
Active member
Hey peeps and welcome to my log. first i give you a quick introduktion to my penis adventure. Started a couple of years ago, after using the Prosolution pills (which was a bummer) but while using the pills i also did the exercises which gave me a few results. After that i transfered to Pegym. I found it a more open forum than the other. Was there for a while tryed to get dedicated and well it blew up. I had some improvements on my size and i found the [words=]dvd[/words] from [words=]matters of size[/words], and started on that. and i gotta say im impressed, my flaccid hang is always at its max now, its like its always hanging, more than it used to.
So of course i went to the source (this forum) and started to read up on thing.
At the moment, my current small time goal is to reach 18cm (7,2 inches) erect lenght, not bp, but normal when it stands out i want it to hit 18cm on the ruler.
So i have decided to go and try red zulus lenght program, starting today

When i started it looked like this:
starting stats:
lenght: 3.6 inch
girth 4.6 inch
bplenght: 6.2 inch
ergirth: 5.2 inch

Current stats:
lenght: 4,8 inches
girth 4,7 inches
lenght: 6,4 inches
bplenght: 6,8 inches
ergirth: 5,3 inches

as you can see i didn't have an beginning non bp erect lenght measurement, think it got lost during the way, but as you can see i have actually had 1 inch in flaccid lenght, which i first realise now that im saying it :)
as you can also see im at 6,4 in normal erect, (which is the one im most interested in now, my shot term goal is the 7,2 so i need 0,8 inches to go.
My long term goal is as boring as the 8x6, but i just think its the size where your still huge, but where girls don't start to eat garlic, throw holy water on you and try to spear you, you know those usual housewife things :)

i have also uploaded some pics, they where not my absolete beginning pics, but some i took after a year or so in the Penis Enlargement world. im using a Cd cover as something to compare with for the simple reason that its easy to find and then when i take a new picture its easy to see the difference. also i should tell you, this is not inches on the ruler! its cm, im not 10 inches long in flaccid length :)
well i will go and do my own version of zulus workout now! See you hanging around :)
so my workout will look like this:

10-15mins warm up (i can really see a HUGE difference in my penis from 5-10 mins warm up so i always do it untill i can feel its at its maximum size)

normal stretching to the sides.

DLD blasters (gonna be fun haven't tryed them before)

DLD squat behind the cheek stretch rotaries (also new)

Blue_Whale's Ultimate Penis Enlargement exercise ''mandingo secret'' (have tryed this for a while i think its a reverse version of what i understand as the dld blaster so those 2 are prob good together)

I don't get the last one, so im skipping that today gonna read more up on it, but as it is now, i simply don't understand the exercise.

200 jelqs (i need to pressure some more blood out in that penis! :)

Also im doing 100 kegels, followed by 50 3secs hold kegels, and 1 min hold kegel.
and im doing the testicle massage aswell.
ending the session with a 5-10 min warm down.

Im gonna workout monday to friday, taking the weekend off. if i do it on a 2 day on 1 day off basis i will forget it, just the way i am i need to do things everyday, else i forget to do them.

As you can see i haven't putted numbers on how many reps and such i do off each exercise. but since i don't know them yet im gonna take it easy and see how they feel.
Done with the workout, it felt pretty good, i especially loved the dld blaster, i think it got LOTS of potential, also i could use my hand in it, it was hard to make it fit in under it, but i succeeded, i gotta be honest with you guys, i don't think im that far away from that 7,2 as i thought in the beginning.
Great stuff and I like your structure to the routine. My V-SES stretch is also very good at hitting the ligaments and wasnt incl in my original routine thread. DLD blasters will nail it well though but for variation you can switch to different ligament exercises.

I know which exercise you have trouble understanding - expressive stretches - and not to worry as everyones in the sameboat with you on them. If you have a [words=]power assist[/words] or something that can replicate the action needed, you'll be champion.
thanks for the nice words, its always nice to get some cheering up when your trying to make your way through things like this.
And no i don't have a [words=]power assist[/words] :( just started my own company so im short on money and everything i have goes to the business. But i will prob get one eventually, the plan was to hit the 7,2 inches and then when i was preparing on breaking the 8 inches barrier i would buy it.

Perhaps i should also tell why 7,2 inches is a milestone in my mind. When you measure that in cm its 18cm's which is kind of the marker where i come from, for being BIG! and it has sort of always been my goal to have a size like that. It was first after i actually started reading on Penis Enlargement and learn about it i realized that i wanted more than a BIG one, i wanted a REALLY big one, and i personally think that 8 inches is kind of the marker before you have risks of getting turned down by girls afraid of it. so thats when im going to stop (for now)
But it's still really important to mark out that 7,2 is a VERY important goal, because when i reach that, i got what i dreamed about when i started Penis Enlargement. And i can't adress enough how important it is for me to remember that, else i will just keep working without coming close to any goals, and therefor end up fedup with things.
So todays workout.

