Well... I had a little scare from over working things. The top of my penis got numb. My orgasms felt strange. Maybe too much kegeling. I am not sure.

During my days of thinking I may have ruined myself. I really got to think about what sex means to me. What component of my self image my penis and sex drive are in relation to my relationship.

I guess I realized that sex although really fun and wonderful is such a small portion of what it means to be with someone. I wondered if my girlfriend would still want me if I wasn't always trying to get in her pants. I think she would. She actually just really likes me. I also thought about how I felt about her if I wouldn't be able to achieve mind blowing orgasms with her. My conclusion was that her love for me is really enough. It's why I am with her. I have someone who really cares about me. I really care about her. My life without her would be completely empty. Sure I know how to be alone but, everything is so much better with her in my life.

After a few days of no Penis Enlargement things have returned to normal. I am starting up on some mild Penis Enlargement just because I want to keep going with it. It makes me feel more confident knowing I have a larger penis now. This has nothing to do with going out and being a big player and sleeping around. Sex without love just seems so empty for me. I don't want to do that. I don't need anyone else in my life. Just her.

Hopefully my girlfriend will be the only woman who gets to feel this new penis. No one else has fucked this one. It's like she got a virgin penis if that makes sense and it's all for her and no one else.

So that's the latest from me about Pe. I guess I should add that I have been gaining girth and solidifying the length. I have no idea what I am now size wise. I can tell you that it just looks bigger. It feels larger inside my girlfriend. I seem to be bottoming out inside her and just filling all the nooks and crannies. I'm sure she'd be horrified to hear me talking about her vagina this way. Girls aren't as analytical about sex as guys are. For a guy it feels good to know you are a good fit and that you can provide for her. Yet intercourse is such a small portion of sex. What makes sex good for me is how emotionally connected we are. How much we like each other. The way her eyes get so shiny when I kiss her and tell her how amazing she is.

I really hope my girl and I can stay together. At my age all my life experience is relationships that do not work. I'm good at giving up on things. It's sometimes easier to just quit. I want one that does work.

sorry for such a sappy entry. I just really like how my life is right now with a real woman who is my own age and is so interesting.
Measured today after some jelqing. I got about 8". I think I am going to switch up my routine again and go back to basic phase one jelq and stretch.

Damn the thing looked huge when I was jelqing. 8" is mega huge in my book especially after starting out at 6".
I have really been struggling with a lack of results from my Pe. I also had that accident where I lost sensation in my glans.

Things are back to normal and I have decided to take a break. I am going to do occasional stretches and a little jelqing/manual clamping to maintain my gains. I just feel it necessary to let the cells grow without any trauma. I also felt like I was getting kind of addicted to Pe. I need to lay off for a bit get to a place where I am not so sex addicted about this.

So that's the deal. No Pe for a while. Just enjoy what I've got. At a solid 5.5 x 7.75 I feel like I've got a lot.

I guess I sort of felt like either I'm doing Pe or I'm not, yet this re-juvination period is actually actively a part of Penis Enlargement. In the past if I took breaks, when I came back I would see serious results. I feel that when I do get back to it, that extra bit to hit 8"+ should be easy to gain. My girth will probably go up too.

I guess I'm like everyone else. Once you get gains, you want more gains. I need something to work toward when I get back too. A smaller goal that is possible. With a reward at the end of the training.

New goal 8.5 x 5.75 by Jan 1st 2010.

So something to consider. The Active Non Penis Enlargement training rest.

I am curious to hear back from others about this.

Also, after almost a year I have decided to move in with my girlfriend. Things have been really good. Mostly on the side of communication. I should post more about that. Gotta run now though.
Well I guess my break just didn't last. Penis Enlargement seems to be such a part of my daily routine that I can't seem to stop doing it.

