The colonel;508466 said:
I miss the updates man I was really enjoying this thread ! Come back chuck !!!!

Me too! Come home my friend!
doublelongdaddy;506533 said:
...and also remember, we need to do user testing and chart results before this unit can be sold.

I know I am a noob here but I am an everyday pumper with a dark dick when you need testers :P

Come back Chuck, loved your enthusiasm
seekinggirth;509201 said:
I know I am a noob here but I am an everyday pumper with a dark dick when you need testers :P

Come back Chuck, loved your enthusiasm

I will make a thread when ready for testers, you can certainly join in.
hepcat;509885 said:
Maybe he really fucked up his dick.<:( I hope this is not the issue, but it could be a warning for those who do chemical Penis Enlargement. I hope he is just too busy fucking hoes to update his thread!.:)

People come and go. It is not uncommon for someone to come and go many times over their career. The best thing we can do to support our fellow brother is to continue to bump his thread until he gets his ass back here!
Lol. Love the responses!

Sorry I didn't update and come on here for a while! I had no idea there were so many responses. Thanks for the encouragement all of you!:-)

Took some time off and still pumped sporadically but not regularly.

REALIZE I need to pump very regularly which can be hard at times. When I take even a day off the capillaries burst right away the first time I pump even if it is for 10-20 mins.

When I pump daily or two or three times a day no broke capillaries! I just read threads on discoloration and since I know I'm VERY prone to this I'm going to keep deep tissue massaging for 5 mins every time after workouts!

Then in future I'll use DLD's discoloration destroyer and have my old white boy dick back. Sometimes I wish I was a black guy just so I could go more gung ho without worries!!

Also I guess my original gains weren't real or when I took about a week off I went back down to original size:-(

Also I've been dealing with not as great EQ as I did with the old firminite which got taken off the market cause it had cialis in it.

When I was pumping my hardest and using the firminite I got bad blurry vision and LOTS of pressure in my ears. The cialis/Viagra/Levites can fuck with your eyes and ears and cause blindness and loss of hearing!! Ski won't take them again but damn my workouts were bad ass!! When I was taking them. NEVER worried about EQ.

EQ is so important to me cause I have such an active sex life with my 13 year younger fiancé! Oh yea btw I proposed almost 2 weeks ago in a hot air balloon!!! It was awesome:-)

So my problem is when I work out without the penis pills or even regular herbal stuff I do not get as good of EQ afterwards.

Was taking stuff with horny goat weed but horny goat weed is a PD5 inhibitor like cialis and gives me tons of ear pressure when I take a lot of it too.

Tried some yohimbe on and off for last week and a half and I get good erections but kidney pain every time i take it a couple dayst!!! Last night I swore I had kidney stones the pain was so bad. I took some natural remedy and had some baking soda with water about 5-6 times yesterday and today and pain is gone. Done with this stuff!

So just trying to figure out what's best for EQ. Taking these wanna be erection pills now that work but I can't take much of them cause the added blood flow causes the pressure in my ears. (There are statistics that men with ED have the worst hearing) the theory is the added blood flow in the ears damages the sensitive parts of the ears. This scares me!

The more I workout and if it's a long long time and do lots of manual my EQ really is down. If I take two days off the EQ is rocking. So I am torn. Do I work out like crazy and have weakened EQ and less pleasurable for my fiancé sex or really good erections cause I'm not working out?

Trying to find a happy medium!

Trying now to see if I can do 25-30 minute sets 1-3 times a day. This only has me grow to like 5.5" but I also seem to not have the pain i was getting with 45-1 hour sessions!!! That pain sucked bad.

I have to stay consistent which I haven't been.

Thanks again everyone! I'll try not to disappear again! :-)thanks for encouragement too!
I've read on this board Citrulline Malate powder is good for EQ if you do intense work.
I believe kingsnake uses it or has used it in the past.
It's mainly for working out muscles but just so happens to have some nice side effects.
neckercube;513126 said:
I've read on this board Citrulline Malate powder is good for EQ if you do intense work.
I believe kingsnake uses it or has used it in the past.
It's mainly for working out muscles but just so happens to have some nice side effects.

