Jun 3, 2003
So many guys have asked me to post this routine in it's entirety so here it is. This is the most hardcore routine yet and I think it will help anyone and everyone who is having any problems gaining. This is what I call INTENSE so work slowly and smart.

So many guys have this equipment and are lost on how to work it into a routine. I hope this helps you put it together. Ask any questions and I will be here to answer. If you do not have this equipment it can be ordered through my signature at an extreme discount.

DLD Bathmate Girth Blasters with SizeGenetics Length Super Sets and Bathmate Hardcore Stretches

This is the ultimate gainers routine...Penis EnlargementRIOD!

These 2 workouts can be done at separate times or all at once. I suggest doing separate sessions as both length and girth take individual concentration and state of mind. Keeping stress on the penis through daily workouts is the best way to make gains happen. Using tehse workouts will give you optimum stress and very fast gains.

DLD SizeGenetics Super Sets

7:00 am: Basic Stretching.
3 sets of the following stretches each performed for 30 seconds.
Straight up: 3 thirty second stretches
Straight Down: 3 thirty second stretches
Out to left: 3 thirty second stretches
Out to right: 3 thirty second stretches
Rotaries: 25 Cranks x 3
Behind the Cheeks: 3 thirty second stretches

8:00 am: Strap on SizeGenetics Extender (wear for 1.5 hours)

9:30 am: remove SizeGenetics Extender and do 1 set of each stretch
(these will help return good circulation to the penis)
Straight up: 1 thirty second stretch
Straight Down: 1 thirty second stretch
Out to left: 1 thirty second stretch
Out to right: 1 thirty second stretch
Rotaries: 25 Cranks
Behind the Cheeks: 1 thirty second stretch

10:00 am: Reattach SizeGenetics Extender (wear for 1.5 hours)

12:00 pm: remove SizeGenetics Extender and do 1 set of each stretch
Straight up: 1 thirty second stretch
Straight Down: 1 thirty second stretch
Out to left: 1 thirty second stretch
Out to right: 1 thirty second stretch
Rotaries: 25 Cranks
Behind the Cheeks: 1 thirty second stretch

12:30 pm: Reattach SizeGenetics Extender (wear for 1.5 hours)

2:00 pm: remove SizeGenetics Extender and do 1 set of each stretch
Straight up: 1 thirty second stretch
Straight Down: 1 thirty second stretch
Out to left: 1 thirty second stretch
Out to right: 1 thirty second stretch
Rotaries: 25 Cranks
Behind the Cheeks: 1 thirty second stretch

PM Girth Workout

Start the girth routine with DLD Hardcore Bathmate Stretches

Get yourself 100% erect and attach the Bathmate. I like to use water in the chamber but this exercise can be done dry if proper pressure can be found or in the bath or shower.

Pump up to a high pressure. You will want enough suction that you can pull on the Bathmate with intensity and the Bathmate stays attached.

Once good suction is found you can start the exercise. It may be necessary to repump periodically to keep good suction for these stretches.

Upward Stretches: At an upward angle, using both hands, stretch the chamber upward. You will not be able to go straight up as the tube will get in the way so go as high as possible. do 3 stretches for 30 seconds each.

Straight Outward Stretches to Center: Again, be sure to have good suction. 3 stretches for 30 seconds.

Straight Out to the Left: 3 stretches for 30 seconds.

Straight Out to the Right: 3 stretches for 30 seconds.

Now, downward stretches will feel a bit different as you will be stretching and pulling-pushing against the erection angle (unless you have a low erection angle) EIther way, this will be the most intense part).

Straight Down Stretches: Again, be sure to have good suction and good EQ. 3 stretches for 30 seconds.

Straight Down to the Left: 3 stretches for 30 seconds.

Straight Down to the Right: 3 stretches for 30 seconds.

DLD Bathmate Girth Blasters

Warm Up:
What I like to do for a warm up is some light stretching of the penis and scrotum. I spend about 3 minutes stretching and massaging until everything is good and loose. The first pumping will also get things nice and prepared too.

I fill the chamber of the Bathmate with about a cup of warm-hot water.
With the Bathmate pointed downward, so no water drips everywhere, I attach the Bathmate. I will pump until I have full pressure. At this point no water can escape the chamber.

