starting stats 2012-12-18
nbpel : 6,25
bpel : 6,50
mseg : 5
beg : 5,25

yesterday: 2014-04-01
16 months of PE | total gain | 4 month gains
nbpel : 7,25 | +1.1 | +.1
bpel : 7,75 | +1.25 |+.15
mseg : 5,4 | +.40 | -.10
beg : 5,75 | +.50 |+0

Appearance chage since last measurement :
Slightly curved upwards
xelabou;573199 said:
One year Penis Enlargement mark

From 18 dec 2012 to 18 dec 2013

Non-Bone press erect lenght went from 6.25 to 7.25, one inch gain.
Bone press erect lenght went from 6.5 to 7.75, one inch and a quarter gain
mid shaft erect girth went from 5.0 to 5.5, half inch gain
base erect girth went from 5.25 to 5.75, half inch gain

I've never considered flaccid measurement motivating to track, but its definetly bigger than it used to be!

To make it easy, I had set myself a goal to gain .75 inch from every erect measurement.
I've beaten that on length by +.25 !
But missed .25 on both girth. measurement :(

All in all, I'm very very pleased for what I've gained from joining [words=]MOS[/words] community.

Sex talk
Over the last year there have been a alot of up and down in my steady relation (13 years) with a woman (mother of 2) I love so much.
Penis Enlargement gave us a renewal in our relation. DLD once replied : "Enjoy your little miracle", AMEN BRO ! AMEN !
Lets say shortly that I've gained a lot of confidence and "tolerance" to her attractiveness
At start, confidence went from hardness of erections, later on, from infamous temps girth gains to hitting far away spot that she didnt knew of !
Damn, I've watched so much adult entertainment for edging in 2013. I've very very rarely cumed on it. I've always keeped it for my wife.
That lead to a LOT of frustration when she was not on the mood or during her period !
I've confronted her and her lack of sexual enthousiam. Shes not a bitch, nor a whore .. not even super horny.

NOTE : I have read a lot of various thread about Penis Enlargement motivation vs wife. Thanks to [words=]MOS[/words] forum for all this input !

So, I,ve decided to write a letter telling her I love her, but the way we are splitting our life.
Fucking like we're squaredancing the standard.
How I envy divorced couples banging when they dont have childs in da house. (friends testimonials are sometimes OMG!)
Not knowing what she dont like to do, not knowing exactly where is her limit, fearing reject of trying new things and being said :Where did you learned that ? - [words=]MOS[/words] Forum darling !
I never gave her that letter.
I've told her every point face on face, she listened and changed things up, one boring thing at a time.
There is a lot to do, but the challenge is worthwise !

Does she know ?
She know I'm "stretching up" in the shower, she had made allusions to it once or twice but I did never admited doing something else than "kegeling" which I highly suggest she start doing so herself.
I hope she never found out [words= ]Bathmate[/words] hidden in the closet. If so, she could easily google "Hydromax" and know what I'm into.
I think she does ... and love it. So she dont mind asking why ! Fearing denial ? ... Fearing I could stop "training" ?

Penis Enlargement in the family
So, one of my boy (2 yo) is now clean on the poo-poo and he kegeling with his dick after peeing. It almost disappears ! He seems to find this very funny and I encourage him by laughing gently and telling him I notice his penis disapears :)
The other one (6 yo) have been told by a medic he have to stretch his foreskin.
There is no paradox, I've been through this myself ! This is only ironic that I sometime need his cortisone 1% cream and I'm am his private Penis Enlargement coach !
Lets say I must be very cautious on the kind of advice/exercise I give to him. He seems to dont care about the issue :/ I do !

I dont remember my father (RIP) helping me on this, this was made exclusively by my mother. (long time memory may fail)
My father later contributed otherwise by letting adult entertainment VHS in range !
He also ... let some books... There were pictures... But one of this book was a novel.
The book was called "La petite gourmande", I've read it twenty years ago.

