Hey guys. I should have my PGE1 tomorrow so I thought I'd go ahead and start this log. I'm currently following dashdemings hardcore hanging routine - 1 set of heavy hanging a day with one or two days off a week. I usually follow up with some wet jelqing.

I'll be doing things a bit differently with the PGE1. I plan to warm up for 5 - 10 mins with a damp wash cloth. Then I'll be hanging for 20 mins (sticking with the BTC angle). Followed by 10 to 20 mins wet jelqing. Then I'll inject with enough PGE1 to get a 4 hour erection. I'll then use the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] for 20 mins - doing either a plain set, slow squash jelqs or stretches. I'll then take 25 mgs of viagra before bed.

I may change this based on how I respond. For instance I may start doing ULI's before the injection or I may do them during. Or I may switch the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] set to before the injection. The fluid build up may make it hard for the next days hanging so I may have to cut it out or just do very light sets.

I'll be aiming for around 5 days on 2 days off- probably Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat and Sun on.

I'll also be taking pentox. It's prescribed for peyronies and my thinking is that it will help to prevent the tunica from becoming too tough.

I'll also be starting a diet and exercise routine. I'm currently around 14 stone (196 lbs). I need to get down to around 11.5 stone (161 lbs) maybe even less. I'm going to try and stick with a weight lifting routine 3 nights a week and jogging every morning. I'll be doing an ab workout before my run. I may try doing intervals once I get my fitness up. Probably tabatas or maybe just fartleks. For weightlifting I'll be doing either stronglifts 5*5 or starting strength but I may switch to higher rep stuff once my strength levels are up.

I'm not going to be following any crazy diet - just eating less, eating no junk food, less carbs, more protein, more veg and more good fats. I'll be trying to cut out salt and caffeine as well and just drink loads of water.

I have been looking into verapamil which I may start taking when I get enough money. Verapamil injection is prescribed for peyronies. It can reduce collagen synthesis and increase collagenase synthesis. It can also cause an erection. This could mean that I could reduce the amount of PGE1 that I need to inject if I inject them both at the same time. Alternatively, I could wait for the PGE1 erection to subside and then inject with Verapamil. This would allow me to have an 8+ hour erection with less chance of building a tolerance or of having a dangerous priapism.

Some links:

Dr. Adams patent


PGE1 effects on collagen
I reread Adams patent and I think I might reduce my injections down to 4 days a week - probably a tuesday, thursday, saturday and sunday. This would give me more time to do other things and reduce the chances of developing tolerance. It also said that if the erection was only around 65% then a second injection could be given.

It also says that the erection time should be between 3 and 6 hours per day.

I only noticed this also "The composition can be formulated for administration to the dense connective tissue surrounding the erectile tissue of the penis by a deep injection that goes below the dermis and subcutaneous tissues. The composition can be formulated for administration to the dorsal suspensory ligand of the penis."

It doesn't say what would be injected here - if PGE1 would infact weaken the collagen. This is something I've never really seen anyone try who is experimenting with chemical Penis Enlargement.

It also mentions that calcium channel blockers can be used to induce the erection. Verapamil belongs to this class of drugs. I'm thinking that maybe it could be used on the dorsal lig as it's directly injected into plaques that cause peyronies rather than the CC. The plaques in peyronies are made of very tough collagen much like ligs.

"The potentiator can be formulated for administration to the dense connective tissue surrounding the erectile tissue of the penis by a deep injection that goes below the dermis and subcutaneous tissues.

The potentiator can be formulated for administration to the dorsal suspensory ligand of the penis, or for intracavernosal injection, or for administration by an implantable sustained release drug or device.

The potentiator can be administered separately from the composition or concurrently with the composition."

I wonder if the reason that no one was getting any gains from injecting igf 1 was due to the fact that they were injecting intracavernosally but they should have been injecting directly to CC. For instance, you could inject igf 1 into the layer of the tunica without penetrating into the CC then using a different needle inject PGE1 into the CC. Again Verapamil could be used or maybe even PGE1???

As PGE1 has collagen weakening properties it could be injected at multiple locations around the tunica. Then an injection into the CC could be given which would give an erection. Think about it. It would take alot less PGE1 to affect the small volume of the tunica as it would to affect the large volume of the CC. That is if you decide to inject the full area of the tunica. A small ring of say 10 to 20 mm could be injected, say at the very base. This would weaken this area allowing it the stretch. Then the next day the injections could be moved further. Alternatively the septum could be targeted.
"A very hard firm erection which is usually preferred for erectile dysfunction will have more veno-occlusive obstruction of the circulation and the reduced flow of fresh oxygenated blood into the erectile tissue will limit the maximum duration that the erection can be safely maintained. A softer less firm response can be safely and comfortably maintained for a greater length of time than a full erection."

