
Try getting plenty of vitamin K in you and eat plenty of spinach. That's all I really can think of right now.
This should be obvious by now, but aside from pissing I wouldn't be doing anything with your penis till the doctor gives the OK.
I have a 9 ocklock appt tomm morning and im scared shitless . can someone post the pictures for me?
everything looks good from what the doctor said , that test was the most painfull thing i have ever experiannced in my life!
Looks crazy how you feeling now, you healed up any. why is html turn off in boo boo's does not make sense, when picture need to be posted in this forum.

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red i just had sex last night and my blood had cum in it , i also pissed blood after sex . I will be going to my doctor this week , i would love to talk to you :)

im not mad my freind , just really confused on whats wrong with me
remiii, man, take it easy. no more hookers no more risky behavior, you'd think u wanna keep that unit after what happened to you.

Remii you should hold off from doing anything for a least a month, no sex no masturbation no nothing.
smokey i got cleared by my doctor to have sex so thats what ive been doing

I have been having sex every day with escorts from craigslist . AND after i cum i pee blood ........ they are going to check for kidney stones but i serousley doubt thats what it is

I still dont know if it was the hanging or clamping , but right now im not doing any pe i did some serious damage to my penis , I just hope this does not happen to any one else
remiii;285224 said:
smokey i got cleared by my doctor to have sex so thats what ive been doing

I have been having sex every day with escorts from craigslist . AND after i cum i pee blood ........ they are going to check for kidney stones but i serousley doubt thats what it is

I still dont know if it was the hanging or clamping , but right now im not doing any pe i did some serious damage to my penis , I just hope this does not happen to any one else

It is not my business to tell you what you should do with your private life, but I will warn you that if you have some sort of cut or lesion in your urethra and you are having daily sex with prostitutes, you are going to greatly increase your chances of catching some STD if any bodily fluids come into contact with your wound.

You should really take the advice from the members of this forum and abstain until you are fully healed. Failure to do so could result in permanent damage.
Big Al;285266 said:
I'm really glad to hear that :)

:) got some kind of a MRI or scan today , I guess my doctor is trying to rule out kidney stones ...... AL? i have to have sex from time to time to see if the peeing blood after sex goes away?

what would you do if you were me? I feel fine and get an erection as usual?:(
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