imzeus83;403017 said:
hi mike,

do you pump once or twice a day?

Hey Zeus :)

After my first time using the Bathmate, i tried twice a day but for me, it was to much. I feel like i am the kind of guy who responds a little better to less is more. When it came time for a night session, my dick would still be to sore from my first session in the morning, so i could get as good of an expansion level.

Once a day is perfect for me, it gives me ample time to relax and heal in between my sessions. I would recommend doing 10minutes in the Bathmate, take a 5 minute rest while doing some jelqing and stretching, and then go back in the Bathmate for another 10 minute session. This is what i have been doing and it is working great for me so far. Taking a break and going in for a second set really lets me get a great expansion level. I am still new to this, so maybe when i feel comfortable i might make it 15min sets with a 5-10minute break, but for now i feel like it may be to much for me.

hope this helps!
10/25/2010 -- Day 13
Session: 10 min/ 5min jelq/stretch / 10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 178*/180

Not so great of a session, i hit good expansion numbers but i felt more discomfort this session then before, and it was much harder to get an erection. My EQ has not been too great lately. Probably going to take a few days off to see if the time off helps.

The first session was good! got up to 178! I didnt go in very hard, like i stated earlier my erections arent doing so well at the momment. Either way i got up to 170 with in a minute or so, and them probably half way i got up to 176. Shortly after i pumped up too 178 and it stayed there for the rest of the set.

Second set was good to, just had more discomfort then usual. When i first went in i immediate got up to 170. i could go farther but decided against it sense it was the beginning of the set. I pumped some more and hit around 176. once i got comfortable i went for the 180. I pumped really hard and got their, but it only lasted about 1 minute or so and then kinda fell to 179. the rest of the set was me getting it to 180, and then it falling back a little. I think this had a little to do with my EQ.

I just was not in the mood to do the Bathmate..Kinda like those days you dont really feel like working out but you go anyways because you 'have' to.
10/26/2010 -- Day 14
Session: 10 min/ 5min jelq/stretch / 10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 178/180

very similar session as the day before. Hit the same numbers and what not. im really trying to get past this 180 mark! ahh i guess im just gonna be consistent and try tonight again (wish me luck!)
i skipped the 27th to let myself rest.

10/28/2010 -- Day 15
Session: 10 min/ 5min jelq/stretch / 10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: Weak 180*/181*

Great session even though i went into it thinking it wasn't going to be. I was reading up on The forum and read others talking about how it isnt a race to get your dick bigger and to be patient and go slow. Well i took that into account tonight using the Bathmate. I didnt go slow, i just didnt go as aggressive as i usually do ( i go pretty aggressive) and it payed off!

First session was awesome, wasnt expecting much but got more then i thought i would. I just took it easy not trying to pump up as big as i could as quick as i could. took a little more time and let my dick get use to the ups in pressure for longer periods then normal. Still havent gotten a replacement stop watch, but i remember leaving it at about 160 for a while when i first got in, then pumping to 165ish, then a little past 170 by the halfway mark or so, and then a minute later started pumping up to 180. i got really close to a solid 180, but it was basically the tip on my dick hitting it so ill go with a weak 180. felt great after the session.

second session i took at the same approach. didnt push it to hard, but a little harder since my dick was warmed up from the last session. I got up to 170 very qucikly and left it there for a couple minutes. felt good to move on so i pumped some more to about 176. left it there for a couple minutes and then got myself to 181! it was going down a little back to a weak 180, so i had to pump every minute or so pump a tinny bit more to keep it their. either way i hit over 180 so im happy! I was at 180-181 for what felt like forever hahaha id say a probably 6 mintues of my session i was at that mark.