The above is another quote from the link I provided above to Dr Adams patent
I got my PGE 1 today. I thought I'd go ahead and inject without doing any exercises as I was so excited to try it out. I'm keeping this from my wife so I was kinda shitting it that she might land back home and catch me with a box full of slin pins. I don't want to have to explain that to her.

Anyways I pulled back 5 out of 100 units on the insulin syringe but after I pushed out the air I was only left with 4. It's 100mcg per ml so 4 units equals 4 mcgs. I didn't read up on injecting the penis as I thought it would be straight forward. I've done injections before, sub cutaneous and intra muscular but this was my first intra CC. I wasn't sure if the pin was in far enough and it was kinda painfull going through the tunica. I tried to aspirate as I thought that if I was in the CC I should see blood but for some reason I didn't. I wasn't easy pushing the plunger down and as I did the pain was very noticable. All this made me very nauseous. I wasn't nervous before starting but at this point I was. I started freaking out a bit thinking I'd done it wrong. I got a bit light headed but after a minute or so I was grand.

I had a cock ring on before I injected and I started to get slightly erect once I'd calmed down but I honestly thought that maybe I'd missed the CC or that I hadn't made it all the way through the tunica. Then the erection kept building, I got to around 70 to 80% erect but it was more with the cock ring on. I was very plump. I don't know if that is normal, I'd say I've been underestimating how bad my EQ has been lately and the PGE1 has shown me what my proper EQ should be. I'm very impressed with it, the pain wasn't really noticable but at higher doses I can imagine that it will be hard to deal with. I'll hopefully be getting some topical anesthetic soon.

The erection lasted about 1 hour. Can't wait for my next injection, was tempted to do another but instead I took 25mg of viagra buccal as I'm just after dinner. The next time I'll probably take 6 mcg.
Ok so today I got home early. I did 2 sets of hanging. 1 was a warm up with half the weight I normally use and the other was the full weight. I attached the hanger closer to the glans today for the first time in over a month or 2. I really felt the fatigue in the ligs. After I did wet jelqs for 20 mins. I then injected with 6mcg of PGE1. I also popped a pentox tab.

The injection didn't go that well. I don't think I went deep enough and I didn't have the clamp on tight enough. I tried using a leather button up cock ring attached behind the balls but I didn't get much off an erection. I'd say I was about 40% erect for an hour or two. After about an hour I popped 25 mgs of Viagra in the hope that it would strengthen the erection but it didn't. About 3 hours after I gave myself that first injection I gave myself another. This time I injected 8 mcg. I used a cable clamp and clamped down hard. I made sure I was deep enough. I got a 95%+ erection and I still have it 1 hour later.

I don't think that 25 mgs of viagra is enough. Anymore I will take 50 mgs every night. I may need to buy more soon off ADC or if DLD starts stocking it I be able to get it here.

I haven't had sex on it yet but I can't wait to try it out.

The next time I'll probably try and stay at 8 mcg and do a second injection if the erection lasts less than 3 hours, and maybe take 50 mcg towards the end to see what effect that has. My next injection will probably be on Saturday.
The second erection has only just gone done - it's 4 hours later. The erection was above 85% for the first 2.5 hours then about 65% for an hour.
I took 2 days off Penis Enlargement to give my cock a rest and to focus on my studies. I did 20 mins of a warm up hanging set with around 10 lbs then tried to do another set with 22.5 lbs but had to cut it short as I was getting alot of pain in my glans. I attached the hanger to close to the glans and wasn't able to stick the pain probably due to the fact that I had taken a few days off.

I was going to try another set but thought fuck it and went straight into injecting with pge1. My last injection was with 8 mcg. This time I did 11 mcg into the right CC. I tried doing it into the side but I must has missed the CC and got zero erectile response. I waited 2 or 3 hours and then did another injection but this time into the top left side. I got a 80 % erection but it only lasted an hour or so. It's 3 hours later and I've very little plumpness left in my cock. I think might be injecting too close to the base of my dick. I'm trying to put the clamp as close to the base as possible but the further I go back the less effective the clamp is. Next time I'm going to make sure that the clamp is right before I inject. I will probably up the dose to 12 or 13 mcg.

The pain was a lot worse this time. I tried to rush pushing down the plunger and got a huge shot of pain. Next time I'll be patient and take it slow. I may need to get some topical anesthetic.

I tried taking 50 mg of viagra when the erection had dropped to below 65% but all it's doing is giving me a headache. I might try injecting tomorrow but this time I'll take the viagra before the shot. I'll probably just take 25 mgs.
bigdex28;518072 said:
tried taking 50 mg of viagra when the erection had dropped to below 65% but all it's doing is giving me a headache. I might try injecting tomorrow but this time I'll take the viagra before the shot. I'll probably just take 25 mgs.

Inject Viagra?
Hey bigdex28. Congrats bro on the joining of crazy motherfuckers that pin there dicks. With injecting you should inject the pge1 first then quickly put the cockring on. If you keep a cockring on first there will be a lot more internal pressure in your penis, thus making it harder to push the syringe through the tunica walls into the CCs.

