Anyone here from Canada that ordered [words=]SizeGenetics[/words]? I'm wondering if you incurred any duty fees (and how much) when you received this product in additional to the normal PST/GST taxes.
AFriendlyPerson;434011 said:
Anyone here from Canada that ordered [words=]SizeGenetics[/words]? I'm wondering if you incurred any duty fees (and how much) when you received this product in additional to the normal PST/GST taxes.

Plenty have been shipped to Canada and I never heard of anyone having a problem with duty or customs.

Thank you for your enquiry.

I can advise that there are no additional Taxes or costs added to your order after it has been placed.

You will just pay the price that is shown on the order page.

Hey newbie here.....hello everyone :)
Just a quick question as I stumbled across this discount while reading the forums, is this $165 the 'Ultimate system", "Device only", or the "Starter system"? I had originally thought about purchasing from their website and saw 3 choices when purchasing.
crew009;437068 said:
Hey newbie here.....hello everyone :)
Just a quick question as I stumbled across this discount while reading the forums, is this $165 the 'Ultimate system", "Device only", or the "Starter system"? I had originally thought about purchasing from their website and saw 3 choices when purchasing.

No, this is for the full $425 kit which includes the [words=]Extender[/words] with all the spare parts, the [words=]MaleExtra[/words] Pills (90), the Leather Lock Box, both the [words=]Penis Health[/words] [words=]DVD[/words] and the [words=]SizeGenetics[/words] [words=]DVD[/words]. It is the ultimate special.
doublelongdaddy;437107 said:
No, this is for the full $425 kit which includes the [words=]Extender[/words] with all the spare parts, the [words=]MaleExtra[/words] Pills (90), the Leather Lock Box, both the [words=]Penis Health[/words] [words=]DVD[/words] and the [words=]SizeGenetics[/words] [words=]DVD[/words]. It is the ultimate special.

Oh ok, so it's the Ultimate that also comes with the [words=]penishealth[/words] online access? How does that work? Do they send you a login info when the package arrives or is it emailed to you?
Thanks...can't wait to buy this!
This is my first post here and i suppose i should have started in the newbie section, i am not new to Penis Enlargement but i am new to the [words=]sizegenetics[/words] system.
I do want to go ahead and buy the system but have concerns about the postage time as i am going overseas in 3 weeks time.
Wondering how long after payment i should expect to receive it in Australia.
I realise i could wait until i return home but i will going overseas not to long after i get back and would like to take it with me as i travel often.
lowered;437292 said:
This is my first post here and i suppose i should have started in the newbie section, i am not new to Penis Enlargement but i am new to the [words=]sizegenetics[/words] system.
I do want to go ahead and buy the system but have concerns about the postage time as i am going overseas in 3 weeks time.
Wondering how long after payment i should expect to receive it in Australia.
I realise i could wait until i return home but i will going overseas not to long after i get back and would like to take it with me as i travel often.

Go with standard shipping as it will come just as quick as the more expensive shipping. To Australia you are talking about 5-7 working days.
lowered;437456 said:
I went ahead and purchased the system through your link.

Awesome! You are going to be so happy when it arrives! It is such a beautiful piece of Penis Enlargement equipment! The bonuses are awesome too!
Hi, just like to say I received my [words=]SG[/words] today, I have not had a good look at it yet as I have family over right now.
Must say I think the couriers must have sledge hammers for hands, the packaging looks as if it took quite the beating on its trip to my place.
All is ok though the important pieces are there and fine.
It is a rest day for me today, after my routine tomorrow I will be strapping in for round one.
lowered;438602 said:
Hi, just like to say I received my [words=]SG[/words] today, I have not had a good look at it yet as I have family over right now.
Must say I think the couriers must have sledge hammers for hands, the packaging looks as if it took quite the beating on its trip to my place.
All is ok though the important pieces are there and fine.
It is a rest day for me today, after my routine tomorrow I will be strapping in for round one.