Both were good sessions with little to no discomfort :)
didnt get to 185 like i wanted to, but im only 4mm away haha and im just glad i got past 180! ive been stuck their for a little while.

im taking probably tomorrow and the weekend off for sure because ill be up at my gf's college partying for Halloween so ill update this when i get back! Have a good Halloween everyone!
I skipped the 29th, 30th and 31st of October for Bathmate use and didnt do any Penis Enlargement at all ( no stretching, no jelqing.) I was a little worried i might lose some length but i definitely did not :). This weekend me and my gf fucked once each day and every day she commented on how i felt longer and the real sign that i was for sure getting bigger was Saturday night. I was fucking her and when i would go all the way in she would have pain from me hitting the back! This has never happened before, it was a for sure sign i have gained some NBPenis EnlargementL. i had to go a little bit slower and not push it all the way. She was loving it though and kept quivering and lightly shaking from me fucking her :). This has never happened before either. She asked me after we had sex if i noticed i was any bigger and if so how would i still be growing. I told her i too noticed more size and said i have no idea how im still growing but i like it. She agreed and said she would just have to get use to the extra size. :)

11/1/2010 -- Day 16
Session: 10 min/ 5min jelq/stretch / 10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: Weak 180 /181

Very similar session as my last one. i hit the same numbers as last time i used the Bathmate, and it felt great. A little more pull then normal but no discomfort at all. I am so happy i didn't lose any size and im really happy to get back from my break to keep pushing. My goal is to hit 185 next. and then 190! cross you fingers for me!
glad to have u back, mike.. always looking forward to reading your journals.
imzeus83;403865 said:
glad to have u back, mike.. always looking forward to reading your journals.

good to be back Zeus! Not only do i put the journals up for myself, but also for fellow users such as yourself to learn and get inspiration so thank you for reading :)!

how have you been liking your Bathmate? are you going to make a journal also?
11/2/2010 -- Day 17
Session: 10 min/ 5min jelq/stretch / 10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 181* /183*

GREAT SESSION! I hit new max expansion levels in both sets i was extremely happy with the results, i did have more fluid retention then normal but nothing to crazy. I am getting very close to 185! and it feels awesome. ive gained 20mm so far with Bathmate use and it can definitely be seen! I am very confident these gains will stay, but i do not want to stop while its going so well especially since i still have a little ways to go to hit my ultimate goal.

First set was great! i had no discomfort at all and felt really good going in. Taking those 3 days off gave me great EQ. Went with a slower pace not trying to up the pressure to much. Worked out great. I REALLY need to go get a stop watch, i have tomorrow off so i will go get one then. Anyways i ended up with a good 181 in the first set and was extremely happpy with it. i new i could push it farther in my second set.

Second set was awesome too, the only thing that kinda gave me discomfort was around 6mins id guess, the phone rang ( the gf calling) and i had to answer it. I brought it in the bathroom, but i still had to get up and what not and walk to get it with the Bathmate at high pressure and my dick hitting 183. Getting up and walking from the seated position with the Bathmate on so tight DID NOT FEEL VERY GOOD hahaha. kinda made me not in the mood any more but i still stayed at a steady 183 the rest of the set. My dick was looking biggg when i got out, biggest i had ever seen it.

anyways today was awesome, lets see what tomorrow brings!
11/3/2010 -- Day 18
Session: 10 min/ 5min jelq/stretch / 10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: strong 180 /181- weak 182

overall good set, nothing special no new expansion gains. I am hitting what seems to be the norm for me 180-183. just gonna keep focusing on the goal and not try to over do it to fast. 185 is still my goal hopefully i can hit it in a week or too, or even surpass it!

Sorry for the short description of my session, kinda busy studying for a math test tomorrow.
IronMike20;404159 said:
kinda busy studying for a math test tomorrow.

Get good with that addition, your going to need it:)
11/4/2010 -- Day 19
Session: 10 min/ 5min jelq/stretch / 10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: strong 180 /183

Great session today! I'm back at what i was at earlier. i felt like i could have squeezed a little more out of my second set but decided against pushing it to far because my gf is coming down this weekend.
I have noticed that i am not as thick as the first week using the Bathmate. I don't know if its because i'm gaining length more, but id like to gain some girth also. I have more girth then before in normal erections outside of using the Bathmate, but when i use the Bathmate i don't pump up as much in it as i use to girth wise. Maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me i don't know, i haven't been logging my girth at all since i'm more more concerned with length first.

