We know that Pe gives gains,ok,in this 4-5 years in Pe i understood many things about it,but i suddenly realize that rest have something with it and I DON'T KNOW FOR SURE what is happening down there.I am also fan of that all days stretching for 7 days a week and yes,sounds beautiful,but i now realize that after 2,3 weeks of stretching and then resting 4-5 days i can see the results.How much penis should rest???? The muscles need 24-48 hours for recovery,how much the penis need? I now i can gain more if i realize whats happening with the rest and penis enlargement...but now i don't have any idea.
Tricky subject there. The cell cycle, or the time it takes for a full mitosis cycle, is variable. It really is determined by the chemical/nutrient supply available within the individual person, or the "environment" in which the cells we are talking about exist. From what I have read, as it relates to Penis Enlargement and [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] induced mitosis, the "golden window" lasts roughly between one to two hours.

The "golden window" that I am talking about is the time taken for a "parent" cell to split into two "daughter" cells when it is induced to do so through [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] (or excessive engorgement of tissue). This is a specific type of mitosis. (There are different processes that induce different forms of mitosis, but in Penis Enlargement we generally induce or trigger mitosis by creating "gaps" or excessive "separation" between cells) So once there is a separation between cells sufficient to trigger this type of mitosis, it takes up to two hours for a fully developed parent cell to split into two identical, but smaller, daughter cells.

The remainder of the cell cycle time is spent by the smaller version daughter cells, or clones of the parent cell, by gathering chemicals/nutrients necessary to "grow" to the size of the original parent cell. This "remainder" of the cycle can be as little as 20 hours or significantly longer depending on the availability of the necessary chemical/nutrients for the "growth" to take place. In an IDEAL environment without any lack of nutrients the entire cell cycle would occur in less than twenty-four hours. This would mean that one would not need "rest days".

It becomes even more complex when you realize that all of the above is looking at the cycle of ONE cell becoming two. However, when we do Penis Enlargement exercises, we are not inducing one cell to go into a mitosic cycle. In reality, the amount of force that we use, or more precisely the more and larger gaps we create between cells, can induce thousands if not millions of cells into mitosis at once. And even more murky it becomes when you consider that said person has any number of daughter cells present that are still in a previous cycle of mitosis at the same time. So you can be stimulating new mitosis of one group of parent cells and at the same time be stagnating the growth, by "stealing" or diverting chemicals/nutrients from, of a group of daughter cells.

The reality is that at any given point in time, there are an unknown number of parent cells, those that have reached "maturity" and are ready to be induced into mitosis, and daughter cells that are still growing and are not ready to split again. Which leads to the rather unanswerable question as to what is the best "exercise/rest" cycle to follow when we do Penis Enlargement exercises. It is unanswerable because everyone's environment, their chemical/nutrient supply and delivery varies from time to time and there is no way to know when the ratio of parent to daughter cell ratio is ideal to maximize splitting the most cells versus starving growing daughters. Two people with identical chemical environments can do the exact same workout, and produce very different ratios of parents and daughters due to their unique physiological differences.

So what can we reasonably deduce is the IDEAL, even if it is unattainable in actuality, exercise/rest cycle when we are talking about inducing or triggering mitosis of cells within the tissues of the penis? Well, I have been reading a lot about the cell cycles, looking at the development timelines, the chemical structures of collagens, their physical chemical properties, etc, etc, and I see that an IDEAL can only be purely theoretical as an application to Penis Enlargement. Everyone is different, so every person's IDEAL could be significantly different. And unless there becomes some way to measure our chemical balances and to identify what ratio of parent/daughter cells exist at any given time, even that becomes an impossible question to answer.

So on to the theory and some further points to be taken into consideration. First, the mitosis cycle for simplicity, can be looked at as one which takes place over a twenty-four hour period for a SINGLE parent cell to split into two daughter cells which "grow" to become identical clones of the original parent cell. Second, the most critical phase of the cycle is the two hour window that sees a fully developed parent split into two daughter cells of identical structure, but significantly smaller. Third, "traction" which is force applied to the molecular structure, can be induced by what we call [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] or engorgement at the macro level. (Because at the microscopic level, either causes a separation of adjacent or elongation of the triple helixes of collagen) Fourth, most importantly in my opinion, and often overlooked in Penis Enlargement, is that when a parent splits, its CURRENT structure at the time is encoded into the daughter cells! Read the fourth again, it, I believe, is the one of the most important underlying principles of Penis Enlargement growth and it carries significant consequences. Also, it is the underlying reason why Mike's [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words] theory is scientifically sound and IS the most EFFICIENT manner of maximizing tissue "growth" or penis enlargement. So read the Fourth again, let it sink into your very soul. :D Fifth, there are ALWAYS an unknown combination, ratio, or "mixture" of fully developed parent cells waiting to be induced to split and daughter cells in the process of gathering nutrients/chemicals to become identical to their original parent cell.

What are the implications of the above in an IDEAL sense? We ALWAYS want to be inducing mitosis to available parent cells that are "ready" or fully developed. (Because there are always "new" fully developed parents appearing.) "Rest" is simply time that is spent NOT inducing mitosis, it is the very definition of inefficiency. (Don't light the torches yet :D, bear with me here.) Using a force which recruits a number of cells greater than the number of parent cells available simply starves or slows the growth of developing daughter cells. The preceding explains why all of the studies of [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] have shown that time under [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] is significantly more important, and correlates closer to gains in tissue expansion, than the force of [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] itself. (If you used enough force to theoretically recruit every cell, you would simply be starving all of your daughter cells slowing their growth significantly.) Because we cannot measure how many cells we recruit, or cause sufficient separation, it is BETTER to recruit less than maximum cells for a longer time period, than to recruit too many and slow (or even stop temporarily) the growth of daughter cells with a greater force for a limited duration. No matter how much force is applied to a group of cells, and how many cells that we cause to split, they will still have to go through there approximate twenty-four hour mitosis cycle. You cannot speed up mitosis of cells themselves by increasing force. You can only increase the number of cells triggered into mitosis by increasing force. But the number of "ready" parents is finite and unknown. Exceeding this force is highly INEFFICIENT. I know, this is getting too long-winded. :D

Taking everything above into account, my personal interpretation as it relates to Penis Enlargement is thus:

Maximizing growth efficiency requires a constant triggering of mitosis at all times. Any macro level "stretching" or elongation produces some mitosis, albeit the smaller the stretch the smaller the group of cells will be triggered into mitosis through "separation". However, on a cell by cell basis, a tiny amount of CONSTANT force is the absolute most efficient. So we really are looking to find the level of force which triggers NO MORE, but as close as possible, to the number of "ready" parent cells at any given time. We do not want to exceed this force, which would only serve to starve and hinder the growth of daughter cells.

As to the Fourth, the golden two hour window for each parent cell, as it applies to time under [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words]. As the parent cell goes through the process of splitting it is really just using that time to "encode" what will become the daughter cells with data about its structure. This is why it is so important in maximizing efficiency that the force is constant. If the cell structure is "elongated" during this entire period, it will encode the daughter cells to replicate that elongated structure! If we were simply to trigger the split and remove the force, the structure would return to its "normal" state and encode the daughters to replicate that normal structure. (New daughter collagen cells, or helixes, are even shown to align with the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] force that triggered their creation as an example of this microscopic phenomena) This is because the parents were elongated parallel to the force of [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] during the transfer of "data" to daughter cells. This is the fundamental reason why Mike's [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words] theory is LAW in my opinion. :D

So how do we actually apply all of this IDEAL theory in our less than ideal reality? We should supplement as heavily as possible those chemical/nutrients consumed and used by the mitosis cycle. Then we should find a level of force that we can apply constantly. (I do not believe, though I could be incorrect for sure, that any force we can apply/tolerate constantly would exceed the force that would start to starve daughter cells.) This is what I believe would represent the most efficient and maximum constant growth on the macro scale possible.

As to "rest" and the above. "Rest" would only be required when too much force was applied, too many daughters created and too few parents becoming available as a result in the time after exercise. "Rest" is only required when we have indulged in inefficient and overzealous efforts, wasted efforts, now requiring time to gather nutrients to "repair" or get back to a point where there are sufficient mature parent cells ready and able to split.

Now you can all light your torches and burn me at the stake. :D

So constant stretching and a nutritional influence promote the most growth? What nutrition will best promote the best cell growth?
great post!
something to think about...

irspow;473106 said:
So how do we actually apply all of this IDEAL theory in our less than ideal reality? We should supplement as heavily as possible those chemical/nutrients consumed and used by the mitosis cycle.


what is not often mentioned and could help with the nutrients is that they arive probably through blood(?).
that means that frequent erections are a key ingredient too. - optimal -> every 2 hours inside the golden window(?)

that would mean for me practicly: 1 hour [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] then an erection(or penis full of blood) then again the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] and so on.

the nutrients itself are probably proteins/amino acids. a good varied nutrition should be enough for that purpouse or do you have some special nutrients in sight?

found this:

Your cells are not inert entities. They grow, metabolize and reproduce. In order to perform these functions, they are constantly manufacturing structural proteins, DNA, hormones and other essential elements. Vitamins act as cofactors for the enzymes that perform these functions. For example, folic acid, a B vitamin, is needed for the synthesis of DNA, and vitamin C is necessary for the production of collagen, which, according to "Biopolymers," is the most abundant protein in your body.

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/359334-why-do-cells-need-vitamins/#ixzz1mZI4FTPf
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therefore the ratio of omega-3 versus omega-6 has wide effects on general health, and specific effects on immune function and inflammation, and mitosis (i.e. cell division).

healthy ratios of n−6:n−3 range from 1:1 to 1:4 (an individual needs more n−3 than n−6.)[24][25] Studies suggest the evolutionary human diet, rich in game animals, seafood, and other sources of n−3, may have provided such a ratio.[26][27]]
so a daily emergen-C drink might be the one of the new tools for Penis Enlargement?
Well, that is another can of worms. :D Chemically, you can supplement, accelerate, and instigate the cell cycle. However, doing so would be dangerous because it would be system wide and that is not a good thing. Chemically elevating, by artificial or supplemental means, or increasing cell cycles is bad because it would result in pushing "growth" of all cell cycles in the body. Think cancer, tumors, and other bad forms of accelerated or abnormal cell cycles. Not good.

What I was referring to, was more generic, and less aggressive. Many simple compounds can help nourish normal cell cycles, such as l-arginine, creatine, etc, etc. Obviously, elevated blood flow, and loads of water are also great aids in the transportation of nutrients and chemicals throughout the body. We don't want to be messing with cyclins, cytochalasins, and such directly...that is too direct and potentially dangerous.

Do a google search for generic terms like "cell repair supplements" and you will get an endless list of things that you can use in the manner in which I was referring to nutritional/chemical support of the cell cycle. We are doing Penis Enlargement to stimulate and trigger cell cycles in our penis so we don't need to use chemicals to do that for us. (And I would advise against such a thing for reasons stated above.) Though some would argue in supplementing HGH in various ways. I personally think that that is overkill. Like many before me, I would lean more towards the idea of a healthy overall diet and good supplementation of the basic amino acids, vitamins, and minerals.

But supplementation or nutrition was not really the point of my earlier rant at all, it was perhaps a side thought, which I had inadvertently placed too much apparent emphasis. I don't really think that a relatively healthy person will be unable to support the cell cycles induced through Penis Enlargement, but just like body-builders supplement certain things "just to be sure", I was really just making the same basic suggestion.

The only real deficiency that I think would exist in a healthy individual wouldn't really be a deficiency at all by definition. When I was speaking of "starving" daughter cells, I was really talking about DIVERTING what available nutrients/chemicals existed to too many newly "encouraged" parent cells and away from growing daughter cells. Sorry for any confusion.

Great post and discussion! Tom I have 2 questions.

1) After many years of bodybuilding, I have found that my body responds much better to very low volume and short workouts. ie. your typical hardgainer! However this reduced volume did not slow down my progress as I have packed on 40 pounds of muscle! My system is just not able to recover fast enough from high volume workouts. That's where the mantra,"Your body grows outside of the gym, not in it!" comes from. Workouts are used to stimulate the cells and the rest of the time is used to recuperate/repair. Question is, does that translate to Penis Enlargement for me? Will I notice better gains on shorter workouts and more rest days? Also relating to my muscles, my weight fluctuates quite a bit if I stop training and let my diet go to shit. So what happened(s) to the daughter cells when I lose muscle? Obviously they are not permanent or we would all be huge!

2) Moregain123 in one of his posts said something to the effect against [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words] stating if a cell structure was being healed in it's un-natural state that it would promote fibrosis. What do you have to say about that?
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1) Bodybuilding to increase muscle mass is primarily attributed to hypertrophy of cells. (See "muscle hypertrophy") Meaning that increasing muscle mass is almost exclusively about simple growing the size of the cells in the muscles. And bodybuilding to increase strength is primarily a matter of "training" yourself to contract ever increasing amounts of the total potential number of cells present. "Growing" your penis, which is more about increasing the number of cells rather than increasing the size of cells, is about inducing the mitosis state within the cell cycle to increase the number of cells. Hypertrophy and mitosis are not the same. Hypertrophy is only a portion of a cell cycle, in Penis Enlargement we want to continually go through cycle after cycle after cycle increasing the number of cells and not the actual size of cells. And the cell cycle, short of a chemical/nutritional deficiency, is virtually a set period of time.

2) Fibrosis is by definition an "excess" amount of tissue in one area. Like "scar tissue". And I will state that what a lot of Penis Enlargement tradition does advocate is a form of fibrosis. However, that is because after initiating mitosis through exercise, it is common to simply allow the splitting parent cell to return to its normal state during the mitosis process. Thus, often the daughter cells receive data to replicate the "normal state" parent. Then two daughter cells will mature and attempt to occupy the same structure and space as the original parent cell. However, what I am advocating, and what [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words] theory implies I think, is that keeping the parent cell in an altered state during the mitosis cycle encodes data for the daughter cells to replicate the altered state of the parent cell. Thus the "new" cells attempt to occupy a larger space that was occupied by, and form of, the "elongated" parent.

Hope that helps.

To me this seems like the .01 percent in the total equation.

If you eat healthy, lead a heLthy life style and undertake pe training in a progressive, consistent and mindful way, that accounts for the 99.9 percent.
I would mostly agree on the supplement side...although there are obvious benefits to certain supplementation. But yes, supplementation is supplementation and not a CAUSE of growth.

The cell cycle and the period of mitosis is 99.999% of the total equation though. Without it, Penis Enlargement does not exist. Without understanding it, there is no real understanding of Penis Enlargement or what makes it work. And only studying the cell cycle and the period of mitosis will allow Penis Enlargement to progress in efficiency, technique, and effectiveness for all people. It is the only way to move out of the realm of "urban legend" or "penis wackjob psuedo-science" into the future.