15 mins warmup was really hard to get it to loosen up and feel relaxed, don't know why

Normal stretches, stretched it more than i usually do, its like at some point you get your brain programmed to stretch a certain amount, so i reached beyond that, it did result in some pain, but nothing to whine about, i could diffently feel something got stretched more than it used to

DLD blasters. Found that during the reverse kegel, its really important to make a slow controlled breathing, will take your focus off from the kegel muscle, could diffently feel a difference in the stretching (note to me) did it around 25 times, i could really feel this as a winner exercise, so i gotta be carefull, Don't wanna be sitting with my wripped off cock in the hand and with a bad look on my face (don't worry im taking it easy with my best friend)

the behind the cheek rotaries, felt fucking weird today, i had a pain right over the shaft of the penis (pelvic i think its called) but i couldn't locate if it was inside (wich is good) or because i had my hair trimmed there and a little has come out, and therefor irritated when i stretched the skin around it? Did like 60 rotaries on each side as good as i could.

Blue whales exercise Im getting used to it now, so i can really do some pretty mean stretches in this one, but again today my penis wasn't at its maximum mood, but i find it important to exercise it anyways just not overdoing it when its down.
did my 200 jelqs aswell, nothing unusual about it, felt like it used to.
Ohh btw, im using magnesium chalk for better grip and vaseline for jelqing and other wet exercises.

In general this wasn't a good day, there will be ups and downs, depending on tomorrows outcome im either going take it off or letting it chill, don't wanna over do it, and take time off because of injuries.

My next measurement will be on 24/7. (really hope that i see some improvement in lenght, gonna give my self into it 100% to get those gains going)

Jesus im tired, if your guys are still awake, go to sleep!

Cya hanging around
So today is a new day, with more exercises. Did my 15 min warmup, looked good, looked really good, it looked bigger than im used to, so im satisfied, i don't dare to measure it. next measurement will be 24/7 as already stated! And also i have decided to post some pics when i reach the 7,2 short term goal, so the difference can be seen. Im kind of exited.

So i did my warm-up 15 mins

Dld blasters. did around 25 intense of them, my penis looks really flad while i do it, and it feels promising. its really one of my favorits as it is.

bluewhales ultimate: did 10 of them also really intense. Felt good, this exercise was especially painfull last time, i can feel that the tissue has recovered.

behind the cheek rotaries: im getting more confident with this exercise, and i don't feel like im wripping it off anymore, i did 2 sets of 30 secs to each side.

200 jelqs: had a hard time not getting a 100% erection, so was hard to do the exercises. but i got it done eventually.

kegels as usual. 100 fast 50, 3secs hold 1 min long hold.

testicle massage+hang stretch.

10 mins warm down.
Hmm, well since im aiming most for lenght i wanted to do the stretches first, but if you think jelqs first is the way, im gonna try that. Thanks for the tip :) and i can see i have gotten a sticky?
So, didn't get any exercises done yesterday. Can't help it. i was fully booked up. So today my penis has have a whole day of resting, sĂĄ basicly it had like 48 hours to restore. and therefore im going to exercise it alot more intens today.

Been looking for some exercises for the glans. But i came to the conclusion that im not interested in removing my focus from lenght work, so its gonna stay on hold until i hit the 7,2 marker.

Today's workout:

!5 min warm up. Nothing unusual.

Listening to the red zulu guru and starting with my jelqs.
200 wet jelqs. felt REALLY good, i don't know it was like the tissue could expand hell of a lot more, my penis looked fucking huge! I don't know if this was what you meant zulu, but if it was i get it now!

Basic stretches. went fine, doesn't feel that much from them anymore, so they are more a kind of warm up to the hard stretches at the moment.

DLD blasters (my new favorit) did around 50 of these, found the original post about them and read it while i did it, a really good way to check your exercises once in a while, focused alot more on the kegel and reverse kegel this time which i think gave me some +.

Blue whales Ultimate. holded them for long time this time, to really get a long stretch. did 10 or so.

behind the cheek rotaries. did 3 sets to each site with 50 rotatories in each. nothing unusual about it.

Conclusion: had a hard time getting the vaseline off after i did my jelq's but when i finally got it off i also had a nice workout, was kind of stressed out today, so was a bit of a bummer to focus on working out.
i think your right zulu.