I am having a real plateau issue. Despite a couple of 8" measurements around the new year I really do seem to be stuck at 7.75 as a constant. This is a good thing, because I know it is cemented. I am really wanting to gain more length. I had hoped to cement that 8" and be able to work beyond that, but here I am at 7.75. Yet when I see this semi flaccid thing flopping between my legs I'm still just so impressed with it. I would still like to break that 8" mark though.

I am sort of frustrated and not frustrated about this. From being really impressed with how big it is already to feeling like I should be able to gain a quarter inch somehow.

I really need to examine my routine and see exactly what I am doing wrong.

Some questions to myself:

1. Do I need to train harder?

2. How much time can I seriously dedicate to Penis Enlargement right now?

3. How do I maximize the quality of my work outs?

Pausing to think I realized I am definitely dedicated to it. There is no question about that. I think I'm feeling like I need a small measurable gain to give me some feedback. A cause and effect to tell me that I am still going to gain.

Every time I read about someone who has hit a slump it seems like the gains come so much slower. Lots of guys seem to be sitting at the same length unsure how to break the barrier.

Not having anything to go on about this, I figure it means I need to stay on it. Persevere.
Great to read your posts, Good Admiral. I am so happy for you that you are having a great relationship with your girl. The part about her eyes so "shiny" struck me because that is what my woman's (of 44 years) eyes are like when we're making good love. It IS so much more about things other than the sex--especially vulnerability and being open and trusting of your significant other--that's what intimacy is all about, and it surely reads like you have struck gold with your honey. I hope it lasts a life time.

Regarding your gains, they're really quite awesome! I felt the way you do about my penis when I started P.E. and I still do. I look at it and I can't believe it's so damned big. Of course I started where you are now, but it's all relative, isn't it?

Thanks for reminding me about what really matters and it's not getting a bigger dick. My Mrs. has always been happy with what I've got.

The Mrs: "You men and your penises. Is that all you think about?" He, he. Can't help it! It hangs there, occasionally rousing to half, sometimes full mast--just to remind me that it has its say on all of this too.

I'm glad you're keeping this all in perspective, by recalling where you were and where you are now.

Great read. Thanks for sharing on such a personal level.
Hey thanks Goinfor,
Dang, it is relative. You want more and what you have is so much more than what I can even imagine having. I look at what I have and I'm really impressed.

How'd you get so much girth? I'm trying head squeezes for a bit.

My routine is pretty simple really.

A variety of stretches throughout the day. Kind of like piss jelqs only stretches.

Ariis head squeezes maybe 50 or so.

I hadn't been jelqing partly because I hadn't really found a good grip for it. I was also being sort of lazy about it. I am thinking I need to do a warm up. I just stand at the bathroom sink and splash warm water on it, or cup my hands full of warm water. I think I'll add a wash rag to that.

I figured out that I was working my grip too close to the head and this was causing too much pressure and damaging nerves. So most of the grip is now about pulling the ligs and working the middle shaft and not about squeezing blood into the head.

Yeah, the emotional stuff is important. I think guys can easily get addicted to squirting all day long. I know I can go for three fucks in one night easily. But at a certain point it's like sawing wood and I start to wonder if it's worth all that friction just to gush out another one.

My GF really likes sex, but her idea of it is to come once and not go for marathons and she doesn't want it every day. She likes to wait and let the pressure build.

I think it's important for guys to realize that if they need to just knock one out to de-stress or whatever, maybe they should just beat off alone. I'm almost going out of my way to not have sex with my GF. I figure it's better to save it up and have a really amazing time than for it to become routine and boring. I have done that before.

I give her long back rubs at night without expecting sex. I just like touching her. I kiss her all the time. I really try to focus on what is going on in my head and not in my pants.

I figure sometimes I can get a marathon in there just to prove my metal. But really she isn't interested in just being a hole.

Well that's what I am doing anyway.

Yet, it's the closeness that really matters. I stop her through out the day and just take her in my arms. Or I'll be sitting and I'll just watch her not watching me and realize how lucky I am to have found a good match.

