misterious said:
well I'm giving up hope I've been doing this for almost 2 months now I think and I haven't gained any size, and I cannot go on with life with a small pecker, I got dumped by another girl yesterday because of it, and my aqquainances at work are telling me to move to India because I would fit in much better there and my kind doesn't belong here in america because I'm a disgrace to the american people because of my small wang.

I would kill myself but I don't have the guts to, I think I'll just start doing really dangerous stuff like mountain climbing and hope I get kiled in the process

I could understand if you were 2 even 3 inches and these problems would warrant such a response but you are average size, why would girls break up with you because of this? You are the size that 80% of the world is.
i have to ask something.the measurements at the surveys by doctors are bone pressed??because if 5.5" bpel is the average then my 7.1" is big and not just above average.:P
see Penis Enlargementing as a hobby and think possitive.if you want to fuck go to a prostitute to give you a handjob if you still feel inadequate.keep it up man.quit smoking(if you smoke) and continue with the gym.the will come.i believe that even if you gain slow..you can be 5.7" in 8 months from now and 4.3" in girth.step by step they will come.dont give up hope.you are too young and you can change your life.once you will be 8" * 6" since you become 25 years and you fuck many wet pussies you are going to forget evethyring and say that it worths it.
goal8*6nick said:
i have to ask something.the measurements at the surveys by doctors are bone pressed??because if 5.5" bpel is the average then my 7.1" is big and not just above average.:P
see Penis Enlargementing as a hobby and think possitive.if you want to fuck go to a prostitute to give you a handjob if you still feel inadequate.keep it up man.quit smoking(if you smoke) and continue with the gym.the will come.i believe that even if you gain slow..you can be 5.7" in 8 months from now and 4.3" in girth.step by step they will come.dont give up hope.you are too young and you can change your life.once you will be 8" * 6" since you become 25 years and you fuck many wet pussies you are going to forget evethyring and say that it worths it.

I just got extra confused/
a small dick aint the end of the world. shit, it dont mean nothing. matter fact there a lot more shit to worry about. I think its the last thing on my mind at the end of the day.
HolyDash said:
It seems like a lot of people have helped you so far. This is good, and that's what is fantastic about the forum. For that, I applaud everyone who has replied.

My share is this: I'm no guru in Penis Enlargement, and I've only been doing it for a few months, so I can't really help you much in that area. However... wishing on your own DEATH?? Never, EVER do that.

You've heard the old adage 'Be careful what you wish for, you might actually get it.' Well, the reason why that saying is so popular is because it's TRUE. Thoughts CREATE who you become. What you are now is the outcome of what you've previously thought. Your thoughts actually send out magnetic frequencies to the universe that draw the parallel back to you. Energy attracts like energy, just like in Chemistry, except that this is in a more macro-scale.

Proof is everywhere that the world works on a micro/macro scale, in that what happens at a microscopic level also happens in our perception of the real world. I'm no quantum physicist or bio-physicist, but I do know that there are similarities in how the organization of information in the cells of our body work similarly to how, say, a Nation or a family would, or a business company.

Notice also how the people who speak mostly of negativity seem to ATTRACT negativity into their lives. Words have much power.

Perfect example: I knew this kid growing up in my old neighborhood in Colorado who was a homosexual. Of course, being what he is, he was made fun of a lot in school. I was the only one who stuck by him, because I didn't really care what his orientation was, I just knew that we were good friends and we've shared many good times together. He was a fun kid to hang out with, but there was one thing that always annoyed the hell out of me. No matter what the topic of conversation was that came out of his mouth (yeah, he did most of the talking), it always involved something very negative. He always talked about how he hated people, or how people hated him, or what wrong affairs were going on in his family, or whatnot.

Turns out that I was the only real positive influence in his life. Here's the crazy thing... I moved away about 7 years ago, and when I returned to town to visit, I saw him. You wouldn't fuckin' BELIEVE what happened to this kid in all those years.

His uncle was pushed off a cliff, his parents divorced, he was sent to a psychiatric institution after being pushed down the stairs by his father, he had a sex-change and is now a woman who goes by the name of Lilly (god I hope he/she still doesn't have a penis and is reading this...), he/she's gone under much trauma and is diagnosed with various conditions that won't even allow him/her to lift 5 lb. of which he/she has to take medication for, his/her brother was jumped by 4 guys and was sent to the hospital (this actually happened a few days ago), he/she and his/her family are known as the neighborhood outcasts, he/she has been raped (yeah.. I know. Who would want to? haha), AND... he/she's only 18 years old, and much, much more...

When I visited him/her just a few days ago to catch up on old memories, I was utterly SHOCKED at what had happened to this kid. EVERYTHING about his/her friggin' changed. He/she was a completely new person, from the way he/she looked, talked, walked, etc. etc.

