You guys can pat yourselves on the back all you want. I'm standing back. Looks to me like the atheists are running the show here. I guess it's my fault for not expecting that a post that mentions the name of Jesus Christ in a positive light would pull every atheist ("freethinking"- yeah, right) on the board out of the woodwork.
What I have figured out about God in my own mind is only as a result of God putting it in condensed form for me. (the Bible.) When I say that Nexus himself has God figured out, I mean that Nexus has still managed to hold on to his perceptions of unexplainable things and to attribute them to a supernatural power he calls God, even though he has rejected every written work or spoken word that claims to be a specific revelation of this supernatural power which they call "God", when it is by those very specific revelations that he would have learned to attribute those unexplainable things to a supernatural entity called "God", in the first place. If NeXus really believed that none of the specific revelations attributing unexplainable things to "God" were credible in the least, then why is he still attributing those things to "God"? "Great Spirit" seemed to work well enough for the Native Americans, right?
Anyway, consider this: A louder voice does not lend more truth to a falsehood. Since your minds are already closed to actually learning anything about my God, you aren't worth my time because your behavior reveals you don't care at all about learning the absolute truth, but instead seek only to assert that you yourself are "right". Apparently you aren't above misrepresenting me and my position, so I'm not about to try and play Whack-A-Mole trying to knock down all the strawmen. As soon as I pound one down, another one pops right back up.
bigbutnottoo- the idea here is that it is not the fault of the set of beliefs and principles themselves that people fail to keep them, but rather it is the fault of men, for not resisting the tempation to deviate. That is why we as Christians believe that Christ was sent, though, so that even when we fail to keep the principles and truths, we can still be forgiven for our failures. That's the very idea here.
My clear idea of what is sinful and what is not is clear because what is sinful and what is not is clearly defined by the Bible, which men do not have the authority to change. Without contact with God, it's only to be expected that cannibalists wouldn't know anything better. In fact, this is an argument against secular humanism more than anything else becasue the values and principles that are supposedly "born in" to us all "instincively", in order to "preserve a society", are not evident in those cannibals, who aren't above murdering each other for food.
If a theory has indeed been discredited, but you still believe it, then aren't you, by that very decision, choosing to embrace the things you LOVE more than your precious LOGIC and REASON? Oh, stupid me, love doesn't exist...
My understanding of God is based on western Morals and ethics? I'd like to see you justify that one, seeing as how the Bible has been around a lot longer than the good ol' US of A or even Europe for that matter. It predates the establisHydromaxents of the borders of the continents as we know them today. How, then, can my understanding of God, which is based on the Bible alone, be in any part "based" on western ethics and morals? "Don't be stupid, Beavis...there's always been TV!"
Who cares if your subjective opinion of God and Christian thinking is "arrogant", if it is correct? Correctness is all that matters. If it is correct, then does God not have the authority to be as arrogant as he wants? (We're lucky he is not Mr. Fire and Brimstone, I'll tell you what...)
NeXuS, I didn't call you the Devil. I explained this plainly and simply. Yet you continue to assert that I did in order to vilify me. Don't try and deny that you are misrepresenting me because this is an example of exactly that.
"Example for what? That Christianity is bullshit?? Because I can give you thousands. Here's one, it has logically proven by scientists and evidence that the Earth is about 4.5 billions years old. According to the Bible, Earth would only be about 6 thousand years."
Well, here's what I have to say about this: You can go and look for your answers at that one site I have mentioned at least 5 times by now:
you can find what you're looking for there. But you don't care about finding the absolute truth, only knocking me personally down, and asserting that you yourself are right. That's why it's worthless to me to carry on an argument with you people. You're not about finding a resolution, but instead you care more about getting the last word. That way it looks like you won the argument, without you actually having to win it. I know you won't even glance at the content of the Tekton Apologetics Ministries site becasue inside you are afraid that you might find a well-researched, highly-reasoned rebuttal that leaves you sitting in the dirt wondering what hit you. A little learning can indeed be a dangerous thing, and you realize this full well. That is why you prefer to not challenge yourself and your mind and your established perceptions of reality. If we boil down our discussion, we'd wind up with something a lot more like this:
NeXuS: "You believe that the Bible is the word of God. But it's not."
buz: "Why not? I can offer you well-researched, highly-reasoned information about why it is."
NeXus: "I don't Care! It's not!!"
buz: "It IS, and here are the reasons!"
buz: "Well, if you change your mind and choose to approach this with the proper attitude, here is the web site: "
Sometimes the delete key can be your best friend.
I bid you all good day.