Good to know it arrived safely!
not sure where to put this post so i guess here is as good as any. I received my [words=]extender[/words] two days ago. after wearing it for two days I have some things to say. Whether you agree with me or not I guess is open to an individual's opinion. It is VERY uncomfortable to wear and is not as easy as they make seem. No matter HOW you wrap your head you still feel very uncomfortable when its pulling. the head gets kind of squished into the ridges that are inside the rubber strap and it digs into it and hurts like hell. there is NO way there is enough pull to cause penis growth no matter how long you wear it in my opinion. if i grab the head of my penis tight and pull i feel a pull on the inside tendon inside my body. I do not feel that with this. it basically just feels like its keeping my penis from getting shrinkage ever. which doesnt cause growth obviously. I feel no TUG. after wearing it for about a half hour my dick head hurts so bad I can hardly take it and getting it off is PAINFUL cause the strap is so tight you cant get your finger in it. after that the head of my penis is so cold it takes ten minutes to get blood flow back into it. I've tried several wrap techniques none of which work well. the best i've had yet is that thin sticky rubber strip they send with it seems to work as best as I can find. as much tension as it would take to cause growth i can not do because then my head slips through the strap. so I basically am only getting half a tug on it. All in all I think its an over rated product and i'm not very happy with it. but i will wear it for the designed period of time and see what type of growth i get. the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] however is truly a work of art. I have had girth gains so much that i fucked my ex girlfriend and she literally told me that my dick doesnt look or feel anything like it used to. and she has no clue i'm doing this. she was just like wow your dick is bigger than a few months ago.... how did that happen.
also. so far i have yet to find a way to wear this device where it doesnt completely kill the head of your dick. ZERO blood flow. my dickhead is numb when i take it off. but if I dont wrap it tight the [words=]extender[/words] slides off. I honestly dont understand how this thing can gain you up to 3 inches....
Loose the rubber strap and use the velcro modification, it will change all of this for you.
i have been using the [words=]size genetics[/words] for a few days as well, like yourself finding the best way to set it up to what works for me will come in time. so far i have found the way aiming straps to work for comfort, i also use the velcro in replace of the comfort strap, i am not going to tell you it was so comfortable i forgot i had it on but it wasn't to bad.
JerseyFresh;443872 said:
ok. after 4 weeks of messing witih this "extender" i have to say exactly what I said in my post 4 weeks ago. It is a completely overrated product and I'd tell ANYONE here not to waste their time. MAYBE it works for someone on the smaller side.... but i doubt it... but if you're above average at all I really do not see how it can work. I have tried every wrap technique under the sun BESIDES the velcro which I saw was like 100 bucks to order. NO THANKS. I will again point out why i do not like it and why I do not think it works. FIRST. there is NO WAY that ANYONE can convince me that you get enough tension on your penis using this to cause growth. if you turn your hand upside down and wrap your fingers around the head of your penis and tug you can feel the tendon pulling which... makes sense in my opinion that if you put constant tension on this tendon it will grow. but this product does NOT put that much tension on. if you make the "minor adjustments" that they are talking about it DOES stretch your penis out.... but not to the point that it is going to cause growth. its just like if you pinch your head between two fingers and pull..... thats it... thats waht it feels like. not like you're causing growth. SECONDLY - no matter HOW you strap this thing on and no matter how you wrap your head... within about 15 or 20 minutes the head of your penis starts getting cold. another 5 or 10 minutes it's completely numb... but in a painful way.... and by the time it hurts enough that you feel like you should take it off for a few minutes to get blood flow it hurts like FUCKING HELL to take off.... you have to wrap your head SO tight to be able to get enough [words=]traction[/words] that you cant get your fingers inside the strap to pull it back out. In an extreme panic at one point I almost cut it with scissors.... its THAT serious. And then.... its a PAIN IN THE ASS to put back on if you decide to keep wearing it. you have to screw it all back in to the lowest setting. re-wrap your head... try to tuck it into the strap and then re do the adjustments. When you slide the thing on your head does not just lay in the "cradle" section of the [words=]extender[/words]. if it did you'd never get ANY tension no matter how much you extend it. so you have to put enough of the "add ons" so that when you're strapped in it causes tension. SO... you have to PUSH down on the top with one hand PULL Your penis out til its fully extended... strap it in and then make the mini adjustments. This thing is just NOT practical.... which hey... if you want a bigger penis you're going to have to work at it (if Penis Enlargement actually works, i still dont know) so the not being practical is ok..... BUT... i just dont believe it works.... no matter how many painful hours i've worn it for the last 4 weeks.... my penis has not had any type of growth. I understand 4 weeks is not substantial time. BUT... with the amount of pain and frustration it takes to wear this thing and the fact that you could never convince me that that TINY bit of tension is enough to cause growth... i'm going to go ahead and call this product a complete waste of time and money. There is just NO FUCKING WAY in hell that it works. up to THREE inches in gains from this thing they claim???? NOOOOOO WAY. Has ANYONE here truly gained anything from wearing this thing??? JUST wearing this?

