I have been studying the effects of PGE-1 for some time along with a few of my own research projects concerning natural growth and erections throughout puberty. I will provide an article in due-time.

In this log I will be performing a research project on PGE-1 combined with daily Jelqing post-PGE-1 induced erections.

I started today.

- Injected (4mcg)
- Length of time erect (1.5hr)
Notes: Injection occurred on the side of penis (stretched) with 1/2" 30g insulin pin. I massaged the entire penis trying to circulate the peptide around. It took approximately 15 minutes to achieve an erection of poor strength that seemed to increase in hardness with time. I could not maintain a full erection (approximately 80% without manual stimulation), which is apparently normal upon the first dose. However, if I physically stimulated myself I could become abnormally hard. I took advantage of this but sitting down and performing some kegels while pushing down on my erection which caused extreme internal pressure and erection strength.

After the erection subsided it was pretty sore. I then proceeded to perform some mild jelqs and stretches. My penis felt 'jelly-like' (for a lack of a better description) about 30 minutes after the chemical induced erection had subsided.

I experienced no pain; injection or erection related. However, I did experience some aching or something similar to a tight internal pressure response to the peptide. Very interesting.

My full erection stats as of 2-21-12
- 7.5 inches BPenis EnlargementL
- ~ 6 inch MEG
Day after note:
- My penis is still a little sore in the upper region of the corpus cavernosum, far above the injection site - ruling out injection site pain.
Welcome to the club 88man!

You should try injecting just before bed. The erection lasts well into the night but don't do this unless you know how long the erection is likely to last. Are you going to pin every day or every other day? I find every other day results in less tolerance developing.

Good luck and be safe.
bigdex28;533962 said:
Welcome to the club 88man!

You should try injecting just before bed. The erection lasts well into the night but don't do this unless you know how long the erection is likely to last. Are you going to pin every day or every other day? I find every other day results in less tolerance developing.

Good luck and be safe.

Thanks; its nice to be a part of the chemical experiment. Injecting at night goes against my education and research at this point, but I will take it into great consideration. On average, the ideal time of erection is roughly 4-5 hours? It seems 4mcg was not quite enough and I may try 6mcg the next time.

I have debating on whether to aim for every other day, 2-on-2-off, to limit the chemical tolerance. I would assume a month of treatment followed by a month off would be an optimal cycling effect for both tolerance, growth cycle, and assessments.
The longer you are erect the more painful the erection. I honestly don't know if you need to have long duration erections or if shorter (2-3 hour) will produce good enough results. I experimented with 8 hour erections and they were extremely painful. A 4 to 5 hour one will be uncomfortably painful.

By injecting a low dose at night you get a longer erection but with less pain and you wake up with great morning wood. A 2 on 2 off protocol would not be as good as a one on one off protocol. With a 2 on 2 off protocol you will have to increase the amount you inject the second day but it will be hard to figure out by how much you will have to increase it by.
2nd injection: 2-23-13

Injection amoun - 4mcg
Time erect - 5 hours
Erection quality - 105%

Notes: I was a bit paranoid with this injection; being very hard for much longer than I expected caused mild panic. I attempted to make the erection reduce in size by doing pushups and squats after 3 hours. It proceeded to reduce in size to and extent to where I was comfortable and went to bed.
Note #2:
- as the erection progressed with time, the more painful it would become. Not unbearable but progressive. It also seems that the more I held/pressed the erection (in a seated position) parallel with the floor, the harder and more pain/pressure I would experience. I will have to get adjusted to the idea that I will not have to make a trip to the ER from my erection time. The fear of having your penis drained is very unsettling. I will pin anothet 4mcg tonight after my workout.
3rd Injection: 2-25-13

Injection Amount - 4mcg
Time Erect - 3 hours
Erection Quality - 30-40% (2 hours); 10-20% (1 hour)

