
Well-known member
Do you guys get that nasty smell, no matter how much I wash It wont go away. You guys have any Ideas?
Well it depends what you mean..
Is it the normal uncut dick smell? this comes because you're dick is a little wet all day under the Forskin. like kinda when you where cut you're dick never smelld and now it does?
Or is it a realy bad smell? Then it could be a fungile infection. There are many fungile infections that you can catch from a woman witch don't "realy" affect men. The girl is iching like hell and so on, all that you have is mabe a change in smell. If this is you're prob you better go to a Dick doctor. He will give ya a creme for it and it will go away in 2 - 3 days

Sorry for my bad english and i hopei could help ya ;)
Oh and by the way, you can get infections like that by you'st touching a toilet seet with you're dick while shiting ,where somebody befor you was on who had that infection
Supra, that is one of those things I hate too. Since I have that foreskin restored, it is a constant problem to wash and try and keep it clean....I too hate the smell. I am clean but it is an every day thing. GS
Man spry it with AXE body spray after you get out of the shower and you'll be all good! Well more than likely! I've always been uncut and all I do is wash it very good in the morning, and I make sure I wear boxers, cause undies seemed to make me sweat more. Everytime I take a piss I make sure to wipe my pee hole with some tissue so there is no left over pee that gets caught in my foreskin. Also after sex I seem to smell like my girlfriends pussy for about 36 hours after sex no matter how much washing I do. Also if you jack off and cum, make sure to wash it off while it is still fresh, otherwise when it dries up it might smell and be hard to wash te smell all the way off.
Yeah man, you gotta take the pros with the cons. I'm cut and glad i am but theres always the benefits to being uncut. Don't play into a steriotype of uncut guys though. One of the very few kids that i went to highschool with (the only one that i knew was uncut) was uncut and a girl was going down on him and had never been with a kid that was uncut. Well the only thing she said was when she pulled his pants down it smelled terrible and she could'nt follow through and blow him. Well, its obvious that not all uncut guys smell but thats how she took it and the whole thing grossed her out.

Any dick whether cut or uncut can smell pretty gross if its not clean and proper and from what i've read being uncut a guy must make sure to be "more" clean (meaning he msut simply wash his dick more and be completely thorow) since a build up can occur underneath the skin. When its pulled back, out it can come. Thats what the girl thoguht of every uncut guy it was pretty bullshit and she was ignorant just becuase the norm here is cut dicks and thats all most girls have had. I wonder if girls in europe think its wierd to see a cut guy. Either way in pictures of erect dicks they all look the same.
Be careful when spraying Axe in the groin region. I got careless one day and accidently sprayed my balls with the stuff and it burned like a mother fucker.
Uh-Oh said:
Be careful when spraying Axe in the groin region. I got careless one day and accidently sprayed my balls with the stuff and it burned like a mother fucker.

Good to know man

LIfe is a motherfucker!
Micksnatch to you're question about europe,
I can only speak for Germany and yes it is very very uncomen here to be cut!
The only people who are cut over here are people who had to have it done because of medical issues. Another thing is the VERY small population of Jews who live here ( The secound world war still has its scars).
All together i would say:
90 -95 % are uncut in this country
Supra said:
Thanks guys for the help. Crazy I ran outa Axe as I was doing that, kinda sucks. Lol

For real!!! Man that does suck!

Supra I forgot to add, everytime you get out of the shower make sure the area under your foreskin is completly dry. The moisture will create a smell, any type of moisture will create a smell. so keep it dry and you should be all good!
hopful said:
Micksnatch to you're question about europe,
Another thing is the VERY small population of Jews who live here ( The secound world war still has its scars).

What do you mean by this?
I mean that since the world war 2 the percentige of population with jewish religon in Germany is very low. And thats just a fact.
Micksnatch to you're question about europe,
"I can only speak for Germany and yes it is very very uncomen here to be cut!
The only people who are cut over here are people who had to have it done because of medical issues. Another thing is the VERY small population of Jews who live here ( The secound world war still has its scars).
All together i would say:
90 -95 % are uncut in this country"

Yeah that makes sence. I think majority girls from the usa prefer cut dicks while girls in other parts of the world don't care as much. It's jsut that USA mentality of "we're the best country in the world and every one needs to accomidate our
customs and we don't need to learn yours bullshit". I went to europe when i was 18 it was the best time the culture is more relaxed people were very nice and it was a really good overall impression. I really didn't want to come back it was a blast especially the night life and drinknig age being like 17.