So today's exercises:

15 mins warm-up, guys be sure the penis is 100% warmed up, its hell of a lot important when you start to advance, i can feel a huge difference in my exercises, and im glad that im always taking my time to do it right!

did 200 jelq's.
My girlfriend then decided to walk around in the apartment, she knows what im doing and that i want privacy while doing it, but well it went too long before i could continue so i had to do another
5 min warm-up. Also during my jelqing i had this weird feeling of something buzzing in my penis, right under the glans, at the bottom of the penis, anyone knows what that is? it didn't feel nice!

Basic stretches. went fine, i can at the moment feel my penis having issues keeping up with the exercises, its like it has gotten out worked. Things starts to get irritating for it.

Dld blasters. did like 20 of them. again my penis is tired.

Blue whales ultimate.

i decided to skip behind the cheek, afraid of getting an injury.

Testicle massage

5 min warm down.

Sad to say, my penis is exhausted, im gonna wait and see how it looks tomorrow, but if it keeps it up like this, im gonna take 1-2 days off, because it feels like im working out, with overworked muscles. Also i think its fine to give it time to restore since im gonna take pictures on friday+measure.
So got back in the game today, given my penis some recover time, i don't know i think i might have been too intense on it, because the last days exercise, i could really feel the tissue was over worked, but im back and gonna take it a little slower today.

15 min warm-up (as always) Nothing more important than to warm up your best buddy before a workout.

200 jelqs, went as usual, no pain!!

Basic stretches, went fine nothing to point out.

DLD blasters, NIce to feel the stretch again, everything was fine and a great session.

Blue whales ultimate. Went great made it a short session since i got a feeling this is what made my penis so sore before.

Behind the cheeks stretch, think i got confident with it now, i can really pull it now and it really feels like its pulling my penis out!.

Testicle massage

Also i will get some edging going, and im not gonna cum before i have measured and taken pictures tomorrow. so no screwing around with the GF tonight :)

At the moment it feels like i can get it up to a 100% erection most of the time, and i actually feel that my measurements tomorrow will be smaller, but i don't understand why, because my normal flaggid lenght is way longer than usual, but it just appears like my max goals has shrinked just a little bit, will lets let the measurements talk tomorrow.

After the edging im doing a warm down and going to the gym, else i will just masturbate!
Measurement+picture day

So today is the day, and well i have had gains..... Not the gains i expected, but i have had gains.

Apparently the lenght routine decided to give me most results in girth :) well you get the chart here:

lenght: 4,8 __________5,2 (and i personally think i was bigger than that, i explain in the end)
girth 4,7____________4,8

lenght: 6,4____________6,4 (same :( my main target so kind of suck)
bplenght: 6,8__________6,8
ergirth: 5,3____________5,6

As you can see, my values has grown, but the only lenght grow i have had was the flaggid lenght, so i was a little disapointed in that, on the other hand. I have only done it for 1 month 14 days esti on zulu's lenght so all in all i think its nice starting results, i think the girth mainly comes from when i was on the basic workout from dld's [words=]DVD[/words] before starting on zulus, All in all i think its nice to see results already, and im gonna continue on zulus workout as i have understood you always see flaccid results before you see erect, or am i wrong?

Also i have a question. At the moment it feels like i can't get a HARD ON! i mean, yes i can get an erection and it works fine and such, but i can't get one of them HARD ons where it feels like the penis is about to explode, it actually feels like the amount of blood i usually had in my cock is the same, name the cover is just bigger and therefor it hangs more, should i stop becuase of this or is it just intense KEGELING that will work this out? please help on this one!


I found out that putting a cd cover underneath your penis doesn't show shit, since it takes like half an inch from your penis, so i stopped with that, heres my pictures for this time, also i believe that with a 100% iron i would have more, but since i don't seen to be able to obtain that, its a lille smaller.
Jesus! was just looking at the pictures! check out the huge difference there is on my left turn curve on the erect pictures, it might look like im holding it back on piicture 2 but im not, im busy holding the ruler and the penis in a position where a good picture can be taken, DAMN its a huge diffence!
Congrats and at the end of the day a gain is a gain, so be pleased about that and yes flaccid usually before erect length. Great results on the girth.

I dont think that this routine is actually a 'reds' so to speak but you taken some ideas from my routines into this one. I would suggest you try my girth & length combo in the newbie section as a sticky, in the routines thread I made because that is really good for what you want.