- I injected the left chamber today after hitting the gym. Pain was a bit more pronounced this time as it was an awkward injection with my left hand (I'm right handed). I was a bit disappointed with the erection quality. Although, not as hard as I would have liked - after some manual stimulation I could achieve an erection size that I've not seen before. My penis is seems fuller/thicker; length may seem longer from my 'point-of-view' but that will not be proven till I have logged in a month of chemical use.
- Erection produced mild aches that increased with time even though the erection strength was quite low.
4th injection: 2-27-13

Injection amount - 6mcg
Time Erect - 5 hrs 30 min
Erection quality - 50-110%

- Injected in right side of shaft. No pain what-so-ever. I clamped off my shaft with my hand after injection while performing some jelqs to spread the chemical around for approximately 10 minutes. My erection took approximately 1 hour to achieve fully erect status. Corpus cavernosum got incredibly hard. So much so that I could kegel and expand and elongate the shaft past my normal abilities. I woukd perform erect pushes which caused great soreness. After the erection subsided my penis was very elastic and sore from the expansion. I didnt take measurements but will do so tonight.
Hey 88man. Good log bro. Im excited you took the plundge into the chemical pe realm. I remember the good ol days when 5 to 8 mcgs of pge1 would grant me a 3 to 4 hour erection like it's giving you. Im up to 57 mcgs and climbing to get a 3 to 4 hour erection.

How has pge1 pain been for you?
5th Injection: 02-28-13

Injection Amount - 6mcg
Time Erect - 5 hours
Erection Quality - 100-120%

- I decided to inject for a second day in a row since I might not be able to inject this weekend (busy). I injected 6mcg in the left chamber, massaging/jelqing while keeping my penis clamped off with my hand. Again, no pain from injection. Although, I would go through periods of high expansion pain from kegeling and pressing down on my erection.
- It took approximately 5 minutes to achieve a full erection.
- Erection quality was very surprising. I would perform kegels and press down on my erection causing expansion and elongation throughout the entirety of the 'time-under-erection.' I did this as a workout, proving to cause extreme soreness; which I believe is a great indication of chamber expansion. I could produce such extreme expansion that the skin of my pubis pad would stretch
- One thing I did notice is that the longer the erection was held the harder I could become. Although, pain would progress as-well.

1st pic = BPenis EnlargementL
2nd pic = before expansion
3rd pic = Expansion
kingsnake;535069 said:
Hey 88man. Good log bro. Im excited you took the plundge into the chemical pe realm. I remember the good ol days when 5 to 8 mcgs of pge1 would grant me a 3 to 4 hour erection like it's giving you. Im up to 57 mcgs and climbing to get a 3 to 4 hour erection.

How has pge1 pain been for you?

Thanks for following. I've been interested in PGE-1 for quite some time and finally decided to take my interests to work. I can't imagine 57mcg; how long has it taken you to build such a great tolerance?

Pain hasn't been unpleasant, but there is a progression of pain with 'time-under-erection.' I have been making it more intense by performing kegels and pressing down on my erection to make it much more intense. My thoughts are that it's causing expansion, at least for me it is - so I've actually been enjoying the pain. haha.
Eh, the order of the pictures was incorrect; the 2nd picture is 'expanded', the 3rd picture is 'pre-expansion'. You can tell quite a bit of difference judging by the size of my glans.
6th Injection: 03-01-13

Injection Amount - 6mcg
Time Erect - 4 hrs
Erection Quality - 80% (2hrs); 40% (2hrs)

- injected 6mcg into right chamber closer to base of penis.
- injection pain: no pain at all.
- erection pain: hardly any to note. Pressure was substantial but didnt cause any aches like previous injections.
- penis is significantly sore the next day (03-02-13)

- im currently taking in 6-9g of fish oil,
- 40mg garlic extract
-3g D-Aspartic Acid
- 400mg DHEA total
- 5g GABA pre-bed
- 5g ALCAR pre-bed
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7th Injection: 03-03-13

