anth1225;302067 said:
I don't feel undermined at all thank you.

It would seem to me that if the atheists truly believed what they said, then they wouldn't worry what Christians believe or feel the need to attack them with their pseudo logic.

Short and simple atheism is a logical contradiction; a double negative and is self refuting.


Oh really? You call that an attack? HA! Don't be so sensitive.

You don't make any sense,how is an Atheist's logic,pseudo? Please do your best to explaine that to me.

Also explaine to me how Atheism is self-refuting.

I'll go grab my pop corn. :)
btw, If you have to use a biblical verse to prove that Atheist's logic self-refutes then you don't have a logical bases to prove anything.

It's true I don't believe In Jesus,allah,krishna ect. I've read the bible,koran,gitas . Nothing but myths and fairy tales to me . I can base my belief that those gods aren't real off my studies in those books and with the help of science. Science is getting more advanced and in my prediction in a few more hundred years there wont be any christanity

when you point the finger at an Atheist for having a self-refute logic, at the same time the Christain is saying that his belief and knowledge and logic he gets from the bible is abosloute . Perhaps it's you with illogical logic and high hopes.
BazookaJoe;302074 said:
Oh really? You call that an attack? HA! Don't be so sensitive.

You don't make any sense,how is an Atheist's logic,pseudo? Please do your best to explaine that to me.

Also explaine to me how Atheism is self-refuting.

I'll go grab my pop corn. :)

Ha you're funny. You attack and say you're not attacking.
I don't blame you though seeing how you follow a contradictory belief I wouldn't expect you to be able to think logically regarding other things in life.

Put some butter on that popcorn and save me some.

Why atheism is self refuting:

1. Atheism states that God does not exist.
(Please don't play games and say that you are merely stating that it can't be known if God exists. That is agnosticism. Atheism makes a truth claim right off the bat:God does not exist)

2. To know that God does not exist the atheist must:

(a) Know everything there is to know 100% of the time about everything in the universe

(beer) Know everything at every place in the universe at the same time.

3. In other words the atheist must be both Omnipresent and Omniscient; both of which are attributes of God.

The atheist would have to be God to state that God does not exist.
Therefore the argument is self refuting; illogical and does not deserve rational consideration.

Perhaps it is you who hijacked this thread to attack my faith who is being sensitive and I might add argumentative.
Don't punch someone in the eye and cry about it when they punch you back.

anth1225;302090 said:
Ha you're funny. You attack and say you're not attacking.

2. To know that God does not exist the atheist must:

(a) Know everything there is to know 100% of the time about everything in the universe

(beer) Know everything at every place in the universe at the same time.

3. In other words the atheist must be both Omnipresent and Omniscient; both of which are attributes of God.

Yeah you've been reading a christain aplogetic website to gather that information. Don't you have thoughts of your own sheep?
I know you copy and pasted that. That's all you can do LMAO
You like the pseudo-intellectual who wrote that article is Incorrect.
Why didn't you post the rest of that article when it starts using BIBLICAL scipture to back up that argument 1tim or 2tim I believe the sheep was using to prove his point.

To sum it up for you with out the help of some biblical scripture your lil atheist belief that Atheism self-refutes itself argument doesn't work.

Yeah Like I'm going to believe what a christain says about Atheist when he's using the same book that talks about zombies and talking donkeys.

You don't know anything about Atheism.... you proved it this morning.

typos it should read like this.....

your misguided argument that Atheism self-refutes itself doesn't work.

Yeah Like I'm going to believe what a christain says about Atheist when he's using the same book that talks about zombies and talking donkeys to prove my belief is incorrect.

Also, I didn't attack you I spoke my opinion. You got offended. you should have just turned the other cheek but I wouldn't say you were Christain enough or at all to do that sort of thing.
BazookaJoe;302074 said:
Oh really? You call that an attack? HA! Don't be so sensitive.

You don't make any sense,how is an Atheist's logic,pseudo? Please do your best to explaine that to me.

Also explaine to me how Atheism is self-refuting.

I'll go grab my pop corn. :)

I think a lot of people, sadly a lot of christians, feel that any views that don't match theirs is an attack. Thier belief is that they have the only real religion. I'm not knocking it, I was a very devout christian for 18 years of my life and I wouldn't be the same person without the morals and discipline that it instilled in me. But I've always been a little more open minded than youth pastors would like.
BazookaJoe;30207 said:
Science is getting more advanced and in my prediction in a few more hundred years there wont be any christanity


The bible does speak of a time where there will be no more believers shortly before the "end".

