Gotcha Turnover! I couldn't post on my thread cause the last page was too big for my cell phone to load so I had to wait for someone to post on here.

Last night was the first time jelqing for more than 5 min. I would never stick to jelqing. I would do it every blue moon but last night I decided I'm going to add it in my program.

Last night session

-Jelq 15 min.(New to me!)
-Ballooning 10 min.

*Expansion Supersets*
-SSJ 2-3 min.
-Pumping 1-2 min.
-Clamped Ballooning 5 min.

*3-4 cycles

Measured post session, I was 1/16th longer in length. I pray this isn't temp gains.

Still stuck at 152 lbs. (Down 24lbs. in 10 weeks, aiming for 145 lbs)I'm about 11 weeks out from my show. My team told me I'm lean enough already for the show so I know I'm going to be super ripped showtime. My team gives me high praise, they call me "The Future" of bodybuilding but I'm very humble so none of it goes to my head. I'm a hard worker so compliments make me push harder instead of relaxing like most, I want to win so bad I'm going push my body as far as I can get it.

My Squat is 495 X 6. I told my training partner "Fuck it!" and went for 500 cause I felt like a werewolf or something. I felt un-human and felt I would get it. I took 500 off the rack and knew my body wasn't ready for that weight so I re-racked it. I will get 500 before my contest.
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I got way more expansion during [words=]SSJ[/words]'s. I had no pain but I was getting thicker than I ever have before. My glans and my shaft were getting SUPenis EnlargementR fat. And my flaccid hang was more plump most of today after last night session.

I will keep in the supersets but might tweak it a little. Plan on adding in some Weighted V-Stretch to get me to my length goals. I think jelqing will maximize all the Penis Enlargement I do. I think that was the icing on my cake.

Speaking of cake, I'm going to eat a entire sheet cake after my contest. Until your on a strict diet you realize how much mental toughness you have not to eat the stuff you really enjoy. :s I can smell stuff like peanut butter from my room in the kitchen like I'm a mouse. Or when I drive past McDonalds I swear I can smell the fries. All I know is after my contest I'm going to stuff my self until I pop. My team leader told me he gained 14 lbs in 2-3 days after his contest cause he pigged out and he can eat like crazy. I'm going to get in that ball park cause I can eat large amounts of food as well like him. Just gotta wait till after the show then the feasting BEGINS!!!
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Has anyone seen this show Man V. Food? Fucking awesome! I wish I could pig out like that.

GH's penis doesn't like Fist Bumps!!!
Been talking to this tomboy chick at my gym. Me & her talk more each day but since she is working its tough to fit in a in-depth convo. She seems to show more interest each time we talk.

Today after I got there she was leaving. We talked for about 10 min. then she gave me a fist bump. AWKWARD!! was I just put in the friend zone or is she just bad at flirting? Let me remind you, she is a tomboy so I really didn't know how to take that fist bump.

I have been Clamping & doing Weighted V-Stretches(Kind of). Will start posting session again. Stay tuned, This will get intense!

*DLD thought you said you would post my pics & black the face out? Where you at man.
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*Please read above post & respond.*

Sorry guys for my misprint. I don't do any length work. I'm doing jelqing/Clamping/SSJ's only.

Does anyone take Zinc? I started taking this after hearing it improves skin tone & ance.That shit is awesome! With my other supps, it maximizes the effects of anything I take. When I take H.G.W. My erections stay 30-60 minutes after busting & throbbing rock hard erections.

If I have a intense session I will post my madness but if I have a normal session I will keep it to myself.
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Girth Hammer;385408 said:
If I have a intense session I will post my madness but if I have a normal session I will keep it to myself.

So what is the method to your madness?
Don't know but it sounded good didn't it. :s

I'm really just trying to see what will get me over this stopage of gains. I really don't respond with the "less is more" type of stuff & I do a lot of Penis Enlargement now and don't want to add more in so I'm just looking to make things better in my routines.

Will post if my gains restart.
Never been a routine guy, But I fell why not since the unit isn't growing any more.


