IronMike20;409946 said:
^^^ Truly insane. Some serious dedication for sure!

12/28/2010 -- Day 48
Session: 10min/5min break/10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 194*/ Solid 197*

Great session! hit my newest highest numbers. Had a bit more fluid retention then normal ( which is extremely little) but i am getting closer and closer to 200! i was pretty excited. On top of that my girth has gotten huge. My dick is basically filling the whole Bathmate up by my second set. Its almost touching the walls, feels awesome!

Armand, my son's, routine for the summer:)
wow he is a very dedicated amateur boxer. Any plans to go pro?

12/30/2010 -- Day 49
Session: 10min/5min break/10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 193/ Solid 197

I am so inconsistent with the Bathmate lately. My Gf has been down for Christmas break so its been tough. I was suppose to use it on the 29th, but right before i was going to do my session my gf started to fool around with me and it lead to me just fucking her. hahaha i felt great but afterwards i was disappointed in myself. Anyways i hit it again today and got to basically the same as my last session. The first set was harder for me to get to the low 190's as quick as usual, i did not sustain the 193 for very long because i didnt get to it early enough in the set. Second set was really good though, Its been really cold the past couple of days around the area i live and it definitely made it harder for me to get max stretching before using the Bathmate.

I just want to say i am so thankful i found this site and purchased the Bathmate. Even though i have been inconsistent with my usage, i am still seeing gains and they are sticking. I have gone from 163 all the way to 197! incredible! Hopefully ill be filling the Herc up soon!
1/1/2011 -- Day 50
Session: 10min/5min break/10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 193/ 196

1/4/2011 -- Day 51
Session: 10min/5min break/10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 193/ Solid 197

1/6/2011 -- Day 52
Session: 10min/5min break/10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 196*/ 198*

Sorry for my absence, but i have been slowing down in my gaining and just havent felt the erg to write down that im hitting the same numbers all the time. I know a big part of it is because of my inconsistency but just when i thought i wasnt getting bigger i hit new high expansion numbers! Got to a very soild 196 in the first set and then went on to hit a 198 in my second. I am however getting a lot more discomfort issues. I have been gaining a LOT in girth lately, maybe that is also whats holding back my length gains im not sure but while pumping my girth is basically filling the whole Bathmate and while not pumping im still retaining a lot. My skin gets pinched a lot and is pretty uncomfortable but what can you do. Id like to get a X-40, but one i dont have the money right now and two i dont think i have the length needed for it.
anyways im going to see my GF this weekend, just gonna do manual stretches. Be back on sunday.
Sounds like you may need a X-40, you seem to be really pushing the X-40.

Many guys gain is stages, they will gain length for a while and no girth and then visa versa. I was this way, I gained shit loads of length and very little girth in my first year but the second year was just the opposite. I remember saying that I will take it as it comes.
I took a break from using the Herc Bathmate because of pain issues with my skin getting caught in the gaiter. I have used a few times here and there because i really do want to get back into a routine but it has been to uncomfortable after the session and has really been discouraging me from using it often. I used it tonight, still had pain but im right around the same expansion levels mid 190's so i haven't really lost anything. I realize i need to step up to the X-40 ASAP because my girth is just filling up the herc way to much, i think it may be holding my length gains back to from my skin getting stuck and held up in the gaiter. Once i buy the X-40 and can get back into a comfortable routine, i will be updating my blog again!
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