So inject first then quickly put the cockring on then message your penis to spread the chemicals through out the CCs. Once your erection starts to build up to at least 60 to 70%, you should be able to take off the cockring since the erection should at that point be locked in as it continues to build before peaking out hours later.

With pain, you shouldn't feel any serious aching yet. For me I didn't start to suffer until I got up to injecting 15 mcgs of PGE1. Also to created a stronger longer lasting chemical erection it's good to edge for the first hour to really locked that erection in there.

With the pentox where are you getting your supply without a prescription? Im definitely interested in trying it orally and mixing it with my DMSO/PABA mix.
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Hey dld, I'll be taking the viagra orally then injecting the PGE1. Viagra could be injected if it was sterile but I have no way of preparing it.

Hey kingsnake, thanks for the tips man, I appreciate it. Been having a lot of trouble with these injections. The last day I injected I edged and did some girth work like extreme jelqing and Ulis. I got a decent erection and stayed hard for a good while afterwards. I didn't think that I'd need to do that though so I didn't bother today but I'll definitely do it next time.

I got my supply of pentox over at alldaychemist. I'll be getting more soon along with some verapamil and either viagra or cialis and any other chemical that will help me get a bigger dick.

I've been reading over Dr Adams patent a lot and have got a few ideas for Chemical penis enlargement that I haven't really read of anyone on these forums try.

  • Injecting DMSO into the CC, tunica or the ligs (I think ronielle has been trying this out lately)
  • Injecting testosterone subcutaneously into the penis
  • Injecting either verapamil or chlorpromazine into the CC

I don't know where I could get DMSO that would be safe enough for injecting but I'd be up for trying it if I could. His patent says that it prevents collagen cross linking which would lead to a loss of elasticity. That's what happened that guy who developed megallophallus as a result priapism. The researchers said that it was probably due to a permanent loss of elastisity in the tunica. If I got it I would inject directly into the tunica and not the CC. I would also inject into the ligs.

Tomorrow I might try 2 injections. Firstly I'll warm up. Then inject into the ligs. Then hang, jelq and ulis followed by Viagra and a PGE1 injection into the CC. I'll do some edging with more jelqing and uli's. I might try focusing on wet jelqs to get more length.

I'll update tomorrow evening.
I didn't bother with the lig injection today, I may try it next week. Didn't do any hanging neither but I may do a set before bed.

I started off by taking 25 mgs of viagra then I shot 13mcg into the top of the right CC. I got a great response - 90 to 100% erect for 2 hours then above 65% for an hour and a half. I then injected another 13 mcg into the left CC. This was around 4 or 5 hours after the first injection. I then took another 25 mcgs of viagra. I didn't get as good a response as the first one.

I followed kingsnakes advice of not putting the clamp on until after the injection and of edging to help lock in the erection. The injections went a lot better but there is still a stinging pain when I push down the plunger but I can handle it, I just need to go slow. I did loads of ulis, extreme jelqing and edging for the first 30 to 40 mins. Then I got a shower and used the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] but I couldn't stick it too long - about 5 mins, due to the pain. When I took off the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] I started doing more extreme jelqing and ulis while holding the shower head over my dick. When I got out of the shower I did more for another 10 mins or so. I got some of the best expansion ever. My dick is still very plump.

My routine from now on will probably be like this.

Tuesday and Thursday 1 * PGE1 shot to get a 3 to 4 hour erection
Saturday and Sunday 2 * PGE1 shot to get a total of 6 to 8 hours of erection time

I might just hang during the week and give the weekend off or I may hang at the weekend plus 3 days during the week.
I inject regularly with Trimix in order to achieve an erection because I suffer from ED. I would suggest you go to franktalk.org and check out the Injections Forum and read the threads describing the correct way to inject. If you inject properly, you should not be feeling much pain at all. In summary, you should be using a 30 gauge 1/2 inch needle at either 2 o'clock or 10 o'clock and at a 90 degree angle to the surface of the shaft. Once you pierce the wall of the CC, the needle should slide in easily and you should feel no back pressure or pain as you push down the plunger..

I do not use a cock ring, but just message my dick for first five minutes which allows me to generate a full 95 to 100 % erection lasting for 1.5 to 2 hours with 18 units and I have severe ED.
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Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been very busy lately.

Thanks for the advice Makemebig. I'm using 29 gauge 0.5 inch syringes.

I had my first priapism on monday or tuesday - 5 hours of a 100% erection. I went and injected 17 mcgs and took 50 mgs of viagra. This time when I injected I pushed the syringe into my penis even though the needle had fully penetrated, do that it dimpled the skin a little. I then went and looked up that website that makemebig recommended. I noticed on one thread that what I had done was recommended to those who couldn't get through the tunica. I then realised that I probably got more PGE1 into my CC than I was used to.