Wanna know the single most underlying commonality between his/her current personality and his/her former? Everything that came out of this kid's mouth was negative bullshit about how people treat him/her so terribly, about how much he/she hates the world, and about anything disgusting that you could imagine. I don't give a shit HOW badly you think your life is fucked up... whatever it is, it is not NEARLY as bad as this kid.

Point is this: We BECOME what we think about. Everybody saw what was going to happen to him/her coming because that's all he/she ever talked about. Death. Destruction. Negativity. Bullshit. Do you think he/she was just BORN this way, and that this was his/her destiny? Hell no! That would be cruel as hell to know that a God would create such hell for someone.

We've seen it before. We've seen the kid who has nothing, who is constantly spat on, and who's got no future ahead of him bulk up and take the world on to become the Hero. Those become the best stories. Take a look at Lord of the Rings. A hobbit saves the world. How grand. Oh, it's just a story? Take a look at the life of Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah. Talk about glory in the face of great adversity.

It's not 'what's been done to you', it's what 'you're going to do about it'.

I want you, if you are doing it, to stop thinking badly of yourself and start thanking god for what you have. Think of NOTHING else but what is possible.

You might want to call this wishful thinking. Go ahead. I must admit, affirmations alone will not save you. You've gotta actually FEEL the growth. You've got to FEEL the warmth of wishful thinking. KNOW that what you want is yours, and leave your old days behind you.

Jesus knew. He said, "Ask and you shall recieve. Knock and the door will be opened to you."

Ask the universe/God/Allah/whatever what you want, know that it's yours, and recieve it.

Sure, live in reality if you must, but always THINK the impossible. Always.

You've come to the right place, brother. This forum is awesome, and there are always people here to help you. Let the journey of your new beginning... well... BEGIN! Right now!

That is all.


Nice post dude!
misterious said:
well I'm giving up hope I've been doing this for almost 2 months now I think and I haven't gained any size, and I cannot go on with life with a small pecker, I got dumped by another girl yesterday because of it, and my aqquainances at work are telling me to move to India because I would fit in much better there and my kind doesn't belong here in america because I'm a disgrace to the american people because of my small wang.

I would kill myself but I don't have the guts to, I think I'll just start doing really dangerous stuff like mountain climbing and hope I get kiled in the process

Quitting after 2 fucking months????

WEAK. You're not worth anyone's time IMO.

Enjoy your small dick.
It takes alot of people like abunch more times then that to see some gains, I would put in the time, try and change your attitude to one day at a time. Continue with your rountine and add a pm session as well. Invest in a vacume hanger and were an [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ads[/words] for as many hours as possible. Time is the only thing that is in your conrner, make the best of it.
I like the mountain climbing idea also, maybe you'll get moulled by a moutain cat or something,
then you can try skydiving with an umbrella :)
misterious said:
I don't get it

Whatever energies you project, you will get. If you think and feel Penis Enlargement isn't going to work, it won't. If you think and feel Penis Enlargement is and will keep working, it WILL.
dash is correct.

I will say these words in addition to all these other words on this thread.

2 months is nothing.

If I were you, I would go solo for a while, and not try to get girlfriends. Do some self mastery. Become a ninja. Work out hard, Penis Enlargement hard. Train harder.

Get phuckin' jacked as phuck. Study nutrition to the core, and make your whole body anabolic.

Get into mind power and expand your mind and awareness. Become aware of yourself and why you think the way to think down to the exact, tiny detail. Become aware of why you breathe, blink, talk, etc. the way you do. Take the advice of all these guys on here!

You have a mission. To show the power of self mastery. To be an example. You are 5.5 inches. That is not bad, man. There is something to work with there. Get your inner penis and shit to stick out big time.

You must become greater and more knowledgable.

Show the superficial demons you live with the power of self mastery. But, you must drop your superficiality. Annihalate their slime for minds....destroy them with what they currently destroy you with. Take advantage of this paradox and revel in the explosion it will bring about. Become infinitely greater.

Do it. Meditate on this and do it.

Would you rather be all pathetic and a bunch of baby shit? Or the opposite. the extreme opposite!!! It is all within us, it just takes painful amounts of discipline, focus, patience and all the stuff I said before.

Give yourself at least 5 years. And then keep going for life.

My personal recommendation for your routine....try to make stretching work, and actually feel the ligs being pulled and feeling some sort of discomfort. For a while, I couldn't master the stretching technique, and never felt a pull. I just jelqued. Now that I know stretching, I am much, much better.

