I'm having fun with it at the moment. I like hanging and sitting in front of my computer for a few hours, as I used to anyway so now I have something to do. I've been reading a good deal over at T's place and I'm learning a good bit about hanging in the process.

BIB, As the weight increases the hanger needs to sit further back on the shaft, but what about the wrap? Should it stay the same or should it be a bit thicker to provide more padding and avoid slippage? I'm getting near the stage where I'll be hanging 15+ for my fatigue sets, and I was wanting to ensure the utmost safety, because I'm a bit paranoid about the hanger slipping off at heavier weights. What could I do that would ease my mind?
Man, today was a bit of a rough day. I've taken the last three days off, and my circ scar showed it. I've got some bruising right around my circ scar, it doesn't hurt too bad, but it is bruising. I figured it would be like this, but it should be ok in the next day or so to recondition, so no worries. The thing that gets me is how the reaction I get to hanging is so similar when I took a day or so from girth work and how my circ scar reacted is so similar, except that the bruising from girth was all over the shaft and not just around the circ scar. I'm thinking that it's not really bruising but what you talked about BIB a few posts back. It'll be fine in a few hours, but it's really dark this time back and that's why I decided to post on it. Do you have any suggestions as to how I approach the reconditioning?

Yes, I have written about this several times before. I always had a tough time with skin discoloration, coming back after even two days off. That is why I started hanging a couple sets at night, on the weekends. It made it a lot easier to start back on Monday morning with a full schedule of hanging. When you take a day off, if you can hang even one set, at reduced weight, it will help.

The only way to recondition the soft tissues is to do it the same way you originally did. Reduce the weight, and work your way back up. I found that when I did not hang any on the weekends, I could not get back to my Max weight until about Wednesday.

OK, I see what you are saying now. I'll hang for a few sets today and tomorrow at reduced weight, and maybe this t-vein will go away. I have to think it flared back up because I jumped back into it at 10lbs and moved to 12.5lbs. Not the brightest crayon in the box sometimes. LOL.
BIB, what are your thoughts on Fulcrum hanging??? I'm thinking of changing angles because my LOT has dropped below eight, or so it seems to me. In the past I have used A-stretches with great success when it comes to targeting the tunica and I was wondering what your thoughts were. I really can't hang SO since my gear here at home isn't conducive to SO, but fulcrum would work great, all I need to get is a piece of PVC about 4-5" around and I should be on solid ground. What do you think? Should I also hang a set or two BTC as well???

>BIB, what are your thoughts on Fulcrum hanging??? I'm thinking of changing angles because my LOT has dropped below eight, or so it seems to me. In the past I have used A-stretches with great success when it comes to targeting the tunica and I was wondering what your thoughts were. I really can't hang SO since my gear here at home isn't conducive to SO, but fulcrum would work great, all I need to get is a piece of PVC about 4-5" around and I should be on solid ground. What do you think?<

I never tried fulcrum hanging for gains, mainlly because I did not need to. I reached my goals with simple straightforward stress. But I do see the benefit that could come from it. Namely, dividing and conquering the tough collagenous fibers of the tunica, by placing uneven pressure on the top or bottom, or even each side of the tunica, by way of a gentle bend. Therefore, the stress placed on the targeted portion of the tunica will be greater, and make it easier to form microtears.

I did experiment with fulcrum hanging, within the last year or two, and found that it could be very intense. Especially for tough gainers, I believe it could be very valuable.

>Should I also hang a set or two BTC as well???<

Surely. You want to pop out the crinellations formed in the ligs subsequent to healing. This will allow the tissues to heal in their new extended state.

But later, you will want to return to the lower angles, and hit the ligs again. They should decondition while you are working the upper angles.

OK, I am going to try a few fulcrum sets and see how it feels, and I'm going to take this very easy, maybe go as low as 2.6 lbs to start. I'm going to try to avoid the burising I had the other day, and hopefully I can recondition quickly. The biggest reason for the change is I've noticed that my ligs seem to receive less and less stress as I've gone throught the last few weeks, and it took an extreme angle (leaning way back in my chair) to feel any load on any of the structures and I mainly felt it in what I think is the tunica, as my ligs usually tingle when they are under stress during my sets. I'll definitely add in a set or two of BTC towards the end of my sets each session. I'm going to do my best to avoid taking any breaks unless it is absolutely necessary. I'm so close to being done, and I'm just really ready to be done with length work. Thanks again for the help.

BIB, if time permits what would you say would be a good time frame to shoot for??? I know this question has been asked before, but I have a half an inch to go, and would like to get through in a short amount of time.
DUDE!!! I found the perfect fulcrum. During my session I decided to try and use the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words] for my fulcrum hanging and it works brilliantly. I'm glad I thought of it. It was a little tricky getting the hanger on when I had to be pulled through the hole, but once I got attached and situated the session went smoothly, and I didn't have to worry about the fulcrum rolling or altering positions during the session. It's nice to know that I can get my money's worth from both apparatuses at the same time.

