11/10/2010 -- Day 22
Session: 10 min/ 5min jelq/stretch / 10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 181/184-185

I'm not sure why, but i'm just not in the mood for Penis Enlargement. Maybe its something everyone goes threw, but i know in order to make gains i need to stay consistent so i will keep going at it no matter what.

first session felt kinda 'tight'. i realllyyy felt the stretch and i got up to 181. It still felt good, but wasn't quite as comfortable as normal. the second session was better, i got up to right about my max expansion level. I hit 185 but kinda sunk down a little so ill go with 184-185. i'm thinking about changing up my routine a little. maybe do a 12 min session in the morning and then a 12 min session at night? Two 20min sessions i felt was to much for me so maybe drop the amount of time in the Bathmate? I'm not sure, i'm just getting kind of frustrated with my lack of big gains. The first few weeks of use i made great gains but now i feel i'm plateauing a little. im making some gains but not as fast, just kind of a bummer.
I go through the same thing where my motivation is in the trash, ya gotta push through it. I am sure Mike Tyson had days like this where he felt live throwing in the towel, I bet it was his ability to overcome these feelings that led him to his fame. When you are feeling good do your routine, when you are feeling bad, do your routine twice:)
doublelongdaddy;405286 said:
I go through the same thing where my motivation is in the trash, ya gotta push through it. I am sure Mike Tyson had days like this where he felt live throwing in the towel, I bet it was his ability to overcome these feelings that led him to his fame. When you are feeling good do your routine, when you are feeling bad, do your routine twice:)

im trying my best DLD. Im definitely not giving up! When i first read the last part of what you said about doing the routine twice, i didnt think anything of it. But after the session i just had, i kinda did what you said and had great results!

11/11/2010 -- Day 23
Session: 10 min/ 5min jelq/stretch / 10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 182/ 187*

god i hate this cold (for me) weather, its really killing my ability to have a good flaccid hang through out the day. Either way it seems like its no holding me back in anyway so i guess it doesn't matter! haha

Did a pretty good warm up today, stretched and jelqed for about 10min or so. Got in the shower and put the Bathmate on. First set was good, got up to about 182 probably half way through the set id say. Felt good and was hoping to hit 185 the next set.
Second set started off good, but i noticed a decent amount of air in the top of the chamber. I was lazy and didn't feel like taking it off, getting pretty hard again, and then re applying it so i kept it their and started to pump. Probably half way through the set i was at about 184 but i couldn't get any more out of it due to (i think) the large air bubble. I left it on for a couple more minutes, but decided to take it off and go for a 3rd session for only around 5-6 minutes. in total i think i did probably 22-24 minutes or so in the Bathmate.

so for the 3rd session i did like a handful of jelqs while i was getting hard, and started. I got up to 180 with in a minute, and then pumped to 184 a minute after. I new i had more in me, so i kept pumping! I have NEVER pumped as hard as i did tonight, maybe pretty close but i really wanted it tonight. I got up to a solid 187. Depending on the angle i was looking at i was at 188, but ill go with the 187. On my Bathmate i have a red sticker on the front with an arrow pointing to the top saying "press down to release pressure", the top of my dick was basically at the bottom of that red sticker. I was pretty happy about it, biggest i have gotten so far!

I do have a decent amount of fluid retention, definitely more then normal but i guess it comes with being aggressive and shooting for expansion gains. I really hope i can hit the high 180's to 190 area again soon. I will be going to see my GF this weekend so ill take this weekend off from Bathmate use. Probably good for me to rest anyways.

I also had a question, i never really thought of it when i first started in the 160's, but now that i'm getting close to 190, how do i measure where i am? My Bathmate looks like this ----> http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51HLUV69asL._SS400_.jpg If i get any longer then i am now, The red box and the decal above it will be in the way of me seeing what expansion levels i'm hitting. What have others done to measure there progress when hitting those levels? i guess i could just scratch it off?
hey mike,

keep it up..

just wanted to share my experience last night. my length expansion was somewhat stagnant. i experimented with applying vaseline on the entire shaft and it worked.

i think the stagnation of the length expansion was due to my girth. hence, my shaft clung on to the wall of the Bathmate. i'll try again to test my theory.

hope this helps.
i too think i have a problem with my shaft clinging to the rubber gaiter when i pump. I have 2 darkish rings around the base of my shaft that i thought were stretch marks at first but now i know they are from the rubber gaiter 'biting' into my shaft. I have had impressions of the rings on my shaft sense day one, but for a few weeks i have noticed they are getting worse and are almost permanent instead of only lasting 5-10min after Bathmate use.

i will try the vaseline when i use the Bathmate in my next session, thanks Zeus!
11/14/2010 -- Day 24
Session: 10 min/ 5min jelq/stretch / 10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 184*/ 186-187

Awesome session today! the best i have ever had to so far! both sessions, but especially the 1st session brought a tremendous amount of pull while still being comfortable. I eased into both sessions with out trying to push it to much at first especially since the Bathmate felt extra strong today.

The first set was amazing, i didnt think i was going to hit 184 since the pull was so strong but i got there! I noticed my girth looked a little bit bigger then normal too, but didn't realize how much bigger until the second set. Anyways i was feeling great after the 1st set. Penis Enlargement is such a mind game. Once i see that my self hitting a new expansion record, its like i get that feeling that im big haha which makes me get harder and feel better all around while doing my sessions.