I think as a community with the same goals we should be open minded and open to each others opinions and not continue with a bitter dispute as religious beliefs are sacred. I mean if you believe you shouldn't watch �naked people movies� because its lustful thinking and will hinder your walk with your god then don't and I think we should be mature enough to respect that. I don't think Penis Enlargement in itself is bad for the christian, its just like bodybuilding for the cock. Most christians would have a problem using �naked people movies� and thats okay. If your married tape or have pics of your wife. Its a good thing to be lustful with your wife.

I know christians believe they have to try and proselytize everyone but in reality another soul in hell doesn't mean that much and if there is no hell or heaven it doesn't matter all the more. A christain will never change a staunch athiests views no matter how many evangellical stories you've heard and an athiest would likewise have a very difficult time changing a christians views. When you see the world as one way you start seeing things to prove those beliefs and over time theres really no going from one extreme to the other.

So to answer the ultimate question of this thread. YES. Christianity and Penis Enlargement can coexist but you have to be open minded enough to know that stretching and jelqing your penis is not a sin to the almighty.
longstretch;302094 said:
I think a lot of people, sadly a lot of christians, feel that any views that don't match theirs is an attack. Thier belief is that they have the only real religion. I'm not knocking it, I was a very devout christian for 18 years of my life and I wouldn't be the same person without the morals and discipline that it instilled in me. But I've always been a little more open minded than youth pastors would like.

I definitely agree with you on a lot of that.

I use to be Christain,and my pastors where very stubborn and narrow minded.
That's not the reason why I'm an Atheist today( that's a different story). i always thought that my pastors were so hard and strict on people because thats what bible says how to be.

The bible does have good morals in it but then on the same token the bible teches some bad morals as well. The thing about the good morals that if they're not followed then there is some sort of death sentence or fire and brimstone waiting for a person. People aren't allowed to think outside the box because of fear.

Scare tactics shouldn't be used to teach people morals. imo

It was nice talking to you bro.

I'm going to do a warm up and do some p.e LMAO

take care.
longstretch;302095 said:
BazookaJoe;30207 said:
Science is getting more advanced and in my prediction in a few more hundred years there wont be any christanity


The bible does speak of a time where there will be no more believers shortly before the "end".

I think as a community with the same goals we should be open minded and open to each others opinions and not continue with a bitter dispute as religious beliefs are sacred. I mean if you believe you shouldn't watch �naked people movies� because its lustful thinking and will hinder your walk with your god then don't and I think we should be mature enough to respect that. I don't think Penis Enlargement in itself is bad for the christian, its just like bodybuilding for the cock. Most christians would have a problem using �naked people movies� and thats okay. If your married tape or have pics of your wife. Its a good thing to be lustful with your wife.

I know christians believe they have to try and proselytize everyone but in reality another soul in hell doesn't mean that much and if there is no hell or heaven it doesn't matter all the more. A christain will never change a staunch athiests views no matter how many evangellical stories you've heard and an athiest would likewise have a very difficult time changing a christians views. When you see the world as one way you start seeing things to prove those beliefs and over time theres really no going from one extreme to the other.

So to answer the ultimate question of this thread. YES. Christianity and Penis Enlargement can coexist but you have to be open minded enough to know that stretching and jelqing your penis is not a sin to the almighty.

The bible speaks of a lot of things that are down right absurd or things that are supposed to happen but never have. Let me say in a few hundred years there my prediction is that no religion will be left standing. it wouldn't be only Christainity gone.

I doubt these christains are getting off to their wife to get erect all of the time. I find that funny to believe. 80+ are Christain in America and in �naked people movies� in America is a billion dollar industry,it's not the 10-12% Atheist and agnostics in America buying it all. I'm being honesty here. That's All i can be.

I'm not here to make someone an Atheist I gave my opinion like you gave yours.

Id still be curious to ask a pastor what he'd say about one of his sheep p.e.

I might call a church today and ask..

I have no problems with staying away from christain themed topic on here....
In fact I did my best to avoid them.... but I couldn't resist...
BazookaJoe;302093 said:
typos it should read like this.....

your misguided argument that Atheism self-refutes itself doesn't work.

