Okay! I might have a fellow thinker working with me in developing PMS
dickerschwanz;473350 said:
1. Tension over the natural length/girth in any state should be always enough to provoke a reaction.(natural state is always the state the dick has now-today). Question is where is the point where it does matter.(that maybe individual different)
1. The type of mitosis that we are specifically dealing with in Penis Enlargement is caused by a "trigger" tripped when two cells become separated by a specific distance. It is this "separation distance" trigger that makes the mitosis part of the cell cycle we are using in Penis Enlargement different than other types of mitosis. It should be clear to all who might be following that there are different types of mitosis and new cell generation. (ie, some forms of mitosis take place when parents are "damaged", "destroyed", or even when adjacent parents become too close to one another.)
2. In Penis Enlargement, the reality is that all exercises employ [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] at the microscopic level, even those we look at as "engorgement" or "expansion" exercises. Even "compressive" forces upon the penis will place [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] upon individual collagen fibers at the microscopic levels. What I am saying is that while on the macro level we may believe that we are using different forms of force, at the microscopic level, we are always placing [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] forces which cause elongation of the individual collagen fibers. (Remember that an entire collagen fiber, which is a triple helix, is little more or less than 100 Nanometers in length. So in a very tiny area of a single ligament strand for example, we are dealing with a mind-boggling amount of tiny fibers intertwined in a latitudinal sense, and an almost unimaginable number of fibers in a longitudinal sense.
3. I will agree with you that elongation or any form of deformation of the penis at the macro
scale definitely induces some number of "mature parents" to enter the mitosis stage on the microscopic level. So yes, for example, elongation or expansion of any amount of the current "normal" state, flaccid or erect, will trigger mitosis. However, there are different forms of collagen within the penis at the same time. Type I collagen is "unstable" at even normal tension and temperature. So that type is always malleable and ready to enter mitosis provided the cells are in the G0 phase (The G0 {Gzero} phase is reached when the cell is fully "mature" or is done replicating its parent cell in both structure and size) of the entire cell cycle. Types III and V collagen have, relatively speaking, much higher tensile strengths and are completely stable at normal temperature. This is why it is so important to use considerable heat, if possible, to make using a small force to cause separation distance between cells productive. Otherwise, a far greater force is needed to cause the same level of separation of these types of collagen. But overall, very little macro level deformation of the penis, at very low levels of force, induces plenty of cells to enter the mitosis phase (medically referred to as the "S phase") in the overall cell cycle.
Currently, Penis Enlargement is stuck in an temporary "evolutionary" pothole of experimenting with higher and higher intensity and exotic forms of deformation exercises. Not that this is not working, but it certainly is not efficient. (I guess that that idea is getting a little bit outside of what is relevant at this very moment, but efficiency-wise, Penis Enlargement is still in the "stone age" for sure.)
dickerschwanz;473350 said:
2. PM.. perpetual mitosis can only occur(theory) when there is a constant tension.(we know this works - [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]
srt[/words] theory)
Not really theory at all. Parent cells in the G0 phase of the cell cycle WILL enter the S phase (mitosis) when there is sufficient separation from adjacent parent cells. This is the very common practice and knowledge used in all of the forms of tissue, bone, nerve, etc. "growth" or "expansion" used in the science of medicine. This is the ONLY thing that makes any form of Penis Enlargement work in any way. Technically speaking, perpetual mitosis, which is just a part of the cell cycle, is common and natural, but we are trying to manipulate this process for a specific purpose. The natural form of perpetual mitosis is always occurring to replace "dead", "dying", or "damaged" cells all of the time throughout most of our bodies. But that is cause by different "triggers" to induce mitosis. We are using artificial effort to cause the "separation distance" trigger. (Nothing is really "connected" at the microscopic level, the "bonds" are merely electric fields of "empty" space
So anyway, I had to kind of smack down the "theory" label a little bit in this area of the topic at hand, because the process we are using is well established and known in regard to what we are doing scientifically in Penis Enlargement to create "growth".
Anyway, if we want to create our manipulated form of Perpetual Mitosis, as opposed to the natural one that occurs throughout most of our entire organism to perpetuate life itself, we need to do just a couple of simple things.
One, ensure that there is always a [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] force so that at ANY time that ANY "mature parent cell" is "ready" it will immediately be triggered into the mitosis phase of the cell cycle. This is the fastest and most efficient way to ensure that we will always be "growing" as much as we possible can. (Otherwise new parents lie "dormant" in the Gzero phase until they are stimulated at a later time, highly inefficient!) When this is done constantly over time, there will always be a MINIMUM of "ready" parents appearing at any given time, and MINIMAL force will be necessary to cause sufficient separation of those cells from adjacent "daughters" that are still in their growth and replication stages.