I'm still wondering about the intensity though, but I'm going to keep plugging away for the next few days and see how I respond to this new angle as far as conditioning goes, and hopefully I'll get to a weight that is challenging but comfortable.

BIB, any suggestions as far as positioning (right or left) and how to deal with the scrotal skin that might get in the way, which for me is what's causing the slight left lean....
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I think I have a plan of attack now. I'm going to use the fulcrum method for hanging along with stretching every other day, and use BTC with my usual weights (around 15lbs) and hang for an hour a day on the BTC days and try and have at least ten hours a week, and I'll hang all seven days of the week in some fashion. I think with the combination of the amount of weight I use for BTC and the force I can use during my fulcrum sessions I will be able to get through to the end.

BIB, does this seem reasonable???

>BIB, if time permits what would you say would be a good time frame to shoot for??? I know this question has been asked before, but I have a half an inch to go, and would like to get through in a short amount of time.<

Time to gain a half inch? I have no idea. Too many variables.

>BIB, any suggestions as far as positioning (right or left) and how to deal with the scrotal skin that might get in the way, which for me is what's causing the slight left lean....<

I don't really know what you mean. I also don't know what your setup looks like, so it would be hard to recommend anything.

>BIB, does this seem reasonable???<

All you can do is try it out for a month or more, and then evaluate the routine. One key will be whether you consistantly reach fatigue.

Thanks BIB, I found a few threads over at Thunder's that helped me with the setup. It took some time but I worked it all out. The [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words] is what I'm using for the fulcrum as it is the most stable fulcrum I can use since the handles sit across the legs and the grooves sort of "lock" over the thighs. I can readily change the angle (higher or lower) as is necessary during the set. As far as fatigue goes I will be able to reach fatigue consistently.
Fulcrum Hanging has to be one of the most intense things I've done in Penis Enlargement. Man, it's intense once you start to get into some poundages that stress the Tunica at a higher threshold. I just finished my sets for the day and I'm just glad it's over with. Today was very intense, and I'm wondering if it's because I took some time to do some a-stretches in between my sets, because my next set was tremendous towards the end and I was just ready for it to be over, but in a good way.

I'm a bit amazed at the intensity of it, and I'm only hanging at 7.5 lbs. I really think my tunica is the limiting factor that is keeping me from getting to 8" and I think this is getting me where I want to go.

BIB, In youre experience with Fulcrum hanging, did you feel the fatigue as it sort of "circled" the shaft through the area right behind the fulcrum?

For clarity, the fulcrum for me is placed a bit behind the wrap maybe .5" and I feel the fatigue a bit lower than this, as it seems to run around the shaft and down into the rest of the shaft as well. Is this how it should feel? It seems to be correct as my FSL is looser after the sets.

Is it possible to do fulcrum hanging in an ots position?
If yes, where can i place the fulcrum/pressure to increase the stress on the tunica.
I tried OTS, but found it to be uncomfortable, and really not to my liking as far as feeling secure in the hanger and being able to fidget around like I sometimes do during my sessions. I found it a bit dificult to do, but I've heard good things about it, but if I were to do any other angle it would be SO as it seems to be very effective at working the Tunica and a bit more managable than OTS. I like Fulcrum hanging so far, the only thing is being very aware of blood flow to the glans, but that's not a huge issue to deal with.

>BIB, In youre experience with Fulcrum hanging, did you feel the fatigue as it sort of "circled" the shaft through the area right behind the fulcrum?<

I did not do any fulcrum hanging for gains. Just to try it out, and try to help a couple of guys. I felt the stress all along the outer curve of the shaft.

>For clarity, the fulcrum for me is placed a bit behind the wrap maybe .5" and I feel the fatigue a bit lower than this, as it seems to run around the shaft and down into the rest of the shaft as well. Is this how it should feel? It seems to be correct as my FSL is looser after the sets.<

I don't really know. I thought you were supposed to have a gentle curve, where the entire length of the outer curve is stresses. If you have a smaller area of fulcrum, I suppose the feeling might be more localized. Then, I guess you would need to move the fulcrum around somewhat.

What you descirbed was what I was feeling. I was using a general description to at least try and clarify what I was feeling, if that makes any sense. Thanks again BIB.
BIB, could you explain a bit about when you take a break from hanging BTC or SD why the ligs seems to be burning a bit more and seem to come "loose" after that first set?

I've been having a few problems with skin breakage and tiny scratches and it's been hard reconditioning. Do you have any reccomendations for keeping the tearing under control and how to treat them when it does happen?

I'm not having much success with the fulcrum hanging set up without having bruising and skin tears, but I am doing pretty well using high angle a-stretches and hanging BTC. I think this is probably what is suitable at the moment, but I'm not at all sure if it's enough time for my tunica to be stressed and grow. We'll see I suppose.