I personally recommend stretching over anything, especially at this point for you.
Those who strive to be better than they are the ones who climb over the tallest mountains. Keep it up and do some hanging

In the other hand go mountain climbing and tie the rope to your cock and do some extreme hanging.
misterious said:
well I'm giving up hope I've been doing this for almost 2 months now I think and I haven't gained any size, and I cannot go on with life with a small pecker, I got dumped by another girl yesterday because of it, and my acquainances at work are telling me to move to India because I would fit in much better there and my kind doesn't belong here in america because I'm a disgrace to the american people because of my small wang.
I would kill myself but I don't have the guts to, I think I'll just start doing really dangerous stuff like mountain climbing and hope I get kiled in the process

Stop playing the VICTIM, your pecker is fine the way it is. I remember I use to get anxiety attacks thinking about it and getting very depressed at times because my penis was hardly over 5 inches in length and my GF would make fun of it. You came to this site like the rest of us. For 2 main reasons, I don't like my Mental Outlook on my Penis and I don't like my Physical Outlook of my penis. You need to change your thoughts to more positive thinking. First except your penis as is, learn to work it and learn to take of it. Change the things you can about yourself you don't like.

HolyDash is correct in his story. Negative thoughts bring negative results

velimirovich I found yours the funniest ... not helpful, but funny to me.
velimirovich said:
Quitting after 2 fucking months????
WEAK. You're not worth anyone's time IMO.
Enjoy your small dick.
Just remember when meditating to purify all of your bodies with spiritual energy. This will make you much healthier. The purpose of meditation is to become a Co-Creator, a "God" if you will, an avatar, a Creator Man, whatever you want to call it.
Threak said:
Stop playing the VICTIM, your pecker is fine the way it is. I remember I use to get anxiety attacks thinking about it and getting very depressed at times because my penis was hardly over 5 inches in length and my GF would make fun of it. You came to this site like the rest of us. For 2 main reasons, I don't like my Mental Outlook on my Penis and I don't like my Physical Outlook of my penis. You need to change your thoughts to more positive thinking. First except your penis as is, learn to work it and learn to take of it. Change the things you can about yourself you don't like.

HolyDash is correct in his story. Negative thoughts bring negative results

velimirovich I found yours the funniest ... not helpful, but funny to me.

I don't know, today I heard 2 different small penis jokes from 2 different people. Really made me angry, I almost punched them in the face.

Having a small dick is not my choice, I was just born that way, so why the hell do I have to get teased and made fun of about it? Mentally handicapped (read: Retarded) people are born that way, but I don't see people go around making fun of them.

The way I see it, having a small penis, we are minority, but it's considered OK, and often encouraged to belittle and harass us for fun. Any other minority though, if you make fun of them, you are an evil person!! jezus...

You guys are right, I shouldn't sit here whining like a little baby about it. The next time someone makes a small penis joke in front of me, I will BE a man, and I will punch them in the face, or worse, if I'm carrying my knife, I'll slice them up good. I'll probably even knock them out and cut their large penis off and make them know what it feels like to be me.

Having a small penis is viewed as a sign of a weak male, with not much masculinity hence why we are not allowed to breed. But you know what? I'll prove that wrong! I'll be a fucking strong male! And hardcore too. Anyone gets in my way, I'll knock them the hell out and assert my authority. I'm short, but one advantage to being overweight, is I have a big mass, and don't fall over as easily in battle, and can also knock other people out easier. Hence, why in boxing, heavyweights outrank lightweights. I might look docile - but I'm a force to be reckoned with.

Now, if I could just do something about the lamers on the internet and their small penis jokes. I can't do anything to them. I guess I need to take up computer hacking, study it.
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eeeeasy there tiger..I don't wanna read about you in the paper so you might wanna re think about causing serious physical damage to a bro,

Listen here is what you do plain and simple when a bro picks on your wang punch him a few times and then fuck him up dee ass with your small wang, totally takes his manhood away from him, trust me I have done it with my 7" tool (tee-hee). I told a guy once I said "Man you keep pick'n on me man I WILL RAPenis Enlargement YOU SON"!!!! so I did :)

lol. i think what you will find is that the people making the jokes are often insecure about their own size, and they tell the jokes so that people think they are big. things do tend to work that way.
if you show people your insecure about issues like this then they will think your small - only making the problem worse.
You are still being negative with all your hostility. Turn this around for yourself and make it a positive. I was the same, I get very embarassed and angry when I heard small penis jokes. Don't give it any of your time & energy, spend it thinking and doing more constructive and positive things for yourself. You only get one penis, take responsibilty and except it, learn to work it and take care of it. You have the knowledge the support and both your hands to do P.E. Those guys don't have to live with your penis ... you do.
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oxygenrice said:
dash is correct.

I will say these words in addition to all these other words on this thread.

2 months is nothing.

