I havent posted in a bit, but I have been sticking with my routine and I think that its working well. I have been doing a routine I believe OCD mentioned that Uli suggested for massive gains, especially girthwise. I try to do this routine 2x daily, though sometimes my dick is too sore to go twice.
1. I wet jelq for about 15 minutes at low erection level, but high intensity. I do a lot of dual compression jelqs at this time by kegeling blood in and clamping with a palm out ok grip, then jelqing forward a bit and kegeling again with a palm down ok grip clamping off again. I then jelq both hands all the way to below my glans. I do this as hard as possible, and it really seems to move the blood around well.
2. I then do the uli excercise only modified to suit me better. I get as hard as possible and then I clamp off at the base with a palm out ok grip. Then kegel to the max I can get. Then, do the uli routine: squeeze my dick with my ring finger about 5x, then I release and kegel in more blood, 5 more x squeezes and repeat until the one hand gets tired. Switch to the other hand and I do this a bunch.
3. After the Ulis, I usually do a mix of clamping with erect bends and some edging with horse440s. I just mix up some girth excercises here and have some fun.
After all this I like to take a shower and then do some stretches. Stretching really isnt that fun for me anymore, so I am not that intersted in doing them for long periods of time like I used to, but I do keep my workouts as intense as possible no matter how long or short they may be. I usually shoot for around 15- 20 minutes of stretches a day. I think that this should help with gains enough, as my above routine (primarily girth) should render some good overall gains.
As a result from this routine, I have been
hanging bigger during the day and I get some crazy hard, long lasting morning wood. It has definately boosted the health of my penis and this alone has kept me at it. I have also checked, and the short period of time that I have been on this routine I have gained a bit in both length and girth. I see big things coming out of this routine