Anyways, after 5 hours of a painful 100% erection I decided I needed to start trying to get rid of it. I had already masturbated twice which only made it more painful. I tried putting a bag of frozen peas on it ( I couldn't take a shower as my wife would question why the fuck I was taking a shower late at night). I was sitting on the couch for around 20 minutes with a bag of frozen peas on my throbbing cock and I was shitting that my wife would walk in and ask what the fuck I was doing or that I would have to go to hospital and have to explain why to her. The peas did fuck all so I had to do what I was putting off. I took 10 mgs of ritalin (always shrinks my cock) 50 mgs sertraline (SSRI) and a strong cup of tea. It was 12 at night and I usually have to get up at 6 or 7 to get ready for work, so I wasn't looking forward to no being able to sleep.

After 30 mins my cock started to go down. I don't why but I fell asleep soon after that. Usually ritalin, tea and a SSRI late at night would give me insomnia but this time it didn't. I woke up in a great mood and my cock was fat as fuck! I had a nice bulge all day long.

On wednesday I injected only 10 mcgs using this technique without viagra and got 90 % erection for around 3 hours. I hope to get at least 12 hours of erection time at the weekend - 6 on saturday and 6 on sunday. I haven't been hanging lately as I put my back out at work. I'm thinking of changing my angle of attack. I need to get some rope and a pulley.
Sorry for the lack of updates.

After the last injection that I posted about, the one were I just injected a safe amount of 10 mcgs, I decided that I was going to aim for longer high erection priapisms. The first one scared the fuck out of me as I didn't think I was going to get rid of it and that I would have to go to the hospital. But, after it I had the best expansion I've had in a long time. So last weekend I tried on both the saturday and the sunday to get 4+ hours of 100%+ erection by injecting 15 mcgs. However, on the first injection on the saturday I got only a 90%+ erection for 3 hours. So I ingected again, this time using 20 mcgs but I a less intense erection for less time maybe only 2 hours. Sunday was worse, I started with 20mcg then 25 and got less time and a less intense erection.

I realised that injecting more often causes rapid tolerance. I think I also avoided viagra which may also explain my crap results. So on wednesday I had the day off from work and decided to inject 20 mcgs and take 50 mgs of viagra. I did a heap of Uli's and [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s before hand and I did more Uli's and a good bit of edging at the start of the erection. I was at 100%+ erect for around 4 hours and maintained a decent plump for the rest of the day. After the 4 hours I used the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words]. I had a very noticable bulge in pants. I even caught a guy staring at it and a few women.

Last night at around 2 in the morning (I was having trouble sleeping) I decided to pop 100 mgs of viagra. I then injected 25 mcgs of PGE1. I got an extreme 100% painful erection but thankfully I managed to sleep through it. I injected around 2:30 in the morning and only at 7:30 did I take ritalin and sertraline and a strong cup of tea to bring it down. Only now at around 8:40 has the erection gone. My total erection time was around 5 hours. For all of this time I was at 100%+ erect. The only reason why I decided to kill the erection was due to the pain which was quite intense. I really need to get some topical anesthetic. I don't think, despite the warnings, that 4+ hour erections are dangerous. Looking at my cock it was red but it wasn't blue which suggests that it wasn't hypoxic.

I more that likely won't be injecting twice a day anymore as I think that injecting say 15 mcgs and then 20 mcgs 3 hours later will produce less total erection time than a single shot of 20 to 25 mcgs.

I think that Chemical Penis Enlargement can work one of two ways: as an [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]all day stretcher[/words] by giving you a 70%- 95% erection or as an intense stand alone workout, sort of like a 4+ hour Uli.

In reading about the case of megallophallus resulting from priapisms brought on by sickle cells anemia, the suffer reported that the erections were intense, long duration and painful. This is what I'm trying to emulate. I'm aware of the dangers and I don't recommend that anyone tries this until I'm finished with my experiment.

So my routine from now on will look like this.

5 days of hanging a week
7 days of [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] a week
Uli's 6 or 7 days a week depending on EQ
Intense 100 % erection from PGE1 and viagra for 4 to 8 (maybe even as long as 12 hours) once or twice a week.

Injecting less than twice a week with as many days between injection days as possible, say on a wednesday and saturday, should prevent tolerance from developing too rapidly. This is another benefit to higher dosage shots. You could probably get away with less days a week injecting. Ronielle recommends that your aim for 15 hours of erection time a week, with 2 * 8 hour erections a week this can be achieved and you would use less PGE1 than if you were to inject 5 days a week.

I've stopped taking the Pentox as well as I think I may have had a negative effect on the PGE1 but I can't be sure.

As far as results are concerned I think I'm seeing growth but I'm afraid to say what it is in case it is just temporary gains from the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] and Uli's. When I'm finished the PGE1 I will take a week off from Penis Enlargement and measure and then report my gains. I think I'm seeing length and girth gains.

