Originally posted by samzman
u sound like a salesman lol. shit you sold me i'm gonna check it out.

Everyone should. I just finished a hour long session and I feel as thick as Chilé:D At this rate I will hit my girth goals before length. This is a huge change for me because length is usually so much easier.
so what exactly is the extreme bottom? and will this help out with curvature? if not can you give me a routine that will?
Hi,..it's my first post on your forum DLD:)

First,..just want to say how much I appreciate your useful advice, and that you also offer some help for free members.:)

I intend to incorporate these Girth Busters into my routine next week,..so just a couple of small questions I hope that you or anybody else can answer.

1) How much permanent size increase do you feel that you have gained due to this girth routine?

2) At the moment I have about 5" erect girth,...if I do this exercise correctly, how much would you expect my girth to temporarily increase to ...after a workout using this routine?
An extra inch, maybe?
(Just trying to find a way to figure out if I'm doing the routine correctly when I start)

I hope somebody can let me know how much of a pump they get from this, in inches...
From the sounds of it, people here seem to be actually seeing a great pump. Something I've found difficult to get using other techniques, since I started a couple of months back.

Thanks to anybody who can help.:)
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Hey yo all.

I was wondering if I really got into this girth plan, I could get to 8 inches + girth in no time, but am on length at the moment, but this is listed for the future;)
Originally posted by REDZULU2003
Hey yo all.

I was wondering if I really got into this girth plan, I could get to 8 inches + girth in no time, but am on length at the moment, but this is listed for the future;)

Red, No doubt when your ready this will get you to 8. I think girth beyond 7 is such a rarity in Penis Enlargement. I only know a few non-pumpers who have made this incredible size. I believe in if anything can give you the big 8 it is Girth Busters. I feel as strongly about Girth Busters for Girth as I do DLD Blasters for length.
Not sure if I have the girth busters right. What little time I have alone at the house, doing the Blasters with a twist is making a difference with both the feel and look of it.

Originally posted by decow
DLD: Have you made any gains lately from the girth busters?

Maybe .25" since I started them. I have been revising the workout to maximize the time spent. After the workout I can't get my hand around my penis.

Originally posted by Godsize
Is this something that should be done daily?

I do it daily. As I said earlier my finished version of this exercise with play a big role in the new Phase 4 of the MOS Program. This workout is very intense and anyone doing these should be extremely careful.
When you say grip at extreme base, what hand position do you mean? Is it palms down, (or palm facing the body?)... 'cause if it is, that grip doesn't seem to work for me. It doesn't trap blood like the reverse grip I use to clamp off (back of hand snug up against fat pad, palm facing outwards).
For example, the grip that Gandolf uses in his DLD bend video... that way don't work for me... the grip he used in the Uli video.. that's the one that works for me....just how awkward do you think it'll be to try to do these moves that way?
Originally posted by Godsize
When you say grip at extreme base, what hand position do you mean? Is it palms down, (or palm facing the body?)... 'cause if it is, that grip doesn't seem to work for me. It doesn't trap blood like the reverse grip I use to clamp off (back of hand snug up against fat pad, palm facing outwards).
For example, the grip that Gandolf uses in his DLD bend video... that way don't work for me... the grip he used in the Uli video.. that's the one that works for me....just how awkward do you think it'll be to try to do these moves that way?

I think it is definetly worth it...even as a modified version. For me NOTHING Trains girth more thoroughly than this combination of exercise. I trained the dry portion of this exercise for 60 minutes yesterday and today...I WAS BLOWN AWAY BY THE GIRTH! I was looking down at my cock and it did not look like mine, it looked so much thicker.
dude if you cock gets any thicker poor jen is going to need stitches after a good sex session
Originally posted by samzman
dude if you cock gets any thicker poor jen is going to need stitches after a good sex session

Originally posted by samzman
lol :)

We actually just had sex not 60 minutes ago. She is still walking funny.
LMAO. yeah dude that's what i liek to hear

my girl noticed my gains too. i have done those girth exercises that you suggested and she told me right off that she felt a major difference. and i could tell too because i think she enjoyed the sex more
Ya know, I really can't "grasp" those dry jelqs. Not only did they feel like they were doing nothing, they kinda hurt my skin on top of that. I know I'm doing them wrong, but damn my hands drag down that shaft! Doesn't feel good at all.

Now the wet part, that I could handle. My shaft was covered in tiny red spots after all those squeezes. They usually go away after a little while, but does that mean I'm getting somewhere?
yeah i think it does. i think it means that you're forcing more blood in there than normal which will make it expand more. which i guess will lead to more girth. we'll see right? :)

but yeah. i think ur on the right path. keep doing what you're doing and if you feel a lot of pain just STOP. wait until the pain goes away then start up again. other than that.......go for and gain brotha :D
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