"Originally Posted by hopful
Micksnatch to you're question about europe,
Another thing is the VERY small population of Jews who live here ( The secound world war still has its scars).

What do you mean by this?"

I think hes saying that since the second world war the jewish population has fallen significantly. Since almost all practicing jews are circumcized that is another reason while there are so few circumcized guys in germany.
jep you thats what i meant ;)
And P.S.
In Germany Beer, Wine and Ciggaretts are legal at the age of 16
Therefor we are first allowed to take a drivers licens at the age of 18 and hard alcohol is from 18.
Well it's good on the other hand with the drivers licens, in Germany you don't have a speed limit on the motorways ;)
Those of you who are uncircumcised don't know the difference that those of us who are/were circumcised and now are deveoping a foreskin are experiencing. Yes, we are learning that you have to clean and dry our penis and it is much different than when we didn't have a foreskin. Try as we might, we don't know all the details of handling the least yet. I try and use toilet paper or something to catch any drops of urnine after taking a leak, but that is not always successful. I have enough foreskin that I create moisture from the cells that we have now developed. So, that is the rest of the story. GS
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hehe ;)
Why do guys think a uncut dick stinks?
God its a normal cock smell if you wash him now and then ;)
And about the european girls
I havn't met a girl over here that has ever had a look on her face like "Ewwww..." In the opposit, they would have a funny look on if you are cut!
Just popped in for a second and you guys are having a great new debate on foreskin restoration without me! Thanks alot! :)

The percentage of circumcised men world-wide is about 15%. For the most part, the entire male population of the planet Earth is fully functional and uncut. There are only a couple other countries on this planet that mutilate their baby boys at birth like us, and that is Israel and some Muslim nations (makes you think, huh? ;) ) That makes us a minority, and it is very arrogant to think that European women would prefer an uncut cock. Circumcision is something that has been conditioned into us by our Judeo-Christian based culture as normal. Any European woman who sees an uncut cock is going to think that the man is either Jewish or American or Muslim, or maybe had some kind of medical problem that necessitated a clip. It might be novel in appearance, but this theoretical female is not going to be in awe and have an instant orgasm. She would probably ask the man why he was cut.

An uncut cock is better for a woman when having sex. When the foreskin folds back during an erection, it forms a band of ridges along the top side that is positioned perfectly to stimulate the female G-spot. The extra loose skin forms a kind of sheath around the thrusting penis as well, making the act less abrasive...that's what we call the gliding sensation. The penis glides inside its own skin instead of rubbing the walls of the vagina. A female will also stay lubricated better with an uncut man. As the man goes into his backthrust, his uncut cock kind of pulls back into its own skin instead of sliding out and exposing her juices to the air.

Uncut men are also statistically BIGGER than cut men. Circumcision removes 50% of the surface skin of the penis, blood veins, nerves and important sexual structures like the frenelum. Scarring, reduced blood circulation, and fibroplast adhesions reduces a circumcised man's potential cock size by 20%. A child who normally would have developed an 8 inch cock in adulthood can expect to have only a little over 6 inches if cut at birth. Conversely, if you have a 5 inch dick now and are tightly cut, you could end up getting an extra inch and a half of dick just by doing FR. The size boosts are well documented among the foreskin restorers. Without doing any Penis Enlargement at all, they are reporting increased flaccid hang and girth at the begining of the restoring process, as pent up penile shaft is allowed to come out of the abdomenal cavity, and then at intervals along the way, as adhesions are broken down, circulation improves and the penis expands to fill the new, more voluminous penis skin.

If some magic genie told me I could have an extra 1 to 2 inches of cock, but I had to clean it a little more often or it MIGHT smell a little, I'm sorry, I would choose the 2 inches of cock. Saying you don't want a bigger, healthier more sensitive penis because of the stronger scent is like saying you don't want a widescreen HD tv because you have to sit farther back from the screen.

Besides, my wife likes the smell. It turns her on.
"and it is very arrogant to think that European women would prefer an uncut cock"
"Any European woman who sees an uncut cock is going to think that the man is either Jewish or American or Muslim"
I think those comments are a little mixed up you meaning a cut cock not uncut cock.