La petite goumande
I've never found out this book on google. This query leads to too much results:/
Dont know what could be the english title for that.
!!! There a 5$ paypal ransom on this finding !!!
Heres the synopsys.
Antoine, a married guy is impotent.
??? (let call her Angie) is a shy girl.
Antoine get introduced to Angie and begin doing BDSM with her.
Antoine gets introduced a foreign guy ?? (let call hime Mike ::) who tell him how to get his dick longer. (some herbal things, nothing explicit I though worked for real at the time)
Lets says married wife got very pleased that Antoine got a big dick and is no more impotent.
Later on theres a final swinger orgy, a new guy (Angie finally got a boyfriend) stands in front of Antoine and Mike saying : Damn you guy have such a big dicks, whats your trick.
Bigs dick guys replied, like, "this is our secret, if everybody knew, we wouldnt look big"
... not the end ...

I've left my adolescence thinking I would stay 6 incher forever... good thing come in small packages ... "petite graine dure vaut mieux que grosse graine molle"
As of 32 yo now, I would read this book in a totally other way of thinking !
Like a mix up of shade of grey and [words=]SRT[/words] ?:(

So, whats next
Dont be fooled, I wouldnt have gained that much just doing jelqs, kegels or eating radish.
I get most of the gains from [words= ]Hydromax[/words] and two hands half erect stretches.
Did I follwed [words=]SRT[/words] by the book ? No I'm a smart guy, I've decided to do most mistakes by myself ! (havent cut the frenulum yet with my metal ruler ;))
Doing [words=]newbie routine[/words], all messed up. Seeking whats working for me.
I should buy myself an [words=]ACE[/words] wrap bandage for post lenght training, one of the missing piece of my arsenal !!!!
I buyed myself a second set of cockrings today ... all the other were loose (proof of use)
Maybe a real dry pump ?
I dont have any clamping routine or equipment...
I dont think I'd like to hang mecanically... maybe I'll consider after a 2-3 month plateau, not reaching the next goal.

2 new goals !
By now, I'd like to get to 8 inches NBPenis EnlargementL. That would be a .75 inch gain. For a total of 1.75 gain ! I could do it in 1 more year
BPenis EnlargementL would follow next to 8.5 inches ! isssshhh, my wife will certainly notice something weird happening to me !
I'd really love to have that 6' mid shaft girth but I think my lenght work is not helping.
Let say 5.75 MEG before July 2014.

Various things:
bone pressed gains have always been precursor of my NBPenis EnlargementL visible gains
Temp gains are greater when doing [words= ]Bathmate[/words] while fully rested & high EQ level
Working on length after girth job exhaustion is a great way to extend the duration of the Penis Enlargement session (and extend the penis itself)
A bigger cock (more cubic inches) needs more blood to lift!!!!!!!! Many newbies struggle with EQ problem. Work your cardio and eat the RIGHT things.
Like a play-dohh compound sausage, your girth is not going to get bigger while getting longer, only healing process slowly bring new meat to the meal.

On this final image, let just say thanks for reading. I've being doing so myself a lot of time during the last year and this is how I learned.

Wonderful work and gains inside a year! Congratulations and keep up the good work!
xelabou;573199 said:
One year Penis Enlargement mark

From 18 dec 2012 to 18 dec 2013

Non-Bone press erect lenght went from 6.25 to 7.25, one inch gain.
Bone press erect lenght went from 6.5 to 7.75, one inch and a quarter gain
mid shaft erect girth went from 5.0 to 5.5, half inch gain
base erect girth went from 5.25 to 5.75, half inch gain

I've never considered flaccid measurement motivating to track, but its definetly bigger than it used to be!

To make it easy, I had set myself a goal to gain .75 inch from every erect measurement.
I've beaten that on length by +.25 !
But missed .25 on both girth. measurement :(

All in all, I'm very very pleased for what I've gained from joining [words=]MOS[/words] community.

Sex talk
Over the last year there have been a alot of up and down in my steady relation (13 years) with a woman (mother of 2) I love so much.
Penis Enlargement gave us a renewal in our relation. DLD once replied : "Enjoy your little miracle", AMEN BRO ! AMEN !
Lets say shortly that I've gained a lot of confidence and "tolerance" to her attractiveness
At start, confidence went from hardness of erections, later on, from infamous temps girth gains to hitting far away spot that she didnt knew of !
Damn, I've watched so much adult entertainment for edging in 2013. I've very very rarely cumed on it. I've always keeped it for my wife.
That lead to a LOT of frustration when she was not on the mood or during her period !
I've confronted her and her lack of sexual enthousiam. Shes not a bitch, nor a whore .. not even super horny.