And until I figure out a PMS (perpetual mitosis system :D) I will continue to look at the science behind why Penis Enlargement really works, and what would really work best. The foundations of traditional Penis Enlargement have been laid down well. But this rather slow process of simply using trial and error only to produce anecdotal evidence is...well...slow. I will continue to stretch between my studies though :D

LOL...coming soon...IRSPOW'S PMS! :D

In the end, we are all seeking the most efficient and successful means to achieve gains in penis size for everyone. I am just another guinea pig in the big experiment that is Penis Enlargement.
What I was talking about was simply what I believe may lead to the most EFFICIENT means possible given the actual process that makes Penis Enlargement possible. I don't think that thinking like that is wasting time. Because current limitations of Penis Enlargement practices do not allow me to be "exercising" or "growing" at all times.

Isprow you know very much.
Do you know what temperatures influence is beneficial in the process of mitosis?

well I found this and it states:
..that mice who where influenced by cold temperature while awake had lower mitosis activity then the same time of day while under higher temperature
at night they recorded highest mitosis activity(cause of sleep). Makes me wonder about Penis Enlargement while sleeping( light stretching, light constrict) tough it has its dangers

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I have not seen anything about a direct correlation between temperature and cell cycles, or the mitosis cycle within the overall cycle, in regards to collage fibers. However, the tensile strength, and thus the relative ease of causing sufficient separation to initiate the mitosis stage, of collagen is roughly an inverse quadratic relationship. So while I have not seen anything about temperature effecting the time rate of the basic mitosis cycle, higher temperatures can definitely allow one to stimulate or "urge" more parent cells within collagen to enter mitosis with the same level of effort or force that cause a "separation distance" trigger.

Now as to why the study that you referenced probably observed lower "mitosis activity" in the cold follows directly from what I have said above. At lower temperatures, the tensile strength of the triple helixes increases exponentially. So any normal activity that would have induced cells into mitosis under "normal" temperatures, would not apply sufficient force to do so at lower temperatures. To trigger the same separation of the cells in a colder environment will take a significant increase of force necessary to do so.

As to doing Penis Enlargement at night. I am working on that, rolling around ideas in my head to crack that nut. I really am serious at looking at this concept of a Perpetual Mitosis System :D as a real possibility. Theoretically, it is sound. Implementing it in our far from ideal environment won't be so simple though. But these things are usually eventually solved by a Aha moment, when something that should have been obvious all along becomes exceeding clear. Right now, I am thinking about how to find minimum force necessary to induce that separation and force those cells out of the G0 phase in the cell cycle. We want to live at all times in the S phase :D See I think that when it is solved, Penis Enlargement will be about minimum applied constant force to always be forcing new "mature" parent cells to split into their "distorted" daughter cells whenever a new "mature" parent appears, at any time of the day. And then after that minimum constant force is achieved, the only increase in intensity ever needed will be to "stabilize" the ratio of parents and daughters to a perpetually sustainable level, chemically speaking. :D PMS...dick growing of the 22nd century :D LOL
irspow;473328 said:
I have not seen anything about a direct correlation between temperature and cell cycles, or the mitosis cycle within the overall cycle, in regards to collage fibers. However, the tensile strength, and thus the relative ease of causing sufficient separation to initiate the mitosis stage, of collagen is roughly an inverse quadratic relationship. So while I have not seen anything about temperature effecting the time rate of the basic mitosis cycle, higher temperatures can definitely allow one to stimulate or "urge" more parent cells within collagen to enter mitosis with the same level of effort or force that cause a "separation distance" trigger.

Now as to why the study that you referenced probably observed lower "mitosis activity" in the cold follows directly from what I have said above. At lower temperatures, the tensile strength of the triple helixes increases exponentially. So any normal activity that would have induced cells into mitosis under "normal" temperatures, would not apply sufficient force to do so at lower temperatures. To trigger the same separation of the cells in a colder environment will take a significant increase of force necessary to do so.

As to doing Penis Enlargement at night. I am working on that, rolling around ideas in my head to crack that nut. I really am serious at looking at this concept of a Perpetual Mitosis System :D as a real possibility. Theoretically, it is sound. Implementing it in our far from ideal environment won't be so simple though. But these things are usually eventually solved by a Aha moment, when something that should have been obvious all along becomes exceeding clear. Right now, I am thinking about how to find minimum force necessary to induce that separation and force those cells out of the G0 phase in the cell cycle. We want to live at all times in the S phase :D See I think that when it is solved, Penis Enlargement will be about minimum applied constant force to always be forcing new "mature" parent cells to split into their "distorted" daughter cells whenever a new "mature" parent appears, at any time of the day. And then after that minimum constant force is achieved, the only increase in intensity ever needed will be to "stabilize" the ratio of parents and daughters to a perpetually sustainable level, chemically speaking. :D PMS...dick growing of the 22nd century :D LOL

lets see and theorize.
1. Tension over the natural length/girth in any state should be always enough to provoke a reaction.(natural state is always the state the dick has now-today). Question is where is the point where it does matter.(that maybe individual different)
2. PM.. perpetual mitosis can only occur(theory) when there is a constant tension.(we know this works - [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]srt[/words] theory)
3. Mitosis(new cells) for one cell can only occur once in its cycle(?). The question is what does happen to the cell mitosis if the tension is still there after the mitosis cycle is initiated?(does it interupt/damage the cycle?)
4. We know that people gain when they constantly up the tension and/or time. at some point the needed tension seems to be too big and people start to think about taking a pause. Then there are guys like DLD who push through it and still gain.

a solution for night Penis Enlargement could be the http://vitallusplus.com/en it can be used during night and is build for that. its light tension. any heavy constricting tension should never be done at night cause of no control over it.

I have the feeling that fatigue happens most the times when the tension is high. There is some point in heavy Penis Enlargement where you need to pause. But it certainly works cause the body need to react to the force.

Im trying atm to be as much time as possible under tension while having 1-2 times a day a stronger impact with a elevated tension.
But seeing that the mitosis cycle is highest at night(sleep) + your info that parent cells may grow when tension is uphold makes me think that some light tension over natural state at night is beneficial.
Still when doing night Penis Enlargement one has to think about that this may prevent night erections that help in healing.
Okay! I might have a fellow thinker working with me in developing PMS :D
dickerschwanz;473350 said:
1. Tension over the natural length/girth in any state should be always enough to provoke a reaction.(natural state is always the state the dick has now-today). Question is where is the point where it does matter.(that maybe individual different)
1. The type of mitosis that we are specifically dealing with in Penis Enlargement is caused by a "trigger" tripped when two cells become separated by a specific distance. It is this "separation distance" trigger that makes the mitosis part of the cell cycle we are using in Penis Enlargement different than other types of mitosis. It should be clear to all who might be following that there are different types of mitosis and new cell generation. (ie, some forms of mitosis take place when parents are "damaged", "destroyed", or even when adjacent parents become too close to one another.)

2. In Penis Enlargement, the reality is that all exercises employ [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] at the microscopic level, even those we look at as "engorgement" or "expansion" exercises. Even "compressive" forces upon the penis will place [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] upon individual collagen fibers at the microscopic levels. What I am saying is that while on the macro level we may believe that we are using different forms of force, at the microscopic level, we are always placing [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] forces which cause elongation of the individual collagen fibers. (Remember that an entire collagen fiber, which is a triple helix, is little more or less than 100 Nanometers in length. So in a very tiny area of a single ligament strand for example, we are dealing with a mind-boggling amount of tiny fibers intertwined in a latitudinal sense, and an almost unimaginable number of fibers in a longitudinal sense.

3. I will agree with you that elongation or any form of deformation of the penis at the macro scale definitely induces some number of "mature parents" to enter the mitosis stage on the microscopic level. So yes, for example, elongation or expansion of any amount of the current "normal" state, flaccid or erect, will trigger mitosis. However, there are different forms of collagen within the penis at the same time. Type I collagen is "unstable" at even normal tension and temperature. So that type is always malleable and ready to enter mitosis provided the cells are in the G0 phase (The G0 {Gzero} phase is reached when the cell is fully "mature" or is done replicating its parent cell in both structure and size) of the entire cell cycle. Types III and V collagen have, relatively speaking, much higher tensile strengths and are completely stable at normal temperature. This is why it is so important to use considerable heat, if possible, to make using a small force to cause separation distance between cells productive. Otherwise, a far greater force is needed to cause the same level of separation of these types of collagen. But overall, very little macro level deformation of the penis, at very low levels of force, induces plenty of cells to enter the mitosis phase (medically referred to as the "S phase") in the overall cell cycle.

Currently, Penis Enlargement is stuck in an temporary "evolutionary" pothole of experimenting with higher and higher intensity and exotic forms of deformation exercises. Not that this is not working, but it certainly is not efficient. (I guess that that idea is getting a little bit outside of what is relevant at this very moment, but efficiency-wise, Penis Enlargement is still in the "stone age" for sure.)

dickerschwanz;473350 said:
2. PM.. perpetual mitosis can only occur(theory) when there is a constant tension.(we know this works - [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]srt[/words] theory)

Not really theory at all. Parent cells in the G0 phase of the cell cycle WILL enter the S phase (mitosis) when there is sufficient separation from adjacent parent cells. This is the very common practice and knowledge used in all of the forms of tissue, bone, nerve, etc. "growth" or "expansion" used in the science of medicine. This is the ONLY thing that makes any form of Penis Enlargement work in any way. Technically speaking, perpetual mitosis, which is just a part of the cell cycle, is common and natural, but we are trying to manipulate this process for a specific purpose. The natural form of perpetual mitosis is always occurring to replace "dead", "dying", or "damaged" cells all of the time throughout most of our bodies. But that is cause by different "triggers" to induce mitosis. We are using artificial effort to cause the "separation distance" trigger. (Nothing is really "connected" at the microscopic level, the "bonds" are merely electric fields of "empty" space :D)

So anyway, I had to kind of smack down the "theory" label a little bit in this area of the topic at hand, because the process we are using is well established and known in regard to what we are doing scientifically in Penis Enlargement to create "growth".

Anyway, if we want to create our manipulated form of Perpetual Mitosis, as opposed to the natural one that occurs throughout most of our entire organism to perpetuate life itself, we need to do just a couple of simple things.

One, ensure that there is always a [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] force so that at ANY time that ANY "mature parent cell" is "ready" it will immediately be triggered into the mitosis phase of the cell cycle. This is the fastest and most efficient way to ensure that we will always be "growing" as much as we possible can. (Otherwise new parents lie "dormant" in the Gzero phase until they are stimulated at a later time, highly inefficient!) When this is done constantly over time, there will always be a MINIMUM of "ready" parents appearing at any given time, and MINIMAL force will be necessary to cause sufficient separation of those cells from adjacent "daughters" that are still in their growth and replication stages.

As to [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words], which is spot-on genius and fundamentally correct, at least for being put out there in the manner that it was by Mike, to open people's eyes to getting closer to maximizing efficiency, I view it as a stepping stone on the continuing path to maximizing the efficiency of Penis Enlargement. [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words] works because it essentially advocates constant tension (directly or indirectly), which is the foundation of maximizing efficiency. And while the language or explanation might not be precise, staying "elongated" or "deformed" over time will also help in maximizing efficiency.

What I think was not explained sufficiently or precisely in [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words] is how or why staying "elongated" over time is so effective. It really isn't a matter of because you stay stretched out while you heal, you will heal in a stretched out state. (Although believing so, doesn't lose the benefit of doing so. :D) The reason that staying extended while under constant force is so beneficial and efficient is for two reasons.

One, is that "staying extended" can only be achieved by being under constant force. So during the entire period, you will be constantly inducing new "mature" parents that enter the Gzero phase to smoothly and immediately proceed right into the mitosis or S phase. (This is essentially the type of Perpetual Mitosis that I am talking about in different words. :D)

Second, is the fact that "staying extended" while in the ENTIRE DURATION of the mitosis phase, or what I call the "golden window", is very important to maximizing efficiency. I have explained this before, but it cannot be repeated enough. It takes roughly two full hours for a single parent cell to go through the process to completely split into two daughter cells. During this ENTIRE time period, data about the parent cell, its size, structure, orientation, is being encoded into what will eventually become the daughter cells. This is very very important! This data encoding is what determines what the daughter cells that are created will attempt to replicate in their "lifetime", or what they will become when they are fully mature parent cells. It is this data encoded about what the parent cell is during the two hours of mitosis that determines what the daughter cells will eventually become. In other words, the daughter cells will attempt to replicate what the parent cell is during the two hour process.

To illustrate the difference between simply triggering the golden window by applying a temporary force and using a constant force one needs only to understand that data is encoded during the entire two hour process, or until there is no longer a parent but two entirely separate daughter cells. (One also needs to visualize what a cell is in structure too, it is a very large and long triple helix structure, in comparison to its individual atoms :D) Under force this structure lengthens separating the individual atoms further apart, but this is not the "separation trigger" that causes mitosis of the entire structure while doing Penis Enlargement. Rather it is the separation distance between this helix and the next adjacent helix, or if you prefer distance between adjacent parent cells, that triggers mitosis.

Once the electronic, not physical :D, bond between helix to helix is stretched, it is the "gap" enlargement that induces mitosis. But while the force increases this gap between helixes or parents, the helix itself, its structure is also elongated. This causes something else to happen that has nothing to do with mitosis. When the individual atoms themselves within the helix are too far apart for their bonds, individual atoms are "recruited" to fill these "voids" so that their is a lower potential energy between the atoms. Okay, maybe that is a little too deep. :D (Chemistry guys will probably be getting wood now though LOL) But in simplest terms the helixes themselves in the stretched state become larger as atoms are added to keep the potential energy at a state of equilibrium and so the total number of atoms in the structure increases as well, creating, you guessed it, larger and longer helixes or "parents". There really is no "growth" strictly speaking in mitosis but rather increasing numbers of cells. (Damned, I keep going deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole, sorry :D)

So what I am getting at is keeping the parent extended during the entire S phase makes the parent bigger and encodes the daughters to replicate this bigger parent. If we simply instigate mitosis with a temporary force the daughters will be "told" to replicate a smaller, normal state, parent cell. What you will eventually get is just two parent cells attempting to occupy the same space, structure, size, and orientation of an unstressed, normal sized parent. This is why many vets of Penis Enlargement find it increasingly harder and harder to make gains. For the most part they are simply increasing the number of collagen cells within the same general area and same size as they were when not stressed. This basically leads to a more dense and stronger area of collagen. MOST gains in the current practice of Penis Enlargement are due to increasing density and the slight, relatively speaking, increase in volume by just increasing the number of cells. At some point, this backfires and becomes a self defeating process. When the helixes become too close to each other and too densely packed, a natural reaction is for cells to start dying off from "starvation". Only so much nutrients/chemicals can occupy a finite space. The atoms get too close to each other to allow bonds to occur. Think of it as too much positive energy if you will, when too many atoms are too closely packed together. It creates a field that will repulse adding further energy.

