kong when you talk about circumcision its like the hospitals and people are out to get you and steal from you.
Oh, but they are...
Don't be naive. Especially when there is money to be made. I am a businessman and a salesman. I have nothing against having a business and making money, but the one thing I hate is a dishonest salesman. Every fact they present to encourage people to continue having boys circumcised is fallacy. Medical studies have shown that, and the movement to stop routine circumcision is growing, but there are still alot of "snake oil salesmen" out there, pushing this product, which does more harm than good. That's the main problem I have with it. Fuck, figure out a way to cure cancer, guys! Stop cutting off the good meat!
No doctor forces a baby to be circumcised
Uhhh...okay. I know I didn't sign a consent form when I was 1 day old!
YOU have the option as the guardian and father of your child.
Wrong. In Canada and other countries, circumcision cannot be done without the consent of both parents. In the USA, the father has no rights whatsoever concerning this. I am older, more experienced, and found this out the hard way. Once my exhausted, drugged wife signed the consent form (after being told that it would be cleaner and healthier) it was a done deal. I came in from work and said No way and the doctor sneered and said "Well, it's not really your choice, is it?" True story, gentlemen. I hate that fucking bastard.
Trust me, doctors and the medical industAlsory don't need circumcision to stay profitable.
And McDonald's doesn't need to sell fries. But it sure makes the GP margin look better!
Yes, they make money off of it but the make money off of anything and can try and fuck you a million other ways. Also, doctors and health care did not invent circumcision, the jews started this tradition as a covenent with god (yes trust me i can see the irony)
Jews began to circumcise as a "covenant with God" (good sales pitch). They also began to circumcise because their religious leaders wanted to drive a wedge between man and woman, seperating them emotionally, so that the church would have more influence over them. I have researched it, and the intent is clearly stated in some of their religious texts. By reducing a man's sexual pleasure, and increasing a female's discomfort, they would be less bonded together and more likely to devote more of their time to their religious leaders.
The original Jewish circumcision was just a little nip compared to now. Later in history, as Jews were exposed to other cultures, some Jewish men began to stretch their clipped foreskins so they could fit in with these new people, pulling it out and tying it with string until they were restored. The reaction of their religious leaders was to create a new form of circumcision in which almost all the skin of the penis was removed. What we call the "high and tight". It resulted in men growing up with our common present day problems: curved, stunted penises, erection problems, sensitivity loss. It also kept the Jewish men of that day from having anything to grab ahold of and stretch. They didn't have tape.
Ok but why am i even talking. I am NOT pro circumcision.
Kong i mean no disrespect but since you do have a big impact on this board when you talk about circumcision its like doctors are out to mutilate kids for profit
Yep. It's the perfect scam.
and forskin is the best thing ever which will add on 2 inches to your dick and sex will be multiplied exponentially end of story.
Pussy is the best thing ever created...but, yeah, foreskin is awesome. If you were cut high and tight, restoring can give you added length and girth. You will not even be able to imagine the difference in pleasure unless you try it. You can do t-taping for a month or two without commiting and find out, but that is up to you. I only speak from my own knowledge and my own experience. Why wouldn't I want to share something that I feel is wonderful and beneficial? I love you guys and want you to have a choice, and if you are having problems with your penis...if you are having E.D. like I was, if you don't enjoy sex like you used to, if your penis is stunted and curved, if you get painfully tight erections, you should have an opportunity to know what may be causing it! If your car is broke down on the side of the road, wouldn't you want someone to tell you how to fix it?
Im cut and younger than most people here but ill bet i can fuck girls better and have a better orgasm than most. IS this ignorance? no...Is it Confidence? of course and you need it to be a really good fuck.
Ah, the confidence of youth!
I don't doubt one bit that you can split a pussy in two, Mick. I'm not being sarcastic either. I can split a pussy in half, as well, my friend (sometimes more than once in a row-- at age 33)! I have confidence in spades...and two other things: knowledge and a drive for self improvement! I realize that you are young and quite satisfied with your lady tamer, but when you are 10 years older, and the old twig and berries are starting to get some mileage on them and you notice that you're not as horny and not as sensitive and lightning bolts don't shoot out your ass when you nut anymore...you'll remember these conversations and debates and think: "Hmmm, maybe I'll give that a try." That's plenty good enough for me, and it's the only reason I keep spreading the word when so many of you young fellas don't want the message. Being a dad, I have learned that sometimes you can tell a young man the truth and be believed, and sometimes all you can do is plant a seed.