I did these last night using a flexible cock ring. I started off going 20 mins in the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] and wow was I super hard. I didn't even have to watch adult entertainment just doing kegals and I think I hit my max in the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words]. I then did my normal 15 min clamp session after with the cock ring under glans doing those Tao jelqs and wow my head was the biggest Ive ever seen it.

This is a great routine. My shaft didn't lose any girth so this is a 2 in 1 routine. Thanks Red I can't believe I waited so lOng to try this. Everyone should be dOing this in the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] for sure
Exactly, these make your head larger but not just that .. they enhance the shape of the glans to make it more 'appealing' to the eye :) The ladies love a well shaped helmet and all the better to be sucked and slide in and out of a nice wet pussy.
Hey Red,

Amazing threads, first off, I must say. I have a question about this exercise, as I am very interested in getting a larger head size.
I'm about six months into Penis Enlargement, working girth right now with [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] and manual jelqs. I've gained close to .5" girth so far (mostly in the past 1.5 months since I got [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words]).
Do you recommend incorporating these mushroom head exercises into my girth workout now or would it best to wait until I am at my desired overall girth, then start fine tuning parts of my penis?
My thought process is do the crude, basic exercises until I plateau at whatever overall girth, then start working certain areas (isolating) at that point. Or do you think it's best to start during the early "growing" stages?
Thanks a ton!
Hey Red,

Have you checked out the [words=https://www.internetzahlung.de/cc-aktuell/bestellung.php3?PID=PM0440A&Sprache=en]PeniMaster Pro[/words] head piece? It gives you a similar suction as your exercise. My penis looks like Toad from Mario World after I take the thing off. Probably not as effective as yours but I am thinking over time it would probably cause head enlargement? (fingers crossed) After all, most guys would be wearing the thing 6+ hours a day. Check it out if you can afford, also I think it gives a wonderful stretch and put the penis is a nice thick, jelly like flaccid state that is optimal for gaining. Keeps it nice and engorged rather than thin and tight like the noose.
I'm thinking of trying this with some hair elastics I have around. Not the old school ones with the metal band, but the new thicker cloth style ones. I double that up for light duty clamping at the base for cooldown after Penis Enlargement and they are comfortable, no pinching. Thanks for this. The [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] use is making my midshaft girth swell wider than the glans.
tattooedbones8;496081 said:
I'm thinking of trying this with some hair elastics I have around. Not the old school ones with the metal band, but the new thicker cloth style ones. I double that up for light duty clamping at the base for cooldown after Penis Enlargement and they are comfortable, no pinching. Thanks for this. The [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] use is making my midshaft girth swell wider than the glans.

Sweet and Cheap! I know the type of tie you are talking about, they are covered in a cloth that will not pinch.
craBathmatean;496797 said:
I'm not 100% if it has made it bigger, but it feels like it, been doing it off and on for the last month.

Measure! It is the only way to truly know.
Yes, this is a wonderful example of the contributions our Brother Red has made. Indulge and read all of his work, it will teach you volumes.
I tried this last night with a Trojan magnum condom rim.

I panicked at first because of how tight the double loop was, and had trouble getting it off. The ring was almost the size of my pinky finger cutting into a 6 inch girth! So what I did was take the rim and put it on underneath the glans, pull it out a bit and then twisted it as if I were making a second loop...and place the second loop around my finger. That way I could adjust the tightness from tight to loose as quickly as possible.

I did end up getting a bit of expansion in my glans, but I think I'll have to try this a few more times to see any permanent changes. Kinda funny to see the shaft filled up with a tiny glans, only to have the glans grow bigger than the shaft with kegels/stimulation.
By the way: the mentioned comdom ring is alright, but you can go for more efficiency and power with O-rings. I grabbed a few when I was in a automotive shop. Get a bunch! Cable clamp is one other possible way, it has been mentioned as well.
In my own workouts I've found out that a snug O-ring is really nice. Not too much hassle putting on, easy to remove after and cost effective.
I really like this exercise, I must remember to do it more often!
Hi there

I'm interested in trying out the Vaccum Boa Contriction technique but instead of investing in the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words], can it be utilized with the [words=https://www.internetzahlung.de/cc-aktuell/bestellung.php3?PID=PM0440A&Sprache=en]Penimaster Pro[/words] (which I already own and which has a vacum glans chamber)? I would imagine it would be better than the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] as it only provides suction on the head and can be worn for most of the day??