Yeah Like I'm going to believe what a christain says about Atheist when he's using the same book that talks about zombies and talking donkeys to prove my belief is incorrect.

Also, I didn't attack you I spoke my opinion. You got offended. you should have just turned the other cheek but I wouldn't say you were Christain enough or at all to do that sort of thing.

"Turn the other cheek" is when I've been personally offended.

While I find your comments offensive I am not personally offended.
It just seems to me that you are quick to attack Christians but can't take the same self evaluation regarding your own beliefs.

Ad hominum attacks prove nothing. If you want to refute my argument don't attack the source; attack the argument.

You can't touch the argument because it's too strong.
So you say some inane things about some supposed web site I allegedly visited.

I don't know which website you are refering to but yes I have studied Christian apologetics in the past.
It's the argument set forth that is under evaluation not where the argument came from.

I guess if you're not going to listen to a Christian regarding atheism are you going to listen to a Buddist?
Perhaps you'd listen to a Muslim, Taoist, or any other belief system or are you only going to listen to fellow atheists regarding your world view?

Just who is being circular now?

Sounds more narrow than the Christians you criticize.

Atheism is self refuting and unless you can attack the argument and not the person giving it well then you'll just have to continue to live in conflict because you don't have answers and are too stubborn to admit it or at least look and find some.

It's funny, I defend the faith and I get accused of being hypersensitive when I respond to unfair characterizations or because I defended the faith therefore I am un-Christian because I don't run away like the critics would like.

Well once again Bazooka Joe you are wrong and I could quote you the Scripture which tells me to defend the faith but of course this would mean nothing to you.

Oh and go ahead and call a pastor I'm sure he would love to hear from you.

PhallusMaximus;296376 said:
Pray for me, bro, that God will bring me a godly wife--like He did for you. being a 27-year-old virgin is really tough.

Dude you gotta wake up! God isn't just going to throw a wife at you. Thats not how it works. A woman's attraction is her free will and God doesn't control that. I think you need to read the thread about inner game decoded and check out David Deangelo. He has a bunch of info for approaching and dating women. Even if your not out for a one night stand and are looking for a wife you have to get out there and date. You need to know what attracts the type of girl, AKA godly woman looking for marriage, to you.
longstretch;302111 said:
Dude you gotta wake up! God isn't just going to throw a wife at you. Thats not how it works. A woman's attraction is her free will and God doesn't control that. I think you need to read the thread about inner game decoded and check out David Deangelo. He has a bunch of info for approaching and dating women. Even if your not out for a one night stand and are looking for a wife you have to get out there and date. You need to know what attracts the type of girl, AKA godly woman looking for marriage, to you.

Yeah that's christian logic. lol
anth1225;302109 said:
"Turn the other cheek" is when I've been personally offended.

While I find your comments offensive I am not personally offended.
It just seems to me that you are quick to attack Christians but can't take the same self evaluation regarding your own beliefs.

Ad hominum attacks prove nothing. If you want to refute my argument don't attack the source; attack the argument.

You can't touch the argument because it's too strong.
So you say some inane things about some supposed web site I allegedly visited.

I don't know which website you are refering to but yes I have studied Christian apologetics in the past.
It's the argument set forth that is under evaluation not where the argument came from.

I guess if you're not going to listen to a Christian regarding atheism are you going to listen to a Buddist?
Perhaps you'd listen to a Muslim, Taoist, or any other belief system or are you only going to listen to fellow atheists regarding your world view?

Just who is being circular now?

Sounds more narrow than the Christians you criticize.

Atheism is self refuting and unless you can attack the argument and not the person giving it well then you'll just have to continue to live in conflict because you don't have answers and are too stubborn to admit it or at least look and find some.

It's funny, I defend the faith and I get accused of being hypersensitive when I respond to unfair characterizations or because I defended the faith therefore I am un-Christian because I don't run away like the critics would like.

Well once again Bazooka Joe you are wrong and I could quote you the Scripture which tells me to defend the faith but of course this would mean nothing to you.

Oh and go ahead and call a pastor I'm sure he would love to hear from you.


I'll use ad homein attacks all I like. I personally don't give a fuck. Ok? I made a statement and you got butt hurt. Get over it.
The thing is you don't have a strong argument. I wish you'd see that.
You call me wrong and the only way you can prove me wrong is in that bible of yours and like I said that isn't the best resource . Defnitely not to refute non-believers.
That damn book is only good for correcting sheep like yourself.