NOTE : I have read a lot of various thread about Penis Enlargement motivation vs wife. Thanks to [words=]MOS[/words] forum for all this input !

So, I,ve decided to write a letter telling her I love her, but the way we are splitting our life.
Fucking like we're squaredancing the standard.
How I envy divorced couples banging when they dont have childs in da house. (friends testimonials are sometimes OMG!)
Not knowing what she dont like to do, not knowing exactly where is her limit, fearing reject of trying new things and being said :Where did you learned that ? - [words=]MOS[/words] Forum darling !
I never gave her that letter.
I've told her every point face on face, she listened and changed things up, one boring thing at a time.
There is a lot to do, but the challenge is worthwise !

Does she know ?
She know I'm "stretching up" in the shower, she had made allusions to it once or twice but I did never admited doing something else than "kegeling" which I highly suggest she start doing so herself.
I hope she never found out [words= ]Bathmate[/words] hidden in the closet. If so, she could easily google "Hydromax" and know what I'm into.
I think she does ... and love it. So she dont mind asking why ! Fearing denial ? ... Fearing I could stop "training" ?

Penis Enlargement in the family
So, one of my boy (2 yo) is now clean on the poo-poo and he kegeling with his dick after peeing. It almost disappears ! He seems to find this very funny and I encourage him by laughing gently and telling him I notice his penis disapears :)
The other one (6 yo) have been told by a medic he have to stretch his foreskin.
There is no paradox, I've been through this myself ! This is only ironic that I sometime need his cortisone 1% cream and I'm am his private Penis Enlargement coach !
Lets say I must be very cautious on the kind of advice/exercise I give to him. He seems to dont care about the issue :/ I do !

I dont remember my father (RIP) helping me on this, this was made exclusively by my mother. (long time memory may fail)
My father later contributed otherwise by letting adult entertainment VHS in range !
He also ... let some books... There were pictures... But one of this book was a novel.
The book was called "La petite gourmande", I've read it twenty years ago.

La petite goumande
I've never found out this book on google. This query leads to too much results:/
Dont know what could be the english title for that.
!!! There a 5$ paypal ransom on this finding !!!
Heres the synopsys.
Antoine, a married guy is impotent.
??? (let call her Angie) is a shy girl.
Antoine get introduced to Angie and begin doing BDSM with her.
Antoine gets introduced a foreign guy ?? (let call hime Mike ::) who tell him how to get his dick longer. (some herbal things, nothing explicit I though worked for real at the time)
Lets says married wife got very pleased that Antoine got a big dick and is no more impotent.
Later on theres a final swinger orgy, a new guy (Angie finally got a boyfriend) stands in front of Antoine and Mike saying : Damn you guy have such a big dicks, whats your trick.
Bigs dick guys replied, like, "this is our secret, if everybody knew, we wouldnt look big"
... not the end ...

I've left my adolescence thinking I would stay 6 incher forever... good thing come in small packages ... "petite graine dure vaut mieux que grosse graine molle"
As of 32 yo now, I would read this book in a totally other way of thinking !
Like a mix up of shade of grey and [words=]SRT[/words] ?:(

So, whats next
Dont be fooled, I wouldnt have gained that much just doing jelqs, kegels or eating radish.
I get most of the gains from [words= ]Hydromax[/words] and two hands half erect stretches.
Did I follwed [words=]SRT[/words] by the book ? No I'm a smart guy, I've decided to do most mistakes by myself ! (havent cut the frenulum yet with my metal ruler ;))
Doing [words=]newbie routine[/words], all messed up. Seeking whats working for me.
I should buy myself an [words=]ACE[/words] wrap bandage for post lenght training, one of the missing piece of my arsenal !!!!
I buyed myself a second set of cockrings today ... all the other were loose (proof of use)
Maybe a real dry pump ?
I dont have any clamping routine or equipment...
I dont think I'd like to hang mecanically... maybe I'll consider after a 2-3 month plateau, not reaching the next goal.

