I just read through this entire thread---thanks for resurrecting it DLD!
My thoughts are this:
Are there 'natural' 9-10 inch penises out there? I would think yes just as there is a 'natural' 7' 4" man, or a 6'5" woman, or a man with a 'micro' penis as well as a woman with 'J' cup breasts. The amount of these huge dongs, though I think is questionable.
I agree with DLD that 98-99% of men fall between 5-7" (give or take .25") I also believe that there ALOT of men out there that do SOME porm of Penis Enlargement that do not necessarily 'talk' about----either on this board or with their friends/family.
Admit it: we all played with our penis when we were younger Some maybe more than others! resulting in a variation of 'between the cheeks' stretching, straight out stretching and jelqing. It is possible that this caused some to become 6" at the end of puberty instead of 5.5"---or 7" instead of 6.5"
I am not at all saying that anyone above 8" has only achieved his gaines through some sort of Penis Enlargement---the idea that I want to put across is that maybe some of these 'better hung' guys out there didn't enen know they were doing a Penis Enlargement exercise when they were 'playing' with thenselves.......resulting in a larger penis....
On a personal note: the largest penis I have seen 'in person' was one of my roomates in college. He was proud of it and always liked to 'whip it out' so one day when my other roomates and I asked him to measure it he did.....He was around 8.5" I say 'around' because if you move the tape 1/8-1/4" it corrupts the measurement---in otherwords I personally did not measure! Needless to say he was definitely over 8"---and let me tell you 8+" is HUGE!!
So in conclusion, yes there are the 'naturally' gifted out there---BUT!---how many of them are really NOT natural after all and have been doing SOME variation of Penis Enlargement all along.....
My thoughts are this:
Are there 'natural' 9-10 inch penises out there? I would think yes just as there is a 'natural' 7' 4" man, or a 6'5" woman, or a man with a 'micro' penis as well as a woman with 'J' cup breasts. The amount of these huge dongs, though I think is questionable.
I agree with DLD that 98-99% of men fall between 5-7" (give or take .25") I also believe that there ALOT of men out there that do SOME porm of Penis Enlargement that do not necessarily 'talk' about----either on this board or with their friends/family.
Admit it: we all played with our penis when we were younger Some maybe more than others! resulting in a variation of 'between the cheeks' stretching, straight out stretching and jelqing. It is possible that this caused some to become 6" at the end of puberty instead of 5.5"---or 7" instead of 6.5"
I am not at all saying that anyone above 8" has only achieved his gaines through some sort of Penis Enlargement---the idea that I want to put across is that maybe some of these 'better hung' guys out there didn't enen know they were doing a Penis Enlargement exercise when they were 'playing' with thenselves.......resulting in a larger penis....
On a personal note: the largest penis I have seen 'in person' was one of my roomates in college. He was proud of it and always liked to 'whip it out' so one day when my other roomates and I asked him to measure it he did.....He was around 8.5" I say 'around' because if you move the tape 1/8-1/4" it corrupts the measurement---in otherwords I personally did not measure! Needless to say he was definitely over 8"---and let me tell you 8+" is HUGE!!
So in conclusion, yes there are the 'naturally' gifted out there---BUT!---how many of them are really NOT natural after all and have been doing SOME variation of Penis Enlargement all along.....