>BIB, could you explain a bit about when you take a break from hanging BTC or SD why the ligs seems to be burning a bit more and seem to come "loose" after that first set?<

Probably tearing out of crinellations formed in the healing process. Two steps forward and one back.

>I've been having a few problems with skin breakage and tiny scratches and it's been hard reconditioning. Do you have any reccomendations for keeping the tearing under control and how to treat them when it does happen?<

I always used a high quality Vit E based lotion to keep my skin in shape. But I am not sure why you are getting breakage or scratches. Do you mean stretch marks?

>I'm not having much success with the fulcrum hanging set up without having bruising and skin tears, but I am doing pretty well using high angle a-stretches and hanging BTC. I think this is probably what is suitable at the moment, but I'm not at all sure if it's enough time for my tunica to be stressed and grow. We'll see I suppose.<

Why are you working high angles and low angles at the same time?

As far as bruising goes, please remember, each time you change angles, the stresses on soft tissues also change, and you must allow time for the soft tissues to adapt to the new stresses. Just because you hung X amount of weight at one angle, does not mean you can hang the same amount at another angle, especially with a fulcrum.

Same goes with skin tears. New angles means new stresses on the skin. Take it easy and work up in stress.

I understand the effects of the new angle on soft tissue. the problem that I seem to have is if I take a day or so off from Penis Enlargement on the whole I get severe bruising, and along with the bruising there is skin breakage (little tiny cuts in the skin) and these take a bit of time to heal and usually itch once they do start to heal, but that's typical of scabbing.

Right now I'm trying to heal from the t-vein I have, and I'm going to rest until it's better. Right now it's been about three days and I'm taking advil for inflammation control and I hope tomorrow that I'll be able to so some hot and cold water treatments to speed recovery. I will resume hanging at some point in the near future, but I'm going to purchase a set of peweights to help with my hanging efforts, especially since I may not be able to hang for more than 40 minutes at a time because of work and school, and they should help keep the tissue stressed mildly throughout the day. I've heard good things about them so hopefully I can put them to use.

BIB, I've asked this before but I'm still wondering about this particular subject. What would you think of doing a jelqing session every two to three days to improve circulation into the new tissue created through hanging? It seems that with the increase in circulation you could increase the length of the penis a bit ore rapidly as the increase in blood would increase overall expansion capabilities and would expand the newly grown tissue more rapidly. I'm not talking heavy girth training at all, but circulation training every two to three days. What do you think of this in principle?

>What would you think of doing a jelqing session every two to three days to improve circulation into the new tissue created through hanging? It seems that with the increase in circulation you could increase the length of the penis a bit ore rapidly as the increase in blood would increase overall expansion capabilities and would expand the newly grown tissue more rapidly. I'm not talking heavy girth training at all, but circulation training every two to three days. What do you think of this in principle?<

I have said this many times. I always did BTB jelqing while wrapped, between sets. Then I tried to do light jelqing after my sessions, to return full circulation. Anything more than that would be overkill, and you might make the skin too sensitive for your next hanging session, IMO.

Bib, as always your answers are spot on. Now I'm probably going to start hanging again. Very likely to start back in the next week or so. I've been working girth the last few weeks to make sure my unit was prepped and my t-vein issue was gone. According to my logic if you stress the veins with greater pressure you should get a reaction, and since I haven't gotten a reaction in the form of thrombosis it's back into the game.

OK, bib what I'm looking at is attempting to find a setup for SO. Would using the back of a kitchen table chair (by tying a rope to the s-hook and the vertical bars on the back support of the chair) be sufficient for the SO setup? I've set it up before and it pulls the tunica forward, as the rope is tied to the s-hook and the bottom of the chair maintains the SO angle.

I've started working again, so I'll be a bit strapped for time and not to mention classes starting again or I should say they never ended for me but the FALL is a full load. What I am looking for is to hang enough to deform the tissues and then load up with some sort of [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ADS[/words], most likely Penis Enlargement weights as I've heard nothing but good things about them and the ease of use, to maintain tension throughout the day. This would serve as my "lighter" hanging sets since I'll be strapped for time. Since I know you don't have practical experience with the Penis Enlargement weights, the question is in your opinion would it seem to be beneficial and result yielding similarly to hanging SD with light weights? NOTE: Using Penis Enlargement weights is typically two-three round donut shaped weights with three weights coming in at a bit more than 2 lbs.


>OK, bib what I'm looking at is attempting to find a setup for SO. Would using the back of a kitchen table chair (by tying a rope to the s-hook and the vertical bars on the back support of the chair) be sufficient for the SO setup? I've set it up before and it pulls the tunica forward, as the rope is tied to the s-hook and the bottom of the chair maintains the SO angle.<

I have heard of guys using that successfully. You have to put your feet in the other chair to keep it from pulling in on you.

