Anyone ever tried collagenase ointment/or injections...........supposed to breakdown the tissue and any buildup of plaque.Perhaps this would also weaken it as well?
spinner2 said:
I wanna give all this stuff a shot. I'm getting back on PABA soon.

I got some PABA, for my tight foreskin but didnt really see any major results. I got PARA AMINO BENZOIC ACID, what effect does it have regards to this topic on the septum and tuncia etc?

Anyone suggest a length workout or certain exercises to do to get good gains again?

Someone said a 2 month break on another thread!?!!?!!?!? is this necessary to gain again!..DLD did you or any other vets do this?
One BIG concern I have about some of the previous suggestions on this thread: it seems that most of the chemical methods are aimed at weakening the structure of the collagen component of the septum. However, collagen also makes up the ground structure of many other parts of the body (skin, joint ligament connective tissue, parts of the eye, etc.) Surely any method aiming to weaken the collagen in the septum would also have a similar effect upon the collagen present all over the body. Isn't that just a little bit dangerous? (Unless I'm missing something about the administration of the chemical methods, e.g. directly into the septum which thereby doesn't have a more systemic effect).
Any little pointers here on the chemical side of things would be greatly appreciated!
I don't see the chemical injections of Paba and other peyronies stuff going to help the septum. The septum is inner, way inner and very, very tough. In reading some of these posts, I am not sure some of you know where and what the septum is? It is obvious that the tunica is able to be stretches for both girth and length. It will give and does give, but back to baisics and the real, real issue...that septum is the guitar string that when flacid you feel when you do a strong pull. You can do all the fulcrum work you want and I don't see the septum stretching. It maybe be that the only thing that will make it give is long term hanging at a high weight. Then, I think it would just be micro giving. It might be that great gains come early when the septum is still somewhat "giveable" and later it just puts the brake on! I don't know, but I guarantee you can't touch it with topical or injections. GS
GS, I'm honestly not sure that stretching the septum would solve the problem. Even though it is deep it still receives tension while being stretched, otherwise the stretches we do would cause some sort of tear in the septum. It has to give some, but regardless tunica stretching and lig stretching are where growth occurs and the septum grows with it. That is unless I'm missing something?
millionman said:
GS, I'm honestly not sure that stretching the septum would solve the problem. Even though it is deep it still receives tension while being stretched, otherwise the stretches we do would cause some sort of tear in the septum. It has to give some, but regardless tunica stretching and lig stretching are where growth occurs and the septum grows with it. That is unless I'm missing something?

Millionman, you are certainly right, my real issue is that I can't and most can't get much length (or at least it takes a long time and hours of work) and the reason is the septum is the really hard thing/tissue to get to give. The reason we get girth is the tunica does give. If we got more of the septum to give then we would have more length. It is just the nature of the "beast" that the septum is so horrid tough.

When we develop a "septum" exercise that makes it give, this will be the great breakthrough on the length issue. GS
German Stallion said:
Millionman, you are certainly right, my real issue is that I can't and most can't get much length (or at least it takes a long time and hours of work) and the reason is the septum is the really hard thing/tissue to get to give. The reason we get girth is the tunica does give. If we got more of the septum to give then we would have more length. It is just the nature of the "beast" that the septum is so horrid tough.

When we develop a "septum" exercise that makes it give, this will be the great breakthrough on the length issue. GS

I am certainly not an authority on Penis Enlargement but from all i've researched. anatomy wise, you are correct about the above statement but have to pitch in here cause from what i'm aware V-stretches ans C-stretches as well as A-stretches target exactly the septum.

If you "feel" where the tension is at then you'll get to the same conclusions. Also i feel that as much as i like bundled stretches i think the septum only gets twisted and not stretched unless you do A-C-V-stretches while bundled.
Then it certainly works for septum stretching.

I will try and make some discoveries about this issue cause it is also making my lenght impossible to achieve.

Any chemicals that you all came come up with i'll just say NO cause they WILL effect the whole body and not only the septum tissue.