-Kegels 30 min
* Watching the boob tube or playing the Xbox for the time being. I will do kegels this entire time short & long holds.

-Weighted V-Stretch 15-20 min.
* Since I gain length at a steady rate my length work will be light.

-SSJ 15-20 min.
* These Mofos really have change my size in the short time I have been doing them. Almost rapid, After a few sets I can fell my penis trying to hold more blood while I balloon it back erect.

-Clamped Ballooning 10 min.
* Just 1 set of ten minutes to insure the engorement & effort I put in on the [words=]SSJ[/words]'s.

-Jelqing 10-15 min.(Super Slow reps)
* Me & the jelq have a complicated relationship. Either my penis gets super thin while/after doing them or I get really plump during & after. I planned them after all the intense work so my unit will be somewhat erect and the thinning effect won't happen to me. Also to prevent from blowing a load post session, I've been doing that for awhile and it is really messing with my EQ. Not the busting but the extra time I put in jerking off post session. I will save loads for when I get meow. Others here say abstaining from busting make them rock hard for sex so I will be the judge (and the lucky lady rofl) if that's the case with me.

-Things that will not be used:
* Pumping: I will let the pump collect dust for now.I look at pumping as a way to improve circulation. Once I retire from Penis Enlargement I will blow the dust off my pump and use it again.
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Dont hate me people. Im just not a routine guy. After doing that once, it just wasnt my style. I like to think if my sessions as "controlled chaos" and will go back to my freestyle sessions.

For some odd reason my pumps all have this tear in them on the rubber insert thingy. So all I have left are the two hands god gave me and my handy dandy Cable Clamp. And my weights for Weighted V-Stretches.

Might just do the whole Length one day, Girth the next. That seems to be a dying trend on the forum for some reason. I will not have a set routine but will alternate between length & girth. Doing girth daily wears on my unit, Sometimes I have good sessions and sometimes there a waste of time. Now I will have this day in between of length, With no erection(Penis Enlargement that is :s) and that should make my sessions alot better.
Do your thing, rock that chaos, and bust that freestyle.
Hello Penis Enlargement NATION!

GH checking in, Been awhile since I posted on my thread. Haven't gain for along time. I have gotten VERY BORED doing length work.

I'm very close to my length goal so I will take a break from length I gain length with clamped bends so I will add those in. I'm going stick with all girth work.

Guys I have been taking Zinc before bed each night on a empty stomach and my ance has cleared up a hell of a lot. Also I'm waking up with morning wood again & my unit stays my erect size while flaccid for about 2 hours after waking. I do session before bed and I think Zinc is helping the healing process.

Lifting is great but I'm keeping the weight moderate for now. I will go HEAVY after my 2 shows coming up. The off season will get scary! I have been blessed with my genes to go heavy so I can't wait.
Why in the pumping section, Nowhere is information about you have to use wated based lube?

Got a pump today, and the lady there told me you have to use lubes cause oils(Baby,olive,etc.) ruin the sleeves in the pumps.

My last 2 pumps sleeves have a big rip in them and I assume I was doing something wrong. She said only use lube.

Does anyone know where you can get water based lube other than a sex shop?
Yeah you can get generic water based lube at a grocery store. Ive got them before that are generic "personal lubricants"
Thanks for the advice. I ruined my other pumps & since I never heard about oils ruining the sleeves I assumed I was doing something wrong.

Will post my session on here later tonight. Don't know what I will do yet.

My pops B-day is coming up so I may go to his house tonight. If I stay home I will have a session. I was trying the light intense stuff but member seems to have zero response to that. Plan on spicing it up a little rofl.
I planned on doing the routine I posted on the last page but I was running short on time. I was channel surfing and seen this movie that seemed interesting and I had to watch the rest of it. By time it was over I was ready to hit the hay.

I did a brief routine though after the movie ended.

Last Night

-Pumping 5 min.
-SSJ Compressions 10 min.
-Pumping 5 min.(more pressure than first set)
-SSJ Compressions 10 min.

