hey bro, i didn't mean to come off like i was attacking you . . . truly sorry for any mix-up. i never thought you were a racist, meaning that you actively dislike any races purely for their ethnicity. i just meant the idea of things like intelligence hinging on race is racist to my sensibility, in that it makes a judgement about somebody based purely on their physical appearance. i draw a clear line between racism and bigotry. i think to a degree everybody is racist, it's so fucking ingrained into our culture that escaping ideas of race and ethnicity is a herculanian task, but i also don't think it hurts to try. we are after all, trying to make our dicks grow, and many would say thats pretty crazy.
however, i wouldn't call what i wrote before "mumbo-jumbo," and if you go back and read it without the impression that i'm judging what kind of person you are it might make more sense, although when i looked at it, it is near impossible to read in a huge block like that. i appreciate that you have some cultural experience living in a black community, but what i'm expressing is more of a biological argument.
i acknowledged that there are certainly some physical differences that we can easily classify as certain races, but from a modern biolgocal standpoint these are overly generic and highly simplified. you mention victorians may have been smarter, i dunno man maybe you just dig the 1800's because that is a very victorian line of thinking. what i was trying, i guess pretty poorly, to express was that A) morphic patterns hold no sway over mental compacity which is certainly a product of specifically different and varied environmental factors, and B) the gene pool is vastly different and varied, even within the main types of racial distinctions that you outlined.
for instance, although you may qualify some black guy you knew in your old neighborhood as being the same racially as a another black guy you saw on the street, the two could be so vastly different on a genetic level that to classify their realtive intellectual capabilities based on race alone just doesn't work. say the other black guy is not an american, he's from kenya or something. the other black guy from your neighborhood comes from a slavery descended line that has been in america for hundreds of years. first thing, the black guy from your neighborhood most likely has a fairly large dose of white-european genes, as do a large percentage of all black americans, and second, he is quite genetically different than the guy from africa.
while certain traits like cycle cell anemia can make their way across centuries of procreation into modern society, things like intelligence are just too broad to be assigned to certain populations with superficial physical differances, that again, are the result of divergent population migration resulting in different physical manifestions of environmental preferance (i.e . more pigment in skin protects better against sun, more body hair keeps you warmer in cold wet climate, ect.) there's no reason to say the brain had to develop any similar specialized coping mechanisms, and the physical differences we assign as "race" really have only come about in probably the last hundred thousand or less years, which on the general evolutionary time table is too slow for true cognitive modification. the brain evolves quite slowly, although in a comparatively rapid fashion in humans, but based on everything biological anthropolgy indicates, racial chacteristics that we recognize today (mongoloid, cauchasoid, ect.) emerged after the blueprint for the brain was set, and there is no indication that general intelligence has been otherwise altered in specific populations.
i hope that is a little more clear about what i believe, which simply is that race is a societal construct, and while there is an extremely obvious difference in the many varied physical appearances of people, we tend to do the typical thing and bring this down to the simplest classifications possible and deal with them as such. if you were so inclined you could breed a goup of people for hundreds of years to be five feet tall, be almost albino snow-white and have extremely large heads. do this for a couple millenia, you may have a full blown sub-species or whatever, but if it's a good sized population (it would have to be a lot of pasty midgets to be a numerically usable comparison) is their ambient intelligence going to be statistically different than any other populations? i could illustrate it over and over again; that there is any such thing as a more intelligent race does not work scientifically. we might have had different experiences or whatever, but the fact is, it doesn't make sense when you break it down. email any professor or expert you please about it, they'll spit almost the exact same stuff at you.
i'm begging you to have an open mind about it. i live in the south, and back in the day down here the cultural elite justified slavery for years after emancipation under the pretext that whites were somehow more intelligent. because of this there was an enormous wellspring of more enlightened schoarship done to prove just how silly this was. even around the turn of the century there were PhD's who devoted their lives to trying to scientifically prove that black people were mentally inferior to justify a racist social system, and every single one of them was discredited or shown to be in the wrong by better, even-handed science. people might not have racist intentions by feeling that there is a racial inequality in intelligence, but it can have racist affects in society as a whole. we have to bury that kind of thinking. it doesn't do one shred of good for anybody.
you kind of sound to be pretty conservative to me, are you? the old military school is another tip-off on that. i have a friend that shipped off to the air force academy last year and he went from left to right so fast i barely knew the dude when he came back home. i don't know, i'm trying to keep an open mind but the stuff about martin luther king kinda confused me, wasn't sure what you were getting at with it. the comedian chris rock already articulated in his stand-up act how ironic it is that in many cities there are locations named after dr. king, but most are in black communities with serious social problems and violence.
my "21st" century line of thought isn't really new age so much as a desire for more progressive thinking. letting go of the idea of seperating people by race and rather viewing humanity as a collection of cultures is one part of that. ask any modern scientist, the idea of "race" isn't scientific in the slightest, it's a construct made by people, just our tendency to group things together to make information easier to work with.
as far as penis size, i play high school football at an academy that recruits pretty heavily every year, and we have a good share of the "large dumb athlete" type, white and black on the team. i tend to agree with what i read is DLD's main contension, that racial differences are highly exagerated. i would say the greatest sway on the
scale would be that i have not seen many black guys with a very small penis, but some whites. i'd say that generally, very generally as there are numerous exceptions in all things, that black and white revolve around a restricted average, that being that about 75% or so are around the 6-7 range, with others falling where they may, although black guys may indeed have a slightly higher average overall. i couldn't really say for too many other body types. we all looked pretty bad after a game in some cold-ass weather yesterday . . .