If I were you, I would go solo for a while, and not try to get girlfriends. Do some self mastery. Become a ninja. Work out hard, Penis Enlargement hard. Train harder.

Get phuckin' jacked as phuck. Study nutrition to the core, and make your whole body anabolic.

Get into mind power and expand your mind and awareness. Become aware of yourself and why you think the way to think down to the exact, tiny detail. Become aware of why you breathe, blink, talk, etc. the way you do. Take the advice of all these guys on here!

You have a mission. To show the power of self mastery. To be an example. You are 5.5 inches. That is not bad, man. There is something to work with there. Get your inner penis and shit to stick out big time.

You must become greater and more knowledgable.

Show the superficial demons you live with the power of self mastery. But, you must drop your superficiality. Annihalate their slime for minds....destroy them with what they currently destroy you with. Take advantage of this paradox and revel in the explosion it will bring about. Become infinitely greater.

Do it. Meditate on this and do it.

Would you rather be all pathetic and a bunch of baby shit? Or the opposite. the extreme opposite!!! It is all within us, it just takes painful amounts of discipline, focus, patience and all the stuff I said before.

Give yourself at least 5 years. And then keep going for life.

My personal recommendation for your routine....try to make stretching work, and actually feel the ligs being pulled and feeling some sort of discomfort. For a while, I couldn't master the stretching technique, and never felt a pull. I just jelqued. Now that I know stretching, I am much, much better.

I personally recommend stretching over anything, especially at this point for you.
This is great advice. Pay attention to it.
I havent posted here in ages, but this 1 bothers me. Dude you will never get over you being small if you give up in only 2 months. And for that you wont ever get laid. You have more than just small dick problems. Its all in your brains.
You wanna talk small. Mine is 4"x4" HARD on a good day. But Ive had many girls and most were "come back for mores".
When I met my sons mother, I was soo scared (virgin) to let her even touch my dick. But 1 night she insisted and we were both de-virginized that night.
10 yrs later 15 girls later, Im married and have 3 kids.

Do what these guys say. Dont worry about pussy. get your body and dick in shape and kiss the pussy/small dick problems goodbye.

I havent done anything in months, But when I did I gained 1/4" girth in like a month. I use a rubber cock ring and I go up to 4.5 girth and it feels great.

It takes time to gain. It will be well worth it in the long run.

Sry for bump but here is update... its been a few months (I think) and have been jelquing/stretching it pretty much whenever I go to the bathroom or shower.

But still hasn't increased in size at all. Is it a lost cause, and should I just kill myself? Or do I need to start trying some different things, like trying enlargment pills or a stretching device? or do those not work at all?
misterious said:
Sry for bump but here is update... its been a few months (I think) and have been jelquing/stretching it pretty much whenever I go to the bathroom or shower.

But still hasn't increased in size at all. Is it a lost cause, and should I just kill myself? Or do I need to start trying some different things, like trying enlargment pills or a stretching device? or do those not work at all?

Not enough dedication. Jelq for at least 30 minutes everyday, with medium intensity.
misterious said:
Sry for bump but here is update... its been a few months (I think) and have been jelquing/stretching it pretty much whenever I go to the bathroom or shower.

But still hasn't increased in size at all. Is it a lost cause, and should I just kill myself? Or do I need to start trying some different things, like trying enlargment pills or a stretching device? or do those not work at all?

Maybe a change is routine, something more intense. Send me a PM and I can help you with a routine.
So many posts and it doesn't seem like you listened to any of them. You cant just do it a couple minutes in the shower and shit. You have to be serious about it. Quit whining. All these people are here to help. You gotta put effort into it not just expect your dick to be huge from some stretching here and there.
Beloved13 said:
Quit whining.

I know.. it's just.. I keep getting harassed about my small penis... I hate it. And I'm sick of being alive. Just... the world seems pathetic... humanity pathetic, when we are judged by our penis size, something we don't have control over.

People point and laugh at me in the bathroom or locker room. I've gotten death threats on another forum I frequent, just because I openly said on there I had a small penis in one thread. Women refuse to sex me. It's ridiculous really. Do any of us refuse to have sex with women because their breasts are too small? no. Does anyone care about their breasts being small? not really. But why is penis size so important? Humans... are so stupid.

Perhaps, I'm the only one that can see penis size doesn't matter and you should judge the person for who they are and not something they have no control over. Perhaps, that makes me more intelligent than the rest of humanity? I hope so.

Do people go around making fun of mentally retarded children? After all, they couldn't help being mentally retarded, they were born with it. Just like I was born with a small penis. Nothing either of us could have changed.

Now, I could see making fun of someone because they are fat. After all, you aren't born fat, and it's something that is always changable. I could see making fun of someone that is ugly, after all, if you groom yourself, you would be presentable. But.. making fun of, and making jokes over something that nobody has control over...? That is just... stupid.