If you have a chair with a long seat, you may be able to hang over the edge of the front edge of the seat. Adjust your weight to allow for friction as the hanger skids ride on the front edge. Or you can do what I did, add an extension on to the front of your seat.

>I've started working again, so I'll be a bit strapped for time and not to mention classes starting again or I should say they never ended for me but the FALL is a full load. What I am looking for is to hang enough to deform the tissues and then load up with some sort of [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ADS[/words], most likely Penis Enlargement weights as I've heard nothing but good things about them and the ease of use, to maintain tension throughout the day. This would serve as my "lighter" hanging sets since I'll be strapped for time. Since I know you don't have practical experience with the Penis Enlargement weights, the question is in your opinion would it seem to be beneficial and result yielding similarly to hanging SD with light weights? NOTE: Using Penis Enlargement weights is typically two-three round donut shaped weights with three weights coming in at a bit more than 2 lbs.<

It may be great. All you can do is the best you can do.

Hey BIB, I'm thinking of buying a full sized BIB. Can you tell me what the differences and adjustments that would be required going from a starter to a full? I think the increased surface area being stretched would help with gains, as I have stalled as of recently.
hey bib>
is this whole lateral longital thing come down to a comfort thing
such as if you work on girth and then try to hang, where an issue of comfort is at stake or is their any real thing were a build up of the tunica will make it harder to gain lengths and one should concentrate on one or the other.
b/c i currently do stretches in the morning, wear an [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ads[/words], and then at night do my girht work
come time for hanging/ stretching the next morning I feel fine.
can this hinder any potental gains to come in the future.
I am actually seeing gains as of last month that I haven't seen ever!
Should I continue what I am doing, please don't say bumb b/c this tread is forever long and I hope I was reading right?:cool:

>Hey BIB, I'm thinking of buying a full sized BIB. Can you tell me what the differences and adjustments that would be required going from a starter to a full? I think the increased surface area being stretched would help with gains, as I have stalled as of recently<

The regular is about one inch longer than the Starter, and about 1/4 inch taller in the shaft well. For me, the two give completely different feelings at the attachment point. The regular has the same adjustment capabilities as the Starter. So, you will need to experiment to find the best configuration for yourself.


>is this whole lateral longital thing come down to a comfort thing
such as if you work on girth and then try to hang, where an issue of comfort is at stake or is their any real thing were a build up of the tunica will make it harder to gain lengths and one should concentrate on one or the other.
b/c i currently do stretches in the morning, wear an [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ads[/words], and then at night do my girht work<

Well both actually. For me, while I was beginning my girth work, and also maintanence hanging after reaching my length goals, I had to be very careful with the timing of the two. The girth work really made the hanger attachment point sore, sometimes even if I was careful. Your results may vary.

As far as tunica strength goes, it is fairly straightforward. Of course, I do not have any clinical data to back up my theory. However, there are two sets of tunica collagenous tissue, the lateral fibers, which restrict girth, and the longitudinal fibers which restrict length.

As I understand it, these fiber layers are laid one on top of the other. As with any other collagenous tissues, ligaments, tendons, etc, when they are torn, the fibers do not always align properly when healing and become crossed. If you are damaging both layers of tunica fibers at the same time, the chances are that in healing, the fibers will cross, and the result will be a stronger matrix in both directions.

>come time for hanging/ stretching the next morning I feel fine.
can this hinder any potental gains to come in the future.<

I believe so.

Good luck,

Hey Bib,
why would this hinder any future results??
Isn't it just the opposite that we do not (atleast immediatly) want
the fibers matrixing and becoming bonded again for another work out is coming and it would be that much harder to break a bond again.
Not like it should matter for a daily routine just stretches and breaks these bonds daily anyway and that is the piont right?
Also, I just started pulling SO this last month and have gained almost a half on length, didn't somebody say like that's all they did and gained like 4" over
a couple years, my lot is like a six or some shit and hanging for a year and a half didn't do piss, untill like a month ago, started switching angles up, and out, and now it seems, my length is starting to go somewhere. How long could this possible go on for? I hope I could get(no fuck that, I will ), but really really hope I could gain 4'' like our guru's!:) Whadya think?
Sweets, if you look into the anatomy of the penis the layers are matrixed together. If you are going to hang and damage the longitudinal fibers and then proceed to damage the lateral fibers as well the matrix may become strengthened while healing as the layers will overlap and bond in an odd way making the matrix stronger. This would make your Penis Enlargement career very difficult, if you are looing to be done inside of two-three years depending on your goals. Working both areas seems to slow progress once past the newbie stage. I've experienced this first hand, and once I made the switch to all length or all girth I've gained steadily and now I understand the reasons for these gains. As BIB always points out you have to work on your limiting factors, get past one there's another one to get through as well. It can be noted that it's also thought to be true that once you've gained length then girth is not as difficult because the fibers are more "thin" than they were. This is because of the matrix not being set in the same way it was before and is now in a weaker position as far as the lateral fibers are "exposed" in a sense to the direct stress placed on these fibers.
Bib said:

>Hey BIB, I'm thinking of buying a full sized BIB. Can you tell me what the differences and adjustments that would be required going from a starter to a full? I think the increased surface area being stretched would help with gains, as I have stalled as of recently<

The regular is about one inch longer than the Starter, and about 1/4 inch taller in the shaft well. For me, the two give completely different feelings at the attachment point. The regular has the same adjustment capabilities as the Starter. So, you will need to experiment to find the best configuration for yourself.


