Jason1 said:
Hey sikdogg and all you who are doubting me, go fuck yourselves. Don't call me an asshole and I'm sorry that you are wrong. I know it feels bad to be wrong but it is ok. If you don't like FR then guess what don't do it. But don't tell me I'm wrong cause everything I say is being backed up by the results it is having on meand that's all that matters. So go suck some balls cause guess what doctors say Penis Enlargement doesn't work and you are still here you fucking assholes.

Bro, i'm glad FR is working for you and i posted earlier that for some of the symptoms that you listed, FR was prolly the right choice. My only disagreement with your original statement is when you stated that your low test levels was due to poor blood flow to the penis. This is just wrong, if you knew anything about endocrinology and basic human anatomy, you would know this. If what you say is in fact true, then cutting off your penis would effectively stop your nuts from producing any test at all due to the lack of bloodflow... This is just not the case. You penis has a symbiotic relationtionship with your nuts cuz your nuts produce hormones that directly/indirectly effect the penis. However, the opposite IS NOT TRUE. Your nuts does not require anything from your penis.

I was out of line with my previous comment calling you an asshole, but bro you're way overboard... why cuz i think that you're wrong about something??? I've been wrong about things in the past (everyone has) and when someone pointed that fact out, i did some research and when i confirmed that they were in fact correct, i conceded and admitted that i was wrong. I understand that you're sensitive about your problem (anyone would), but we're just try to clarify the facts, nothing more... and clarifying the facts doesn't mean that your problem is not valid. We're all glad to hear that you're making progress and hope that your recover fully. 'nuff said...
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The only complaint I have is that I am not being debated here, just attacked personally. You can say I'm not, but I am. When someone replies to my arguments by describing me as extremist, pathological, over-enthusiastic and misleading, I tend to get testy. If you all would instead address the evidence I've brought forth with disputing evidence of your own, I would have taken all this alot different. Instead, I see replies of "Man, you are so wrong! You just don't know how great circumcision is, and all the chicks love cut dicks" and then some other guy saying "Hey, great post, that's so insightful," with clapping hands. I feel like I'm beating my head against a brick wall. If you don't want to restore your foreskin, I'm perfectly fine with that...but I'll say this yet one more time: Nobody attacks Red when he talks about clamping, or Still when he talks about hanging, so why undermine me when I talk about FR-- demanding proof and then, when I provide THAT, undermining it and calling me crazy.

It does make sex better. It does increase the size of your cock. It does improve circulation.

I have proof. I have personally experienced these things and others have, too.

If that bothers you, you should try to understand why it bothers you.

If you have disputing evidence and statistics, I will listen and absorb your information and incorporate that into my posts.

If you get personal with me, I will shred your weak arguments and make fun of you.
Furthermore, before going after the kid, you need to understand how frustrating it can be to discover how great FR is only to hear it put down over and over and over. No other Penis Enlargement technique is so picked apart or argued against so vehemently. Is it any wonder us FR guys get angry and defensive? We get called crazy and misled and over-zealous every time we post something here about it. Can you personally say that you tried it for a while and got no results? Stop insulting the guys who have the patience and determination to restore themselves. Our doing this does not mean that we're trying to make our penises better than yours, only that we're trying to make them better. Period.
Not all circumcision are bad circumcisions.

On the other hand, don't assume that, just because yours was a good one, that they're all good and we're just crazies for complaining about ours and trying to fix them.

Even someone with a "good" circ can find some benefits in FR techniques. You may not get a huge size boost, but may instead inprove your flaccid hang through increased circulation (you grow new blood vessels as well as new tissue) or increase the sensitivity of your penis (by keeping your glans protected by your fauxskin) or make your balls hang lower (by creating new skin on your shaft, eliminating the pull).

Like I used to tell my old girlfriends, "You don't have to go all the way if you don't want to, but we can still do some stuff!"
When I put my cone on my balls immediately get so full of blood they almost hurt. When I take it off the shrivel back again. Don't you see that I don't care if you don't believe me. That is proof. I am right. Nothing else.
I have experienced some "ball issues" associated with FR as well, Jason. About three months ago, I began to feel some pangs in my testicles and I noticed that my nuts were hanging different. When I examined myself, I realized that the extra shaft skin I was generating had caused my "turkey neck" scrotum to move back a little. Because of FR, my balls weren't being pulled quite so far up my shaft. The pain I was feeling was from my testicles hanging down a little further than normal. I know that a man's scrotum draws up and relaxes as a way to regulate temperature. I wonder what kind of affect it would have on fertility and test levels to have your testicles hanging further from the body, and thus staying cooler? Does anyone have an answer to that, I wonder? If FR can make your balls hang lower from reducing turkey neck, what effect can it have? I know that heat reduces your sperm count and probably test levels, too. It's a well know fact. Indisputable. Applying that knowledge to FR, couldn't a lower testicular hang cause your fertility and test rates to rise somewhat? You ARE keeping your balls cooler. I'm sure I will be called stupid and crazy for suggesting this, but I hope for some thoughtful and analytical replies instead. Anybody? This could actually be the reason for the increased horniness we are feeling, instead of circulatory issues.
I wasn't suggesting you personally insulted him, AC. You're right, too, that the "fuck you" attitude is out of line. But what do you think about my "tecticle hanging" idea? Do you think it might have some merit in Jason's case, instead of circulatory issues?
First a great link . . .