But if the parent or helix is stretched and attracts more atoms, becomes larger in volume and length, due to constant force during the entire S phase, the daughter will be encoded to be bigger, longer, and occupy a larger volume. This is maximizing efficiency also. So how does this differ from the "problematic" and losses of efficiency experienced by creating too much density. Well these extended helixes occupy the larger volume of space while under a force. When the force is removed they will occupy less space and the area will be less dense. BUT the smaller area, relative to the elongated state not to earlier time before mitosis, will now be occupied by larger, mutated :D, helixes that will eventually be replicated again during the next cell cycle.

So in a way, the staying in an extended state, is a type of mutation that will spiral into increasing efficiency with each iteration of the complete cell cycle. (Incidentally, mitosis itself is a small fraction of the entire cell cycle. Most of the time, roughly 20-24 additional hours are spent by the daughters in a state of growth until they themselves reach the Gzero phase.) In this way, we are "creating" better and superior parents for the next generation of daughters.

dickerschwanz;473350 said:
3. Mitosis(new cells) for one cell can only occur once in its cycle(?). The question is what does happen to the cell mitosis if the tension is still there after the mitosis cycle is initiated?(does it interupt/damage the cycle?)

Yes. Within the cell cycle, mitosis only occurs once and must run its course, from a single parent, to the creation of two daughter cells, until it ends with two fully mature parents that have replicated the original parent.

The constant tension during the cell cycle and the mitosis phase, creates larger parents and then larger daughters. There is no interruption or damage within the cycle, but merely a change in what is encoded and carried out during the cycle because of the altered state of the original parent. In case you were worried, "daughters" will not be induced into a mitosis phase by force. In common incorrect wording, cells won't be broken down again and again and again no matter how much force is applied. Each cell has to go through the entire cell cycle. There is no function to stop mid process and start over again. Mitosis can only occur when a cell is first in the Gzero phase. Just like a two year old human can't give birth LOL

dickerschwanz;473350 said:
4. We know that people gain when they constantly up the tension and/or time. at some point the needed tension seems to be too big and people start to think about taking a pause. Then there are guys like DLD who push through it and still gain.

If you understood what I was trying to say about vets of Penis Enlargement continuously increasing their collagen density earlier, you will easily identify why they continually need to increase intensity to have any chance of continuing growth in the long run. The more densely packed the collagen, the more tensile strength that area of collagen will have, and the more force will be needed to cause sufficient separation to trigger further mitosis. Spending more time under force will always improve efficiency and is the Crown upon which a Perpetual Mitosis System will wear. :D The "pauses" that people think help, which they do under less efficient systems of growth, are beneficial only because of the flaws inherent in inefficiency. Excessively high intensity triggers excessively high numbers of parents to be thrown into the mitosis phase. (higher intensity forces more and greater separations among greater numbers of cells)

Think about what that does over a short period of time. Imagine if one were to apply sufficient force to induce every parent cell into mitosis. There would then only exist daughter cells at the completion of the mitosis phase. No further mitosis would be possible until all of those daughters went through the rest of the cell cycle. At the same time all cells would then be in a high consumption growth phase. If there is anything that alters the length of time of the cell cycle significantly, it is the growth stage of the daughter cells. Remember these daughters are very small in comparison to the parent cell from which they created. They must at least double in volume to replicate their original parent. At least a doubling of nutrient/chemical gathering/supply would have to occur to keep the entire cycle of all of these cells near the "normal" time frame of the whole cell cycle. In fact, it may be that such an extreme occurrence would more than double the length of time necessary to complete the cell cycle that remains after mitosis.

Even more tragic and the ultimate example of inefficiency that the above scenario represents, is that no matter how much effort was expended or no matter how much force was applied before the entire cell cycle was complete for all of those cells, no mitosis or "growth" would occur at all. Gives new meaning to the saying "just pulling your pud" when referring to someone doing nothing. :D

So definitely there is some ideal ratio of parents and daughters at any given time even though that may never be quantified without some serious medical research that is beyond anything that I could ever perform. But certainly maximizing intensity is unnecessary and inefficient. "Rest" is something that is only necessary when too much intensity put too much of a strain on the available resources within our bodies. And "rest", by definition, cannot be present when speaking in terms of maximizing efficiency. Rest is a solution or a requirement because of prior and present inefficiency.

dickerschwanz;473350 said:
a solution for night Penis Enlargement could be the http://vitallusplus.com/en it can be used during night and is build for that. its light tension. any heavy constricting tension should never be done at night cause of no control over it.

I think that they are on to something for sure. It is a start :D

dickerschwanz;473350 said:
I have the feeling that fatigue happens most the times when the tension is high. There is some point in heavy Penis Enlargement where you need to pause. But it certainly works cause the body need to react to the force.

High intensity works for sure. The higher the intensity, or force used, the more separation of more cells is likely to occur. However, all of this blather that I am spouting is about maximizing efficiency, not on maximizing the number of cells driven to mitosis at a single point in time.

Perhaps I will write out a simple mathematical model in the future to demonstrate the far superior efficiency of continuously inducing a small number of cells into mitosis versus inducing large numbers of cells into mitosis intermittently. It is basically just a geometric series with a rate of two. The number of iterations is what produces huge sums not really the rather small rather insignificant variation of number of cells induced into mitosis. For just a basic simple example:

For the sum of a geometric series in our discussion, we are basically looking at this number of cells that result over time. Which in simplest terms would be the number of cells induced into mitosis times rate^iterations. Which would be just N(2^cycles). Not the actual formula :D But since 2^cycles over say a year is a astronomically large number it is for all intents and purposes an "exact" answer. If you look at the actual formula you can easily see why:

S=n[(1-r^t)/(1-r); where S=sum of resultant cells, n=number of parents that can be induced by a certain force, r=rate (which is two because mitosis doubles the number of cells), and t= number of times that said force is applied or iterations. Regardless of the relatively speaking small variation in magnitude of n, t is the factor that makes the S grow to mind-boggling magnitudes. If you induce 100 cells a day into mitosis with a high level of intensity that you can only achieve once a day, you will only wind up with roughly 7.5X10^111 cells. That is a huge number.

But if you use a much smaller force that can be applied constantly which induces just 10 different cells every hour you will wind up with roughly 1.8X10^112!!! This is about 2.5 times as much "growth" with just one-tenth of the effort. A 250% increase in growth with just 10% of the force because that force is applied constantly.

dickerschwanz;473350 said:
Still when doing night Penis Enlargement one has to think about that this may prevent night erections that help in healing.

I don't believe that it is "erections" which help "healing" (which is just daughters gathering nutrients and growing into parents :D) but the increase of blood which carries those nutrients/chemicals to the growing daughters. I mean erections accomplish increasing the blood in the penis for sure, that is what an erection is :D, but there are many ways to increase the blood in the penis, such as the use of vasodilators and such. However I am not sure that a drastic inflow of blood is necessary to supply the cell cycle sufficiently, it may be that slight increases of blood volume may be enough to get the job done. :D More research in that area needed LOL

For all of this chatter, we must first think about how best to implement the first or prepatory stages of a making the theoretical Pepetual Mitosis System to maximize efficiency into a reality.

So what is the biggest fundamental above all others in such a system? Constant force to produce constant separation of at least some cells that are ready to move into the mitosis phase of the cell cycle. Well constant is...well...constant. If we can not apply or tolerate the level of force constantly...this is all pointless.

So the first step in getting the PMS idea up and running is to find a level of force no matter how small that can be applied and tolerated at all times. (that one wishes to be "growing" at maximum efficiency that is. :)) Once this apparatus, technique, and level of force is discovered, then one can proceed on the journey of maximum efficiency.

We have stated that any deformation or elongation beyond its "normal" unstressed state causes some mitosis to occur even if it is on a very small scale or magnitude and is virtually imperceptible. Even at this stage, over long periods of time, growth is assured.

This is where intensity does matter. But only after we have established what is tolerable as a constant force. Obviously, as has been pointed out, the greater the force, the greater the likelihood that we will cause further separation of more cells simultaneously. However, we cannot go beyond that level of force which will push us beyond that which is tolerable at all times. Which would lead to a loss in efficiency. So the guiding principle as far as increasing intensity beyond that almost imperceptible level of force, deformation, or separation, is too only increase it to a level that can still be applied and tolerated constantly at all times.

So in the very early stages of such an experimental journey, it will really be more of a see-saw of tiny variations of force until we know where the tolerance/application of a certain level of force is perpetually maintainable for each individual. Think of it as some sort of equilibrium point where additional force would make it impossible or unbearable to maintain at all times and decreased force would simply trigger less cells into the mitosis phase.

Over time, more force will be needed simply because of increased volume and density of the overall penis as the cell count keeps rising. But I am thinking that this will be a very slow increase of intensity over time once the initial equilibrium is established.

Anyway, that is way more than enough babbling for now. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated. I may be abandoning all of my other side experiments in favor of the pursuit of realizing this PMS as it is looking better and better the more it swirls around in my chemical soup of "consiousness" LOL

The Lunatic,

I am working on my man...nothing happens in an instant (well apart of the disappearance of an electon when trying to measure its velocity :D)

However, there are probably an infinite number of ways to test this. I have stated that the first step is in identifying that level of force that can be applied and tolerated constantly. Well, obviously we withstand the "weight" of the penis at atmospheric pressure. LOL

So the level of force experiments would have to start there...no? Sorry, I am in a jocular mood right now...for reasons that don't pertain to Penis Enlargement.

I stated earlier that we want to first find what the "equilibrium" force is for us. And this level of force will vary considerably from person to person depending on many factors that are unique to each individual. The biggest individual factors will probably be the person's current collagen density, their "skin" elasticity, the unquantifiable tolerance for "pain", blood pressure, and the temperature of the environment in which the force will be maintained.

Now I mentioned that this equilibrium point we want to reach is one where the constant force is at its maximum magnitude that can be applied/tolerated continuously by the individual. Meaning that any increase in force would exceed application/tolerance by/for individual/"intensity". But we do wish to get to this maximum force, or at least approach it as closely as possible, to maximize efficiency. The more force used, all things being equal and within reason, the higher the likelihood that more cells and more separation between cells will trigger more cells into the mitosis phase. Any force that is significantly lower than this "equilibrium" force will decrease our level of efficiency to some extent. (But force is not anywhere near as significant as the fundamental we are striving for, a level of force that can be applied/tolerated contantly, or just "time". Remember the geometric series? Time is by far and away MUCH more important to the resultant sum than force. Force is not even in the same ballpark. :D But to "maximize" efficiency, force is a factor nonetheless.)

However, I was thinking about the starting tests of application of force that one would use to try to find this "equilibrium" force. And what started to spin around in my head was, "what is the biggest problem people have with prolonged forces in Penis Enlargement". Well, it is immediately obvious that most exercises (at least the more advanced ones) are very intense and cannot be tolerated for any real length of time. In the sense that a "real length of time" is anything approaching a the whole mitosis phase (about two hours) and certainly not a full cell cycle. (roughly speaking a twenty four hours period)

Then I thought even if you dropped the forces, intensity, quite significantly, what are the other hurdles to finding the equilibrium force? Well if you go around to any of the forums you will see the common nightmare fear of "killing" your penis by loss of circulation during sleep. Basically waking up to a penis corpse. :D And this is a legitimate and sensible fear for sure. So I think now that the first hurdle in finding that equilibrium force is to break the barrier of withstanding a level of force for the duration of a sleep period.

So one next says that if they can stand eight hours of force, they will likely be able to withstand that force continuously. However, blood pressure drops significantly during sleep and reaches a minimum roughly about two hours into the cycle. This drop is, for normal healthy people, around a 20 to 25% drop from their normal rest pressure during the day. In essence, the biggest danger-zone for loss of circulation while applying force is about two hours after you fall asleep. After that mark in time, blood pressure gradually rises back towards normal for the rest of the sleep period. (Obviously, nightmares or vivid activity in the mind at night will elevate pressure as if you were actually doing and experiencing those things. However, we are not concerned with an elevation of blood pressure, but drops in blood pressure which allow constriction of blood flow under the same level of force that would not cause constriction at a normal pressure.)

What this means is that we can easily cut off circulation during sleep with a level of force that we could easily tolerate while awake. Perhaps this is why many have experienced the "oh shit" panic wake-up when experimenting with Penis Enlargement while sleeping. The "oh shit" has probably saved more cells from necrosis than we will ever know. LOL Luckily for those who have experienced that moment, the pain or odd feeling was strong enough to wake them out of the slumber before too much damage was done. Basically, people have taken this risk and put themselves in danger of harming their penis, I think, without even realizing that they were taking on additional risk. I think, and I know from an experience a long time ago, that many just don't realize or take into account the blood pressure drop while sleeping. So you may be able to easily withstand a certain force while awake with very little constriction or loss of circulation, but then cut off all circulation with that same force when the blood pressure drops while sleeping.

This thinking presents a tiny amount of indecision as to the best approach to this period of time in regards to applying constant force. We all sleep, so a "constant" force that maximizes efficiency must still be applied while sleeping. I mean there is nothing constant about applying a force for only two-thirds of our lives. :D And if you take out all of those potential induced mitosis episodes in the geometric sequence, the final sum is VASTLY different over a given length of time.

So how can we account for this "low blood pressure" phase of the day? I am not certain at this point, to be sure. A 25% drop in blood pressure is quite significant and the force applied during this time would have to be adjusted or accounted for so that we do not injure ourselves. We are here to grow our penises not kill them LOL

One idea may be to have a analogous 25-30% decrease in the force used while awake applied while we sleep. Another, just for simplicity and experimentation, may be to use 70% of our equilibrium force we establish during waking hours at all times thereafter. (force and pressure correlate proportionally to volume) Obviously, I would have to make myself a guinea pig for such experimentation. Perhaps applying this "light" force and setting an alarm clock for progressively longer and longer stretches of sleep time, over a period of weeks to find out what levels of circulation and "comfort" are present at different stages of the sleep cycle.

So anyway, this "danger zone" of reduced blood pressure during sleep is perhaps the first thing that needs to be tested after establishing a maximum applicable/tolerable constant "day" force.