*SSJ Compression: Some as normal [words=]SSJ[/words] but where the pressing down of the penis reaches its highest amount of pressure, I compress the penis up & down & I can see my penis getting more engorged. :s it looks like my unit was doing crunches. I will do these instead of long holds of regular [words=]SSJ[/words]'s.

The pumping with the [words=]SSJ[/words] Compressions made me engorge more than any session I ever had. Post session I had a flaccid hang damn near my erect size for about an hour.
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Girth Hammer;387348 said:
The pumping with the [words=]SSJ[/words] Compressions made me engorge more than any session I ever had. Post session I had a flaccid hang damn near my erect size for about an hour.

The wave of the future!
I finally did. Sorry, it's frustrating to only have access through a tiny phone screen. The one thing I found though is that the clamps are sold at [words=]Ace[/words] Hardware and some other places. Not walmart. I'm gonna add that to the thread on clamping because I was at two walmarts looking for the type suggested in the forum but they didn't have them. So I looked it up online and found the manufacturer website which even listed the names of all the companies that sell them. I have yet to buy them because I am on vacation for the 4th of July and don't really have the privacy to clamp, pump, or use my [words=]extender[/words]. Right now I am actually on the web through a computer! Thank God. I'm doing as much research as I can, while I can, to plan out a routine and get going when I get back home. I wish there were support groups where guys get together and teach each other how to stretch, pump, and all that. I know there is the website, but to be an eyewitness to actual gains from other guys because you were there when they were stretching, or whatever method they used would be amazing. Kind of like having a gym buddy if that makes any sense. Sorry to blab, I'm just so excited I can't wait to get back home.
The closest you will get to that is the [words=]MOS[/words] [words=]DVD[/words]:) Not too many guys would want to train Penis Enlargement with other men. Get the [words=]DVD[/words] and pretend I am there teaching you:)
Penis Enlargement has sucked for the last week or so. I only one session in the last 5-6 days. My pops had a B-day party over the weekend and then I got a new job working the oddest hours.

My penis seems to be dead or weak. I thought the time off would make it fresh and ready to go into battle when I restarted.

I plan on doing Clamping, Kegels, Pumping (My new pump is Hardcore. I wake up with brick hard boners after each night session)
Jelqing (Maybe), Downward Strecthing (Warm-up/Base girth gain). [words=]SSJ[/words] (of course the best, thanks to DLD)

If someone will lend a helping hand? Can you help me with what order I should put my exercises in for my routine?

I cant do superset stuff. My boners fade moving from each exercise. I give each one its own time. Help me out if you got any ideas on what order to put them in for better gains?

Really want to improve flaccid size. I want to transform my unit into a shower from a grower.
Last few day I've been pumping, Sets of10-15 min. Before I would pump 3-5 min. with a cheaper pump. Now with a good investment for a quality pump with a guage. I'm seeing the change with each session.

I think I will add in jelqing after Pumping(Using pumping as a warm-up). I will jelq sitted, with my wang pointing up so I can control if I'm pulling my sack. I don't want TN so I make shore not to go to far down but grip TIGHT & make each rep count.

I'm not a fan of jelqing but I really want to increase flaccid size and I don't want anymore length so I don't want to set aside time to stretch.
Fuck the tail end of my last post. I want ever jelq. For some reason I want to jelq but I can't for some reason. Its just I have such a tough time gaining girth and don't want to use my time on length work until I gain some girth.

I will add in more time for kegels. I've done too much erect work,So I will limit my time with [words=]SSJ[/words],Horse squezze,etc. I guess Pumping will be the cornerstone of my routine. I think the Fascia/Tunica is limiting me from gaining girth. I think Pumping is the only way, at least for me to gain girth.
Hmmm jelqing is amazing..... I tie a a rubber cockring around my testis each jelq sess. otherwise my turkey neck starts going gobble gobble on my penis shaft. Sometimes I have trouble maintaining an erection. Splitting up jelqing helps or telling yourself your only going to do 100 and each time keep going. I keep a adult entertainment mag handy in case the baby starts screaming, I lose concentration, someone knocks on my door... "Hello, in there?" too.