And some official stats just so they're available for anybody curious . . .


Here's a response from Kong to my last post . . .

***"You should instead be disappointed by your lack of factual evidence to support your claims. I have presented evidence, statistics, surveys and documents by the AMA itself, and yet you accuse me of presenting no proof. You say I quibble over presentation and wording, yet that is how you paint an emotional picture of your debate opponent, and I take offense at being construed as deceptive and extremist. If you take my poking fun of your weak arguments as snide or cruel, I'm sorry. I just feel you should have opposing facts instead of only opinions. I don't take this quite as serious as you might think, but I do have my facts and research well in reach, and I think that that is threatening to some, and leads to some folks going after me personally. Come at me with some facts, swank! Come on! Right here on the chin! ***

Actually, the only statisitcs you have presented are direct quotes from the AMA, and I'm not sure how those figures prove your claims that foreskin restoration will improve penis length and girth, circulation, sexual function, ect. Nor do they prove your assertion that the procedure routinely causes increased hair growth, smaller penis size, the 'turkey neck' effect, ect.

You take offense at being construed as an extremist? So sorry my man, but you have repeatedly suggested a small and realatively harmless procedure is consumate with human butchery and ought to be outlawed. That's not a middle ground position.

I wouldn't say my arguments are weak, quite the contrary I believe that anybody reading this would agree I've raised many questions about your claims regarding both circumcision's effects and the benefits of FR that you have failed to answer with any solid data other than your own experiences and "stuff you have seen online." Like I said, post some links to these places that you get all your information from, just so people can see where it comes from.

***"I have been portrayed as a deceptive extremist. You guys should really read through some of the hurtful and outright wrong things you have said here! So much for objectivity and being a supportive, nurturing community. Why don't you guys go put on your magical Rings of Power, pat yourselves on the back for shouting us down and leave us alone?"***

What exactly was "outright wrong," by the way? Kong, I went out of my way to try and squash your fears that you are being assaulted here. You have shown yourself to be extremely sensitive to this in other posts and I tried to get into this with a heaping measure of caution. Buck up man, it's an internet forum. Repeatedly when people have disagreed with you on threads you have complained loudly and frequently of the horrible abuse you're suffering. Honestly, it's just all a bit trite.

I'm not in the least bit threatened by FR or your view that circumcision should not be performed, I just don't agree with you. I think some of the claims you make about the benefits of FR are highly dubious and not based on anything but some subjective experience and internet hearsay. Call this an attack if you want, I don't particularly care. If I hear somebody making claims that I feel ar inaccurate and not grounded, and then advising people with this information as well, I'm going to say something. I'm sorry if you find these slanderous attacks so painful to bear.

***"If I make you feel angry, outraged or threatened, then you should have a look into your own psyche, not mine. I'm only trying to present a possible aid for a few, very specific penis related issues."***

Once more, no anger, threat, fear, anything of that nature whatsoever on my side. I have repeated over and over again that what I am contesting is your claims on the harm that the procedure does and what the benefits of FR will be. Nothing more. Do you understand this now?

Now, here are a few more quotes that may illustrate my gripes a bit better . . .

***"85% of the males in the United States are circumcised at birth. Although there is a growing movement to stop this practice and those numbers are dropping, it is still accepted as the norm here in this country. Unfortunately, it is a proven fact that circumcision removes 50% of the surface area of the penis, and cause, on average, 1/5 of the penile length to be held within the abdomenal cavity of the circumcised male."***

Circumcision on average causes 20%, or 1/5 (remember, this usually more than an inch for the average joe) to be held within the body. This is a proven fact? Prove this Kong. Right here you have suggested that the procedure, not a botched procedure, or your own case, will have this effect on any guy. Misinformation, false figures. Get me a medical stat to back this up, post the link and authors. By the way 85% is far more than are actually circumcised here, this can be double checked with the stats link at the top of the page. Where did you get that?

***"You will also notice a better flaccid hang when untaped, and common circumcision problems like hairy shaft and turkey neck balls will abate as you grow skin to replace what was taken from you at birth."***

Do you know it will remedy these for a fact? These are common problems? How do you know they are always related to circumcision in the first place? because you saw them as a result of your own circumcision? You also say it will improve flaccid size, but in the same thread somebody comments that the taping position seemed to shrink their flaccid size over time. You agreed with this and said that was why you pursued Penis Enlargement at the same time, to nullify this effect. Another broad contradiction.

After SexyJen chipped in that she couldn't really feel any difference between a circumcised and uncut penis you responded:

***"You didn't take notice of the "gliding" effect? I have talked to a couple women who have had both, and they commented on the feeling of the skin gliding, saying it was less irritating, and they did not seem to dry out.

