hwy1378, nice gains. Did you use the HGH for your gains? And did you inject in your penis? My wife would also love it, if I gained some lenght.
Stressy;554299 said:
hwy1378, nice gains. Did you use the HGH for your gains? And did you inject in your penis? My wife would also love it, if I gained some lenght.

We will have such a good method of knowing the results of such things with the new forum software being created for routines which will include a wide range of options to include into your routine thread, this will include exercise, supplements, equipment, time by year, month, week, hour and minute. All this information will be brilliantly compiled and presented in a very beautiful interface. Good stuff in store for all the Brothers!
I will finally be starting my log once again. I have PGE-1 from the same source, just under another website; I assume the quality will be of what I have grown accustom to. Since stopping PGE-1 I have been doing some 'erection exercising'. Erection exercising entailed producing an erection multiple times a day, every day, for as long as I could. It seems this is a great practice for improving the time it takes to achieve an erection and may add to the hardness of your erection.

I've also been experimenting with topical vitamin E and DHEA transdermal applications which I will continue into my PGE-1 cycle.
07/30/2013 (1st injection -2nd cycle)
Injection amount: 8mcg
CC-Chamber: right
Time: 7:00pm
Erect time: 4hrs
Jelq: 15min (pre-injection)
Pump: 20min during erection
MikeShlort;559150 said:
Holy fuck 4 hr hard on from 8mcg? You have some strong stuff. Do you use a cock ring when injecting?

No, I don't use a cock ring at all. It may be that I've titrated my dosages slowly when I noticed my erection times slipping by 30 minutes to an hour - only then do I increase the dosage by 2mcg as needed.
08/01/2013 (2nd injection -2nd cycle)
Injection amount: 8mcg
CC-Chamber: left
Time: 8:00am
Erect time: 4hrs
Jelq: 20min @ 7:00pm
Pump: none

Erection strength was above 100% for over 2hrs. I also think its good to note that I apply my dhea cream (that I made) after erection is achieved. Ill let it dry and sit for 1 hour and apply vitamin E oil every 30 minutes.
When you say 4 hour erection, is that at 100% most of the time? Because I have 3-4 hour ENGORGEMENT, but it stops being close to 100% after 1.5-2 hours... For instance, last night I did 21 units at about 7:20 pm. By 10:43 pm I started jelqing because I was nearly flaccid, but for the last hour it was probably 50%, the hour before that 70%, close to 100% the first hour and a bit.
MikeShlort;559225 said:
Wow. Strong stuff. You mix it yourself from powder?

It comes in pre-measured (sterile) vials that you simply add your choice of sterilized water. By far a better choice than pre-made preparations of chemical and water.
08/02/2013 (3rd injection -2nd cycle)
Injection amount: 8mcg
CC-Chamber: right
Time: 7:00am
Erect time: 3.5hrs
Jelq: 15 min
Pump: none

08/07/2013 (4th injection -2nd cycle)
Injection amount: 8.5mcg
CC-Chamber: left
Time: 7:00am
Erect time: 4.5hrs
Jelq: 0
Pump: 0
08/09/2013 (5th injection -2nd cycle)
Injection amount: 10mcg
CC-Chamber: right
Time: 7:00am
Erect time: 3.5hrs
Jelq: 15 min (night)
Pump: none

08/13/2013 (6th injection -2nd cycle)
Injection amount: 10mcg
Cc-chamber: right
Time: 7:00am
Erect time: 4hrs
Jelq: none
Pump: none

08/14/2013 (Penis Enlargement workout)
Jelq: 15min
Pump: 20min

08/15/2013 (Penis Enlargement workout)
88man's jelq (variation): 15min
kept erection for 1 hour post-jelq workout.

After my workout, I was amazed by how much expansion i had acquired with my variation. I use assistance which ill explain what I did later. I had full even jelqs that provided much more pressure equating to faster expansion.
What are your thoughts on jelqing while PGE erection is still there? Worthwhile or best to wait til the erection subsides to take advantage of the "tunica delinking" the PGE1 supposedly does?
MikeShlort;560222 said:
What are your thoughts on jelqing while PGE erection is still there? Worthwhile or best to wait til the erection subsides to take advantage of the "tunica delinking" the PGE1 supposedly does?

Not really a fan of jelqing on a PGE-1 erection. When I'm 100% erect I can't even try to jelq. If I'm going to jelq I usually wait till it has immediately subsided or simply wait till I can put in a good 15-20 minutes.
88man;560651 said:
Not really a fan of jelqing on a PGE-1 erection. When I'm 100% erect I can't even try to jelq. If I'm going to jelq I usually wait till it has immediately subsided or simply wait till I can put in a good 15-20 minutes.