A lot of the struggle of putting together a supplement is trying to get everything in one pill (or a set) that would do everything you want it to do. As I have been doing more and more research I have found that certain supplements do not combine well and may have counter reactions to others. In the end I am looking for the simplest way to supplement at the lowest price.
Chuck6877;513123 said:
Lol. Love the responses!

Sorry I didn't update and come on here for a while! I had no idea there were so many responses. Thanks for the encouragement all of you!:-)

Took some time off and still pumped sporadically but not regularly.

REALIZE I need to pump very regularly which can be hard at times. When I take even a day off the capillaries burst right away the first time I pump even if it is for 10-20 mins.

When I pump daily or two or three times a day no broke capillaries! I just read threads on discoloration and since I know I'm VERY prone to this I'm going to keep deep tissue massaging for 5 mins every time after workouts!

Then in future I'll use DLD's discoloration destroyer and have my old white boy dick back. Sometimes I wish I was a black guy just so I could go more gung ho without worries!!

Also I guess my original gains weren't real or when I took about a week off I went back down to original size:-(

Also I've been dealing with not as great EQ as I did with the old firminite which got taken off the market cause it had cialis in it.

When I was pumping my hardest and using the firminite I got bad blurry vision and LOTS of pressure in my ears. The cialis/Viagra/Levites can fuck with your eyes and ears and cause blindness and loss of hearing!! Ski won't take them again but damn my workouts were bad ass!! When I was taking them. NEVER worried about EQ.

EQ is so important to me cause I have such an active sex life with my 13 year younger fiancé! Oh yea btw I proposed almost 2 weeks ago in a hot air balloon!!! It was awesome:-)

So my problem is when I work out without the penis pills or even regular herbal stuff I do not get as good of EQ afterwards.

Was taking stuff with horny goat weed but horny goat weed is a PD5 inhibitor like cialis and gives me tons of ear pressure when I take a lot of it too.

Tried some yohimbe on and off for last week and a half and I get good erections but kidney pain every time i take it a couple dayst!!! Last night I swore I had kidney stones the pain was so bad. I took some natural remedy and had some baking soda with water about 5-6 times yesterday and today and pain is gone. Done with this stuff!

So just trying to figure out what's best for EQ. Taking these wanna be erection pills now that work but I can't take much of them cause the added blood flow causes the pressure in my ears. (There are statistics that men with ED have the worst hearing) the theory is the added blood flow in the ears damages the sensitive parts of the ears. This scares me!

The more I workout and if it's a long long time and do lots of manual my EQ really is down. If I take two days off the EQ is rocking. So I am torn. Do I work out like crazy and have weakened EQ and less pleasurable for my fiancé sex or really good erections cause I'm not working out?

Trying to find a happy medium!

Trying now to see if I can do 25-30 minute sets 1-3 times a day. This only has me grow to like 5.5" but I also seem to not have the pain i was getting with 45-1 hour sessions!!! That pain sucked bad.

I have to stay consistent which I haven't been.

Thanks again everyone! I'll try not to disappear again! :-)thanks for encouragement too!

Hey chuck so great to see you back . Congrats on your engagement too ! And also on the 13 year age difference :) !!!!!!
As far as supplements go I would just give them a miss and eat good food . I find when I'm eating lots of fruit and veg I have super hard hardons and giant loads anyway . Also lots of seafood seems to work for me especially shell fish like ousters scollops and such . The long term use of any supplements will stop your body producing what it needs naturally . I took supplements last year and while I was on then it was great and as soon as I stopped my eq went to shit. It took a while to get it back to normal and now I just stick to good diet . Occasional use is great but long term no good. You eq will come back just keep pumping . Can't wait to read your next post !
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Thanks guys for all the great advice!