I realize a dick is a dick, but absolutely no difference?"***

I guess not every woman you have spoken to would agree eh? For the record, damn near every woman I have asked about this, and there have been quite a few since I started debating on this board, have said they can't feel a bit of difference during the act. Now, this is purely what women have told me and absolutely not an authoratative statement, but perhaps you lads ought to do some research into what some girls you know think about it before you convince yourselves that a foreskin will make you a sexual tyranosaur.

***"It's pretty widely accepted that uncut men are bigger, as far as my reading goes, but I wonder what the actually differences are, on average. Half an inch? 2 inches? That's what I want to see."***

It is? This goes back to my "Is America the smallest nation on earth then?" question. After browsing through your threads I was interested to see that Gandolf asked you the exact same question, which you more or less tossed off in the same manner as my own. My reason for including this quote however, was to bring up the enormous amount of 'foreskin' related threads you have started. I don't think it's unreasonable to suggest you're heavily preoccupied with something when you've started no less than 8 FR related threads (plus an anti-circumcision 'children's story') on most of which you denounce circumcision and blame a variety of ailments on it with little or no proof, often suggesting that it's just common knolwedge.

***"Its all relative wouldn't you say? The legs are, what, 30% of the entire mass of the body, while the foreskin is 50% of the mass of the penis. I'm sorry you don't feel the same way I do about this issue, but I would probably say that, since you are uncircumcised, you don't really know what problems a cut guy goes through because of this needless surgery."***

50% of the mass of the entire penis eh? This quote is taken from a reply by Kong to a poster who suggested that Kong's comparison of circumcision's effects on the penis to that of chopping off a baby's legs. That poster thought that was a bit silly. I do too.

***"Foreskin provides...."gliding motion" during intercourse, extra skin for big, hard erections, protection of the glans from irritants, secretion of antibiotics to protect the penis from disease, emollients to keep glans moist and supple, and pheromones to attract mates. It provides sexual pleasure so that a being wants to procreate, and do it often. It even have estrogen receptors...doctors don't even know WHAT they're for, as well as testosterone producing glands (I have a feeling it has something to do with male-female bonding-- one needing what the other's body produces).

Are you kidding me? Secretion of antibiotics? Look the CDC, AMA, and nearly every other medical organization in the world agrees that an uncut penis is at higher risk for disease and infection (please see my above link for a plethora of medically verified and peir reviewed info). If it does produce some kind of anti-septic solution, which I kind of doubt, then it's to combat the greater accumulation of bacteria and other crud a foreskin obviously invites. Where did this come from? Estrogen receptors? Testosterone producing glands? Facilitates male/female bonding? Oh Kong . . . when I'm talking about BS information that you're just reading off those "ravenous" anti-circumcision websites, I'm talking about stuff exactly like this. Where did you get this info? Post a link.

A member here, GermanStallion, replied to Kong in a thread that he had more or less accdidentally restored his foreskin through his Penis Enlargement efforts, and in fact wished that this had not happened. Kong responds:

***"But why? Don't be offended, but everyone who doesn't like it seems to ring in on it...but they give no real reason except they think it's ugly or something. As I am doing it myself, I would like to hear the cons as well, because I don't want to get done with it and be disappointed I did it because of something I did not think about. Perhaps it is because there is no increase in sensitivity and pleasure. Do you have any remnant of your frenulum left? Have you noticed any increased sensitivity in the glans?
You can't say don't do it just because you don't like it."***

And why can't he? You basically advise it to anybody because you like it . . . whatever happened to being open to hearing the cons? In my case I'm not even presenting cons for the most part - I'm just suggesting it's not all it's cracked up to be.

Here's how GermanStallion responded . . .

***"Okay, I will tell you...first I don't like the smell. It is very hard to keep clean and for these many, many years, I was circumcised and it was clean and easy to take care of. Now, when you urinate, you have the constant problem of having to pull the foreskin back and then you still get the residue. Next, I have a lot of foreskin over the glans and it is not tight, very floppy. Although when I have the "turtle" effect, it shrinks very much like a normal foreskin. I must have had some of the muscus membrane left because I get a very glassy film over the glans. Is the glans more sensitive, no. I can't and don't see the differenance. I have an intact frenulum, so that was and is not a problem. Sex is good, but the foreskin isn't a positive factor. So, this is my observations. GS"***

and then some more from GermanStallion about the unlimited benefits of a resotred foreskin . . .

***"Pick your choice, but I tell you it is better circumcised. I am very sexually active. It took several years to get the foreskin totally covering the glans. You will remember what I am telling you. As for those of you who, like Supra, are restoring, you are not restored so you don't have a clue what you are going to experinece when you get restored. As to sensitivity...do I now notice a difference? Not really. Sex and sensitivity was good before and still is, but as to more sensitive...with the foreskin. I don't think so. I have had a total foreskin now for a couple years. I guess you could say that my foreskin is not as tight as an uncut man, but it surely covers totally. When erect, my glans is totally exposed. You can do the restoreing, and I wish you well. I only give you my observations, for experience. GS"***

I think I've made my point here, but on a final note, I ought to have looked into past threads on this before chipping in here. Kong I see in several others that you have gotten testy when men have responded to your FR threads to say they like being circumcised. You seemed to take this personally and as some kind of challenge to you each time. I'm not saying you posted badly or flew off the handle - but when I speak of you not dealing so well with criticism and differing views, ect., that is what I'm referring to. By the way, I never ever called you pathelogical. I said I felt there was a cetain pathology to the behavior of those who decry circumcision and trumpet the questionable benefits of FR. Suggesting there is a pathology to a behavior and calling pathological (Pathological what by the way? Nobody is just generally 'pathological'). I make plenty of comments regarding my opinions about your posting on FR, no need to make them up.

