
Feb 3, 2013
I am going to try not to watch any �naked people movies� or masturbate for an entire month. My journey starts tomorrow May 14, 2013. I want to have a clear mind and get a better erection with women. I feel like �naked people movies� has desensitized me in a way. This will be no easy task but I know it will improve my EQ. I will continue Penis Enlargement although my girth workouts will be a little tougher now. I always relied on �naked people movies� for my girth workouts but I will try to edge with my mind. Hopefully I can get free of this need for �naked people movies� and masturbation. The masturbation will be easier to quit than �naked people movies�. The �naked people movies� has become a start button to my Penis Enlargement workouts. I have the drive and will NOT lose this battle. After the first month I will set a new goal....perhaps 2 more months. Anyways wish me luck! I encourage anyone who is suffering with getting 100% EQ around your partner to try this out. �naked people movies� desensitization is real and really does cause low EQ and in some cases ED around girls. Anyway here I go!!!!
I am having the same problems as you. I will be joining you in this mission!!! Starting tomorrow May 14th!!
Apparitions;547346 said:
I am having the same problems as you. I will be joining you in this mission!!! Starting tomorrow May 14th!!

Great! I am going to log my progress every week. It be cool to see how you do in your new venture. This is gonna be so helpful.
Ezskanken;547347 said:
I wish you success bro, itoo hope to be there soon, real soon...

It is the sad reality in the world we live in. We were not made to watch �naked people movies� and be able to function normaly in our sex lives. This is an addiction and together we can rid ourselves of it. Imagine yourself in prison. There is no �naked people movies� in prison (mabye a magazine) and cumming in a room with another man is not something I desire. I imagine myself in this prison of no �naked people movies� and no masturbation and eventually I will be set free by limiting myself! You can too!
I used to be a compulsive masturbator I know the feeling. One time during a girth routine I ejaculated and it totally ruined the session that is when I made my mind up. It was either orgasm or a bigger dick which one was more important to me and I chose the bigger dick. Not saying orgasm will hurt gains we all know that is false. But refraining from orgasm does help me to do every routine successfully and at %100 eq also refraining helps me to focus more and like you said gave me a clearer mind. I still use �naked people movies� to do pe however I don't really watch it I glance at it but I look at my dick more. I use it more for the sounds and for timing purposes. I wish you luck.
thependulum;547362 said:
I used to be a compulsive masturbator I know the feeling. One time during a girth routine I ejaculated and it totally ruined the session that is when I made my mind up. It was either orgasm or a bigger dick which one was more important to me and I chose the bigger dick. Not saying orgasm will hurt gains we all know that is false. But refraining from orgasm does help me to do every routine successfully and at %100 eq also refraining helps me to focus more and like you said gave me a clearer mind. I still use �naked people movies� to do pe however I don't really watch it I glance at it but I look at my dick more. I use it more for the sounds and for timing purposes. I wish you luck.

Thanks for the post. I used to be able to get 100% EQ with a girl but suddenley it suffered. I thought it was from Penis Enlargement ie. clamping and length work. I soon found out that it was the �naked people movies� that was fogging my mind up.
thependulum;547362 said:
I used to be a compulsive masturbator I know the feeling. One time during a girth routine I ejaculated and it totally ruined the session that is when I made my mind up. It was either orgasm or a bigger dick which one was more important to me and I chose the bigger dick. Not saying orgasm will hurt gains we all know that is false. But refraining from orgasm does help me to do every routine successfully and at %100 eq also refraining helps me to focus more and like you said gave me a clearer mind. I still use �naked people movies� to do pe however I don't really watch it I glance at it but I look at my dick more. I use it more for the sounds and for timing purposes. I wish you luck.

I like your style. I feel like �naked people movies� is the reason I am not seeing anyone. Im attractive and my dick is above average yet I haven't been laid in a while. I'm not saying �naked people movies� is the only reason but I know for sure its a major contributing factor. It's not so much �naked people movies� in general. Its the intention or the thoughts behind it that I think cause all the feelings of disgust and shame that come from years of watching and masturbating to �naked people movies�, not to mention the other physical symptoms that accompany like poor eq, etc... More than anything though I think its the release that contributes to the lack of motivation to get laid.
I think I will try your method, however, I will abstain from ejaculations and only release in the absence of �naked people movies�.
Perfect Thread for the NEW Masturbation forum!!!! Moved it here and I think you will be happy with how much action it will get here as we are doing much to promote this forum.
doublelongdaddy;547378 said:
Perfect Thread for the NEW Masturbation forum!!!! Moved it here and I think you will be happy with how much action it will get here as we are doing much to promote this forum.

Ya appropriate forum.
RedWood, I was thinking about this all day yesterday. I am going to start today! Thank you brother!
Redwood, I like your thinking and I completely agree. I will do this with you starting right now.
I've used �naked people movies� way more often than before I started Penis Enlargement, just to get erections faster.
I'm not even sure how much it really helps, and it seems to get more difficult all the time no matter how healthy I try to be.

I will give this a shot.
RedWood7;547387 said:
Ya appropriate forum.

I guaranty this forum gets as much action as the Penis Enlargement forum once it is up and going. Especially when some of these awesome masturbation discussion videos are put up.
Well, last night for my girth routine I put on some �naked people movies� vids but only listened to them and would very seldom glance at the screen. I got to say, it kept my dick at the perfect erection for jelqs. Had my best session yet.
houseofr00bees;547503 said:
Well, last night for my girth routine I put on some �naked people movies� vids but only listened to them and would very seldom glance at the screen. I got to say, it kept my dick at the perfect erection for jelqs. Had my best session yet.

It is going to take some serious discipline. For Lent I gave up masturbation, along with fasting. I feel like I gained some incredible insight because of it. I wish you the best and I will pray for strength in your work!
This goes out to all the brothers trying this! Lets all get sat month one and update weekly on how out progress goes. If any urges arise how did you resist? Questions and answers such as this will aid everyone in this journey.
RedWood7;547521 said:
This goes out to all the brothers trying this! Lets all get sat month one and update weekly on how out progress goes. If any urges arise how did you resist? Questions and answers such as this will aid everyone in this journey.

I applaud you on your decision. It's something that many of us struggle with. I looked forward to the day when I can say that I have no urge for either of them.
I love this topic, it's been on my mind for a while. I am in with ya gang.

Gonna focus on diet, kegels, jelqing, no �naked people movies� as a staple before i worry about penis size.

You need a better penis before you can worry about a bigger penis.
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