I will pump for 5 minutes
Remove the Bathmate (I stand it up on end against the wall so no water escapes.) You could also refill with fresh warm water but I never do. I enter the chamber semi erect.

Slow Squash Jelqs:
I get myself 100% erect and proceed to do a 5 minute set of SSJ.

I repeat this process 3 times. So a routine could take 45 minutes with 10 minute pumping sets or half that time with 5 minute pumping sets.

Amazing, need I say more...AMAZING.

If you are having issues gaining girth then you should use this workout...It will change the entire game.



<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
<a href="https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender"><img border="0" height="452" src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_-y8SSwafFGA/S-mup6qiSvI/AAAAAAAACEc/06cRQZgetQI/s640/forum-graphis-MOS.jpg" width="640" /></a></div>​

For all of those who own or are about to purchase a JES Extender
here is a Video MoS put together on how to wear it.
Special Thanks to StillWantsMore for Shooting it.
Your most hardcore workout to date. Brilliant how you think these routines through.
Gravik;385623 said:
How do you do the rotaries and the behind the cheeks stretches?

These exercise are explained in the
. All of the above manual exercises are contained in video on the Matters of Size DVD.
Would I see gains just doin tha girtHydromaxate blasters or would I have ta do a jelqing session b4 dat
MrFreak;385812 said:
Would I see gains just doin tha girtHydromaxate blasters or would I have ta do a jelqing session b4 dat

That would replace your jelq routine.
I have the Bathmate for a month now. I been using it consistently. What I can say about is THIS SHIT REALLY WORKS if you use it the correct way. I have see some girth gain and a much thicker wang than before.

DLD Bathmate girth blaster replace all my girth exercises. All I have to do is some SSJ then put on Bathmate, pump to the highest pressure.. sit back and relax watching a good �naked people movies� then the gain comes in a period of time ^^
kawai123;385830 said:
I have the Bathmate for a month now. I been using it consistently. What I can say about is THIS SHIT REALLY WORKS if you use it the correct way. I have see some girth gain and a much thicker wang than before.

DLD Bathmate girth blaster replace all my girth exercises. All I have to do is some SSJ then put on Bathmate, pump to the highest pressure.. sit back and relax watching a good �naked people movies� then the gain comes in a period of time ^^

New believers everyday! I am happy this is helping you, keep us up on your gains.
kawai123;385830 said:
I have the Bathmate for a month now. I been using it consistently. What I can say about is THIS SHIT REALLY WORKS if you use it the correct way. I have see some girth gain and a much thicker wang than before.

DLD Bathmate girth blaster replace all my girth exercises. All I have to do is some SSJ then put on Bathmate, pump to the highest pressure.. sit back and relax watching a good �naked people movies� then the gain comes in a period of time ^^

how do you watch �naked people movies� with the pump on if it needs to have water and used in the shower?
ownd;385878 said:
how do you watch �naked people movies� with the pump on if it needs to have water and used in the shower?

I use my Bathmate out of the shower exclusively. I fill the chamber with hot water and jam myself in, PUMP IT UP and I am all set, no leakage, just expansion and I can sit in front of the computer and watch �naked people movies�.
ownd;385878 said:
how do you watch �naked people movies� with the pump on if it needs to have water and used in the shower?

I sit in the bathtub and my laptop is next to me ^^
punkster;385908 said:
I have trouble staying erect while doing the slow squash jelqs. Any ideas?

Put on some good �naked people movies�!
Luckily my android phone can get on �naked people movies� while I'm in tha tub
MrFreak;385946 said:
Luckily my android phone can get on �naked people movies� while I'm in tha tub

Gotta love the Android
This thread, using the equipment wisely.
kawai123;385830 said:
I have the Bathmate for a month now. I been using it consistently. What I can say about is THIS SHIT REALLY WORKS if you use it the correct way. I have see some girth gain and a much thicker wang than before.

DLD Bathmate girth blaster replace all my girth exercises. All I have to do is some SSJ then put on Bathmate, pump to the highest pressure.. sit back and relax watching a good �naked people movies� then the gain comes in a period of time ^^

I agree, so far the Bathmate has been productive. Im working into more intense every session. About how much of girth have you out on?
LarryTheNovice;386330 said:
. About how much of girth have you out on?

Hey Larry, I don't understand this question:) rephrase?
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