Everybody, if you want a balanced and fair look at the procedure with fully documented sources, check out the first link. It contains links to many other informational sources as well. Please take a look at some of them and the site's intro before making up your mind on any of this, don't just take anybody's word for anything that involves your penis!
Here are a few links. Nothing personal, but I really don't think you will be satisfied even with this. You say you only want a balanced view to be presented, when in fact, you just don't want it to be discussed at all. My one small voice versus all of you combined nay-sayers should not even be cause for you to bother with me, unless you are disturbed by it in some way. Whatever. Read on.













I'm sure you will only respond that these are all ravenous, anti-circ extremists-- crazy, pathological, self-deluded sHydromaxucks who don't have the benefit of your god-like insight into anatomy, sexuality and psychology.

The bottom line is: you advocate unnecessary surgery to newborns, the mutilation of male sex organs.

We say: please, don't cut us anymore!

Who's the more disturbed?
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Kong, for god's sake nobody is calling you disturbed!

Are you reading what I am writing? Honestly? What is with all these 'poor me' and 'stop calling me a freak' posts?

I have said repeatedly - the only problem I have is that I believe you spread misinformation about circumcision and FR. I have raised questions about your claims, and you have not responded. That small stable of links you provided didn't show me where you get many of the things you have claimed, and I didn't find much in the way of any medical explanations or studies in there besides what we have already covered. People can look for themselves though. If that's solid enough evidence for people to believe what you have said about FR and circumcision (see the quotes in my last post), then happy restoring kids!

FOR THE LAST TIME - I have no problem with anybody restoring their foreskins. It doesn't gross me out, freak me out, anger me, disturb me, or even rile me up.

I do have a problem with people blatantly suggesting that it will do things for those who try it that it clearly does not, and will not. I believe you make baseless claims about the benefits and this in turn leads men to believe they're going to get something from it that is not very likely.

I do not believe that the operation is necesssary for a healthy or satisfactory penis either, nor should it be performed without education and discussion with the parents. And certainly not manditoraly. I also believe that it very rarely causes problems or complications, and is in essence a harmless procedure when performed correctly.

Anybody can read GermanStallion's testimony in my last post if they want to hear something about the reality of FR.

They can also check out this little study, conducted by actual medical doctors, with MDs and everything, rather than just uncited claims on an anti-circumcision group's website. This study shows quite convincingly what American women think about circumcision. Read it before you decide that you can't live without a regenerated foreskin.


And finally, here's some personal experience, and one of the reasons I first started to catch a whiff of BS on this foreskin business. I have both the 'turkey-neck' appearance, and hair growing up my shaft. I am circumcised, however it is what people have termed a 'loose' circumcision, meaning I can easily pull skin from the shaft about halfway over the head of my penis when erect. Both those problems (turkey-neck, shaft hair) are directly attributed to tight circumcisions over and over again in these posts. Well then why do I have them? My starting NBP is 7.5 inches, so I doubt I have the magical 20% extra penis 'trapped' in my abdominal cavity either.

Also Kong, I have never called anybody crazy or self-deluded, and I referred to a hypotheical individual as a scHydromaxuck in an imagined scenario constructed to illustrate a potential draw back to convincing somebody to do FR under with unsupported promises of extra size and sexual function. Stop putting words in my mouth! It's childish. You can quote that one, I said you behaved childishly, it's right there.

So far as advocating mutilation? Well, I don't think a safe and widely practiced minor surgery is the same as mutilation (a favorite term for the anti-circ groups), but I'm not about to devolve this even further by bickering over semantics. I think parents ought to have the right to have it performed for their child if they wish, no more, no less. I'm not pro-circ, and I'm not anti-foreskin. I AM anti-misinformation and exagerated claims when you've placed yourself in a position to advise people.

I have never called you, or anybody else disturbed. Stop fabricating comments, please. I don't think you're disturbed - I just think you've bought into a lot of crappy information on this FR and circumcision business and have been heavily spreading it about these boards.

I want to present the other side. Unfortunately this means demonstrating that a lot of your 'information' is pretty sketchy at best, and that you're heavily biased. By the way, there isn't a chorus of voices standing against you, it's always just been me with a one or two others agreeing at times. You're not facing a board full of people trying to destroy your credibility or call you sick or crazy Kong, so quit it with the 'poor me' stuff. As far as I'm concerned I've shown what I felt needed to be shown, the facts are out there now.