I think the debate before was good becuase it wasn't really a debate, it was just guys talking about some different issues and circumcision. When all these facts come in from kong its starting a "real" debate of circumcised is better or uncircumcised is better. I don't think either is better or worse just different preferences from guys. I personally think the shit about getting a girl off with an uncircumcized dick is bullshit but thats my opinion. You can read a whole lot of stuff on a pro circumcision sight and get a bunch pof great facts and then go to another anti circumcision one and find the oppisite. When it comes down to it a girl doesn't care if your cut or not but just how good you fuck them and make them cum screaming for more.
As far as judging the "facts" presented by two sides of an issue, pro and con, you have to decide for yourself what you feel is the correct one. One thing you can do is ask yourself who might have something to gain or something to lose. Anti-circumcision advocates (they call themselves "intactivists") really have nothing to gain from lying about the issue. They call for infant male genital mutilation to be stopped. There is no profit to be had or lost in this. They only ask for the practice to be halted and the ADULT MAN to be given an informed choice on the issue-- that the act not be commited on helpless children without their consent. The pro-circumcision faction has plenty to lose. Circumcision is a very lucrative business. The income from circumcisions nets the medical industry in excess of 1 billion dollars a year, not to mention the secondary income from selling products like KY Jelly (for dry, chapped pussies) and Viagra (for men who can't get it up anymore). Taken in that light, I'm sure you can see why some would not want this message to be spread. The medical industry wants -- No, NEEDS -- to keep you uneducated and thus unable to take a stand against an outdated and unnecessary medical procedure!

PS-- I'm sure when the medical establisHydromaxent perfects foreskin reconstruction surgery, they will then advocate restoration. Of course, they'll keep circumcising babies as long as possible, but for the fellas who grow up and want it back, they'll fix that, too! Just more profit! :)
Half-cut is better than all cut. :D


Mick, I have no problem with circumcision whatsoever. If you think a circumcised penis looks and works fine, I'm happy for you! But don't you think it might be nice for all of us to have the choice? I know I would have liked to have had a choice in the matter. After all, it is my penis.

I keep running into this "just shut up and accept it" attitude, which I think is very odd coming from some of the men on this forum. Especially since they did not accept the "medically proven fact" that you can't enlarge your penis without surgery. I know mine is bigger. How about yours? So much for medical opinion!

If you like being cut, that's great. I really am happy for you. Really. But don't lie and say there is no difference between cut and uncut. That's either ignorance or denial. Common sense alone dictates that a penis works better with all the parts still connected.
1. Yeah my girl likes my dick smell aswell ;)
2. I never said that european girls would say ewww when they saw a cut dick! I said (or at least meant to say) that european girls would rather give a comment ( like why? or how come?) to a cut dick as to uncut dick. If they see a uncut dick they won't say anything because its normal for them. And this comes from the fact, that the most european girls haven't ever seen a uncut dick.
3. I love my forskin and play with it when ever i can ;) hehe
4. Refer to point 3 because i don't know what else i should wright and thats a time when i do it ;) hehe
I've comtemplated FR to some extent myself, as so many have spoken about the benefits. Now, things like this make me wonder. The anti-circumcision advocates have acted as though penile odor is a flat-out myth from the medical industry. Clearly this is not the case.
Well i don't know about cut dicks but uncut dicks have a normal dick smell. I guess the coment of uncut dicks have absolutly no smell comes from the fact, that the normal dick smell is no where near the smell of an unwashed penis. And a uncut dick does absolutly not smell like a smelly winkie. I mean i know that smell since I've been a litlle kid and it's absolutly normal. I wouldn't call it a oder because it's just pure normal and i couldn't imagine how my dick should smell if i were cut. And i can'T imagine that cut dicks don't have any kind of smell...
It's ridiculous to say that a cut dick doesn't smell! I'm cut and it stinks if I don't clean myself. Now that I'm restoring, there is a MILD almost sweet smell that I notice at times. That's all! It doesn't attract flies or make women vomit when I walk by. I only notice it when taking off my t-tapes. There is a smell, yes, but rank, that IS a myth! The bottom line is, every dick smells bad if you don't wash.
by the way, mick, are you cut or uncut?
I'm cut.

All i'm saying is that kong when you talk about circumcision its like the hospitals and people are out to get you and steal from you. No doctor forces a baby to be circumcised YOU have the option as the guardian and father of your child. Trust me, doctors and the medical industAlsory don't need circumcision to stay profitable. Yes, they make money off of it but the make money off of anything and can try and fuck you a million other ways. Also, doctors and health care did not invent circumcision, the jews started this tradition as a covenent with god (yes trust me i can see the irony)

Ok but why am i even talking. I am NOT pro circumcision. Kong i mean no disrespect but since you do have a big impact on this board when you talk about circumcision its like doctors are out to mutilate kids for profit and forskin is the best thing ever which will add on 2 inches to your dick and sex will be multiplied exponentially end of story.

