I've been using [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]
Bathmate[/words] 5-6 weeks, together with DLD's beginner [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]
Bathmate[/words] routine and aggressive Kegels. I started out pretty small; NBPFL was probably 2-3", BPenis EnlargementL was about 5.4 inches with me pushing hard enough to nearly impale myself. I've worked my way up to being able to to this workout; I now do 300-400 jelqs. I need to take a day off every 2-4 days. At one month, my BPenis EnlargementL had increased to 5.9 inches; a half inch in a month is impressive, and I think some of this rapid initial gain was recovery of some of the erectile intensity I'd been losing. My penis gets scared around measuring devices, and I haven't been able to get good girth measurements; it's somewhere around 5", +/- 0.3 or so. I feel like my BPenis EnlargementL might be a little bigger now, and my flaccid length has doubled. The increased flaccid length has almost eliminated an annoyance I'd lived with forever, namely turtling, which in underwear/pants can be quite uncomfortable.
The first time I got into the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]
Bathmate[/words], I nearly ejaculated. I own the Joel Kaplan electric pump system, but never used it out of fear, and I purchased at a time when there wasn't nearly as much Penis Enlargement support. The [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]
Bathmate[/words] doesn't scare me. Anyway, the first time I got in there, I probably only got to about 115mm. By my second week, I was pushing 125-130, and I now am up to about 145mm. I started in the shower, but now use the tub. I get in and fill the tub with hot water. After about 2 minutes in the tub, I start light stretching with Kegels and work up to good stretches. The stretching takes about five minutes. I then get into the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]
Bathmate[/words] and gradually increase suction. I reach max at about 8-10 minutes, and stay in for about 12-15 minutes. Sometimes I'll stretch after my [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]
Bathmate[/words] session and do another 10 minutes if I feel good. If there's pain, numbness or burning, I stop. After this, I do my Jelqs and this often turns into masturbation or pouncing on wife. As I acclimate, I'm trying to not ejaculate so frequently, as Penis Enlargement has made this past month and a half very sexually active.
I'm keeping at it, having seen results. Also, now that I'm more comfortable with pumping, I'll once every week or so substitute the Kaplan pump for the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]
I owe much thanks to this forum and those who started it.