Anyway, I'm running on and I'm not really touching on the real part about feelings. Too much talk about penis in vagina. It really isn't about that. Everyone has either a penis or a vagina. It's everything else that matters.

And yet... You are right about it having it's say in everything. Without that desire, women and men would have no reason to be together so intensely, even without having sex.

Thanks again for the nice comments and insight.
Beautiful to see you write such nice things about your girl mate, shes lucky to have someone like you and as are you to have her. Wish you everything and the best my friend.
kudos on a great match.

as for pe, maybe you need to undertake one of those 72 hour blitz workouts.... you know, to like shock your gains back to regular growth.

just an idea. maybe look into it.
tyandhisrod;328398 said:
basically just get erect, manual clamp at the base, and squeeze the head, getting all the blood into your shaft.

fast or slow, look up aresstrong's girth post, he does them short and in quick succession.

how does that increase head girth if your squeezing blood from the head into the shaft? Have you made gains doing these b/c I would love to have a bigger head?!!
A couple of thoughts about the hazards of stretching and the perks of jelqing. I injured those sensitive nerves below the glans near my circ. scar doing lazy ass stretches, and I've stayed away from that area ever since. I try to grip well below--about a third of the way down the shaft--sometimes half way down. We don't need to grip near the glans to get the results we are after--even if we're clamping.

Regarding warm-ups before jelqing, they're extremely important. I try to spend 15 minutes with the hot rags so that my dick is fully engorged--probably 30 % to 50 % erect. And I maintain that erection level throughout the jelqing session--never more. I made my biggest gains with this exercise along with many long edging sessions and lots of kegeling.
longstretch: i imagine its the same principal as gaining base girth when clamping... don't know how it works, but it helps. i've been doing ares' modified horse squeezes and i've found that my msg has improved more than my base girth... not too sure how it works.
Ok as long as it works; a lot of things in Penis Enlargement can only be objectively observed through progress and not actual science for right now. My midshaft girth used to be bigger than my base, that is before I started hanging, but its still thicker than my head. I just want to have a big ol' intimadating mushroomhead! My head right now has gotten bigger but it looks more like a spear than a mushroom.
Thanks for the input guys.

I had an interesting conversation with my girlfriend tonight. Lying in bed talking and curled up together and I say sorry I always get so excited when I get near you. Of course, I've got an erection to raise the titanic with at this point. She says, I'm sorry I can't do it, I'm just really stressed out and depressed, I'll come around though... but I really like that you like me so much.

I left it at that. Held onto her and kissed her and pressed my hard cock against her then fell asleep. I think In the past I would have forced a girl into doing it just to make me shut up and leave her alone. Kind of shitty really. Or I would have resented her for it. I figure this way, when she's ready she'll come asking for it. she usually does.
i'm not really sure if its healthy for you guys to only have sex on her terms...should be a shared wanting in my mind... no disrespect of course.
Hey Ty,
I guess it all is a matter of perspective. On her terms is more about taking the time to let her charge up to the point where she wants me really bad. I don't want anyone else. I can beat off till she's ready. She works really hard and is often tired.

Last night she was dead tired. She was sore from doing manual work all day. She works harder than I ever have.

My fix. I massaged her hands and then her back and then her legs. I worked on her body for a good 45 minutes. Then I let her go to sleep.

Maybe tonight or tomorrow night she'll want to have sex. If not I'll just jerk off. In the meantime I get to touch her and admire her. I also get to talk to her. She's really interesting.

Sure it'd be great if she was my sex slave, but that isn't realistic. On the other hand, when we do have the time and attitude to have sex, it's the best sex I've ever had.
I redressed my Pe routine. Decided I needed to work no jelqing. Sort of like those martial arts movies where the sensei says that the young newb needs to do some boring work out do anything for martial arts. I've been doing that with jelqing. I get in anywhere between 300 and 600 jelqs per day. I will do this for a while not because I need to gain, but because I need to gain understanding.

I find jelqing to be somewhat meditative. Trance like. I like that.