"If you like being cut, that's great. I really am happy for you. Really. But don't lie and say there is no difference between cut and uncut. That's either ignorance or denial. Common sense alone dictates that a penis works better with all the parts still connected."

Im cut and younger than most people here but ill bet i can fuck girls better and have a better orgasm than most. IS this ignorance? no...Is it Confidence? of course and you need it to be a really good fuck.
kong when you talk about circumcision its like the hospitals and people are out to get you and steal from you.

Oh, but they are... ;) Don't be naive. Especially when there is money to be made. I am a businessman and a salesman. I have nothing against having a business and making money, but the one thing I hate is a dishonest salesman. Every fact they present to encourage people to continue having boys circumcised is fallacy. Medical studies have shown that, and the movement to stop routine circumcision is growing, but there are still alot of "snake oil salesmen" out there, pushing this product, which does more harm than good. That's the main problem I have with it. Fuck, figure out a way to cure cancer, guys! Stop cutting off the good meat!

No doctor forces a baby to be circumcised

Uhhh...okay. I know I didn't sign a consent form when I was 1 day old!

YOU have the option as the guardian and father of your child.

Wrong. In Canada and other countries, circumcision cannot be done without the consent of both parents. In the USA, the father has no rights whatsoever concerning this. I am older, more experienced, and found this out the hard way. Once my exhausted, drugged wife signed the consent form (after being told that it would be cleaner and healthier) it was a done deal. I came in from work and said No way and the doctor sneered and said "Well, it's not really your choice, is it?" True story, gentlemen. I hate that fucking bastard.

Trust me, doctors and the medical industAlsory don't need circumcision to stay profitable.

And McDonald's doesn't need to sell fries. But it sure makes the GP margin look better!

Yes, they make money off of it but the make money off of anything and can try and fuck you a million other ways. Also, doctors and health care did not invent circumcision, the jews started this tradition as a covenent with god (yes trust me i can see the irony)

Jews began to circumcise as a "covenant with God" (good sales pitch). They also began to circumcise because their religious leaders wanted to drive a wedge between man and woman, seperating them emotionally, so that the church would have more influence over them. I have researched it, and the intent is clearly stated in some of their religious texts. By reducing a man's sexual pleasure, and increasing a female's discomfort, they would be less bonded together and more likely to devote more of their time to their religious leaders.

The original Jewish circumcision was just a little nip compared to now. Later in history, as Jews were exposed to other cultures, some Jewish men began to stretch their clipped foreskins so they could fit in with these new people, pulling it out and tying it with string until they were restored. The reaction of their religious leaders was to create a new form of circumcision in which almost all the skin of the penis was removed. What we call the "high and tight". It resulted in men growing up with our common present day problems: curved, stunted penises, erection problems, sensitivity loss. It also kept the Jewish men of that day from having anything to grab ahold of and stretch. They didn't have tape.

Ok but why am i even talking. I am NOT pro circumcision.


Kong i mean no disrespect but since you do have a big impact on this board when you talk about circumcision its like doctors are out to mutilate kids for profit

Yep. It's the perfect scam.

and forskin is the best thing ever which will add on 2 inches to your dick and sex will be multiplied exponentially end of story.

Pussy is the best thing ever created...but, yeah, foreskin is awesome. If you were cut high and tight, restoring can give you added length and girth. You will not even be able to imagine the difference in pleasure unless you try it. You can do t-taping for a month or two without commiting and find out, but that is up to you. I only speak from my own knowledge and my own experience. Why wouldn't I want to share something that I feel is wonderful and beneficial? I love you guys and want you to have a choice, and if you are having problems with your penis...if you are having E.D. like I was, if you don't enjoy sex like you used to, if your penis is stunted and curved, if you get painfully tight erections, you should have an opportunity to know what may be causing it! If your car is broke down on the side of the road, wouldn't you want someone to tell you how to fix it?

Im cut and younger than most people here but ill bet i can fuck girls better and have a better orgasm than most. IS this ignorance? no...Is it Confidence? of course and you need it to be a really good fuck.