As to [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]
SRT[/words], which is spot-on genius and fundamentally correct, at least for being put out there in the manner that it was by Mike, to open people's eyes to getting closer to maximizing efficiency, I view it as a stepping stone on the continuing path to maximizing the efficiency of Penis Enlargement. [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]
SRT[/words] works because it essentially advocates constant tension (directly or indirectly), which is the foundation of maximizing efficiency. And while the language or explanation might not be precise, staying "elongated" or "deformed" over time will also help in maximizing efficiency.
What I think was not explained sufficiently or precisely in [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]
SRT[/words] is how or why staying "elongated" over time is so effective. It really isn't a matter of because you stay stretched out while you heal, you will heal in a stretched out state. (Although believing so, doesn't lose the benefit of doing so.
) The reason that staying extended while under constant force is so beneficial and efficient is for two reasons.
One, is that "staying extended" can only be achieved by being under constant force. So during the entire period, you will be constantly inducing new "mature" parents that enter the Gzero phase to smoothly and immediately proceed right into the mitosis or S phase. (This is essentially the type of Perpetual Mitosis that I am talking about in different words.
Second, is the fact that "staying extended" while in the ENTIRE DURATION of the mitosis phase, or what I call the "golden window", is very important to maximizing efficiency. I have explained this before, but it cannot be repeated enough. It takes roughly two full hours for a single parent cell to go through the process to completely split into two daughter cells. During this ENTIRE time period, data about the parent cell, its size, structure, orientation, is being encoded into what will eventually become the daughter cells. This is very very important! This data encoding is what determines what the daughter cells that are created will attempt to replicate in their "lifetime", or what they will become when they are fully mature parent cells. It is this data encoded about what the parent cell is during the two hours of mitosis that determines what the daughter cells will eventually become. In other words, the daughter cells will attempt to replicate what the parent cell is during the two hour process.
To illustrate the difference between simply triggering the golden window by applying a temporary force and using a constant force one needs only to understand that data is encoded during the entire two hour process, or until there is no longer a parent but two entirely separate daughter cells. (One also needs to visualize what a cell is in structure too, it is a very large and long triple helix structure, in comparison to its individual atoms
) Under force this structure lengthens separating the individual atoms further apart, but this is not the "separation trigger" that causes mitosis of the entire structure while doing Penis Enlargement. Rather it is the separation distance between this helix and the next adjacent helix, or if you prefer distance between adjacent parent cells, that triggers mitosis.
Once the electronic, not physical
, bond between helix to helix is stretched, it is the "gap" enlargement that induces mitosis. But while the force increases this gap between helixes or parents, the helix itself, its structure is also elongated. This causes something else to happen that has nothing to do with mitosis. When the individual atoms themselves within the helix are too far apart for their bonds, individual atoms are "recruited" to fill these "voids" so that their is a lower potential energy between the atoms. Okay, maybe that is a little too deep.
(Chemistry guys will probably be getting wood now though LOL) But in simplest terms the helixes themselves in the stretched state become larger as atoms are added to keep the potential energy at a state of equilibrium and so the total number of atoms in the structure increases as well, creating, you guessed it, larger and longer helixes or "parents". There really is no "growth" strictly speaking in mitosis but rather increasing numbers of cells. (Damned, I keep going deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole, sorry
So what I am getting at is keeping the parent extended during the entire S phase makes the parent bigger and encodes the daughters to replicate this bigger parent. If we simply instigate mitosis with a temporary force the daughters will be "told" to replicate a smaller, normal state, parent cell. What you will eventually get is just two parent cells attempting to occupy the same space, structure, size, and orientation of an unstressed, normal sized parent. This is why many vets of Penis Enlargement find it increasingly harder and harder to make gains. For the most part they are simply increasing the number of collagen cells within the same general area and same size as they were when not stressed. This basically leads to a more dense and stronger area of collagen. MOST gains in the current practice of Penis Enlargement are due to increasing density and the slight, relatively speaking, increase in volume by just increasing the number of cells. At some point, this backfires and becomes a self defeating process. When the helixes become too close to each other and too densely packed, a natural reaction is for cells to start dying off from "starvation". Only so much nutrients/chemicals can occupy a finite space. The atoms get too close to each other to allow bonds to occur. Think of it as too much positive energy if you will, when too many atoms are too closely packed together. It creates a field that will repulse adding further energy.