I used to not do a warm up. Now I do. I used to just dry jelq. Now I use oil.
tyandhisrod;333513 said:
i find i prefer the wet jelq, i can just do a more thoughough workout with the wet.

By wet jelq you mean Oiled right?

I have been doing them every day. I am girthing up. Kind of concerned about the shape it's taking. I am getting a mid shaft bulge. Hard to keep even pressure with the foreskin and all.

I am gaining again though!
Well, the jelqing is going well. I seem to be thicker maybe a little longer. I started around the 15th. I will wait till the fifteenth again to measure a few times over a couple days for a good average number.

I did develop a bulge that is sort of a hot spot. It's in the skin midway down and moves around if I retract the skin. I thought it might be a blown out vein or something but that doesn't seem to be it. It's more like the spot where my index finger wraps when I do a stretch from mid shaft. I must be applying too much pressure. It does help girth but it's making me lopsided. I guess I need to do the same with the other side now. he he

Impressive gains and interesting stretch. I am still confused on your stretch though and since I have not seen any gains from regular stretching, I thought I would give it a try.

Do you just grab behind your balls and stretch down? Like, get two fingers in the penis inside you and stretch down to the ground, exerting shear force? kind of like a fulcrum? also, you mentioned limp jelqs. are you just jelqing at 100% flaccid? Thanks.
Hi Weeguy,
You must be talking about the admirals. Those are a stretch that is specifically targeted for the suspensory ligaments. The ligs that doctors cut in Penis Enlargement surgery to give instant gains. You can get those same gains by merely stretching out those SLs.

Yeah the grip is low. I guess what it is you really need to do is pull your balls forward so that you can better grip underneath there. Then pull out and down while keeping an erection so as not to bend it in half.

A good indicator of how much your gain from Admirals is how high your penis is connected to your pubis. Mine was very high. I had lots of inner penis below that mark. As a girl told me once, "Your penis looks big, but it isn't" Ouch. Well I fixed that now.

Since the Admirals don't affect areas that get worked through regular stretching and jelqing, it may be possible to double ones gains in a set amount of time. For me the gains were easily 1 to 1.5 inches in a years time. If I had been jelqing and stretching also I think I could be massive by now.

Limp jelqs were ok. I think what it really ends up being is a sort of jelq stretch.

Now you have me thinking I can modify the admiral to be a very low combo of a regular stretch and the same effect as a DLD blaster by hooking a finger behind my shaft way low and pulling out and down. Hmmm, there has to be some more length hidden back there. Time to get it out of there.

Thanks for your comments weeguy, you gave me some good insight into how to stretch better.
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tyandhisrod;332855 said:
spears are good too... spears are made to penetrate...not intimidate.

I have a spear. I like it. I also like that when I am sliding it in and out I give my girl a little stretch with every thrust.

i'm still a little confused by the admiral stretch, truth be told, but you have my attention by saying that a high penis can gain more.

can you post a pic? or make a diagram in paint?
Hi Admiral,

I like your take on your woman's readiness for sex. I think being a "sex slave" is great. It's all about "give and take" and being sensitive to each other's needs and it's never 50-50. What you are describing is what it's like to be in a long-term relationship.

Regarding your description of the "jelq/stretch," I have always called my version the "jelq/stretch combo." I do the jelq stroke for two to three seconds, and then grasp my glans and pull my penis straight out and then down as hard as I can. The whole stroke takes about three to five seconds. Sounds very much like part of your routine.
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Ok, Admirals are just so simple.

There are these ligs on the top of your penis that attach it to your pubis. When you are flaccid these define at what point your penis hangs down from your pubic bone.

My penis was really high strapped against my pubic area. All I had to do was apply the proper pressure to stretch out these ligs.

Well if you have an erection and you push down on the head of your penis forcing it out like... well, like a dick to be precise. You will see where these ligs are. They are inside the skin that stretches out at your base.

