You guys have more courage than I do :O

I used to do supra slammers before I started pumping, and it is an intense exercise!

After pumping, my dick tends to be a bit sore and tender. I don't think it would take too kindly to being super slammed after a pumping session rofl

~Demolition Man
demolition_man;292515 said:
You guys have more courage than I do :O

I used to do supra slammers before I started pumping, and it is an intense exercise!

After pumping, my dick tends to be a bit sore and tender. I don't think it would take too kindly to being super slammed after a pumping session rofl

~Demolition Man

You would most likley cut back on your time in the pump because you would not need an hour, if you were to do supra slammers after the session, or even between sets. I bet that after only 2 sets in the pump with supra slammers between sets would make your dick fat as fuck and worked out as fuck.

Try 5mins pump, 5 supra slammers, 5min pump, 5 supra slammers, and then your dick would feel done.
crazyed27;292517 said:
You would most likley cut back on your time in the pump because you would not need an hour, if you were to do supra slammers after the session, or even between sets. I bet that after only 2 sets in the pump with supra slammers between sets would make your dick fat as fuck and worked out as fuck.

Try 5mins pump, 5 supra slammers, 5min pump, 5 supra slammers, and then your dick would feel done.

Sounds like a plan man..

Are you going to try it? If you do, tell me how it goes.. Although at this point, I'm more interested in gaining length than girth as I'm at 6 inches circumference.

But still, curiousity is a helluva thing rofl

~Demolition Man
demolition_man;292520 said:
Sounds like a plan man..

Are you going to try it? If you do, tell me how it goes.. Although at this point, I'm more interested in gaining length than girth as I'm at 6 inches circumference.

But still, curiousity is a helluva thing rofl

~Demolition Man

Yeah I'll try it, too me it seems like if you don't have a lot of time for a session this might be the answer, I say you could do this in 30mins or less, and still get a good ass workout.

I let you know what my post workout was like, after I try it.
I have a question for some one with experience in pumping.

Ive been Penis Enlargement for about 4 months. Ive been pumping for over 2 months. With a few week breaks in between.

My routine goes like this.

Warm Up
Normal Noob stretches
Jelq for 5-8 minutes
Pump at about 3-4 HG for 10 minutes
2-3 minutes Jelq
10 minute pump at 4-5 HG
Jelq 5 minutes
Warm Down

My question being. I dont see flacid results throughout the day after pumping. Is it because I have not been doing it long enough? Not enough time in between sessions? The only other reason I could see it being is i usually masterbath after my last session/jelq. Could this be it?

Thanks for the help
dongosattack;292821 said:
I have a question for some one with experience in pumping.

Ive been Penis Enlargement for about 4 months. Ive been pumping for over 2 months. With a few week breaks in between.

My routine goes like this.

Warm Up
Normal Noob stretches
Jelq for 5-8 minutes
Pump at about 3-4 HG for 10 minutes
2-3 minutes Jelq
10 minute pump at 4-5 HG
Jelq 5 minutes
Warm Down

My question being. I dont see flacid results throughout the day after pumping. Is it because I have not been doing it long enough? Not enough time in between sessions? The only other reason I could see it being is i usually masterbath after my last session/jelq. Could this be it?

Thanks for the help

You dont see any difference at all?
Its hard for me to say because I didnt do exact measurments when I started off. But im not noticing significant gains. Does the masterbathing after excersises affect it? My second guess would be because I have took a few weeks off at a time for vacations etc. So that could be it? Or should I try 20 minute pump sessions.

Thanks for responding
dongosattack;292873 said:
Its hard for me to say because I didnt do exact measurments when I started off. But im not noticing significant gains. Does the masterbathing after excersises affect it? My second guess would be because I have took a few weeks off at a time for vacations etc. So that could be it? Or should I try 20 minute pump sessions.

Thanks for responding

Significant gains will not happen. Small slight gains will.

Try this measure your erect girth before the session, then after the session measure your erect girth. You should see a difference. The eye can plat tricks on you, so can your sense of feeling. What are your thoughts while your doing your session?

How do you jelq? and do you cum after evey session?
Thanks ill try the measuring before and after of girth. I dont cum after every session probley after about 70% though. I think i jelq correctly but im not completely sure. 2 hands/lube about 5 minutes at a time

I was realizing yesterday too. Could it be because my pump is slightly too big? My ballsack doesnt get caught up in it. But a little bit of the top of my sack goes in the tube when i fill it with air. No balls though?

Thanks for all the help crazyed
This might sound kinda of strange, but hell Penis Enlargement sounds kinda of strange to the outsider. Have you ever watched your dick in the mirror during a session. Well truth be told I do, and I see my dick getting, fatter, longer and veins sticking out more. I guess its like a bodybuilder that likes to flex in the mirror during his workout. I know when I lifted weights I could see a difference in my muscles during a workout. They looked tighter, fuller, and I had more veins popping out. I do the same with Penis Enlargement, and I can really see the difference, between my workout erection, or semi erection compared to my non workout erection or semi.
dongosattack;293329 said:
ya i get what your saying... what do you think about getting a 1 size smaller tube? you think that would effect?