Notice I keep mentioning "applicable/tolerable" constant force. This is another area that has to be fully explored in the beginning, and continued into the future. As "applicable" is related to ever improving technique/device ideas. Obviously, [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] devices such as [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]SG[/words] are just about the best, and clinically studied, devices used to apply [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] forces artificially. And they are being worn for significantly longer periods of time than most people would dream of applying force manually. So I think that they are somewhat viable and applicable to this PMS theory. However, as good as these new [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] devices are I have yet hear about anyone wearing them anywhere near "constantly". (But they may be out there somewhere :D) I am not sure what the bigger problem with their use is as a constant force device. Certainly, the biggest problems are users who apply too much [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] force to be tolerated for very extended time periods and the inherent flaw of its attachment or anchoring system which reduces blood circulation too much for the level of force applied. Perhaps because the attachment method is applied to too small of an area and concentrates the necessary "grip" force too much. Surely, an attachment system or anchoring mechanism that utilizes a much larger surface area would disperse the force significantly reducing the pressure on any given area by orders of magnitude. (Hell, just that type of innovation or evolution of attachment system would revolutionize "extenders" in general :D) Maybe some hangers who accomplish more significant periods of constant force could teach the "extender" developers a thing or two. Overall though, [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extenders[/words] should be a great device for applying constant force as their development continues. And among the best ones in use, like the ones advocated here :D, could push the boundaries towards achieving a true constant force, albeit most likely while applying far less tension that those that can only "stay in one for an hour" before having to "get their circulation going again" every hour or two.

I wouldn't rule out pumps either, far from it, the idea of applying a constant force that is equalized within the entire application environment is, from a physics standpoint, superior to concentrating varying forces haphazardly along the intended collection of tissues and cells that we are trying to stimulate into mitosis. I have been doing a lot of reading up on partial vacuums in regard to causing mitosis efficiently and quickly. The jury is still out on some aspects of it, but it is evident from the medical community, that for outer tissue development, it is superior to all other methods except invasive subdermal ballooning techniques.

The biggest no-brainer as it relates to partial vacuums is that our bodies evolve and adapt to live in the environment that we experience. No question about it. Our entire organism has evolved to live at atmospheric pressure. Clearly our penises are designed to withstand atmospheric pressure, and in a partial vacuum expand because our natural internal pressure wins out. The long-term (and I mean very long term) effect of partial vacuum would be negative though. As the internal structure adapted to the partial vacuum, it would no longer be able to withstand atmospheric pressure anymore, and returning to the normal environment would cause the structure to contract, compress, and "shrink". But that is super long term, short term, as in maybe months and a few years of prolonged slight vacuums, significant "growth" could occur. But the little twenty minute something excursions into these pressures should have no more significant benefits than any other form of "exercise" of similar duration. Other than the superiority of a constant steady pressure dispersed about the entire structure that we wish to manipulate that is.

So vacuums, at least in the short term (in terms of lifespan, not in days :D) are probably even superior to concentrated [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] forces, in possible application techniques to a PMS. But again, the partial vacuum level used would have to be significantly lower than what common Penis Enlargement practitioners are currently using. The one real problem I have with the partial vacuum technique, and it is minor I must admit, is the vacuum placed upon the urethra, and thus the internal realms of the body that we are not trying to manipulate directly. I have absolutely no idea, and have not done research on it myself, what long term effects of having a force which wants to "collapse" the urethra and its connected "plumbing". It is something that slightly troubles the back of my mind. It would be nice if there was some vacuum device which somehow allowed the urethra to stay at atmospheric pressure while the rest of the external penis was subjected to the vacuum. But someone might come up with that in the future :D

So what I am getting at is an "invention" is not necessarily needed to implement a PMS, there are decent technologies and devices out there which can be applied given a substantial difference in the levels of force applied with them at any given time. The biggest difficulties in applying them in a PMS may be just in the forces that are commonly used by people when implementing them. Surely they can be improved and their designs tweaked to aid in applying them as a source of constant force, but it is not like they cannot possibly be used in this pursuit the way that they currently exist. Really, the only problem with the current designs is that they are, or were, designed with the faulty premise that high intensity was a major factor in the cell cycle which we use to create "growth" when time spent under stress or force is by far more important to instigating as many cells into mitosis over long periods of time. I fully believe that with a clearer understanding of the difference between long-term versus short-term, and an emphasis on maximizing efficiency over "intensity", these devices would have already on the market given the many great minds out there in the world. :D

But if you have any ideas on a device that could provide a substantial constant force upon the entire structure of the penis that is tolerable and doesn't stop the flow of blood into the area when applied at all times, don't keep it to yourself. LOL The world is waiting!!! (And you will be one of the richest people on the planet after some time. :D) I have some conceptual and cloudy ideas on that myself. But who that is even aware of or used Penis Enlargement does not? ...LOL I humbly think that the final evolution of Penis Enlargement will be a device based more on vacuum then [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words], as a vacuum elevates blood flow while applying the force necessary to induce mitosis. (the vacuum still applies "traction" at the microscopic level) While macro level [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] will probably always be significantly hindered by the limitations of its attachment system no matter how much it attempts to disperse itself across the organ. The downside of macro-level [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] eventually losing the "war" is its great ability to apply the force in such a way as to "arrange" the collagen fibers parallel to the applied force. With a vacuum system, all of the collagen will simply "align" in a radial manner outwards over time. But maybe my silly preoccupation with linear alignment is just that, a silly preoccupation. :D

The Lunatic,

Hey Tom,

Its awesome to have such a braniac as a member here at [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words].
I understand most of what you say but as a lay person cannot add much to your theory in scientific words.

The [words=https://www.internetzahlung.de/cc-aktuell/bestellung.php3?PID=PM0440A&Sprache=en]penimaster pro[/words] glans attachment for [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extenders[/words] is relatively new and there are a number of guys now using it and extending for much longer times with no discomfort or circulation issues.
I have use it for 8 hours per day altho my average is 6 or so during the first month.It uses a partial vacuum to suck the glans into a chamber with a latex diaphram that covers the glans and distributes the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] forces to reduce injury and keep good blood circulation to the glans while extending.
Before this I was using the [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]VLC[/words] [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]tugger[/words] attachment which gathers the foreskin and traps it with a silicone skin cone.The [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] then attaches to the end of the skin cone .
It is more comfortable than the noose or velcro strap methods of atacHydromaxent but pulls on the penis in a much different way compared to this peni pro method.It pulls the skin and the outer penis tissue and the peni pro pulls the internal penis tissues.

I have tried a few times to wear the vacuum attachment to sleep with my goal being the first 4 hours of the night and remove it when I get up to piss in the middle of the night.
I have not succeeded and have woken up at one hour or one hour and a half on the few attemps.
Your explanation of the drop in blood pressure may be why this happens.

Do you think attaching the device may be more successful for the last 4 hours of sleep rather than the first 4 ??

Since last week I have started wrapping my cock with an electric heating pad while extending and after aboiut 30 minutes what was initially high tension and a maxed oot stretch in the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] ,my penis stretches out another 1/2" or more from the constant high heat.

What are your thoughts on the [words=https://www.internetzahlung.de/cc-aktuell/bestellung.php3?PID=PM0440A&Sprache=en]penimaster pro[/words] and my suggested use of it in the later stage of sleep and the benefits of using the heating pad while extending?

Also what are your thoughts on the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?44-Ace-Strapped-Jims-Joint]Uncle Jim[/words]'s wrap as a means to keep the penis in a slightly extended state for times when not in the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words]?

thanks for your elaborate breakdown of what we are doing here and your creative ideas on how to improve the process :)
Hey Tom,

Its awesome to have such a braniac as a member here at [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words].
I understand most of what you say but as a lay person cannot add much to your theory in scientific words.

The [words=https://www.internetzahlung.de/cc-aktuell/bestellung.php3?PID=PM0440A&Sprache=en]penimaster pro[/words] glans attachment for [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extenders[/words] is relatively new and there are a number of guys now using it and extending for much longer times with no discomfort or circulation issues.
I have use it for 8 hours per day altho my average is 6 or so during the first month.It uses a partial vacuum to suck the glans into a chamber with a latex diaphram that covers the glans and distributes the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] forces to reduce injury and keep good blood circulation to the glans while extending.
Before this I was using the [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]VLC[/words] [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]tugger[/words] attachment which gathers the foreskin and traps it with a silicone skin cone.The [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] then attaches to the end of the skin cone .
It is more comfortable than the noose or velcro strap methods of attachment but pulls on the penis in a much different way compared to this peni pro method.It pulls the skin and the outer penis tissue and the peni pro pulls the internal penis tissues.

I have tried a few times to wear the vacuum attachment to sleep with my goal being the first 4 hours of the night and remove it when I get up to piss in the middle of the night.
I have not succeeded and have woken up at one hour or one hour and a half on the few attemps.
Your explanation of the drop in blood pressure may be why this happens.

Do you think attaching the device may be more successful for the last 4 hours of sleep rather than the first 4 ??

Since last week I have started wrapping my cock with an electric heating pad while extending and after about 30 minutes what was initially high tension and a maxed out stretch in the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] ,my penis stretches out another 1/2" or more from the constant high heat.

What are your thoughts on the [words=https://www.internetzahlung.de/cc-aktuell/bestellung.php3?PID=PM0440A&Sprache=en]penimaster pro[/words] and my suggested use of it in the later stage of sleep and the benefits of using the heating pad while extending?

Also what are your thoughts on the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?44-Ace-Strapped-Jims-Joint]Uncle Jim[/words]'s wrap as a means to keep the penis in a slightly extended state for times when not in the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words]?

thanks for your elaborate breakdown of what we are doing here and your creative ideas on how to improve the process :)
What if the vacuum was timed, and turns on a few hours after you fall asleep when your blood pressure is safe? The only issue I can think of is if you don't fall asleep very soon after you set the timer.
I think what would be better Neckercube is if the vacuum turns on after a couple of hours into sleep when the blood pressure returns to normal.

Looking at this product:


one could effectively do exactly that.This may be my next purchase for Penis Enlargement as a cock pioneer ;)

neckercube;473467 said:
What if the vacuum was timed, and turns on a few hours after you fall asleep when your blood pressure is safe? The only issue I can think of is if you don't fall asleep very soon after you set the timer.
Dickleaker;473459 said:
Hey Tom,

Its awesome to have such a braniac as a member here at [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words].
I understand most of what you say but as a lay person cannot add much to your theory in scientific words.

Braniac? **blush** I do have a verified 160 IQ, BUT that is not a good thing in many areas of life contrary to what may be assumed. :D It basically leaves you as an idiot in a lot of "normal" areas of life that many people find very easy. LOL

No need to use scientific words to enter this discussion of a PMS! I wish everyone would jump in on this subject of a PMS, as every person is unique and can perhaps fill in missing pieces of the puzzle that would never occur to me otherwise in a million years. In particular, I am honored to have you enter the fray. :D Your "join date" belies the seemingly vast knowledge that you often share throughout the forums. You seem to have a great deal of knowledge and experience that would indicate much more time spent in the Penis Enlargement community. Well, from the posts that I have seen you offer through the forums anyway. So yes, anything that fires up your neurons about a PMS would be greatly appreciated.

Dickleaker;473459 said:
The [words=https://www.internetzahlung.de/cc-aktuell/bestellung.php3?PID=PM0440A&Sprache=en]penimaster pro[/words] glans attachment for [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extenders[/words] is relatively new and there are a number of guys now using it and extending for much longer times with no discomfort or circulation issues.
I have use it for 8 hours per day altho my average is 6 or so during the first month.It uses a partial vacuum to suck the glans into a chamber with a latex diaphram that covers the glans and distributes the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] forces to reduce injury and keep good blood circulation to the glans while extending.
Before this I was using the [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]VLC[/words] [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]tugger[/words] attachment which gathers the foreskin and traps it with a silicone skin cone.The [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] then attaches to the end of the skin cone .
It is more comfortable than the noose or velcro strap methods of atacHydromaxent but pulls on the penis in a much different way compared to this peni pro method.It pulls the skin and the outer penis tissue and the peni pro pulls the internal penis tissues.

Yes, the hybrid attachment. (In that it uses vacuum as the attachment system to a [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] system) Ingenious and clearly superior to the constriction attachments, because of its larger surface area to disperse force and even distribution of force about that area. Though it is superior, I still wonder about the vacuum placed upon the urethra and "connected plumbing" internally. This might not be a huge deal, I have to do further research into the possible dangers or deleterious effects, of the partial vacuum placed on the penis internally. Looking at what a partial vacuum does from an internal standpoint versus what it does from an external standpoint are complete opposites. Think of it this way, a partial vacuum upon the urethra spreads continuously and evenly into everything that is connected "plumbing wise" :D It should be clear that this application or placement of a vacuum has a constricting or collapsing force on the internal network. I realize that there is no immediate danger as the urethra is subjected to this vacuum by anyone that uses such things as the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] regularly. But a PMS would need to eventually keep that vacuum in place continuously, that is where a problem might develop that I don't think anyone who "pumps" has experienced yet. This may be all moot if I find that there is a certain natural resistance of the internal structure which is greater than any vacuum level that we would be applying continuously. I just have this dread, because of my current ignorance in this area that someone could wake up with their urethral tube collapsed, and I don't even know at this point if that would even be dangerous. Basically, it is just an issue I have out of ignorance in the matter.

Overall, the device you mention is something that I currently believe is superior to any of the other attachment system currently in use. All things being equal, I would be more comfortable if they allowed an opening near the urethra just to be safe in this regard. Since it is an opening into the internal structure of the penis, you would not lose much, if any depending on how accurately they could remove that small surface area, dispersion of force applied to the penis. But thanks for mentioning it in this thread, as I believe it could be a very good thing to be incorporated is a supposed device to implement a PMS.

Dickleaker;473459 said:
I have tried a few times to wear the vacuum attachment to sleep with my goal being the first 4 hours of the night and remove it when I get up to piss in the middle of the night.
I have not succeeded and have woken up at one hour or one hour and a half on the few attemps.
Your explanation of the drop in blood pressure may be why this happens.

Do you think attaching the device may be more successful for the last 4 hours of sleep rather than the first 4 ??

Did you wake up from "pain", "numbness", or simply "fright"? (Fright meaning simply an unfamiliar feeling) The waking up after only an hour or two indicates that whatever was happening was occurring during the gradual pressure drop induced by sleep. As I pointed out earlier, the lowest blood pressures are usually reached at about two hours after falling asleep. So your body essentially wouldn't let you stay in that thing at that level of vacuum all the way to the lowest blood pressure period. Which is good, it probably stopped you from injuring yourself in some way :D

What I do not know about this device is how you control or measure the level of vacuum. Is this possible with that thing? In relative terms, I would think that to get safely pass that period of time when your blood pressure was at its lowest (roughly the two hour mark) you would have to reduce your normal, (awake and alert), tolerable vacuum level by roughly 30% or so to get "over the hump" before you went to sleep in the first place.