Injection Amount - 6mcg
Time Erect - 4.5 hours
Erection Quality - 100-110%+

- Injected 6mcg into left chamber close to base of penis; massaging and clamping with hand until erect.
- It took approximately 5 minutes to achieve full erection.
- I performed kegels and erect presses almost the entire time encouraging great expansion.
- I used a 'Flesh Light' for roughly 2 hours at high suction which caused incredible amounts of pressure and pain. I was nearly 8 inches in BPenis EnlargementL after a few hours kegeling into that while I was doing housework.
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Day After- Notes:
- wow, my penis is beyond sore. I allowed it to naturally turtle last night, before bed. Great decision as I awoke to a supraphysiological dose of erection. Ive been taking 6mg of oral melatonin to aid in my sleep patterns along with GABA. As such, I've been having extremely vivid and long-lasting dreams - mostly sexual. Last night I had a dream focusing on my penis and elongation. I recall a point at which I felt an incredible sensation, similar to that of a mild 'whole body' orgasm. No ejaculation commenced but it was a great experience. I awoke with only 4.5 hours of sleep and fullbof energy. My penis is visibly thicker and vascular with even greater flaccid hang: This is very exciting.

Another note worth stating is the ease of natural erections and increased sensitivity. I will have another injection tonight - after hitting the weights.

I would also like to add as I have not been mentioning in my notes - im performing 10-15 minutes of jelqing post PGE1 erection and 5 minutes in the morning while showering.
8th injection: 03-04-13

Injection Amount - 8mcg
Time erect - 4.5 hrs
Erection Quality - 100-110%+

- Injection in the right chamber with little to no pain at all.
- Erection took approximately 5 minutes, achieving full erection.
- since going up to 8mcg with this injection, I noticed my hardness increase without significantly more pain.
- I used a 'flesh light' with suction to enhance erection.
- I periodic kegel bends with frequency and intensity.
- performed dry jelqs after erection subsided. Thats when pain began.
- the day after, flaccid length and girth are abnormally large.
- I took a measurement and am sitting at full erection, on the chem, nearly above 7.75in. Pretty incredible.
9th Injection: 03-05-13

Injection Amount - 8mcg
Erect time - (7-8 hrs total)
Erection Quality - 4-5 hrs

- injection occurred in left chamber.
- injection took place at approximately 7:30pm and lasted past 5am.
- erection was extremely hard, yet less painful than normal when I reach that level of hardness.
- my wife gave me a very nice blowjob and noticed how much thicker I am than normal, which was nice. This was the first time I reached orgasm and it was very intense/long lasting.
- after reaching orgasm, my erection did not dissipate. I got it to go down about 30% - so I was sitting at a rough 60% erection. I fell asleep around 11pm, awoke at 2:30am to discover a very painfully throbbing erection. I couldn't get back to sleep so i stayed up another hour to 1.5 hrs getting it to subside: which it eventually did after heavy pushups.
- I awoke again to a non- painful and very large erection that was very sensitive. After a few strokes I came again. It stayed at a semi- erect state till 5:30am when I got up for work.
- needless to say I am very exhausted and did not have a good session.
- I think 8mcg is far too much for that late in the night.
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Imortant note:
- at no point in time did my penis become cold or numb. The primary factor here for lack of sleep may be with the amount and time coupled with constant aching and oversensitive glans. Air and bed sheets were causing a very unexplainable sensitivity that was driving me crazy. I had to go into our living room [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ans[/words] lay with my legs propped up on the arm of the couch to put a stop to the sensitivity and eventually the aching.

Interesting note:
- penis expanded past 6.25 inches in mid-erect girth. I did not take length measurements.
I had a similar experience a couple of days ago. I hadn't used PGE1 in a long time and thought that 8 mcgs was low enough. Soon after taking it I fell asleep. I woke up with a raging hard on but was so tired it took me a good while before I could make myself cum. I think I had around an 8 hour erection. It always takes less at night as you will naturally get erections through the night due to lower cortisol and higher test and hgh levels.