Let me tell ya about my workout the day I posted last!:
Let's for simplicity say I started at 1pm:
-I did 30 mins [words= ]Bathmate[/words]/5 min manual/5 minute deep massage
Took break till 2pm:
-32 min [words= ]Bathmate[/words]/5 min man/5 min dm
Took break till 3pm:
-34 min [words= ]Bathmate[/words]/5 min man/5 min dm
Took break till 4 pm:
-30 min [words= ]Bathmate[/words]/5 min man/3 min dm
(Went in flaccid each time)

Stopped cause had to go to work!

Dan Clizer would pump all day and got his results. At the end of the 4th session I grew from 5"girth to 6"girth.

Theory: keeping dick stretched more time through day will make it stay at elongated length.
Why wouldn't keeping dick expanded girth wise longer through day keep the girth staying that way!?

My dick, end of session was red from working so much but discoloration was so much less because I added the massage! Was using a technique of using amalactin lotion and kind of pinching/rolling between my thumb and pointer the skin all up and down penis. Really lessened darkness! 10 Hours later can't remember my dick being so light colored in a while!

My dream workout day would be to get my dick maxing out tube. Then every hour having it max tube again and resuming next hour and doing this 16 times in a day! I think it would probably take just 20 mins to get it maxed the 5th, 6th, and later sessions...

What if a person did this every hour for 16 hours for a straight month!?
How much would they grow!? Limiting factor: might make dick hurt to touch! Maybe if achieved with lower pressures it could be done?

My problem: yesterday I didn't workout! Had my daughter and spent time with fiancé. Today just got two 30 minuters in and had good sex afterwards. Kept pressure low cause didn't pump yesterday.

TIP I USE: I lay on back in bed while pumping. I then do two different moves that cause my dick to kind of lower in tube. Say for example I'm pumping at 180 at the moment. I'll lower my dick to 170 and you'll see it EXPAND SO MUCH.
Two ways I lower dick in tube:
1) Push the base of tube towards belly button.
2) On back with head propped up and knees bent, I lower buttocks towards bed.

I do these constantly during [words= ]Bathmate[/words] sessions...

I had good EQ yesterday without working out though and even just this morning after two 30 minute sessions. Took some garlic pills and Ceyenne pills. Read somewhere two days ago that they helped. Think they did...
Might try citrulline malate powder one day! Thanks for tip neckercube!

Little about myself since I've never shared:
35 yo.
Divorced for 2 years.
5 yo daughter.
Business jet first officer(pilot) at company that is getting rid of my plane. Have lots of free time in my fleet compared to other fleets and spend lots of time alone in hotels.. Good for [words= ]Bathmate[/words] sessions!

Plan on really going crazy with my new session ideas in future! Just hope to find any time while I'm home! Fiancé and daughter that I love so much keep me sooo busy!!!
Great updates! Thanks for getting involved again, you are inspiring to many!
doublelongdaddy;513719 said:
Great updates! Thanks for getting involved again, you are inspiring to many!

Yes very, I have been following your thread, and hope to try this extended workout of pumping throughout the day. After reading your thread, I have been experimenting myself. This is one of my first posts so I'm just gonna give a little back ground: I am 20 and I've been Penis Enlargementing technically since February when I got my X4 labs Deluxe, it was a real pain to use it, I didn't use it too much, it's just gathering dust because of it being hard to work with. Then I got my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] [words= ]X-40[/words] in June, it was sort or hard to work with, but it got way easier googling and finding this site, and learning the mods that make it easy to work with, such as the Vacuvin, and sleeve, as well as other techniques.

I started at 5.75 x 5 before Penis Enlargement and now am at 6.25 x 5.25

200cm for 30 mins and got a .25" length gain, and a .5" girth gain.
200cm for 15 mins and got a .25" length gain, and a .375" girth gain.

We should all collaborate to see what extended workout provides optimal gains.
skidh;513840 said:
I started at 5.75 x 5 before Penis Enlargement and now am at 6.25 x 5.25

200cm for 30 mins and got a .25" length gain, and a .5" girth gain.
200cm for 15 mins and got a .25" length gain, and a .375" girth gain.

That is such a sweet thing to read!
I've recently started using an air pump for convenience. [words= ]Bathmate[/words] set up can be a pain after a long day. After reading through this thread I gotta add the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] back into my routine!!!
doublelongdaddy;513719 said:
Great updates! Thanks for getting involved again, you are inspiring to many!