Though, considering that humans evolved from gorillas... at least the scientists say so. Well, I believe them, because humans sure are stupid. Humanity is living proof god doesn't exist, because if he did exist, he would have wiped us out and destroyed the Earth long ago.
doublelongdaddy said:
Maybe a change is routine, something more intense. Send me a PM and I can help you with a routine.

ok but I don't see on here how to send a PM... is it possible for you to send me one? I appreciate the help
"Now, I could see making fun of someone because they are fat. After all, you aren't born fat, and it's something that is always changable. I could see making fun of someone that is ugly, after all, if you groom yourself, you would be presentable. But.. making fun of, and making jokes over something that nobody has control over...? That is just... stupid."

by your very hands, with the above comment you've rendered this thread redundant in my viewpoint.

keep pushing
Though, considering that humans evolved from gorillas... at least the scientists say so. Well, I believe them, because humans sure are stupid. Humanity is living proof god doesn't exist, because if he did exist, he would have wiped us out and destroyed the Earth long ago.[/QUOTE]

What the hell are you talking about?! Honestly, now I just think you are lying. Do you want a pity party? Aww poor you, there.....feel better? Death threats? Yea, ok you aren't the only small guy on Penis Enlargement forums obviously. All the forums I have been to have been EXTREMELY helpful and courteous. I don't know what you are trying to do here but, cut it. It's just getting old now.
.....errrrrrr I WASN'T going to say anything else past what i have already posted before all this BUT... damn i'm getting my head all beant out of shape with this one right here.

Dawg...this shit is very very simple. KISS= Keep It Simple Stupid ( sorry for the Stupid part but hey, it's how the saying goes ok? )

- This shit works Penis EnlargementRIOD.

- This shit takes time, patience, dedication, positive nature, research and MOTIVATION. ( The motivation part i think you got covered because of the size right ? )

- This shit requires you to, beforehand, accept that it may take anywhere betwin 6 months to 6 years for you to get to your self-designated goal.

- This shit will bring you to as far as your own will-power will take you. No further and no less. You dictate your own results as it is you who decides to skip a workout or not. TIP: DO NOT MISS WORKOUTS EVER cause that will bring the fault apon yourself. Do the exercises and be faithfull to yourself. If you fail to do them, then you fail your expectations.

- This shit is to be perceived as a FUTURE bonus and NOT and imediate one. It does NOT work that way. Set small incremental goals for the short-term ( 6 months ) midd-term goals ( 1 year ) and longterm goals (1 to 5 or 30 years ) Work through the goals, gather the small gains one by one and IT WILL ADD ALL UP UN THE END.

Be safe, research, read read read, use the search funtion, ask, count on our help, BE POSITIVE and be a man goddamit, you WILL BE WHERE YOU WANT TO BE SIZEWISE if you want it and IF you do something about it.

Also, please stop talking about suicide or whatever dude cause that shit WON'T HELP you or us.

Go [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] until it no longer gives gains end evolve from there. In 6 months you have the ability to be anywhere betwin 6 and 7" so START RIGHT NOW ( unless you are at your aunt's house sorrounded by family of course :D )


chicks are definitely shady. One chick in college used to always rip on her "best friend" on how he had a needle dick. 11 yrs later, he's a dentist and the bitch is married to him.
also, one of my buddies had the biggest dong in High School and his girl would cheat ALL the time. He would actually cry about the whore. No method to the madness man.
You're real young though so at least you found this early.
I can't blame anyone for feeling bad about themselves for having a small penis as I would probably be upset also. I've known guys that are small and get tons of ass man, girls really don't care about that shit. It's more about "connection" than anything physical with women. If someone made fun of my penis size (and meant it, not as one of those guy joke things) I would seriously reprimand them and probably kick some ass while I was making them look like an idiot through intelligent conversation.

Let's use an example. Let's say this asshat frat boy has a 9x6 and he's around parading it all the time and starts hitting on my girlfriend. If he ever said anything along the lines of "well my penis is definitely bigger than his" then it would be an automatic ass kicking, and a nice "stomp" on the ol' package. That'd put him in his place with his broken dick. That fucker then has nothing to brag about, and he will for sure feel like shit for a while because he would have lost his most prized possession (people shouldn't covet physical properties, but whatever.)

Seriously, don't be afraid to kick some ass. Don't be afraid to woo their girl and fuck her behind his back, that is the ultimate pay back, as it proves in his mind that YOU are more of a man than he is because you could pick her up AND you have a "smaller penis" (how would they know, you're flaccid dude) than him.