88man;536914 said:
9th Injection: 03-05-13

Injection Amount - 8mcg
Erect time - (7-8 hrs total)
Erection Quality - 4-5 hrs

- injection occurred in left chamber.
- injection took place at approximately 7:30pm and lasted past 5am.
- erection was extremely hard, yet less painful than normal when I reach that level of hardness.
- my wife gave me a very nice blowjob and noticed how much thicker I am than normal, which was nice. This was the first time I reached orgasm and it was very intense/long lasting.
- after reaching orgasm, my erection did not dissipate. I got it to go down about 30% - so I was sitting at a rough 60% erection. I fell asleep around 11pm, awoke at 2:30am to discover a very painfully throbbing erection. I couldn't get back to sleep so i stayed up another hour to 1.5 hrs getting it to subside: which it eventually did after heavy pushups.
- I awoke again to a non- painful and very large erection that was very sensitive. After a few strokes I came again. It stayed at a semi- erect state till 5:30am when I got up for work.
- needless to say I am very exhausted and did not have a good session.
- I think 8mcg is far too much for that late in the night.
Just an 'FYI' - yesterday's pge1 session is on the previous page. If anyone following has any questions, don't hesitate to ask or send me a message.
bigdex28;536937 said:
I had a similar experience a couple of days ago. I hadn't used PGE1 in a long time and thought that 8 mcgs was low enough. Soon after taking it I fell asleep. I woke up with a raging hard on but was so tired it took me a good while before I could make myself cum. I think I had around an 8 hour erection. It always takes less at night as you will naturally get erections through the night due to lower cortisol and higher test and hgh levels.

I must say; im very tired and made some errors in that post (erection quality should be 100%-110%). I should also clarify that it was my first time reaching orgasm while under the influence of PGE-1. I apologize for any further confusion.

Yeah, it was fun until I had to go to sleep. Next tim I have to pin late in the evening ill just do 4mcg. The worst part of the whole ordeal is the anxiety I had. I knew my penis would be fine and the erection would eventually subside, but not knowing when and subconsciously thinking that "this may end badly" creates havoc within your mind.
88man;536945 said:
The worst part of the whole ordeal is the anxiety I had. I knew my penis would be fine and the erection would eventually subside, but not knowing when and subconsciously thinking that "this may end badly" creates havoc within your mind.

The relief afterwards is always nice though. The bad part is the temptation to do it again!
TreasureHunter;537050 said:
The relief afterwards is always nice though. The bad part is the temptation to do it again!

Haha. It's very relieving and 'yes' it's somewhat addictive whenever you're seeing results this fast. I'm thoroughly impressed.
10th Injection: 03-09-13

Injection Amount: 6mcg
Erect Time: 10 hours
Erection Quality: 100%+(4-5 hrs); 40%(5 hrs)

- Injection occurred in the right chamber with 5/16th - 30g insulin pin and did not notice I had even pinned myself (pain wise).
- I've come to the conclusion that PGE-1 at night will propel the time of erection. This is due to the fact that you're generally in a 'slower' metabolic state which will include being tired and more relaxed that the first half of the day. If I pin around 7pm it will have to be roughly 4mcg of PGE-1 and save the 6mcg-8mcg dosages for the first half of the day, when and if I can.
- I did sleep nearly the entire time from 11pm to approximately 5am.
- I did not experience any coldness or loss-of-feeling.
- As erection subsided around 5:30am, I took a shower and performed 120 jelqs (very intense from soreness).
- Penis is very sore this morning but looks substantially thicker (no fluid build-up at all).
- pain, as in 'internal pressure' was a prominent fixture throughout the entire time I was awake. It was not unbearable and was able to sleep through the pain.