Hell yeah ! Was so pleased to see you back . Just wish I could pump that much too . Was pumping two three times per day before my week break but last two days by the end of my second session I've had a huge ball of fluid under shaft at base of glans . Wearing andro as long as I can today then do one [words= ]Bathmate[/words] session this arvo and see how it goes then if no fluid back to andro tonight . Maybe just need to recondition to [words= ]Bathmate[/words] . I am pumping to 180 now though so I can't complain :)
The colonel;514010 said:
Hell yeah ! Was so pleased to see you back . Just wish I could pump that much too . Was pumping two three times per day before my week break but last two days by the end of my second session I've had a huge ball of fluid under shaft at base of glans . Wearing andro as long as I can today then do one [words= ]Bathmate[/words] session this arvo and see how it goes then if no fluid back to andro tonight . Maybe just need to recondition to [words= ]Bathmate[/words] . I am pumping to 180 now though so I can't complain :)

If you have had time off, as I have, from the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] or [words=]Penomet[/words], you will have a period of reconditioning. Work slowly up to your last max and when you feel ready push on. The retention may be temporary until you are used to pumping again, or you will need to apply the 5 on 5 workout (5 minutes in the tube, 5 minutes jelling or the like) maybe even 3 on 3 in the beginning. I am happy you are getting use from your Andro, what kind of time are you putting in?
Been trying to get at least two hours andro a day some days more . Got about 5 today . Bit sore after [words= ]Bathmate[/words] past few days so might go bit light next couple of days . Before my week off I was using andro after [words= ]Bathmate[/words] which seemed to work really well but I've had more time this week to use before [words= ]Bathmate[/words] . Was planning to use before and after this week but been too sore after . Girth seems to be coming a lot easier than length so I want to push length along a bit more . Want to try stretch hard pre [words= ]Bathmate[/words] then use light stretch to heal post [words= ]Bathmate[/words] . I think this may help length .
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Thanks for the input and encouragement colonel, skidh, DLD, and youknowme!!

Gotten good workouts in last couple of days.

Sore today cause have done so much!!

Next time at store gonna get some aloe Vera lotion. I remember Dan Clizer said he was using it and I think I've figured out why!!
Did 5 workout for total 200 total mins in tube yesterday and 25 mins of manual.
Today will finish with having done 6 workouts for 240 mins in tube! 30 mins manual.

I WAS getting good erections when I started! Not any more. I'm half way through round 5 of 6 right now and I've killed my dick. It's flat lined. Too much of this kills EQ!

Started using CITRULLINE not citrulline malate three days ago. Think it's helped EQ when not doing workouts. Have awesome morning wood last night.

I wonder if I'm doing too much and won't see results because overtraining!?

I'm getting NOT EVEN CLOSE to the pumps I got when I started this thread. I was taking herbal pills that were taken off the market because they were laced with cialis.

My pumps were amazing when using the cialis! But I was taking so much to keep boners that I started getting blurry vision and ear pain. People go blind and go deaf on cialis!

I did buy some imitation cialis a couple days ago though and will probably receive it soon. I hope to use it responsibly and not overdue it.

Something I've thought to do while I'm working to keep dick plump:
I'm going to try to go to a bathroom stall every two hours or so at work and do some [words=]SSJ[/words]'s!! Did this twice towards the end of the work day today and it was nice plumping up the dick a bit.

Figure it will keep the dick expanded more.

I'm doing the [words=]SSJ[/words]'s sooooooo intensely now!! I remember when on cialis how I stayed so big for so long and forgot how intense I was doing them. Sometimes can't get dick totally hard so KEGEL as much blood in as I can.

Also I'm doing what I'm calling the LADDER SQUEEZE.
Starts out like an [words=]SSJ[/words]. Base grip with one hand. Other hand I'm squeezing right at the circumcision line and pushing down. I then work top hand down squeezing hard as hell for 30 seconds before moving down towards bad a centimeter or so at a time till squeezes almost touch.