***"I'm sure you will only respond that these are all ravenous, anti-circ extremists-- crazy, pathological, self-deluded sHydromaxucks who don't have the benefit of your god-like insight into anatomy, sexuality and psychology."***

Grow Up!
But you did. You said it was pathological behavior, which suggests a disturbed mentality. You provide links to studies made by "real MDs", but you can hardly say they are unbiased, because they do in fact make money from the procedure. That's like calling your local cable company and asking them if they think you should go with cable or satellite TV. Don't you see that? I am more prone to believe an uneducated lay person about a used car than a used car salesman-- especially if they had test drove the car and I trusted their opinion. Why is that so hard to understand? If you ask a baker if her cookies are good, she will say yes. If you ask the customer who just bought and ate her cookies if they were good, you are apt to get a more honest answer. I have nothing to profit from this, except that I am pleased with the experience I have had with foreskin restoration and want to share that with others! Do you get it? I don't make any money at all! None! They do! And they make lots of it! Now, in your opinion, who do you think is more prone to give an honest answer about the pros and cons of a product, the manufacturer or the consumer? If I didn't believe in what I did, I would not even bother with it. If there were no true benefits, I would have lost interest in what I was doing five months ago. I am not a dupe. I am no ravenous activist with a secret agenda. I am just a regular guy. I have studied it. I have spent quite some time deciding if it was for me, and because it has helped in a very real and concrete way, I am continuing to do it. I suppose you can take some consolation in the fact that if it is all BS, it will come to light and FR will fade into obscurity. I know in my heart that it is real and it works and has real benefits, and I take pride in being one of the first ones here to broadcast the message! There are always a few people who can't wrap their mind around a new idea or concept when it comes along, and there is nothing wrong with that. I have provided all the links, proof, statistics, medical studies and surveys I feel I need to provide a solid basis for my arguments. All you have provided are thinly veiled advertisements for a service. Now it's up to everyone to decide what they feel is the truth. I think, in the end, that it is very telling that every society with a non-profit medical system has pretty much quit doing it, except in rare cases of true medical necessity.
Kong, is your arguement from teh last post that you should listen to no person in power who may work on some sort of commision. You are taking a very pesimistic view our population pretty much saying that if that person is making money then don't listen to them. Believe me, i'm not saying this is wrong its your opinion. However, i personally know doctors who would never push a person in a wrong way only for his or her personal profit. Yes, doctors make huge bucks and there is a reason for it. A highly skilled job will pay the big bills. These people must put up with about seven years of intensive schooling, long nights of no sleep witnessing some pretty terrible things that i could never deal with. I admit fully to being a pussy i am terrified of needles for christ sake and could never try cutting a person open trying to save their life knowing i could be partly responsible for saving, or ending, their life. All i'm saying is their is a HUGE difference between a certified doctor and a car salesman. I'm put much more trust into someone who i assume must really like to help people to put up with all the shit doctors go throguh before becoming actually becoming a doctor. Used car salesmen or any car salesmen need to real education. If you have it, you have. Since this is a very low skilled level job it can be seen as an incentive for a much larger job market of people who want to make money. I'm sorry if their are car salesmen here this is not a dis but i think a salesmen is in it for the money like almost everyone else while fwere jobs such as doctors, firefighters, and police officers sometimes get into their fields to help people while earning a living.

I'm sure there are doctors out their trying to profit off of some procedures. But to portray a huge portion of people that are for the most part helping others as people trying to con your money just seems disrespectful. If i were to trust any type of person I would trust those of doctors, police officers, physical therapists,etc. All the people i knew who were gonig into such careers were not in it all for the money, they felt some sort of passion for it.
Agian, just a reminder i'm all for people who want to restore!!! Go for it! This thread doesn't seem to always jsut be about restoring though. I think some who have posted jsut want people to know their is pros and cons for both cut and uncut and thats what i believe. Kong it just seems like you refuse to believe their are any benefits to being cut is this a true assumption?
Good post AC. Yeah im cut and for anyone who wants to see go to see what i think is a healthy cut just go to my pics


I hope i did that right not sure. But i like being cut as others like staying uncut both seem to work well. I'm trying to figure out my LOT also. To my dissapointment i think i have a low LOT meaning i have very little inner penis to come out through the ligs so i really don't think my circumcision had a very bad affect .
Not at all. You guys seem to want to paint me as some crazy extremist when I really am not. I feel I have to defend my beliefs way too much, and that causes me to sound really obsessed sometimes. All I seem to hear is "gimme proof! gimme proof!" If you read my posts carefully, you will see that most of the time (not all, but most) I qualify my advice with "I am no expert" and "see for yourself" and "it may be for you". I am never going to apologize for my views. I have a right to them as much as anyone else. If I say that I think FR can help release some trapped penile length if you were badly circumcised, I don't think I should have someone barrel down on me, demanding proof every time and suggesting I am over-enthusiastic or spreading lies or trying to subvert society. I just feel like I keep getting trapped into this role, when all I want to do is communicate my experiences. I appreciate it when you circ guys say, "Hey, I realize there may be something to this, but it's not for me." It's alot more honest than someone calling BS and then picking everything I say after that apart...and not even all that convincingly, in my opinion...just to make a point. There are literally thousands of restorers right now. How many of them do you think are crazy or lying? It's not even relatively new. Men have been doing it since circumcision was invented.