I may pin once again today in the afternoon.
12th Injection: 03/12/13

Injection Amount: 4mcg
Time Erect: 10 hours
Erection Quality: 100%+

- Injection Occurred in the right chamber with 5/16th - 30g insulin pin; no pain upon injection.
----- I had my previous injection in left chamber the day of 03-10-13. Which lasted a normal 4 hours.
- I thought that 4mcg would have prevented myself from having an erection for 10 hours again, but I was sorely mistaken. It seems that I'll have to cut my amount to roughly 2mcg for an evening injection.
- I slept nearly the entire night until I had to piss around 4am. Because you naturally produce an erection in the middle of the night, having to pee seems to increase the amount of pain.

- It seems my sex-drive/libido has skyrocketed since starting PGE-1, I've also noticed that it is much easier to produce an erection - along with a great increase in hardness. This may be linked to the PGE-1 but it is possible that it has been from the amount of kegeling I do while erect.

I will try and take some measurement pictures tonight and see if any growth has taken place.
A doctor told me that during the PGE1 protocol you will experience better erections with more ease.

He also told me to avoid inflammation. In other words, stick to low doses that produce around a 2 hour response. That way inflammation does not occur. He told me inflammation leads to fibrosis, which basically makes things harder to stretch/deform.
MikeShlort;538544 said:
A doctor told me that during the PGE1 protocol you will experience better erections with more ease.

He also told me to avoid inflammation. In other words, stick to low doses that produce around a 2 hour response. That way inflammation does not occur. He told me inflammation leads to fibrosis, which basically makes things harder to stretch/deform.

Yes, which is precisely why I'm trying to get my dosages adjusted to a timing schedule that will allow for no more than 4 hours of erect time.
I've pinned twice since my last update with much better results than 10 hour erections.

13th Injection: 3-14-13
Amount: 4mcg
-Time: 5:30pm
Time Erect: 4 hours

14th Injection: 3-16-13
Amount: 4mcg
- Time: 7:30am
Time Erect: 5 hours

- Taking morning injections seems to produce a much more controlled erection as I was able to make it reduce in size whenever I desired. I can only do this since I work in a laboratory setting and place my erection up through my belt and have a lab coat over my clothes.
- As soon as I place the erection down through one pant leg and sit at my desk for a period of time, I can get the erection to reduce in size and strength
- Associated pain has reduced to almost nothing during erect time.
- I will take new measurements soon.
88man;539235 said:
I've pinned twice since my last update with much better results than 10 hour erections.

13th Injection: 3-14-13
Amount: 4mcg
-Time: 5:30pm
Time Erect: 4 hours

14th Injection: 3-16-13
Amount: 4mcg
- Time: 7:30am
Time Erect: 5 hours

- Taking morning injections seems to produce a much more controlled erection as I was able to make it reduce in size whenever I desired. I can only do this since I work in a laboratory setting and place my erection up through my belt and have a lab coat over my clothes.
- As soon as I place the erection down through one pant leg and sit at my desk for a period of time, I can get the erection to reduce in size and strength
- Associated pain has reduced to almost nothing during erect time.
- I will take new measurements soon.

How has groeth been up to now my friend?
doublelongdaddy;539360 said:
How has groeth been up to now my friend?

I will probably be able to tell tomorrow if any growth has occurred since starting once I take measurements tomorrow. In my observations it seemed as though I may have made some minor gains in both girth and length. The one thing I'm certain - my natural erection strength has increased and so has the ability to easily achieve an erection. I will make a more detailed assessment tomorrow once I take measurements and review collected data.

MikeShlort;539456 said:
I really can't wait to start PGE1 again. I just need that extra half inch from hanging first....

