doublelongdaddy;526375 said:
Maybe a bit more padding at the glans will alleviate this soreness. Soreness should not be present at the head, as it manifests in the ligaments, if there is pain present wrapping should be perfected.

yeah its not a big pain or anything, more like discomfort, its just behind the glans from where i had the weights hang off, and i only noticed it yesterday when trying to hang (i think i did it for too long). its probs just because i dont have a device for hanging (low cash) so im doing a bit of makeshift hanging, but no real noticeable pain now. seems to be working alright though, i plan to keep it up as a part substitution for manual stretches (will still be doing some though) as i get hard alot of the time tryna do the stretches.
anyway, hoping this extra length work will help me hit my length goals quicker, may also need to adjust my goals as im mainly focusin on length for the moment
i think im developing the start of a turkey neck from the hanging which isnt so good. upside is this possibly shows im growing as skin is moving slightly up the shaft
okay so ive recently gotten frenulum AGAIN. im thinking maybe my frenulum maybe a little tight and so i have a little tear/ rip in it probs due to stretching/hanging/excessive engorgement or a combination, but saying that i dont have the balls to cut it nor do i want to for fear of sensitivity loss. im just gonna take it a little easier and hope it heals up.
better news is that the replacemtn part for the extender should be coming soon so i can start extending again, aslong as my fenulum has recovered
update 15/01/13:
received the part for my extender today so can start using it again. i havent done much regarding pe in the last few days due to frenulum pain/ a small tear. i think i may have a tight frenulum as this isnt the first time.
ive still got a little bit of discomfort but nothing bad so i'll power through, today ill start with some medium intensity hanging following by 1 hour + in the extender.
then a little later on ill do my usual Bathmate sets then 5 - 10 minutes of jelqs.

gym update: (PB's)
-80kg bent over row x 3 reps (pyramid set)
-85kg bench press x 2 reps (need serious work on my bench, finding form difficult to get right)
-140kg deadlift 1RM

bulking's going well, going up in weight nicely and well on my way for my summer goal

being doing a very small amount of hanging recently, mainly to stretch out before extender use. i used the extender on max tension for two sets of 20 minutes yesterday

today i did 45 minutes moderate tension, then 30 mins max tension. then soon i will pump with the Bathmate and possibly do some jelqs if theres time.
if still got the big issue about my frenulum so still not sure how i should tackle this

deadlift: 145kg 1rm (very happy about this)
ATG squat: 90kg, 6x2 then ATG front squats: 80kg 6x2 (i need to work on my squats)
p.e update:
as of 2 days ago i have stopped doing any exercises

this is not because im getting lazy or dont beleive in p.e.

i want to cut my frenulum as i think its holding m back from making some good gains due to its inability to stretch and grow like the rest of the penis. over the past 10 months it has had a slight tear 3 times. i think this is also why my length isnt increasing. i will most likely tie it but need to look into it more, how to do it, where to insert the needle etc. so this will be my focus. i may aswell spend a couple of weeks reducing the limitation of my growth than to try and just work with it for the rest of my p.e time which could result in little or no length gains.


im making real good progress, getting my bodyweight up nicely and right on target, aswell as making lots of strength gains. current target bodyweight wise is 195 lbs by may, which i will then cut with the aim of losing 14lbs of fat, making me 181lbs @ 8% bf, right in time for a lads holiday!
-bench press 1rm - 87.5kg
-arnold press - 26kg 5x3
-inlcine bench - 70kg 4x2
jordey;526384 said:
yeah its not a big pain or anything, more like discomfort, its just behind the glans from where i had the weights hang off, and i only noticed it yesterday when trying to hang (i think i did it for too long). its probs just because i dont have a device for hanging (low cash) so im doing a bit of makeshift hanging, but no real noticeable pain now. seems to be working alright though, i plan to keep it up as a part substitution for manual stretches (will still be doing some though) as i get hard alot of the time tryna do the stretches.
anyway, hoping this extra length work will help me hit my length goals quicker, may also need to adjust my goals as im mainly focusin on length for the moment

Cool, kust wanted to mention it! Good work my man!
jordey;525127 said:
update: just measured today, im VERY HAPPY!

i never realy doubted that pe works, just that i was a non responder. of course this was really because i wasnt dedicated enough.

my starting size:
-6.5" NBPenis EnlargementL
-4.75" MSEG

my measurements as of today:
-6.6" NBPenis EnlargementL
-5" MSEG

so thats a 0.1 inch length gain, and 0.25 inch girth gain in just under 6 weeks!

i think i could of been a little more dedicated aswell, but overall i stayed fairly consistent. ive only been doing consistent stretches for about 2 weeks though, and my extender has broken recently so im waiting for a replacement, which is why length gains havent been that good but i have incorporated more length exercises into my routine now

my goal increments are as follows:

-6.8 BPenis EnlargementL X 5.25 MSEG - my current short term goal is to get to here by the middle of february
-7 BPenis EnlargementL X 5.5 MSEG (once i get to here i will be pretty happy with my size)
-7.25 BPenis EnlargementL X 5.7 MSEG
-7.5 BPenis EnlargementL X 5.8 MSEG
-7.75 BPenis EnlargementL X 5.9 MSEG
-8 BPenis EnlargementL X 6 BPenis EnlargementL (i will see once i get here if i want to be bigger)