Now.... as for the [words= ]Bathmate[/words].... I have been using that RELIGIOUSLY. 6 days a week for over 2 months now and only missed a few days here and there. along with perfect jelqing techniques of various kinds. I have NOT HAD ANYYYYY Penis EnlargementRMANENT GROWTH. My penis is EXACTLY the same size it was the day i got the pump. The only thing I will say is that when you use it every single day you DEFINITELY get a nice pump that lasts for about 2 hours or so. So if you pump an hour before you know youll have sex you have almost an inch of girth extra. BUT its just kind of a liquid right under the skin that adds the girth. I have seen nothing yet to make me believe that you can have permanent girth gains. when you have an erection after using the pump... if you look at your penis it APPenis EnlargementARS thicker for sure... but if you squeeze the shaft it is just a watery padding just under the skin. if you squeeze a little more to the "hard" part of your penis... that ALWAYS stays the same. VERY VERY little growth. I heard DLD say that he "would not be surprised if you had a one inch length gain and one inch girth gain within the first month" of using his one program. I have done it RELIGIOUSLY with ZERO permanent gains. As soon as I take ONE day off of pumping my penis goes back to exactly what it was at the beginning. My measurements are the same today as 8 weeks ago. WHEN I AM PUMPenis EnlargementD i do have almost a full inch of girth which HAS come to be beneficial a few times lol. BUT it goes away after a few hours.

so that is my breakdown.... I am a bit un convinced that all this stuff works permanently. I will probably stop using my [words=]extender[/words]. I want to try the new thing DLD is selling... looks like a wooden boomerang kinda? seeing videos of that looks like it might possibly work. If there is ACTUALLY people here who have started with a 6 inch dick and now have a 9 inch dick (or anything like that) i would be VERY interested to hear how long it took and what type of program you used... and shit even pics if you dont mind. I'm REALLY not trying to piss on anybody's parade here. I WISH and HOPenis Enlargement and PRAY that all this shit works... but it just doesnt seem to be happening. I wouldnt have wasted 300 dollars on all this shit if i didnt want to give it a legitimate shot. love to hear feedback people. thanks!

I guess you just called all the guys who gained using the [words=]SizeGenetics[/words] liars????
i see NO way how it can happen.... it is extremely painful to wear for more than 20 minutes. and with as many add ons as my penis can use to fit and at full extension there is not enough tension to cause growth. I'd love to meet someone who gained 3 inches in length using one of these with pics to prove it. no surgery... no [words= ]Bathmate[/words].... just the [words=]extender[/words]. and then i'd like to ask them how the hell they put up with the pain.
JerseyFresh;444056 said:
i see NO way how it can happen.... it is extremely painful to wear for more than 20 minutes. and with as many add ons as my penis can use to fit and at full extension there is not enough tension to cause growth. I'd love to meet someone who gained 3 inches in length using one of these with pics to prove it. no surgery... no [words= ]Bathmate[/words].... just the [words=]extender[/words]. and then i'd like to ask them how the hell they put up with the pain.