Obviously, lowering the vacuum pressure, would also lower the amount of "traction" that you would be applying, but the fundamental with a PMS is that time under [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] (ideally constant force) is magnitudes of order more important than [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] force itself. And if one manages to stay under a lower force constantly, or perpetually :D, which would include time spent sleeping, I am contending that far, far, far, more cells could be induced into the mitosis phase over time than can be achieved with intermittent sessions of higher intensity. (Again, look at geometric series and sums, and keep in mind that new "parents" are always appearing at the Gzero phase "waiting" to be pushed into the mitosis phase or S phase of the cell cycle.)

Not directed at you, but anyone following along and going "horse puckey" to the fundamental tenet of a PMS being the most efficient possible way to maximize gains, which is just an increasing number of cells over time (and hopefully mutated cell structure too :D). I know that this whole discussion will be met with harsh, even if not outward, skepticism and disdain by those who adore the inherent inefficiency of high-intensity intermittent forces commingled with vast periods of times that produce absolutely nothing it terms of gains because there is no longer any force to keep pushing new parents out of the Gzero phase.

As a common sense thought experiment, to keep it real simple. Imagine that one of the people who stretches their lips out with discs approached their goal the way that traditional Penis Enlargement is practiced. Really think about it. Because what they are doing and do is almost identical to what we are doing in Penis Enlargement in every way. They are simply exerting a force upon the tissue to cause or trigger mitosis. There is no "exercise" in real terms with Penis Enlargement or those people doing their lip modification. We are not "exercising" anything. (except for the pelvic floor muscles :D) Any significant amount of "growth" that takes place is really just an increase in the number of cells and not actual growth of cells themselves. It is a matter of an increasing number of cells and not a growth of the individual cells themselves. Otherwise we would be using hypertrophy like body builders do to make the muscles bigger, but we are not working with muscles here, but rather tissues, fibers, and ligaments composed of cells. That is why we use mitosis of cells to "grow" instead. (even if we don't use those words...we say "stretch", "engorge", etc...but we are just triggering mitosis of parent cells by creating the separation trigger for mitosis to begin)

Anyway, back to the analogy. Imagine that these lip stretchers tried to wear the biggest disk possible at any given time in their lip. What would they feel? It would hurt like a motherfu**er and they would be lucky to keep it in place for an hour at a time. And they would probably be so sore from such forces being applied that they would reluctantly maybe put it back in for another hour or two here and there. They definitely would not wear it to sleep. And anyone of them who was even a little bit shy of pain would be lucky to apply one good session a day. How long do you think it would take to accumulate enough mitosis of cells to produce those huge lips that they so proudly display? Remember right off the top, that they do not wear these things in their sleep because it is too painful, so for a full one-third of their entire life spent towards this goal is simply wasted. I will bet you dollars to donuts that the growth rate would be so slow and painful that most would abandon the pursuit altogether before they saw any significant gains.

But, giving them extreme props :D, they are not stupid! LOL They do not try to shove in large disks or go super high "intensity" like we often foolishly and inefficiently do in the Penis Enlargement world. They simply start with disks small enough, read apply less force, that they can keep in place at all times, read constant force. They only place a larger disk, read increase intensity, in the lip when it can easily be worn at all times, read constant force. The result. They achieve remarkably mutated lips in a relatively short period of time. Some of those ridiculously large discs, really plates, are achieved in as little as a year of gradually increasing the plate diameter. Most of the people that you see with them still in place simply only wear them after that short time period of growth as a display of the plate, rather than it being an ongoing process to get larger. But this staggering and rapid "growth" of these people's lips is achieved only because of the application of a constant force that is tolerable at all times, not because they let a truck pull on it for an hour at a time. :D They start out with a tiny peg placed in a hole. And over time only increase the size, read intensity, when it is tolerable to do so at all times. This is their secret, one that I believe that the Penis Enlargement community needs to embrace at some point, if it is to evolve into a highly efficient and productive part of medical science in the future. I think that if this process and technique of applying a PMS is defined, we may one day see "gains" that would have taken the Great Pioneers and Leaders within the Penis Enlargement community, such as Mike, years and years to experience through extensive and admirable determination and effort over that timespan, future noobs to the Brotherhood could have those same gains in a fraction of the time and with far less intensity ever being necessary. That is my dream for all of those who will come to join in the Community of the future, and that is the aim of this serious discussion of a possible way to push Penis Enlargement along to a new evolutionary step.

Just as a side note :D [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words] is brilliant, and a milestone, within the Penis Enlargement community. I have nothing but respect and admiration for the things put forth within it by Daddy. I see its underlying principles as LAW and completely backed by every scientific paper that I have come across so far. While "my" PMS is filled with different words, and may look at it from a slightly different perspective, with perhaps, and I do not wish to offend in anyway, a clearer explanation of WHY [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words] would work. If anyone does not like that, perhaps I could offer that a PMS is just looking to maximize the efficiency of [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words]. :D Love you all, please don't be offended. This whole discussion and theory is about helping my fellow man.

As to what four hours of sleep are better to be applying force, the first or the last. Well, the four hours that you can maintain constantly will be the best four hours. :D From what you said, it sounds like you are using too much force to get through the first four hours due to the drop in blood pressure. So the latter four would probably be better for you to experiment with. After the low point in blood pressure about two hours into sleep the next six are spent climbing back to normal rest pressure that you would have during the day. So relatively speaking, you will have an average pressure much higher during the second four hours. Again, I would recommend that you find the intensity that you can withstand constantly during the day, drop that intensity or force by roughly 30% and see how that works out for you. I am leaning to the idea that if we match a "waking" level of constant tolerable force with a force 70% of that, that that level would be sustainable during sleep. Obviously, you would be smart to test this slowly. But I have no doubt that you have common sense. See if you can stand this reduced force for two hours straight first. And then progressively try to extend this period of time over the span of several days or weeks to find what you will eventually be able to withstand without any damage through the entire night.

An even wiser approach, would be to use FAR less force at first, maybe even what you would consider a "useless" amount that you are sure that you could withstand. And then slowly increase it over progressive nights until you realize that the force is becoming "noticeable". There will be a sweet spot in there somewhere. Again, the whole premise is that you will instigate a lot more mitosis by staying under a constant force. We want to destroy the illusion that intensity is somehow a key to growth. It is, but it is a tiny key, that only gets you into the door that leads to the room of growth. The vault filled with treasure within that room is opened with a different key. The big golden key, the one made of time. :D

Dickleaker;473459 said:
Since last week I have started wrapping my cock with an electric heating pad while extending and after aboiut 30 minutes what was initially high tension and a maxed oot stretch in the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] ,my penis stretches out another 1/2" or more from the constant high heat.

What are your thoughts on the [words=https://www.internetzahlung.de/cc-aktuell/bestellung.php3?PID=PM0440A&Sprache=en]penimaster pro[/words] and my suggested use of it in the later stage of sleep and the benefits of using the heating pad while extending?

Also what are your thoughts on the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?44-Ace-Strapped-Jims-Joint]Uncle Jim[/words]'s wrap as a means to keep the penis in a slightly extended state for times when not in the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words]?

thanks for your elaborate breakdown of what we are doing here and your creative ideas on how to improve the process :)

Heat is bar far the easiest way to increase efficiency in regards to the effort used in doing Penis Enlargement no matter in what form. The entire penile structure is dominated by collagen of different types. The tensile strength of the collagen triple helixes has a direct inverse quadratic relationship with temperature. Simply put, an increase in temperature of the collagen within the penis exponentially decreases the tensile strength of those helix structures internally and to other adjacent helixes. An easy approximation to bear in mind, is that the tensile strength of the collagen fibers is decreased by half that which is normal (near body temperature) at a temperature of about 105F (40.5C). The implications of which are that you can cause the same "separation" among the cells with half the force needed at normal temperatures. Or if you prefer, you could cause as much as double the separation among cells with the same level of force. Notice I am talking about at the cellular level and not the macro level. No people, you will not be able to suddenly stretch your penis like sixteen inches in the hot tub at the club. :D LOL Plus heat also has the other benefits going for it too, like increased blood flow. increased moisture (if from a good source of heat which produce humidity), etc.

By the way, yes, I have been experimenting already myself with maximum tolerable level of heat while doing Penis Enlargement. And without a doubt high heat is better than regular heat, just as regular heat is better than no heat. :D What I personally noted with high heat in stretching is that not that much time is necessary for the heat to have significant impact on the elasticity of the collage. I can stretch under high heat, keep the tension constant, let that stretch "bake" in the high heat for a minute, and I can easily stretch a significant amount more after the "bake period", bake some more, stretch some more. Maybe a minute stretch, bake a minute, stretch some more, bake, repeat. I am pretty good about no cutting off my circulation with stretches so far, knock on wood, and that is what I have experienced. I only pushed it to the limit about a week ago, "hurt" myself is some way being stupid. You can find the tale in the forums if you are curious. Basically, I took more advantage of the effects of high heat than I should have if I wasn't so stupid and eager to push the issue. Again, high heat, as much as you can tolerate, without going over 110F which could cause severe burns after about ten minutes, is perhaps the holy grail of pushing the limits of how far we can weaken the collagen without chemicals. (I really would recommend staying around 105F as this can be tolerated by most people indefinitely without causing burns or major discomfort)

As to the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?44-Ace-Strapped-Jims-Joint]Uncle Jim[/words]'s Wrap. I think it is a great idea. Sadly, I personally have not figured out how to implement it correctly for me. I always lose circulation far too quickly while wrapped sufficiently tight enough to keep me "extended". But that is probably something peculiar to my individual penis. In theory, I love it. Just as I love the theory of the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] devices in general. I just don't like the limits placed on the circulation system. To be honest, from what I have learned trying to figure out this whole PMS theory, I think that those people who can really stay wrapped 24/7 in an extended state would have more gains long term than they would using the fancy [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extenders[/words] that they can only wear for an hour or two at a time. That really is probably the biggest difference, and best illustration of such, between a PMS and traditional Penis Enlargement in general. That that tiny force of a wrap which could be maintained continuously would be more effective and efficient than the intense force of a [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] device used intermittently in the long-run. (And the few medical studies that have been done so far on the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] devices indicate as much.) Not to mention that in the fields of cosmetic surgery it is conclusively shown that they "grow" more skin tissue (also made up of collagen :D) under constant force than anyone has even come anywhere close to demonstrating in the Penis Enlargement world with intermittent forces.

But using a wrap to supplement [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] use...Hell Yeah! Anything that you can do to keep some force or [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] going for as much time as possible. That is what a PMS is!!! LOL If you aren't in the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words], and you aren't in the wrap, you aren't pushing any parent cells into the mitosis phase, and you aren't doing anything to "grow" during that time :D
ok my idea to apply the theory on how I understood it + some questions as Im not sure.

So gzero phase where parents are created is triggered by force.
Then it takes two hours to create daughter cells mitosis(s phase)
These daughter cells replicate the state the parents are during the time the daughter cells are created(2 hours).
Then the rest of the cell cycle takes roughly 24 hours until new parents are established.
What to do during this phase? Still the same force?

Would it make sense to do after the first s phase(daughter mitosis 2 hours) another exercise that targets different cells or the same cells in a different way? Like doing 2 hours length and then 2 hours girth.
Repeat the same exercise only once every 24 hours while increasing the force from day to day?
dickerschwanz;473573 said:
ok my idea to apply the theory on how I understood it + some questions as Im not sure.

Great! I am honored that you are taking time to look at the PMS theory. Any and all help in this search is greatly appreciated! (from the bottom of my heart)
Please take everything as follows as simply my clarification of what I believe you are trying to say. An exchange of ideas. :D

dickerschwanz;473573 said:
So gzero phase where parents are created is triggered by force.

Parents are not created at gzero. That phase begins when a "daughter" cell has finished its growth cycle and is not a complete replica of its parent. It is a daugher that has finished its daughter phase, if you will. It is now a fully developed parent. This parent, and the gzero phase will remain constant until the parent cell is induced or triggered into entering the S phase, or mitosis stage. Basically the gzero phase is not a set period of time. The parent will lie dormant until it is triggered into mitosis, think of it as a very wide or narrow starting line of the complete cell cycle, as if nothing before ever occurred for that cell. Gzero is not really an "active" phase at all, the cell growth is complete, there is nothing done there but "waiting" for stimulus to start a new cell cycle. Nothing happens here. It is the ultimate in inefficiency in a "program of growth" such as Penis Enlargement.

The "trigger" for anything to happen, which means to get the cell out of the gzero phase is when the cell cycle essentially begins doing anything. The "trigger" in the case of Penis Enlargement, or applying artificial force to the structure of the penis, and thus the "waiting" parents, is to cause a growing separation between adjacent parents. In Penis Enlargement we are using a particular form of inducing mitosis which forces the parent out of "sitting around and doing nothing" in the gzero phase. That particular "trigger" is, again, increasing the separation between adjacent parent cells. It is this increased separation which is the "trigger".

dickerschwanz;473573 said:
Then it takes two hours to create daughter cells mitosis(s phase)

After the "trigger" is initiated, correct. The parent cell spends approximately two hours to "divide itself", which is really just an encoded stage, in half creating two identical daughters.

dickerschwanz;473573 said:
These daughter cells replicate the state the parents are during the time the daughter cells are created(2 hours).

Correct. However, it is important to stress the "splitting" process, mitosis phase, is a period of continuous encoding. Meaning it does matter what "state" or "form" the parent takes at any specific moment during this process, but rather the state of the parent during the entire two hour process. This is an important point that cannot be stressed too much. (Not directing this specifically at you, but at anyone playing along at home as well :D) To "trigger" the parent into mitosis and then to remove that force which caused the greater separation and "mutation" of the parent will not produce a superior daughter cell, thus superior future parent cells, but rather the same old unstressed, undeformed parents. Now this will not be a significant source of macro level "growth" overall in time, but creating a pair of identical unstressed parents for the future in the same area, simply leads to unnecessary increase of density throughout the growth process long-term. Which is one component which makes Vets such hard gainers over time and requires too much additional force to be added too quickly just to keep these cycles going in the future.

dickerschwanz;473573 said:
Then the rest of the cell cycle takes roughly 24 hours until new parents are established.