I already refuted you. I told you what's up why don't you re fucking read what I wrote. You don't know what Atheism is.....neither does the sheep you learned that argument from. It's that simple. You seem to lack knowledge of Atheism and the whole perspective. I personally don't care that you don't know I am not here to teach you.

you see you deep down must think p.e is wrong for christians and that makes you act the way you are right now . That's on you! Why do you care so much what an Atheist with his self refuting logic has to say about your member ship at a penis enlargemnts website .LMAO

Anyways, I'm going to enlarge my cock with no guilt about it and not worry about your bullshit " argument" why don't you do the same. LMAO
Here is a refute to that petty and misguided argument of yours.

It's done by an Atheist who happends to be a Astrophysicist.
You can get a hold of this man at this website and you can take you bullshit up with him, just let me know.


When religionists assert the idea of materialism is self-refuting they mean that the reductionist basis of materialism is inadequate to account for a non-material or non-physical phenomenon such as thought.

They forget, or care to ignore, that we know life itself can be accounted for by things not necessarily alive, such as DNA, proteins etc. Of course, a better way to put this is that these inanimate elements or factors are necessary conditions for life as we know it. There may be other “sufficient conditions”, e.g. which alone allow *explicitly* for life.

Today, when one pragmatically addresses causality, it is preferable to use "necessary and sufficient conditions" rather than allude to some vague, undifferentiated causality. Since causality is often not clear, i.e. there can be many causes for one effect, or simulateous ones, adopting the N-S condition approach is more useful.

Thus, for a car accident to occur, being in a car and on the road is a necessary condition. Sufficient conditions may be that the driver’s blood alcohol was over 0.15 and that his brakes gave out at the critical instant at an intersection.

The argument that materialism is “self refuting” was originally put forward in the popular context by C.S. Lewis (originally an atheist who “saw the light” then became a Roman Catholic). More recently, philosopher Mary Midgley has argued that materialism is a “self-refuting idea”.

Catholic philosopher Ed. L. Miller probably circulated the idea most widely via university philosophy courses) with his textbook: ‘Questions that Matter’. In his chapter on Materialism, Miller’s efforts fall flat when he takes on the sophisticated arguments of philosopher J.J. Smart, who uses quantum physics and its indeterminism to extend the basis of that philosophy away from its ancient (and overly simplistic) Greek origins.

As we know, modern materialism is now more accurately physicalism – since it embodies not merely the atoms of Demokritos, but also the indeterminate physical aspects of matter addressed by quantum mechanics. This includes existence of de Broglie (matter) waves, multiple fields, as well as quantum nonlocality (verified in Alain Aspect’s 1982 experiments at the University of Paris) and the principle of superposition of states as well as Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle.

What this means, is that the hackneyed arguments people originally gave – based on attacking ancient Greek materialism- no longer hold water.

In the aspect referred to above, Miller attempts to discredit Smart by asking: “If all thought is purely the result of physical brain activity then why should the content of this thought be anything special... why pay any attention to it if it is thus self-refuting?”

This, however, is based on several egregious assumptions, not the least of which is the unproven belief that self-refuting thought can be unimpeachably identified within the physical matrix that engenders consciousness. As I note in my (2000) book, 'The Atheist's Handbook to Modern Materialism' (p. 164) - since there's no practical method to identify the site of a specific thought (where the associated quantum wavepacket collapses at specific synapses.) nothing can be said about the quality or content of the thought.

In other words, the supernaturalist can't make any claims about thought in a purely Materialist context. Including whether it is "self-refuting".

To learn much more about the analogy of thought to quantum processes - and how wavepacket collapse is involved, see David BoHydromax’s excellent text ‘Quantum Theory’ pp. 170-171, ‘Possible Reason for Analogies Between Thought and Quantum Processes’ .

QM enters brain behavior since, as physicist Henry Stapp has pointed out (‘Mind, Matter and Quantum Mechanics’, p. 42) uncertainty principle limitations applied to calcium ion capture near synapses shows the Ca++ ions must be represented by a probability function. Specifically, the dimension of the associated calcium ion wavepacket scales many times larger than the ion itself- nullifying the use of classical trajectories etc.

Since the Ca++ wavepacket information is ultimately describable in terms of quantum mechanical wavefunctions, e.g.