Nice. I will be taking a short break after this next month of pinning to make a cycling assessment possibility instead of straight long-term runs.
15Th injection: 03-19-13

Injection Amount: 4mcg
Time of Day: 5:30pm
Erect Time: 5hr
Erection Quality: 100%+

- injection occurred in left chamber.
- No associated pinning pain and mild erection aching.
- Mild bending and kegeling.
- erection primarily heldb at 12 O'clock.
16th Injection: 03-21-13

Injection Amount: 6mcg
Time of Day: 6:40am
Erect Time: 5.45hr
Erection Quality: 100%+

- Injection occurred in right chamber (no pain).
- No associated pinning pain; although, mild erection aching.
- Mild bending and kegeling.
- Erection primarily placed at 12 O'clock position.
One Month Review

My starting stats as of 02-21-13:
- BPenis EnlargementL 7.6/16 inches
- MEG 6.0 inches

One Month Stats as of 03-21-13
- BPenis EnlargementL 7.10/16 inches
- MEG 6.2/16 inches

Total gain in length observed after roughly 1 month of PGE-1 = .25 inches.
Total gain in girth observed after roughly 1 month of PGE-1 = .125 inches.

Other important notes to make are that of erection quality. I have attained the ability to easily achieve erections along with increased hardness/erection quality without the use of PGE-1. I have noticed my [words=http://fleshlight.sjv.io/c/348327/302851/4702]stamina[/words] has also increased in the bedroom; I can last longer during sex and control my orgasms much better.

It has taken some time to get used to 'what time of day is best' to inject a given amount of PGE-1 to achieve a 4-5 hour erection and not be up all night for hours on end with a painful hard-on. So the goal was roughly 4-5 hours. If I injected 6mcg or even 4mcg at 6-7pm - I would end up with an erection lasting till my alarm for work would go off (10+ hours); which is something you DO NOT WANT. Doing this is counterproductive and creates a great deal of stress hormone release and inflammation that leads to very short flaccids. However, morning injections seem to provide much more control and can provide 4-5 hours of erect time.

I've learned that it is best to stay on the lowest dose possible to achieve an erection lasting 4-5 hours and not try to titrate up from week to week. Staying on the lowest dosages possible for the longest period of time will reduce the amount of associated erection pain you experience at first. In the last week of injections its apparent that the pain has greatly reduced even though I am injecting the same amount I started with. This has also reduced the pain experienced post-erection.
MikeShlort;539669 said:
Do you do any exercises before/after/during the PGE1 erections?

I am beginning to experiment with Jelqing post-erection starting tomorrow - now that I've found that pinning in the morning has worked best for me, as-well, leaving time for a jelq session after work. Otherwise, I have not practiced regular jelqing during this month of injections. I may have jelqed 3 times total with the aim of preventing scar tissue.
17th Injection: 03-22-13

Injection Amount: 6mcg
Time of Day: 7:40am
Erect Time: 3 hours
Erection Quality: 100%+
<> wet jelq- 15 minutes. @ 5:30pm <>

18th Injection: 03-23-13
Time of Day: 6:40am
Erect Time: 4 hours
Erection Quality: 100%+
<> wet jelq- 15 minutes. @ 5:30pm <>

- 22nd injection on left chamber and 23rd on right chamber.
- I started adding in wet jelqs starting out with 15 minutes to begin with. I use an overhand grip for the most part and will start switching to another two-handed jelq after some time.
- jelqing us a little difficult at first as my penis is quite sore even after several hours have passed since the pge-1 erection subsided. Although, it did allow the soreness to get worked out by the end of the session.

_________[ 6.25in ]____________________
(Taken around 6am)
- it may just be temporary so ill keep you posted.
Well hey even if it's temporary that's still 1/4th of an inch in volume that you know you'll be able to cement soon enough, so congrats on that!

I imagine that the soreness is from the combination of both the long erections and the act of pinning itself. I used to have frequent injections of novocain at the doctors office to take care of a reoccurring problem, I still felt sore for a year or two after five years of dealing with the problem. The nerves probably just feel like they're overstimulated right now.
TreasureHunter;539874 said:
Well hey even if it's temporary that's still 1/4th of an inch in volume that you know you'll be able to cement soon enough, so congrats on that!