These ladder squeezes leave me feeling more plump than regular [words=]SSJ[/words]'s. I think they isolate the squeeze in certain parts of the penis more.
You sir are a trooper . 240 mins in the tube !!!!!!!!!!! Holy fucking shit !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm surprised you can even touch it after that. I think at best I've done 60 mins in a day and couldn't take anymore . Back to two sets a day now without fluid and hitting 180 every day this week . I'm not surprised your eq is suffering with that much pumping . You taking any rest days ?
Here is a log of things I have been trying for the past week:


10/21|6.25|5.25|6.5 |5.75 |30 mins: 18cm/start, 19cm/5mins, 20cm/10 mins-25mins, 20cm/last 5mins
10/22| 6.25|5.256.5|5.625|15 mins: 18cm/start, 19cm/5mins, 20cm/10 mins-15mins
10/23|6.375|5.25|6.625|5.625|25 mins: 18cm/start, 19cm/5mins, 20cm/10 mins-15mins, 20cm/last 5mins
10/24|6.375|5.25 |6.625|5.75|30 mins: 15cm/start, 16cm/1mins, 17cm/2mins,18cm/3mins,19cm/4mins 20cm/5 mins-30mins Continuous
10/25|6.375|5.25 |6.5|5.5|10 mins: 20cm in first 3 mins, 20cm/3mins-10 mins Continuous

EL is NPenis EnlargementL, ELAW and EGAW are erect after workout, (length)/(Timeframe), Continuous means I never let the pressure go below a certain length

So far I have found that pumping at a high pressure for a long amount of time has shown most results (what do you know? lol) as seen on 10/21/12

After doing workouts longer than 15 mins throughout this week, I now find it easier to pump to my max of 20cm. I pumped to it in 3 mins as seen on 10/25. Tomorrow I will try to pump to 20cm in 3 mins, and keep it above 20cm continuously for 30 mins, maybe 45 if there's no pain.
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Thanks Colonel and skidh for the comments and contributions!

I always increase pressure slowly and if it starts to hurt I stop or even back off. Did a lot of backing off yesterday!!! Lol. Dick hurts this morning.

Up early cause have to go to work and of course getting in 30-40 mins while I'm typing this. Pump in bed and brush teeth/electric shaver to multitask!:-)

Was able to barely get a weak boner just now to start. Little better than dead dick last night but here are my thoughts....

I'm off the whole month of November cause using almost all my vacation time then. Was wanting to tackle this Penis Enlargement hard like 240 mins/day! Lol but gonna have to back off:-( EQ is too important cause the fiancé is a nympho! Lol. She would not be happy if her Mr Peter wasn't in top shape:-(

Starting soon I'm thinking 60 mins will be max for me per day as hard as that is for me to say! Want to rebuild EQ and be able to actually have sex.

Skidh your log is awesome! I wish I were keeping records like that. But when I pump more and more I'm actually getting to lower heights in the tube! I've gotten to 20cm before in the past on rare occasions but usually 190 is my max. Yesterday I got to 185 only but was backing off and going for time more than anything.

I too agree that the faster one can get to max pressure the best gains. I personally go for width most so I do that shortening in the tube thing I was talking about which is like a [words= ]Bathmate[/words] stretch I think which fattens the dick in the tube. I actually think this concentrates only on width the way I do it and keeps me from max length which is good for me. Happy with length and I know it will come anyways. Can't help it with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]!

So since I'm not gonna be able to pursue this as crazy for a while I hope some of you out there will continue the experiments!

I wish I were single and black. Would be able to pump all day, damn the EQ and wouldn't care about discoloration! Lol.

Oh and colonel no I don't want to take any more days off ever. When I stop and then restart I always break capillaries. I'm very prone to discoloration and when I go more often I get less discoloration cause the dick is used to the pumping I guess!? My day off from now on will be 30 mins in tube!

I wonder what the proper amount of time/ EQ is to get max gains. Maybe we should all just follow what Dan Clizer did!?