Grab your shaft below where all that skin and those ligs are and pull down and bend out your penis so that you feel a stretch in those same ligs. Do this for a month and you'll get length. Do it for over a year and you'll get about 1.5" like I did.

Thanks for all your advice. Really appreciated. I have been jelqing and stretching with renewed vigor. I think I am getting results. Lets hope I can get off this plateau I've been on.

Yeah, I do that jelq hold combo.
I've had to let up a little bit on the Pe. Just busy with life. Had to reduce to about 100 jelqs a day. for a few days.

Stretching is a daily through out the day thing for me. I am trying to keep those ligs from being able to relax and tighten up.

Stretched flaccid length is up. BPenis EnlargementL is down. Girth seems to be up a little bit. Hows that for a vague update?

My painful vein issue has gone away as DLD advised it would.

Oh yeah! I quit smoking. I am on day 5+ with not a single cigarette. I feel insane. Stay out of my way or die. he he he I am going to expend some of this energy on Pe.
congrats on everything on the sore vain going away, on your girth being up and especially the quit smoking thing...i stopped 5 years ago after my son was born...didn't want to raise him up around it...quit cold turkey and never looked back..keep up the good work
twins172_up;335423 said:
congrats on everything on the sore vain going away, on your girth being up and especially the quit smoking thing...i stopped 5 years ago after my son was born...didn't want to raise him up around it...quit cold turkey and never looked back..keep up the good work

Thanks man. It's coming along. Almost 2 weeks now with no smoking.

I had quit for 8 years at one point. I know I can do this.

Life is getting busy again. I am having trouble squeezing in my Penis Enlargement routine. I have been doing at least 300 jelqs per day and still sneak stretching when I go to take a piss or even when I'm alone in a room.

My girlfriend told me I beat off in my sleep. She is kind of freaked out because she thinks I'm a sex fiend. Actually, I think I am doing jelqs and stretches in my sleep. ha ha. Sleep Penis Enlargement. I'm not going to tell her I am trying to enlarge my cock, then she'd really think I am a freak.

I have hit my measuring day. I half heartedly measured. I seem to have gained, it's hard to tell. Something on a range of 1/8". My girth is definitely up too. Anything under 1/4" is so iffy when it comes to getting an actual measure. So until I get a solid big gain I'll just say I'm around 7.75 with a 5.5 mid girth with a slight variation up or down depending on my mood.

On my way to 9x6. I'm really feeling positive today.

Strange how things happen. Yet, I think we do share a common thought process so it's strange to us as mere pieces on the board, but it's just normal for things to happen seemingly by chance. DLD posted this here:

I was in this good mood and it just hit home for me. I have been thinking a lot about people who attain what they want. What is different about them? How can I do that? I think I believe that I can't do what I want to do. Time to work on that program I have running in my head and kill it. Time to put a positive virus in there to take over and change my attitude.

I definitely consider Penis Enlargement an example of my will to change my reality. I invented Pe. Well, at least for myself I did. I figured it out on my own and gained 1.5" I remember sitting in my basement feeling like fucking god because I'd figured out how to have a bigger dick despite everything I had read or been told.

You really can take charge and change your life. it's all about doing it in tiny steps. I think it's more about believing that you can change your life. Once you start to believe the rest just follows.
Measured today and it looked like 8" before my jelq session this morning. I guess the newly intensified program is working. I think definitely 8.5" by years end. Although, I am really aiming for the 9" mark now.

Earlier on in my Pe I felt like wow if I could just get 8" I would feel like a stud. Well of course the new girl friend mentioned some guy who was hung like a adult entertainment star and now I am back to being in competition with every penis she's ever seen.