What is your biggest unpumped erect girth measurements? and what size of tube do you have? Tell me this and I give you the best answer I can.

I've seen lots of good stuff in this forum and am interested in pumping.

I've read in some places that pumping gains are not permanent though. They usually state that the size gain only lasts while in the pump and shortly there after.

I would think that pumping over time would have long term gains though IMO.

Can an experienced pumper let me know how this works from his experience?

And how long will it be before seeing some permanent gains through pumping if I was doing CrazyEds program.

Pumping is like bodybuilding...some get gains very quickly while others gain somewhat two units are the same but,if you stick with the routine within the first few months you should see length as well as girth gains.For some girth comes easy,speaking for myself length was the easiest to attain.but then again.....ive been a pumper since 92and to me its like lifting weights,its part of keeping myself healthy.get yourself a good quality pump , and stick with it.given time you'll see results.Also do the manual stretches daily,its very beneficial to keeping length gains.
j diggs;302071 said:
do u recommend donuts like the silicone or cyberrrskin ones??
Its best to purchase a quality pump with the flared opening as it gets a great seal.the rubber donuts you speak of often lose vacuum.
crazy i'm thinking about getting a pump i'm currently 6.25 long when erect and 5" Girth, what tube & pump would you recommend, i also live in the uk. Great post by the way.
1 3/4 a 2inch tops!any larger tube and you're in for a painful experience by having your scrotum sucked into the tube.they should have a sizing chart.
rod crowley;302158 said:
1 3/4 a 2inch tops!any larger tube and you're in for a painful experience by having your scrotum sucked into the tube.they should have a sizing chart.

I could use a 1 3/4 but the Ebay deal was for a 2 and 3 inch Kaplan. The 3 for balls too.

I wrap my balls with some [words=]ace[/words] wrap that way I don't have too much skin being sucked into the tube. It works well for me.
Im confused by your post. And surprised no one else caught on to the mixed up information you provided. In your post you say "But if you are 5.5in of girth stick with the 2in tube, the 2.25in will be too big and you will have problems getting a seal and your balls will get sucked up into the tube." Yet in the list you say "1.75in Tube size 5.5in Girth" and "2in Tube size 6.25in Girth" Which one is it? Also, is this according to the girth of the middle of the penis or base of the penis? Considering that the tubes opening is best fitted to the girth of the base...
collegekat;302437 said:
Im confused by your post. And surprised no one else caught on to the mixed up information you provided. In your post you say "But if you are 5.5in of girth stick with the 2in tube, the 2.25in will be too big and you will have problems getting a seal and your balls will get sucked up into the tube." Yet in the list you say "1.75in Tube size 5.5in Girth" and "2in Tube size 6.25in Girth" Which one is it? Also, is this according to the girth of the middle of the penis or base of the penis? Considering that the tubes opening is best fitted to the girth of the base...
we're just tossing around numbers for the most part,the best advice i can give you is to use their sizing chart!vacu-tech has a sizing chart to order by,use it for an exact fit...and remember,no 2 people are the same!For some a 2inch tube is too big,it all depends on your unit....USE THE SIZING CHART!NUFF SAID!
The pumps online are pretty expensive and I am only experimenting with the pump at this time.

I saw a pump in Insurrection adult store with a pressure gauge for about $75. Thinking of trying it out, but most people suggest the adult entertainment store pumps are garbage.

My dilemma is also that my current girlfriend is EXTREMELY impressed with my current size and says it is wonderful to her. I am currently at 7in NBPenis EnlargementL & about 5.5in girth about midshaft with a really big Head that she loves.

I think my ego wants larger since she implies to have seen larger but says she can handle anything "too large".

I just want to get to about 8 X 6. I used Penis Enlargement to get to my current size. Mainly jelqing and stretches. However, I have somewhat of a baseball bat. Not too bad, but the base is clearly a bit less think than the mid-shaft & head. I'm hoping pumping can even this out a bit and give me the slightly larger size I want.

Again, the size gain is for my ego only it seems, but I feel like I have to try. My question is would any good pump with a gauge be safe and effective or do I have to invest in one on the internet. I really don't want my girl to know and a big package in the mail would raise questions, whereas, with a pump from the local sex shop, I could easily sneak it in and hide it and use it early in the morning before work.

Any suggestions????
I have just started jelqing is it better to wait until my penis is more conditioned before I start pumping. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
collegekat;302437 said:
Im confused by your post. And surprised no one else caught on to the mixed up information you provided. In your post you say "But if you are 5.5in of girth stick with the 2in tube, the 2.25in will be too big and you will have problems getting a seal and your balls will get sucked up into the tube." Yet in the list you say "1.75in Tube size 5.5in Girth" and "2in Tube size 6.25in Girth" Which one is it? Also, is this according to the girth of the middle of the penis or base of the penis? Considering that the tubes opening is best fitted to the girth of the base...

