RedWood7;547674 said:
Wonderful video! Simply informative! I agree that masturbation and �naked people movies� when used in the wrong way are both very harmful to the psychology of a man. That being said we should all still persue our gains but not at the cost of destroying our minds. Once we lose the mind-body connection to our penis in results of �naked people movies� it is difficult to get an erection without �naked people movies�. I used to masturbate so so so so much in middle school through high school. In college before Penis Enlargement I was 8 inches long and 5.5 inches around. I credit some of my size to masturbating when I was young. It makes sense that my daily pulling and tugging, squeezing and stroking caused some of my gains without me even knowing it. However as my penis grew my mind became plauged. Now I suffer not being able to get fully hard in a condom before sex. Blowjobs are no problem for some reason. Anyways great post!!!

Thanks Brother! I truly hope we get to shoot more tonight on this, it is such a new, fresh area to explore and I am very inspired to research this to the ends.
Just having another great girth sesh. I'm in the Bathmate as I type. Going to ejac today with a blowjob from a co-worker in about 30 min! Still no �naked people movies� or self ejac. Loving summer much SG time and home alone Penis Enlargement experimentation!
Still no �naked people movies�! No self ejaculation. Feeling good so far
8 days �naked people movies� free and mb free. Could be that she has lost weight, could be the last 8 days...but the wife looked sexier tonite when i got home

My personal motivations:
better erections with the wife and to work on premature ejaculation.

What i am doing:
No �naked people movies� for sure, limit as much mb as possible (shit might happen during a girth routine)
Gradually over a 5 week span building myself up to roughly 200 five second kegels and 500 jelq strokes a day.
6am breakfast and 3pm snacks are fresh garlic washed down with protein shakes
Weight loss in general, i am down nearly 40 lbs since thanksgiving...........shooting for 40 more.
I gave up on the self ejaculation part. I just can't do it with my length routine. I literally just touch the penis and it gets rock hard. Pain in the ass when trying to hang. So, I sometimes have to rub one out before I do my length sessions.
"I literally just touch the penis and it gets rock hard."

i would love to get to that point, apparitions!
grapeape;548325 said:
"I literally just touch the penis and it gets rock hard."

i would love to get to that point, apparitions!

Start including L-arginine or l citruline. I started taking l citruline and the same thing. I touch it and it gets hard.. its in a semi pretty much all day.
houseofr00bees;548327 said:
Start including L-arginine or l citruline. I started taking l citruline and the same thing. I touch it and it gets hard.. its in a semi pretty much all day.

about the citruline
Any specific form, brand or dosages?
did it take days or weeks of it til it took effect?
Still no �naked people movies� or self ejaculation since May 14th! Sometimes it's tempting to watch �naked people movies� but I resist. I recently took two days off Penis Enlargement due to overtraining. Getting back into it tomorrow!!! Used the last two days to really hammer out my lifting routines. I'm 6 foot 2 and 190 lbs. I got a lean look and feelin fit!
�naked people movies�-Masturbation-Orgasm ticker in my signature. click on it to make your own :)
AF3;547606 said:
The trick is to remove "will power" from the equation. Instead of making your goal to "not look at �naked people movies�" or "not jerk off", make your goal to identify that lead to those behaviors and start there. Scrambling your patterns will stop giving your brain the familiar message that it's supposed to jerk off.

In other words:

Figure out when you tend to jerk off or look at �naked people movies�, it will most likely follow some kind of habit pattern. For example, is it in the morning? If it is, identify the components of your "�naked people movies� routine--"is it after or before you brush your teeth? If it's before you brush your teeth, then all you need to think about is brushing your teeth right after you wake up (you get the idea). Once you've identified those situations, transform the cues that precede them and put your brain in unfamiliar territory so it cements new patterns.

I've adapted a lot of this advice from the book "The Power of Habit", which goes into detail on modern psychology's model of how habits are formed (and how everybody from advertisers to football coaches gain leverage through this model).


I love the mindset you have about it. It's spot on too. i will be seriously struggling with the next 5 days as i am alone. the wife and child are gone and that's typically �naked people movies�apalooza for me! In the past i would jerk to �naked people movies� at least twice a day in this up coming stretch, even if i was only 80% hard for some of them. As a matter of fact my balls hurt right now. This is my typical computer chair, time alone after work the first day that they are gone on a trip.

I can do it though, i plan on reporting next tuesday morning that i made it through this barrier and am going on 2 weeks strong.

peace out gang
My flaccid hang has been insane and I'm always turned on! No �naked people movies� or mastubation!!!!!! Feels bomb glade I started this thread!
I have to be honest with myself and you guys going on this journey. I did look at �naked people movies� for 20 mins last nite.

I kept it strictly buisness, towel raising, jelqing, edging and practicing reverse kegels (which they were amazing because i was ready to bust a nut a week ago) didn't ejaculate

I know that using it for Penis Enlargement is one of the things we are trying to avoid, but it's baby steps for me. if that's the worst i have done �naked people movies� wise the last 12 days, i'll consider it a small victory and keep focused.
grapeape;548781 said:
I have to be honest with myself and you guys going on this journey. I did look at �naked people movies� for 20 mins last nite.

I kept it strictly buisness, towel raising, jelqing, edging and practicing reverse kegels (which they were amazing because i was ready to bust a nut a week ago) didn't ejaculate

I know that using it for Penis Enlargement is one of the things we are trying to avoid, but it's baby steps for me. if that's the worst i have done �naked people movies� wise the last 12 days, i'll consider it a small victory and keep focused.

For me the victory is becoming more my definition of �naked people movies� and my discipline to stay within safe and decent erotic expression without stepping into the �naked people movies� world. All of my work in this is to further correct myself and bring more virtue and obedience to my morals and to further glorify God.

Masturbation in itself is not wrong by any rule ever put forward religiously. Masturbation, of course, is fueled by lust but where I am struggling is where lust becomes wrong and defining these guidelines. It is a very big undertaking but I have hope that I will come to some beautiful conclusions.

Great work in your own struggle and I pray that your journey is filled with self discovery and ultimately a discipline that will pour over into all parts of your like!
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