>>>>No disrespect to you...but I am stickin to ma guns
That's cool.
>>>A saying.... 'Life will find a way' / 'Life will evolve' comes into effect here IMO.
No, it doesn't.
Evolution involves the passing on of genetically determined traits.
Penis Enlargement is environmental, i.e., not genetic.
>>Theirs an island I cant remember where.
>>>But theirs like shit loadz of finches their.
<>>Now we all know they eat seed.
><>>>But these finches many 1000's of years ago ran outta this food.
>>>>So they evolved to eat blood from other animals.
>>>>Its true...I saw a program on it.
>>>>These finches eat and drink blood.
Correct. The finches that could survive on blood lived and passed on their traits. Over time, the ones that could thrive best on blood were favored.
This has nothing to do with an individual adapting itself to eating blood, then passing on those blood-eating abilities to his descendants.
This has to do with some finches being naturally a little better at living off of blood than other finches, surviving when others couldn't and passing on those traits to their descendants.
>>>When these finches hatch outta the eggs their instinct it to >>>>drink blood...not the seeds they would crave milleniums ago.
Because all the finches who couldn't live on blood died.
>>>But I dont want some huge argument or debate over this.
>>>>Its in the wrong subject anyhow....but its MHO based on >>>>facts I have gathred.
Don't take this personally, but it's against all evolutionary theory and there's not a biologist in the world who would agree with your take on what happened with the finches.
Now, will someone please tell me about their pre Penis Enlargement size and their choice of underwear?
That's cool.
>>>A saying.... 'Life will find a way' / 'Life will evolve' comes into effect here IMO.
No, it doesn't.
Evolution involves the passing on of genetically determined traits.
Penis Enlargement is environmental, i.e., not genetic.
>>Theirs an island I cant remember where.
>>>But theirs like shit loadz of finches their.
<>>Now we all know they eat seed.
><>>>But these finches many 1000's of years ago ran outta this food.
>>>>So they evolved to eat blood from other animals.
>>>>Its true...I saw a program on it.
>>>>These finches eat and drink blood.
Correct. The finches that could survive on blood lived and passed on their traits. Over time, the ones that could thrive best on blood were favored.
This has nothing to do with an individual adapting itself to eating blood, then passing on those blood-eating abilities to his descendants.
This has to do with some finches being naturally a little better at living off of blood than other finches, surviving when others couldn't and passing on those traits to their descendants.
>>>When these finches hatch outta the eggs their instinct it to >>>>drink blood...not the seeds they would crave milleniums ago.
Because all the finches who couldn't live on blood died.
>>>But I dont want some huge argument or debate over this.
>>>>Its in the wrong subject anyhow....but its MHO based on >>>>facts I have gathred.
Don't take this personally, but it's against all evolutionary theory and there's not a biologist in the world who would agree with your take on what happened with the finches.
Now, will someone please tell me about their pre Penis Enlargement size and their choice of underwear?