However, you could just take the totally non-egotistical spiritual approach and laugh at him, then pity him for coveting physical things, as we lose everything physical when we die.
Reber187 said:
"Now, I could see making fun of someone because they are fat. After all, you aren't born fat, and it's something that is always changable. I could see making fun of someone that is ugly, after all, if you groom yourself, you would be presentable. But.. making fun of, and making jokes over something that nobody has control over...? That is just... stupid."

by your very hands, with the above comment you've rendered this thread redundant in my viewpoint.

Well, I meant something we don't initially have control over. Sure penis enlargement works (or so you guys say) but that doesn't mean we could choose to have a big penis from the git-go when we were born
Your pretty much wrong about the part where you say people don't make fun of mentally challenged people. My brother is mentally challenged and growing up with him was very clear that there are a lot more assholes out there than what you think. People do make fun of the mentally challenged of course there not going to let everybody know about, nobody wants to be labeled as the person who made fun of the retarded kid. So you don't really know what your talking about...
misterious said:
Well, I meant something we don't initially have control over. Sure penis enlargement works (or so you guys say) but that doesn't mean we could choose to have a big penis from the git-go when we were born

fair do's.

keep pushing
Hello misterious. Dude I feel your pain, but i want to offer you some hope. First off I started pe a lot smaller than you. 3 3/4 nbp...4 1/2 bp. I tried pe for almost 2 years and gained nothing. Yeah frustrating I know. Before [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] i joined several sites and chatrooms. I remember one in particular. I was desperately seeking advice. There was a member there who happened to be a mod at a well known pe forum that i won't name. The member thought my case was funny and would taunt and pick until he would get the whole room typing lol and crap like that. Just prior to this my wife divorced me for a more adequate lover. (No I don't blame her) I was driven to the point that i didn't feel that I could go on anymore. Like you I didn't even care to live. I sat there one night with a loaded gun desperately reaching out for the last time.

Someone in this thread mentioned YGUY. YGUY happened to log into that room that night. I had heard of him but had never had the opportunity to chat with him. When he figured out what was going on with the jerks in the room he came to my rescue. He literally saved my life that night. He led me to thunders place where I read all of his posts and how he started small but had great success. About this time I met DLD. I pestered the crap out of him for a few weeks as i was still not gaining anything at this point. Slowly DLD got me to trust him. He made me believe that even with all the time i had invested in pe that i could still grow and achieve my goals. Hell I only had a goal of at least getting up to 6 inches so i wouldn't feel like the freak anymore. Ask D. bro if you can't believe me, he reached out his hand to me. He believed in me when I couldn't believe in myself. When I started to trust him (as well as YGUY) I finally saw a little growth. It was only like an 1/8 of an inch or so, but I was excited. You know what... the next week there was another 1/8 or so new growth. By about the third month I had gained way over 2 inches.

I said all that to get you to understand that you are not alone. Dude somebody cares. Can you just make me one tiny promise for now? Just trust me. I won't laugh,, i won't hurt you, if you'll take my hand together we can get this monkey off of your back once and for all. DEAL????? I have faith in you.
the above post is the best ive read since being a member of [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words].

keep pushing

I think you're either a phony or downright stupid. Your length (5.3) isnt much less than my current measurement (5.8 BPenis EnlargementL) and I've started to bang chicks way more regularly. Despite my invented mental stories of being rejected due to my size, it's never actually happened; and I've realized I can give most women G-spot orgasms just fine.

As for your girth, it's a bit below average, but you have to realize that there are even adult entertainment stars (take that MILF hunter guy, for instance) who are only 0.5" to 0.7" more than you in circumference (which translates to only about 0.2" in diameter). You're making mountains out of molehills... or vice versa.

Also realize that you're living during the most exciting time for humanity: where we're moving to a more open, capitalistic society where medical & technological breakthroughs are effectively making money more powerful every day. Ideally, money should be the sole token that represents and standardizes all efforts, productivity, goods & services.
It won't be long before you can practically buy your way to whatever size you wish (think about the long-ago inventions of the artificial heart, limb extension surgery, etc.). If you don't see your work in Penis Enlargement as being fruitful, persevere in something else instead, which other people aren't as good at. Make sure you get paid serious bank for it, and you can exchange all your current efforts for your future-lover's ideal size later. If you're so worried about your current size... think of it as just that, a medical condition which hasn't been cured yet.