Jelqing everyday would be best but resting is good for you and your body dont forget. You might be stressed and that may effect your flaccid hang. Ejaculation control I would pay attention and are you taking your supplements?
Hello Penis Enlargement world!

Just a catch up with me.

I have been on a break from Penis Enlargement cause when life comes knocking, You have to figure out shit that really matters in life. From being stressed with my new acting career and bodybuilding, I neglected to set aside time for Penis Enlargement.

I was on a major dry spell for about almost 2 months! So dry a cactus could have survived on my penis head. So my EQ without jerking or Penis Enlargement was WEAK like wet tissue. That problemo is fixed but I never want to go through that again, Im too young to have those weak boners rofl

Im short on time so I will let you know I plan to do length one day/girth the next routine daily. Never been one to make routines, I will not put a time limit on sessions, I will make them INTENSE! if I have EQ problems I will ease up. But if not, Penis Enlargement till I die!

I just wrote a mega long thread in the clamping session. I logged in and starting to type. When I hit the "post new thread" it said I wasn't logged in!

Then my PC wouldn't load the page back up after I logged in!

I don't have the energy to type & rethink of all the stuff I wrote so I will sum it up on this thread.

Double Clamping is amazing!

I bought another clamp after losing mine. after I sent bout 5 bucks on a new one, what do you know? my clamp is seating right on my bedroom floor. This is after I ripped my room apart looking for that damn clamp. Then I gave up and went to but another.

When it was time for me to get into my session after sometime off from Penis Enlargement, I noticed one clamp was bigger then the other. then after looking at my boner like a caveman it hit me!

I should double clamp! I got MEGA engorgement. that is super intense and I expect to continue to do this for shore.

If someone is having a tough time getting engorgement during your sessions, I promise you double clamping will not let you down.
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What I do, when making a long thread, is type everything in a word document first so if there is any kind of internet issues I still have the word doc. A little late with the advice, sorry you lost your post.
Dammit man, I was posting some pretty long threads and I thought about you. It would be just killer to lose something you worded perfectly and not be able to have the energy to try and recreate it!!!!! I hope it wasn't so discouraging that you dont come around anymore. You have a really good vibe and I enjoy your posting.
turnover;399583 said:
dammit man, i was posting some pretty long threads and i thought about you. It would be just killer to lose something you worded perfectly and not be able to have the energy to try and recreate it!!!!! I hope it wasn't so discouraging that you dont come around anymore. You have a really good vibe and i enjoy your posting.

a Brazilian Walking Spider will make you rock hard for a whole day, And could kill you....... looks similar to the Sydney Funnel web Spider. These are the 2 scariest looking spiders in the world.
The All NEW [words=]Matters of Size[/words] Brazilian Walking Spider lotion....only $200 a dose but you may die:)
Hey Forum!

Well I havent been able to log on the forum in awhile seen my PC is in the open for everyone to see. I have only had about 4 session in the last 3-4 months. DLD is right, days off can become a vacation. I started to get back into clamping but since I was so excited to jump back into my Penis Enlargement, I over did it. Recently(last 2 weeks) my erections are weak as water! I will not clamp for now.

Will update soon.
I Know your pain.

At least I felt really close to it. I typed a really important document and suBathmateitted and I was not logged in !!!!!! I clicked back and my story was there. Im telling you though, I would not have been able to feel much like ever writing again if I had lost one of those stories.

forums are crazy
Girth Hammer;403936 said:
Hey Forum!

Well I havent been able to log on the forum in awhile seen my PC is in the open for everyone to see. I have only had about 4 session in the last 3-4 months. DLD is right, days off can become a vacation. I started to get back into clamping but since I was so excited to jump back into my Penis Enlargement, I over did it. Recently(last 2 weeks) my erections are weak as water! I will not clamp for now.

Will update soon.

Yup those days off becomes week sometimes. You are strong and will bounce back, it happens to all of us.
lightlyfried;686425 said:
if these weights are legit, that's some record breaking weights

Girth Hammer is one of the most legit Brothers that has ever been here. You can take his word as bond.