Correct. Unless some significant deficiency in the necessary supply of chemicals/nutrients needed for the daughters to grow is present, otherwise the rest of the cycle, the daughters growth cycle, can be lengthened significantly. It is just a good idea to remember that the "new daughters" that emerge at the end of the mitosis cycle or phase, are slightly less than half of the size and volume of the original parent cell. So they will need to roughly double in size during their growth phase until they too are fully developed parents arriving at the gzero "waiting room" :D

dickerschwanz;473573 said:
What to do during this phase? Still the same force?

What to do during this phase? What we are doing is supplying a constant force to keep triggering mitosis so that whenever a new parent arrives at gzero it is immediately thrust into mitosis. Hence Penis EnlargementRPenis EnlargementTUAL MITOSIS. (I know, it is a little bit of a play on words, and can easily be misinterpreted.) We are not causing a SINGLE cell to be in perpetual mitosis, that is impossible, and would not help us at all even if we could. (It would actually mean ZERO growth, as daughter would never grow up to be parents. LOL) Again, WE just keep applying a constant force to induce as man NEW PARENTS into mitosis as possible.

Same force? Absolutely...it is constant...no need to make adjustments. (At least short term, basically the entire structure will undergo a great deal of change before an increasing force is necessary) Essentially, no increase in intensity is really needed until the force that we apply is working upon a significantly greater number of cells packed more densely, providing greater tensile strength overall, and thus resistance that negates the force we are using currently. Then a SLIGHT increase of intensity will be necessary to keep this treadmill of new parents, producing new daughters, growing into twice as many parents running smoothly. But definitely after the system is running efficiently, it will be a VERY slow and gradual increase of intensity that will be needed. It will be imperceptible in short term time periods.

I think that the confusion is in nuance. It must be clear to anyone following all of this that we are not dealing with a single cell at a single point in time. There will, at all times, be new mature parents entering gzero just waiting to be "shoved" into mitosis. We can induce a parent into mitosis, but at the very next moment, a newly mature parent is there waiting to be triggered. And the next moment. And the next moment. Just keep in mind that at ANY time that the force that we apply stops, the "waiting parents" start arriving in droves and building up at the useless "waiting room", and all of that potential "growth", actually a doubling of the number of those parents, is put off until a force is applied later. During any time that we are not applying a force, we could have been growing.

I am having trouble relating a good analogy myself to explain this perhaps. Just because we have shoved any number of parents into the mitosis phase at one moment does not mean we will be getting ANYWHERE near the actual growth potential available in this overall process on the grand scale. Because a moment later, there can be just as many parents just sitting around doing nothing because we stopped applying the force. Essentially, that is the dismal failure and inefficiency that keeps traditional Penis Enlargement at a slow painful crawl instead of a miraculous efficient and rapid growth cycle on the macro scale.

dickerschwanz;473573 said:
Would it make sense to do after the first s phase(daughter mitosis 2 hours) another exercise that targets different cells or the same cells in a different way? Like doing 2 hours length and then 2 hours girth.

We are not dealing with single cells at single points in time. I know that it is conceptually a little difficult. We are not pushing a single group of parent cells into mitosis and then waiting around for those cells to go through their mitosis process. As soon as we shove one group of parents off, there is instantly another group of new parents wainting to be shoved off too. There is no point in the entire cell cycle that we are fixated upon, except if it helps to understand, that there is always "new parents" arriving at the "waiting room" at the gzero phase. So our only real focus should be on constantly pushing "new parents" into mitosis. The rest of the cell cycle will run its course no matter what we do. Our job in maximizing the efficiency of "growth", the sum of all cells ever increasing, is to constantly be pushing parents into mitosis at all times. If we do that, everything else takes care of itself pretty much. These cells do not get lost in the cell cycle, our only real responsibility is to be the artificial trigger that keeps the converyor belt moving at all times. This is achieved by applying constant force at all time. A PMS. :D

dickerschwanz;473573 said:
Repeat the same exercise only once every 24 hours while increasing the force from day to day?

Repeat the same "exercise" an infinite number of times every twenty-four hours. Constant force. The only increase in force ever, is only applied when that force no longer shoves new parents into mitosis. How much, and how fast to increase this force? I will say that if you are looking at it in terms of days, it will be imperceptible, unless you were using very sensitive equipment. :D Hell once we knew what the "equilibrium" force was, the increased volume and thus mass of the penis structure would supply sufficient increase in "intensity" to probably keep the conveyor belt running smoothly for a long time if you were looking at it in terms of days. In real terms, increases of intensity of the constant force would be quite small even in terms of months. Sure we can "spike" intensity for short periods, but we would still have to drop from that spike before we entered a sleep period.

Remember if a PMS is established, high intensity periods, beyond that constant applicable/tolerable force that we can endure for an entire twenty four hour period, and thus perpetually, would be so significantly superior in efficiency and rapid growth, that even wanting to have high-intensity spurts would seem very unnecessary.

I will state again. Look at how a geometric sequence, and its sum, grow in mind-boggling leaps and bounds the longer that such a series continues. Once we initiate and maintain such a sequence, with cells instead of numbers, the "growth" that we will see will be beyond anything that conventional Penis Enlargement could ever achieve with its intermittent forces no matter how strenuously and exotically applied. If you were well into such a significant macro-level growth cycle you would find absolutely no desire or need to push it along any faster. Seriously.

And though I have insufficient reading at this point to say for certainty, it is a very reasonable assumption, that once a Perpetual Mitosis System is up and running smoothly in your system, there shouldn't be a large grouping of parents available at the gzero phase that would require a larger force to be used. You would essentially be applying more force to push off the same number of cells into mitosis. A complete and utter waste of effort. Why "lift" with fifty pounds of effort if there are only twenty pounds available to be lifted? It wouldn't make sense. Furthermore, with the conveyor belt running at maximum efficiency, using all available resources at hand, all the chemicals/nutrients available to you, what good would it be to throw a greater number of cells onto that conveyor belt if they were going to simply starve to death or slow down the conveyor belt down?

We are creating an every increasing, at an exponential rate, number of cells. But there is only a finite amount of chemicals/nutrients that we will ever have in our system at any one time. Exceeding this supply will do us absolutely no good at all, and in reality will SLOW the growth in the number of cells as it will start to make the entire cell cycle after the mitosis phase take longer and longer the further and further we go above the rate of incoming chemicals/nutrients. Eventually, you would return to the dismal, glaciatic :D, speed of conventional Penis Enlargement growth again, and then even worse.

Your unit would become a super dense packed structure full of a bunch of "static" daughters unable to grow and cause you to really need "rest". No new cells would be being created. A halt. A stop. The exact opposite of everything this whole thing is about. And where we all in Penis Enlargement spend over 90% of our time. Looking at our penis wondering how fast it will grow while not applying a force.

Well if you are not applying a force right now, you are not forcing parents into mitosis, you are not increasing the number of cells, and you are not growing. Penis EnlargementRIOD! How many seconds of the day are we applying force versus how many seconds are we not. We are either increasing our cell count at this moment or we are not. (and I am not LOL because I am typing this!) We are either causing "growth" right now, or we are wasting the potential moment for "growth". That is another way to look at a PMS too. :D

Sorry, anything said above is to solidify what I believe has to be understood, and in no way is meant to do anything other than to increase understanding of what I personally am trying to say. I am not an orator, or a master of speech. However, I am passionate in this belief, and I think that it can maybe be the most significant advance that our Brotherhood could ever undertake if we find a way to utilize and apply its central idea.

Maybe I will start by hanging one gram from my penis, I should be able to apply that for twenty four hours straight right? LOL I really have to embark upon this myself, otherwise I will simply be the ranting lunatic. LOL

The Lunatic,

dickerschwanz;473579 said:
Or just as much time under force as possible while slowly increasing the force from day to day? like the african tribe elongating lips.

That is closer to a PMS than anything you will find in traditional Penis Enlargement....YES!

What we do in Penis Enlargement is more like as if one of those tribe people tried to jam an 8" plate in immediately after having a 4" plate in. It is too strenuous, too painful, to be endured for any significant amount of time, no where even close to constant. It would be like wearing a plate for a couple hours a day. If they did that it would take them a lifetime to be able to grow their lips to the size that some of them do in just a year or two. But we are new, relatively speaking, in the realm of body manipulation, so our ignorance can be forgiven. :D
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Dude you should be blushing about this info because it is great stuff...it is by far the most informative I have read regarding Penis Enlargement since I started.You have inspired me to start an experiment.
Please read and add any comments you may find helpful.

I may have found the key to go 24 hours in a safe extended state with the help of you and combining several
devices into one.
I have given you a rep point for my gratitude! I would give you more but thats the limit at one time!

here's my post :

They are going insanely great with this thing!!!

Please do yourself a favour and anybody else who is deeply interested in Penis Enlargement and read Irspow's posts.He is providing the very best info I have yet read on Penis Enlargement and the theory of why and how to grow our cocks in the MOST EFFICIENT way.

His scientific explanation is long but be patient with yourself and read it...it totally backs and supports what DLD has said about [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words] theory.

So ,inspired by his posts I extended yesterday for 16 hours and will hit that today as well using a DIY mod to the elastic strap and clip provided by [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]TLC[/words] [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]tugger[/words].com and a wire I made to fit around the peni pro glans chamber at the end.

My flaccid dick was between 6 1/2 and 7" all day.
This would be low tension but for as many hours of the 24 in a day possible.

The [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words] theory and Irspow's explanation of keeping your penis in the extended state for as long as possible ENSURES that the new clone cells reproduced from the stress given to the penis will copy the PARENT cells of the penis in the extended state rather than copying the PARENT cells in their normal state say when you are taking a break or at work ,etc. not in the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words].

Also what may have been hindering my gains is that I have been wearing the [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]VLC[/words] [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]tugger[/words] and skin cone for every hour of the day and night when I am not in the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] and peni pro.Because it pushes in my penis and pulls up the foreskin then I believe the clone cells being made are getting their DNA coding from my PARENT penis cells in their normal state rather than the extended state.
Very exciting time for me and i will keep posting here with my feedback but Irspow and DLD are definitely on the next level with this [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words] theory ...let's see how it plays out for me !!!

Originally Posted by Supra
Dick how have things been going? Are you liking the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] head attachment?
irspow;473595 said:
That is closer to a PMS than anything you will find in traditional Penis Enlargement....YES!

What we do in Penis Enlargement is more like as if one of those tribe people tried to jam an 8" plate in immediately after having a 4" plate in. It is too strenuous, too painful, to be endured for any significant amount of time, no where even close to constant. It would be like wearing a plate for a couple hours a day. If they did that it would take them a lifetime to be able to grow their lips to the size that some of them do in just a year or two. But we are new, relatively speaking, in the realm of body manipulation, so our ignorance can be forgiven. :D
You think the [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]VLC[/words] isn't stretching the entire penis as much? I can agree moderately, as it's not getting the same tug as a noose or strap but regardless there is still that tension and if being maintain, progress is still be achieved?

Dickleaker;473601 said:
Also what may have been hindering my gains is that I have been wearing the [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]VLC[/words] [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]tugger[/words] and skin cone for every hour of the day and night when I am not in the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] and peni pro.Because it pushes in my penis and pulls up the foreskin then I believe the clone cells being made are getting their DNA coding from my PARENT penis cells in their normal state rather than the extended state.
Very exciting time for me and i will keep posting here with my feedback but Irspow and DLD are definitely on the next level with this [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words] theory ...let's see how it plays out for me !!!

Originally Posted by Supra
Dick how have things been going? Are you liking the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] head attachment?

Thank you for reading and sharing. I but stand upon the shoulders of those bearing the weight, those who have done the research, the Daddy's of the world, those doctors who still have the courage to do something that wasn't "approved" curriculum while they were indoctrinated. I just gaze at their wonderful ideas, their experimentation, their pioneering, and let it swirl around in my synaptic soup. It takes a slightly different "form", and I spit out that image which appears from my looking at it from my perspective. That is all that "new" ideas are....old ideas looked at from different perspectives.

All things have always been know to the collective consciousness, but "we", in the delusion and shadow of isolation, are both blinded by and in a unique position of clarity at the same time. We are blind because we cannot see our completeness from our false finite perspective. But we have a greater clarity of minute details that cannot be seen from an infinite field of view. So we are both blessed and cursed simultaneously.

Thank you again Sir. With people like you and those in our wonderful Brotherhood, we can get to the pinnacle that we all deserve in this journey of growth for our penises, yes, but more importantly for ourselves as tiny slices of the Everything. :D

With all of the great people in the Brotherhood, we can, we will, crack this nut WIIIIDE OPenis EnlargementN!!! :D
I somehow think that length exercise during sleep through [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] is not so wise as maybe a light girth exercise(constriction)
The reason is that with a [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] device its hard to get any erections that dont hurt or makes one wake up. The vitallus plus is maybe a solution but I hate the price for the replacement stuff that you will need once you grow. No way im buying that.

I applied some light constriction wrap at my base for the sleep.
I checked before sleep if it is strict enough to hold on through an erection and is able to provide circulation.
I slept without break and had a nice full flaccid in the morning.
Tough Im not sure if the additional engorgement during sleep, that was different to the stretch during day(extender), influenced the same cells. But I tested before sleep that my erection is 0,2 inches bigger with the constriction which may indicate that the cells that I targeted during day are worked there too. Well, better then doing nothing during sleep ..

What I also thought is a viable options is to pump before sleep. this engorges the flaccid dick also into enegorged state during night where no major retraction/shrinkage can happen.
irspow;473589 said:
Remember if a PMS is established, high intensity periods, beyond that constant applicable/tolerable force that we can endure for an entire twenty four hour period, and thus perpetually, would be so significantly superior in efficiency and rapid growth, that even wanting to have high-intensity spurts would seem very unnecessary.

I will state again. Look at how a geometric sequence, and its sum, grow in mind-boggling leaps and bounds the longer that such a series continues. Once we initiate and maintain such a sequence, with cells instead of numbers, the "growth" that we will see will be beyond anything that conventional Penis Enlargement could ever achieve with its intermittent forces no matter how strenuously and exotically applied. If you were well into such a significant macro-level growth cycle you would find absolutely no desire or need to push it along any faster. Seriously.

And though I have insufficient reading at this point to say for certainty, it is a very reasonable assumption, that once a Perpetual Mitosis System is up and running smoothly in your system, there shouldn't be a large grouping of parents available at the gzero phase that would require a larger force to be used. You would essentially be applying more force to push off the same number of cells into mitosis. A complete and utter waste of effort. Why "lift" with fifty pounds of effort if there are only twenty pounds available to be lifted? It wouldn't make sense. Furthermore, with the conveyor belt running at maximum efficiency, using all available resources at hand, all the chemicals/nutrients available to you, what good would it be to throw a greater number of cells onto that conveyor belt if they were going to simply starve to death or slow down the conveyor belt down?