There are many guys who have gained exclusively with the [words=]extender[/words]. In my trials I saw a quarter inch gain. There are 100's of others who have made these gains. Pain, soreness, and the like can be dealt with and corrected but claiming everyone here is lying will get you no where. I understand you are frustrated and I think you only need to explore more and find a fix that makes it comfortable. The velcro strap, the mole skin base fix, the mouse pad cushioning, there are many modification to make it comfortable for anyone. How are you wearing it now? What attachment are you using? Have you tried any of the modifications that guys are using?
i tried the rubber strap that comes with it with all kinds of padding no luck. I tried the long rubber strip that goes into the tiny holes.... doesnt hurt to WEAR.... but my head gets ice cold and numb within 20 minutes and it hurst like hell to try to UNstrap it to get the blood back in and then its a pain in the ass to restrap. it certainly doesnt feel like something i could wear all day at work or out in public. i'm NOT calling anyone liars.... i just dont see how the damn thing can work. if i fully extend it with as many "add ons" as my penis can take and still fit into the strap there really doesnt feel like there's much tension on it. i mean how many hours a day is adequate?

Thank you for your question.

I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing difficulties when wearing the device.

I would recommend that you contact the [words=]SizeGenetics[/words] Customer Support team by telephone.

They should then be able to advise you of the best way to wear the device.

Their contact telephone numbers are as follows:

UK 0115 979 8446
US 1800 209 1670

I hope this helps
i just bought the [words=]extender[/words]. Is it ok just to wear it for 1-2 hours a day. I didn't see any extra spare parts on the site. How much do they cost?
Hey just ordered the [words=]sizegenetics[/words] [words=]extender[/words] with the mattersofsize discount and express shipping they said they would email me shortly but I still haven't been emailed and my card was charged but I'm not sure if it has been shipped yet because I don't know how to check the tracking number. Any help appreciated

If you have just purchased the device then it is recommended that you wear the device for 1 to 2 hours per day.

You should then build up your hours of use by 1 hour each week over a 6 week period until you are wearing the device for around 8 hours per day.


I am sorry to hear that you have not received your confirmation email.

I would recommend that you contact the [words=]SizeGenetics[/words] customer support team directly and they will be able to resend the email for you.

The contact telephone numbers are as follows:

UK 0115 979 8446
US 1800 209 1670
International 44 115 979 8446

Great customer service! Check your email D, I send an iquiry
I have a problem i'm trying to order with two prepaid visas (100$) each. I can't do it through paypal or on the website, will I have to call?

Thank you for your enquiry.

I can advise that you can not place your order using to separate cards.

You will need to use one card to make the full payment.

If you want to take advantage of the [words=]MOS[/words] offer you will need to place your order using the link.

does the [words=]MOS[/words] discount include the different adjustable rods and the comfort straps?
abc693;453271 said:
does the [words=]MOS[/words] discount include the different adjustable rods and the comfort straps?

It includes everything, the [words=]Extender[/words], The Leather Box, The Extra Rods, the [words=]16 Way [words=]Comfort System[/words][/words] straps, the [words=]Penis Health[/words] [words=]DVD[/words] and the [words=]MaleExtra[/words] Pills....there is no better bargain.
HI DLD, I ordered the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] from one of these links under ur posts..i ordered on the 14th of september...up till now I havent received anything, not even an email to confirm anything...what do i do?
mayehunter;455377 said:
HI DLD, I ordered the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] from one of these links under ur posts..i ordered on the 14th of september...up till now I havent received anything, not even an email to confirm anything...what do i do?

Send me your order information via PM and I will find out what is going on for you.
How long does it take for the [words=]extender[/words] to arrive I ordered it on wednesday and i chose the $20 ups shipping it is friday and i still haven't recieved an email invoice with my tracking number.
Yeah, it came pretty quick :) The instructions say to set it 1cm longer than your outstretched penis. Do you suggest following this?
KTWM;458503 said:
Yeah, it came pretty quick :) The instructions say to set it 1cm longer than your outstretched penis. Do you suggest following this?

That sounds right. Be sure to read through the articles throughout the forum on the [words=]SizeGenetics[/words]. Definitely check out SRT Theory.
swaggtomuch;458615 said:
How long does it take to see gains i been using mines for 6 days now

You may see gains already:) For new guys there is usually a quick gain within the first month. Some up to 1/2" or more.
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    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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