U (x,y,z) = u1(x, y,z) + u2(x,y,z) + u3(x, y, z) + …..uN(x,y,z)

Then there is necessarily a “superposition of states” applicable until wavepacket collapse. This means any nascent thought within the wavepacket is literally in a “black box”. That box isn’t “opened” until the thought itself emerges whether in speech or writing.

“Opening” the box (selecting the single thought to be expressed out of all competing ones) would be analogous to disturbing a system with a measuring apparatus. In this case, as BoHydromax notes (p.128) each of the terms above in u1, u2 etc. must include an exponential function with “an unpredictable and uncontrollable phase factor”, call it ‘p’.
Thus for each term above, include the factor: exp (ip) with the phase factor p changing numbers with the order of the term.

For example, the first term would be written:

U1(x,y,z) exp(ip1)

and the succeeding ones in analogous fashion.

In his 1991 book, ‘Consciousness Explained’, Daniel Dennett invokes a somewhat superposition –based analogy (albeit not at the quantum scale) in his “multiple drafts” description of consciousness. In this, the brain fashions multiple drafts for thought, for example, before a final single draft emerges. Dennett, by the way, does an excellent job in dispelling once and for all the need for a “commander pilot” or “soul” that has to be “seated” in the brain to direct it or enable it to perform.

None is needed, because in truth and fact, the way the brain works in generating “multiple drafts” and producing a final outcome (as a thought) renders any “pilot” redundant. In these type of theories, Dennett’s and mine (at the quantum level) we see that the “soul-pilot” emerges as an illusion. Our own brain has been complicit in this in creating the illusion there is someone or something behind the eyes, and pulling the strings. There isn’t.

The belief there is something unseen "essence behind the eyes” is a carryover from ancient, Aristotelian modes of thought. The same modes evident in Aristotelian physics which maintained that heavier objects traveled faster when dropped from a height because they “desired to reach the Earth more quickly”. Hardly!

It is unfortunate that humans for the most part remain in the throes of antiquated modes of thought more peculiar to the ancients. Julian Jaynes (‘The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind’, 1976) perhaps best described these as “lacking the sense of metaphor … that characterizes a more advanced mind”.

However, as science makes greater inroads these antiquated relics will surely fall away as people realize that invisible “entities” that were invented hundreds of years ago have no basis in reality. And once science can provide an answer, even an improbable one, the use of any competing non-natural hypothesis must fall by the way side – unless the proponent wishes to be guilty of the fallacy of ignotum per ignotius .(Seeking to explain the not well understood by the less well understood).

At the end of the day, natural explanations therefore will always trump non-natural ones – because the latter are always “less well understood” by definition. And up to now, no non-natural realm has been demonstrated even remotely, only speculated on.

In a way, it is ironic that the theologian’s postulate of the “soul” is the real self-refuting basis for thought. This is because absolutely no evidence exists for a “soul”. It is pure theological conjecture. Meanwhile, we know the brain exists – it can be measured, weighed and thoughts – as altering levels of brain activity- actually recorded using positron emission tomography.

Going back to the beginning of this response, we know the brain is at least a necessary condition for thought. To this point no one has demonstrated that thought originates without a brain. When they do, one might be able to seriously consider the possibility. As for sufficient conditions for thought, it’s plausible that at least one is that when an action potential has been propagated by an axon, the neuron on the opposite side of a synapse fires.

Again, the necessary condition is already in place, and the sufficient condition uses that and goes beyond it.

Until the religionists disprove this is the case, or can show their own necessary and sufficient conditions for thought (in particular that it can occur without benefit of immaterial medium) they are wasting their time in semantic exercises of unknown utility.

In some ways this argument bears similarity to the “ether’ once postulated in physics. It was believed for many years that light needed a medium (“ether”) to propagate and couldn’t do so in a vacuum. This is somewhat analogous to the feeling of many vitalists that a “soul” is required for thought.

In physics, the Michelson-Morley experiment finally rendered the ether a redundant anachronism, or an unnecessary ‘macguffin’, inserted because people believed it was “needed”. But now we know light can indeed propagate in vacuo. I am confident that one day the “soul” will be rendered just as redundant in terms of thought and consciousness.

Hope this answer sheds light!
It's apparent you don't give a darn so why even argue with you; one so wise?

Yes the ad hominum attack is the sign of the truly desparate and therefore you are. Hopelessly so. That's why it's laughable to argue with you. You can call all the names you'd like but in the end you have no answers (answers are different from responses. You respond but you have no real answers that mean anything to anyone even yourself. It is so hollow but I'm sure you're used to the echo)
Now you don't care but perhaps someday you may want answers but that's your problem not mine.