We are creating an every increasing, at an exponential rate, number of cells. But there is only a finite amount of chemicals/nutrients that we will ever have in our system at any one time. Exceeding this supply will do us absolutely no good at all, and in reality will SLOW the growth in the number of cells as it will start to make the entire cell cycle after the mitosis phase take longer and longer the further and further we go above the rate of incoming chemicals/nutrients. Eventually, you would return to the dismal, glaciatic :D, speed of conventional Penis Enlargement growth again, and then even worse.

Your unit would become a super dense packed structure full of a bunch of "static" daughters unable to grow and cause you to really need "rest". No new cells would be being created. A halt. A stop. The exact opposite of everything this whole thing is about. And where we all in Penis Enlargement spend over 90% of our time. Looking at our penis wondering how fast it will grow while not applying a force.

Well if you are not applying a force right now, you are not forcing parents into mitosis, you are not increasing the number of cells, and you are not growing. Penis EnlargementRIOD! How many seconds of the day are we applying force versus how many seconds are we not. We are either increasing our cell count at this moment or we are not. (and I am not LOL because I am typing this!) We are either causing "growth" right now, or we are wasting the potential moment for "growth". That is another way to look at a PMS too. :D

Sorry, anything said above is to solidify what I believe has to be understood, and in no way is meant to do anything other than to increase understanding of what I personally am trying to say. I am not an orator, or a master of speech. However, I am passionate in this belief, and I think that it can maybe be the most significant advance that our Brotherhood could ever undertake if we find a way to utilize and apply its central idea.

Maybe I will start by hanging one gram from my penis, I should be able to apply that for twenty four hours straight right? LOL I really have to embark upon this myself, otherwise I will simply be the ranting lunatic. LOL

The Lunatic,


[words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Hydromax[/words]. but when is the moment the cells decide what type of collagen they form? during the 2 hour phase after force induction or during the 24 hour growth cycle? sorry if I missed that if already stated but I try to catch on ;)
Im just thinking that an initial bigger force may push more cells into the daughter phase(I dont know but sounds logic lol). and then we work with this daughter cells for 2 hours and then again a short bigger/more intense force and thena gain 2hours constant force and that for the whole day.
a bit like dlds workout here :http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?58964-Gain-1-inch-in-12-Weeks-Total-SizeGenetics-Bathmate-Workout
ffirst some manual stretches that are more intense like the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]sg[/words] and after that the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]sg[/words] to stabilish them. Interestingly dld chooses 2 hours [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]sg[/words] after the manual workout. Its in his blood how to grow without any need for explanation ^^
Also some guy in a german pe forum wore a cockring for like 4 months without putting it off(he couldnt lol) and he gained over an inch in length and 0.64 inches in diameter(horizontal not around).
sure there is easier ways but It somehow proves this theory. Obviously it was the same force that only slightly increased when the dick grew.
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neckercube;473661 said:
Four months? How does that even work?
man sounds crazy but he actualy posted pics and he had to remove it after he eventually got skin problems. but it seemed he never got problems with the dick itself.

Whatever. Its just one of many succesfull gainer storys where one has applied a force as constant as possible.
For sure constant force is the most important factor in Penis Enlargement. There is only need for rest when the penis is not functional anymore e.g really bad EQ.
To hold the Penis functional its necessary to use the least amount of force that is needed to grow. Growing means for me that I can measure growth at least every month.(in my case at least 0.05 - 0.1 inches)
Then no decondition breaks are needed to grow more and the chance for injury is minimalized.
dickerschwanz;473652 said:
I somehow think that length exercise during sleep through [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] is not so wise as maybe a light girth exercise(constriction)
The reason is that with a [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] device its hard to get any erections that dont hurt or makes one wake up. The vitallus plus is maybe a solution but I hate the price for the replacement stuff that you will need once you grow. No way im buying that.

I applied some light constriction wrap at my base for the sleep.
I checked before sleep if it is strict enough to hold on through an erection and is able to provide circulation.
I slept without break and had a nice full flaccid in the morning.
Tough Im not sure if the additional engorgement during sleep, that was different to the stretch during day(extender), influenced the same cells. But I tested before sleep that my erection is 0,2 inches bigger with the constriction which may indicate that the cells that I targeted during day are worked there too. Well, better then doing nothing during sleep ..

What I also thought is a viable options is to pump before sleep. this engorges the flaccid dick also into enegorged state during night where no major retraction/shrinkage can happen.

A couple good points that you make. One, is that during when a [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] force is applied (at the macro level) to "stretch" the dick, the "girth" is reduced while that force is being applied. This will reduce blood flow within the penis while in this stretched state. Now this does will not change the volume of blood that is present at any one time, but it does change the velocity of that volume. This is because at that period of time, the blood pressure is not different. The implications of this is that you will be getting less "fresh" blood into the penis over a specific period of time. As our blood pressure drops during sleep anyway, this velocity of "fresh" blood will diminish in kind as well. So everything else being equal, "tension" applied to the cells through engorgement by means of a partial vacuum would be superior to an "extender", if both methods presented a significant level of "expansion". This is only because a partial vacuum presents less resistance to the expansion of the "outer shell :D" of the penis. Obviously the "vacuum" itself never reaches any inner tissues directly. Unless we start drilling holes all over our penises :D

But a partial vacuum does promote increased "fresh" blood to and from the penile structure. Long-run, partial vacuum, will be the ultimate solution to maximizing gains as far as "devices" go, along with heat, once the current tech is tweaked enough for a PMS. The biggest present-day "problem" with vacuum are that users apply the vacuum with too much intensity to be sustained for any length of time. Ironically, their desire to see their penis double in size in the tube for twenty minutes :D, will make their realization of ever seeing that size outside of a vacuum move off further and further into the future. While if they could make their penis expand maybe only 25% in the tube at a much lower negative pressure so that they could actually stay in the thing, they would realize that "double dick" far faster. Me personally, I think that there is too much made of the difference between what "stretching" and "pumping" do in terms of growth.

In general, macro level [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] that is applied in a longitudinal sense will arrange the new parent cells parallel to the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] force, and that will BIAS the "growth" longitudinally somewhat, but this is a bias towards length, not an exclusion of girth. Any form of Penis Enlargement increases the number of cells, that is THE function, purpose, and goal, of any of it. What ALL forms of "growth" exercises is increase volume because of the new cells created. I myself have an ignorant personal bias towards longitudinal "expansion", but even I will admit that long term, overall significant volume increases of the penis through the process of accumulating and "creating" new cells will "grow" the penis in all directions. LOL You will not be able to create a dick that is 10" around and 4" long with vacuum...it won't happen. And you will not be able to create a dick that is 12" long and 1" around with an [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words]. It just won't happen. The tissues we are working with are just too pliable. Getting enough blood to fill such creations above would have to break laws of how fluid pressure works to accomplish such a thing. We are not breaking the laws of physics here...or anywhere else. Our penis is not a single "string" that can be manipulated that drastically, it is millions and millions of "strings" that can be can be limited slightly.

Vitalus is just an early prototype of the vacuums that could be designed for PMS. I think that a [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] at sufficiently lower intensity, one that could be maintained constantly heated fluid, would be superior. But again, that is only not really being tested because people use to much intensity to take advantage of a PMS. (And I don't own one myself :D) But the people working at, or rather designed, Vitalus are definitely on the right track for sure.

Two, the other really good point you made is about the "spontaneous" erections that occur during sleep. Yes, that is problematic when dealing with [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] devices. And if you are the type of person who has already made your flaccid stretch significantly larger than your erect length, you are asking for definite trouble going to sleep with that [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] on maxed out. This will most cause two very big problems. One, your engorged penis is shorter than your flaccid stretch capability. Thus an erection during sleep would cause a very big increase in intensity of stretch. BAD! Two, your erection is going to increase in circumference, thus tightening and further restricting the blood flow beyond that which you could tolerate normally. You would essentially be sending your penis to the gallows. BAD!

I will shout from the rooftops again and again, the maximum intensity or force of any device worn during the sleep period should be AT LEAST 30% LESS than you would otherwise be able to tolerate for sixteen straight hours. Meaning if you can't tolerate/apply a level of force at all times when awake, you cannot even tolerate that 70% of that level throughout the sleep period. Whether you are using [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extenders[/words] or pumps doesn't mean cr*p in this regard. And I wouldn't even advise using the 70% level of contant tolerable/applicable force to start with. Why take chances? Why is the Penis Enlargement world so intent on driving so fast that they skid into the ditch at every turn? We will drive MUCH further down the road in our lifetimes if we drive slow enough that we never waste time in the ditch. Remember the tortoise and the hare? Well that is what high-intensity in Penis Enlargement does. We are the hare until we can apply a PMS.

The Lunatic,

dickerschwanz;473654 said:
Hydromax. but when is the moment the cells decide what type of collagen they form? during the 2 hour phase after force induction or during the 24 hour growth cycle? sorry if I missed that if already stated but I try to catch on ;)
Im just thinking that an initial bigger force may push more cells into the daughter phase(I dont know but sounds logic lol). and then we work with this daughter cells for 2 hours and then again a short bigger/more intense force and thena gain 2hours constant force and that for the whole day.
a bit like dlds workout here :http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?58964-Gain-1-inch-in-12-Weeks-Total-SizeGenetics-Bathmate-Workout
ffirst some manual stretches that are more intense like the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]sg[/words] and after that the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]sg[/words] to stabilish them. Interestingly dld chooses 2 hours [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]sg[/words] after the manual workout. Its in his blood how to grow without any need for explanation ^^

The "daughers" are encoded during the entire mitosis phase. There is no single moment in time that they take a snap shot of the parent to replicate during the rest of the cell cycle. If there was such a point it would be the exact moment that the S phase was complete and the two daughter were completely separate for the first time. But that exact moment, as well as the exact moment when mitosis began, is impossible to place your finger upon. So even worrying about it, or figuring out how to take advantage of it, is pointless.

Furthermore, the second after once cell enters mitosis, if you are still applying force, another cell is entering mitosis, and so on, and so on. If we were to somehow be able to look at this section of the cell cycle withing your entire penis, that stretch or span of the belt is always filled with "splitting" parents from one end to the other at various stages of the mitosis phase. So what can we do to make that better with our external artificial forces? Nothing. If the conveyor belt is full, that is the best that we can do. Period.

Once the mitosis phase is over, there is nothing we can do to manipulate what those daughters will become. Their encoding is complete and the will go through the rest of the cell cycle until the are replicas in both size and structure of the parent that split to create them. You can do nothing to these daughters until they appear as parents at the gzero phase, or reemerge back at the beginning of the conveyor belt :D

Yes, a bigger force increases the likelihood that you will induce more separation of more cells while applying that force. However, there are only so many parents present at any one time in the "waiting room" at gzero, there is only a finite amount of nutrients that can be supplied to the number of cells moving throughout the entire cell cycle at any given time, and there is only so much force that can be maintained at all times. One must stop looking at isolated moments in time if this is ever going to be understood. It has to be looked upon as a never-ending continuous process. That process must run as much as possible, hopefully continuously, within the limits stated above.

There is NO need whatsoever to impart more force than is necessary to induce the number of parents available at any time. Doing so is WASTED effort, not to mention increasingly strenuous and nutrient robbing. Even the fibers that we stress where no mitosis is taking place consume energy to do the resistance. Something to keep in mind.

It is almost as if people are looking at how is the best way to get off the starting line in a race. And trying to make the best conditions for a faster and faster launch off of the starting line. But what they wind up doing is spinning their wheels excessively, blowing their engines, and never reaching the finish line, or at least making horrible times. LOL Even if this is a race, we want to not spin our wheels, blow our engines, or crash halfway down the track. :D We simply want to achieve the best times possible. We would be probably far better off to think of high-intensity in general as a bad and unnecessary concept. This is NOT body building in any way, shape, or form. It is COMPLETELY different. We don't want to make "muscles"...we want to make cells...as many as we can...as efficiently as we can. :D

I will say unto everyone, the idea of maximizing intensity, has no significant relationship at all to do with the final number of cells created in the long run. See the geometric series formula again. And again. And again. In the long-run, the force that we use is insignificant in comparison to time (or iterations if you will). This has to be pounded into our heads over and over and over again.

To the last part...LOL...Daddy is da' Man! I did mention earlier that we could have periods of spiked tolerable intensities. But there is an inherent flaw in thinking that this helps us in any way. That flaw, as I eluded to earlier, is that it "thought" that one would benefit by shoving more parents into mitosis, but this only is "reasonable" when looked at from a faulty viewpoint, at a single instant in time.

Yes, shoving as many parents into mitosis as possible as if they were all just waiting to get started and you have never exercised in your life, would be beneficial to an accelerated start of the process. But in reality, that is not the case at all. There is always a mixture of waiting parents and growing daughters, whether or not we are even exercising, the cell cycle is always active to some extent with our bodies. For example, cells die, creating gaps naturally, causing adjacent cells to enter mitosis, without any "outside" stimulous at all. This is natural, is always happening, and takes place throughout our entire bodies. And whenever we do artificially induce mitosis even intermittenly, we alter this mixture of "waiting" versus "growing" cells.

A PMS has to be viewed as a perpetual system, a constant flow if you will. It can not be evaluated or improved upon by looking at specific moments of time to find further possible improvements in efficiency. And if you do "find" it, it is an illusion. For if we get the conveyor belt running where there are as many parents entering it as are appearing, that is the very absolute best that we can do. There is no way to improve upon that. In a way, looking at it slightly different, the ideal is to simply fill the belt with daughters so that parents never actually exist for more than a moment. Once the belt is full, adding more daughters simply slows down the conveyor belt, and it actually hurts our progress and SLOWS "growth" of the overall organ. There can, and will, be a tremendous amount of parents never induced into mitosis and we would still be growing as fast as is possible. The conveyor belt can only carry so many cells at any time. Damned illusions of single instants in time!