I do not think there is anything wrong with circumcision. If you want to be circumcised, I am fine with it. I realize there is less "upkeep" having a cut cock. You do not have to clean it as often or as carefully, and there are some marginal health benefits to being cut, but I also believe that those benefits are not worth the cost of significant sexual pleasure and the functions that the foreskin provides. I do not think the foreskin is a useless flap of skin, a tiny bit of skin on the tip of the penis, as some have suggested. I think it's kind of crazy to think ANY part of the human body is worthless and expendable, from eyelids to pinky toes. I do not think any part of my body should have been excised without my consent. Who's to say what is worthless and what is valuable?

I was never a "follower" and I have always had problems with authority and the status quo. I do not believe in doing something just because everyone else does it or it is the accepted view. I also do not like things being done to me without my consent, and circumcision falls under that just like it does all the rest.

Some people find comfort in conformity. Some people seem unable to think outside the box, to question authority, and ask, "Why should I do this? Why should it be done this way?" Some people fear change or being different. I am not one of those people.

Addressing my last argument and your questions about it, I must say that I do not put much trust into doctors, police officers or politicians. I realize there are plenty of them who are honest, dedicated and compassionate...but, let's face it, they're a minority. For the rest, I would say they are in it for the money, the power or the fame...either that, or it is just a job for them. Life is not an episode of ER or Miami Vice.

All I have ever said is this:

I agree MickSnatch on your assesment, to even conclude that all doctors are snipping away at foreskins just for the monetary earns is so presumptous. I guess all Doctors also give those who don't need open heart surgery, open heart surgery for a pay day. :s

There's a difference between a bad heart and a perfectly functional and healthy piece of anatomy.

Micksnatch by your size estimates in your sig I see you are also a naturally near 8 guy too, and you are also cut like me. Gee, I guess we just out of a miracle got lucky right? Shouldn't we both be about 5 inches 'cause we were cut? :D

This is exactly what I mean... >:( Yes, guys, you ARE lucky! You are both EXTREMELY large statistically. There is a reason you are in the .08 percentile or whatever! Think about it for a minute...

I agree and I am all for FR restoration if some guys feel they want to do it, we are not hating on anyone, if anything we are the one's getting a bit prejudged to say there are no benefits at all to being cut seems bleak and just plain incorrect to me. I enjoy being cut, and I feel there are many benefits to it. In saying that, it doesn't make me a FR restoration basher if anything I support any guy who wants to achieve his foreskin back, why would I care I am straight and have no concern with another man's tool. It is also my right as a future possible parent to decide how my child is handled I don't want any Anti-circ's telling me what to do. :D

I'm not telling you what to do, only suggesting that you let them decide what they want for themself! You say I should value your right to have a choice, but what about their right to have that choice? At the least, learn everything you can about it from both sides. If you do not research it for yourself, you are only letting society tell you what to do!

Swank excellent post as usually, you have a knack for that.

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Kong, the authors of that study are research MDs and professors of medicine at the Univeristy of Iowa. They don't stand to make a dime from anybody getting a circumcision. Also, most doctors performing the procedure are staff doctors at hospitals - they're salaried. They don't get paid by the foreskin or something. You can't go around saying no doctors are to be trusted on the subject when the only real medical studies you've quoted are from the American Medical Association!

I know you believe in what you're doing, obviously. I've stated exactly what I have a problem with, over and over again. I think other people get it so I'm done trying to clarify myself to one person. I'm happy for you if the FR is helping you out. I've heard of people doing this for quite some time; you didn't introduce it to me, and I've never had anything against it. And you're correct - circumcision isn't medically necessary, nobody ever said it was. Good thing it's an optional procedure!

I still disagree that you've posted proof of your claims, but people can decide that for themselves. My arguments aren't for circumcision, as you seem to insist on - they are that you haven't proven your claims about FR or circumcision. Like I said, check out the studies and stats I linked before, read what GermanStallion has to say about it. Then have a look at Kong's links; make up your own minds as to whether or not the claims are valid.

AC, thanks for the kind words.

Miksnatch - We have frighteningly similar looking penises.
Kong, the authors of that study are research MDs and professors of medicine at the Univeristy of Iowa. They don't stand to make a dime from anybody getting a circumcision. Also, most doctors performing the procedure are staff doctors at hospitals - they're salaried. They don't get paid by the foreskin or something. You can't go around saying no doctors are to be trusted on the subject when the only real medical studies you've quoted are from the American Medical Association!

Yes, who said the benefits balanced out the complications. Making it a useless procedure. The equation reads "zero"...until you factor in the dissatisfaction of a significant portion of those who were circed without their consent! Just because you like it doesn't mean we all should like it! :banghead:

I know you believe in what you're doing, obviously. I've stated exactly what I have a problem with, over and over again. I think other people get it so I'm done trying to clarify myself to one person. I'm happy for you if the FR is helping you out. I've heard of people doing this for quite some time; you didn't introduce it to me, and I've never had anything against it. And you're correct - circumcision isn't medically necessary, nobody ever said it was. Good thing it's an optional procedure!