Also, how long do you think it is safe to wear the condom ring, doubled over the rim of the glans?

Any thoughts, comments or suggestions?

Zambrodom3;581186 said:
Do you have any info on where he is? He has been gone for a pretty long time now....

He will not be back for some time, approximately 7 years, and I can not say where he is. Pray for Red and his safe and quick return as much as you can.
I know this is an old post, but I was going to go out and get a condom ring like Red did for his exercises, but I don't know what size to use. Can someone help?
I'd suggest looking for an O-ring. Your local automotive shop should carry them. Choose a size that is somewhat snug while you're flaccid, so that expansion can happen. Better yet, why not buy a set of those O-rings? I use O-rings as cock rings and slight clamping. I think the price and quality are met very well.

So, just measure under your glans and go shopping, best of success!
arkailija;626202 said:
I'd suggest looking for an O-ring. Your local automotive shop should carry them. Choose a size that is somewhat snug while you're flaccid, so that expansion can happen. Better yet, why not buy a set of those O-rings? I use O-rings as cock rings and slight clamping. I think the price and quality are met very well.

So, just measure under your glans and go shopping, best of success!

Yup, O-rings are the cheapest way to go with a cock ring and they work great. You can buy a multi-sized box of 20 for under $5.
This technique works so well! Many thanks to redzulu.

I use a small o ring, and it give excellent results.
after reading the first few posts from RED I can take a crack at why he thought it was making his pc stronger

the underside of the penis which is where the blood flow goes to fill up the glands which many people can squeeze to make the head engorge , when you become close to ejaculating this area of the penis fills up to protect the urethra which does make you a little thicker and engorges the head , while the condom rim is cutting off the end of this just before the head it could be making the pc work more to get blood into the head normally in essence making it stronger and promoting more pressure to fill the head up airgo more strength , I don't know if anyone covered this in the last 5 pages as only read the first two quickly but this could explain what was happening to red with his more explosive orgasms

also I may try this in the week just for fun
mosbrother123;644898 said:
after reading the first few posts from RED I can take a crack at why he thought it was making his pc stronger

the underside of the penis which is where the blood flow goes to fill up the glands which many people can squeeze to make the head engorge , when you become close to ejaculating this area of the penis fills up to protect the urethra which does make you a little thicker and engorges the head , while the condom rim is cutting off the end of this just before the head it could be making the pc work more to get blood into the head normally in essence making it stronger and promoting more pressure to fill the head up airgo more strength , I don't know if anyone covered this in the last 5 pages as only read the first two quickly but this could explain what was happening to red with his more explosive orgasms

also I may try this in the week just for fun

Makes sense, especially if it can help in permanent enlargement of the glans via urethra expansion.
mosbrother123;645002 said:
yeah its kind of like wearing a cock ring for exclusively your head would be good to use for a month to monitor head expansion

You can be the guinea pig:)
Are there are any pics or diagrams of how to do this exercise with condom rim? I never used rings so I have no clue about this.
I have [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]X30[/words] would that be OK or do I need to get [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]X40[/words] for this exercise?
In full erect i'm 6.7'' length and 4.5'' girth.

Can I do this exercise every day or ?
I've wanted to do this exercise for a while, but haven't gotten around to it because I feel like I getting too much expansion in my xx30. Some days ill even get a little pinch on the side of my glans by the end of the session, and that's when I pretty much know my session has been fulfilled.

The other day at the store I noticed there's lots of these little hand sanitizer bottles that come in a silicone sheath. The thing has a type of lanyard that looks perfect for using it with this exercise if you cut I off.
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zrip;677900 said:
Are there are any pics or diagrams of how to do this exercise with condom rim? I never used rings so I have no clue about this.
I have [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]X30[/words] would that be OK or do I need to get [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]X40[/words] for this exercise?
In full erect i'm 6.7'' length and 4.5'' girth.

Can I do this exercise every day or ?

The [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]X30[/words] is fine. When REDZULU refers to the condom rim he is speaking about the base of the condom.
doublelongdaddy;581201 said:
He will not be back for some time, approximately 7 years, and I can not say where he is. Pray for Red and his safe and quick return as much as you can.