Rest days are the KEY and makesure you use INTENSITY in your sesions. I would say either 1 on 1 off or better still 1 on 2 off 1 on 2 off with girth oneday and than on the next Penis Enlargement day the length.
To be honest im actually thrilled about my gains at the moment, im not huge or anything, but my new flaccid size is just awesome, at the moment im satisfied with the look i have in flaccid state, it looks big, and my girlfriend has also commented that its looking good, now its just my erect size im curious about.

ye your right again red. but it was your workout that i got inspired from, thats why i call it that,
Im gonna check your workout out, but as it its right now im still aiming for hitting the 7,2 marker. in erect lenght
Im gonna stay on the lenght only workout for now, the 7,2 marker is still my primary goal.

Also the workout will be changed abit, first of all i have decided to try building the inner sanctuary (if you don't know what im talking about check this link

I will now use the redzulus workout entirely
DLD blasters
DLD squat behind the cheek stretch rotaries
Blue_Whale's Ultimate Penis Enlargement exercise ''mandingo secret''
DLD Expressive stretches

only thing i will add is the testicle massage. also im going to read the DLD expressive stretches a couple of times more (i still don't get it)
And im gonna follow the 2 days on 1 day off routine aswell,

Building my inner sanctuary
So Well since i'm already into this "urban vodoo" thing (as my dad used to call it) i have decided that its going to be added into my workout aswell.

My sanctuary has ALWAYS been inspired by nature and is far far away from anything that has to do with civilization, and is high up in the mountains. Its going to be inspired by the chinese wood crafting and it is going to look something like this:
And no i don't have a clue why there is a nazi mark on top of that roof!
This picture is entirely for you people who want to read about this, i just found the picture looking most alike with what i have imagined.

The house has 2 lvls, and its shaped like a T seen from above. First floor has a bed, and all sorts of items laying around, this room is kind of closed, only way in is the stairs from the room above. In there room above There is alot of open walls, where you can see the nature from. And there is a light fog down in the hills. it's always cozy and there is always a relaxing atmosphere up here.

My sanctuary will be called nirvana (think it means heaven) and this is my heaven.
there will be eagles, basicly its my animal in more than 1 way, it will not be captured its there by its free will, the eagle doesn't see itself as my pet, it see's this place as its nest, im just a visitor it has accepted. i actually have a big eagle tatooed on my torso.
the air is always really fresh, and there's alot of water in the air aswell, only thing that sometimes interfere is the smell from the fire that keeps the place warm at night. The house is Red outside, and natural wood inside. and basicly the only thing you can hear up here is the animals in the mountain.
During my normal Meditation sessions, i always end up fly around in the skies looking down on the earth, so therefore this will be what i do for transporting myself back and forward here.

My body: I will use this in more than the Penis Enlargement way, but as it is now Penis Enlargement is what you guys are going to hear about.
For those too lazy to read the post about this, what you want to do is to imagine your penis in the size that you want it to be, when you get used to have your head in this place it can work as a bridge from your imagination and the real world and therefore the path from your current status to your goal will be alot shorter. If you see yourself as this strong lean brad pitt kind of guy, your mind will at some point adjust to that, therefor it will do alot of things to become that (without you even noticing it) So instead of you working against your own inner thoughts that tell you to give up and that this will never work, your inner thought will work in the way you want it to do.

This will be the first chapter of my sanctuary, more to come.
Lovely stuff and great read about your inner sanctuary, love the Eagles!

If you struggle with the expressive strethes than throw them out and if you like introduce the V-SES that is linked in my signiture or do slightly longer in all the other or one of the other exercises to make up for the time lost.
So, i had this kind of stretched out skin around on my foreskin, i thought it was just irritated, but after a visit at the doctor i got told it is kondylomer. So now i got this cream that i have to brush onto my penis head twice a day, i don't know how much exercising i will be doing meanwhile, depends if it hurts and such. Nothing to do about it really. :(
Today is the day that i start again, im gonna follow zulus lenght workout, my only add is the testicle massage.

First i want to say: DAMN this is nice, my flaccid size has grown ALOT, my girlfriend who didn't believe in this in the beginning came with the comment: "That is fucking huge!" I know compared to alot of the guys in here im not that big but still 5,2 lenght 4,8 girth in flaccid its FEELS WONDERFUL and im loving it! For this matter it doesn't need to get any longer, im truly satisfied with what i archived in flaccid lenght.

Of course, if i keep up the stretches for Erect lenght no doubt it will interferer with my flaccid aswell, and if it grows more it grows more, i don't care, but as it is, its beautiful!

Today's workout:
!5 min warm up.

15 reps of DLD'S blasters. Damn the rest days has payed off i can REALLY feel the stretch, its amazing how it expands. did the from the book, read them while you do them! and really work on the reverse kegel, thats what pays off! a note to this: i can now have my penis in the a grip without any problems, it fits right away, and it also makes the exercise alot easier to forfill.