Has anyone ever duplicated his results!? Is he a myth? Lol.
Ok. I've done some introspection and lots of thinking. I've done a reality check!!

This is crazy what I was doing. I was actually thinking about doing cialis even though I have some pretty bad side effects from it!! Wasn't proud of myself.

Am now.

Took 36 hours off. Pumped 10 mins night of 27th and 5 mins manual.
EQ a little bit better but still bad.

24 hours later(last night) did:
5 mins edging(masturbating close to ejac)
10 mins [words= ]Bathmate[/words]
5 mins edging
5 mins manual
5 mins edging
EQ much better!!
Didn't need adult entertainment even.

This morning:
5 mins edging
10 mins [words= ]Bathmate[/words]
5 mins manual
5 mins edging
EQ greatly improved!! No adult entertainment used:-)

I'm going to do the above workout twice a day. Adjusting up slowly and back down if EQ diminishes.

I'm going to abandon my experiment on crazy sessions. There's nothing better for a man's confidence than good EQ and I'm not willing to take the cialis that this man requires to get the results I was getting when I started this thread because of side effects I started experiencing. I'm done with cialis.

I honestly think though if someone is willing to take cialis or has great EQ that they'd gain very quickly from Dan Clizer's methods. I was so rock hard and expanded all the time when I started this experiment. I was keeping massive size hours later. After working out before bed I'd wake in morning and still have .3-.5" expansion from rock hard morning wood!!!! Was crazy awesome and I bet if I could have continued taking cialis like they were candy I could have grown amazingly quick!!

Dan Clizer was using Viagra at times. I wonder if this helped him gain so quickly. It keeps the fatigue of crazy workouts at bay..

Why do I think cialis is better than Viagra? It's Viagra that lasts 36 hours!!

Good luck to anyone that tries crazy long sessions! Keep that EQ high or abandon it and try something else is my final thought!!!

Good luck to all in getting gains!:-)
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I was doing sessions of 20minutes, but I have a slight left curve so it's pressing the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] on one side too much, shorter sessions take more time sure, I still like it. What I am doing at the moment is one long session of 20 minutes and few shorter ones plus manual. I try to spend at least about an hour on [words= ]Bathmate[/words].
Chuck6877;515159 said:
Ok. I've done some introspection and lots of thinking. I've done a reality check!!

This is crazy what I was doing. I was actually thinking about doing cialis even though I have some pretty bad side effects from it!! Wasn't proud of myself.

Am now.

Took 36 hours off. Pumped 10 mins night of 27th and 5 mins manual.
EQ a little bit better but still bad.

24 hours later(last night) did:
5 mins edging(masturbating close to ejac)
10 mins [words= ]Bathmate[/words]
5 mins edging
5 mins manual
5 mins edging
EQ much better!!
Didn't need adult entertainment even.

This morning:
5 mins edging
10 mins [words= ]Bathmate[/words]
5 mins manual
5 mins edging
EQ greatly improved!! No adult entertainment used:-)

I'm going to do the above workout twice a day. Adjusting up slowly and back down if EQ diminishes.

I'm going to abandon my experiment on crazy sessions. There's nothing better for a man's confidence than good EQ and I'm not willing to take the cialis that this man requires to get the results I was getting when I started this thread because of side effects I started experiencing. I'm done with cialis.

I honestly think though if someone is willing to take cialis or has great EQ that they'd gain very quickly from Dan Clizer's methods. I was so rock hard and expanded all the time when I started this experiment. I was keeping massive size hours later. After working out before bed I'd wake in morning and still have .3-.5" expansion from rock hard morning wood!!!! Was crazy awesome and I bet if I could have continued taking cialis like they were candy I could have grown amazingly quick!!

Dan Clizer was using Viagra at times. I wonder if this helped him gain so quickly. It keeps the fatigue of crazy workouts at bay..

Why do I think cialis is better than Viagra? It's Viagra that lasts 36 hours!!

Good luck to anyone that tries crazy long sessions! Keep that EQ high or abandon it and try something else is my final thought!!!