The second set was awesome as well. I got a stop watch but i dont really look at it as much as i use to. I think its because i haven't used one for so long and also because i dont really care how long it takes me to hit certain expansion levels as much as i did before. I do remember hitting the low 180's with in 5 minutes though. Anyways it was an awesome session, especially for girth! The sides of my dick were VERY close to touching the inside of the Bathmate walls. It was looking good for me, i normally dont get as close as i did and it made me feel great. I ended up hitting a weak 187. i got up to it but i droped down pretty quick to a strong 186. I am not disappointed at all though i am glad im basically where i was before taking 2-3 days off. When i took the Bathmate off after the 10min set, i relieved some pressure, pulled a little, and then relieved all of the pressure. Normally i dont have any resistance when pulling my penis out. I ALWAYS have huge rings around the base from it hitting the inside of the gaiter in the Bathmate but i not only had those this time, i also had to "tug" the Bathmate off! The base of my penis was so big that it was holding the Bathmate on! It wasn't a hard tug, but i actually had to make a small effort to take it off. My base Girth was INSANE it was filling the whole bottom. Just looking at it and holding it in my hands made me excited.

Now that i am done with the session i do have more then normal fluid retention, but i know it was definitely not all fluid retention because i have had the same amount of FR before and this has never happened to me.

I am getting closer to 190! i cant wait to hit it! hope i get it with in a few weeks!

Take it easy!
Progress pics of Mike Tyson are probably worth a lot on Ebay!
I actually have not taken any pictures :(. I was going to but i always use the Bathmate in the shower and do not want to risk breaking my phone or camera.

11/14/2010 -- Day 25
Session: 10 min/ 5min jelq/stretch / 10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 183 / 188*

When warming up for this session, i felt like i had less girth then when i was warming up for yesterdays session. It was kinda weird, im not sure if its because i was use to last nights huge girth expansion or what.

Anyways good session none the less! got to 183 in the first set. It was very comfortable and enjoyable. After the 10min were up i took my usual break. Came out and looked good, long and plump. While getting ready for the second set i jelqed and stretched a little.
The second set was realllyy goood. Got up to a max of 188! The top of my head was a little past the red box on the Bathmate. Felt awesome and kept it their for the last 3-4 minutes of the set. Fluid retention was not as bad a yesterday, but it was a little more then usual. Either way im way happy i hit 188! i am getting so close to 190!
11/14/2010 -- Day 26
Session: 10 min/ 5min jelq/stretch / 10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 185* / 188

i went in less erect then usual for both of my sets. My Eq isnt to great, i think my penis is trying to repair itself, i was kinda sore so that may have something to do with it. anyways i got up to 185 in my frist set which was pretty exciting :). New record for my first sets. I might have been able to push a 186 out but i didnt want to over do it before i got into my second set. Second set was pretty much the same as yesterdays second set. No matter how hard i pumped i could not get past 188. No worries though i know it takes time, i just wish it was faster! hahaha

as far as pictures go, i havent taken any but i can try to take a recent one. I use the Bathmate in the shower so its pretty difficult to no ruin electronics in there.
11/17/2010 -- Day 27
Session: 10 min/ 5min jelq/stretch / 10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 184 / 186

did a work out yesterday but didnt have the time to log it. I was really sore from the aggressive sessions i had the last couple days. i might have been able to push 188 out, but the discomfort level was worse then usual so i didnt want to over do it. over all it wasn't a bad work out, but felt a decent amount of discomfort . Possibly going to take tonight session off and let myself recover. We'll see how my EQ and discomfort level is.
yeah me too.. i took a rest last night...

i think it's like any other exercises, our body needs rest to heal and recover.
11/21/2010 -- Day 28
Session: 10 min/ 5min jelq/stretch / 10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 186* / 189*

i took 2 days off to recover and got back into the Bathmate today with great results! hit new records in expansion levels so i was really excited! i was only able to hold the 189 in the my second set for a short period before it dropped back down to a 187-188 ish but its still progress. Both sets felt great and i was extremely satisfied with them. I know it may not be the case for all, but it seems for me a few days off the Bathmate after a hard 5 or so days on gives me time to recover and get back into my routine strong.
Sometimes a small break makes all the difference in the world. Good to hear your back at it with the Bathmate.
I always take my weekends off. Suprisingly most of the pump from my last Bathmate session stayed throughout most the next day. Then died down a bit towards sexy time(bummer). I feel a scheduled rest period is great for me personally, everyones different. But I feel I can go balls to the wall knowing I have scheduled rest days, not stressing about not pumping and wasting time.

That 2 day break may be trying to tell you something, not everybody can be DLD and wake up every single day and start tugging before you even get the dingleberries out your asscrack. Gotta find what works for you bro.

Subscribed to this thread, good shit.
11/21/2010 -- Day 29 (the session before this was actually the 20th)
Session: 10 min/ 5min jelq/stretch / 10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 186 / Weak 190*

Felt really good going into the session, not quite as good as yesterdays but still good non the less. Pumped up to 175 with in the first minute, and hit a max of 186 like last session. Did a hand full of jelqs and light stretches and rested for the 5 minutes in between sets. 2nd set was awesome, got up to 185 with in 2-3 min of the set. I pumped pretty aggressively and hit 190! It was a weak 190 though, only the tip of my head was on the line. I dont normal count weak numbers since the Bathmate measures in 10's, but some of my head was hitting the line. stayed there for the remainder of the set with it fading down to 188-189 then me having to pump a little back up. Its amazing that with in a months time, i started in the low 160's and am now almost in the low 190's. Incredible.

Thanks Zeus, DLD, and Deagle for the support and for following my Journal! And i definitely agree with all of you about the needed rest days (for me at least)
IronMike20;406334 said:
Thanks Zeus, DLD, and Deagle for the support and for following my Journal! And i definitely agree with all of you about the needed rest days (for me at least)

Never a problem!
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