Not bad bro what routine u using for those gains.Can u post your routine
jordey;526384 said:
yeah its not a big pain or anything, more like discomfort, its just behind the glans from where i had the weights hang off, and i only noticed it yesterday when trying to hang (i think i did it for too long). its probs just because i dont have a device for hanging (low cash) so im doing a bit of makeshift hanging, but no real noticeable pain now. seems to be working alright though, i plan to keep it up as a part substitution for manual stretches (will still be doing some though) as i get hard alot of the time tryna do the stretches.
anyway, hoping this extra length work will help me hit my length goals quicker, may also need to adjust my goals as im mainly focusin on length for the moment

Whats everybody mean by the glans what part my dick is that?
cockadoodledoo;529950 said:
Not bad bro what routine u using for those gains.Can u post your routine

my routine is on the previous page. everything i did i listed. tbh though my gains arent that impressive and others have made alot better progress, but ive had to take time off to sort out my frenulum
okay so im gonna be starting with the p.e. again very soon. im eager to start exercising my fella again, and will do the moment my frenulum (or lack of now) has healed properly from the tying. this will probs be 2-3 days.

my plan for when i start back will be similar to what i was doing before just more of it. what i plan to do:

-stretch every direction x 3 (excluding behind the cheek and leftward stretching)
-extender use: 2x 1 hour sets daily
-UJW after length exercises

-10 mins jelqing
-3x 5 min Bathmate sets superset with uli/jelqing
-possibly cock ring for a little while after session

if possible im gonna try and get the length or girth done in the morning before college but this may be too difficult so ill try it for a couple of days and see how it goes. if anyone has any suggestions or improvements for my plan please tell me.

by the end of march i really wanna be at 7.25 nbpel (~0.5 inch gain)
by july i want to be at 8 inches nbpel and 5.5+ girth. so a 1.25 increase in length and 0.5+ increase in girth in about 5/6 months. i hope i can get there, i'll be going on a lads holiday which only means one thing!
so i'm really hoping with dedication and nothing holding me back now (since i sorted out my frenulum and dont have any more exams till the summer) ill be able to make these gains!
i think my frenulum is healed enough. i got back to p.e 2 days ago, just did a bit of jelqing on both days just to get back into it. i'm gonna up the volume today and jump into the Bathmate, then do some jelqs, some stretches and then wrap during the night.
tomorrow i plan to get some good extender hours in. i'm pretty much going to be doing the routine i was doing before i tied my frenulum, mainly focusing on length and then later focusing on girth. i realllyyy want to get to 7 inches nbp, so that is my main focus atm. hopefully within 1-2 months if i stay dedicated i can get the 0.3 inches
i keep getting in the habit of measuring every session which i think isn't very good psychologically but i can't really help it. i'm gonna but my tape measure in my safe and only take it out when i need to properly measure. i'm gonna say the 1st of march is now my next measuring day, so have a good 5 weeks to make some progress
jordey;533855 said:
i keep getting in the habit of measuring every session which i think isn't very good psychologically but i can't really help it. i'm gonna but my tape measure in my safe and only take it out when i need to properly measure. i'm gonna say the 1st of march is now my next measuring day, so have a good 5 weeks to make some progress

Measuring everyday is an obsessive habit that will only end in discouragement and depression if the measurements do not change rapidly. It may lead to a complete abandonment of the training. I used to have this issue and it is actually the reason I lost my frenulum...I was measuring and the ruler slipped and chopped it clean off! If the habit can not be curtailed I suggest you only measure BPFS as this does have a rather quick gaining nature.
doublelongdaddy;534891 said:
Measuring everyday is an obsessive habit that will only end in discouragement and depression if the measurements do not change rapidly. It may lead to a complete abandonment of the training. I used to have this issue and it is actually the reason I lost my frenulum...I was measuring and the ruler slipped and chopped it clean off! If the habit can not be curtailed I suggest you only measure BPFS as this does have a rather quick gaining nature.

yeah i was getting a little obsessed with it, ive stopped now though, havent measured in over a week and dont plan to till march 1st! hopefully i will get good gains this month.

p.e. update:
start off slowly this past week, easing back into it. used the Bathmate a little every night. last two days ive been using the extender again for 1hr, i will be increasing this tomorrow. ive also been doing some stretching aswell and wrapping during the night. soon i might incorporate some jelqs too
jordey;535093 said:
yeah i was getting a little obsessed with it, ive stopped now though, havent measured in over a week and dont plan to till march 1st! hopefully i will get good gains this month.

p.e. update:
start off slowly this past week, easing back into it. used the Bathmate a little every night. last two days ive been using the extender again for 1hr, i will be increasing this tomorrow. ive also been doing some stretching aswell and wrapping during the night. soon i might incorporate some jelqs too

That is good to know, over measuring will lead to discouragement. Measure once per month and you will have a happier time.
ive been tired this week so my p.e. workouts and gym workouts have been slacking. i also just snapped my extender when trying to stretch really far. i need to find a better way of getting the extender on.

i hit 60kg on overhead press, but only managed 4 reps.

to make up for lack of extender use im going to be wrapping as a means of passive stetching. also going to start doing more jelqs now that i have a bit of time off for christmas. i also need to find a good length exercise, as ive noticed an increase in girth (albeit very slight, 0.1 inches, but i will confirm on my official measuring on the 1st of january), but no increase in length whatsoever. i also need to work on my pc muscle. my revised routine is going to be:
Bathmate - 3x 5 minute sets w/ uli between sets
5-10 minutes jelqing
2 x stretch in every direction
bundled stretches
possibly ligament stretches aswell, but i never seem to feel them
i will be adding extender use in when i get a new one

im also confused as to what direction to stetch. i have a curve to the left which im trying to correct. ive seen alot of places where it says to stretch in the direction of the curve but i dont understand why, surely it would make the problem worse?

You want to replace the extender with a LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging. Extenders are too time consuming to use.
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