Jelqing can be so much fun when you psychologically substitute masturbation for a good jelq session.
I will update from the past two weeks tonight but I wanted to share my gain update:

Ive hit a 7.75 bpel. Ill post pics soon.
88man, can you tell me how much you gained (if at all) from manual Penis Enlargement before starting chemical Penis Enlargement? Do I have it correct that your gains have so far been .25"x.25"?
88man;561300 said:
I will update from the past two weeks tonight but I wanted to share my gain update:

Ive hit a 7.75 bpel. Ill post pics soon.

Can't wait to see pictures!
Hi 88man, Please keep posting. I got my doctor to prescribe Trimix.
.3 ml will give a 5 hour erection. Strange thing is that the more I walk around
the harder it feels! Hope this tread stays alive!
Last edited:
I'm still here, guys. Thanks for checking in. I haven't had a chance to continue injections since I started remodeling a house my wife and I bought. However, I have been able to practice daily erections for as long and frequent as I can. Ive also started light/moderate pumping throughout the day. I will start posting more regularly when have internet at the house. I hope eveyone is doing well and growing.
One piece of advice I can give to individuals looking to increase their EQ and potentially increasing size; practice obtaining frequent erections on a daily basis for a period of time. Over the past few months I have been very pleased with my EQ from doing this.

As of 03/06/2014 I started PE once again. This time I won't be incorporating any 'sauce' for a while. I've started a manual routine that gave me great gains in the beginning of my PE experience and will build upon that to reach new goals.

First Week Workout:
Warm-up/Rice Sock - 10 minutes
Stretch - 5 minutes
Wet Jelq - 10 Minutes
Grip Squeezes - 5 Minutes
Pump - 5 Minutes
Warm-up/Rice Sock - 10 minutes

NO rest days for 1 month.
My goals are to reach 7 inch NBPEL and a 8 inch BPEL with 6.5 - 7.0 Mid erect girth.

Wish me luck!

My routine has left me very pleased. Im experiencing fatigue and the jelly-like feeling constantly, which has left me with much better flaccid hang and blood flow.

Another piece of my routine I forgot to mention is that I am performing kegels every other day.

Foreskin restoration.
Ive been performing manual tugging for the past two weeks and have already noticed a difference in the amount of extra skin. I have an awkward circumcision on the underside of my shaft that causes my scrotum/sack to pull forward during an erection and gives a turkey neck appearance.... I hate it and hope to restore enough to put it back jn place.

I've taken some measurements and am a bit disappointed with them. My EQ is sub-par at the moment from no rest days and having done kegels yesterday has left me with a loss in length from my last measurement. In any event, I will monitor the situation as i had rock-hard erections last night.

BPEL: 7.25 Inches; which is a loss of roughly 1/2 and inch if I was measuring correctly. Again, I will monitor the situation as stated.

Another noteworthy piece of information is that I've continued to experience a much heavier flaccid state along with the jelly-like feel of my shaft. I do believe this is a sign of progress.

As it turns out my BPEL is not 7.25; I took another measurement today with (probably) a full erection and it was still at 7.75 inches BPEL which really surprised me. It was, however, very difficult to achieve an erection as I had to look at some pornography for a while to get anywhere near hard.

Routine continues to be very solid and I can't wait to start seeing some gains!
How much have you gained with manual PE and how much have you gained with the aid of pge-1? Also, what exactly does pge-1 do? Just give you an erecting for a prolonged period of time?
circa;578965 said:
How much have you gained with manual PE and how much have you gained with the aid of pge-1? Also, what exactly does pge-1 do? Just give you an erecting for a prolonged period of time?

I've gained roughly 1/4 inch in length and 1/4 inch in girth from PGE-1 injections. I haven't done much manual work until recently and when I was in my first years of college. PGE-1 definitely causes growth, but you have to stay smart about your schedule and dosage increases. I'm positive too many chemical users start out by increasing dosages much too fast and cause damage to your growth potential and heavy cost on your finances.

My manual routine has been great so far and I've seen some great results with my every day routine. Here's a new pic of my 7.75 BPEL:

Hmmmm I am really interested in this. Is there a "how to" video on how to inject this? The thought of a needle going into my dick makes me queasy. Also, how safe is this? Is there any negative short/long term effects?
circa;579010 said:
Hmmmm I am really interested in this. Is there a "how to" video on how to inject this? The thought of a needle going into my dick makes me queasy. Also, how safe is this? Is there any negative short/long term effects?