>is this whole lateral longital thing come down to a comfort thing
such as if you work on girth and then try to hang, where an issue of comfort is at stake or is their any real thing were a build up of the tunica will make it harder to gain lengths and one should concentrate on one or the other.
b/c i currently do stretches in the morning, wear an [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ads[/words], and then at night do my girht work<

Well both actually. For me, while I was beginning my girth work, and also maintanence hanging after reaching my length goals, I had to be very careful with the timing of the two. The girth work really made the hanger attachment point sore, sometimes even if I was careful. Your results may vary.

As far as tunica strength goes, it is fairly straightforward. Of course, I do not have any clinical data to back up my theory. However, there are two sets of tunica collagenous tissue, the lateral fibers, which restrict girth, and the longitudinal fibers which restrict length.

As I understand it, these fiber layers are laid one on top of the other. As with any other collagenous tissues, ligaments, tendons, etc, when they are torn, the fibers do not always align properly when healing and become crossed. If you are damaging both layers of tunica fibers at the same time, the chances are that in healing, the fibers will cross, and the result will be a stronger matrix in both directions.

>come time for hanging/ stretching the next morning I feel fine.
can this hinder any potental gains to come in the future.<

I believe so.

Good luck,



Is high pressure wet jelqing ok after streching because i thought wet jelqing was for length.


No doubt, I still have heard that people will say fuck it and do both once in morning and the other in evening.(length, morning, girth evening)and if so what, stretch twice a day?
What do you think about SO and how somebody(?) just did that and gained 4" over a couple of years?
Ok, thanks bib and good looks millionman for the quick reply's.
umm.... so if I just wanted to concentrate on length, Since I was doing a split routine of length in morning and girth at night, would you suggest I did two length routines substituting the evening for a second length routine.
Also, this have been an other issue. I use an [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ads[/words] which great so from my morning stretch to my night is a bunch of hours,
the only thing is that I use my [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ads[/words] while I sleep but it becomes to much when I was stretching twice a day and then continue the [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ads[/words] process in sleep mode for my ligs where just aching to much from what would end up over a 10 hours of hanging period(BIB, you said that you hung from the morning till like the afternoon, did you mean literally or did you use an [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ads[/words] which is where you say you hung for that period of time) SO, my question, is should I for go the extra hours of stretching during sleep using my [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ads[/words] or should I do a stretch routine 2x's and forgo the [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ads[/words] at night.

Great stuff from million. Bright fellow.

>so if I just wanted to concentrate on length, Since I was doing a split routine of length in morning and girth at night, would you suggest I did two length routines substituting the evening for a second length routine.<

Yes, no doubt. I always thought my couple of night sets really helped me a lot. Other guys have reported great results with split sessions. It really keeps the tissues in the extended state.

>Also, this have been an other issue. I use an [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ads[/words] which great so from my morning stretch to my night is a bunch of hours,
the only thing is that I use my [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ads[/words] while I sleep but it becomes to much when I was stretching twice a day and then continue the [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ads[/words] process in sleep mode for my ligs where just aching to much from what would end up over a 10 hours of hanging period<

I do not recommend any Penis Enlargement while sleeping. It is just a recipe for disaster.

>(BIB, you said that you hung from the morning till like the afternoon, did you mean literally or did you use an [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ads[/words] which is where you say you hung for that period of time)<

That was hanging in approximate 20 minute sets, with approximate 10 minute breaks.

>SO, my question, is should I for go the extra hours of stretching during sleep using my [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ads[/words] or should I do a stretch routine 2x's and forgo the [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ads[/words] at night.<

If it were me, I would hang rather than stretch, and do nothing while sleeping whatsoever.


>Is high pressure wet jelqing ok after streching because i thought wet jelqing was for length.<

I recommend light jelqing after a hanging session to restore full circulation. Not enough pressure, or enough time to deform the lateral bonds of the tunica though.

I did not know wet jelqing was for length.

Bib said:
I did not know wet jelqing was for length.
This is a commonly debated topic. Who knows the answer?

This is a very informative thread, and thanks to Cy for stickying it. BIB and Millionman have taught me a lot.