Yes I read what you wrote and I confess I was misled in thinking that someone pontificating truth would actually be concerned with truth. I'm sorry I misunderstood you.

My argument had nothing to do with Quantum Physics, the necessity of thought, materialism ect, it simply pointed out what logic already avers, a double negative cannot make a true or valid argument.
I thought you knew that since you know so much more than a sheep like me.
I'm sorry I gave you too much of the benefit of the doubt.

My argument was actually quite simple. To deny God you must be God to deny him. Quite untouched by anything you spewed to date.

You can point to all the hopeful scientific findings you hope to have in the future, but all science does is show how things work. Oops I probably didn't need to tell you that professor.

But pointing to hopeful scientific breakthroughs in regards to metaphysics is tantamount to faith and atheists and scientists are not supposed to have any. It is the weakest retort one can call upon.

CS Lewis was an Anglican not a Roman Catholic but forgive me in trying to maintain an accurate account.
I slipped again thinking you care about the truth.

I've never once brought up the Bible to you but it seems
thou protests too much

BazookaJoe;302128 said:
Here is a refute to that petty and misguided argument of yours.

It's done by an Atheist who happends to be a Astrophysicist.
You can get a hold of this man at this website and you can take you bullshit up with him, just let me know.


When religionists assert the idea of materialism is self-refuting they mean that the reductionist basis of materialism is inadequate to account for a non-material or non-physical phenomenon such as thought.

They forget, or care to ignore, that we know life itself can be accounted for by things not necessarily alive, such as DNA, proteins etc. Of course, a better way to put this is that these inanimate elements or factors are necessary conditions for life as we know it. There may be other “sufficient conditions”, e.g. which alone allow *explicitly* for life.

Today, when one pragmatically addresses causality, it is preferable to use "necessary and sufficient conditions" rather than allude to some vague, undifferentiated causality. Since causality is often not clear, i.e. there can be many causes for one effect, or simulateous ones, adopting the N-S condition approach is more useful.

Thus, for a car accident to occur, being in a car and on the road is a necessary condition. Sufficient conditions may be that the driver’s blood alcohol was over 0.15 and that his brakes gave out at the critical instant at an intersection.

The argument that materialism is “self refuting” was originally put forward in the popular context by C.S. Lewis (originally an atheist who “saw the light” then became a Roman Catholic). More recently, philosopher Mary Midgley has argued that materialism is a “self-refuting idea”.

Catholic philosopher Ed. L. Miller probably circulated the idea most widely via university philosophy courses) with his textbook: ‘Questions that Matter’. In his chapter on Materialism, Miller’s efforts fall flat when he takes on the sophisticated arguments of philosopher J.J. Smart, who uses quantum physics and its indeterminism to extend the basis of that philosophy away from its ancient (and overly simplistic) Greek origins.

As we know, modern materialism is now more accurately physicalism – since it embodies not merely the atoms of Demokritos, but also the indeterminate physical aspects of matter addressed by quantum mechanics. This includes existence of de Broglie (matter) waves, multiple fields, as well as quantum nonlocality (verified in Alain Aspect’s 1982 experiments at the University of Paris) and the principle of superposition of states as well as Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle.

What this means, is that the hackneyed arguments people originally gave – based on attacking ancient Greek materialism- no longer hold water.

In the aspect referred to above, Miller attempts to discredit Smart by asking: “If all thought is purely the result of physical brain activity then why should the content of this thought be anything special... why pay any attention to it if it is thus self-refuting?”

This, however, is based on several egregious assumptions, not the least of which is the unproven belief that self-refuting thought can be unimpeachably identified within the physical matrix that engenders consciousness. As I note in my (2000) book, 'The Atheist's Handbook to Modern Materialism' (p. 164) - since there's no practical method to identify the site of a specific thought (where the associated quantum wavepacket collapses at specific synapses.) nothing can be said about the quality or content of the thought.

In other words, the supernaturalist can't make any claims about thought in a purely Materialist context. Including whether it is "self-refuting".

To learn much more about the analogy of thought to quantum processes - and how wavepacket collapse is involved, see David BoHydromax’s excellent text ‘Quantum Theory’ pp. 170-171, ‘Possible Reason for Analogies Between Thought and Quantum Processes’ .

