the young children were swimming naked which is very common down here, and I was struck with amazement at a young boy of only 3 or 4 with about a 4 inch thick flacid penis. It was bigger than most grown mens. On the small body he looked like a mini __________!!

Who knows where it ended up in size, but it was relatively huge at a young age.
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