Things are coming around with my girl. Damn she is difficult, but I always date the difficult ones or I get bored.

Pe is coming along. My stress is going down. I got good scores on a test today.

Selling my crap on ebay is giving me some breathing room money wise. I don't need that crap anyway. Most of it is like toys for grown up boys anyway. I don't know why I still have toys at my age. Although they make me happy. I will just buy newer better at another time. he he

Red posts about jelqing 100% erect. I tried it. I have no idea how he does it. My boners are like a wet bag of cement hard. There is no way I can get any more pressure in there. I guess I'll try it again tonight.

I was in the mens room today and I got a stall and sat to pee then did a long stretch. It's a nice break from reality to sit down and stretch in the middle of the day.
Wow I feel honored. My dicky is a sticky. he he

Well, I wish I was more motivational. I have been reading a lot of philosophy. I just wrote a paper on Plato's Republic. Basically condensed it down to a quick explanation of what plato is trying to tell you.

Now I need to analyze Nietzsche for another paper. Man he's a funny guy. He is the ultimate negator of lies. "Why is there such a thing as man?" He basically asks what is the purpose of man. Man creates reasons for his existence and purpose: God. God or belief in God leads us to be less than we are. God is the ultimate cop out. You can be a complete fuck up and God will forgive you, so be a fuck up. If you can accept and transcend the lack of meaning in life, live without God, then you will acquire meaning. Well it's not exactly that but pretty close. I like it. I'm not up to it, but it makes me want to strive.

Sneaking my Pe sessions still. It's just funny how normal sized it looks to me, even with the 5.5" mid girth. Last time I had sex with my girlfriend she told me, "It feels so good". Meaning the deep penetration. WOW, I did that.

My girl is so odd. Really hard to be with. Super smart. I think she may have a genius IQ. Definitely smarter than me. Sweet and mean. Caring and indifferent. Complex.
I never used to hear comments like this...

I'm walking around naked in the house this morning sporting morning wood. I've just woken up. My girlfriend opens the curtains between our house and the neighbors and I say, "gee thanks now I have to go get dressed."
To which she replies, "You should feel proud, you have a huge one."

Like I said, I never heard comments like that ever in my life before doing Pe. I don't have a adult entertainment start sized one, but 8" is pretty big by most girls standards.

The reality of Pe is that you only really need to impress two people: yourself; and one woman. If my girl is impressed and she's seen a lot of penis in her time. I suspect she's slept with around a hundred guys at least. Well, if she tells me it's big then it must be big now. I'm impressed too.

That was a great way to start my day.
I do Pe to gain confidence about my physique, but I am also struggling with my brain and how it functions. I am very sluggish compared to most people. There was a article about mental enhancement drugs in the New yorker. Very interesting reading. If you get a chance to I would suggest going and reading up on that. the interesting thing is that cigarettes are considered to be a brain function enhancement drug as is caffeine. Of course ridalin and aderol are too. As is cocaine for that matter.

What was most interesting to find out is that highly functional people as regards focus do not gain very much from using performance enhancement drugs.

Another interesting thing is the correlation between creative thought and focus. Most creative thinkers are not focused. The way the mind comes up with new ideas is by not being focused, so amping up one side of your ability will stomp on the other.

Allrighty, gotta run.
I'm just posting to say I do not have internet now. I won't be on much. Things have been good on the Pe front though.

I invented a new girth exercise or maybe someone else does it too. The kickstand squash.

I am not too focused on jelqing right now. I have switched to squashes and head squeezes along with more intense stretching. I really do want that 9 x 6.5

I seem to keep upping my goal. I think it's a sign of confidence. As I do more Penis Enlargement, I realize I can make my goals. Although honestly 8x6 seems to be enough.

My girlfriend left me. I was having money troubles and honestly I was a burden. She couldn't know if I was going to be sitting in her house eating her food and wasting her time for the next two years or not. I don't blame her.

I feel happy being alone in my own home. I am working on the stuff that matters to me, something I could not do at her house. I spend a lot of time alone. I go to coffee shops to write. I am trying to write a book right now. I spend more time with my daughter. I have had trouble being emotionally available for her. I'm sort of emotionally shut down. Yet I meet a woman and I'm this emotional leach.

