The red dots can be also mildew and there are creams for it.
I dont have to many red dots no more.

I have doubble feelings about the Bathmate.
My erections are hard and my girth and lengthe are a little bigger.
But when I used it.its not staying big for a long time.Not like they promised.

They promised 2 months ago a manual in my language and a code for the manual site. They only respond back whith"whe will let you know when its ready,there are problems with the system" Dous it take so long to fix it???

my cleaning cit brush is allready brooken :s. I cleaned it yesterday and they yellow dot came of.

Iam still using it to see how mutch bigger I can get.

But dicomaco has a good point there................
Dicomaco;366991 said:
haha it's so corny that I almost find it funny LMAO

I agree with you. They could put some more testimonials on the sites to show that this really works. But then all of the testimonials could be fake as well, you can never know for sure.

Though I gotta say this seems legitimate. They have a site for each country, in their own language. That got to count for something. Everyone have to try for themselves though. Think I'm going to order one either today or in a couple of days. Probably not today... Ordering from the Swedish site...

DLD do you got an affiliate link to the european/swedish site? (feels a little weird to order all the way from the states)

One more question: What is the size difference between all the Bathmate products?
Bathmate europe is a good outfit and I have a great deal with them cooking so that EVERYONE in Europe gets 25% of anything and everything from the site and that incl p&p.

The special links will be here in a few days once the chief gives them the all clear. I think the bad press with any Bathmate europe in the past is because of the sheer size and how the place is spreadout ... unlike the US which is one language, well two if you incl Spanish, Europe is several languages and you can appreciate how this may affect communications sometimes between Bathmate HQ with the main being in Iceland.

I have been invited to the UK factory in the New year, so will be getting my arse down.

My order for the X-40 is on its way aswell and at 1/2 price RRP.

My point is have faith and would I really fuck you all over? this is a great deal and we can all benefit, especially MOS with the sales.
I have never used any pump before. First time the Bathmate gave me an extra 1/8-1/4" girth that held up as EG for hours. "Hours" means useable extra 1/8-1/4" or 3mm.

Second time I see that it will probably help me fill out EL to BPFL in a month or less.

It's too small but that is probably what I want for filling out EL to BPFL. It's funny seeing my dick fill a tube that big as far as width of the tube. I'll get X-40 if I can afford it. I'll keep using this one to see if a small diameter tube can help with length.

Only three days ago I had bleeding from manual pumping with a strap at the base. Just went a little too hard on the pressure, that's all. I was going to lay off pumping for two weeks. Bathmate is gentle so I didn't have any bleeding from first try yesterday, or today. Very gentle but there is a good micro-trauma feeling. Today I pumped to a half inch more girth everywhere as measured afterward but I don't know if that would hold up afterward like the 1/8-1/4" did for several hours yesterday. Some people would think the device was worth the money and effort just to have an extra fraction of an inch of girth for a few hours, don't you think? I look at it as money well spent at that point.
I had a Bathmate X-40 modael for a good 8 months or so before it finally broke. Worked insanely great for me for girth. I wore mine for 45 minute sessions, not recommended by Bathmate, but it's what worked for me.

So I ordered the X-40 from, the swizerland site I guess ... that was on Jan 15. They said they'd send me an email when it's shipped. Nothing yet. I checked into that site prior to ordering, people had no problems with it, anyone here have experience with them, or has anyone actually got their hands on a X-40 yet?

No hone number to call, no replies to my email ... kinda sketchy.
hideousoldcrone;368459 said:
I had a Bathmate X-40 modael for a good 8 months or so before it finally broke. Worked insanely great for me for girth. I wore mine for 45 minute sessions, not recommended by Bathmate, but it's what worked for me.

So I ordered the X-40 from, the swizerland site I guess ... that was on Jan 15. They said they'd send me an email when it's shipped. Nothing yet. I checked into that site prior to ordering, people had no problems with it, anyone here have experience with them, or has anyone actually got their hands on a X-40 yet?

No hone number to call, no replies to my email ... kinda sketchy.

how much did you gain? erect length erect girth? permanent?
I didn't measure.

I can tell you that it is NOT permanent. I haven't pumped for two weeks since mine is broken. So although there is no permanent 'growth' I am still larger in my flaccid size than I was before.

When using daily, I made massive gains in girth, and once the swelling went down, there was increased length too.

It did not wear off within minutes or hours, yes, this happens the first week or two, but then you sustain it as long as you use it daily. And I did, why would I ever want to stop?
BTW, I just got an email today (finally) that my X-40 has shipped. I'll keep you all in the loop and let you know if it's legit or not.
islandboy22;356006 said:
when i buy mines (2 of them) i will guarantee buy it from here. i trust DLD more than those other sites.