I imagine that the soreness is from the combination of both the long erections and the act of pinning itself. I used to have frequent injections of novocain at the doctors office to take care of a reoccurring problem, I still felt sore for a year or two after five years of dealing with the problem. The nerves probably just feel like they're overstimulated right now.

Yes, it does seem that the girth is cementing. Ill just have to keep working to maintain the size.

The pain can be largely credited to the chemical itself and the sheer level of rigidity (hardness) im able to achieve. The harder the penis becomes the more internal pressure and pain I experience. Its not been as severe this past week.... which im very thankful for. Pinning is painless; I can't even feel it most of the time.
18th Injection: 03-25-13

Injection Amount: 6mcg
Time of Day: 06:45am
Erect Time: 4.5 hours
Erection Quality: 100%+
<> Wet Jelq - 15 minutes <>

- Injection occurred in right chamber.
- I noticed that I had more internal 'pressure pain' today than normal which made it somewhat difficult to focus on work, but nothing comparable to that first week of injections.
- I have not had an orgasm in over a week. This has caused my penis to swell, hang lower and is much more sensitive than normal. I can get a raging erection with a mild breeze or touch. My wife has been sick and we're dealing with 92 year old grandmother in the hospital, sex has not been a priority.
- My girth is substantially larger than usual. Normally, I can't touch my fingers together when grabbing my penis - now, there seems to be nearly an inch gap!

View attachment 27008
MikeShlort;540134 said:
Very nice. How long is it?

Thanks. I get measurements from 7.11/16 to nearly 8.0 inches BPenis EnlargementL; It heavily depends on my EQ. So, I will go with the lowest measurement and say 7.11/16 inches.
Checking in to say hi! I am learning as you grow...thanks for the records!
doublelongdaddy;540193 said:
Checking in to say hi! I am learning as you grow...thanks for the records!

Thank you, DLD. I appreciate you stopping by and learning along with me. It's quite a research project and am very pleased with my gains so far.
19th Injection: 03/26/13
Amount Injected: 6mcg
Time of Day: 06:30am
Erect Time: 4 hours
Erection Quality: 100%+
<> Wet Jelq - 0 <>

20th Injection: 03/27/13
Amount Injected: 6mcg
Time of Day: 6:40am
Erect Time: 4 hours
Erection Quality: 100%+
<> Wet Jelq - 15min <>

21st Injection: 03/28/13
Amount Injected: 8mcg
Time of Day: 6:40am
Erect Time: 5 hours
Erection Quality: 100%+
<> Wet Jelq - 0 <>

21st Injection Notes:
- This was my most powerful erection. I exceeded my measurements and expanded to just under 8 inches long. I had sex with my wife while under the influence of PGE-1 and she noticed that I could barely fit everything in. I couldn't put the condom on all the way as it left more than an inch gap from my pubic pad. I hadn't masturbated/ejaculated in over a week.... which made my sex drive through the roof. I noticed that I was hanging much heavier/thicker and was much more sensitive to touch the past 4 days. We had incredible sex that afternoon! haha.

22nd Injection: 03/29/13
Amount Injected: 4mcg
Time of Day: 11:40am
Time Erect: 4 hours
Erection Quality: 100%+
<> Wet Jelq - 20 min <>

- Injected the left chamber.
- Erection started slow, but ended very hard and thick.
- Immediately prior to injecting (10 minutes) and following my erection going soft (15 minutes) I started jelqing, it was incredibly painful in the beginning and became slightly less painful towards the end of my session. I think this may help in deformation as it exceeds volume capacity by having increased vasodilation before and after jelqing sessions.
- Jelqing prior to PGE-1 injection may provide a vehicle to increase erection capacity, while jelqing after may provide a route to increase deformation by vasodilation. *key word is "may".