The first set didn't look to promising only average, but the second set really made me confident about hitting 185 next week or more. *knock on wood* I was at a steady 183 for a while, not moving down or anything. i think i could have squeezed a 185 out, especially if i stayed in for another 5 minutes. Oh well
Mike Tyson was the man, I was watching some of his fights (my son is a boxer) and I was BLOWN AWAY! What strength, what hitting power, just plain amazing.
doublelongdaddy;404370 said:
Mike Tyson was the man, I was watching some of his fights (my son is a boxer) and I was BLOWN AWAY! What strength, what hitting power, just plain amazing.
Awesome so am I :) yeah during the last 80's when his trainer was still around, he was unstoppable. His head movement, speed, timing, and power were all incredible. Most of the people who fought with him lost before they stepped in the ring. Its to bad his life turned to shit shortly after the early 90's.
No doubt, it happens to the best. My boy is a hell of a boxer, he is righty and south paw.
hi mike keep up the ood work you,ll get there it took me 6 months to fill it up .going off subject the real ironmike came over to the uk where im from doing some afterdinner speeches and i managed to get a signed photo (cost a arm & a leg)but worth it i,ll paste a copy below. keep the faith


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Ill try Saint, i really hope i see the results you did in 6 months! And that is awesome man id love to meet Mike and talk to him about his fights and older fighters. im sure he has a wealth of knowledge
11/8/2010 -- Day 20
Session: 10 min/ 5min jelq/stretch / 10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 181-182 */185*

Its amazing what a few days off can do! hit a good 185 today! I went in thinking it was going to be a bad session tonight but it was very comfortable. Its been cold the past few days and i havent had the flacid hang that i usually have so i just felt smaller and also my EQ has been terrible lately but i actually got the biggest i have ever been! Did some light stretching and very light jelqing before going in for both sets. I hope tomorrow brings even better expansion levels!
IronMike20;404815 said:
11/8/2010 -- Day 20
Session: 10 min/ 5min jelq/stretch / 10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 181-182 */185*

Its amazing what a few days off can do! hit a good 185 today! I went in thinking it was going to be a bad session tonight but it was very comfortable. Its been cold the past few days and i havent had the flacid hang that i usually have so i just felt smaller and also my EQ has been terrible lately but i actually got the biggest i have ever been! Did some light stretching and very light jelqing before going in for both sets. I hope tomorrow brings even better expansion levels!

Good news! I am so happy you are back on track.
just when i was wondering where on earth is mike.. then comes mike with a bang.. keep it up, buddy
haha thanks DLD and Zeus! im really trying! :)

11/9/2010 -- Day 21
Session: 10 min/ 5min jelq/stretch / 10min
Method: shower
Start: went in semi erect
Max: 181/183

earlier today i was really looking forward to hitting 185 again or more, but by the time i got into the Bathmate i was really tired and just not in the mood. I had class from 4pm-10pm, came home and ate dinner, and then went to the gym and ran 2 miles, shadow boxed 5 rounds, and then did some light chest work outs. I was pretty late and i was worn out from all of this and didnt have anytime to do a warm up before going into the Bathmate. Both sets were pretty good other then my terrible EQ, cant complain though other then not getting past 185. At least i know on a really bad day for me, i am still hitting over 180 haha. Ive also noticed i dont really jump around with lengths, like go from 173 up to 180 something with in a day. Im always pretty consistent even with days off and only jump up a few mm each time i hit new expansion levels. Not sure if its a good thing or bad.

im really confident ill hit 185 again in the next few days or so. Just need to get my EQ back up to normal and go into the Bathmate with a decent warm up and good mindset.
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