Oh yeah, NO Cigs for two weeks now. I'm starting to mellow out too. They say 21 days to change a habit so after next week I have it beat.
Oh boy, I had to say it. Talk about my current girls past boyfriends. Dang, I do vacillate between feeling confident and not feeling confident. Shit it's 8" long I should feel pretty good now. I suppose if I was a girl I'd be wanting boobs like Dolly Parton's. The thing is, girls can't grow boobs, but a boy can grow his penis.
AdmiralLongDong;336513 said:
Oh boy, I had to say it. Talk about my current girls past boyfriends. Dang, I do vacillate between feeling confident and not feeling confident. Shit it's 8" long I should feel pretty good now. I suppose if I was a girl I'd be wanting boobs like Dolly Parton's. The thing is, girls can't grow boobs, but a boy can grow his penis.

True. :) it's kind of addictive...-> wanna come from 5 to 6 , from 6 to 7 , from 7 to 8 , FROM 9 to 12 XD
Nice gains from what I've read in this thread but you need to attack girth next or have a knitting needle cock, which isnt desirable for any man and lastly your girl ... she keeps mentioning about past lovers cock size ay? not a good sign if you ask me, she still thinks about them bigger cocks. Are you both serious or this a casual thing? if casual I would consider ending it as size queens dont make good longterm partners.
REDZULU2003;336518 said:
Nice gains from what I've read in this thread but you need to attack girth next or have a knitting needle cock, which isnt desirable for any man and lastly your girl ... she keeps mentioning about past lovers cock size ay? not a good sign if you ask me, she still thinks about them bigger cocks. Are you both serious or this a casual thing? if casual I would consider ending it as size queens dont make good longterm partners.

Actually it, guy with biggus dickus, only came up once and it was definately not a bragging moment. I'm just a stupid guy and I take it to heart no matter what the context. It was the ex who would talk about every guy she'd been with.

Yeah, long term as in life term I hope. Hard to find a really good one like this one.

Yeah thanks for the push to strive RZ. I am working the girth too. It's just not on the radar like the length is. Give me six months and I'll give you a new girth measurement.
AdmiralLongDong;336591 said:
Going for 9, will be happy with 8.5. :)

Could you please write down best techniques for base girth....and girth for all .:D It drives me crazy my bat shaped look i've got. :(

Man, this aint easy to achive ....9 for me it's kind of unreal (for now) :S
Well if you clamp the base with your hand and then clamp upper portion with other hand and squeeze. DO about 50 per day. It should change shape.

Repost your question on main Pe forum.
Well it seems to be a BPenis EnlargementL of 8" again. Girth seems to be up slightly.

Girlfriend and I are having serious deal breaker issues. I'm in hell with my classes. I sort of slacked this semester and now it's crunch time. I feel like a loser. NO money, need a job pronto.

I'm in hell right now. It's bad. I hope I can pull out of this. It seems hopeless. I know it isn't. but shit I'm stressed out.
Alright admiral,

Sorry to hear about whats going on in life but think positive my freind and visualise it all being okay .. serious, please listen to me here as it works. Eachday ask for certain things you want help with [To yourself but its going elswhere] and makesure you belive this inside, important .. BELIEVE the change mate. Than go over the things your thankful for in life and with yourself. Do this when you can eachday say morning, noon and night for example. Keep doing it and reinforcing the ideas in your subconscious mind and you will see real changes in your life for the better .. things will go right and it will pan out good.

If you keep dwelling on the negativity than thats what you will get ... think positive and believe this positivity and you will swim, not sink.

REDZULU2003;337364 said:
Alright admiral,

Sorry to hear about whats going on in life but think positive my freind and visualise it all being okay .. serious, please listen to me here as it works. Eachday ask for certain things you want help with [To yourself but its going elswhere] and makesure you belive this inside, important .. BELIEVE the change mate. Than go over the things your thankful for in life and with yourself. Do this when you can eachday say morning, noon and night for example. Keep doing it and reinforcing the ideas in your subconscious mind and you will see real changes in your life for the better .. things will go right and it will pan out good.

If you keep dwelling on the negativity than thats what you will get ... think positive and believe this positivity and you will swim, not sink.


Will do. Positive. I worked my ass off last night. got one assignment done. Now to do 3 more big assignments in the next week. I got one done though and that is what counts.

Just two weeks to go and I'm done regardless of how I do.