Before starting the PGE1 my stats were 8" BPenis EnlargementL * 5.5" EG
I'd love to get to 9 * 6 by the end of next year.
I've ordered a tube of Lidocaine from amazon. It was 10 sterling for 15 grams. It should last a long time. I'm hoping to inject around 11 at night, rub lidocaine on my cock, go to sleep and take erection reducing measures when I wake. That way I should be at over 100% erection for 8+ hours but with no pain and no hassle. I will have to test 6, 7 and 8 hour erections while fully awake first though to make sure it's safe. I also plan to fuck my wife while my cock is hard from PGE1 and numb from lidocaine. That way I'll be able to go for an hour or so and really bang the fuck outta her!

After Saturday mornings routine I fucked my wife, the extra expansion made her cum very hard and very quick. I also plan to fuck my wife while my cock is hard from PGE1 and numb from lidocaine. That way I'll be able to go for an hour or so and really bang the fuck outta her!
I went and bought a small tube of lidocaine and prilocaine from my local chemist as I couldn't wait for it to arrive from amazon. I tried it out today. It has numbed my cock but the pain from the PGE1 is still there. I think that it is mainly only affecting the skin but not the deep down tissues where the pain is coming from. I'd say it's only use for me in the future will be as a delay cream.

I've had a 6.5 hour erection of over 100% today. I injected 27 mcgs of PGE1 and took 100 mg of viagra orally. Hopefully at the weekend I can go for a 7 to 8 hour erection.
Here's an interesting link:


"While no definite “point of no return” for erectile function after priapism has been determined, studies indicate that priapism lasting longer than 24 hours is usually associated with various degree of erectile dysfunction.[2] Therefore, time is of the essence in the treatment of ischemic priapism."

I think I should be safe enough with 8 hour erections.

I was very plump today. I woke with an erection and did about 20 mins of Uli's. Next time I'm going to try and do a [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] set before I inject. I thought that the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] may make it harder to get the needle deep down into the CC as there would be extra fluid but if I do short sets and super set with [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s I should be fine.
After reading the link I posted above I got to thinking that the cause of Megallophallus may not be extreme engorgement but instead it could be due to changes in blood pH. The link above states that low flow priapism leads to drops in O2 and an increase in CO2. CO2 in water (or blood) has an effect of making it acidic. I then searched on google "pH dependent solubility of collagen" and got this result:


"Thermal stabilities of mature insoluble collagen, salt-precipitated fibrils of acid-soluble collagen and acid-soluble collagen in solution were compared as a function of acid pH. Both insoluble and precipitated collagens showed large parallel destabilization with decrease in pH, whereas the intrinsic stability of individual collagen molecules in dilute solution was comparatively unaffected."

Low pH means acidic conditions. I'm thinking that producing a short low intensity erection from PGE1, even though it may create engorgement, will not lead to collagen deformation (unless other collagen softeners are taken concurrently) as the pH will remain normal.
Ok from this link:


"The time-dependent increase in stability,...was significantly affected only by temperature, and not by either ionic strength or pH."

"This is in contrast with collagen fibril formation, a process which is greatly affected by ionic strength and pH. Within the range of temperature 29-37 degrees C, lower temperature caused slower fibril formation and faster fibril stabilization."

"collagen molecules first form unstable fibrils which become gradually stabilized on prolonged incubation, without necessarily introducing covalent cross-links."

cool conditions = slower fibril formation
faster fibril stabilization

acidic cool conditions = slower fibril formation
faster fibril stabilization

Hot conditions = faster fibril formation
slower fibril stabilization

acidic Hot conditions = slower fibril formation
slower fibril stabilization

The best conditions for Penis Enlargement, in my opinion, would be the acidic hot conditions.
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I pinned 25 mcg plus I took 100 mg of viagra orally. I tried putting loads of the lidocaine over my cock but again it had no effect on the pain. The pain was so bad that I couldn't sleep even though I was extremely tired. I started at around 10:30 with the erection reaching 100% + at around 11. At 2 I had to start getting rid of it. I took 5 mg of ritalin but it had no effect so I had to take another 5 mg along with 2 cups of strong tea. At around 3 am my cock was at 50 to 60 % erect, it is now below 50%.

I have more important things to be doing with my time that laying around gritting my teeth with a painful erection. Whats more I was dying to do a shit but I couldn't or else I would have pissed all over the floor and possibly on my face too. I kept having to have mini shits while I pinched my cock to prevent the piss from coming out, then when the piss was too much I would turn around and while crouching over I'd piss in the toilet, then repeat.

I'm currently studying for a degree while doing work experience during the day. My crazy Penis Enlargement experiment has really interfered with my studies. I've re-evaluated whats important in my life and have decided that any Penis Enlargement that I do in future has to: cause no pain as to be distracting, take up little time, allow me to multitask.

