Tahir Aqbar;530822 said:So I got Supra's ROP a few weeks ago and I figured I've been wearing it long enough to write a review. For the majority of the time I've worn it I have not Penis Enlargement'd. I had to take a lot of time off because of family compromising my privacy. Even then, I did not lose any of my gains. I think half of it was because I did a good job of grounding my gains but the other half was definitely because of the neurological impact the ROP makes when worn around my dick and balls. On top of that, in the time I have Penis Enlargement'd with the ROP (about 50 days) gaining girth has been a breeze.
As for EQ: I am doing a hanging routine and wearing the ROP. I don't even kegel as much as I used to and my EQ is off the chain.
My flaccid size is at an all time high. When I started Penis Enlargement my BPenis EnlargementL was 5.9 inches. Now, because of the ROP, my flaccid length is 5.5 inches. And I'm now 7.0-1 BPenis EnlargementL. This is not proportionate to my starting stats. I was a grower, not a shower. Now I'm basically a fucking shower it's awesome.
Lastly, the ROP's impact on my hormones: I haven't done any blood tests but there are physical observations we can make with the naked eye. I'm 19 and my skin is completely clear. I have absolutely no acne. I never had much acne, but when I grew my facial hair out or ate high glycemic carbs I would have breakouts for a few days... or if I did high rep squat routines I would get acne on my back from where I rested the barbell. Now I have no acne and I've got a beard going on... and I've been doing 20 rep squat sets all time lately. I also measured my testosterone levels on the speed at which I could drop fat/retain strength. I did carb backloading for 30 days and went from 13% fat to 9% fat. I went from an average of 200lbs to 191lbs and still retained all my one rep maxes. I'm back on a mass gaining diet/routine and I'm still sitting around at 12% fat despite eating 3500 to 4000 calories a day. I'm making strength gains like crazy as well.
Altogether, I'd say the ROP was a worthwhile investment and I think it's going to be a great supplement in my journey to 9 BPenis EnlargementL, a 405 lb Bench Press, 700 lb Dead Lift, 500 lb Squat, 315 lb Overhead Press. All of this will be done drug free. Thanks again Supra.
Awesome to hear your results only after such a short time.