2 new goals !
By now, I'd like to get to 8 inches NBPenis EnlargementL. That would be a .75 inch gain. For a total of 1.75 gain ! I could do it in 1 more year
BPenis EnlargementL would follow next to 8.5 inches ! isssshhh, my wife will certainly notice something weird happening to me !
I'd really love to have that 6' mid shaft girth but I think my lenght work is not helping.
Let say 5.75 MEG before July 2014.

Various things:
bone pressed gains have always been precursor of my NBPenis EnlargementL visible gains
Temp gains are greater when doing [words= ]Bathmate[/words] while fully rested & high EQ level
Working on length after girth job exhaustion is a great way to extend the duration of the Penis Enlargement session (and extend the penis itself)
A bigger cock (more cubic inches) needs more blood to lift!!!!!!!! Many newbies struggle with EQ problem. Work your cardio and eat the RIGHT things.
Like a play-dohh compound sausage, your girth is not going to get bigger while getting longer, only healing process slowly bring new meat to the meal.

On this final image, let just say thanks for reading. I've being doing so myself a lot of time during the last year and this is how I learned.

Wonderful work and gains inside a year! Congratulations and keep up the good work!
starting stats 2012-12-18
nbpel : 6,25
bpel : 6,50
mseg : 5
beg : 5,25

yesterday: 2014-08-18
20 months of PE | total gain | 4 month gains
nbpel : 7,25 | +1.0 | +0 --- gained pelvic muscle
bpel : 7,85 | +1.35 |+0.10 + precursor of nbpel length
mseg : 5,5 | +.50 | +.10 5.5 all the way, except
beg : 6,00 | +.75 |+0.25 6.0 near the base

Appearance change since last measurement :
Some bumps, no so even

Experience change :
Almost bottoming GF
High EQ and [words=]stamina[/words]
Last edited:
xelabou;600040 said:
starting stats 2012-12-18
nbpel : 6,25
bpel : 6,50
mseg : 5
beg : 5,25

yesterday: 2014-08-18
20 months of PE | total gain | 4 month gains
nbpel : 7,25 | +1.1 | +0
bpel : 7,75 | +1.25 |+.15
mseg : 5,5 | +.50 | +.10 5.5 all the way, except
beg : 6,00 | +.75 |+0.25 6.0 near the base

Appearance chage since last measurement :
Some bumps, no so even

Experience change :
Almost bottoming GF
High EQ and [words=]stamina[/words]

Congratulations Brother those are some killer gains for such a short period of time. Keep up the good work!
xelabou;600040 said:
starting stats 2012-12-18
nbpel : 6,25
bpel : 6,50
mseg : 5
beg : 5,25

yesterday: 2014-08-18
20 months of PE | total gain | 4 month gains
nbpel : 7,25 | +1.1 | +0
bpel : 7,75 | +1.25 |+.15
mseg : 5,5 | +.50 | +.10 5.5 all the way, except
beg : 6,00 | +.75 |+0.25 6.0 near the base

Appearance chage since last measurement :
Some bumps, no so even

Experience change :
Almost bottoming GF
High EQ and [words=]stamina[/words]

that is AWESOME!!! congrats on your gains!!! how much do you like looking at your cock and how much more confident are you when a girl pull out your cock?
youknowme.. yes, lasting longer in bed. Having a bigger flacid and erect dick is confidence builder. Fitness was the key to keep a blood pressure level high enough to keep EQ of a bigger cock up !
As for the GF ... she gets wider as I get larger. But I rarely cum before her ...

Thanks DLD for the support, I corrected the post quoted...There were some wrong numbers. Yeah, its a short period of time. I'm 110% satified with it !

Almost in a cementing phase for lenght now. Working on girth. I'm not doing enough jelqs.
Since 4 months. I'm doing a 5-10 minutes routine in the morning after 30 min leg workout.
Lactic acid... shower, stretchs, 1 set pump&kegels, jelqs .. Over.
xelabou;601768 said:
youknowme.. yes, lasting longer in bed. Having a bigger flacid and erect dick is confidence builder. Fitness was the key to keep a blood pressure level high enough to keep EQ of a bigger cock up !
As for the GF ... she gets wider as I get larger. But I rarely cum before her ...