There is a maximum "flow" if you will, that the system can tolerate. We cannot exceed this no matter how much effort we apply. And attempting to do so actually slows and CAN STOP growth in the number of cells. That is the tragedy, and highly hidden viewpoint, that can not be seen when looking at a single moment in time. Which leads to all of the silly, inefficient, unproductive, and quite detrimental "high-intensity" indoctrination. High-intensity is not a key to growth, sufficient intensity is. If that can be understood, we will all be able to get over such illusory hurdles to maximizing efficiency. Only then can we work on real hurdles to maximizing growth and efficiency.
Solid Snake;473666 said:
I swear this is the most worded thread and it's only on page 2! :S

Sorry Solid. :D If I actually spent this much time inducing mitosis as I do spouting my gibberish here, I would be growing much faster LOL!
irspow;473673 said:
And I wouldn't even advise using the 70% level of contant tolerable/applicable force to start with. Why take chances? Why is the Penis Enlargement world so intent on driving so fast that they skid into the ditch at every turn? We will drive MUCH further down the road in our lifetimes if we drive slow enough that we never waste time in the ditch. Remember the tortoise and the hare? Well that is what high-intensity in Penis Enlargement does. We are the hare until we can apply a PMS.

The Lunatic,


well its not only pe world. very human to want everything now! I did this too and got injured and have to cope now with peyronies plague scar tissue in my dick. This is why Im very receptive for your ideas and I already do work since some months with low and constant force and did gain.

I also tried for some time low pressure [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] sessions I talked about in this thread: http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?63592-minimum-low-pressure-sessions&highlight=.
Overall I think I did this experiment for some days and had a really big flaccid hang. I did it maybe not long enough to get any gains. Tough the nice part was that I had minimal fluid buildup/donut effect.
Im also a bit vary of the health effects as I did suffer some EQ problems and you did describe in an earlier post already how constant vaccum could be harmful and I do second that. but very low constant vacuum may be a workaround.

Im now more into length/extender workout but once I reached my goal there I will check back into low pressure/long time [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] sessions.
Im thinking of something like: 5 minutes medium clamping. 2 hours low intensity clamping. 1 hour low pressure pumping..repeat.

Obviously all these tactics do need much private time(but able to work on PC while doing it..).
I dont know if there is the possibility of a device that can do all in one. Well, DLD is coming out witht some new device maybe its a pms device ;)

Well Im checking atm into some storys of gainers and how they achieved it while backchecking with that theory.

edit:aaahh how you writing that fast so much lol take care people who write so much tend to get lost in theory without doing anything ;) (I know from experience ;) )
humbly would suggest that looking at people throughout the world who achieve amazing mutations of their body now and throughout history, have always applied a PMS system, and never have applied a "body-buiding" type mentality. Constant force is the...uh...constant that you will see. :D From lips with humongous plates, too stretched necks, to altered skulls, to tiny feet, to coke can diameter torsos :D....they are all accomplished not by high intensity forces, but rather relatively very small forces applied constantly.
The "proof" is already out there...we just choose to ignore it in favor of our silly inefficient traditions and notions. LOL
irspow;473679 said:
There is a maximum "flow" if you will, that the system can tolerate. We cannot exceed this no matter how much effort we apply. And attempting to do so actually slows and CAN STOP growth in the number of cells. That is the tragedy, and highly hidden viewpoint, that can not be seen when looking at a single moment in time. Which leads to all of the silly, inefficient, unproductive, and quite detrimental "high-intensity" indoctrination. High-intensity is not a key to growth, sufficient intensity is. If that can be understood, we will all be able to get over such illusory hurdles to maximizing efficiency. Only then can we work on real hurdles to maximizing growth and efficiency.
Thanks for your detailed answer
Man, that makes all very much sense.
Too heavy exercises do lead to grow but the grow will greatly increase the amount for even heavier exercises to get more grow. + the chances are big that you may end up with unhealthy grow(scar tissue).

Now does the cell theory apply to all tissue in the penis? obviously we cant forget about targeting ligs and tunica seperate(and the chambers). For example hanging does help with gains when the ligs are the limiting factor. but also here maybe dont hang many lb but instead low weight for longer time.

humbly would suggest that looking at people throughout the world who achieve amazing mutations of their body now and throughout history, have always applied a PMS system, and never have applied a "body-buiding" type mentality. Constant force is the...uh...constant that you will see. :D From lips with humongous plates, too stretched necks, to altered skulls, to tiny feet, to coke can diameter torsos :D....they are all accomplished not by high intensity forces, but rather relatively very small forces applied constantly.
The "proof" is already out there...we just choose to ignore it in favor of our silly inefficient traditions and notions. LOL
SO TRUE! You need only their thousands of year wisdom in this practice. get them a [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] membership to educate us lol.

edit: So 10 minutes of intense manual stretches may make no sense even combined with [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] use afterwards?
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dickerschwanz;473686 said:
Thanks for your detailed answer
Man, that makes all very much sense.
Too heavy exercises do lead to grow but the grow will greatly increase the amount for even heavier exercises to get more grow. + the chances are big that you may end up with unhealthy grow(scar tissue).

Now does the cell theory apply to all tissue in the penis? obviously we cant forget about targeting ligs and tunica seperate(and the chambers). For example hanging does help with gains when the ligs are the limiting factor. but also here maybe dont hang many lb but instead low weight for longer time.

I am struggling with a way of communicating how a PMS works. I am glad that I at least found a little different wording that helps you see something.

Yes, we are still dealing with inducing mitosis of cells in Penis Enlargement. The ligs, the tunica, the skin, they are all made up of collagen. So it applies to all of those tissues. This is what "grows" our penile structure.

The only muscles that we work with in Penis Enlargement, and thus want to use hypertrophy, like body builders, would be when we do pelvic floor exercises. (PC, IC, BC....like when we do kegels.) But these muscles are trained for the benefits of having them in good shape, like increased ability to have a longer travel distance of their movement or contraction, and to increase the intensity of said contraction. But it is not a source of "growth" for the penile structure itself. It is a tool we use to improve its health directly and indirectly. While there are many benefits of a strong pelvic region for those of us in Penis Enlargement, the biggest, I think, is in the ability of a strong pelvic region to force more blood into our penis intentionally.

Rock on dude! This journey is gonna' be a blast!

P.S. Get some cold on that fibrosis collection while keeping the rest of your penis under higher temperatures during your workouts. Making the "blob" of fibrosis less effected by the force while making everything else around it more effected by the force, you should be able to make its relative density to other areas equivalent over time. Thus no "excessive" fibrosis in that area, and thus no problems or "deformity".
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irspow;473687 said:
I am struggling with a way of communicating how a PMS works. I am glad that I at least found a little different wording that helps you see something.

Yes, we are still dealing with inducing mitosis of cells in Penis Enlargement. The ligs, the tunica, the skin, they are all made up of collagen. So it applies to all of those tissues. This is what "grows" our penile structure.

The only muscles that we work with in Penis Enlargement, and thus want to use hypertrophy, like body builders, would be when we do pelvic floor exercises. (PC, IC, BC....like when we do kegels.) But these muscles are trained for the benefits of having them in good shape, like increased ability to have a longer travel distance of their movement or contraction, and to increase the intensity of said contraction. But it is not a source of "growth" for the penile structure itself. It is a tool we use to improve its health directly and indirectly. While there are many benefits of a strong pelvic region for those of us in Penis Enlargement, the biggest, I think, is in the ability of a strong pelvic region to force more blood into our penis intentionally.

Rock on dude! This journey is gonna' be a blast!

P.S. Get some cold on that fibrosis collection while keeping the rest of your penis under higher temperatures during your workouts. Making the "blob" of fibrosis less effected by the force while making everything else around it more effected by the force, you should be able to make its relative density to other areas equivalent over time. Thus no "excessive" fibrosis in that area, and thus no problems or "deformity".

Nah its coming through what you mean. Will get more precise over time.

Well I came up with an observation that may matter.
When I use the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]SG[/words] [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] what will often happen is that the tension goes after some time automatic higher cause he wants to retract.
I think it is was many people experience when they do a Penis Enlargement workout and afterwards they retract. Checking this back with your theory it makes sense.
I guess what happens is that after the initial force some cells start to produce daughters. These daughters want to mimic their parents.
For that to happen the dick goes back to a state where this is possible. He wants this cause he is programmed to do it as we left puberty and there is no need to grow bigger.(cause of hormons yada yada ;) )

(this whole process maybe influenced by heat or lack of it.. no data for that atm)

I think this is the point where the PMS is coming into play. Havent figured it out totaly but feel its important.
It seems this is the point where you either use the right force to stay in a PMS system. The point where you choose the right tension that is needed to get it going with just enough tension.
Hope you understand what I mean.
The penis wants to retract thus the tension gets higher its a bit of a fight between retraction urge and the tension . Now whats the most effective way to counter this and get the PMS going.
The question is now.
Do I want the penis to stay at the same length I had before it started to retract(1) or do I want it to be under the same force as before(2)?
I cant have both at that moment as something changed.
I need to up the force to stay the same length/stretch(or even more length).

Im guessing that is what some Penis Enlargement guys say in paraphrasing the underlying principle with "riding the fatigue".

Im just thinking what would some ancient tribe lip or dick stretcher do ^^

My feeling says up the tension to the point where the retraction is not happening anymore(this process maybe helped by heat to get achieve a lower tension)
and move slowly to the point where more elongation is happening.

Another option could be to switch to another angle sort of to get more cells involved. Some sort of cycling exercises may be usefull.
An exercises that gets to a slightly different angle where the first cells still targeted, but more passiv, while other cells get into mitosis process activly.
I like that idea.
Like starting hanging straight down and moving the angle slightly every ## minutes(?) up until you reach straight up angle and then back down. Or wrapping at the base and moving the wrap slightly up/down every now and then
The variety in exercises while still only using the minimum force needed is maybe a way to escape the constant need for more tension to stay at the same length or width.
I mean the goal has to be to increase flaccid length and width of the cells and ultimately to at least get an equal BPFSL / BPenis EnlargementL ratio. or Im here on false track..

Im also starting to question the reasoning behind Penis Enlargement myth like dont do girth before length. This shouldnt matter when we dont use extreme forces.
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Very briefly, I am thinking just as you. It is, the "shrinkage" we are talking about, a natural reaction to the force being applied. The nervous system will definitely do something to "fight" us in our efforts. It is not like our penises are "supposed" to be growing like this :D :D :D

Just like the instant "tug back" that everyone in Penis Enlargement is familiar with. It is most undoubtedly a very basic protection system of the body's.

But we are not talking about muscles here. There tissues don't have a means of "contraction", other than their own electric potential. I am thinking that when we are pushing too many cells into mitosis at once a chemical alarm goes off in some way. Thinking at the lowest level...we are increasing gaps between cells when we apply force. These cells in their little electric fields to do not want to be separated. It is like pulling magnets apart. Now the field strength WOULD decrease when we do this, because the force has an inverse quadratic relationship with the distance between charges. So this shrinkage SHOULD not be related to the increasing gap between cells, as their "attractive" force should be diminishing quickly as they get further apart from each other.

I am leaning to the idea that, it is just a nervous system reaction to the force applied. It senses an increase in the amount of cells entering mitosis, and attempts to "protect" itself. (If it didn't do this, our bodies would be very different then the way that we have evolved :D) What this reaction is, admittedly, I am not sure at all. This is a definite area of ignorance for me. It may be simply an evacuation of blood to the area, but more likely I would suspect that the "smooth muscle" is being starved of nitric oxide to protect the other cells. (Which would also restrict blood flow, increase tensile strength, etc.)

Bottom line, "tug back", and also temporary "shrinkage" is probably caused by several factor, most of which we can't really overcome. But, everyone should accept that this is a reaction to a relative excessive of force being applied. In the case of normal shrinkage from cold, the tensile strength of the collagen increases "winning" the tug of war with gravity and blood pressure within the penis. I think that roughly the same things are happening in reaction to excessive force. Loss of blood, decreased blood pressure, increase in the collagen's tensile strength, etc.

Does that make sense? I would lower tension if this becomes a problem or hindrance to a constant force. I don't see how the cells themselves would be doing this in a response to a force. We are basically just setting off chemical "alarms" that we probably don't have to.

When I first entered this thread I did a “abe simpson walk in walk out gif” after seeing the bible long post. However since we are in lent :) I came back to read this bible post by Irspow and I must say I find it very informative. It really back’s up DLD [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words] LAW and gives us a detailed biological explanation of the process.


I want to ask you a couple of questions. 1)What is going on at a microscopic level in terms of biology and physics, when for example a hanger is experiencing fatigue in the suspensory ligaments?

2) You wrote about the cells becoming densely packed and thus making gains harder and harder for Vets that use a high intensity approach. Now, most of the time in such cases a deconditioning break is employed to try and kick start further gains. Based on your biological thinking, approximately how long do you think a deconditioning break should be?
1. I have no idea really. How would you define fatigue? And are you talking about this "fatigue" while the force is being applied or after the force is removed? If you can help me out with that I may be able to give you something.

2. Sorry, I don't buy the "deconditioning break" as a real phenomena. If anything it allows excessive daughter cells trapped in the last stage of the cell cycle because they are so heavily starved of chemicals/nutrients that they couldn't finish their growth while force kept placing more daughters into the cycle. System overload from high-intensity, forcing more cells into mitosis that available nutrients chemicals needed to feed them through their entire growth phase. Mostly, I think it simply allows mental rest time, in preparation for doing more counterproductive and excessively intense workouts. :D

Vets don't get excessive density from high-intensity workouts, they get it from years of adding cells to the same area. More cells in the same spot, more tensile strength, more effort needed to cause sufficient separation of cells for further mitosis to take place. More importantly, most of the vets have trained themselves to apply force to induce mitosis and then abandon their effort before the daughters are encoded. (as explained before) This simply makes two parent attempt to occupy the same space having the same size and structure as the unstressed parent.

So how long should this mystical deconditioning break last? Well a NORMAL cell cycle only lasts about twenty four hours. So if you haven't really overloaded your system, no more than twenty four hours after the force was last used to induce mitosis was removed. Anything longer would only be needed if you really messed up and exercised like a body builder instead of a penis builder. :D All the cells you induced should now be twice as many parents after twenty four hours. So there is no more "healing" to be done or whatever they want to call it. LOL

The way to really kick start gains is to make the "workout" so low in intensity that the workout doesn't have to stop. LOL

We are growing the number of cells everyone...we are not growing the size of cells

Mitosis...not hypertrophy.
Ok well Im on the pms thing. I will follow it the best i can. I will hang and extend using the [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]vlc[/words]. I will also do manual exercise. I will remain extended for as much time as possible using the [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]vlc[/words] and the leg strap. I will also be using the new [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]tlc[/words]-x pe. This will allow me to continue shaft lengthening and give me the opportunity to start restoring my foreskin.

Hopefully i can do between 4 to 6 hrs of extending per day. This will be done between 1200 and 1500 gram of force. Hanging will consist of around 1 hr to lengthen the ligs. The [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]vlc[/words] strap will take up the rest of time at a very light pull. It is hard to judge but its like a pound of force but i can sleep pretty comfortably.

Lets see how this works!