DLD squat behind the cheek rotary stretches. Holy @*^! i think i used to do these wrong! this time i standed up took it in a reverse grip behind my ass then squated down, so it actually looked like i was pulling my dick out of my ass (man it could be a funny picture) This stretch was Unbelieveable! did 15 to each side, 30 rotaries each.

My penis felt kind of weird after this, so i gave it a good massage.

Blue whales: It felt good did it 15 reps of 10 secs each. i think i will advance it to 20 secs next time, my penis has grown used to it.

V-ses. My first time with this one, i still have to practice pressuring the right spot, but it will come. i did 10 to each side, since i had a hard time figuring it out, and im on a schedule (been that the last couple of days)

Warm down (during my shower)

Pretty nice workout, especially the behind the cheeks stretch i think i did something REALLY right this time, never felt anything like that! going at it again tomorrow and taking 1 day off the day after tomorrow. My next measurement will be the 1/9/9 so in 1 month total.

see you guys in the hung part of the lockerroom!
And again, im off to work for 7 days, where im gonna work 16 hours a day, and to top that off, no privacy and space for pe. Im gonna try to stretch it out during the day, but since i can already see my new measurements disapear again, this really sucks, well i can just comfort myself with the fact that those gains probably will come back easy. But man THIS SUCKS!

Well im trying to pull of a workout today, i have cutted down on the time and putted in more intensitivity. plan is to really stretch the tissue out, so the next couple of days it got time to restore.

Workout 10 mins. (5 min short)

DLD blasters, did 15, went pretty good, also with the more intentisity

DLD Behind the cheek: Did 10 of these, they feel weird, either they don't stretch that much on me, or they stretch something to the extreme.

Blue whales: holding them for 20 secs 10 sets.

I got no more time :( well i can't do that much about it, life gives you lemon make lemonade. I hope i get a freespot now and then so i can stretch else, i will be back in a week.
Firstly CONGRATS on the gains and the comments from the girl is fantastic!

Secondly you havent lost anything and allot of this is in the mind. Your more busy now at work you say with 7 days on 16 hours so you may subconsiously worry about loseing size because your not doing pe or not as active? this isnt the case and if anything you will GROW from the rest.

Your size will keep growing bigger and bigger eachweek and you will shock yourself and the girlfreind with the final size you get! I know this because I can sense it.

Try to do what you can when you can, like doing the dld blaster in one session in the day than the behind the cheeks in another session etc etc as they dont have to be all done at the same sitting! Do them when you can, just dont overwork your penis with more sets and reps until you need to increase the intensity.

Keep it intense when you do it, because that is the STIMULUS here, the sun that will give your penis that tan ... in other words GROWTH!

The V-SES are wonderful and when you do locate & isolate that suspensory ligament it will feel like an inferno has just been unleashed on your ligs ... like fire mate, nothing like it I PROMISE and I'm already working on ... get this ... a hanging version of the V-SES which will be fucking awesome!

V-SES is like a mortar blasting away to get you the gains.

I'm also going to revamp those routines [One your following] so I have a few smaller quicker ones for guys like yourself.

Keep at it
To start out, thanks Zulu, i really appeciate the time your putting into this.

So things got rearranged and i made it possible for my self to get home for a couple of hours, taking a shower get some sleep and do my pe.

So todays workout:

10 mins warm-up.

DLD's blasters: 15 reps, Didn't feel that much of a stretch, but my cock did look huge :)

DLD's behind the cheek routaries: I did 10. My Ligs was killing me, i think the workout yesterday really hitted the spot, what im trying to do with todays workout, is just to stretch it out that bit more so its gonna cement the gains more, i can really feel my penis being more adoptable to the stretches these days.

Blue whales secret: did 15 of 20 secs hold.

V-SES: The MOfo of all lig stretches they say, So did some reading up on this, And i think i found out, once again im gonna try to make it a success.
I did 5 to each sides, what ever i did it felt REALLY weird.
Hope you can help me here zulu: So basicly i sit in a couch, with my right leg stretched out to the side like im doing a side split. Then im pulling my cock in the reverse direction, at this point i can feel a really stretched out string at the base of my penis. Im placing the [words=]Power assist[/words] there, bending my leg so the [words=]PA[/words] is isolated, and then i stretch my cock to the right, so its pararel to the [words=]PA[/words]. During this i can feel a REALLY weird pain in my LEFT side, the opposet side of the [words=]PA[/words], is that correct, cause in that case i have done 5 to each side V-ses today.I need to get used to this one, it feels REALLY powerfull

Kegels and warmdown.
Tomorrow is off day (2days on 1 day off)
Well OMG what gains you have already! Your catching me up mate and I was at 3 inches flaccid when I started. I read your V-SES report and I'm confused aswell. Maybe more detail on the feelings and sensation to help me out. When the V-SES is executed you are trapping the right side of the ligament, pulling the penis to the right parallel to the [words=]PA[/words] and its that side you feel a BURNING sensation which is the ligaments. Cant say I have felt the left side while doing the right.