How does anyone know what the effects of different drugs/chemicals will have on the penis?Yes.......some of the drugs listed on this thread are for men who suffer from peyronies.............but even though such drugs are meant to treat such things, I'm sure that these men who have/and are using such protocol, did not engage in a hardcore Penis Enlargement program!!My question is............. what effects would such drugs have on one's penis, if they were involved in a stringent Penis Enlargement program?And before I am told to try them myself......I probably I am very much into experimentation......instead of being closed minded!
GS, I'm going to disagree with men not being able to gain length. I've found that the simple addition of an ADS post session really is a great way to make length gains, consistently. Remember when DLD first started Penis Enlargement he would use an ACE wrap post session. I think more men need to explore the ADS option and see where they get before jumping into injections, dermal treatments, or trying to find some new method of stretching. I'm for progression, but I'd be sure to try the ADS method before I wasted even more time. I went nearly 2 years without a milimeter of a length gain, but after I've added in the ADS and focused on stretching the tunica all of a sudden I'm up nealry a half an inch in FSL.
assuming the septum is the really tough string like thing that runs right down the middle of your penis, then wouldnt bends/twists be doing the wrong thing? surely stretches straight out would work this most. im willing to bet that a rhytHydromaxical pulling SO action is the way to go on this one. rhytHydromaxical, simply because you WILL exert more pressure than if you just did one "100%" pull. so maybe DLDS pulse 110s? just a thought...
As i understand it... the septum is the junction where the two CC chambers come together. All tunica stretches should effectively stretch the septum.
bulc9 said:
How did u do it then DLD, you went from 6" to 10.5"? there massive gains.

So for people looking for length mainly now, from what i have read on this thread we need to -

> Cum first then stretch after
> do DLD Blasters, A stretch, V stretch?

What about bundled tunica stretches! Confusing me all this, coz new theories come out, but i think this one maybe right as i havent got to 8" STILL!!!!

For people looking for length, what would be the perfect stretching routine for us!

On a note, i did do a hanging session after an orgasm, and i can tell you it was intense, the fatigue was painfull, and i felt worn out after. i duno if that has anything to do with it!

So DLD stretch after a orgasm? and what stretches are best mate??

Yeah I tried hanging after ejaculating a few times and was turned off by the whole experience, but it was an old-style hanger that cut off circulation. I haven't tried it with the Max-Vac. It just hurts what with the cum or fluid build-up or whatever it is that causes that pressure you feel. Maybe it isn't a problem with the newer models of hangers.

This thread should not ever die by the way. GS good stuff!

I don't mean to sound sili or anything but I have always wondered when we were going to start reading about new angles for hanging like hanging while suspended and up-side-down or doing the splits OTS. I don't know how any of that would help us weaken/stretch the fibers we need to with more force or by hitting new angles all together, but hanging Cirque Du Soleil style is coming I'm telling you.
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iwant8inches said:
Yeah I tried hanging after ejaculating a few times and was turned off by the whole experience, but it was an old-style hanger that cut off circulation. I haven't tried it with the Max-Vac. It just hurts what with the cum or fluid build-up or whatever it is that causes that pressure you feel. Maybe it isn't a problem with the newer models of hangers.

This thread should not ever die by the way. GS good stuff!

I don't mean to sound sili or anything but I have always wondered when we were going to start reading about new angles for hanging like hanging while suspended and up-side-down or doing the splits OTS. I don't know how any of that would help us weaken/stretch the fibers we need to with more force or by hitting new angles all together, but hanging Cirque Du Soleil style is coming I'm telling you.

aint nothing wrong with old-style hangars. I think they just as effective. thats only my opinion :)
Girthius said:
How does anyone know what the effects of different drugs/chemicals will have on the penis?Yes.......some of the drugs listed on this thread are for men who suffer from peyronies.............but even though such drugs are meant to treat such things, I'm sure that these men who have/and are using such protocol, did not engage in a hardcore Penis Enlargement program!!My question is............. what effects would such drugs have on one's penis, if they were involved in a stringent Penis Enlargement program?And before I am told to try them myself......I probably I am very much into experimentation......instead of being closed minded!