Ah, the confidence of youth! :) I don't doubt one bit that you can split a pussy in two, Mick. I'm not being sarcastic either. I can split a pussy in half, as well, my friend (sometimes more than once in a row-- at age 33)! I have confidence in spades...and two other things: knowledge and a drive for self improvement! I realize that you are young and quite satisfied with your lady tamer, but when you are 10 years older, and the old twig and berries are starting to get some mileage on them and you notice that you're not as horny and not as sensitive and lightning bolts don't shoot out your ass when you nut'll remember these conversations and debates and think: "Hmmm, maybe I'll give that a try." That's plenty good enough for me, and it's the only reason I keep spreading the word when so many of you young fellas don't want the message. Being a dad, I have learned that sometimes you can tell a young man the truth and be believed, and sometimes all you can do is plant a seed.
I'm cut and i'm all for FR, but i'm not so sure about the smell part. Also, i don't know if i buy into the notion that sex will feel better for a woman if the man is uncut. Yes, i understand about gliding due to the foreskin but the friction caused by the rubbing of the penis to the vaginal wall does in fact cause great pleasure in women. Everytime i've had sex with a woman while wearing a condom and then take it off and continue to have sex, all the women always comment that it feels much better without the condom cause with the condom they didn't feel as much friction.
I don't think the difference is as great for women as it is for men. I think it is mostly comfort and not drying out as easy. Perhaps the difference is this: with a cut penis, tight skinned, the female is being stimulated by one hard, solid object thrusting in and out, almost like a dildo, but with an uncut man, it is more like the female is being stimulated by moving folds of skin, with the glans thrusting out, hitting the top. My wife, in fact, made the comment that I felt like a dildo before, very solid and unmoving, where now it is "softer" (meaning the gliding, not the penis! :) ) She said that she can do it for hours now without getting sore, and she doesn't go dry like she used to.

And just a note for the guys. This is how sensitive it will get: You know the best, most awesome, powerful orgasm you ever had in you life fucking the sexiest woman you ever laid felt? That will become a normal jacking off cum. I'm not kidding. I put some lotion on the tip and beat off today, running my skin up over the head, and came so hard that I had to take 5 just to regroup! :) Pussy is twice as good as that! :) :) :)
kong1971 said:
Jews began to circumcise as a "covenant with God" (good sales pitch). They also began to circumcise because their religious leaders wanted to drive a wedge between man and woman, seperating them emotionally, so that the church would have more influence over them. I have researched it, and the intent is clearly stated in some of their religious texts. By reducing a man's sexual pleasure, and increasing a female's discomfort, they would be less bonded together and more likely to devote more of their time to their religious leaders.

The original Jewish circumcision was just a little nip compared to now. Later in history, as Jews were exposed to other cultures, some Jewish men began to stretch their clipped foreskins so they could fit in with these new people, pulling it out and tying it with string until they were restored. The reaction of their religious leaders was to create a new form of circumcision in which almost all the skin of the penis was removed. What we call the "high and tight". It resulted in men growing up with our common present day problems: curved, stunted penises, erection problems, sensitivity loss. It also kept the Jewish men of that day from having anything to grab ahold of and stretch. They didn't have tape.

That is all pretty interesting. Got any links that provide any good, credible information on that? Sounds like a good read.
I would just like to add to this thread that I have had both.....I got a circumcision a couple years back....

It was the worst Circ in the history of the world....
Sorry Kong, you have never seen a bad circ scar buddy.....and other problems
(show you waht I mean when I get a webcam or a digital camera)

And it really is Mutilation, like Kong says (you sometimes may think the guy takes it too far, but he dont)
When I took the bandage off, I wanted to kill myself, it didnt look like anything but something that should be hanging in a meatlocker

But to day after all the shit has healed, and after some Penis Enlargement to make the circ scar look a little better, well I can honestly say I like it cut, even though I had a REALLY REALLY shitty circumcision
If I could do it all over, I wouldnt have got it, but if it was a good circumcison, i woulda liked it better......
See I got it at a shitty small town hospital, where the doc probly doesnt get too much practice

Nothing a little Penis Enlargement cant help on the self consciousness
I feel so bad for you, Vlad. I toally believe you and wish someone had tried to talk you out of it, but people are so embarassed talking about penises. At least you have healed and have gotten used to it, and now you know that you can restore if you begin to lose glans sensitivity over time! Some do. Some don't.
Ok not to still too much up but heres what im saying... SOME people do like being circumsized, me for one. Just if you plan on having a kid soon, don't automatically think you are doing your son a favor by not circurcising him so he'll be "better off",this desicion is not to be taken lightly. A couple months ago me and my friends (both male and female) we're talknig to one of my friends' sister (as she was having a child) about circumcision. Every single person said if they had a son they would circumcision.