But if the parent or helix is stretched and attracts more atoms, becomes larger in volume and length, due to constant force during the entire S phase, the daughter will be encoded to be bigger, longer, and occupy a larger volume. This is maximizing efficiency also. So how does this differ from the "problematic" and losses of efficiency experienced by creating too much density. Well these extended helixes occupy the larger volume of space while under a force. When the force is removed they will occupy less space and the area will be less dense. BUT the smaller area, relative to the elongated state not to earlier time before mitosis, will now be occupied by larger, mutated
, helixes that will eventually be replicated again during the next cell cycle.
So in a way, the staying in an extended state, is a type of mutation that will spiral into increasing efficiency with each iteration of the complete cell cycle. (Incidentally, mitosis itself is a small fraction of the entire cell cycle. Most of the time, roughly 20-24 additional hours are spent by the daughters in a state of growth until they themselves reach the Gzero phase.) In this way, we are "creating" better and superior parents for the next generation of daughters.
dickerschwanz;473350 said:
3. Mitosis(new cells) for one cell can only occur once in its cycle(?). The question is what does happen to the cell mitosis if the tension is still there after the mitosis cycle is initiated?(does it interupt/damage the cycle?)
Yes. Within the cell cycle, mitosis only occurs once and must run its course, from a single parent, to the creation of two daughter cells, until it ends with two fully mature parents that have replicated the original parent.
The constant tension during the cell cycle and the mitosis phase, creates larger parents and then larger daughters. There is no interruption or damage within the cycle, but merely a change in what is encoded and carried out during the cycle because of the altered state of the original parent. In case you were worried, "daughters" will not be induced into a mitosis phase by force. In common incorrect wording, cells won't be broken down again and again and again no matter how much force is applied. Each cell has to go through the entire cell cycle. There is no function to stop mid process and start over again. Mitosis can only occur when a cell is first in the Gzero phase. Just like a two year old human can't give birth LOL
dickerschwanz;473350 said:
4. We know that people gain when they constantly up the tension and/or time. at some point the needed tension seems to be too big and people start to think about taking a pause. Then there are guys like DLD who push through it and still gain.
If you understood what I was trying to say about vets of Penis Enlargement continuously increasing their collagen density earlier, you will easily identify why they continually need to increase intensity to have any chance of continuing growth in the long run. The more densely packed the collagen, the more tensile strength that area of collagen will have, and the more force will be needed to cause sufficient separation to trigger further mitosis. Spending more time under force will always improve efficiency and is the Crown upon which a Perpetual Mitosis System will wear.
The "pauses" that people think help, which they do under less efficient systems of growth, are beneficial only because of the flaws inherent in inefficiency. Excessively high intensity triggers excessively high numbers of parents to be thrown into the mitosis phase. (higher intensity forces more and greater separations among greater numbers of cells)
Think about what that does over a short period of time. Imagine if one were to apply sufficient force to induce every parent cell into mitosis. There would then only exist daughter cells at the completion of the mitosis phase. No further mitosis would be possible until all of those daughters went through the rest of the cell cycle. At the same time all cells would then be in a high consumption growth phase. If there is anything that alters the length of time of the cell cycle significantly, it is the growth stage of the daughter cells. Remember these daughters are very small in comparison to the parent cell from which they created. They must at least double in volume to replicate their original parent. At least a doubling of nutrient/chemical gathering/supply would have to occur to keep the entire cycle of all of these cells near the "normal" time frame of the whole cell cycle. In fact, it may be that such an extreme occurrence would more than double the length of time necessary to complete the cell cycle that remains after mitosis.
Even more tragic and the ultimate example of inefficiency that the above scenario represents, is that no matter how much effort was expended or no matter how much force was applied before the entire cell cycle was complete for all of those cells, no mitosis or "growth" would occur at all. Gives new meaning to the saying "just pulling your pud" when referring to someone doing nothing.
So definitely there is some ideal ratio of parents and daughters at any given time even though that may never be quantified without some serious medical research that is beyond anything that I could ever perform. But certainly maximizing intensity is unnecessary and inefficient. "Rest" is something that is only necessary when too much intensity put too much of a strain on the available resources within our bodies. And "rest", by definition, cannot be present when speaking in terms of maximizing efficiency. Rest is a solution or a requirement because of prior and present inefficiency.
dickerschwanz;473350 said:
a solution for night Penis Enlargement could be the
http://vitallusplus.com/en it can be used during night and is build for that. its light tension. any heavy constricting tension should never be done at night cause of no control over it.