Good luck to all in getting gains!:-)

As much as I love to read about your crazy hours pumping I think your new routine sound much more realistic . Like I said before any supplements will have negative long term effects . Pumping twice a day I have the most rock hard morning wood ever and it's always still holding some of the pump from the night before . You're still going to gain with new routine just maybe not going to be as fast . Or maybe it will be better because your eq we be natural and you will have some healing time too . I'll be here reading your progress still either way mate .
Chuck6877;515159 said:
Ok. I've done some introspection and lots of thinking. I've done a reality check!!

This is crazy what I was doing. I was actually thinking about doing cialis even though I have some pretty bad side effects from it!! Wasn't proud of myself.

Am now.

Took 36 hours off. Pumped 10 mins night of 27th and 5 mins manual.
EQ a little bit better but still bad.

24 hours later(last night) did:
5 mins edging(masturbating close to ejac)
10 mins [words= ]Bathmate[/words]
5 mins edging
5 mins manual
5 mins edging
EQ much better!!
Didn't need adult entertainment even.

This morning:
5 mins edging
10 mins [words= ]Bathmate[/words]
5 mins manual
5 mins edging
EQ greatly improved!! No adult entertainment used:-)

I'm going to do the above workout twice a day. Adjusting up slowly and back down if EQ diminishes.

I'm going to abandon my experiment on crazy sessions. There's nothing better for a man's confidence than good EQ and I'm not willing to take the cialis that this man requires to get the results I was getting when I started this thread because of side effects I started experiencing. I'm done with cialis.

I honestly think though if someone is willing to take cialis or has great EQ that they'd gain very quickly from Dan Clizer's methods. I was so rock hard and expanded all the time when I started this experiment. I was keeping massive size hours later. After working out before bed I'd wake in morning and still have .3-.5" expansion from rock hard morning wood!!!! Was crazy awesome and I bet if I could have continued taking cialis like they were candy I could have grown amazingly quick!!

Dan Clizer was using Viagra at times. I wonder if this helped him gain so quickly. It keeps the fatigue of crazy workouts at bay..

Why do I think cialis is better than Viagra? It's Viagra that lasts 36 hours!!

Good luck to anyone that tries crazy long sessions! Keep that EQ high or abandon it and try something else is my final thought!!!

Good luck to all in getting gains!:-)

Wait a minute! why is good EQ essential for good gains? wasnt Dan using [words= ]Bathmate[/words] non erect?
Junglefever;515221 said:
Wait a minute! why is good EQ essential for good gains? wasnt Dan using [words= ]Bathmate[/words] non erect?

Because as you grow larger it takes more strength to hold the greater volume of blood needed to become 100% erect.
Just going to start with that routine and maybe add a minute here and there till I find out when EQ starts suffering and back down. As long as EQ holds I'll keep adding.

Also I'm in max EQ mode now. :-) home almost whole month of November so want to be good for fiancé! Crappy boners don't fly with her!

Also does EQ really matter to gains? I'm not totally sure but I have noticed when I have good EQ I get MUCH better pumps. Also DLD's explanation makes some sense.

Also most the gains probably come from the manual done after getting in the expanded state from the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. Everyone agrees good EQ is essential for gains with manual alone.
Thanks for the updates chuck! Around last week, I have been including my x4 labs deluxe before I pump, I generally stretch around 2 hours before I start pumping.

I went around 4 days without pumping until today and noticed a lot of small black dots all over the lower half of my penis. It seems co conditioning is important, make sure to never stop pumping! XD I plan to do more full length 20cm pumps, 20 mins a day, I will provide any info I find. Also, if I could get to ~203 with my [words= ]X-40[/words], does this mean its time to go to the [words= ]X-40[/words]?
I managed to get 6.875 x 5.875 today! I am now at a solid 6.5x5.5 before work out. Routine:

1 hour x4 labs extending, 700g.

20 mins with [words= ]X-40[/words], at 205-210mm

I am so close to touching the top of the [words= ]X-40[/words] XD. I want to focus more on length, should I stay with the [words= ]X-40[/words] for a while longer before switching to [words= ]X-40[/words]? Will my max length in the tube be lower with in the [words= ]X-40[/words]? I am using the Vac mod, there is not much pain, I pump with water mixed with baby oil and feel no pain from my penis rubbing on the walls or my base squeezing against the [words=]gators[/words].