When you try this again, do the following to makesure you have isolating the ligament.
As your laydown or sat ready for the exercise, have the right leg out as you were doing. Now grab the penis with the left hand and pull to the left at a 9 O'Clock direction. This doesnt need to be hard. Now feel around the right side of the base to the penis that the [words=]PA[/words] would press into to trap the ligament, have a good feel around and pull more if you must with the left hand.

You should feel a strong CORD-LIKE wire, it feels like steel and very strong indeed. You have to move about to get the feel for this and do something rooting and tooting. Once you have found it, than you know what to feel for and can locate that point on each rep of the V-SES before you insert the end of the [words=]PA[/words] or [words=!!!]LM[/words] into that area.

Its VERY important this is learned with the V-SES otherwise your not ISOLATING the ligament, still getting a stretch but your not working it 100% and will know this as no burn sensation will be apparent, you will feel that sensation once the ligament has been stretched enough.

Let me know
Ahh i think i got it now, i got the whole basic concept wrong, i wanted to stretch "around" the [words=]power assist[/words], by pressing it into the right side, the bending the penis to the right so the left side expands.

But what i really want to do is to isolate the penis in a way, so the penis doesn't just pull from the inner penis, but is isolated instead, and the penis gets 10% of the stretch through out the the outer penis. Am i right?

So basicly in theory, what i wanted to do, would be to grap the inside of my penis at the base, and then pull it in the head?
Thats correct yes, you dont literally press the [words=]PA[/words] into the rightside of the penis but trap the ligament on that side, which as you put it is the inside base of the penis. Try getting close to pubic bone as you can and also you may find it better to come in from the 2 O'Clock angle from above on the right than the 3 O'Clock which is straight from the right and this is because the ligament can ride higher.
Hey guys, once again i need to take a short break. of some weird reason my foreskin is breaking, it looks like you make small cuts in it, and the skin is dry and irritated most of the time, i don't know if its because my girth has grown to fast and my skin there for is stretched all the time, or if i got some sort of rash, but anyways i don't want to pull in my penis while i got open cuts in it. Anyone else who has experienced things like this?
Im going to the doctor in a couple of days aswell.

Im not giving up, and some support would be appreciated, since these periods sucks!
Hey Aiming,

I had to take a break from Penis Enlargementing too during March of this year. It was awful, as I had beem working so hard for 6 months and was eager to gain. Congrats on the flaccid length...those are incredible numbers. I see you also threw some decent girth on yourself too. Don't knock the girth....I with I could put on almost a 1/4" in less than a month. I've been Penis Enlargementing for 10 months and not a shred of girth gain! :(

Stay strong! Consider this an extended break so your unit can rest and grow. You'll be back to it soon enough.
Thanks man! been down these days, my conscience is tearing me apart, i got blood on the tooth now, i have tasted gains, and i know that with a dedicated job it will be done. And...... I have a broken penis! jesus i just want to wrap it up and get it done so i can start exercising my unit
But seriously, thanks for the comment, nice to get some cheering up these days.
aiming on the roll again, my penis has healed enough for me to do my exercises. and this time (ye i know its funny) Im sick, im dizzy all the time, feels weird since i don't have a fever or stomach issues, just feeling dizzy all the time. But i decided, that i could spare 1 hour for my workout, so i have decided to get it done, todays workout will be:

10 min warmup.

DLD blaster: 15 reps of 10 secs each, Felt good no wonder got more than a week of rest :)

DLD squat behind the cheek rotaries:
15 reps to each side of 20 rotarier

Blue whales secret:
15 reps of 10 secs,
Was kind of funny, normally i get a burning sensation up through my whole penis, but this time i got it from the base of my penis (a good sensation not a bad one) haven't done anything new.

V-ses: 10 reps 10 secs to each side, think i got it now, but still takes time to get used to.

5 min warm down.

Been away for WAY to long, and i felt like crap today, it was more my will power than lust i did these exercises today, cause i really don't feel well, but im just sick and tired of sitting and being a forum watcher who doesn't do any workout himself, i want to hit the 7,2 marker and i WANT THE 8x6 COCK AND THATS FINAL!