Girthius, it is not a matter of being closed minded. The real issue is that these drugs do not work on Peyronies. I have investigated the peyronies issue very throughly and the only results that are being seen is with Penis Enlargement. GS
millionman said:
GS, I'm going to disagree with men not being able to gain length. I've found that the simple addition of an ADS post session really is a great way to make length gains, consistently. Remember when DLD first started Penis Enlargement he would use an ACE wrap post session. I think more men need to explore the ADS option and see where they get before jumping into injections, dermal treatments, or trying to find some new method of stretching. I'm for progression, but I'd be sure to try the ADS method before I wasted even more time. I went nearly 2 years without a milimeter of a length gain, but after I've added in the ADS and focused on stretching the tunica all of a sudden I'm up nealry a half an inch in FSL.

Are you sure you are stretch the tunica or just putting enough daily stretch on the septum so that you are getting length. :) GS
To all: No one is right or wrong in their thinking regarding the tunica or the septum. My theory, for what it is worth, is that the septum, that tough wire through the center is holding everything back. If you stretch it, you will get the tunica and everything else. I hear things about stretching the tunica and I doubt if you can do much with it until you "budge" that septum. I do believe that the tunica is easily stretched and we see growth in girth but little in length. Maybe as Million says the ADS is the way. I wanted to try one of those but they are too expensive for me. Those who have been successful with hanging have done long term hanging. I think that you don't have to use so much weight, just long time to gain fatigue to get the septum to give to the continued weight. I know that those who use heavy weight want to gain fatigue quicker that way, but I don't think you would necessarily need to be at 30#s to get results, but you might have to hang several hours daily. What do I know? Nothing really, we are all learning. here is the bottom line: If you want to gain length, it is going to take consistency and keeping tension to get that septum to move. I think who ever said it that the twists don't help the septum. I think that is true. Twists do help the tunica though, so you will get girth doing that. Now another subject. I think that when Penis Enlargement is started early you will get better results. The septum and the penis in general is still in the growth stage so it would seem that someone younger might really realize excellent growth. I am thinking in the 20's and younger. Do I advocate Penis Enlargement to those in puberty? I don't think so but right after or 17 and up, depending on the growth they are or have achieved, it seems they would gain some really good growth. If any of you are in that age bracket, I would like to hear if you are seeing some good growth results. Then, I read someplace that older men gain fast, but I don't think that is true, has not been for me anyway.

I have a power assist (PA) and think that it is a good tool. It gives you a chance to get some really tough stretches. You still have the problem of the grip of the penis head and that is dependent on your hand grip. So, you might be able to hold the stretch longer if you had a better ability to grip the penile head. Those of you who don't have a PA can use a tube or plastic pipe. I used a vacuum cleaner tube for a long time and that was a great tool for putting tension or pressure on the penis. Use your imagination. GS
What about the use of a far infra-red lamp? I've read that when ligament tissue is heated to 113 deg. F and then stretched, gains are made permanent. I would think the same would apply to the tunica and the septum, although it may not be practical to heat the septum to that temperature. But my lamp is a 300 watt with ceramic bulb, and I can feel the heat through my entire shaft when I use it. I use it pretty close, and often have to back off, so I know I'm getting the tissues pretty well heated. So I would think the use of heat while doing the A, V, and bundled stretches might be the way to go. The heat should keep the septum at least somewhat elastic, and while doing the right exercises, perhaps gains can be made, but it will just take time.

P.S. I've only been using the lamp for a few weeks, so I can't speak from experience.
Interesting thread. DLD do you have any new input you would like to share on the subject? Any revelations? :cool:
I think the way to stretch the septum lies in the lig stretching category.. breaking it down at the base.. the pubic bone.. doing more sock stretching and shit like that.. i dont know though.. how did dld mutilate it to give him 4 inches haha
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