I need to begin hanging from square one. It is very discouraging to know that the last three months were wasted, because I think I was not grasping the internal structures sufficiently, and I was trying to increase the weight too fast, now I am not able to hang for consecutive sets, because in order for me to tighten sufficiently to prevent slippage, it hurts. I need to work on hanger adjustments and wrapping.

BIB, you say that the wrap should be loose enough to piss through, maybe even have to force it through, but piss through nonetheless. When I wrap, I think it is too LOOSE. I cannot for the life of me make it any tighter. When I attempt to piss with it, it does not constrain urine flow whatsoever. GentleMisterJustin posted a thread on how he constructed a noose to apply to his glans and stretch his penis while wrapping in order to free up both of his hands and also wrap while the penis is in it's thinner, stretched state. This may help, and I will try it. How do you other guys get the wrap tight enough? Also, how many passes is best? I have tried 2-4, with similar bad luck. The hanger slips usually, the head gets huge, and after the set, the portion of the shaft above the attachment point becomes swolen. I have messed around with toe-in/toe-out and seemingly no better no matter what I do. What I plan to do is...

-Take a couple days off.
-Construct a noose stretching device per GMJ's recommendations.
-Resume hanging at about 5 pounds, 5 minute sets trying different adjustments.
-Work up to my maximum privacy time at 5 pounds, then increase by 1-1.5lbs. whenever I see fit, not the one-week arbitrary time frame I followed previously.
-Add in BTB jelqs between sets (although my skin is usually too "sticky?" to allow this, and they always stretch mostly skin.
-Add 10 minutes of light wet jelqs after the day is through.
-Add a couple sets before bed, to keep my newly deformed tissues extended longer.

Any feedback is appreciated.
OK, just for you Albert ;)

Here's a flaccid, one showing where I start the wrap, one in the wrapped state, one before the hanger attaches, one after, and one at 5 pounds hanging and another at 7.5 (although I did not show me hanging 14 pounds like I normally do).

Let me know if I need to include any more, as I'd happily do so if you think you can be of help.
Whats that wrap made of?it looks like your using one long piece to wrap with that will make it difficult,you would be better to use a longer thin strip 1.5 inches wide by say 17 inches long and spiral the wrap down the shaft pulling base skin back as you go,you can pull on the head with little finger and palm of hand and hold the wrap in place with the thumb then taping the bottom of the wrap up.

The pics with hanger attached are to small to really see whats going on.
Thanks guys. I will try that tip you gave me, [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words], and if that doesn't work I'll order the silver Theraband. What you see is a 3.5" x 15" strip of black Theraband that I had left over from rehab exercises for a sports injury. I blew the smaller pics up so you can see what is happening, although it does no justice to the actual head expansion and swelling I got hanging 14 pounds in this fashion. I am now hanging 7.5 pounds SO with my lead pipe across the lap setup. I will post pics when I get a chance. Thanks again, comments welcome (and encouraged).
Ok you can try this out for now but the sliver theraband is a must u need to add more wrap so the hanger can grip better get a old sweat jumper and cut that up into strips of 2 inch by 15 or u may want less maybe 10 but u want to add more wrap.

U may find u will lose abit more circulations with added wrap.

but the best thing is to get some sliver theraband and use that by itself its the thickest and the best. with abit of baby powder to stop if sticking from the skin or if it becomes uncomfortable add some baby powder.

>I need to begin hanging from square one. It is very discouraging to know that the last three months were wasted<

Time is never wasted if you learned something. The key to Penis Enlargement is knowledge.

>because I think I was not grasping the internal structures sufficiently, and I was trying to increase the weight too fast, now I am not able to hang for consecutive sets, because in order for me to tighten sufficiently to prevent slippage, it hurts. I need to work on hanger adjustments and wrapping.<

You need to work on attachment point, which includes wrapping and hanger adjustment. The area where you attach is fine for stretching skin, and that is the first thing that needed to be done.

Now, you need to work on attaching the hanger closer to the head, and stretching the outer tunica and ligs (assuming BTC position) in a dedicated fashion.

With the hanger in the position in the pics, it is hard to grasp the internal structures completely. Normally, when attaching that high, you do not WANT the hanger to grasp the internal structures, but rather you want the skin to slip over the tunica, putting all the stress on the skin.

Side note: I do not know why someone would normally want to do it, but I have attempted to grasp the internal structures mid shaft, and at the base. It can be done, but only for 1-2 sets, as you found. After that, the hanger tends to force the fluid from the collagenous internal strucures, fascia, etc, and the hanger no longer grasps.

Here is what you want: Try moving the hanger down toward the head. It appears in the pics that you start the wrap in about the correct area. But rather than having the hanger 1/4 inch behind the leading edge of the wrap, it appears to be about two inches behind the leading edge of the wrap.

You are attempting to attach solely on the shaft, without using the shoulders of the head as the hanger was designed.

