Look great now. Let me know how your session goes and if you need any help.
i got the tools. and these days i actually have some more time than usual......

perhaps i should try and get that 1 inch. just to give it 200% the next month.

i didn't catch it. how often do you recommend working out? everyday? 5days on 2 days off.
2days on 1 day off?
Aimingforthetop;423587 said:
i got the tools. and these days i actually have some more time than usual......

perhaps i should try and get that 1 inch. just to give it 200% the next month.

i didn't catch it. how often do you recommend working out? everyday? 5days on 2 days off.
2days on 1 day off?

I have always trained 7 days on no days off. I think this type of schedule promotes a more habitual program. For me days off can quickly turn into weeks off so it is better for me to be a daily trainer. I also believe that the penis only needs 24 hours of recovery before it is trained again. Some guys either do not have the time for this or it may be too difficult at first. In this case I recommend deducting one day at a time until the perfect routine is created. i.e. 6 on 1 off, 5 on 2 off.
i can easily relate to your idea about a rest day turning into a rest week. since i personally is a on off person either i do something 100% or not. there is no half way. can't manage it. just can't.

however trying this workout is like going into a boxing ring with mike tyson. you might take first round. but the next one your already extreme sore :)

i need to down adjust this workout ALOT! if i want to be able to do it everyday.

and use my leech oil aswell.

i will work into it. and post a thread about it.

Aimingforthetop;423869 said:
i can easily relate to your idea about a rest day turning into a rest week. since i personally is a on off person either i do something 100% or not. there is no half way. can't manage it. just can't.

however trying this workout is like going into a boxing ring with mike tyson. you might take first round. but the next one your already extreme sore :)

i need to down adjust this workout ALOT! if i want to be able to do it everyday.

and use my leech oil aswell.

i will work into it. and post a thread about it.


Oh, I just love Mike Tyson! My son is a boxer and admires him too:) But, yes, this is a very intense workout and should be used only when someone feels ready. I do, however, guaranty gains using this workout.
Starting This workout tomorrow.
Been playing around with it not following it completely more the fun thing with pumping my cock to the extreme and say: "daiiiiiim".

But tomorrow im gonna log it and follow it as close to 100% as possible. Also i got an ipad 2 now ( which is great for pe... Try and tell that to steve jobs) im gonna take pictures perhaps even making clips of the way im doing it. To get as much feed back as possible. Im gonna go to a vacation spot in 2 months which is known for young people fucking eachother senceless. I would like to hit 7.2 inches at that time. This is a goal and it is going to be a hard one to archive. But i believe this is the workout to do it with. And could be fucking cool to hit that size by then.
It is 0.8 inches in 2 months. Should be manageable
I will post a link tomorrow peace
Aimingforthetop;425595 said:
Starting This workout tomorrow.
Been playing around with it not following it completely more the fun thing with pumping my cock to the extreme and say: "daiiiiiim".

But tomorrow im gonna log it and follow it as close to 100% as possible. Also i got an ipad 2 now ( which is great for pe... Try and tell that to steve jobs) im gonna take pictures perhaps even making clips of the way im doing it. To get as much feed back as possible. Im gonna go to a vacation spot in 2 months which is known for young people fucking eachother senceless. I would like to hit 7.2 inches at that time. This is a goal and it is going to be a hard one to archive. But i believe this is the workout to do it with. And could be fucking cool to hit that size by then.
It is 0.8 inches in 2 months. Should be manageable
I will post a link tomorrow peace

I am gonna cop the new ipad this week.
So after I am comfortable with both my Bathmate and my Sizegenetics I am thinking of adapting to this routine.

To what extend do the manual stretches have to be followed? I used to do rotary stretches between the extender Sets but mainly to relax the tunica and counteract spontaneous erections. But they are no problem any more when I wear the extender after a Bathmate session, my Tunica is full relaxed.
This routine doesn't seem right to me, you're basically just piling more and more onto the routine hoping more exercises and time will result in a pay off.

80% of the exercises here are redundant; it's a case of less is more.
ADS followed by some intense pumping seems to be sensible; stretch the Tunica via ADS, then fill it with blood via pumping -- forcing the penis into growing both length and girth. The only variables being the duration you stretch and pump.

I'll be experimenting with 4 hours ADS followed by 10 minute intense pumping straight after.
zombie28;448576 said:
This routine doesn't seem right to me, you're basically just piling more and more onto the routine hoping more exercises and time will result in a pay off.

zombie28;448576 said:
ADS followed by some intense pumping seems to be sensible; stretch the Tunica via ADS, then fill it with blood via pumping -- forcing the penis into growing both length and girth. The only variables being the duration you stretch and pump.

I am not seeing a difference here? So, intense work will force the penis into growth but my routine is not intense enough? It has already brought gains to every man that has used it.
Hey, DLD, I went to buy the SizeGenetics through the link provided in this thread, but I noticed that Brazil is not in the countries list, so I can't completely fill in the address fields. What can I do to order the device from my country? Would you work as a middleman to help me getting this equipment? You can buy it providing your address during the order, and then, when you receive it, you mail it to me. I can send you the money before you buy and send me the device, so you can be sure I won't scam you.
doublelongdaddy;448621 said:
I am not seeing a difference here? So, intense work will force the penis into growth but my routine is not intense enough? It has already brought gains to every man that has used it.