Until then, there are a lot of things in life more important than sex. If you really cant find a partner (for whatever reason), there are tons of cool things you can accomplish with your life when you dont have to worry about pleasing/supporting other people.
C-Guy said:
Hello misterious. Dude I feel your pain, but i want to offer you some hope. First off I started pe a lot smaller than you. 3 3/4 nbp...4 1/2 bp. I tried pe for almost 2 years and gained nothing. Yeah frustrating I know. Before [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] i joined several sites and chatrooms. I remember one in particular. I was desperately seeking advice. There was a member there who happened to be a mod at a well known pe forum that i won't name. The member thought my case was funny and would taunt and pick until he would get the whole room typing lol and crap like that. Just prior to this my wife divorced me for a more adequate lover. (No I don't blame her) I was driven to the point that i didn't feel that I could go on anymore. Like you I didn't even care to live. I sat there one night with a loaded gun desperately reaching out for the last time.

Someone in this thread mentioned YGUY. YGUY happened to log into that room that night. I had heard of him but had never had the opportunity to chat with him. When he figured out what was going on with the jerks in the room he came to my rescue. He literally saved my life that night. He led me to thunders place where I read all of his posts and how he started small but had great success. About this time I met DLD. I pestered the crap out of him for a few weeks as i was still not gaining anything at this point. Slowly DLD got me to trust him. He made me believe that even with all the time i had invested in pe that i could still grow and achieve my goals. Hell I only had a goal of at least getting up to 6 inches so i wouldn't feel like the freak anymore. Ask D. bro if you can't believe me, he reached out his hand to me. He believed in me when I couldn't believe in myself. When I started to trust him (as well as YGUY) I finally saw a little growth. It was only like an 1/8 of an inch or so, but I was excited. You know what... the next week there was another 1/8 or so new growth. By about the third month I had gained way over 2 inches.

I said all that to get you to understand that you are not alone. Dude somebody cares. Can you just make me one tiny promise for now? Just trust me. I won't laugh,, i won't hurt you, if you'll take my hand together we can get this monkey off of your back once and for all. DEAL????? I have faith in you.

thanks man.... I dunno though, it keeps getting to me. On another (non pe-related) forum there was a thread with a video of some martial arts guy that was beating up his students, and someone made a comment saying "its a shame guys are born with small genitals and do shit like this".

I replied to him saying "it has nothing to do with small genitals, and personally I'd rather have small genitals than a small brain" (lol no not really). And then tons of ppl on that forum jumped on me calling me needledick and dickless and stuff and encouraging me to kill myself "because a small dick guy like you don't belong here". <:( I dunno...

any way back to the thread at hand, you say you started small like me and gained 2 inches?

what routine did you use?

I've tried the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] here and it doesn't seem to work too well for me, I haven't made any gains and I dunno if it's just because I'm doing it wrong, or if because i can't grip onto my dick (huge hands + small dick = bad).

for jelqing I've been basically using only using my thumb and index finger in the shape of a circle gripped around the base of my dick and moving upwards towards the head. I notice in Penis Enlargement videos most guys like use the entire hand, but I can't fit my entire hand on it.. maybe that's why its not working for me?

I was thinking of paying for the pay section of [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]matters of size[/words] which I guess has videos and guides on it and stuff (from what I understand)? but problem is I just turned 18 a few months ago and I still live with my parents and if the knew i payed for something like that they would flip! I wanted to try some [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]penis enlargement pills[/words] but you have to always order them online, and I'm not usually the one that checks the mail and if my mother found something like "11210 SuperSize Penis Avenue" addressed to my name she'd disown me...
misterious said:
thanks man.... I dunno though, it keeps getting to me. On another (non pe-related) forum there was a thread with a video of some martial arts guy that was beating up his students, and someone made a comment saying "its a shame guys are born with small genitals and do shit like this".

I replied to him saying "it has nothing to do with small genitals, and personally I'd rather have small genitals than a small brain" (lol no not really). And then tons of ppl on that forum jumped on me calling me needledick and dickless and stuff and encouraging me to kill myself "because a small dick guy like you don't belong here". <:( I dunno...

any way back to the thread at hand, you say you started small like me and gained 2 inches?

what routine did you use?

I've tried the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] here and it doesn't seem to work too well for me, I haven't made any gains and I dunno if it's just because I'm doing it wrong, or if because i can't grip onto my dick (huge hands + small dick = bad).

for jelqing I've been basically using only using my thumb and index finger in the shape of a circle gripped around the base of my dick and moving upwards towards the head. I notice in Penis Enlargement videos most guys like use the entire hand, but I can't fit my entire hand on it.. maybe that's why its not working for me?

I was thinking of paying for the pay section of [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]matters of size[/words] which I guess has videos and guides on it and stuff (from what I understand)? but problem is I just turned 18 a few months ago and I still live with my parents and if the knew i payed for something like that they would flip! I wanted to try some [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]penis enlargement pills[/words] but you have to always order them online, and I'm not usually the one that checks the mail and if my mother found something like "11210 SuperSize Penis Avenue" addressed to my name she'd disown me...