QM enters brain behavior since, as physicist Henry Stapp has pointed out (‘Mind, Matter and Quantum Mechanics’, p. 42) uncertainty principle limitations applied to calcium ion capture near synapses shows the Ca++ ions must be represented by a probability function. Specifically, the dimension of the associated calcium ion wavepacket scales many times larger than the ion itself- nullifying the use of classical trajectories etc.

Since the Ca++ wavepacket information is ultimately describable in terms of quantum mechanical wavefunctions, e.g.

U (x,y,z) = u1(x, y,z) + u2(x,y,z) + u3(x, y, z) + …..uN(x,y,z)

Then there is necessarily a “superposition of states” applicable until wavepacket collapse. This means any nascent thought within the wavepacket is literally in a “black box”. That box isn’t “opened” until the thought itself emerges whether in speech or writing.

“Opening” the box (selecting the single thought to be expressed out of all competing ones) would be analogous to disturbing a system with a measuring apparatus. In this case, as BoHydromax notes (p.128) each of the terms above in u1, u2 etc. must include an exponential function with “an unpredictable and uncontrollable phase factor”, call it ‘p’.
Thus for each term above, include the factor: exp (ip) with the phase factor p changing numbers with the order of the term.

For example, the first term would be written:

U1(x,y,z) exp(ip1)

and the succeeding ones in analogous fashion.

In his 1991 book, ‘Consciousness Explained’, Daniel Dennett invokes a somewhat superposition –based analogy (albeit not at the quantum scale) in his “multiple drafts” description of consciousness. In this, the brain fashions multiple drafts for thought, for example, before a final single draft emerges. Dennett, by the way, does an excellent job in dispelling once and for all the need for a “commander pilot” or “soul” that has to be “seated” in the brain to direct it or enable it to perform.

None is needed, because in truth and fact, the way the brain works in generating “multiple drafts” and producing a final outcome (as a thought) renders any “pilot” redundant. In these type of theories, Dennett’s and mine (at the quantum level) we see that the “soul-pilot” emerges as an illusion. Our own brain has been complicit in this in creating the illusion there is someone or something behind the eyes, and pulling the strings. There isn’t.

The belief there is something unseen "essence behind the eyes” is a carryover from ancient, Aristotelian modes of thought. The same modes evident in Aristotelian physics which maintained that heavier objects traveled faster when dropped from a height because they “desired to reach the Earth more quickly”. Hardly!

It is unfortunate that humans for the most part remain in the throes of antiquated modes of thought more peculiar to the ancients. Julian Jaynes (‘The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind’, 1976) perhaps best described these as “lacking the sense of metaphor … that characterizes a more advanced mind”.

However, as science makes greater inroads these antiquated relics will surely fall away as people realize that invisible “entities” that were invented hundreds of years ago have no basis in reality. And once science can provide an answer, even an improbable one, the use of any competing non-natural hypothesis must fall by the way side – unless the proponent wishes to be guilty of the fallacy of ignotum per ignotius .(Seeking to explain the not well understood by the less well understood).

At the end of the day, natural explanations therefore will always trump non-natural ones – because the latter are always “less well understood” by definition. And up to now, no non-natural realm has been demonstrated even remotely, only speculated on.

In a way, it is ironic that the theologian’s postulate of the “soul” is the real self-refuting basis for thought. This is because absolutely no evidence exists for a “soul”. It is pure theological conjecture. Meanwhile, we know the brain exists – it can be measured, weighed and thoughts – as altering levels of brain activity- actually recorded using positron emission tomography.

Going back to the beginning of this response, we know the brain is at least a necessary condition for thought. To this point no one has demonstrated that thought originates without a brain. When they do, one might be able to seriously consider the possibility. As for sufficient conditions for thought, it’s plausible that at least one is that when an action potential has been propagated by an axon, the neuron on the opposite side of a synapse fires.

Again, the necessary condition is already in place, and the sufficient condition uses that and goes beyond it.

Until the religionists disprove this is the case, or can show their own necessary and sufficient conditions for thought (in particular that it can occur without benefit of immaterial medium) they are wasting their time in semantic exercises of unknown utility.

In some ways this argument bears similarity to the “ether’ once postulated in physics. It was believed for many years that light needed a medium (“ether”) to propagate and couldn’t do so in a vacuum. This is somewhat analogous to the feeling of many vitalists that a “soul” is required for thought.