Your routine is time intensive. There isn't any reason for doing x over y for z amount of time other than thinking more, for longer, is better.
zombie28;452837 said:
Your routine is time intensive. There isn't any reason for doing x over y for z amount of time other than thinking more, for longer, is better.

? I don't understand what you mean???
First time poster here, I have the Bathmate and penimaster pro(which I can't recommend highly enough). This is a wicked workout, my penis is sore as hell and I am only a week into it. I have made gains so far though, from 5.93 to 6.125 inches BPenis EnlargementL, 4.625 to 5.125 inches EG and from 10.107 to 12.802 volume. I'm thinking I should take a day off because my dick is crazy sore but I don't because it is working so well, so i'm torn. The only thing I am doing differently on this routine is instead of the Bathmate girth blasters, I am doing a girth circuit workout that can be found in the book exercising the penis or if anyone is interested, I can share it with them. I do this after the Bathmate stretches. Oh, also I keep my dick wrapped with an ace bandage whenever I am not doing an exercise or stretching, except when I am sleeping. I do keep a silver zinger on while I sleep though which help as well. Hope this helps. Wish me luck and any guidance is appreciated. Thanks!
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jaf1984;526076 said:
First time poster here, I have the Bathmate and penimaster pro(which I can't recommend highly enough). This is a wicked workout, my penis is sore as hell and I am only a week into it. I have made gains so far though, from 5.93 to 6.125 inches BPenis EnlargementL, 4.625 to 5.125 inches EG and from 10.107 to 12.802 volume. I'm thinking I should take a day off because my dick is crazy sore but I don't because it is working so well, so i'm torn. The only thing I am doing differently on this routine is instead of the Bathmate girth blasters, I am doing a girth circuit workout that can be found in the book exercising the penis or if anyone is interested, I can share it with them. I do this after the Bathmate stretches. Oh, also I keep my dick wrapped with an ace bandage whenever I am not doing an exercise or stretching, except when I am sleeping. I do keep a silver zinger on while I sleep though which help as well. Hope this helps. Wish me luck and any guidance is appreciated. Thanks!

Wow-wee! Good work my Brother! It is amazing but each of these routines I created all were doorways into the teachings of SRT...I am so happy you are gaining!
DLD what do you think about doing extra 2-3 sets or more in SG rather than girth work if you are looking for length gains for now? However some girth gains wouldn't hurt but I don't want girthwork to come in my way of length gains because to me length is more important now until I reach 7-8 EL.

By the way, I don't know if you remember or not, but last year around june I was 4.8 EL now I measure 6 when I'm standing and leaning back a little and 6.5 BPenis EnlargementL. However, it is just the measurement, in my eyes it looks the same and I have not seen a bit of difference in the last couple months..Is it possible that your eyes can get used to looking at something and even though it got bigger your eyes don't realize it but it really had gotten bigger? It looks too small to be 6" but it is definitely 5.5+ NBPenis EnlargementL all the time. Either way I need 2 more inches, at least 7 inches NBPenis EnlargementL by June I pray to god every night lol.
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wow you guys are great you know that! Especially DLD when you start a important thread and don't even reply to a question for almost 3 weeks...
helpseeker;542785 said:
DLD what do you think about doing extra 2-3 sets or more in SG rather than girth work if you are looking for length gains for now? However some girth gains wouldn't hurt but I don't want girthwork to come in my way of length gains because to me length is more important now until I reach 7-8 EL.

By the way, I don't know if you remember or not, but last year around june I was 4.8 EL now I measure 6 when I'm standing and leaning back a little and 6.5 BPenis EnlargementL. However, it is just the measurement, in my eyes it looks the same and I have not seen a bit of difference in the last couple months..Is it possible that your eyes can get used to looking at something and even though it got bigger your eyes don't realize it but it really had gotten bigger? It looks too small to be 6" but it is definitely 5.5+ NBPenis EnlargementL all the time. Either way I need 2 more inches, at least 7 inches NBPenis EnlargementL by June I pray to god every night lol.

As much as I know length and girth enhance each other. If you want length do- it. If you want girth- also. There are more than one threads (in the SRT program thread also) where DLD has mentioned that length and girth enhance each other. If one is more important than the other for you, just spend more time doing it. if you do 1 hour of girth and 1 hour of length (that's just an example)- just increase the length time (I do not advise you to stop your girth exercises). Wear the SG for more time- around 6-7 hours a day, use Uncle Jim's Strap method (heal (talking about heal check out the SRT thread)), stretch, hang etc.

About your second question- I think it is possible. You see it every single day. It is normal for your eyes to get used to that. Do not worry. If measurements talk- their voice is the strongest. Plus, DLD is really busy these days- The pill formulas, The LengthMaster, the forum and NOT LEAST- his personal life. We are here to help each other- I hope my answer is good enough for you. If you have any further questions- ask, I will answer if I can (know how). All the best, Zam :)
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