Now to work for 7" after work out! Keep in mind my NBREL was 6.25" 3.5 weeks ago, I gained .25" in length and .25" in girth :D.
skidh;517576 said:
I managed to get 6.875 x 5.875 today! I am now at a solid 6.5x5.5 before work out. Routine:

1 hour x4 labs extending, 700g.

20 mins with [words= ]X-40[/words], at 205-210mm

Good work dude ! Can't wait till the day I hit the end . If you packing the [words= ]hurc[/words] why wait to get [words= ]X-40[/words] ? Your probably better spending more time with [words=]extender[/words] to get your length anyway . The way I would see it is get [words= ]X-40[/words] and more time extending and keep gains going both ways .
Oh and I miss you chuck !!!! No posts for awhile
Last edited:
The colonel;517743 said:
skidh;517576 said:
I managed to get 6.875 x 5.875 today! I am now at a solid 6.5x5.5 before work out. Routine:

1 hour x4 labs extending, 700g.

20 mins with [words= ]X-40[/words], at 205-210mm

Good work dude ! Can't wait till the day I hit the end . If you packing the [words= ]hurc[/words] why wait to get [words= ]X-40[/words] ? Your probably better spending more time with [words=]extender[/words] to get your length anyway . The way I would see it is get [words= ]X-40[/words] and more time extending and keep gains going both ways .
Oh and I miss you chuck !!!! No posts for awhile

Thanks! It's weird going to a [words= ]X-40[/words] at 6.5" length. I read many places that 8" is the minimum for switching to the [words= ]X-40[/words]. I think my 5.5" girth is making it too tight, I believe it gets to 6" while pumping. I can't see any open space on the left or right of the tube when I hit my max. I will probably only use the [words= ]Herc[/words] to the end of this year. I am definitely going for length, but the x4 [words=]extender[/words] is pesky to work with :/ with slippage and such.

I am temped to do 30 mins at more than 20CM. XD. I only count the time when I am passed the 20cm limit, not the time leading up to it.

And yess, where are you chuck!?
skidh;517755 said:
The colonel;517743 said:
Thanks! It's weird going to a [words= ]X-40[/words] at 6.5" length. I read many places that 8" is the minimum for switching to the [words= ]X-40[/words]. I think my 5.5" girth is making it too tight, I believe it gets to 6" while pumping. I can't see any open space on the left or right of the tube when I hit my max. I will probably only use the [words= ]Herc[/words] to the end of this year. I am definitely going for length, but the x4 [words=]extender[/words] is pesky to work with :/ with slippage and such.

I am temped to do 30 mins at more than 20CM. XD. I only count the time when I am passed the 20cm limit, not the time leading up to it.

And yess, where are you chuck!?

Remember too that the [words=]Penomet[/words] is a longer tube than the [words= ]X-40[/words] and the [words= ]Hydromax[/words] [words= ]X40[/words] by close to 2" so you will have room in their tube to get to 10" in length and 7" in girth. It is really the mid size model in the [words= ]Hydropump[/words] arena.
oldboy;522424 said:
too much...His dick has exploded... R.I.P

lol, that is some funny shit!
Well, maybe he is breaking the rules of updating his thread! When he is risen from the dead he better give us the deets!:)
This is probably gonna be a stupid question. Can you get permanent length and girth gains if you only pumped and did no other Penis Enlargements?

2ndly, i am gonna have to buy a pump from a local sex shop because shipping it to the house wont work. I'll check out what pumps they have and post them on here for your gentlmen's help.....THANKS GANG!

Has anyone tried this for length anyways?
I've been doing longer sets for two weeks already. Been on the tube for 4 x 15 sessions daily. Would like to see more guys reporting their progresses with longer sets.
I was doing 30min sets with before I got a new DP-4000. I'm getting used to this with many sets throughout the day. But I'm on track to put this methodology to work.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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