Close to 1/4 of those guys probably had a smaller crank than you. Stop worrying about those stupid remarks. The guys who go around bragging about how big they are...aren't even close to being big.
misterious said:
thanks man.... I dunno though, it keeps getting to me. On another (non pe-related) forum there was a thread with a video of some martial arts guy that was beating up his students, and someone made a comment saying "its a shame guys are born with small genitals and do shit like this".

I replied to him saying "it has nothing to do with small genitals, and personally I'd rather have small genitals than a small brain" (lol no not really). And then tons of ppl on that forum jumped on me calling me needledick and dickless and stuff and encouraging me to kill myself "because a small dick guy like you don't belong here". <:( I dunno...

any way back to the thread at hand, you say you started small like me and gained 2 inches?

what routine did you use?

I've tried the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] here and it doesn't seem to work too well for me, I haven't made any gains and I dunno if it's just because I'm doing it wrong, or if because i can't grip onto my dick (huge hands + small dick = bad).

for jelqing I've been basically using only using my thumb and index finger in the shape of a circle gripped around the base of my dick and moving upwards towards the head. I notice in Penis Enlargement videos most guys like use the entire hand, but I can't fit my entire hand on it.. maybe that's why its not working for me?

I was thinking of paying for the pay section of [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]matters of size[/words] which I guess has videos and guides on it and stuff (from what I understand)? but problem is I just turned 18 a few months ago and I still live with my parents and if the knew i payed for something like that they would flip! I wanted to try some [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]penis enlargement pills[/words] but you have to always order them online, and I'm not usually the one that checks the mail and if my mother found something like "11210 SuperSize Penis Avenue" addressed to my name she'd disown me...

^ bump lol

sry I still haaven't figured out how to message people here

In my motivational post for you a while back, I said you needed to focus on stretching, and learn how to stretch good. It sounds like that is your main problem!

I suggest either:

filling the head with some blood, and see if that gives you a better grip.
using grip chalk/baby powder
squeezing harder
find the right finger positions
I usually only use my left hand....with the index finger covering the the bottom left side of the head, and the thumb hooking on to the bottom right side of the head....a little hard to explain, but mess around with that, and you will get it. Always try different subtle variations in pressure/tightness with that finger formation! Use your right hand as well to push on your left hand for more power.

You need to aim to feel the 2 side ligs hurting....and then work towards hittin the top one, which is more difficult. You must experiment and train and learn, but you will always be doing something for growth, you'll just keep getting better and better as you practice.

keep us updated. Im cheering you on. You must defeat them.
misterious sorry i haven't gotten back to you sooner. unusually swamped at work this week. Take the advice from the above post to heart bro. He is right on track and i agree 100% You asked about how to pm. Try this...scroll to the top of the page.. Click quick link...then click private messages. When it take you to that page just type in the name of the person you want and take it from there. Hit me back either here or in a pm if you like. Take care bro.

it's also possible that you arent measuring correctly. when i'm at 100%, mine points almost straight up to my chin, and measuring this way gives me my actual EL. if i only measure when it's pointing straight ahead, i'm only at about 75-80% and so my EL is 0.3"-0.4" less. keep this in mind.
drkegels said:

it's also possible that you arent measuring correctly. when i'm at 100%, mine points almost straight up to my chin, and measuring this way gives me my actual EL. if i only measure when it's pointing straight ahead, i'm only at about 75-80% and so my EL is 0.3"-0.4" less. keep this in mind.

I'm measuring right I think. I usually measure when I'm jacking off that way I'm maximum aroused. I find that the minute I take my eyes off the "action" (hehe) though I start going soft so I have to measure quick....

But yeah it has to be right because it produces the same measurement all the time.. for erect length/girth that is. I get the longest flaccid length after stretching/jelqing but I don't really care about flaccid size.

One thing I dunno if it's normal or not.. someone please reply to this, but: My dick seems kind of "flat" shaped. I mean if I measure the diameter across the top, it's 1.5 inches (erect of course). But if I measure the diameter down the sides, it's only 1 inch. And when I do a "reverse-grip" of my dick like if a girl were to hold it and giving me a handjob I can feel that the top of it feels kind of flat and just doesn't feel right.

This is also bad because condom sites list their sizes in diameter and not circumference so I dunno if my dick is too small to use condoms or not (meaning I won't be able to have sex any way unless I get lucky and find a girl that uses pills/patch lol).

Also 1 other question no one has touched on that I asked earlier ... [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]penis enlargement pills[/words], or "supplements" if that's what you call them. Do they help? Do you recommend them? I can't really buy any until I'm living on my own but if they do help then I'm definitely going to start saving up for them and then when I am living on my own and can order them without shame, then I will have enough money saved up for 2 years supply.