Fuck you troll! Pick it apart all you want I stated the facts. Look asshole I stated the max for each tube size and from my experience. You can go to any pump site and get different information on the size of tube you need. But since you only have one post, you can suck my pumped 7 in girth cock you short bus riding fucker!
blackster1975;306206 said:
I have just started jelqing is it better to wait until my penis is more conditioned before I start pumping. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Yes! wait like 3 months then begin to pump.
crazyed27;308159 said:
Fuck you troll! Pick it apart all you want I stated the facts. Look asshole I stated the max for each tube size and from my experience. You can go to any pump site and get different information on the size of tube you need. But since you only have one post, you can suck my pumped 7 in girth cock you short bus riding fucker!

Hey man calm down, he was just asking a question. Everyone has to start somewhere, we must be helpful to those who are new.
10inchadvantage;308184 said:
Hey man calm down, he was just asking a question. Everyone has to start somewhere, we must be helpful to those who are new.

Your right, I need to relax, Damn I need some anger managment. My fault [words=]MOS[/words].
MissionPossible;311391 said:
How much girth have you gained from pumping, I have trouble gaining girth as you can see from my sig, I am definetly thinking of giving pumping a go.

Pumping and clamping combined will give you grazy girth. Pump then clamp while edging. I can get an extra inch of girth just for sex after that. I can provide pics to prove it.
every time i finish a pumping set my dick just deflates :confused: its a very de-motivating sight haha. i must be doin something wrong. i usually do 10 min sets at 5hg
BoredLoser;315034 said:
every time i finish a pumping set my dick just deflates :confused: its a very de-motivating sight haha. i must be doin something wrong. i usually do 10 min sets at 5hg

Do you keep an erection when in the pump?
BoredLoser;315076 said:
im not sure its kinda hard to tell

Try this get a full erection before going into the pump, then pump for 5 mins at 5hg or less and try to maintain the erection by way of kegels and milking the tube. Release the pressure and get to full erection as fast as possible and make that last 5 mins, then repeat 2 more times.

Do that and get back at me and tell me your experince, you should have no issues with your dick feeling deflated with that routine.

crazyed27;315257 said:
Try this get a full erection before going into the pump, then pump for 5 mins at 5hg or less and try to maintain the erection by way of kegels and milking the tube. Release the pressure and get to full erection as fast as possible and make that last 5 mins, then repeat 2 more times.

Do that and get back at me and tell me your experince, you should have no issues with your dick feeling deflated with that routine.


yea u were right i wasn't hard before, i guess it just felt like i was cuz of the suction. i just did two 5 min sets at 4-5hg rubbing the tube and kegels with some good adult entertainment and yeah that worked. i'll test out doin that longer later tonight
Thanks for the info!
Quick question. I've had a kaplan pump system for a while but I want to move on to a non-tapered cylinder. Will the pump I have connect to the new cylinder or am I better off buying a whole new (expensive, $130) vacutech set?
Syd Kitten;325120 said:
Quick question. I've had a kaplan pump system for a while but I want to move on to a non-tapered cylinder. Will the pump I have connect to the new cylinder or am I better off buying a whole new (expensive, $130) vacutech set?

I believe all couplers male and female from professional products like Kaplan, Vacutech, Boston, Lapdist are all universial, meaning there all the same size. All these sites sell couplers as eaches so take a look at them, they might even show whay size coupler they use.
Syd Kitten;325120 said:
Quick question. I've had a kaplan pump system for a while but I want to move on to a non-tapered cylinder. Will the pump I have connect to the new cylinder or am I better off buying a whole new (expensive, $130) vacutech set?

Does it have a male connector on the end that fits with Vacutech (their specs are on the site, they sell the connectors)? If not, you'll need to get another hand pump. There is a Harbor Freight one that is excellent and only cost me $15 at the time.
10inchadvantage;325123 said:
Does it have a male connector on the end that fits with Vacutech (their specs are on the site, they sell the connectors)? If not, you'll need to get another hand pump. There is a Harbor Freight one that is excellent and only cost me $15 at the time.

Yes the Kaplans have the male and female couplers.
The couplers appear to be the same so I think I'm safe in that regard. Thanks for the tips guys. Going to peek into HF out of curiosity.
how can you pump if you have a webbed penis ie my balls are attached to the shaft to much (bad cercumcision) and they naturally get sucked into tube
I have a devastating turkey neck like that but I have no problems keeping my balls from being sucked in. You just need to position it right and not use excessive lubrication.
growler7inch;329147 said:
how can you pump if you have a webbed penis ie my balls are attached to the shaft to much (bad cercumcision) and they naturally get sucked into tube

Are you sure you are using the correct sized tube for your girth? Let me know your girth size and then tube size, I'll let you know my thought on it. Nothing worse than having your balls sucked into the tube at the wrong moment.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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