Yeah. Good thing. I just wish I hadn't decided to have it done to me when I was 2 days old! In restrospect, that was really dumb of me! :banghead:

I still disagree that you've posted proof of your claims, but people can decide that for themselves. My arguments aren't for circumcision, as you seem to insist on - they are that you haven't proven your claims about FR or circumcision. Like I said, check out the studies and stats I linked before, read what GermanStallion has to say about it. Then have a look at Kong's links; make up your own minds as to whether or not the claims are valid.

Yeah, the experts are never wrong! :banghead:

AC, thanks for the kind words.

Miksnatch - We have frighteningly similar looking penises.

Anyone else notice that the guys who don't believe in the benefits of FR are really well hung? :D If only we were all that lucky!

AC, thanks for being open-minded. Swank, I think it is more important for you to have the last word than to present both sides of the argument. My 8 or 9 threads and assorted posts shouldn't bother you that much, considering that circumcision is so accepted and widely practiced and almost universally accepted in our society.
No, buddy, you have NEVER called me crazy or implied that I was disturbed. It was someone else who implied that.

Nothing wrong with a dissenting view. Like the old saying goes, all publicity is good publicity!

With a highly subjective thing like sexual pleasure, you can't say anything except "in my opinion..." At the same time, if you are unwilling to try it and see, don't expect me to provide proof. How can I prove it? It's unfair to ask me to prove it feels better for me. You can experiment with FR without changing your cut/uncut status. A couple months of FR is going to give you about .25 inch of added skin lengthwise, but it is long enough for the glans to begin to keratinize, and you would be able to see then if you get a sensitivity boost. It is pretty well documented by others...still, swank expects me to provide a study by a university that penises feel better with foreskins...yeah, that's real likely...! Ask for the moon, too!

As far as size boosts, it's pretty well documented too. Most of you guys seem to balk at that, saying the skin is too stretchy to cause the penis to be stunted by lack of skin. Here is my very simple experiment to prove it is not only possible, but highly probable for circumcision to affect the length of a man's penis. Follow my instructions closely, okay? Promise me you will try this with an open mind...

1) With your penis flaccid, grasp about 1/3 of your shaft skin and hold it firmly to your lower abdomen, down at the base of your cock. Do not restrain the inner shaft. Just hold the skin down.

2) While holding the skin, begin to stimulate yourself until you get an erection. As you get erect, do not release the skin you are holding down.

3) Look at your penis and see how much of your length is being restrained by the lack of skin. If skin was that stretchy, you should be able to achieve a full-sized erection without releasing it. It should just stretch to accomodate it.

I see your point about giving your child little choice either way. Either way, it will be the only way he knows. Still, I think it would be easier, if he were uncut and decided on a circumcision, to have it done. It would only take a couple months for him to recover, and he could blame no one for it but himself. It is, and should be, a hard decision to make, not something that should be taken lightly, just because it "the norm". Believe it or not, circ rates are dropping, as more and more is discovered of the value and function of the foreskin. It's been 130 years since Dr. Kellogg espoused routine circumcision as a cure for masturbation, and medicine has advanced quite a bit since then. Whatever, it's just my opinion.

90% ain't bad at all!

Just give me the benefit of the doubt sometimes! It's not like I trying to hawk some zinc and copper cockrings, okay?
How about this for the title of my new thread:

"Foreskin Restoration Gives You Super Powers!"


I think I probably talk more about fucking than foreskin, anyway!

Bump for Swank and Skepdick

Seems like all the threads that go overboard are being manipulated by swank. I wonder who's putting words in who's mouth? I guess swank thinks if he says I make all these miraculous promises all the time everyone will think I did

I never promised miracles, folks. Just realistic benefits in exchange for lots of tedious skin expansion work.

Its really kind of shocking to see that this has gone on since the word FR was mentioned here on [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words].
Nah, it's pretty much gone on since you started telling men they'd get a 20% size increase if they started up with FR.

I think FR is cool if you want to do it, it's your penis so make it the way you want it.

I do have a problem with people claiming things that aren't true. Simple as that.

I really encourage people to read this whole thread, it covers all the main points pretty well, and if you read this one you've pretty much read them all. It even contains the traditional Kong emotional/"I'm being victimized" element that has come to be a standard part of the issue.

Basically as you go down the thread, Kong stears the issue away from FR and circumcision and more towards himself as much as possible. It's quite interesting to watch develop. Please have a read . . .
Same ole swank. Same ole tactic. He has no valid point of criticism, so he attacks my credibility. He wants you to think here that I am both manipulative and ego-centric, which is in fact untrue. All I ever wanted to do was present the idea of restoration and maybe make a little place for us all to talk to one another about it. He says my claims are untrue, but founded on what? His experience? He has never even tried FR. It is just another example of his sole debate tactic, which is to attack the credibility of his opponent while trying to cast himself in the role of enlightener.
Hmm, uh yeah, alright. So how are we doing a better job of keeping FR and circumcision the issue?