Now, what happens physiologically when you do this? All of that wrap between the hanger and head act as a noose on the head and skin. Rather than the hanger managing circulation, the hanger and weight attempt to bunch the skin and internal structures toward the head, and all of that wrap simply constrains this bunched tissue, and cuts off blood flow. Hence the swelling.

Your goal is this: Find the attachment point where the hanger is able to grasp the internal structures, bunch them toward the head, and then the front thumbs of the hanger "lock" into each side of the 'shoulders' of the head. The best way to do this is to attach at most a quarter inch behind the leading edge of the wrap, and then as you tighten, push the hanger forward in pulses, feeling the hanger grasp as you tighten. When you finish, the top of the head should be in front of the V formed by the two halves coming together, and the hanger should be seated on the shoulders, not the head itself.

>BIB, you say that the wrap should be loose enough to piss through, maybe even have to force it through, but piss through nonetheless. When I wrap, I think it is too LOOSE. I cannot for the life of me make it any tighter. When I attempt to piss with it, it does not constrain urine flow whatsoever.<

That is fine, and your wrap tightness looks fine in the pics. The black Theraband is very elastic, and very easy to piss past.

I do agree with the other guys that silver is better however. Also agree that the wrap width should be 1.5-2 inches.

>-Resume hanging at about 5 pounds, 5 minute sets trying different adjustments.<

I agree with this. But focus on attachment point. Five lbs will be a good weight to learn this technique.

>-Work up to my maximum privacy time at 5 pounds, then increase by 1-1.5lbs. whenever I see fit, not the one-week arbitrary time frame I followed previously.<

That is great.

>-Add in BTB jelqs between sets (although my skin is usually too "sticky?" to allow this, and they always stretch mostly skin.<

I like BTB jelqs, but I do not understand the skin comment.

>-Add 10 minutes of light wet jelqs after the day is through.<


>-Add a couple sets before bed, to keep my newly deformed tissues extended longer.<



The advice helped, especially attaching the hanger closer to the head. I will come back to this thread as I progress further. Need to focus on work now.

Bib said:

>BIB, did you have problems doing girth work and hanging???<

Did I? When I was ignorant enough to try it, I surely did. First, you should do girth work after you have completed your length work. Then, if you are doing maintanence hanging while going for girth, then do the hanging first always. For me, the fluid buildup and skin irritation made hanging impossible for at least a day.

>Seems today that my fluid buildup from the previous nights girth sessoin caused my head to go numb because of poor circulation, too much wrap, hanger tightness, it was something. It turned very darm and was quite cold to the touch. Circulation restored right after the set was over, but I noticed that the area of skin right above the hanger around the head has an excess of fluid buildup, so that is the reason why I said the above.<

You mean you did a full blown girth session the night before? Then tried to hang the next morning? Think about that a minute. You make shaft gains, either length or girth by deforming either the longitudenal or lateral bonds of the tunica. So the night before, you made the tears in the lateral bonds of the tunica, then the next morning, clamped a hanger on the irritated, inflammed tissues, not only of the skin, but the tunica as well.

Now, think about something else. You broke lateral bonds in the tunica with the girth session. Then, less than 12 hours later, you broke the longitudenal bonds of the tunica with your length session. What are the odds that this deformation will heal correctly?

>I adjusted the hex nuts, which could be another issue, the hanger is too wide now. I made the adjustment because I wasn't sure how the fit would be, so after the first set I kicked the nuts out a bit to see how it felt, and it was worse than before. I think it's partially the adjustment as well as the tightness of the hanger. I was just wondering if you had issues with heavy girth work and hanging in conjunction during your program, and how you worked through it???<

Yes, I think everyone has issues with length along with girth work. Just don't do it. When I went to maintanence hanging, and started my girth routine, first I slowly built up the girth work as I was cutting back on the hanging. Then, I did the hanging first, and the girth work last. But it was still sometimes tough to do the hanging.

>I took tonight off from girth work just to test the variables fresh tomorrow afternoon. I may end up having to wake up earlier in the morning and hanging earlier, and getting the girth work in sometime in the early evening and having plenty of recovery time so this isn't an issue any longer....Is 12 hours enough time between sessions?<

If you do your hanging first, and then the girth work immediately after, you will have more time to recover before your next hanging session. Hopefully close to 20 hours. But you will still not be recovered enough to be as comfortable as if you were only hanging.

More than anything, why not just wait till you reach your length goals to work on girth. It makes much more sense, and you will be more successful.

Further, the added mass of the tunica from girth work, whether you get any cross bonding within the tunica or not, will make length gains tougher to come by. The more mass of any substance will mean more bonds to break, which will mean more stress required to break those bonds.

Gains in girth come from internal tunica pressure, breaking lateral bonds because of this pressure. No matter the length of the tunica, it will require little if any added pressure to break the lateral bonds of a long tunica, vs a short tunica.