I was reading a thread over at professional muscle and a guy reported good results by injecting a low dose before bed. I will try 5 mcg along with 25 mg of viagra in a couple of days. I will get back to hanging but I will be doing the rice sock duck tape method. I may or may not pump. I will see how it effects my time management but I'd say I'll probably have to drop it for now. I'll probably keep up the jelqing and the Ulis, mainly doing these when I wake as I usually just waste time in the morning by laying and daydreaming ( may as well be doing exercises).

Just thinking about it, I will probably work it like this:

7 am 20 mins jelqing and uli's
6:30 pm 2 hours studying
9 pm 1 to 4 sets of hanging
11 pm inject low dose PGE1 plus take 25 mgs viagra then sleep

I've also been neglecting my health. I need to get some exercise in. The problem is I go too hard then I have no energy to study. I will start by trying to get for a walk before breakfast every morning. I will then try and do some light weight lifting in the evening after dinner.
Got my tb-500, cjc 1295 and ipamorelin yesterday. Still waiting on my bac water which sucks as I really want to get started on these new chemicals.

I've stopped the PGE1 injections for now but will probably start them up in a couple of months. I've started back at hardcore hanging again. I'm up at 18.7 lbs for one set BTC and 6.6 lbs with a rice sock.

I'm aiming to inject tb-500 along with cjc 1295 and ipamorelin into the fat pad. I'm hoping the tb-500 will diffuse through to the ligament and base tissues of the penis. The cjc 1295 and ipamorelin have to be injected into fat tissue for a slow release so I might as well put them into the same pin as the tb-500. I'm hoping to lose weight while maintaining the little bit of muscle that I have and the cjc 1295 and ipamorelin should help with that. They will also increase IGF1 which should also help with penis enlargement.

I'm going to be following Lyle McDonalds rapid fat loss diet which consists of around 800 - 1200 calories a day from protein and fibre with one carb up a week and one cheat meal. I'll be doing a high intensity low volume routine probably 1 to 3 sets of 5 on squats, deadlifts, bench with lighter work done on the bent over row, military press, chin ups and abs. I may do this 2 days a week or I may do a speed day as well. I'll probably do it like this:

Carb up day-
Meal high in complex carbs
Heavy weighting
Meal high in simple carbs

Cheat meal day-
speed work
Cheat meal

The diet calls for no cardio as the diet should produce a big enough calorie deficit but with the cjc and ipa I might ad in some light walking first thing in the morning. I'm not sure what time to do the injections. First thing in the morning before a walk would probably help burn more fat but taking the injections before bed would help improve my sleep. Also I'll probably be doing my hanging last thing a night and I think that the tb500, cjc and ipa would improve my penis recovery post hanging. On work out days I might be best to take it pre or post work, get a shower then do my hanging and jelqing.

I will also be injecting tb 500 into my scalp in the hope that I can reverse my pretty advanced MPB. I've been using minox for the past 6 -8 months with little if any results.

I'll be posting my before and after shots. Hopefully I'll get my before shots up by tomorrow. I'll have pics of my body, head and penis. I'll weigh myself and take measurements and post them too.
Yeah I mainly take bone pressed flaccid stretched length measurements and since starting the PGE1 I've gained little if any length. I'm around 8 inches bpfsl. The thing is that I gained some weight so that may be hiding any gains but if so they would be minimal. I didn't stick with the injections for long though and I wasn't doing enough manual stretches so that may of had an effect. I did see a 1/16 th of an inch gain in erect girth but that is so small that I could just be imagining it.

I switched half way through from going for length to going for girth then I kept injuring myself by pushing myself too far without warming up properly. I did a lot of things wrong and wont be making those mistakes again.

I'm tempted to mix some of my PGE1 with the tb500 and inject it today. I would have to inject it into the CC or the tunica.
bigdex28;535576 said:
Yeah I mainly take bone pressed flaccid stretched length measurements and since starting the PGE1 I've gained little if any length. I'm around 8 inches bpfsl. The thing is that I gained some weight so that may be hiding any gains but if so they would be minimal. I didn't stick with the injections for long though and I wasn't doing enough manual stretches so that may of had an effect. I did see a 1/16 th of an inch gain in erect girth but that is so small that I could just be imagining it.

I switched half way through from going for length to going for girth then I kept injuring myself by pushing myself too far without warming up properly. I did a lot of things wrong and wont be making those mistakes again.

I'm tempted to mix some of my PGE1 with the tb500 and inject it today. I would have to inject it into the CC or the tunica.

This is my first week on PGE-1 and I'm loving it more than 600mg test and tren, haha. My observations thus far have been very positive. I can achieve an erection naturally, much easier than before and have even seen some changes to the way my penis looks. Ive been practicing expansion techniques when induced with pge1 by kegeling blood into the penis and pressing downward on the shaft repeatedly; causes extreme pressure and an expanded/elongated state. Have you tried this?
I haven't tried it but I was doing lots of ulis and when I wasn't injured I was getting great expansion. I'm trying to stick to wet jelqing, hanging and manual stretches this time around. I want to hit 9 inches by the end of this year.
Here is a pic of what I think would happen if I gave intra tunical injections rather than intra cavernousal:

View attachment 26864

Obviously this would create site specific growth and would need to be given all over the penis to ensure uniform growth.