Thanks DLD for the support, I corrected the post quoted...There were some wrong numbers. Yeah, its a short period of time. I'm 110% satified with it !

Almost in a cementing phase for lenght now. Working on girth. I'm not doing enough jelqs.
Since 4 months. I'm doing a 5-10 minutes routine in the morning after 30 min leg workout.
Lactic acid... shower, stretchs, 1 set pump&kegels, jelqs .. Over.

Support is what the Brotherhood is all about! I am glad to see you progressing and using that success to fuel your future gains!
2-3 week ago, erect girth went from 5.5 to 5.0 $#*&?!!

Here are the factors.
Took cold showers exclusively for a week. (testing Testosterone impact)
Did lot of hair plucking job and more stretch than usual.
Did 2 heavy wrapping with bandage
I did also used [words=]bathmate[/words] during this period...

ok EQ with thin and long dick but missed the fatty look.
But this way I gained some length.
I lost a lot in girth which may be temp gains, but none of the lenght went away.
Base girth went 6.0 to 5.6

I managed to get back to the new MEG 5.5 nce since last measurement. took me 2 weeks of focus on girth to get back to last best size.

I hate this wrapped bandage exercise, it kills EG temp gains.
Maybe I'm wrapping too tight?
Most likely the girth was not yet cemented and with it's quick return I would say just remain consistent to make it permanent. As far as wrapping goes, it does need to be tight enough to keep your length at it's longest but I can't imagine that it would effect your erection quality. If it really is effecting it you could use another method of staying elongated like the [words=]SizeGenetics[/words] at a lower setting or even the [words=]VLC[/words] using a strap. You could also try to wrap less tightly but if there is no real extension it will not be doing the function it is supposed to.

Are you practicing Kegels everyday? This goes to help eq big time.
6 months since no posts.Where am I now ? 2 years and a half... after beginning enhancement.

Havn't had any gains in girth. 5.5'' all the way = half inch gain since start.
Almost 8'' bone pressed now. You know, when it hurt during measure..! like 7 7/8'' = 1.5 inch gain since start.

DLD got it right about poor EQ and its bad for PEing... October losses were due lack of physical activity.
Since I did nothing to help it through winter & spring, now I look forward a great PE summer and fun !

My PE routine during winter was
2 [words=]bathmate[/words] session per week (3X5 minutes & jelqs)
morning stretch
few kegels

nothing to get gains in fact.
I made myself the vacuwine tweak with plastic wrap.
Maybe 10 times ? And Its really really increasing temp gains.
Like it was when I first started with PE!
It really deserves much attention by people hitting plateau... like me (and consistency).
xelabou;643778 said:
6 months since no posts.Where am I now ? 2 years and a half... after beginning enhancement.

Havn't had any gains in girth. 5.5'' all the way = half inch gain since start.
Almost 8'' bone pressed now. You know, when it hurt during measure..! like 7 7/8'' = 1.5 inch gain since start.

DLD got it right about poor EQ and its bad for PEing... October losses were due lack of physical activity.
Since I did nothing to help it through winter & spring, now I look forward a great PE summer and fun !

My PE routine during winter was
2 [words=]bathmate[/words] session per week (3X5 minutes & jelqs)
morning stretch
few kegels

nothing to get gains in fact.
I made myself the vacuwine tweak with plastic wrap.
Maybe 10 times ? And Its really really increasing temp gains.
Like it was when I first started with PE!
It really deserves much attention by people hitting plateau... like me (and consistency).

You gotta start low pressure pumping if you want to get girth gains and also for them to stick around.
Started protein-whey diet and morning exercise. arginine ++ free test ++ !
Tried lower pressure and longer sets 2 X 10 min.
I see the difference, base girth went upper to the eye.
EQ is way higher than 10 days ago.

GF loves the hand job !
xelabou;645753 said:
Started protein-whey diet and morning exercise. arginine ++ free test ++ !
Tried lower pressure and longer sets 2 X 10 min.
I see the difference, base girth went upper to the eye.
EQ is way higher than 10 days ago.

GF loves the hand job !

Great job man, yep dont overdo it cause its easy.
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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