I rode the GF this morning. I guess that's not a nice way of putting it. Damn it was fantastic though. Actually, I was giving her a nice back rub as she was waking up and I just got carried away. I hope this isn't good bye sex. It would be nice if she and I could figure this out.

I think we are both in that wary stage where we're both watching for signals. Trying to see if we're about to get dumped. I am going to just go at it like I am in this and just accept what life brings me. If she sees I am committed then she'll jump in too.

I really want someone I can be with. Someone I can look back and say wow I just spent 20 years with this really cool person. I am so glad I made that investment.

Still looking good on the Penis Enlargement too. It just seems fatter and longer. Often I don't see it when I measure though.

Time to do some jelqing.
REDZULU2003;337364 said:
Alright admiral,

Sorry to hear about whats going on in life but think positive my freind and visualise it all being okay .. serious, please listen to me here as it works. Eachday ask for certain things you want help with [To yourself but its going elswhere] and makesure you belive this inside, important .. BELIEVE the change mate. Than go over the things your thankful for in life and with yourself. Do this when you can eachday say morning, noon and night for example. Keep doing it and reinforcing the ideas in your subconscious mind and you will see real changes in your life for the better .. things will go right and it will pan out good.

If you keep dwelling on the negativity than thats what you will get ... think positive and believe this positivity and you will swim, not sink.


It is as it is called " The Law of the Attraction ! " --- There is a book out there and also a [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/mosdvd.htm]dvd[/words]... if I can put that on forum....but MAN !! It changed my life completly !!! My visualising and positive thinking made my life go the way that I like ! ! ! --- I visualised i had a third leg - and i'm on the journey of the allmighty growth .!!! :) --and YOU guys ... made me believe that this can be real ! It isn't a lot but I gained 1 cm in 2 months :D For me it's like wwwwwwwwwwwwwoooooooooooow !

1 year ago my life was messed up totaly ! - than my cusin gave me that movie to watch..... and I was trying to believe---the way of the thinking "law of attraction"........!! Admiral , it has worked for me !
Got a PM. As this forum is anonymous I'll just respond to it here.

Size is now at least 8" BPenis EnlargementL. I am working on cementing so my stretches are coming up much longer now.

Girth is around 5.75"

Just did a good session of 500 jelqs tonight.

As to finding it sad I don't get Bj's anymore. Yeah it's sad. Women are like that. She'll come around.
keep your head up. you have displayed some extreme dedication to pe, and i'm sure that if you channel that into your studies and life goals, you can turn things around.

we all have faith.
Thanks Ty!

I am just trying to get through this week and half of next and then my stress is done from school.

Still need to find a job.

I think my woman and I are just toast. We've hit that point of resentment is greater than good feeling.

I relapsed with cigs. Just needed something to relieve my stress. I've had about 6 the past week. I'm not sure what to do. I like having the occasional cig. I don't want to buy a pack or I'll smoke the whole thing. Yet, the medicative properties of tobacco seem to really help me cope with things.

After this time of stress goes away I do want to quit for good, just now it's not a good time to add stress to stress.
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My two best friends smoke, and they always say that 'after this time of stress, i'll quit for good', and both have been saying this for the last 5 years.

If you can quit when you need it the most, you'll never have a problem relapsing again.

Be strong, and as for the girl, i think many of us saw it coming.
tyandhisrod;337809 said:
My two best friends smoke, and they always say that 'after this time of stress, i'll quit for good', and both have been saying this for the last 5 years.

If you can quit when you need it the most, you'll never have a problem relapsing again.

Be strong, and as for the girl, i think many of us saw it coming.

Yeah, I'll quit soon is always really far away. he he

Yeah the girl is an issue. I just don't feel very liked anymore.
Forgot to mention that I snuck in a jelq session tonight. Only 300 and a few stretches and a little squash jelqing. The main thing is to keep it going. don't knock yourself around for missing a day. Besides even on off days there is always the piss jelq.