Ok hahahaahaha lets roll back a second. In this particular case the question is not whether or not I can fuck the girl, I am certain I can if I take her out in a few dates and bs as she wants. Which I would've done a year ago but I don't anymore. Lets remember this girl asked me for my phone number, text me throughout the weekend, and asked me out twice. But she like most girls want to go through the dating dance which I wont do for pussy, I rather save money and invest my time on something else.
As far as girls making up their minds about you in thirty secs, this sounds a bit like pickup theory from back in the day. To some extent its true, but we all do that really its not like girls have this super power that do that. Also that first impression can change very quickly, for good or bad. You can start off ok and then be a complete dick and fuck it up and the opposite is also true as long as you didn't do anything too bad thats why I think neutral is good. Theres many ways to get laid, you can't really mismatch "styles" or else you just fumble around. Not saying how I go about it is the absolute best way, but its my way and I found it to be quite effective.
Theres two fragments of lyrics by the urban poet known as Lil Wayne that describe my "game"(for lack of better word, because I don't "game") LOL. As you can see I actually do very little...
1. "I got game like EA but I wanna let you play."
2. "I'm chillin but my swag is on full attack."
I position myself as the seduced not the seducer, I don't get blowjobs but she might get a chance to suck my dick. Simple situations like awkward silences which many guys fear, I love awkward silences and because I can throw the responsibility on her make her feel like if she doesn't say something "interesting enough" she might loose me.
At this point I am having fun with this girl I will share some texts here.
So I told her that I will bring my frozen pizza over to her place sometime so she can help me out.
Her: I don't think I can do that, I have 5 roommates it might be uncomfortable.
Me: ok
Her: Plus they would eat you alive.
Me: I don't think I would mind that
(she obviously meant they would gang up on me or something, but this lets her know I am not only interested in her)
Her: jaja
Her: So how did you spend your Sunday?
And this is where I put her on Ice. Now what I am curious to see is if she will feel the pressure of loosing me and text me again or if her ego wont allow her to or if she thinks that I am mad at her and not text me cause of it.
I am taking bets! My assumption is that if she does re text me despite me not replying it will be further down the week maybe between thursday or saturday. But I think its 50-50. By the way the reason I don't reply is not to be Mr. Cool, is because I don't like wasting time on meaningless conversation then when you actually meet her you have little to talk about. So I save my texts almost exclusively to set up a meet, and only reply if her texts is related to meeting up. No "tell me about yourself" bs.
Anyhow enough of that, I am doing my laundry. I put the things on the washer and took this time to write this post and do shit around the apt. After that I will put the stuff on the dryer jelq while its dries. Fold my shit and head to the gym. Lets get it! lol