In physics, the Michelson-Morley experiment finally rendered the ether a redundant anachronism, or an unnecessary ‘macguffin’, inserted because people believed it was “needed”. But now we know light can indeed propagate in vacuo. I am confident that one day the “soul” will be rendered just as redundant in terms of thought and consciousness.

Hope this answer sheds light!
I met a man the other week who denied the existence of God. According to your argument this man was God. This would also make God a liar.
Both of your arguments are quite laughable to be honest. Anth under the presumption that God is Omniscient, you wrongly accuse anyone who doesn't believe as believing themselves to be omniscient. That doesn't even have a correllation. You don't have to know everything to not believe.

Bazooka science is a wonderful tool, a way to measure and slowly sketch out what we don't know but science doesn't hold all the answers. We might know the action potentials of neurons and what parts of the brain are excited during certain times but ask a scientist or neurosurgeon how do these action potentials get stored as memory and what are the innner workings of a thought and he'll be dumbfounded. Will they be able to explain this in the future? I God!

And using Quantum physics to disprove the soul!!! The soul is in essence what you believe yourself to be, your sub and self conscious. And you believe yourself to be everlasting what difference does it make. Science can't explain everything, who knows maybe there are other dimensions we can't take into account. Even an athiest should have an open mind *sarcastically*.

I think if your going to argue at least do it in a logical way, showing respect to yourselves and your opponents. This shit with the negativity, name calling, etc is so draining. You'll never win an argument that way because thats not how you argue.
longstretch;302328 said:
Both of your arguments are quite laughable to be honest. Anth under the presumption that God is Omniscient, you wrongly accuse anyone who doesn't believe as believing themselves to be omniscient. That doesn't even have a correllation. You don't have to know everything to not believe.

Bazooka science is a wonderful tool, a way to measure and slowly sketch out what we don't know but science doesn't hold all the answers. We might know the action potentials of neurons and what parts of the brain are excited during certain times but ask a scientist or neurosurgeon how do these action potentials get stored as memory and what are the innner workings of a thought and he'll be dumbfounded. Will they be able to explain this in the future? I God!

And using Quantum physics to disprove the soul!!! The soul is in essence what you believe yourself to be, your sub and self conscious. And you believe yourself to be everlasting what difference does it make. Science can't explain everything, who knows maybe there are other dimensions we can't take into account. Even an athiest should have an open mind *sarcastically*.

I think if your going to argue at least do it in a logical way, showing respect to yourselves and your opponents. This shit with the negativity, name calling, etc is so draining. You'll never win an argument that way because thats not how you argue.

Science will prove or disprove more then a belief based off emotion any day of the week.

Science is out to prove or disprove god... it's not bias.

You're right science doesn't have all of the answers ,and you know what?,it doesn't claim to neither. Science is not god or does it claim to be all knowing.
Unlike xtains that believe all of the answers from start to finish is in the bible.

I totally agree when a xtian points his finger at an Atheist with his bunk argument,he fails to see that his own logic is self-refuteing . In other words it's like the pot calling the kettle black.

Yeah people use the world soul loosely,they also use the word human spirit loosely,those are figures of speech, they in my opinion aren't talking about ghost with in the body or mind that travel to a place beyond imagination in death. We could say a soul exist,but then if we're saying things that can't be proven to exist are existant we can also say that the tooth fairy and the easter bunny are exist.

Since we're talking about xtians belief, we can only discuss the contex of the soul that's written in the bible.

The whole point anyone who argues what Ant is, is unlearned in what they're talking about.

I don't believe I am omnipresent,the whole argument about Atheist thinking they're god is a weak argument. I'm surprised this is still going.

I wouldn't tred on that Atheist's article he wrote in refute of the christian argument. It's actually very good.

I don't need to win the argument per se because the arguments been already won,by other Atheists. No fundi website with mixing in their argument with biblical scripture has no merit to me.

That's funny you mention for me to have respect for the person I'm arguing with, when the very basis of the xtian belief is that anyone who doesn't beleive in what they do is deaf dumb and blind and under the power of satan and if they don't adhere to the word of christ then, the person will burn in hell for enternity and that's biblical . I don't see in the respect for others belief nor do i see room for it in a xtian stance at ALL.
That's funny. Just believeing in what's written in the bible there's already an attack on people who don't share the belief.
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