Perhaps its not the best thing to workout when your sick, but no pain, no gain.
Well originally it was supposed to be 1/9/9. but first of all i will be in spain at that time, and second of all, these days i haven't been able to do my workout regularly, so im going to push it a bit further out to the future, perhaps 20/9/9.
New day of exercising.
Sat in the cinema today, and enjoyd the fact that my penis was lying up against my right leg, it has a pretty nead sizer in flaccid, its nice to be this big i truly enjoy it.

Today's workout:
10 mins of warm-up

DLD blasters: 15 of 10 secs hold, its sore today, i have this theori of why its best 2 day on 1 day of.

day 1: stretching your tissue
day 2: cementing your gains from day 1
day 3: restoring with your new gains (talking about really small gains here)
and then on again,

DLD squat behind the cheek: 15 to each side, was still sore but not so bad really.

Blue whales: 15 of 10 secs hold, again sore but not so bad.

V-ses:10 of 10 secs to each side, still learning it, i think i got it, but sometimes i misses, just doing my best :)

5 min warm down.

Fine workout, tomorrow is off day, to be honest im just thrilled about the fact that im back in the game, i have really focused my mind on this, of course things gets in the way and tryes to stop me, and i might take breaks, but i will always come back untill i have archived what i came for.
Todays workout, with a hangover:

10 min warmup.

DLD blaster: 15 reps of 10 secs each, still a bit sore nothing unusual the workout went fine.

DLD squat behind the cheek rotaries:
15 reps to each side of 20 rotarier

Blue whales secret:
15 reps of 10 secs, could feel a kind of exhaustion in my penis after this, like it gave up holding back or something, kind of weird feeling.

V-ses: 10 reps 10 secs to each side,

5 min warm down.

pretty normal workout, nothing unusual about it.
So I guess this is the first taste of my short term goal, I did some testicle massage and while stretching my penis in flaccid i realized it was way bigger than im used to, so i took the deliberty to take a measurement,

This is flaccid bonepressured stretched lenght:

For the first time in my life i have been able to make a measurement that reached 18cm, which basicly means that i have a look at my beginner dream of Penis Enlargement, its not my final goal, and its not in erect lenght, but still this is fucking beautiful to see, and to feel! This will only be used as a warm up and to get even more focused on reaching it now, you have no idea how excited i am because of this.

And i would especially like to thank Redzulu for his support, wouldn't have done it without him!

I can now finally feel my goal is within reach.

This is so fucking nice!

The chart: 1 inch = 2,5 cm. So 18 cm is 7,2 inches.
This is so awesome to read about and see in that image. How great is it when you get progress like this? FANTASTIC is what it is! I hope that this will keep you going and looking ahead with your goals. In time more size will come and erect gains aswell.


If you have a [words=]Power Assist[/words] or [words=!!!]Length Master[/words] than try doing the Blue_Whale Ultimate Penis Enlargement exercise ''Mandingo secret'' as thats such a powerful stretch its just sick! I discuss it in more detail in the [words=]Power Assist[/words] sub forum as a sticky thread. I'm seeing my cock look longer than it ever has and that exercise alongwith the V-SES really made it possible.
Its really fantastic indeed, didn't expect to see something like this that fast.
Hehe im thinking about working out all the time, its like i want to workout 5 times a day now, so i have to keep myself away from it, so it can restore, but this is beautiful fucking love it!
Todays workout:

10 min warmup.

10 min warm-up

DLD blaster: 15 reps of 10 secs each, today i tryed to get that burning sensation through my ligaments, and stay on that.

DLD squat behind the cheek rotaries:
15 reps to each side of 20 rotarier

Blue whales secret:
15 reps of 10 secs, felt good, my size has grown so much by now that i can make a grip under the head and twist it around all the way up to my stomach, so now i do 2 things, 1 i take a grip on the top of the shaft and do the same, or i make the usual grip, but place my hand higher up on my stomach, looked really long afterwards :)

V-ses: 10 reps 10 secs to each side,

Testicle massage,

5 min warm down.

Good workout, looked nice when i looked down between my legs :) its starting to have an awesome hang. Tomorrow is off day, cya
Tired today, but a workout is a workout, its gonna be good anyways :)

10 min warmup.

DLD blaster: 15 reps of 10 secs well, aiming for the burning sensation last time diffently changed something, since my penis is sore as hell today!