I think that they are on to something for sure. It is a start
dickerschwanz;473350 said:
I have the feeling that fatigue happens most the times when the tension is high. There is some point in heavy Penis Enlargement where you need to pause. But it certainly works cause the body need to react to the force.
High intensity works for sure. The higher the intensity, or force used, the more separation of more cells is likely to occur. However, all of this blather that I am spouting is about maximizing efficiency, not on maximizing the number of cells driven to mitosis at a single point in time.
Perhaps I will write out a simple mathematical model in the future to demonstrate the far superior efficiency of continuously inducing a small number of cells into mitosis versus inducing large numbers of cells into mitosis intermittently. It is basically just a geometric series with a rate of two. The number of iterations is what produces huge sums not really the rather small rather insignificant variation of number of cells induced into mitosis. For just a basic simple example:
For the sum of a geometric series in our discussion, we are basically looking at this number of cells that result over time. Which in simplest terms would be the number of cells induced into mitosis times rate^iterations. Which would be just N(2^cycles). Not the actual formula
But since 2^cycles over say a year is a astronomically large number it is for all intents and purposes an "exact" answer. If you look at the actual formula you can easily see why:
S=n[(1-r^t)/(1-r); where S=sum of resultant cells, n=number of parents that can be induced by a certain force, r=rate (which is two because mitosis doubles the number of cells), and t= number of times that said force is applied or iterations. Regardless of the relatively speaking small variation in magnitude of n, t is the factor that makes the S grow to mind-boggling magnitudes. If you induce 100 cells a day into mitosis with a high level of intensity that you can only achieve once a day, you will only wind up with roughly 7.5X10^111 cells. That is a huge number.
But if you use a much smaller force that can be applied constantly which induces just 10 different cells every hour you will wind up with roughly 1.8X10^112!!! This is about 2.5 times as much "growth" with just one-tenth of the effort. A 250% increase in growth with just 10% of the force because that force is applied constantly.
dickerschwanz;473350 said:
Still when doing night Penis Enlargement one has to think about that this may prevent night erections that help in healing.
I don't believe that it is "erections" which help "healing" (which is just daughters gathering nutrients and growing into parents
) but the increase of blood which carries those nutrients/chemicals to the growing daughters. I mean erections accomplish increasing the blood in the penis for sure, that is what an erection is
, but there are many ways to increase the blood in the penis, such as the use of vasodilators and such. However I am not sure that a drastic inflow of blood is necessary to supply the cell cycle sufficiently, it may be that slight increases of blood volume may be enough to get the job done.
More research in that area needed LOL
For all of this chatter, we must first think about how best to implement the first or prepatory stages of a making the theoretical Pepetual Mitosis System to maximize efficiency into a reality.
So what is the biggest fundamental above all others in such a system? Constant force to produce constant separation of at least some cells that are ready to move into the mitosis phase of the cell cycle. Well constant is...well...constant. If we can not apply or tolerate the level of force constantly...this is all pointless.
So the first step in getting the PMS idea up and running is to find a level of force no matter how small that can be applied and tolerated at all times. (that one wishes to be "growing" at maximum efficiency that is.
) Once this apparatus, technique, and level of force is discovered, then one can proceed on the journey of maximum efficiency.
We have stated that any deformation or elongation beyond its "normal" unstressed state causes some mitosis to occur even if it is on a very small
scale or magnitude and is virtually imperceptible. Even at this stage, over long periods of time, growth is assured.
This is where intensity does matter. But only after we have established what is tolerable as a constant force. Obviously, as has been pointed out, the greater the force, the greater the likelihood that we will cause further separation of more cells simultaneously. However, we cannot go beyond that level of force which will push us beyond that which is tolerable at all times. Which would lead to a loss in efficiency. So the guiding principle as far as increasing intensity beyond that almost imperceptible level of force, deformation, or separation, is too only increase it to a level that can still be applied and tolerated constantly at all times.
So in the very early stages of such an experimental journey, it will really be more of a see-saw of tiny variations of force until we know where the tolerance/application of a certain level of force is perpetually maintainable for each individual. Think of it as some sort of equilibrium point where additional force would make it impossible or unbearable to maintain at all times and decreased force would simply trigger less cells into the mitosis phase.
Over time, more force will be needed simply because of increased volume and density of the overall penis as the cell count keeps rising. But I am thinking that this will be a very slow increase of intensity over time once the initial equilibrium is established.
Anyway, that is way more than enough babbling for now. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated. I may be abandoning all of my other side experiments in favor of the pursuit of realizing this PMS as it is looking better and better the more it swirls around in my chemical soup of "consiousness" LOL
The Lunatic,