Regardless of what you think about me or Kong, pleas read this thread, it's pretty good and hits all the main points. A lot of interesting issues are raised . . . are they answered? Read for yourselves, don't take anybody's word for it.
Just keep the personal stuff to yourself. Understand that I will use the same tactics against you. Don't try to make me look like a kook or put words in my mouth. Then we can get along.
kong1971 said:
...As far as size boosts, it's pretty well documented too. Most of you guys seem to balk at that, saying the skin is too stretchy to cause the penis to be stunted by lack of skin. Here is my very simple experiment to prove it is not only possible, but highly probable for circumcision to affect the length of a man's penis. Follow my instructions closely, okay? Promise me you will try this with an open mind...

1) With your penis flaccid, grasp about 1/3 of your shaft skin and hold it firmly to your lower abdomen, down at the base of your cock. Do not restrain the inner shaft. Just hold the skin down.

2) While holding the skin, begin to stimulate yourself until you get an erection. As you get erect, do not release the skin you are holding down.

3) Look at your penis and see how much of your length is being restrained by the lack of skin. If skin was that stretchy, you should be able to achieve a full-sized erection without releasing it. It should just stretch to accomodate it...
I understand the point you're trying to make here Kong but your test/example doesn't really duplicate real life. Your test forces one to hold back the foreskin without any give... this will do just as you say but in the real world, skin will be pulled forward as one gets erect... even to the point of getting a turkey neck. You yourself said that you had turkey neck because of your tight circ. Your turkey neck is exactly what happens when you don't have enough skin. The foreskin is very expandable and just normal jelqing is enough for some (myself included) to get some extra skin. I don't believe that the skin will hold back that much length unless your Penis Enlargement is resulting in more length gains than the skin can expand. JMO...
sikdogg said:
I understand the point you're trying to make here Kong but your test/example doesn't really duplicate real life. Your test forces one to hold back the foreskin without any give... this will do just as you say but in the real world, skin will be pulled forward as one gets erect... even to the point of getting a turkey neck. You yourself said that you had turkey neck because of your tight circ. Your turkey neck is exactly what happens when you don't have enough skin. The foreskin is very expandable and just normal jelqing is enough for some (myself included) to get some extra skin. I don't believe that the skin will hold back that much length unless your Penis Enlargement is resulting in more length gains than the skin can expand. JMO...
Word up!

Well spoken, and exactly true.
You will only/and maybe get more length, if the head(glands) is forced down by the skin. That is if a slight bit of pain.
And wet jelqing at medium intensity is awsome for getting more skin.
Interesting read Kong, but...

kong1971 said:
A webbed penis is a normal-sized penis where the skin of the scrotal sack extends part way up the shaft of the penis. Boys can be born this way, or the condition can result from an over-exuberant circumcision where adhesions form between the scrotal skin and the penile skin. Webbed penis usually causes no problems (unless a routine circumcision is later performed). It is unlikely to get better as the child grows. Results with surgery, however, are excellent. (Casale AJ - Concealed penis in childhood: a spectrum of etiology and treatment. J Urol - 1999 Sep; 162(3 Pt 2): 1165-8).

A concealed penis is a normal-sized penis that lays hidden in the pubic fat pad. This condition is also called buried penis or hidden penis. Some children are born this way, and for some it happens after circumcision. It is common in infants and toddlers, and occasionally seen in older children and obese adolescents. If the penis can be easily exposed by gently pulling on it or by pressing down on the surrounding fat pad, then the situation will usually correct itself over time. Sometimes surgery is needed for concealed penis. Either way, "social, urinary and erection" results are excellent.
I believe that circumcision can cause a concealed or webbed penis, but according the the doctor's statements above, one can be born with it and it doesn't appear clear as to which is more prevelent or how often circumcision causes it.
I think you fellas are arguing on points that really have nothing to do with what I'm saying. They're in the general vicinity but not exactly there, so I really don't know how to respond. I feel like many men are taking more issue with the cut/uncut debacle than with any actual theories or studies just because it is such a contentious subject, but whatever. If you want to debate the actual subject of trapped penis, and the possibility that milder versions of it may be what cause some men to get fast or quick newbie gains, and to gain with FR alone, I'm open, but the point is to learn, not to "disprove" it. I'm tired of trying to make you guys get the point, to be honest. I don't know how much clearer I can make it.
Hey Kong, i'm not arguing with you and concede that circumcision can cause real issues. I just pointed out that some of the issues that the doctor mentioned could also be caused naturally. I do get your point though...
Okay, I appreciate that...Yes, webbed and concealed penis can occur naturally. Trapped penis is caused solely by circumcision, which is the main point of the article, and could explain how milder versions of this complication could cause some men to make fast initial gains. It could also explain why restorers get gains without doing Penis Enlargement-- a couple things that are highly debated here but pretty much accepted elsewhere.
Kong, as you know I have not been able to find anything about trapped penis occurring without physical or detectable symptoms in grown men.

You say this fact is accepted with little question elsewhere, but I can't even find it discussed anywhere else. If you have some resources verifying this, please post a link.

This is also a general bump. I think this is overall the best thread on the debate so far and covers the primary issues in question very well.