Good looking out!
so you used it for 8 months and didnt get a millimeter of permanent gain?
but after you stopped using it you gains did last for about a week or 2 before going back to normal?
I can't say for sure that I didn't gain a MM - like I said, I never measured. I know that there were a couple other breaks where I didn't use it, and things seemed like they went back to normal.

There's a difference I guess we should distinguish between flaccid and erect gains.

I DO believe there are Penis EnlargementRMANENT flaccid gains.

I DO NOT believe there are permanent erect gains, but they can continue to grow and cna be easily maintained with daily usage.

My girth gains got so big that I filled the tube, mty entire wang was that thick. That's why I've been so looking forward to the X-40. It seems to effect people different ways. Some report that they have filled the tube lengthwise, and others like me girthwise. I've yet to hear of someone who filled it with length and girth.
I have a few things to ad...First, I can see the Bathmate not only becoming the best addition to girth since clamping, but even cooler is the length potential. I did a full workout today and I know I was a bit over 7" in girth and I was still comfortable in the Bathmate. I also fit pretty well at full erect with an adjustment in pressure. There is close to 3" of room to move in the rubber fitting. For the exercises I ws doing the Bathmate served a great purpose. This routine consisted of a 30 minute pumping session followed by 20 minutes of Slow Squash Jelqs and, what I now have dubber, Bathmate Bends. This is where I get 100% erect and pump as much air out as I can and while pulling against the Bathmate I bend my penis down. I feel an incredible ligament stretch and tunica stretch for sure. I have become a huge fan of the Bathmate. It is odd that we don't sell more of them...I figured with a product this high in quality at such an incredible price with SO MUCH potential would sell off the charts. We have sold very few. Those who have it, Just like the LengthMaster, should approach the Bathmate with the same a creator of new exercise. Using it for what it was made for it performs 1000%. In the area of new exercise I think it will score big time with the men who are using it.
I just got the X-40! IT'S FRELLING HUGE! So that site, at least, is not a scam, but it does take a while to get here.

I'm off to the shower to try it out.
Initial review: Difficult to use in the shower. Would be unusable if not for the shower strap. After 20 mins, I had less expansion than I did with the X-40 model. I wanted to try a longer session, but the mouth is so large it keeps sucking in a nut! So a bit disappointed initially, but it could just take some getting used to. Will use it in the tub tonight and let you know.
hideousoldcrone;368904 said:
Initial review: Difficult to use in the shower. Would be unusable if not for the shower strap. After 20 mins, I had less expansion than I did with the X-40 model. I wanted to try a longer session, but the mouth is so large it keeps sucking in a nut! So a bit disappointed initially, but it could just take some getting used to. Will use it in the tub tonight and let you know.

The larger model is really for someone that is beyond the 7" girth mark (starting out). The X-40 model will be more than enough for 99% of the Penis Enlargement'ers out there.

I don't use in shower either, I fell it up with about a cup of warm water, pump to the max and watch �naked people movies� for about an hour. I take off a few times to do Slow Squash Jelqs and strap back on.
The original link for the X-40 from the European distributor was erased, should have been so please point it out to us as we don't make any revenue from that sale. This is why I was going to get the links at my end to the European branch for this, so MOS would get some cash back. Don't worry mate. I had no trouble with the fitting at all, great actually. My girth is very large though and this is something that NEEDS to be taken into consideration before getting a X-40 model, otherwise it wont fit you.
hideousoldcrone;368899 said:
I just got the X-40! IT'S FRELLING HUGE! So that site, at least, is not a scam, but it does take a while to get here.

I'm off to the shower to try it out.

Certainly not a scam, as I proved with my pix! Could you also take some and post?
Ok, so I just finished a 45 minute session in the tub. MUCH BETTER! Only one nut-slip early on, easy going from then on.

The original link for the X-40 from the European distributor was erased, should have been so please point it out to us as we don't make any revenue from that sale.

So you DO want me to list the link? Don't want to step on any toes around here.

The larger model is really for someone that is beyond the 7" girth mark (starting out).

Understood. The problem is for guys like me, while using the X-40 we reached mass expansion in there, so I needed something bigger to graduate to. But since we all experience shrinkage after Bathmate removal, getting the X-40 on is a bit tough. If my herc didn't break, the ideal solution would be to wear the herc until mass expansion is reached, and then put on the X-40.

Here's a pic:


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