The benefit is that you would have the same volume of chemicals working on a much smaller area. You also wouldn't be losing the chemicals from the blood flowing through the CC. Another benefit is that you would produce longitudinal growth as well as lateral whereas, intra cc injections produce more lateral growth.
I was trying to feel where my ligs are today and was shocked when while holding my dick outstretched I felt my lig from the side rather than from the top. It was much further down than when I feel from the top, probably due to the fat pad making it feel higher than it really is. This suggests that my potential for lig gains are very slim. My lot is around a 9 which would suggest I still have some lig potential and bib's mirror test also suggests this but the latter may also be off due to me being over weight.

All the hanging I was doing was all BTC. I now know that I was wasting my time. This means that if I start focusing on tunica hanging I will really start to see growth. It also means that I may not have as much potential for growth - maybe an inch or 2 at the most.

I also read over TGC theory over at thunders. I checked my BPFSL which is around 8 inches maybe a little bit more and BPenis EnlargementL is close to 8 as well. My erections are around an 8 or a 9. According to TGC theory I should focus on stretching and length based exercises. I was doing some uli's and dry jelqing but these are better for girth and building the CC. I'm going to stick to hanging (probably with a rice sock while sitting instead of BTC) manual stretches, wet jelqing at low erections and my chemical pe routine which I'm still unsure of how to go about.

If I decide not to do the intra tunica injections I will probably go for very low level erections around 60 - 80% erection level. This would prevent unnecessary waste of PGE1 as higher doses would be required for increasing girth.

Hope my bac water is here tomorrow
I got my bac water today. I'll be pinning later on tonight. I'll be taking 100mcg of CJC 1295 and 100mcg of ipamorelin. I'm still not sure how I'm going to run the tb4. I will definitely be pinning my scalp but I'm not sure what way to go about my pinning my penis. I want to target the tunica as much as possible so I will either pin it into my pubic fat pad along with the cjc and ipa or I may pin it with PGE1 either into the tunica or the CC.

I'm hoping to get rid of my pot belly by the summer. I reckon I'll add an inch to my none bone pressed erect length by just losing weight and maybe .25 of an inch to my bone pressed erect length.
I pinned 100 mcg of tb4 and around 8 mcg of PGE1 last night. I was aiming for the tunica but I ended up in the CC.
I also pinned 100 mcg each of CJC and ipa.

Tonight I'll be pinning 100 mcg each of tb4, cjc and ipa into the pubic fat pad. I will also pin 100 mcg of tb4 sub c into the top side of my penis and 100mcg into my scalp in probably 5 different locations along the front where my hair line should start.
My first time pinning my scalp was kinda painful and I wasn't really prepared for it so I just pinned in one location. The second night I pinned in two locations - to the left and right of where I pinned the first time. Last night I had taken some drowsy cough medicine as I have a cold and haven't been sleeping great lately. I wasn't in the mood to pin in 4 different locations on my body so I just pinned 100 mcg each of the 3 chems I'm taking into my pubic fat pad.

I've noticed that my dick is a lot plumper lately but that may be due to the PGE1 I took at the start of the week. To be honest I'm not noticing much from the Cjc 1295 and ipa. Most people that take them usually take 300 mcg of cjc and 100 to 300 of ipa so it may be due to the fact that I'm not taking enough. I would up the dose of CJC but I can't afford it.

With having the cold I haven't been eating right or doing any exercise. Today was my first day that I've really followed the Rapid Fat Loss diet. I'll be doing a work out tomorrow. Lyle McDonald recommends that when trying to lose weight you should keep your intensity high and volume low to prevent muscle loss. I'll probably work up to a max set of 5 for squats, bench and deadlift. I might do some lighter work with bent over rowing and military press or I may leave them for next week and just work up to a max 5. So my workouts will look like this:

Military press
Bent over row

you should work smarter, follow the tgc theory. focus on lenght for six months to see if your stretched flaccid lenght catches up to your bpel.
My stretched flaccid is pretty close to my bpel. With focusing on length I'll probably see a greater difference between bpel and bpfsl. Focusing on girth would bring my bpel to the same level as my bpfsl.
hanging and low flaccid jelq in front of portable heater is your best bet. Invest in gripsystem for all day stretch, ditch that stupid [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] lol.
Seun;537365 said:
hanging and low flaccid jelq in front of portable heater is your best bet. Invest in gripsystem for all day stretch, ditch that stupid [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] lol.

I'm not using an [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words]. Do you mean the bib hanger ?
I didn't inject last night so I'm doing double of everything tonight.