Approximately 7 years? Is he in jail?
Mmass;684880 said:
Approximately 7 years? Is he in jail?

Who said anything about jail? Redzulu will explain his position when he returns, it is not my place to make it public. What I can say is he will be back and hopefully soon er than we think.
doublelongdaddy;685448 said:
Who said anything about jail? Redzulu will explain his position when he returns, it is not my place to make it public. What I can say is he will be back and hopefully soon er than we think.

Nobody did. I was just wondering why you put such a relatively precise time frame on his return.
Mmass;687592 said:
Nobody did. I was just wondering why you put such a relatively precise time frame on his return.

Because I know everything that is happening with Red and when he returns he will let the Brotherhood know, it is not my place to do this nor would I want someone to speak for me. But, when he comes back be sure to be here, no one had the fire that Red had, an amazing man.
Yeah we know the reason: Hentai/wifu avatars or scientific name nerdvatars, the disease is spreading. On a different note albeit not as pressing, what is a good sports prewrap that I can use to do this exercise, for reducing donut effect if anything?
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longstretch;703016 said:
Bump, I got to get a new condom rim for these they really worked

Redzulu still working when he is away from the Brotherhood! Miss you Brother and I can't wait for your return!
Damn I can't wait to have his ass back here. Here's one of the most innovative members I've ran across and now that I'm doing a girth focused phase I can tell you guys stuff works!
longstretch;703261 said:
Damn I can't wait to have his ass back here. Here's one of the most innovative members I've ran across and now that I'm doing a girth focused phase I can tell you guys stuff works!

It will be a great day! It will be a day of celebration, one we have waited so long for. Always pray for RED and pray that he comes sooner than later. When he is back the knowledge he has is immense. I can't wait!
Bumping up this thread, as I recall someone asking about increasing the penis head size. Good information in the first message, in the whole thread there was one small adjustment to the prodecure, as in using an O-ring instead of a comdom rim. Better in time and in price! (It's possible to get a big case of different O-rings, suitable for the future as well!)

Happy growing!
arkailija;709775 said:
Bumping up this thread, as I recall someone asking about increasing the penis head size. Good information in the first message, in the whole thread there was one small adjustment to the prodecure, as in using an O-ring instead of a comdom rim. Better in time and in price! (It's possible to get a big case of different O-rings, suitable for the future as well!)

Happy growing!

Has anyone produced measurable results regarding head size increase?
The glans is hard to increase the size of because of the design of the penis. The blood source per se that supplies the glans is the smaller vessels. Whereas, the shaft of the penis is filled through the corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum. The corpora cavernosa, only the ends of them reach into the glans. So, the glans is harder to enlarge. "Head pumping" can force lymphatic fluid into the skin of the glans making it temporarily larger.
stillwantmore2;711058 said:
The glans is hard to increase the size of because of the design of the penis. The blood source per se that supplies the glans is the smaller vessels. Whereas, the shaft of the penis is filled through the corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum. The corpora cavernosa, only the ends of them reach into the glans. So, the glans is harder to enlarge. "Head pumping" can force lymphatic fluid into the skin of the glans making it temporarily larger.

Actually i went back to this thread: http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/redzulu-s-penis-clamping-universe/55854-the-secret-to-a-huge-fat-shane-diesel-mushroom-headed-dick.html

Redzulu claims his progress pictures show his glans getting bigger but i can't access the page which have his progress pics
I've noticed that the edge flare gets prominent. I only have an issue of the condom rim digging into the frenulum (uncut). Will the O-ring make a difference? Any advise would be great.
With O-ring it's easier to use a size more suitable for you. With condom rings most of the time you might make it into a "two" so that it creates enough tension. With a suitable sized O-ring you don't have to twist; just slide it on and have fun.
If possible get an O-ring that has some width to it; that way the cutting into frenulum won't happen as badly. Some O-ring cockrings might do the trick, being flexible, with some width but still providing enough tension. I'd think you can get one for less than 10 USD or a box of automotive style O-ring for 10 USD or so, I am not so sure about the prices in States. (Making an assumption you might be in USA supagrowth.) If my assumption is wrong, then Amazon / eBay / etc., will surely cater your needs.
You can make your head bigger temporarily using rings or holding long kegels but as I stated and Still endorsed, the head is just not built for enlargement.
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    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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