Actually, girth before length doesn't work well. If you're using more intense methods like [words=]
SSJ[/words] or dual compression squeezes there is a lot of fluid accumulation just under the skin from the huge increase internal pressure and this causes the skin to slide more easily during manual stretches. BIB discussed the idea of lengthening the vertical fibers first and working the lateral fibers once length gains have been made as this makes the lateral bonds weaker as the matrix of the tunica is thinner. I subscribe to this thought simply because girth is the area that most guys struggle with, while length seems to move fairly easily depending on the type of routine someone is following.
For length after such a long lay off I would go back into the basic routine. I know it sounds too simple, but after such an extended break you will be able to see some rapid gains from the most basic of the basics. I'd stick with an AM or mid morning length routine with [words=http://www.]ADS[/words] support afterward. Make sure that you get 4-6 hours in the [words=http://www.]ADS[/words] per session and then move into your girth work in the evening probably before bed. I'd keep the volume down for the first week with no more than 3 rotations in all directions and 300 jelqs to start. Remember you've been off for a long while, so condition for about 2 weeks or so and then move into a bit more intense routine.
The progression I've used after my decon break was similar to this and I've now moved into supersetting blasters with RB's fake arm stretch (high angle) and a SD stretch to really stretch the ligs. It's almost like a post-exhaust set where you hit the ligaments in all angles and then with the last stretch it's a finishing move. I've found that this particular order makes the SD stretch very intense, as the entire force of the stretch is placed on the ligaments at the attachment point. This seems to be the right way to go as far as intensity and volume.
I think that there's a tendency to want to jump into Penis Enlargement 1000% even after an extended layoff but the problem with that is that you're not in the same sort of condition as you were when you laid off. This is a very good thing becaucse the goal is for the tissue to become softer and more readily stretched. Keep everything in perspective and continue to move forward but that doesn't mean jumping in with both feet in the deepest end of the pool. It's a challenge to not get overzealous but it is worth it as making gains with the basics is so easy and it doesn't require a ton of effort or time. Would you rather spend an hour total on Penis Enlargement per day or 3 hours per day with the same results?