So far I've injected 200mcg of tb4 and 10mcg of PGE1 sub c into my penis. This was the first time I injected PGE1 sub c. It was slightly itchy at the injection site. It was slightly swollen and red. I'm hoping that the PGE1 will help with softening the tunica. I also injected 100 mcg each of cjc and ipa.

I then hung 5.5 kg for 1 set of 15 mins. I attached the hanger a bit too close to the glans which left it a bit painful which is why I didn't go for the full 20 mins. I followed that with 20 mins of wet jelqing at low erection level.

I'll be injecting more cjc and ipa later on as well as another 200 mcg of tb4 but this time into my scalp. I'm going to try and inject at 4 different locations on my scalp.
I was thinking to myself about the structure of the tunica when I remembered reading about how it is composed of two layers - one which goes laterally and the other which goes longitudinally. So I searched and found this:

"he tunica albuginea of the corpora cavernosa is a bi-layered structure with multiple sub layers. Inner layer bundles support and contain the cavernous tissue and are oriented circularly. Radiating from this layer are intracavernous pillars acting as struts, which augment the septum and provide essential support to the erectile tissue. Outer layer bundles are oriented longitudinally. These fibers extend from the glans penis to the proximal crura, where they insert into the inferior pubic ramus. There are no outer layer fibers between the 5 and 7 o'clock positions. Elastic fibers normally form an irregularly latticed network on which collagen fibers rest. In Peyronie's disease the well ordered appearance of the collagen layers is lost: excessive deposits of collagen, disordered elastic fibers and fibrin are found within the region of the plaque."

To increase the length of the penis you must increase the length of the longitudinal collagen fibers - those on the outside layer of the tunica.
To increase the girth of the penis you must increase the circumference of the circular collagen fibers - those on the inside layer of the tunica (as well as increasing the cells withing the CC)

If PGE1 exerts its effects by weakening collagen or preventing the deposition of collagen then we would want this to happen on the outside layer if length was our goal. This could be achieved by injecting sub c or intra tunically (not easy, I've tried it and missed). You would think that injecting into the cc would allow the PGE1 to diffuse through the inner layer to the outside but I don't think this would happen as the tunica is very dense. The PGE1 is probably bound to receptors before it can make its way through to the outside layer.
Hey bigdex. Interesting info bro. So how are you injecting pge1 into just the tunica. I would think that if you inject into the penis to just hit the tunica and not go into the CCs then you would need to do multiple injections all over your penis to ensure that the pge1 is being dispersed all over your tunica right under the skin. With injecting sub c how does that work bro?
For injecting into the tunica you would want to push the needle in and stop before it goes right through the tunica - easier said than done. When I was first injecting pge 1 I kept missing the cc I would feel a lot of pressure trying to push the plunger down on the slin pin. Yeah you would probably need 2 or 3 injections. I'm currently hanging in the downward fulcrum position using a rice sock with duct tape so the stress is mainly on the top side of my penis, therefore I probably only need to inject at the top. I will exhaust gains in this position then change to hanging over my shoulder with the rice sock on my pubic fat pad, this will create stress on the bottom of my penis. I don't know if this will work but I'm willing to give it a try in the hopes that I can come up with a quicker way to create length gains.

With the sub c injections I just pinch the skin on my penis an push the needle in a little bit, aspirate and then push the plunder down slowly. I'm thinking that this method will effect the very outside layers of the tunica.

I'll be trying an intra tunica injection today and will update later on if I was successful. I'll probably only try it in two positions - half way between the center and the side of my penis at the base on both the left and right sides. I might go for 300 mcg of tb4 into the penis and not bother with my scalp today.

To ensure that the PGE1 and tb4 is mixed evenly in the pin I will draw out 5 mcg of PGE1 then 150 of tb4 then 5 of PGE1 and finally another 150 of tb4. That way I can use the same syringe to pin both the left and right sides while ensuring that I get and equal amount of both chems into both sides.
I did the intra tunical injections earlier on today. The two things I noticed were

1. Very painful - more painful than a cc injection of the same dose. When I did the sub c injection yesterday all I noticed was a slight itchy feeling.
2. Very little erectile response.

The first point shows that I definitely was in the tunica as the pain wouldn't be there if I was either above it or below it in the cc.
The second point shows that chemicals don't travel easily through the tunica. The pain was higher than either a cc or sub c injection which shows that both are probably ineffective for targeting the tunica.

One important note is that we don't know how PGE1 produces its collagen weakening properties. Is it through it tissue expanding properties - a bit like doing a jelq, uli, edging or pumping? Or is it through some biochemical mechanism?

If the former is true then will this type of injection produce growth? If the latter is true then I would say that this kind of injection will almost definitely create growth.

I'm willing to be the lab rat as I honestly think that chemical pe should be producing much better and quicker results that what we are seeing.