They female opinion in that discussion... Cut or uncut doesn't matter however some of the girls were less inclined to want to blow an uncut penis. So when it came down to it, cut or uncut didn't matter but if they had to make a choice it would be cut. (By the way they never said anything about sex being better if your cut or uncut...same concept of any sized cock, its all how you use it).

That is my opinion i would be pretty mad at my parents if they didn't circumsize me. However, i jsut turned 20. The first time i've had sex was 15 and its been a constant basis since. I've always been horny as hell and when hanging out with my first girlfriend sex was usually twice a day. I cannot imagine lossing my sex drive but i guess it comes with age. I have not experienced that but can completely understand that if a man begins losing his sex drive and FR helped then i would do it if it could help.

Again my original post was wondering if european girls thought cuts dick were wierd becuase im assuming they don't see much!!! But yeah i just want future dads out there to know the baby doesn't have a choice but some would rather be cut and if they are not, i've heard its much more complicated to circumsice an adult (but im not positive).

Kong i do take all your points into account. Just two things.
"Jews began to circumcise as a "covenant with God" (good sales pitch)"
Good sales pitch? For one, im not trying to pitch anything i'm not pro or anti circumcision i believe the parents can make that decision im jsut gving my opinion. But jewish and catholics may have a problem with refering to this covenent as a sales pitch. The first circumcision occured (if you want to believe it or not its anyones call) with abraham sometime around 1800 BC. He supposedly did the procedure to himself as a promise to serve god, while god promised to serve the jews saying they would always be in exsistence. Since the minority jews are still around and the mojority powerful nations such as romans are not, many jews still see the procede as sacred. I don't know thoguh im not jewish but you still learn all this being catholic (althoguh im not practicing).

One more thing. Sorry Kong that your son was circumsized but i can still see it avoidible by telling the doctor, hospital etc. in writing that you do not want your son to be circumcised. I know my mom went to our regular doctor as most people try to so jsut let him/her know before everything.... anyway thats my rambling for a while the floor is open
Not your sales pitch, Mick. I'm refering to Jewish leaders, trying to convince their followers to do it to their own penises and the penises of their children, back in the old days when it was a new and strange practice. Good sales pitch telling them that it was something that God wanted them to do.

Anyhoo, you younguns enjoy your weiners. Just remember what you can do to fix em when wear and tear starts to diminsh your sex drives!

And don't worry about the smell. Most chicks are okay with it. Just wash your pecker and you should be okay!
Emm The Chrsitian church especialy the cathliks don't cut dick's! I mean nearly complet southern europ is Cathlik and belive me They don't cut dicks! Never have.
Roman Cathlik isn't around anymore? lol that is absolutly not true. The Roman Cathlik (christian) Church is one of the biggest religions in the world
hopful said:
Emm The Chrsitian church especialy the cathliks don't cut dick's! I mean nearly complet southern europ is Cathlik and belive me They don't cut dicks! Never have.

Bro, here in the USA... there are alot of catholics and they definitely cut dicks.
AC, if you had a starting size of 8", I doubt if you were tightly circumcised. Not everyone is so lucky, either to be blessed genetically with a huge schlong or to have escaped some of the worst damage that circumcision can do. Everyone is different. It makes me sad that you would just nonchalantly offer your kids up to the knife at birth. I hope that your sons are as lucky as you. They might not be, and may even hate you for not letting them have the choice themselves later. Really, who's dick is it? Yours or theirs?

When I say two inches, I am not talking about you guys that have loose circed big cocks. I am talking about us guys that start out with 5 inchers that are curved and have pulled up scrotums and hair halfway up the shafts.

Not butchering? You should find a video on the web of a circumcision being done to a baby. I've seen it. It made me sick and it made my wife cry.

Don't take my word for it. Don't take their word for it. Educate yourself.

Think uncut cocks stink? When was the last time you sat next to someone in a car or a restaraunt or a bus and smelled some "nasty uncut guy's" dick? Please...! Unless you go around holding penises under your nose sniffing them, I think it's kind of a non-issue. I think the smell range on a dick is about three inches! :D