I'm sort of fucked up but it's how I am. I am working on improving what I can about myself. Yet, I'm sort of stuck as myself.

My GF had issues with who I am. That's good. She should. I'm an odd package. Yet, I doubt she will ever be happy with someone else. She will merely go about repeating the same relationship over and over. A lot of what happened and how, sounded like how she broke up with her previous BF. Different reasons on the surface and yet the same pattern.

I can criticize her. I know how I perceive her flaws as well as I know my own. At the very bottom of it all is a strong sense of love for her. I did all the sitting around thinking she'd found some other guy with a bigger cock, the usual insecurity we go through after a break up. Yet, I just like her. I have had a great gift from her. I got to spend a year with the most interesting woman I have ever met.

Everyone I talk to says, "Thank god you broke up with her, she's crazy" Well, I don't think she is crazy. I really value her. I miss sitting in her house and talking across a couple rooms about weird stuff. Or listening to music or drinking or gardening... list goes on. I miss her. I will wait a while, a year even, maybe she and I can hang out as friends. I think that would be pretty nice.
man its always tough going through a breakup especially when a lot of time has been vested and the person you were with you percieve as a special one...there are a lot of people that run in and out of our lives...a lot of girls that we just dealt with and moved on from with no problems but then you have a few that no matter what you still feel connected and even if the relationship is a little messed still value it..

don't worry about what your friends say about her..they don't know her like you did..they probably only know from what you tell them and they are only getting your side of the story so it's easy for them to take your side and see her as the one with the problem...i've been there probably spent time talking to your friends about her then end up defending her to them..we all have our issues..each and every one of us...but if you saw this woman the way you did then there had to be something special about her to you...good luck..with everything
Thanks for the reply twins.

Penis Enlargement...

I was on a real bender and wanted to see some gains. I think I once again over did the stretching, It seems to be how I get desensitized. {robably from the grip. Things are just not the same down there.

I also seem to be against the wall as far as gains are concerned. I just can't seem to get much change.

Some quesions to those Penis Enlargement experts who visit here.

1. How much did you gain before hitting the wall.

2. What got you past the wall.

3. Anyone else suffer injuries from manual stretching?

On another note. The new girl I've been hanging out with thinks my cock is huge. During my first BJ she kept stopping and just looking and telling me I have the perfect cock while still staring at it. Then she told me my cock was the best thing that had happened to her in years. Measuring a BPenis EnlargementL is one thing, but being told nice things tops that a hundred fold.

Since I stopped stretching I've gone back down to an average of 7.75 with a mid girth around 5.5 to 5.75 That's still prety darn good.

I am still doing my girth work outs but have no been jelqing much. Just expansion manually.

For a while I was worried that my ex had found links to this in her history or by looking at cookies, but now I figure, hell women do all kinds fo surgery to deal with their beauty issues. All I am doing is tugging and squeezing and if word got out I had a big one from doing this I would feel proud.

People develop issues around their appearance that affects how they interact with other people. I knew a guy once who had a huge birtHydromaxark on his face. Then one day he got on the elevator at work and he had just come back from a session of having his mark removed with a lazer. He was a changed man. His posture was fixed. His attitude was super happy. It was really touching to discover that he had carried that weight around all his life and finally been able to cure it. I know women who got boob jobs and it changed them. I actually like small boobs and big boobs so for me it's not a big deal, but if they changed their self image I think it's great. Lately I also seem to meet a lot of women who have had DD ones that got them reduced. Good for them too. We are so lucky to live in a time when you can overcome certain physical problems and come out the other side feeling better about yourself.
hey admiral, ive just seen your post about your adiral stretch and i was wondering when you do the lig stretches, do u grab the inner penis whis is tucked inside the body and just pull it downwards? also how many and how long do you do them for bro???
AdmiralLongDong;498896 said:
i had no idea this was on the new forum. I abandoned it after the forum got upgraded.

Why do you say this? When did we upgrade?
AdmiralLongDong;498938 said:
uh... my last post date. So sometime in... 09 or early 10. ;)

WOW! Fucking time flies! I think you were referring to the outage we had back then when the forum was down for 3 weeks. I think we lost a few people during that mishap. Welcome back and it is awesome to have another expert to help out.