EVERYONE should read this post.
This is a great post - your feedback, opinions and dedication to Penis Enlargement is impressive to say the least.

I have a question that perhaps was addressed in this thread but I may have missed it -- I noted you said that on the top of the BIB when correctly placed, the teeth on both sides of the clamshell should completely engage. Perhaps that is my problem - the teeth never really get too close together and there's a lot of pinching going on. The bottom lugs are threaded in quite significantly with the teeth engaged, but the top is different. From your post, it appears I may be adjusting the BIB backwards with the bottom teeth engaged but not the top. Should BOTH sets of teeth be engaged when properly adjusted for maximum hanging "pleasure"?

BTW, I'm using the std BIB, not the starter.

>Can BTB Jelq be done as long as i want like 30 mins or more like before or after hanging streching.<

I never had any problems with BTB jelqing and anything else, at least that I can remember. The area affected by BTB is far away from attachment points, and the time and stress used are not conducive to great tissue deformation. It does greatly help with circulation however.


>The advice helped, especially attaching the hanger closer to the head. I will come back to this thread as I progress further. Need to focus on work now.<

Yes, stick with it, and let us know how you progress. Do not leave things to chance for too long. Knowledge is key.


>This is a great post - your feedback, opinions and dedication to Penis Enlargement is impressive to say the least.<

I appreciate the kind words.

I> have a question that perhaps was addressed in this thread but I may have missed it -- I noted you said that on the top of the BIB when correctly placed, the teeth on both sides of the clamshell should completely engage.<

Yes, the top teeth, on each side, should mesh, at least partially. You always want a bit of room to tighten further if needed.

>Perhaps that is my problem - the teeth never really get too close together and there's a lot of pinching going on. The bottom lugs are threaded in quite significantly with the teeth engaged, but the top is different.<

I am not sure you realize what the adjustment nuts are. What did you mean by "lugs"? If you mean the outer wing nuts, they are not adjustment nuts. The adjustments nuts are hex nuts, located on the inside of the right skid. Loosen the outer wing nuts out to the beads. Then, pull the right skid away from the hinge. You will see two sets of hex nuts next to the hinge. The outer set, one on front, one on back, are the adjustment nuts. From you description, you need to move them out a good bit. Then, replace the right skid, lined up properly, and snug down the outer wing nuts.

>From your post, it appears I may be adjusting the BIB backwards with the bottom teeth engaged but not the top. Should BOTH sets of teeth be engaged when properly adjusted for maximum hanging "pleasure"?<

No. The bottom teeth are important for restraining the bottom chamber, the CS. But the hanger should be adjusted so the the inner fingers of the shaft well are like this, / \, and not this, l l, or surely not this, \ /. This means the bottom gap must be wider than the top gap. Usually, if the top teeth are meshed a bit, the top gap will be much smaller than the bottom gap, which is fine.

You will need to run the bottom adjustment hex nuts out a bit, and then test. The key is to have the top teeth meshed a bit, when the hanger is finally tightened enough to hold the amount of weight you are attempting to hang. It is a trial and error process, which requires a few sets to get right.

The hanger is designed as described above, so that the inner shaft well fingers are pushing in and down on the shaft, and so that the hanger is grasping the inner structures of the top two major chambers. There should be much less pressure on the bottom chamber, the CS.

If your wrapped flaccid girth is big enough, the bottom teeth may not come close to meshing. That is fine.

On BiB's advice here, I started massaging the whole penile shaft from the anus to glans, after clamping. I had the time to lie down and take a nap, and what I noticed was amazing.

First I felt a tired old blood feeling in my crotch, then my lower abdomen, then more on the ab surface, then in my face, my hands, and finally my nose after about an hour and a half. That was with an initial massage of about three reps up and down, another three reps after five minutes, one massage cycle fifteen minutes later, and at half an hour. Then I just noted how I was feeling over an hour and a half. Amazing. By the time it got into my nose it wasn't a bad blood feeling anymore, and there might be a good hormone load that also gets circulated because I was feeling good from about an hour on.

pnoewbe;271760 said:
On BiB's advice here, I started massaging the whole penile shaft from the anus to glans, after clamping. I had the time to lie down and take a nap, and what I noticed was amazing.

First I felt a tired old blood feeling in my crotch, then my lower abdomen, then more on the ab surface, then in my face, my hands, and finally my nose after about an hour and a half. That was with an initial massage of about three reps up and down, another three reps after five minutes, one massage cycle fifteen minutes later, and at half an hour. Then I just noted how I was feeling over an hour and a half. Amazing. By the time it got into my nose it wasn't a bad blood feeling anymore, and there might be a good hormone load that also gets circulated because I was feeling good from about an hour on.

Wow! That's interesting! Gotta try that.
I noticed that tired blood effect, too, same as you say. It went all over my body, too.

Could be true about hormones, too.