Considering your PGE-1 is safe, meaning it is contaminant free, it is safe if you follow proper dosages and an injection routine. It becomes an unsafe practice when you start adding much more PGE-1 than needed to any one injection or you start adding in DMSO like a few are doing. DMSO can be dangerous if you're taking certain medications or are not using it in a sterile environment. Just don't get obsessive or start experimenting with other compounds and you should avoid all risks. Keep a box of pseudoephedrine handy in case your erections start to last too long or get cold.

There are youtube videos on how to inject and where in your penis. There can be some negatives with PGE-1 as some notice natural erections are a bit harder to acheive the next day after an injection or that scar tissue may form. You can always try to avoid scar tissue by massaging your penis after your erection has subsided or jelq. Also, rotate your injections on a regular schedule; never inject in the same spot the next day or next injection.

Start out with a very conservative dose as I did, and move on from there. Read my thread and understand that I didn't move on to a higher dosage until I was no longer hitting a certain time of erection.
Its been a couple weeks since my last update. I had to cut my routine off for a few weeks since I havent had much privacy. I have kept up with my kegel routine and I've had a noticeable increase in my erection quality.

Im almost positive that consistency and intensity will produce rapid gains. I noticed minor gains in just two weeks of consistent jelqing and stretching.

I also have a few stretches that I think are unique and will try to post a video or picture how-to.
This is one of the stretches I've been doing that requires a rod or piece of PVC. The other stretches will require some timing as I need two hands to perform the stretch. I highly recommend this stretch as it seems to be an inner (tunica) stretch.


I've been staying consistent with my manual routine and have been very pleased with my every day routine. I was able to achieve a flaccid stretched length of 8.2/16" yesterday while standing.

I've been staying consistent with my manual routine and have been very pleased with my every day routine. I was able to achieve a flaccid stretched length of 8.2/16" yesterday while standing.
88man;579967 said:

I've been staying consistent with my manual routine and have been very pleased with my every day routine. I was able to achieve a flaccid stretched length of 8.2/16" yesterday while standing.

That's a crazy flaccid hang

I'm glad the forum isn't having any further issues with pop-ups.

I had to take a week off from stretching/Jelqs last week and have only kept up with my stretching the past week. I should resume my jelq routine starting Monday.

I reached a BPFSL of 8.25 today, which I am very happy with.

I've been consistently achieving a BPFSL of 8.25". This is making me extremely happy. Most of my routine is focused around the fulcrum stretching with the bar and have been keeping my stretching consistent to every day for 30-60 minute sessions.

I'm also making some progress with my foreskin restoration project. I've been practicing tugging/pulling just about every morning and evening. I've made a lot of extra skin since I've started. Now I'm having quite a bit of skin bunching up at my glans.

doublelongdaddy;581077 said:
like the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PowerAssist[/words]

Yes, much like the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]powerAssist[/words]. I think the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PowerAssist[/words] could deliver some much improved angles and intensity. I wish I had one :( Also, its great to see you back! I hope you've been well, brother.
88man;581380 said:

I've been consistently achieving a BPFSL of 8.25". This is making me extremely happy. Most of my routine is focused around the fulcrum stretching with the bar and have been keeping my stretching consistent to every day for 30-60 minute sessions.

I'm also making some progress with my foreskin restoration project. I've been practicing tugging/pulling just about every morning and evening. I've made a lot of extra skin since I've started. Now I'm having quite a bit of skin bunching up at my glans.

Yes, much like the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]powerAssist[/words]. I think the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PowerAssist[/words] could deliver some much improved angles and intensity. I wish I had one :( Also, its great to see you back! I hope you've been well, brother.

The [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PowerAssist[/words] connected to the new [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LengthMaster[/words] is very nice, it is curved to roll against the legs, we made it a bit wider and best of all it is ALL BALCK! Like the first ones we put out 2 years ago, I have always loved the black.
doublelongdaddy;581479 said:
The [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PowerAssist[/words] connected to the new [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LengthMaster[/words] is very nice, it is curved to roll against the legs, we made it a bit wider and best of all it is ALL BALCK! Like the first ones we put out 2 years ago, I have always loved the black.

That sounds amazing DLD. I'd love to get my hands one one at some point.

I do have a question for you that I hope you have some insights to. I've been really trying to stay consistent again with my stretching routine. Since ive started stretching again ive gotten progressively sore in the ligaments. I pop the lig just about every day... sometimes twice a day. I use a lot of force which may or may not be a good thing and im afraid I may start to see a negative impact.

Have you had experience with these symptoms and should I be taking a rest day or two to avoid injury and promote growth?