DLD squat behind the cheek rotaries:
5 reps to each side of 20 rotaries sore as hell, can't put that much tention into the workout, it simply hurts to much,

Blue whales secret:
15 reps of 10 secs, worked better, but still sore,

V-ses: 10 reps 10 secs to each side,

Testicle massage, gave it 30 mins, really worked through the whole penis +scrotum

5 min warm down.
So back from spain. with a darker tan and probably gained a few pounds :) man it was nice down there, will be working out tonight, i think the week off the workout did my penis good, at some point i looked down on it when i was down there while i had an erection and i thought: MAN! this is not my normal size.

another thing i have realized, when im looking at it now i don't think i have become bigger! i think its the same size as usual and it kind of takes me down when i think this. And thats why guys, when you do these workouts its so FUCKING IMPORTANT! that you always remember to take measurements, and measure every god damn angle you can, because if you don't do that you can gain at an insane speed and still don't see the difference, only way your head is going to be satisfied with your speed of gains is if you could see the difference EVERYTIME you look down on it. in that case you would have an 10 incher within weeks. so guys remember! the ruler is one of the most important tools in Penis Enlargement without that you can't see the difference.

(this is my experience, i don't say everybody is like this, but i don't see my self as insanely focused on my size, so i do believe that this can be helpfull to other people)
So Last couple of days has been rushy, and at 4 o clock in the morning after work i just didn't have the go to do my workouts :(

But these days i have lived without Penis Enlargement, which gave me alot to think about.
First of all, i now got alot more knowledge and confidence about my size. I know that im not small, and i know that i can satisfy a girl with my current unit. it has given me a heck of alot of confidence,

again guys remember:
Even if you have a big penis, if your mind doesn't belong to a big penis guy it woun't do you any good, you will still lack confidence..

Also these days i have had an insane Sex drive, a day i fucked my gf silly 4 times and masturbated 3 times on side of that. I think its because of my new confidence + PC flexes. Btw the day after i gave her those rounds i got woken up with breakfast, and got a steak with whiskey sauce for dinner later that day :) her reason was that she concluded that i needed to restore after all that work :)

Guys mental Penis Enlargement is just as important as the rest of it remember that!

Im going to workout today, and workout+measure tomorrow (and yes there will be pictures aswell ofc :) But for the new guys following this thread, i don't think there will be that much improvement in my size this time since i have been slacking way to much from my schedule. im just gonna make new measurements so i can start on my next period.

Today's workout is:

15 min warm-up

DLD blaster: 15 reps of 10 secs each, I can feel it has been some time ago, had to take it slow :(

DLD squat behind the cheek rotaries:
5 reps to each side of 20 rotarier Again i have to take it easy, not going for an injury today.

Blue whales secret: same story took it easy :)
15 reps of 10 secs,

V-ses: 10 reps 10 secs to each side: took it slow on this one it wasn't so comfortable.

Testicle massage,

5 min warm down.

Conclusion. My penis wasn't up for it, and i wasn't either. but then again i have been away for too long from Penis Enlargement. BUT IM COMING BACK! tommorrow there will be measurements, workout and pictures. Cya all and good night!
Hi Aimingforthetop,

I just read through your thread, albeit quickly, and I want to congratulate you on your dedication and hard work. It's great to see your confidence grow and to share your pleasure as your flaccid cock lengthens. I started at 4" flaccid and after six years, (Oct. 7 was my sixth anniversary of P.E.), I hang most days at 7"--many days 8" with a 6" girth at the base (flaccid).

Red is absolutely right that your flaccid gains will eventually translate into erect gains.

Your before pics are fantastic! We need more of them to prove to the non-believers that P.E. really works. I wish I had taken some before pics, but I started jerking my 64 year old dick to get my woodies back, not to get a bigger cock.

One word of caution. I injured the nerves under my glans with the behind the cheek rotaries, so in your zeal for further gains, just be careful. BTW, the injury was a temporary one, and after a two week layoff, I was as good as new. I do try to stay away from those sensitive nerves beneath the glans. I use my foreskin to carefully cover them when I grasp my penis head. I also agree with Red that the growth comes from the intensity of the stretch more than the length of time.

The ruler is one way to make sure the gains are real. The other is the feel of your cock when it is engorged. If it feels heavier, that is because the volume of blood in there has increased and the growth is real even if it doesn't show up on the ruler. I learned that early on in my p.e. career.

What a great mentor you have in RedZulu. I will follow your thread to watch you continue to gain.

I love your outlook and your post about your sanctuary. I found mine almost 65 years ago, and you have reminded me not to forget about it and to return to it in my mind when my life becomes too crazy.

You're the best, man.

Goin411by7 aka Horsehung aka LostinSpace

P.S. When the stretching reduces your erections, just start your workout with the jelqing as recommended by Red and your E.Q will improve. I would recommend a longer warm-up session before wet jelqing (15 to 20 minutes).